Acronyms at UW Oshkosh and Beyond
(last updated .02-14-2017)
Note: I retired from UW Oshkosh on 8-30-2002. I have no plans on adding
anything of any kind to this page in the foreseeable future. I'll fix and/or
delete broken off "folklib" domain links, but that's all.
This page contains 1,252 acronyms for UW Oshkosh
colleges, departments and organizations, other campus related terms,
State of Wisconsin and Federal agencies,
phrase abbreviations used in E-Mail messages,
and many computer related terms and topics. As a general documentation
source for use by anyone on campus, each acronym can be linked to
individually, for example:
- A - B
- C - D
- E - F
- G - H
- I - J
- K - L
- M - N
- O
- P - Q
- R - S
- T - U
- V - W
- X - Y
- Z
- 3 - 4
UW Oshkosh Campus Building Codes
Acronym Finder
Acronyms - LibrarySpot
The Internet Acronym Server
NetLingo The Internet Dictionary
February 2016 Note:
All links below to other domains have been deleted. Why?
Please also note that the last time this page was thoroughly checked for
accuracy and currency was when I retired from UW Oshkosh on 8-31-2002. At the
time you read this page some of these terms may be obsolete and departments,
agencies, companies or organizations listed may no longer exist.
- top / bottom of page
- AACSB - American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business
- AAD - Analog Alignment Diskette
or Advanced Audio Disc
- AAMOF - as a matter of fact (E-Mail)
- AARP - American Association of Retired Persons
- AAUP - American Association of University Professors (UW Oshkosh)
- abend - ABnormal END (ab'-end)
- ABI - Applications Binary Interface
- ABR - Automatic Baud Rate detection "Autobaud"
- ABU - Applications Business Unit
- ACA - Academic Computing Activities committee
- ACDC - All Campus Debit Card (at UW Oshkosh: TitanCard)
- ACE - Advanced Computing Environment
- ACF - Apostolic Campus Fellowship (UW Oshkosh)
- ACF2 - Access Control Facility
- ACK - ACKnowledge key <CTRL/F>
- ACL - Access Control List
(VAX/Solaris 2.x)
- ACM - Association for Computing Machinery
- ACOT - Apple Classroom Of Tomorrow
- ACP - Ancillary Control Processors
- ACPI - Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
- ACS - Academic Computing (Services) (UW Oshkosh)
Advanced Communication Service (AT&T)
- ACSC - Administrative Computing Steering Committee
- ACT - American College Testing (UW Oshkosh)
or Application Center for Technology
- ACUG - Academic Computer Users Group (UW Oshkosh)
- ACUTA - Association of College and University
Telecommunications Administrators
- A/D - Analog to Digital
- ADA - Americans with Disabilites Act
- ADB - Apple Desktop Bus
- ADCIS - Association of the Development for Computer-based
Instructional Systems
- ADI - Apple Desktop Interface
- ADP - Automated Data Processing
or Administrative Data Processing (UW-Madison)
- ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
- AES - Advanced Encrytion Standard
- AFAIK - as far as I know (E-Mail)
- AFC - Application Foundation Classes
- AFE - Apple File Exchange
- AFM - Adobe Type Metrics
- AFP - Apple File Protocol (AppleTalk)
- AFS - is not an acronym for anything (an IBM product that was previously
"Andrew's File System" before they bought it)
- AGP - Accelerated Graphics Port
- AH - Authentication Header
- AI - Artificial Intelligence
- AIA - Applications Integration Architecture
- AISE - as I see it (E-Mail)
- AITP - Association of Information Technology Professionals
- AIX - Advanced Interactive eXecutive
(IBM's version of
- aka - also known as (or pseudonym)
- AKEP - Authentication Key Exchange Protocol
- ALA - Academic License Agreement (Novell)
or American Library Association
- ALGOL - ALGOrithmic programming Language
- ALIWEB - Archie Like Indexing in the WEB
- ALOT - Apple Library Of Tomorrow
- Alpha - AlphaServer 4000 5/600
(DEC computer) The UW Oshkosh primary E-Mail
server, sometimes referred to as VaxA.
- ALU - Arithmetic/Logic Unit
- American Marketing Association
- Student Chapter of PSE (Pi Sigma Epsilon)
(UW Oshkosh)
- AMD - Advanced Micro Devices (microchip maker)
- A/N - AlphaNumeric
- ANCCA - Apple National Community College Alliance
- ANI - Automatic Number-Identification
- ANSI - American National Standards Institute (an'-c)
- AOL - America OnLine, Inc.
- APBS - Appointment, Payroll, and Benefits System (UW System)
- API - Application Program Interface
- APICS - American Production and Inventory Control Society (UW Oshkosh)
- APL - A Programming Language
or Appleton Public Library (Wis.)
- APM - Advanced Power Management
- APPC - Advanced Program-to-Program Communications
- APPN - Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking
- ARC - Advanced
RISC Computing
- ARCnet - Attached Resources Computing NETwork
- ARIS - Automated Reader Information Service
- ARP - Address Resolution Protocol
- ARPANET - Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork
- ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange (as'-key)
- ASSA -
Academic Support Service Agreement (UW Oshkosh)
- ASL - American Sign Language
- ASP - Association of Shareware Professionals
or Active Server Pages
or Application Service Providers
- AT - Advance-Titan (UW Oshkosh newspaper)
- AT&T - American Telephone & Telegraph corporation
- ATE - Asynchronous Terminal Emulation
- ATL - Automated Tape Libraries
- ATM - Adobe Type Manager (Postscript)
or Asynchronous Transfer Mode
or Automated Teller Machine
- ATS - Apple Terminal Services protocol
- AUI - four-pair shielded Attached Unit Interface cable
- AWT - Abstract Windows Toolkit
- A/UX - Apple
UniX (Macintosh)
- top / bottom of page
- Balun - BALance - UNbalance
(IBM terminal adapter)
- BASIC - Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
- BBS - Bulletin Board Service
- BCC - Blind Carbon Copy
- BCD - Binary Coded Decimal
- BCPL - Basic Combined Programming Language
- BDC - Business Development Center (UW Oshkosh)
see CCP
- BEL - Bell or Beep <CTRL/G>
- BER - Basic Encoding Rules
- BERT - Bit Error Rate Test
- BFN - bye for now (E-Mail)
- BGLAD - Bisexual, Gay, and Lesbian Awareness Days (UW Oshkosh)
- BION - believe it or not (E-Mail)
- bios - Basic Input/Output System
- BISDN - Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network
- BIST - Built-In Self Test
- bit - BInary digiT
- BIT - Board of Information Technology (Wis.)
- BITM - Bureau of Information and Telecommunications
Management (Wis.)
- BITnet - Because It's Time NETwork
- BIU - Bus Interface Unit
- BLAS - Basic Linear Algebraic Subroutine
- BLERT - BLock Error Rate Test
- block - 512 bytes of computer memory, .5 KB
- BLS - Bachelor of Liberal Studies - renamed to
"Weekend/Evening Degree Program" and renamed again to
Center for New Learning
(UW Oshkosh)
or Bureau of Labor Statistics (U.S.)
- BMP - BitMaP
- BNS - Bayonet Neill-Concelman connector
- BNF - Backus-Naur Form (Internet)
- BNU - Basic Network Utilities
- BOB - Break-Out Box
- BOC - Bell Operating Company
- BOOTP - BOOTstrap Protocol
- BPS - Bits Per Second (data transmission rate)
(usually referred to as the Baud rate)
- BRB - be right back (E-Mail)
- BRL - u.s. army Ballistic Research Laboratory
- BS - BackSpace key <CTRL/H>
- BSC - BiSynChronous transmission
- BSD - Berkeley Software Division
or Blue Screen of Death (microcomputer system crash)
- BSRF - Basic Synchronous Reference Frequency
- BTW - by the way (E-Mail)
- top / bottom of page
- CA - Certificate Authority
- CACM - Communications on Association for Computing Machinery
- CAD - Computer-Aided (or Assisted) Design (or Drafting)
- CAV - Constant Angular Velocity (video disk format)
(spiral track disk technology)
- CAE - Common Applications Environment
or Computer-Aided Engineering
- CAI - Computer-Aided Instruction
- CAM - Computer-Aided Manufacturing
or Content Addressed Memory
- CAMP - Corporate Association for Microcomputer Professionals
- CAN - Cancel key <CTRL/X>
- CAP - Columbia AppleTalk Protocol
- CAP II - Claris Academic Program (Apple)
- CAPP - Cooperative Academic Partnership Program (Wis.)
- CAS - Communicating Application Specification
- CASE - Computer-Aided Software Engineering
- CAT - Common Authentication Technology
- CBBS - Computerized Bulletin Board Service
- CBC - Cipher Block Chaining
- CBEMA - Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Assn.
- CBIPO - Custom-Built Installation Process Offering
- CBR - Computer-Based Retrieval
- CBT - Computer-Based Training (or Tests)
- CCITT - Consultative Committee International Telegraph and Telephone
(Comite Consultatif Internationale Telegraphique et Telephonique)
or Consultative Committee on International
Telephony and Telegraphy
- CCL - Concise Command Language
- CCDET - Center for Career Dev./Employability Training (UW Oshkosh)
(pronounced Cadet)
- CCNET - C? C? NETwork
- CC/PP - Composite Capabilities / Preferences Profiles
- CCOD - Current Contents On Disk (lists of articles)
- CCP - Center for Community Partnerships (UW Oshkosh)
[This is the 07-01-1998 merger of the
Richard W. Koehn Institute
and the UW Oshkosh Business Development Center.]
- CCR - Customer-Controller Reconfiguration
- CD - Carrier Detect, Compact Disk, or Collision Detection
- CD-I - Compact Disk-Interactive
- CD-ROM - Compact Disc Read-Only Memory
- CDA - Compound Document Architecture
or Classic Desk Accessory (Apple)
- CDC - Control Data Corporation
- CDD - Common Data Dictionary
- CDDI - Copper Distributed Data Interface
- CDE - Common Desktop Environment
- CDF - Channel Definition Format
- CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access
- CDN - Consolidated Data Network (Wis.)
- CDPD - Cellular Digital Packet Data
- CDSA - Common Data Security Architecture
- CDSL - Consumer Digital Subscriber Line
- CE - Customer Engineer (repairs computers)
- CEC - Central Electronic Complex
- CEMA - Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association
- CEO - Chief Executive Officer
- CERFnet - California Education and Research Foundation NETwork
- CERT - Computer Emergency Response Team
- CES - Consumer Electronics Show
- CESA - Cooperative Educational Services Agency (or Areas) (Wis.)
- CFB - Cipher Feedback Mode
- CGA - Color Graphics Adapter
(IBM-PC display board)
- CGI - Computer Graphics Interface
or Common Gateway Interface
- CHAP - Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
- CIC - Committee on Institutional Cooperation
or Customer Information Center
- CICS - Customer Information Control System
- CIM - Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
- CIO - Chief Information Officer
- CIS - Central Information Services (UW Oshkosh) now
or CompuServe Information Service
or Customer Interaction Software
- CISC - Complex Instruction Set Computer
- CLEP - College Level Examination Program (UW Oshkosh)
- CLNP - Connection-Less Network Protocol
- CLP - Collaborative Learning Program
- CLV - Constant Linear Velocity (video disk format)
(spiral track disk technology)
- CLS - Certified Lotus Specialist
or CLear Screen (command on some operating systems)
- CL/1 - Connectivity Language (for networks)
- CMIIW - correct me if I am wrong (E-Mail)
- CMIP - Common Management Information Protocol
- CMIS - Common Management Information Services
- CML - Chemical Markup Language
- CMOT - Common Management information services and
protocol Over
- CMOS - Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
- CMS - Conversational Monitor System
or Cross Memory Services
or Code Management System
- CMT - Core Management Team
- CMUG - Classroom Modernization Users Group (UW Oshkosh)
- CNA - Certified Netware Administrator (Novell)
- CNC - Computerized Numerical Control
- CNE - Certified Netware Engineer (Novell)
- CNEPA - Certified Netware Engineer Profession Assn. (Novell)
- CNI - Coalition for Networked Information
- CNL -
Center for New Learning (UW Oshkosh)
[previous names:
Bachelor of Liberal Studies and
Weekend/Evening Degree Program]
- CNRI - Corporation for National Research Initiatives
- CO - Central Office
- COB - College of Business (UW Oshkosh)
- COBA - College of Business Administration (UW Oshkosh)
[obsolete term, see COB]
- COBOL - COmmon Business Oriented Language
- CODASYL - Conference On DAta SYstems Languages
- CODEC - COmpressor/DECompressor
- COEHS - College of Education and Human Services (UW Oshkosh)
- COLS - College of Letters & Science (UW Oshkosh)
- COM - Computer Output Microfilm (or Microfiche)
or COMmand
or Component Object Model
- COMDEX - COMmunications and Data processing EXposition
- CON - College of Nursing (UW Oshkosh)
- CONS - Connection Oriented Network Service
- COO - Chief Operating Officer
- CORBA - Common Object Request Broker
- COS - Corporation for Open Systems
- CPL - Combined Programming Language
- CPIM - Certified in Production and Inventory Management
or Communications Processor and Interface Module
- CP/M - Control Program for Microcomputers
- CPM - Critical Path Method
- cps - Characters Per Second (printer speed)
- CPU - Central Processing Unit
- CQI - Continuous Quality Improvement (UW Oshkosh)
- CR - Carriage Return key (marked "RETURN" or "ENTER") <CTRL/M>
- CRC - Cyclical Redundancy Check
- CREF - College Retirement Equities Fund
- CREN - Corporation for Research and Educational Networking
- CRL - Certificate revocation List
- CRM - Customer Relationship Management
- CROM - Control Read Only Memory
- CRSP - Center for Research in Security Prices (data base)
- CRT - Cathode Ray Tube (video terminal)
- CSAC - Classified Staff Advisory Committee (UW Oshkosh)
- CSAR - Computer Scheduling And Reporting (c'-zar)
- CSC - Customer Support Center
- CSD - Corrective Service Disk
- CSDAD - Classified Staff Development & Appreciation Day (UW Oshkosh)
- CSI - Computer Security Institute
- CSLG - Campus-wide Software License Grant
- CSMA/CD - Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection
- CSNET - Computer Science Network
- CSO - Computer Services Office of the U. of IL-Urbana
Champaign (software for on-line phone books)
- CSR - Customer Service Representative
- CSS - Cascading Style Sheets
- CSU/DSU - Channel Services Unit/Digital Services Unit
- CTEC - microsoft Certified Technical Education Center
- CTI - Computer/Telephone (or Telephony) Integration
- CTD - Cumulative Trauma Disorder
- CTRL - abbreviation for the Control key
- CTO - Chief Technology Officer
- CTS - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
or Computing and Telecommunications Services (UW Oshkosh)
- CU - Control Unit
or Credit Union
- CUFS - College and University Financial System
[replaced by Advantage General Ledger]
- CUI - Character User Interface
- CUIPP - Computer Utility Implementation Planning Project (Wis.)
- CUTCP/CUTE - Clarkson University Tcp Communications Package /
Clarkson University Terminal Emulator
- CVD - Compact Video Disk
- CVIA - Computer Virus Industry Association
- CVS - Concurrent Version System
- CWIS - CampusWide Information System
- top / bottom of page
- D/A - Digital to Analog
- DA - Desk Accessory
- DAB - Digital Audio Broadcasting (eg. Internet Talk Radio)
- DAC - Digital to Analog Converter
or Digital Audio Capsule
- DACS - Digital Access and Cross-connect Systems
- DAL - Data Access Language (Apple)
- DAP - Digital Audio Postcard
- DARPA Internet - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Internet
- DARS - Degree Audit Request System (UW Oshkosh)
- DASD - Direct Access Storage Device (daz'-d)
- DAT - Digital Audio Tape
- DBA - Data Base Administrator
- DBFP - Data Book For Planning (UW Oshkosh)
- DBMS - Data Base Management System
- DCA - Document Content Architecture
- DCAF - Distributed Console Access Facility
- DCC - Digital Customer Center
- DCD - Data Carrier Detect
- DCE - Data Communications Equipment
or Distributed Computing Environment
- DCL - DIGITAL Command Language
- DCOM - Distributed Component Object Module
- DCS - Department-Course-Section (UW Oshkosh)
or Distributed Control System
- DC1 - Device Control 1 key
- DC2 - Device Control 2 key <CTRL/R>
- DC3 - Device Control 3 key
- DC4 - Device Control 4 key <CTRL/T>
- DD - Double Density floppy disk
- DDCMP - Digital Data Communications Message Protocol
- DDE - Dynamic Data Exchange
- DDIF - Digital Document Interchange Format
- DDL - Data Definition Language
- DDN - Defense Data Network
- DDOS - Distributed Denial-Of-Service
- DDP - Distributed Data Processing
- DDS - Digital Data Services
or Dataphone Digital Service
- DEC - Digital Equipment Corporation
- DECnet - Digital Equipment Corporation NETwork
- DECUS - Digital Equipment Computer Users Society
- DER - Department of Employment Relations (Wis.)
or Distinguished Encoding Rules
- DES - Data Encryption Standard
- DETF - Department of Employe Trust Funds (Wis.)
- DFI - Department of Financial Institutions (Wis.)
- DFS - Distributed File System
- DG - Data General corporation
- DHCF - Distributed Host Command Facility
- DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- DHTML - Dynamic HyperText Markup Language
- DIF - Data Interchange Format
- DIMM - Dual Inline Memory Module
- DIP switch - Dual In-line Package
- DISA - Direct Inward System Access
- DIW - Dual Interior Wire
- DIX - Dec-Intel-Xerox 15 pin connector
- DLB - Dynamic Load Balancer
- DLE - Data Link Escape key <CTRL/P>
- DLL - Dynamic Link Library
- DLT - Digital Linear Tape
- DMA - Direct Memory Access
- DMDA - Digital Media Device Association (2002-?)
[Successor to the
Secure Digital Music Initiative]
- DMI - Definition of Management Information
or Desktop Management Interface
- DMS - Defense Message System
- DNA - Digital Network Architecture
or Distributed interNet Applications (Microsoft)
or DeoxyriboNucleic Acid
- DNR - Department of Natural Resources (Wis.)
- DNS - Domain Name Service
- DNSSEC - Domain Name System SECurity working group
- DOA - Department of Administration (Wis.)
- DOC - DOCument
- DoD - Department of Defense (creator of
- DoIT - Division of Information Technology (Wis.)
- DOJ - Department Of Justice
- DOM - Document Object Model
- DOR - Department Of Revenue (Wis.)
- DOS - Disk Operating System
- DOT - Department of Transportation (Wis.)
- DOV - Data Over Voice
- DPCS - Data Personal Communications Services
- dpi - Dots Per Inch (printer or monitor resolution)
- DPI - Department of Public Instruction (Wis.)
- DPMA - Data Processing Management Association
- DPMI - DOS Protected Mode Interface
- DQDB - Distributed Queue Dual Bus
- DRAM - Dynamic Random Access Memory
- DRV - DRiVer
- DS/HD - Double-Sided High-Density (floppy disk)
- DSA - Desktop Software Architecture
or Digital Storage Architecture
or Digital Signature Algorithm
- DSIN - Digital Software Information Network
- DSK - Dvorak Simplified Keyboard
- DSL - Digital Subscriber Line
- DSO - Data Source Objects
- DSP - Digital Signal Processor
- DSR - Digital Standard Runoff
(VAX) text processor)
or Data Set Ready
- DSS - Digital Satellite System
or Digital Signature Standard
- DSSI - Digital Storage Systems Interconnect
- DSU - Digital Service Unit
- DTC - Distributed Transaction Coordinator
- DTE - Data Terminal Equipment
- DTH - Direct-To-Home (satellite systems)
- DTIF - Digital Table Interchange Format
- DTM - DeskTop Manufacturing
- DTMF - Dual-Tone Multiple-Frequency
- DTP - DeskTop Publishing
- DTR - Data Terminal Ready
- DTV - Digital TeleVision
- DUN - Dial-Up Network(ing)
- DVD - Digital Video Disc
or Digital Versatile Disc
- DVI - Digital Video Interface
- DXF - Drawing Interchange Format (graphics file format)
- top / bottom of page
- EAA - Experimental Aircraft Association
(their International Headquarters and Museum are in Oshkosh)
- EAI - Enterprise Application Integration
- EAP - Employee Assistance Program (UW Oshkosh)
- EARN - European Academic Research Network
- EBCDIC - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (eb'-suh-dick)
- ECC - Error Correction Code (or Check)
or Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem
- ECDA - Extensible Compound Document Architecture
- ECMA - European Computer Manufacturers Association
- ECP - Extended Capabilities Port
- ECPA - Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986
- ECM - Error Correcting Memory
- ECR - Electronic ClassRoom
- EDAC - Error Detection And Correction
- EDI - Electronic Data Interchange
- EDMS - Electronic Document Management System
- EDP - Electronic Data Processing
- EDVAC - Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
- EEO - Equal Employment Opportunity
- EES - Escrowed Encryption Standard
- EFF - Electronic Frontier Foundation
- EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer
- EGA - Enhanced Graphics Adapter (micro display board)
- EGOLL - Executive Group for On-Line Learning (UW System)
- EIA - Electronics Industries Association
- EIP - Enterprise Information Portal
- EIS - Executive Information System
or Enterprise Integration Services
- EISA - Extended Industry Standard Architecture
- ELS - Entry-Level System (Novell)
- EM - End of Medium key <CTRL/Y>
- EMA - Enterprise Management Architecture
- Email or E-Mail - Electronic Mail
- EMB - Education Market Basket program
- EMC - Education Media Collection (UW Oshkosh)
- EMI/RFI - ElectroMagnetic Interference/Radio Frequency
Interference filtering
- EMOD - E-Mail On Demand
- EMS - Expanded Memory Specification
- ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
- ENQ - Enquiry key <CTRL/E>
- EOF - End Of File key <CTRL/Z>
- EOJ - End Of Job
- EOLN - End Of Line
- EOM - End Of Message
- EOS - End Of Semester (UW Oshkosh)
or Electrical OverStress
- EOT - End Of Transmission (or Tape) <CTRL/D>
- EPIC - Electronic Privacy Information Center
or Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing
- EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
- EPS - Encapsulated PostScript (graphics file format)
- EPTS - Emergency Printing Testing Services (Windows)
- ERA - Employee Reimbursement Accounts (UW System)
- ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning
- ES - End Station
- ESC - ESCape key
- ESCON - Enterprise Systems CONnection architecture
- ESD - Electronic Software Distribution
- ESDI - Enhanced Small Device Interface
- ESL - Educational Software Library
or Extensible Style Language
- ESN - Electronic Serial Number
- ESNET - Energy Sciences Network
- ESP - Encapsulating Security Payload
- ESS - Executive Support System
- ET - ExtraTerrestrial
- ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
- ETF - Employe Trust Funds (UW System)
- ETB - End of Transmission Block key <CTRL/W>
- ETL - Extract/Transfer/Load software
- ETN - Educational Telephone Network
- ETX - End of TeXt key <CTRL/C>
- EVE - Extensible Vax Editor
- EZT - Easytrieve (programming language)
- top / bottom of page
- FAQ - Frequently Asked Question(s)
- FAT - File Allocation Table
- FASST - Flexible Architecture Standard System Technology
- FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation
- FCB - File Control Block
- FCC - Federal Communications Commission
- FCCSET - Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and
- fcpi - flux changes per inch (floppy disk measurement)
- FCSA - Federal Computer Security Act
- FDA - Food and Drug Administration
- FDB - Faculty Development Board (UW Oshkosh)
- FDC - Floppy Disk Controller
- FDD - Floppy Disk Drive
- FDDI - Fiber Distributed Data Interface
- FDL - File Definition Language
- FDM - Frequency-Division Multiplexor
- FDP - Faculty Development Program (UW Oshkosh)
- FDX - Full Duplex
- FE - Field Engineer
- FEC - Forward Error Correction
- FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(aka the Buckley Amendment)
- National Center for Education Statistics
- Protecting the Privacy of Student Education Records
March 1997 (NCES 97-859)
- FF - Form Feed key <CTRL/L>
- FFDT - FDDI Full Duplex Technology
- FFS - Berkeley Fast File System
- FIFO - First-In First-Out
- FIPS - Federal Information Processing Standard
- FM - Facilities Management (UW Oshkosh)
(Department of Buildings & Grounds)
- FMR+ - Follow Me Roaming Plus (cellular phones)
- FOCOL - FOx Communities OnLine
- FORTRAN - FORmula TRANslating system (programming language)
- FP - Floating Point
- FRICC - Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee (of
- FRU - Field Replacement Unit
- FS - File Separator key <CTRL/\>
- FSCASL - Faculty Senate Committee on Assessment (of Student Learning)
(UW Oshkosh)
- FSAM - Federated Storage Area Management
- FSK - Frequency Shift Keying
- FTAM - File Transfer, Access, and Management
- FTC - Federal Trade Commission
- FTE - Full-Time Equivalent (UW Oshkosh)
- FTP - File Transfer Protocol
- FTS - Federal Telecommunications System
- FUD - fear, uncertainty, and doubt (E-Mail)
- FVTC - Fox Valley Technical College (Wis.)
- FVWP - Fox Valley Writing Project (UW Oshkosh)
- FWD - Fast Wide Differential
- FWIW - for what it's worth (E-Mail)
- FYI - for your information (E-Mail)
- top / bottom of page
- G or GB - Gigabyte - one billion bytes of computer memory
(2 to the 30th, 1,073,741,824 bytes to be exact)
- GAK - Government Access to Keys
- GAO - General Accounting Office (U.S.)
- GCA lab - General Computer Access lab (UW Oshkosh)
- GDMO - Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects
- GED - Graduation Equivalency Diploma (UW Oshkosh)
- GEM - Graphic Environment Manager (micro
- GEnie - General Electric Network for Information Exchange
- GIF - Graphics Interchange Format
- GIGO - Garbage-In Garbage-Out
- GMR - Giant MagnetoResistance (chip technology)
- GNN - Global Network Navigator
- GNOME - Gnu Network Object Model Environment (UNIX)
- GOSIP - Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile
- GPA - Grade Point Average (UW Oshkosh)
- GPIB - General Purpose Interface Bus
- GPR - Ground Penetrating Radar
- GPS-SA - Global Positioning System - Selective Availability
- GS - Group Separator key <CTRL/]>
- GSA - General Services Administration (U.S.)
- GSS-API - Generic Security Services
- GST - Global Symbol Table
- GTE - General Telephone & Electronics corporation
- GUI - Graphical User Interface
- GUID - Global Unique Identifier
- top / bottom of page
- HAVi - Home Audio-Video Interoperability
- HCF - Host Command Facility
- HD - High Density floppy disk
- HDA - Hard Drive Assembly
or HeaD Assembly
- HDD - Hard Disk Drive
- HDF - Hierarchical Data Format
- HDI - Help Desk Institute
- HDML - Handheld Device Markup Language (WWW)
- HDPA - Help Desk Professionals Association
- HDSL - High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
- HDTV - High Definition TeleVision
- HDX - Half Duplex
- HEPP - Higher Education Purchase Program (Apple)
- hertz - term for "cycles per second"
- HEX - HEXadecimal
- HFP - Host-to-Front-end Protocol
- HFRC - Hill Farms Regional Center (Wis.)
- HIA - Host Interface Adapter
- HOPE - Helping Others Perceive Equality (UW Oshkosh)
- HP - Hewlett-Packard company
- HPC - High Performance Computing
- HPCC - High Performance Computing and Communications initiative
- HPER - Health, Physical Educ. & Recreation (UW Oshkosh) now
- HPFS - High Performance File System
- HPIB - Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus
- HPPI - High Performance Parallel Interface
- HR - Human Resources (UW Oshkosh)
(new name for the Personnel Department)
- HRIN - Human Resources Information Network
- HRM - Human Resource Management (UW Oshkosh)
- HRMS - Human Resource Management System
- HSC - Hierarchical Storage Controller
- HSDM - High Speed Data Mover
- HSM - Hierarchical Storage Manager
- HSPL - Human Services & Professional Leadership (UW Oshkosh)
- HT - Horizontal Tab key <CTRL/I>
- HTH - hope this helps (E-Mail)
- HTTP - HyperText Transport Protocol
- HTML - HyperText Markup Language
- Hz - abbreviation for hertz
- top / bottom of page
- IAA - Identification, Authorization, and Authentication project (UW System)
- IAB - Internet Advertising Bureau
- IAC - InterApplication Communication (Apple)
- IANA - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
- IAP - Internet Account Provider
- - Instructional Academic Staff (UW Oshkosh)
- IBM - International Business Machines corporation
- IC - Integrated Circuit
- ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
- ICI - Internet Computer Index
- ICMI - Incoming Calls Management Institute
- ICP - Internet Connectivity Provider
- ICQ - I-seek-you (Internet communications software)
- ICRA - Internet Content Rating Association
- ICS - Information and Computer Sciences committee
- IDB - ITS Data Bus
- IDEA - International Data Encryption Algorithm
- IDEA Lab - Instructional DEvelopment & Authoring (UW Oshkosh)
- IDF - Intermediate Distribution Frame (wiring closet)
- IDP - Internetwork Datagram Packet (Novell)
- IDS - Intrusion Detection System
- IE - Information Engineering
- IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
- IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force
- IFD - Internal Fix Disk
- IGES - Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
(ANSI standard for graphics file formats)
- IHV - Independent Hardware Vendor
- IIE - IBM Information nEtwork
- IIe - type of Apple microcomputer (also II+, IIc, IIgs)
- IIfx - type of Apple Macintosh (also IIcx, IIci, IIx)
- IIRC - if I recall correctly (E-Mail)
- IIS - Internet Information Server
- IKE - Internet Key Exchange
- IMAP - Internet Messaging Access Protocol
- IMHO - in my humble (or honest) opinion (E-Mail)
- IMKA - Initiative for Managing Knowledge Assets
- IMSL - International Math and Statistical Library
- I/O - Input/Output
- IOCS - Input/Output Control System
- IP - Internet Protocol
- IPC - InterProcess Communication
- IPI - Intelligent Peripheral Interface
or Internet Printing Index
- IPL - Initial Program Load
or Inter-Priority Level
- IPMP - Intellectual Property Management and Protection
- IPv6 - Internet Protocol Version 6
- IPX - Internetwork Packet Exchange (Novell)
- IRA - Individual Retirement Account
or Individual Retirement Annuities
- IRC - Instructional Resources Center (UW Oshkosh)
Internet Relay Chat
- IRQ - Interrupt ReQuest
- IRS - Internal Revenue Service
- IS - Information Services
or Intermediate Station
- ISA - Industry Standard Architecture
or Internat Security Association
- ISAAC - Information Systems for Advanced Academic Computing
- ISAM - Indexed Sequential Access Method
- ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network
- ISE - Integrated Storage Elements
- ISIS - Integrated Student Information System (UW System)
- ISN - Information Systems Network
- ISO - International Standards Organization
- ISP - Internet Service Provider
- ISPF - Interactive System Productivity Facility
- ISSN - International Standard Serials Number
- ISV - Independent Software Vendor
- ITAB - Information Technology Advisory Board (Wis.)
- IT or I/T - Information Technology
- ITF - Interactive Terminal Facility
- ITS - Instructional Technology Services (UW System)
or Intelligent Transportation Systems
- ITSPI - Information Technology Strategic Planning Initiative (Wis.)
- ITU-T - International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication
(formerly CCITT)
- IVI - Interactive Video Instruction
- IVK - Interactive Voice Response
- IX - Internet Exchange architecture
- top / bottom of page
- JANET - Joint Academic NETwork
- JCL - Job Control Language
- JES2 - Job Entry System
- JNET - Joiner associates, inc. NETwork
- JCOER - Joint Committee On Employment Relations (Wis.)
(pronounced "joker")
- JDBC - Java DataBase Connectivity
- JDK - Java Developer Kit
- JIT - Just-In-Time
- JNI - Java Native Interface
- JPEG or JPG - Joint Photographic Experts Group (graphics file format)
- JVM - Java Virtual Machine
- top / bottom of page
- K or KB - Kilobyte: 1024 bytes of computer memory (2 to the 10th)
- Kbps - KiloBits Per Second
- KDC - Key Distribution Center
- KDE - K(ool) Desktop Environment (UNIX)
- KDT - Keyboard Data Terminals
- KHz - KiloHertZ (thousands of cycles per second)
- KI - Koehn Institute (UW Oshkosh)
see CCP
- KMP - Key Management Protocol
- KTC - Key Translation Center
- KWIC - Key Word In Context
- top / bottom of page
- LAN - Local Area Network
- LAP-B - Link Access Procedure - Balanced
- LASER - Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation
- LAT - Local Area Transport
- LAVC - Local Area VAX Cluster
- LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
- LCF - Logic for Computable Functions
- LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (for on-line phone books)
- LDM - Limited Distance Modem
- LEAF - Law Enforcement Access Field
- LEC - Local telephone Exchange Carrier
- LED - Light-Emitting Diode
- LEF - Local Event Flag
- LF - Line Feed key <CTRL/J>
- LFS - Linux File Server
- LHC - Library Hub Consortium (UW Oshkosh, with Green Bay,
Platteville, and Superior)
- LINDO - Linear INteractive and Discrete Optimizer
- LIFO - Last In First Out
- LIM memory - expanded memory developed by Lotus, Intel and Microsoft
- LISP - LISt Processing language
- LMI - Local Management Interface
- LOA - Leave of Absence
- LOCKSS - Lots Of Copies Keep Stuff Safe
- LOL - laughing out loud (E-Mail)
- LOS - Linux Oracle Server
- LP - Line Printer
- LPI - Lines Per Inch (printer format)
- LPM - Lines Per Minute (printer speed)
- LPP - Lightweight Presentation Protocol
- LPT - Line Printer porT
- LSE - Language Sensitive Editor
- LSI - Large Scale Integration (100-1000 circuits/chip)
- LTDC - Learning Technology Development Center
- LTE - Limited Term Employee (UW Oshkosh)
- LUG - Local Users Group
- top / bottom of page
- M, MB or Meg - Megabyte - one million bytes of computer memory
(2 to the 20th, 1,048,576 bytes to be exact)
- MAC - Media Access Control
- Mac - Macintosh (Apple microcomputer)
- MACC - Madison Academic Computing Center (UW Madison)
- MADLUG - Madison Area Decus Local Users Group (Wis.)
- MAILNET - university Mail Network
- MAN - Metropolitan Area Network (between a
LAN and WAN)
- MAP - Manufacturing Automation Protocol
- MAU - Multi-station Access Unit
- MBA - Master of Business Administration (UW Oshkosh)
(degree or program)
- Mbps - MegaBits Per Second
- MBR - Master Boot Record
- MCA - Micro Channel Architecture
- MCB - Memory Control Block
- MCDA - Micro Channel Developers Association
- MCF - Meta Content Framework
or Meta Content Format
- MCGA - Monochrome/Color Graphics Adapter
(IBM PS/1 display board)
- MCNE - Master Certified Netware Engineer (Novell)
- MCP - Microsoft Certified Professional
- MCSD - Microsoft Certified Solution Developer
- MCSE - Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer
- MDA - Monochrome Display Adapter (micro display board)
- MDI - Multiple Document Interface
- MDS - Matrix Data Systems
- MEDNEWS - on-line MEDical NEWSletter
- MERLOT - Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Online Teaching
- MFLOPS - Millions of FLoating point Operations Per Second
(micro, mini and mainframe processing speed)
- MFM - Modified Frequency Modulation
- MHz - MegaHertZ (millions of cycles per second)
(micro processing speed)
- MHS - Message Handling Services
- MICROSIM - MICROeconomic SIMulation
- MID - Multi Image Driver
- MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface
- MIF - Management Information Format
- MIFF - Media Interchange File Format (graphics file format)
- MILNET - MILitary Network (Defense Data Network)
- MIM - Management Information Model
- MIMD - Multiple Instruction Multiple Data architecture
- MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
- MIN - Mobile Identification Number
- MIO - Management Information Office (Residence Life) (UW Oshkosh)
- MIPS - Millions of Instructions Per Second (mainframe processor speed)
- MIS - Management Information Systems (UW Oshkosh)
or Management Information Specialist
or Management Information Services
- MIT - Management Information Technician
or Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- ML - Manipulator Language
or Meta Language
- MLI - Machine Language Interface
- MLM - Mailing List Manager (eg. Majordomo or Listserv)
or Multi-Level Marketing
(aka pyramid schemes, mostly illegal)
- MML - Mathematical Markup Language (WWW)
- MMP - Multi Media Protection
- MMS - Module Management System
- MMWR - Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
- MNP - Microcom Networking Protocol
- MODEM - MOdulator-DEModulator
- MOS - Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (computer chip)
- MOTIS - Message-Oriented Text Interchange System
- MOUS - Microsoft Office User Specialist
- MOUSE - Microsoft Office User Support Expert
- MPA - Master of Public Administration degree
- MPEG - Moving Pictures Experts Group (graphics file format)
or Moving Pictures Encoding Group
- MPP - Manufacturing Process Planning
- MPU - Micro Processor Unit
- MRA - Market Recognition Account
(UW System/ETF)
- MRNET - Minnesota Regional Network
- MRP - Material Requirements Planning
- ms - MilliSecond
- MS - Micosoft corporation
- MS-DOS - MicroSoft Disk Operating System
- MSA - Metropolitan Statistical Area
- MSCP - Mass Storage Control Protocol
- MSDSG - MultiSystem Distributed System Gateway
- MSI - Marketing Science Institute (data base)
or Medium Scale Integration (10-100 circuits/chip)
- MSIE - MicroSoft Internet Explorer (web browser)
- MSIS - Master of Science in Information Systems (UW Oshkosh)
- MSOE - Milwaukee School of Engineering (Wis.)
- MSOUS - MicroSoft Office User Specialist
- MSP - Message Security Protocol
- MTEA - Milwaukee Teachers Education Association
- MTBF - Mean Time Between Failures
- MUX - MUltipleXor
- MVS - Multiple Virtual Storage
(IBM 4381 OS)
- top / bottom of page
- NACN - North American Cellular Network
- NACS - Netware Asynchronous Communications Server (Novell)
- NAK - Not AcKnowledged (or Negative AcKnowledge) <CTRL/U>
- NAM - Netware Application Manager
- NAND - Not AND (Boolean function)
- NAS - Network Application Support
- NASI - Netware ASynchronous Interface (Novell)
- NAT - Network Address Translator
- Natural 2 -
4GL used to access our
IBM's Adabas DBMS
- NBBS - National Bulletin Board Society
- NBS - National Bureau of Standards
(see NIST)
- NC - Network Computer
- NCA - North Central Association fo colleges and schools (UW Oshkosh)
- NCCUSL - National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
- NCP - Network Control Program
or Netware Core Protocol (Novell)
- NCR - National Cash Register corporation
or No Carbon Required (multi-part forms)
- NCS - Network Computing System
- NCSA - National Center for Supercomputing Applications
or National Computer Security Association
- NCSC - National Computer Security Center
- NDA - New Desk Accessory (Apple)
- NDB - Nutrition Data Base
(VAX) (obsolete)
- NDIS - Network Driver Interface Specification (Microsoft)
- NDS - Netware Directory Service
- NEARNET - New England Academic and Research Network
- NEC - Nippon Electric Co. (micros, printers mfgr.)
- netbios - NETwork Basic Input/Output System
- NETNORTH - canadian Network
- NEW ERA - NorthEast Wisconsin Educational Resource Alliance
- NEWLUG - NorthEast Wisconsin Local Users Group (of
- NFLS - Nicolet Federated Library System (Wis.)
- NFS - Network File System
- NID - Next ID register
- NIC - Network Interface Card
or Network Information Center
- NiCad - NIckel CADmium batteries
- NIGP - National Institute of Governmental Purchasing
are required on all UW Oshkosh Purchase Requisitions
- NIH - National Institutes of Health (U.S.)
- NII - National Information Infrastructure
- NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology
- NJE - Network Job Entry
- NJEF - Network Job Entry Facility
- NLM - Netware Loadable Module (Novell)
or National Library of Medicine (database)
- NLS - National Longitudinal Survey (data base)
or Network Library System (UW-Madison, UW-Milwaukee)
- NLSP - Netware Link State Protocol
- NMF - Network Management Forum
- NMOS - N-channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor
- NMS - Nursing Management System
- NNS - Netware Naming System (Novell)
- NNTP - Network News Transfer Protocol (Internet)
- NOC - Network Operations Center
- NOR - Not OR (Boolean function)
- NORAD - NORth american Aerospace Defense command
- NOS - Network Operating System
- NREN - National Research and Education Network
- NRTA - National Retired Teachers Association
- NSA - National Security Agency
- NSF - National Science Foundation
- NSFNET - National Science Foundation NETwork
- NSI - Network Solutions, Inc.
- NSO - Novell Support Organization
- NSP - Network Services Protocol
- NSTL - National Software Testing Laboratories (in Philadelphia)
- NTIA - National Telecommunications and Information Administration
- NTP - Network Time Protocol
- NTSC - National Television System Committee
(color television/monitor standards)
- NUL - Null key <CTRL/@>
- NYSERnet - New York State Education and Research NETwork
- top / bottom of page
- OARNET - Ohio Academic Resources Network
- OASIS - On-line Academic Software Information System
- OATS - Oshkosh Academic Timesharing Service
- OCLC - On-line Computer Library Center (Dublin, OH)
- OCR - Optical Character Recognition (or Reader)
- ODI - Open Data-link Interface (Novell)
- ODL - Open Data Link (Novell/Apple)
- OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
- OFTP - OFf-line Transaction Processing
- OFX - Open Financial eXchange
- OIR - Office of Institutional Research (UW Oshkosh)
- OLAP - On-Line Analytic Processing
- OLE - Object Linking and Embedding (Microsoft)
- OLI - Open Link Interface
- OLIS - On-Line Information Service
- OLTP - On-Line Transaction Processing
- OMF - Object Management Function
- OMR - Optical Mark Reader
- ONC - Open Network Computing (Sun)
- OOP - Object-Oriented Programming
- OPCODE - OPerating CODE
- OPID - Office of Professional and Instructional Development
(UW System)
(was: UTIC)
- OPL - Oshkosh Public Library (Wis.)
- OS - Operating System
- OSA - Oshkosh Student Association (UW Oshkosh)
- OSD - Open Software Distribution
- OSF/1 - Open Software Foundation
- oshkoshw - BITnet addresses that became invalid 07-01-1996
- OSI - Open Systems Interconnection
- OSPF - Open Shortest Path First
- OTC - One Time Charge
- OTP - One Time Password
- OWLS - Older Wiser LearnerS (UW Oshkosh)
(formerly Association for Nontraditional Students)
or Outagamie Waupaca Library System (Wis.)
- OWLSIS - Oshkosh-Whitewater-La crosse Student Information System
- OXF - Open Exchange Format
- top / bottom of page
- P3P - Platform for Privacy Preferences Project
- P&L - a business's Profit and Loss statement
- PABX - Private Automatic Branch Exchange
- PAD - Programmable Address Decoder
or Packet Assembler/Disassembler
- PAL - Programmable Array Logic
- PAP - Password Authentication Protocol
- PARC - Palo Alto Research Laboratory (Xerox Corp.)
- PBX - Private Branch eXchange
- PC - Printed Circuit
or Personal Computer
Operating System
(another term for Microsoft's MS-DOS)
- PCF - Program Control Facility
- PCI/O - Program Controlled Input/Output
- PCS - Personal Communications Services
- PCSA - Personal Computing Systems Architecture
- PDA - Personal Digital Assistant
- PDF - Portable Document Format
or Product Development Facility
- PDN - Public Data Networks
- PDP - Programmable Data Processor (as in the
PDP-11, "Adam" and "Eve", old UW Oshkosh computers manufactured
by DEC)
- PEHP - Physical Education & Health Promotion (UW Oshkosh) was
- PERT - Program Evaluation and Review Technique
- PF keys - Program Function keys
- PFM - Printer Font Metrics
(MS Windows)
- PhoneNET - computer science
unix NETwork
- PHP - Personal HomePage tools
(WWW) a Web page programming language
- PIC - Priority Intercept Controller
- PICS - Platform for Internet Content Selection
- PILOT - Programmed Inquiry, Learning Or Teaching
test creation language
(VAX) (obsolete)
- PIM - Personal Information Manager
- PIN - Personal Identification Number
- PIT - Programmable Interval Timer
- pixel - PICture ELement
- PL/I or PL/1 - Programming Language 1
- PM - Preventive Maintenance
or Presentation Manager
PS/2 OS)
- PMDF - Pascal Memo Distribution Facility
- PMMU - Paged-Memory Management Unit
- PMOS - P-channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor
- PMS - Project Management Software
- PNG - Portable Network Graphics
- PNP - Prototype Network Project
- PO - Purchasing Office (UW Oshkosh)
or Purchase Order
- POP - Post Office Protocol
or Point of Presence
- POP3 - Post Office Protocol, level/version 3
- POS - Point-Of-Sale
- POSE - Picture Oriented Software Engineering
(CASE tool)
- POST - Power-On Self Test
- POTS lines - Plain Old Telephone Service lines
- POWER - Power Optimization With Enhanced
- PPN - Project-Programmer Number
- PPP - Point-to-Point Protocol
- pps - Packets Per Second
- PREPnet - Pennsylvania Research and Economic Partnership NETwork
- PRI - Primary Rate Interface
- ProDOS - PROfessional Disk Operating System (Apple II)
- PROFS - PRofessional OFfice System
- PROM - Programmable Read-Only Memory
- PSI - Packetnet System Interface
- PSN - Processor Serial Number (Intel)
aka chip-ID
- PSTN - Public Switched Telphone System
- PS/2 - Personal System 2
- PS-SFS - PeopleSoft - Shared Financial System (UW Oshkosh)
- PTF - Program Temporary Fix
- PT3 - Preparing Tomorrows Teachers to Use Technology
- top / bottom of page
- Q&A - Questions and Answers
- QLLC - Qualified Logical Link Control
- QMF - Query Management Facility
- QIO - Queue Input/Output services
- QoS - Quality of Service
- top / bottom of page
- RAD - Rapid Application Development
- RAID - Redundant Array of Independent Disks
or Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
- RAM - Random Access Memory
- RAS - Reliability, Availability and Serviceability
- RBHC - Regional Bell Holding Companies
- RBOC - Regional Bell Operating Companies
- R&D - Research and Development
- RDBMS - Relational Data Base Management System
- RDF - Resource Description Framework
- RDS - Radio Data System
- RESNET - RESidence hall NETwork (UW Oshkosh)
- RF - Radio Frequency
- RFC - Request For Comment(s)
- RFP - Request For Proposal
- RGB - Red, Green, Blue (color monitor)
- RIFF - Raster Image File Format
- RIP - Routing Information Protocol
- RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer
- RISS - Relational Inquiry and Storage System
- RJE - Remote Job Entry
- RLL - Run-Length-Limited (hard disk controller)
- RMS - Record Management Services
- ROI - Return On Investment
- ROM - Read-Only Memory
- ROTC - Reserve Officer Training Corps (UW Oshkosh)
- ROTFL - rolling on the floor laughing (E-Mail)
- RPC - Remote Procedure Call
- RPG - Report Program Generator (programming language)
- RS - Recommended Standard (as in
EIA RS-232)
or Record Separator key <CTRL/^>
- RSA - Rural Service Area
- RSACi - Recreational Software Advisory Council on the Internet
- RSCS - Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem
- RSI - Repetitive Strain Injury
- RSS - Rich Site Summary
- RSTS/E - Resource Sharing - Time Sharing / Extended
(PDP 11/70
OS, replaced by
VAX/VMS at UW Oshkosh)
- RTC - Real Time Clock
- RTF - Rich Text Format (graphics file format)
- RTFM - read the fine manual (E-Mail)
- RTL - Run-Time Library
- RTS - Request To Send
- RUB - Reeve Union Board (UW Oshkosh)
- RUBPC - Reeve Union Board Programming Council (UW Oshkosh)
- RUBAC - Reeve Union Board Advisory Council (UW Oshkosh)
- R/W - Read/Write
- top / bottom of page
- SA - Security Association
or Student Administration
- SAA - Systems Application Architecture
- SACD - Super AudioCD
- SAE - Single Application Environment
- SAFER - Secure And Fast Encryption Routine
- SAG - Software AG - Natural 2 and Adabas
(DBMS) author (IBM)
or SQL Access Group
- SAM - Symantec Antivirus for Macintosh
- SAN - Storage Area Network
- SANS - System Administration, Networking, $ Security institute
- SAP - Service Access Point
or Service Advertising Protocol
- SAS - Statistical Analysis System
- SAT - Scholastic Aptitude Test (UW Oshkosh)
- SCCS - Source Code Control System
or Small College Computing Symposium
- SCORM - Shareable Courseware Object Reference Model
- SCS - System Control Services
- SCSI - Small Computer Standard Interface (pronounced scuzzy)
- SCT - Solution Content Team
- SDF - Supplementary Data File (UW Oshkosh)
- SDK - Software Development Kit
- SDLC - Synchronous Data Link Control
- SDMI - Secure Digital Music Initiative (1998-2002)
The music industry's failed attempt at copy-protecting all recordings.
- SDSF - Spool Display Search Facility
- SDSI - Simple Distributed Security Infrastructure
- SDSL - Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line
- SEAC - Student Environmental Action Coalition (UW Oshkosh)
- SEIMC - Special Education Instruction Material Center (UW Oshkosh)
- SET - Student Evaluation of Teaching (UW Oshkosh)
- SETI - Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence
- SEWLUG - SouthEast Wisconsin Local Users Group
(of )
- SFA - Sales Force Automation
- SFP - System File Protection
- SFT - System Fault Tolerance (Novell)
- SFS - Shared Financial System (PeopleSoft product used on UW campuses)
or Shared File System
- SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language
- SGMP - Simple Gateway Management Protocol
- SHRM - Society For Human Resource Management (UW Oshkosh)
- SHTML - Server parsed HTML
- SI - Shift In key <CTRL/O>
- SIG - Special Interest Group
- SIGUCSS - Special Interest Group on University and College
Computing Services
- SIIA - Software and Information Industry Association
- SIMD - Single Instruction Multiple Data architecture
- SIM - Society for Information Management
- SIMM - Single In-line Memory Module (computer chip)
- SIS - Student Information System (by PeopleSoft, at UW Oshkosh)
- SLA - StereoLithography Apparatus
or Service Level Agreement
- SLIP - Serial Line Internet Protocol
- SLSS - System Library Subscription Service
- SMB - Server Message Block
- SMC - Standard Microsystems Corporation
- SMDS - Switched Multi-megabit Data Service
- SME - Society of Manufacturing Engineers
- SMF - Student Master File (UW Oshkosh)
- SMIT - System Management Interface Tool
- SML - Standard Manipulator Language
- SMP - Symmetrical MultiProcessing
or Synchronous Multi_Processing
- SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- SMS - System Managed Storage
or Short Messaging Service
- SNA - Systems Network Architecture
- SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol
- SNOBOL - StriNg-Oriented symBOLic language
- SO - Shift Out key <CTRL/N>
- SOH - Start of Heading key <CTRL/A>
- SOHO - Small Office or Home Office?
- SOLAR - Student On-Line Advising and Registration (UW Oshkosh old)
or Student On-Line Access and Retrieval (UW Oshkosh new)
- Sonet - Synchronous Optical NETwork
- SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
- SOS - Student Opinion Surveys (UW Oshkosh)
or Sophisticated disk Operating System (Apple III)
- SPA - Software Publishers Association
- SPARC - Standards Planning and Requirements Committee
Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition
Scalable Processor ARChitecture (Sun)
- SPC - Statistical Process Control
- SPG - Service Protocol Gateway (Novell)
- SPM - State Project Manager (Wis.)
- SPSS-X - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences eXtended
(at UW Oshkosh: VAX old, Windows new)
- SPX - Sequenced Packet Exchange (Novell)
- SQL - Structured Query Language
- SRAM - Static Random Access Memory
- SRL - System Reference Library (the Lab manual racks)
- SS - Single Side floppy disk
- SSA - Social Security Administration
- SSCE - Support Services Conference and Expo
- SSH - Site Security Handbook
or Secure SHell
- SSI - Small Scale Integration (2-10 circuits/chips)
or Server Side Includes
or Satellite Software International
(old name for WordPerfect Corp.)
- SSL - Secure Socket Layer
- SSP - School Software Program
- SSPA - Software Support Professionals Association
- SST - Secure Transaction Technology
- STAR - STudent Academic Report (UW Oshkosh)
- STF - Student Technology Fee (UW System)
- STM - Scientific, Technical and Medical journals
- STS - State Telephone System (Wis.)
- STP - Shielded Twisted Pair (telephone cable)
- STU - Secure Telephone Unit
- STX - Start of TeXt key <CTRL/B>
- SUB - Substitute key <CTRL/Z>
- SUL - see you later (E-Mail)
- SURAnet - Southeast University Research Assistance network
- SVA - Shared Virtual Array
- SVPA - Site Volume Purchase Agreement
- SVR4 - System V Release 4
- S/WAN - Secure Wide Area Network
- SWIB - State of Wisconsin Investment Board
- SWIFT - Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
- SWISH - Simple Web Indexing System for Humans
- SYMAP - SYnagraphic MAPping
(VAX) (obsolete)
- SYN - SYNchronous idle key <CTRL/V>
- SYSGEN - SYStem GENeration
- SYSOP - SYStem OPerator
- top / bottom of page
- TAA - Transaction Amortization Account
(UW System/ETF)
- TACACS - Terminal Access Controller Access Control System
- TAR - Tape ARchive utility
- TAUWP - The Association of University of Wisconsin Professionals (UW Oshkosh)
- TCC - Technical Consulting Center
- TCI - Tele-Communications Inc.
- TCO - Total Cost of Ownership
- TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
- TCSEC - Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria
- TEI - The Education Initiative programs
- TIA - Telecommunications Industry Association
or thanks in advance (E-Mail)
- TIAA - Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association
- TIFF - Tag Image File Format
- TIS - UW Transfer Information System
- TLA - Three-Letter Acronyms
- TLS - Transport Layer Security
- TM - Tape Mark
- TMA - The Maintenance Authority (UW Oshkosh Inventory System)
or Treasury Management Association
- TOPS - Transcendental OPerating System
- TPD - TeleProcessing Display program
- TPDDI - Twisted-Pair Distributed Data Interface
- TPU - Text Processing Utility language
- TPX - Terminal Productivity eXecutive
- TQC - Total Quality Control
- TQM - Total Quality Management (UW Oshkosh)
- TRB - Teachers Retirement Board (Wis.)
- TRE - Technology Research & Evaluation (Wis.)
- TRON project - The Real-time Operating system Nucleus
- TRS - Tandy Radio Shack
- TSO - Time Sharing Option (under
- TSR programs - Terminate and Stay Resident
- TTFN - ta ta for now (i.e. bye, see you later) (E-Mail)
- TTP - Trusted Third Party
- TTS - Transaction Tracking System (Novell)
or Telecommunications & Technical Services (UW Oshkosh) was
- TTY - TeleTYpe
- TUI - Text User Interface
- top / bottom of page
- UADSL - Universal Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
- UAE - Unrecoverable Application Error
(MS Windows)
- UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
- UCITA - Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act
- UCD - Unified Call Distribution (Ameritech)
- UCSD - University of California, San Diego
- UDI - Universal Document Identifier, old term for
- UDP - User Datagram Protocol
- UDRP - Uniform Domain name dispute Resolution Policy
- UFS - Unix File System
- UHF - Ultra High Frequency
- UIC - User Identification Code
- UIG - User Interest Group
- ULSI - Ultra Large Scale Integration (over 10,000 circuits/chip)
- UM or U/M - Unified Messaging
- UMB - Upper Memory Blocks
- UNC - Universal Naming Convention
- UND - Universal Numeric Displayer
- UNIX - there is no official meaning for the letters in this microcomputer
- UNMA - Unified Network Management Architecture
- UPC - Universal Product Code
- UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply
- URC - Uniform Resource Citation
- URI - Universal Resource Identifiers
- URN - Uniform Resource Name
- URL - Uniform (or Universal) Resource Locator
- US - Unit Separator key <CTRL/_>
- USAN - University SAtellite Network
- USNO - U. S. Naval Observatory
- USP - University Scholars Program (UW Oshkosh)
- USRH - United Students in Residence Halls (UW Oshkosh)
- USPS - United States Postal Service
- USPTO - United States Patent and Trademark Office
- USRT - Universal Synchronous Receiver/Transmitter
- UTIC - Undergraduate Teaching Improvement Council (UW System)
(now: OPID)
- UTP - Unshielded Twisted Pair (telephone cable)
- UUCP - Unix to Unix
Copying Protocol
- UW - University of Wisconsin
- UWLI - UW Learning Innovations (UW System)
- UWO - University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (obsolete slang which
must not to be used in any official UW Oshkosh documents)
- UWPC - UW Processing Center (UW System)
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- VADD - Value-Added Disk Drivers
- VAP - Value-Added Process
- VAR - Value-Added Re-seller
or Value-Added Resource
- VAX - Virtual Address eXtension
(DEC computer)
see Alpha
- VaxA - an inaccurate name for the UW Oshkosh
Alpha computer. We have not had a
VAX model computer on campus since 1995.
This is an obsolete legacy term from the time we had
3 computers called VaxA, VaxB and VaxC.
- VAXsim - VAX System Integrity Monitor
- VBA - Visual Basic for Applications
- VDSL - Very-high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
- VDT - Video Display Terminal
- VDU - Visual Display Unit (video terminal)
- VGA - Video Gate Array
PS/2 display board)
- VINES - VIrtual NEtwork operation System (Banyan)
- VITAL - Virtually Integrated Technical Architecture Lifestyle (Apple)
- VLF - Very Low Frequency
- VLIW - Very Long Instruction Word
- VLM - Virtual Loadable Module (Novell)
- VLSI - Very Large Scale Integration (1,000-10,000 circuits/chip)
- VMEC - Voice Messaging Education Committee
- VMS - Virtual Memory System
11/780 OS)
(DEC MicroVAX 3100 OS)
(DEC AlphaServer OS)
(Compaq AlphaServer OS)
- VM/SP - Virtual Machine/System Product
- VNET - an IBM internal Network
- VOICE - Varsity Oshkosh Intensive Course in English (UW Oshkosh)
- VP - Vice President
- VPA - Volume Procurement Amendment
- VPN - Virtual Private Network
- VR - Virtual Reality
- VRU - Voice Response Unit
- VSAM - Virtual Sequential Access Method
- VSOS - Virtual Storage Operating System
- VT - Virtual Terminal
or Vertical Tab key <CTRL/K>
- VTOC - Volume Table of Contents
- VUPs - Vax Units of Performance
(DEC's replacement for
- VXML - Voice eXtensible Markup Language
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- W3C - World Wide Web Consortium
- W2K - Windows 2000 operating system
- WACADA - Wisconsin Academic Advising Association
- WAIS - Wide Area Information Service (or Server)
- WAN - Wide Area Network
- WAP - Wireless Application Protocol
- WATFOR - univ. of WATerloo, ontario FORtran
- WBEM - Web Based Enterprise Management
- WBT - Web Based Training:
- WCB - Web Course in a Box
- WCIS - Wisconsin Career Information Service
- WCM - World Class Manufacturing
- WCOA - Wisconsin Coalition of Annuitants
- WebDAV - Distributed Authoring and Versioning
- WEAC - Wisconsin Education Association Council
- WE/ED - Weekend/Evening Degree Program
(see Center for New Learning)
- WEF - World Economic Forum
- WELL - Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link
- WIDL - Web Interface Definition Language
- WISC - Wisconsin Integrated Software Catalog (UW System)
- WiscNet - WISConsin NETwork
- WISDM - WISconsin Data Mart (UW System)
[replaced Advantage General Ledger, 7-01-2001]
- WITPA - Wisconsin Information Technology Processing Utility (Wis.)
- WNIM - Wide area Network Interface Module
- WORM - Write-Once-Read-Many (type of disk drive)
- WP - Word Processing
- WRS - Wisconsin Retirement System
- WSCA - Western States Contracting Alliance
- WSEU - Wisconsin State Employees Union
- WSH - Windows Scripting Host
- WSRCC - Wilson Street Regional Computing Center (Wis.)
- WTCS - Wisconsin Technical College System
- WWBLS - Wisconsin Web-Based Learning System
- WWHEL - Wisconsin Women in Higher Education Leadership (UW Oshkosh)
- WWW - World Wide Web
- WYN - Wisconsin Youth in Nursing - (UW Oshkosh)
- WYSIWYG - What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (whi'-zy-wig)
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- XA - eXtended Architecture
- XCOFF - eXtended Common Object File Format
- XML - eXtensible Markup Language
- XMS - eXtended Memory Specification
- XNS - Xerox Network System
- XOFF - <CTRL/S> key press (handshake)
- XON - <CTRL/Q> key press (handshake)
- XOR - eXclusive OR
- XP - eXPerience (Windows OS)
- XQP - eXtended QIO Processor
- XRF - eXtended Recovery Facility
- XSL - eXtensible Style Language
- XSSI - eXtended Server-Side Includes
- X25NET - X.25 Network
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- Y2K - Year 2000 (refers to the 2 digit year computer problem)
- YES - Young Entrepreneurs Society (UW Oshkosh)
- YMMV - your mileage may vary (E-Mail)
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- ZIP Code - Zoned Improvement Plan
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- 3DGF - 3-D Geometry File (graphics file format)
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- 4GL - 4th Generation Language (eg.
UW Oshkosh Campus Building Codes
A - Albee Hall
AC - Arts & Communication Center
BLC - Blackhawk Commons
C - Clow Social Science Center (pronounced to rhyme with throw)
CF - Clow Faculty
CL - Ceramics Lab
D - Dempsey Hall
FMC - Facilities Management Center
FS - Field Studies
G - Gruenhagen Conference Center
H - Harrington Hall
HP - Heating Plant
HS - Halsey Science Center
HW - Hazardous Waste Building
K - Kolf Physical Education Center
MEC - Multicultural Education Center
NE - Nursing/Education Building
OH - Oviatt House
P - Polk Library
PAH - Pollock Alumni House
R - Reeve Union
RC - River Commons
RH - Radford Hall
S - Swart Hall
UPD - University Police Department
On selected pages, I am deleting selected links to other domains. Because
of my advanced age, in the not all that distant future, maintaining this site
may become impossible due to poor health, or passing away. I have paid domain
and hosting fees in advance for several years, so this site will remain
on-line, and hopefully it will be still useful for many years to come. But
when the time comes and updates can no longer be made, dead links to other
sites, which can never be corrected, will impair the ease of accessing the
information on this domain.
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331
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Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.