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First Congregational Church, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Chancel Choir Anthems in Date Order 2010-2014

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      These historical pages list past anthems performed by the Chancel Choir of the First Congregational Church of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. All Services are on Sunday morning except as noted.
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Chancel Choir Anthems in Title Order - Chancel Choir Members - Master List of Musicians, Pastors, etc.

| 1980-84 - 1985-89 - 1990-94 - 1995-99 - 2000-04 - 2005-09   || 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 || 2015-19 |

      See the Chancel Choir Anthems in Title Order page for possible links to information about the Composer, Lyricist or Arranger for each title listed below, or the Classical, Broadway, Film and Choral Composers for these and many more names.

(n) = All Chancel Choir members were listed in the Church Service Bulletin
mm-dd-yyyy - ? = I have no copy of this Bulletin (I have a saved copy of the Bulletin for every other date listed)
** = all information is from the copy in the FCC Archives
Joanne Peterson: Chancel Choir Director and Organist

  1. 12-24-2014 (Wed. 7:30 pm) - Go, Tell it on the Mountain - American folk song arr. John Rutter
          Away in a Manger - English folk song, setting by Susan T. Nelson
  2. 12-21-2014 - Children of Light, Rejoice! - Ken Medema
  3. 12-14-2014 - Magnificat - Dietrich Buxtehude
          violin: Pat Hallquist, Joseph Kerkhoff; cello: Matt Abraham; guest Choir members: Lucas Schulz, Maria Talin, Bridget Duffy-Ulrich, Kristopher Ulrich
  4. 12-07-2014 - Come, Jesus, Holy Son of God - George Friedrich Handel, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  5. 11-30-2014 - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence - Gustav T. Holst
  6. 11-23-2014 - Summer Ended - Charles Wood
  7. 11-16-2014 - Morning Trumpet, The - B.F. White (Sacred Harp), arr. Robert P. Wetzler
  8. 11-09-2014 - If I Had One Day - James F.D. Martin
  9. 11-02-2014 - Amazing Grace - John Newton, arr. Katherine K. Davis
          Benediction - God Be With You Till We Meet Again (#434 "Chalice Hymnal")
  10. 10-26-2014 - Order My Steps - Glenn Burleigh, arr. Jack Schrader
  11. 10-19-2014 - Do Not Fear - Fred Gramann
  12. 10-12-2014 - Jesus Loves Me - arr. John Ferguson
          piano: Tanya Paulson
  13. 10-05-2014 - St. Francis Prayer - Carolyn Jennings
  14. 09-21-2014 - Give Me a Clean Heart - Margaret J. Douroux, arr. Albert Denis Tessier (#182 "Songs of Zion" songbook)
          guest Choir Director: Kelsey Tarbert; organ, piano: Tanya Paulson
  15. 09-14-2014 - Lord, It Belongs Not to My Care - Carl Schalk, Richard Baxter
  16. 09-07-2014 - God Be In My Head - Andrew Carter

  17. 07-27-2014 - Life's Railway to Heaven - Charles Davis Tillman, arr. J. Jefferson Cleveland & Verolga Nix (Summer Choir) (#68 "Songs of Zion" songbook)
  18. 06-29-2014 - I Shall Not Be Moved - trad.. arr. J. Jefferson Cleveland & Verolga Nix (Summer Choir) (#35 "Songs of Zion" songbook)
    05-18-2014 - no anthem
  19. 05-11-2014 - Psalm 86 - Carl S. Nygard, Jr.
  20. 04-20-2014 - Festival Easter Hymn on 'Grafton' - K. Lee Scott
          Lord of the Dance - arr. Sir David Valentine Willcocks (#31, p.138 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook)
          Benediction - The Lord Bless You and Keep You - Peter C. Lutkin
  21. 04-18-2014 (Good Friday) - God So Loved the World - Sir John Stainer
  22. 04-13-2014 - One Lonely Night - Joseph M. Martin
  23. 04-06-2014 - When We Are Tempted to Deny Your Son - Zebulon M. Highben, text: David W. Romig
          God So Loved the World - Sir John Stainer
  24. 03-30-2014 - Create In Me, O God, A Pure Heart - Johannes Brahms
  25. 03-23-2014 - The Lone, Wild Bird - A Southern Folk Tune, arr. David N. Johnson, text: Henry Richard McFadyen
          soprano: Kelsey Tarbert
          Benediction - A Gaelic Blessing - John Rutter
  26. 03-16-2014 - How Can I Keep From Singing - trad., arr. Ronald Staheli
  27. 03-09-2014 - Offertory - John Ness Beck
  28. 03-02-2014 - How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place (Psalm 84) - Robert J. Powell
  29. 02-23-2014 - Rejoice in the Lord Alway - Henry Purcell

  1. 12-24-2013 (Tue. 7:30 pm) - In the Bleak Midwinter - Gustav T. Holst (#39, p.173 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook)
          Good Christian Men, Rejoice - German 14th-cent. arr. John Rutter
  2. 12-08-2013 - Keep Silence - arr. John Helgen
  3. 11-24-2013 - A Psalm of Praise - Benjamin Harlan, adapted from Psalms 103 and 150
  4. 11-17-2013 - Union - American Folk Hymn, arr. Daniel C. Meyer
          piano: Madison McCarney
  5. 11-10-2013 - If I Forget, Yet God Remembers - Daniel Pederson, words: Robert Browning
          Benediction - A Clare Benediction - John Rutter
  6. 11-03-2013 - Sing to the Lord a New Song - Franz Joseph Haydn, paraphrased & arr. Hal H. Hopson
          Benediction - A Clare Benediction - John Rutter
  7. 10-27-2013 - Blessed Assurance - Fanny J. Crosby & Phoebe P. Knapp, arr. Mark Hayes
  8. 10-13-2013 - One Faith, One Hope, One Lord - Craig Courtney, based on Ephesians 4:4-6,13
  9. 10-06-2013 - With a Voice of Singing - Martin Shaw
  10. 09-29-2013 - Psalm 86 - Carl Nygard, Jr.
          Benediction - The Lord Bless You and Keep You - Peter C. Lutkin
  11. 09-22-2013 - Come Down Lord - Stan Pethel
  12. 09-15-2013 - Blest Are They Whose Spirits Long - George Friedrich Handel, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  13. 09-08-2013 - The Shepherd Psalm - John Carter, arr. Mary Kay Beall

  14. 07-28-2013 - Steal Away - trad. (#134 "Songs of Zion" songbook) (Summer Choir)
  15. 05-19-2013 - Pentecost Hymn - Edvard Grieg, arr. Bradley Ellingboe
  16. 05-12-2013 - Dear God - music: Daniel Kallman, text: Herbert Brokering
  17. 05-05-2013 - If Ye Love Me - Thomas Tallis, ed. Christopher Johns
  18. 04-28-2013 - I Want Jesus to Walk With Me - African-American Spiritual, arr. Lloyd Larson
  19. 04-21-2013 - Blessed Quietness - William S. Marshall, words: Marie P. Ferguson, arr. J. Jefferson Cleveland & Verolga Nix
  20. 04-14-2013 - Christ Hath a Garden - Gerald Near
  21. 03-31-2013 - Christ the Lord Is Ris'n Today - Eleanor Daley
  22. 03-24-2013 - One Lonely Night - Joseph M. Martin
  23. 03-17-2013 - Requiem - Bradley Ellingboe
          soprano: Molly Schlaak; cello: Matt Abraham; oboe: Gretchen Hermann
  24. 03-03-2013 - Like as the Hart Desireth the Water Brooks - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
          Student Director: Amy Hartl
          The MacDowell Male Chorus sang three anthems in the service.
  25. 02-24-2013 - I Will Arise - Joseph Hart, arr. Daniel Ashley White
          viola: Steve Schani
  26. 02-17-2013 - Awake My Heart - Jane M. Marshall
          Alleluia (#106 "Chalice Hymnal"), with the Faith in Motion Choir (Director: Missy Allen)
  27. 02-10-2013 - The Call - Ralph Vaughan Williams, arr. Douglas E. Wagner, words: George Herbert
  28. 02-03-2013 - O Dearest Friend - Kenneth T. Kosche, based on "Londonderry Air", Jaroslav J. Vajda
  29. 01-20-2013 - Order My Steps - Glenn Burleigh, arr. Jack Schrader
  30. 01-13-2013 - Winter Carol - Austin C. Lovelace
          Guest Chancel Choir Director: Christina Conn; Guest Organist: Ellie Thomas
  31. 01-06-2013 - O Morning Star - Harmony: Johann Sebastian Bach, melody: Phillipp Nicolai, trans: Catherine Winkworth
          There Shall a Star Come Out of Jacob - Felix Mendelssohn

    12-16-2012 - no anthem
  1. 12-09-2012 - Walk in the Light - arr. Andre J. Thomas, refrain: George D. Elderkin, stanzas: Charles Wesley
    12-02-2012 - no anthem
          performance of "Old Befana" by Ken Lonnquist & Friends with David Adler, Anne Katz, Tom Pease, Joanne Schilling
  2. 11-25-2012 - Sing Ye Praises to Our King - Aaron Copland
  3. 11-18-2012 - Psalm and Alleluia - Johann Pachelbel, arr. John Purifoy
          Benediction - Dismissal Sentence "God Be With You" - Dale Wood (p. 10, #12, "Affirmations for Worship")
  4. 11-11-2012 - A Canticle for Peace - Patrick Meyer
          with the Handbell Choir directed by Patrick Meyer
  5. 11-04-2012 - A Canticle of Peace - Joseph W. Clokey
  6. 10-28-2012 - My Song Shall Be Alway - Gerald Near, from Psalm 89
          Benediction - A Gaelic Blessing - John Rutter, words: an old Gaelic rune
  7. 10-21-2012 - As the Hart Longeth - R. Evan Copley
  8. 10-14-2012 - Come Build a Church - Ken Medema
          Benediction - A Gaelic Blessing - John Rutter, words: an old Gaelic rune
  9. 10-07-2012 - Speak to One Another - Jean Berger
          Benediction - A Gaelic Blessing - John Rutter
  10. 09-30-2012 - Here Am I, Send Me - Frank J. Wells
  11. 09-23-2012 - God Be In My Head - Andrew Carter
  12. 09-16-2012 - Day by Day - arr. Bradley Ellingboe, music: Oskar Ahnfelt, text: Carolina Sandell Berg, trans. Robert Leaf,
          Benediction - Dismissal Sentence "May the Grace of Christ" - Dale Wood (p. 9, #10, "Affirmations for Worship")
  13. 09-09-2012 - Come All Who Thirst - Luigi Cherubini, arr. Hal H. Hopson
          Guest Chancel Choir Director: Christina Conn; Guest Organist: Ellie Thomas

  14. 07-22-2012 - ? (Summer Choir, title not in Bulletin)
  15. 05-20-2012 - Rain Down - Jaime Cortez
          soprano: Christina Conn
  16. 05-06-2012 - Ain't that Good News - trad. spiritual, arr. Moses Hogan, ed. John Purifoy (p. 3 "Ain't that Good News" songbook)
  17. 04-29-2012 - My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me - words: W.C. Martin, music: Charles H. Gabriel, arr. J. Jefferson Cleveland & Verolga Nix (#69 "Songs of Zion" songbook)
  18. 04-22-2012 - Dear God - Daniel Kallman, text: Herbert Brokering
  19. 04-08-2012 - This Joyful Eastertide - Alec Wyton
          Benediction - The Lord Bless You and Keep You - Peter C. Lutkin
  20. 04-01-2012 - The Potter's Field - William Beckstrand, Halgrimur Petursson, Gracia Grindal
          soprano saxophone: Mitchell Borchardt
  21. 03-25-2012 - Requiem - Gabriel Faure
          soprano: Christina Conn; baritone: Jon Westbrook
  22. 03-18-2012 - Brother James's Air - arr. C. Armstrong Gibbs
          Prayer Response - Hear Thou Our Prayer, O Lord - arr. Peter D. Tkach
  23. 03-11-2012 - O Dearest Friend - Kenneth T. Kosche
          viola: Laura Rooney
  24. 03-04-2012 - Come All Who Thirst - Luigi Cherubini, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  25. 02-26-2012 - As Pants the Hart (Deer) - Jonathan Adams
          Prayer Response - Hear Thou Our Prayer, O Lord - arr. Peter D. Tkach
  26. 02-19-2012 - Lord, Don't Move This Mountain - Mahalia Jackson, Doris Akers
  27. 02-12-2012 - Dear Lord and Father - C. Hubert H. Parry
          Benediction - A Gaelic Benediction - Jerry A. Ulrich
  28. 01-29-2012 - How Can I Keep From Singing? - trad., arr. Jeffrey Honore
  29. 01-15-2012 - Bow Down Low - arr. David Bridges
          Prayer Response - Hear Thou Our Prayer, O Lord - arr. Peter D. Tkach
          Guest Director, organ: Bridget Duffy

  1. 12-11-2011 Lord of the Dance - arr. Sir David Valentine Willcocks (#31, p.138 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook)
          The Cherry Tree Carol - arr. Sir David Valentine Willcocks (#46, p.200 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook)
          Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming - arr. Michael Praetorius (#50, p.210 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook)
  2. 12-04-2011 - Savior of the Nations, Come - arr. Robert Benson, music: Ambrose of Milan & Martin Luther
          Benediction - Dismissal Sentence "May the Grace of Christ" - Dale Wood (p. 9, #10, "Affirmations for Worship")
  3. 11-27-2011 - Prepare Ye - Marc A. Robinson
          with tenor: Jonathan Del Ray; percussion: Jonathan Gibson, Max Bossert, Zoe Bossert
          Benediction - Dismissal Sentence "May the Grace of Christ" - Dale Wood (p. 9, #10, "Affirmations for Worship")
  4. 11-20-2011 - Come, Ye Thankful People, Come - arr. (setting) Joel Raney, music: George J. Elvey
          Benediction - The Lord Bless You and Keep You - Peter C. Lutkin
  5. 11-13-2011 - Shall We Gather at the River / Deep River - arr. (setting by) John Carter, based on Hanson Place by Robert Lowry (1864), and Deep River, trad.
  6. 11-06-2011 - Day by Day - arr. Bradley Ellingboe, music:Oskar Ahnfelt, text: Carolina Sandell Berg, trans. Robert Leaf
    10-30-2011 - no anthem (2nd Servapalooza)
  7. 10-23-2011 - Give Me a Clean Heart - Margaret J. Douroux, arr. John Helgen
  8. 10-16-2011 - Go Down, Moses (#663 "Chalice Hymnal") - African-American Spiritual
          Benediction - Go in Peace and the Peace of God - Kenneth E. White, words: Barber L. Waters (#445 "Chalice Hymnal")
  9. 10-09-2011 - Glorious Forever - Sergei Rachmaninoff, from the Russian of Nikolay Alexeyevich Nekrasov, trans. Nathan Haskell Dole
          misspelled in the music Nikolai Aleksyevitch Nekrasof
  10. 10-02-2011 - Amazing Grace - John Newton, arr. Katherine K. Davis
  11. 09-25-2011 - Ever With Me - Gwyneth Walker
  12. 09-18-2011 - Blest Are They Whose Spirits Long - George Friedrich Handel, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  13. 09-11-2011 - Peace Song with We Shall Overcome - Greg Gilpin

  14. 07-24-2011 - It Is Well With My Soul - Horatio G. Spafford 1828-1888, words: P.P. Bliss 1838-1876 (#20 "Songs of Zion" songbook)
          Steal Away - trad. (#134 "Songs of Zion" songbook)
  15. 07-17-2011 - His Eye Is on the Sparrow - Charles H. Gabriel, words: Civilla D. Martin (#33 "Songs of Zion" songbook)
          Standin' in the Need of Prayer - trad. (#110 "Songs of Zion" songbook)
  16. 07-10-2011 - My Lord! What a Morning - trad., harmonies: Verolga Nix 1933- (#145 "Songs of Zion" songbook)
          Love Lifted Me - James Rowe 1865-1933, words: Howard E. Smith 1863-1918 (#71 "Songs of Zion" songbook)
  17. 05-22-2011 - Happy in the Lord - arr. Alice Parker
  18. 05-15-2011 - Christ Hath a Garden - Gerald Near
          Benediction - A Gaelic Benediction - Jerry A. Ulrich, with the Faith in Motion Choir
  19. 05-08-2011 - So Like the Wind ... - John Harmon
          piano: Bridget Duffy
    05-01-2011 - no anthem
  20. 04-10-2011 - St. Teresa's Bookmark - Edward Tyler, words: St. Teresa of Avila, translation: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  21. 04-03-2011 - When Jesus Wept - William Billings
  22. 03-27-2011 - Awake My Heart - Jane M. Marshall, words: Paulus Gerhardt, 1647, translated: Winfred Douglas
  23. 03-20-2011 - Sheep May Safely Graze - Johann Sebastian Bach, arr. Katherine K. Davis
  24. 03-13-2011 - Blessed Quietness - W.S. Marshall, words: Marie P. Ferguson, arr. J. Jefferson Cleveland, Verolga Nix (#206 "Songs of Zion" songbook)
  25. 03-06-2011 - To Thee We Sing - arr. Peter D. Tkach "from the Liturgy of the Russian Church"
  26. 02-27-2011 - May the Peace of the Lord - Douglas E. Wagner
          with the Handbell Choir
  27. 02-20-2011 - God is a God - arr. Verolga Nix (#140 "Songs of Zion" songbook)
  28. 02-13-2011 - Elijah Rock - arr. Jester Hairston
    02-06-2011 - no anthem
  29. 01-30-2011 - Canon of Praise - Johann Pachelbel, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  30. 01-23-2011 - Sweet Hour of Prayer - William W. Walford, William B. Bradbury, arr. Larry Beebe
  31. 01-16-2011 - No Hands But Yours - J. Jerome Williams
  32. 01-09-2011 - Winter Carol - Austin C. Lovelace
  33. 01-02-2011 - Emmanuel - God With Us - arr. Robert Young
          I. Veni, Veni, Emmanuel
          II. The Song of Mary - Magnificat
          (Rescheduled from 12-12-2010 - Snow Day)

    12-26-2010 - no anthem
  1. 12-24-2010 - Incarnate Love - Christina Rosetti, Robert Young
          In the Bleak Midwinter - Harold Darke, words: Christina Rossetti (#40, p.174 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook)
    12-19-2010 - no anthem
    12-12-2010 - Snow Day, Church canceled
  2. 12-05-2010 - There Shall a Star From Jacob Shine - arr. Joy Patterson
  3. 11-28-2010 - Come, Jesus, Holy Son of God - George Friedrich Handel, arr. Hal H. Hopson
    11-21-2010 - no anthem
  4. 11-14-2010 - Praise to the Lord, The Almighty - Mark Hayes
  5. 11-07-2010 - The Lone, Wild Bird - Graham
  6. 10-31-2010 - But the Lord is Mindful of His Own - Felix Mendelssohn
  7. 10-24-2010 - I Will Sing With the Spirit - John Rutter
  8. 10-17-2010 - With a Voice of Singing - Martin Shaw
    10-10-2010 - no anthem (Together Sunday / 1st Servapalooza) **
  9. 10-03-2010 - Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying - Ken Medema
  10. 09-26-2010 - The Morning Trumpet - B.F. White, arr. Robert Wetzler
          trumpet: Kristin Masarik
  11. 09-19-2010 - Carry Me Home - arr. Jean Anne Shafferman
  12. 09-12-2010 - Thanks Be To Thee - George Friedrich Handel

  13. 05-23-2010 - Pentecost Hymn - Edvard Grieg, arr. Bradley Ellingboe
  14. 05-16-2010 - I Want Jesus to Walk With Me - African-American Spiritual, arr. Lloyd Larson
          Guest Director: Christina Conn
  15. 05-09-2010 - Canon of Praise - Johann Pachelbel, arr. Hal H. Hopson **
          Guest Director: Christina Conn; organ: Bridget Duffy
  16. 05-02-2010 - The Gift of Love - arr. Hal H. Hopson **
  17. 04-25-2010 - Come, You Who Are Filled - Gwen McLeod Hall **
          piano: Bridget Duffy; oboe: Emily Helvering
  18. 04-18-2010 - For the Beauty of the Earth - arr. Gary Fry **
          with the Angel and Handbell Choirs, Ensemble Director: Christina Conn
    04-11-2010 - no anthem **
  19. 04-04-2010 - An Easter Hodie - Donald Hustad, words: Timothy Dudley-Smith
          trumpets: Lisa Zemlock, Matt Key; baritone saxophone: Ron Olson; trombone: Brian Key
    03-28-2010 - no anthem **
  20. 03-21-2010 - Choral Sermon **
          Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley (#211 "Chalice Hymnal") - American Spiritual, arr. Bill Thomas
          Sometimes I Feel - Spiritual, arr. Alice Parker, Robert Shaw
          At the Cry of the First Bird - Grant Fletcher, Ancient Irish Text
          The Seven Last Words - John Harmon
          God So Loved the World - Sir John Stainer
  21. 03-14-2010 - Awake My Heart - Jane M. Marshall, words: Paulus Gerhardt, 1647, translated: Winfred Douglas
  22. 03-07-2010 - We Will Lay Our Burden Down - John L. Bell, arr. John Ferguson
          Guest Director: Christina Conn; flute: James Grine; baritone soloist: Bob Haase
  23. 02-28-2010 - The Lone, Wild Bird - A Southern Folk Tune, arr. David N. Johnson **
  24. 02-21-2010 - Alleluia - Ralph Vaughan Williams, arr. Bradley Nelson **
          with Faith in Motion Choir (Director: Missy Allen)
  25. 02-14-2010 - If Ye Love Me - Thomas Tallis, ed. Christopher Johns **
  26. 02-07-2010 - Lord, I Want to Be a Christian - trad. spiritual, arr. Moses Hogan [.FCC]FCC_PAST_SERMONS_0004.SHTML
  27. 01-31-2010 - Is Any Afflicted? - William Billings **
  28. 01-24-2010 - There Shall a Star Come Out of Jacob - Felix Mendelssohn **
  29. 01-17-2010 - I Want Jesus to Walk With Me - African-American Spiritual, arr. Lloyd Larson **
  30. 01-10-2010 - Standin' in the Need of Prayer - trad. ** (#110 "Songs of Zion" songbook)
          Guest Director, organ: Laurel Sanders
  31. 01-03-2010 - The Morning Trumpet - B.F. White, arr. Robert Wetzler **
          trumpet: Mary Thornton


Please send additions/corrections for this page to Doug Henkle, Choir Member / Webmaster.
Chancel Choir Anthems in Title Order - Chancel Choir Members

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Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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