World Concert Artist Directory
International Directory of Musicians

Anne Roos

Celtic harp

Anne Roos Anne Roos has been performing professionally on the Celtic Harp since 1983. She began her career at Renaissance fairs and quickly became a popular soloist for weddings and parties, as well as business and promotional events. She has performed throughout the United States, and has performed for several dignitaries, including the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Ireland. Complimentary audio and video demonstration tapes are available for your review.

Contact details and further information

For further information about Anne Roos see her website

E-mail: from World Concert Artist Directory

Telephone: (+1) (800) 255-6318, (530) 577-3005

"File Archived on 5:59:46 Jul 4, 2008". It was "retrieved from the Internet Archive on 11:34:28 Sep 16, 2012" by Doug Henkle