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FolkLib Index - Bibliography Lists
      (aka Bibliography Index)

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FolkLib: Bibliography  Birthdays/Bibliography
      Genre Bibliographies   Individual Author Bibliographies
      Publisher Bibliographies   Other Topics Bibliographies
      Periodical Bibliographies

New pages split off from my original Bibliography page:

      Per my FAQ page, below is a list of the various Musical Genre and other Topic specialized Bibliography pages created to break up my 1991 original   Folk Music Bibliography   page which has grown too big to be easily usable.
Genre Bibliographies - Individual Author Bibliographies - Publisher Bibliographies - Other Topics Bibliographies

      Most of the pages below are Works in Progress. For the past few years I seem to have a ongoing problem of buying Music Reference Books   for my collection   of 670+ titles faster than I am able to add each new one to a Bibliography page here.

      ** = identifies pages which display thumbnail book cover images of the books listed. Otherwise, click on the "cover scans" link by each book's entry, for the pages that list all scans done for either, every book I own, or scans of books I borrowed from local public libraries near Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

    Genre Bibliographies

  1. Bluegrass - new 08-10-2016
  2. Blues - new 12-28-2015
  3. Country - new 05-22-2014
  4. Folk - new 02-10-2014
  5. Jazz & Big Bands - new 01-27-2008
          / Jazz Scanned Book Covers ** - new 03-06-2014
  6. Opera - new 10-30-2007

    Individual Author Bibliographies

  7. Colin Larkin - new 08-30-2016
  8. Terry Hounsome - new 02-12-2017
          / Hounsome Scanned Book Covers ** - new 02-12-2017
  9. Michael Levine ** - new 06-29-2013
  10. Jim Oldsberg - new 01-14-2018
          / Oldsberg Scanned Book Covers ** - new 01-14-2018
  11. Jerry Osborne - new 03-22-2016
  12. Dafydd Rees & Luke Crampton - new 12-08-2016
          / Rees & Crampton Scanned Book Covers ** - new 01-16-2017
  13. Ira A. Robbins - new 06-04-2017
  14. Lillian Roxon - new 11-06-2016
  15. Brian Rust - new 11-02-2010
  16. Martin C. Strong ** - new 04-23-2013
  17. Dean Tudor & Nancy Tudor ** - new 03-27-2017
  18. Joel Whitburn #1 - new 05-28-2016
          / Joel Whitburn #2 - new 05-28-2016
  19. Gene Wilburn ** - new 03-14-2017
  20. David Wimble - new 06-13-2017

    Publisher Bibliographies

  21. All Music Guide - new 09-16-2016
          / All Known All Music Guide - new 02-05-2017
          / All Music Guide Scanned Book Covers ** - new 01-29-2017
  22. American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) ** - new 02-11-2010
  23. Axiom Publications: Star Guide ** - new 06-22-2013
  24. Billboard Books ** - new 09-24-2015
  25. Borderline Productions ** - new 05-06-2017
  26. ... For Dummies - new 08-15-2016
  27. Gale Research / Gale Group / Thomson Gale / Gale, Cengage Learning / Gale, a Cengage Company - new 05-29-2017
  28. Greenwood Press Publications [part 1] - new 10-14-2009
          / Greenwood Press Publications [part 2] - new 10-24-2009
  29. Krause Publications - new 03-28-2016
  30. MusicHound/VideoHound/CyberHound - new 01-23-2017
          / All Known MusicHound/VideoHound/CyberHound - new 01-23-2017
          / MusicHound Scanned Book Covers ** - new 01-28-2017
          / MusicHound / VideoHound Discography - new 05-21-2009
  31. National Public Radio (NPR) - new 11-24-2016
  32. O'Sullivan Woodside - new 05-07-2017
  33. Penguin Books ** - new 08-15-2016
  34. Rolling Stone Books - new 11-30-2016
  35. Rough Guide Music Books - new 10-29-2012
  36. Songwriter's Market Publications - new 03-01-2012

    Other Topics Bibliographies

  37. Authors/Writers/General Biography - new 02-03-2016
          books about authors/writers on all subjects (not just music) and books mostly about famous people which also include a few musicians
             I have yet to find to find a single book with biographies exclusively about just authors/writers who have written music related books. I continue to search for missing information about authors for whom no biographical details has been found in print.
  38. Dictionary/Encyclopedia - new 02-26-2014
  39. Instruments/Singers - new 01-30-2016
          books concentrating on only those musicians who play a specific musical instrument, or those who are just vocalists or singers
  40. Non-Musical - new 05-06-2014
          books about books or about book stores
  41. Obituaries - new 07-07-2016
          books that are mostly about deceased musicians and/or other famous deceased people
  42. Record Labels - new 12-27-2016
          books about one specific Record Label or books about many different labels
  43. Research/Bibliography - new 02-18-2016
  44. Sherlock Holmes Books - new 12-20-2011
  45. Single Musicians - new 10-19-2004
          books about only one individual musician or one musical group. Almost all other Music Reference Books books listed in the rest of my Bibliographies list information about scores, hundreds and even thousands of different musicians.
  46. Tables of Contents of various books - new 09-06-2014
  47. Wisconsin Non-Musical books - new 02-16-2012
  48. Wisconsin Alumni Directories - new 04-23-2014
  49. Women Performers and Women Composers - new 04-15-2011

FolkLib Index - Periodical Bibliographies
      The following pages include Work in Progress bibliographical information for some individual issues of various magazines. If you have ever found an article reference and it only included part of the information, eg. just Month, Year or just Volume Number, Issue Number, these pages may help fill in the missing information.

  1. Autoharp Clearinghouse - new 08-10-2011
  2. Autoharp Quarterly - new 08-10-2011
  3. Dirty Linen - new 10-08-2009
  4. Dulcimer Player News - new 08-08-2011
  5. Fireball Mail - new 10-15-2000
  6. Folkscene - new 4-10-2008
  7. Inside Bluegrass - new 4-10-2008
  8. International Bluegrass - new 09-07-2003
  9. The Jongleur - new 4-10-2008
  10. Maximum Ink - new 4-11-2007
  11. Musician - new 4-10-2008
  12. Old-Time Herald - new 07-04-2000
  13. Oshkosh Magazine - new 02-04-2005
  14. Performing Songwriter - new 12-03-2005
  15. The Scene 199?- (was "The Valley Scene") - new 04-03-2005
  16. Sing Out! - new 04-11-2008
  17. Tell it Like it is - new 10-15-2000
  18. The Valley Scene 1993-199? (renamed "The Scene") - new 04-03-2005
  19. Women - new 4-10-2008
  20. Weekend - Appleton (was Encore) - new 4-24-2007
  21. Weekend - Fond du Lac (was Go!) - new 4-27-2007
  22. Weekend - Oshkosh (was Now) - new 9-18-2008
  23. Women: For and About Women in Northeast Wisconsin - new 12-03-2005

Known links to this page: (Home Page - Link Page). Thank You.

Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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