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First Congregational Church, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Chancel Choir Anthems in Title Order

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Chancel Choir Anthems in Date Order - Chancel Choir Members - Master List of Musicians, Pastors, etc.

      This page is a work in progress. 1990, 1991, and 1995-2011 are complete. I am slowly going through all of the Church Service Bulletins in the Church Archives. There are a few selected titles listed here from 1975-1989*, 1992-1994*, some of which are extended length Christmas or Easter works. Performances of seven other works in the 1894-1986 period were documented in the 1999 FCC History book.
      This page lists title, composer and date(s) only. See the "in Date Order" pages (by selecting a year) for possible instrumentalists, soloists, and accompanists / directors, if other than Joanne Peterson, who accompanied (1968-date) or directed and accompanied (1984-date) the Chancel Choir on every anthem, except as noted.

Choir Anthem Scans in Title Order

      [ #nn ], e.g. "[ #A02 ]" = every title has been assigned a unique permanent anchor code so each title can be linked to individually. Cut and paste the anchor shown at the end of the URL at the top of the browser, as:

title (in bold) = extended length Christmas or Easter works
date (in bold) = anthems performed more than once
    The most frequently performed Anthems
    "Pilgrim Hymnal" 1967-2001 - "Chalice Hymnal" 2001-
    "Songs of Zion" songbook 2006- - "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook 1995-

Click on the first letter of the Anthem title:
| A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M |
| N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z |
| 1945(0) | 1946(0) | 1947(1) | 1948(0) | 1949(5) |
| 1975(0) - 1976(0) - 1977(0) - 1978(2) - 1979(2) |
| 1980(1) - 1981(1) - 1982(0) - 1983(7) - 1984(2) |
| 1985(0) - 1986(1) - 1987(3) - 1988(2) - 1989(2) |
| 1990** - 1991** - 1992(16) - 1993(0) - 1994(1) |
| 1995** - 1996** - 1997** - 1998** - 1999** |
| 2000** - 2001** - 2002** - 2003** - 2004** |
| 2005** - 2006** - 2007** - 2008** - 2009** |
| 2010** - 2011** - 2012*(29) - 2013*(31) - 2014*(29) |
| 2015*(29) - 2016** - 2017** |
   * = (mostly) complete years, all other years have only a few anthems, or none
   ** = (actually) complete years, as verified by checking every Bulletin as saved in the Church Archives

  1. Abide with Me ( Wikipedia) - trad. spiritual, arr. Moses Hogan, ed. John Purifoy (p. 12 "Ain't that Good News" songbook) - scans -- 11-02-2008 (1) [ #atgn12 ]
  2. Abide with Me - Gilbert M. Martin -- 03-03-1996, 03-14-1999 (2) [ #A02 ]
  3. African Noel - Andre J. Thomas -- 12-22-1996 (1) [ #A03 ]
  4. African Processional - collected by Elaine Hanson, arr. Ralph M. Johnson, add. verses by Bret Hesla -- 11-23-2003 (1) [ #A04 ]
  5. Ain't that Good News - trad. spiritual, arr. Moses Hogan, ed. John Purifoy (p. 3 "Ain't that Good News" songbook) - scans -- 11-10-2002, 05-06-2012 (2) [ #atgn03 ]
  6. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name - Hal H. Hopson -- 11-10-1996 (1) [ #A06 ]
  7. Alleluia - Ralph Vaughan Williams, arr. Bradley Nelson -- 02-29-2004, 04-11-2004, 02-21-2010 (3) [ #A07 ]
  8. Alleluia - Jerry Sinclair (#106 "Chalice Hymnal") -- 02-17-2013 (1) [ #Chalice106 ]
  9. Alleluia, Alleluia! - Donald Fishel (p. 32 "Give Thanks" Songbook) -- 02-09-2003 (1) [ #A08 ]
  10. Alleluia, Alleluia! Give Thanks - ? (p. 549 Songbook) -- 10-13-1996 (1) [ #A09 ]
  11. Alleluia from "Exsultate, Jubilate" - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, arr. Wallingford Riegger -- 02-16-1997 (1) [ #A10 ]
  12. Amazing Grace ( Wikipedia) - adapted from John Newton, early American melody, arr. Katherine K. Davis - scans -- 03-17-1996, 03-19-2006, 10-11-2009, 10-02-2011, 11-02-2014 (5) [ #A11 ]
  13. Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) ( Wikipedia) - Traditional Americon melody, text: John Newton, additional words and music: Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio, arr. Tom Fettke -- 04-24-2016 (1) [ #A23 ]
  14. Amazing Grace ( Wikipedia) - arr. Mark Hayes Wis. -- 11-16-2008 (1) [ #A12 ]
  15. America the Beautiful - Calvin Hampton -- 05-26-2002 (1) [ #A13 ]
  16. And All the Earth Shall Own Him Lord - C. Hubert H. Parry -- 02-25-1990 (1) [ #A14 ]
  17. And the Glory of the Lord - George Friedrich Handel -- 11-30-2008 (1) [ #A15 ]
  18. Angels, From the Realms of Glory - John Gardner -- 12-24-2007 (1) [ #A16 ]
    Angelus ad Virginem - (see: Gabriel to Mary Came)
  19. Arise, Shine for Thy Light Has Come - Kenneth Jennings -- 10-09-1983, 11-26-1995 (2) [ #A17 ]
  20. As the Hart Longeth (Psalm 42) - R. Evan Copley - scans -- 09-30-1990, 01-26-1997, 11-21-1999, 02-03-2008, 10-21-2012, 09-13-2015 (6) [ #A18 ]
  21. As Pants the Hart (Deer) - Jonathan Adams -- 02-26-2012, 05-03-2015, 01-29-2017 (3) [ #A01 ]
  22. At the Cry of the First Bird - Grant Fletcher, Ancient Irish Text -- 03-21-2010 (1) [ #A19 ]
  23. Ave Maria - David Halls -- 12-11-2005, 12-09-2007 (2) [ #A20 ]
  24. Ave Verum - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -- 05-10-1998, 03-11-2001 (2) [ #A21 ]
  25. Awake, My Heart - Jane M. Marshall, words: Paulus Gerhardt, translated: Winfred Douglas - YouTube -- 02-09-1997, 09-07-1997, 03-15-1998, 03-07-1999, 03-04-2001, 02-13-2005, 03-14-2010, 03-27-2011, 02-17-2013, 03-15-2015 (10) [ #A22 ]
  26. Away in a Manger - English folk song, setting by Susan T. Nelson -- 12-24-2014 (1) [ #A05 ]
  27. Bambino, O - Remo Capra and Anthony Velona -- 12-24-2003 (1) [ #B01 ]
  28. Battle Hymn of the Republic - arr. Del Baroni -- 07-11-1999 (1) [ #B02 ]
  29. Battle Hymn of the Republic - arr. Waring Series: Fred Waring -- 05-29-1949 (1) [ #B19 ]
  30. Be Joyful, O - Healey Willan -- 02-09-1992 (1) [ #B03 ]
  31. Beautiful Morn, O - Edvard Grieg, ed./adapted: Bradley Ellingboe -- 03-05-2000, 01-13-2008 (2) [ #B04 ]
  32. Behold, Your Risen King! - Charles Yannerella -- 04-12-1998, 04-20-2003 (2) [ #B05 ]
    Bell Anthem, The - Henry Purcell (see Rejoice in the Lord Alway)
  33. Bird, The - William Billings -- 03-16-1997 (1) [ #B06 ]
  34. Bless the Lord, All Works of the Lord - Carlton R. Young -- 01-26-1992, 01-29-1995, 04-10-2005 (3) [ #B07 ]
  35. Blessed Assurance - Fanny J. Crosby & Phoebe P. Knapp, arr. Mark Hayes Wis. - YouTube -- 10-27-2013 (1) [ #B18 ]
  36. Blessed Be the Name of the Lord - Dale Grotenhuis Wis. - scans -- (1) [ #B16 ]
  37. Blessed Quietness - William S. Marshall, words: Marie P. Ferguson, arr. J. Jefferson Cleveland & Verolga Nix (#206 "Songs of Zion" songbook) -- 06-29-2008, 03-13-2011, 04-21-2013 (3) [ #Zion206 ]
  38. Blessing - Natalie Sleeth -- 03-02-1997 (1) [ #B08 ]
  39. Blessing, Glory, Wisdom and Thanks - Johann Sebastian Bach -- 09-23-1979, 10-13-1991, 05-21-2000 (3) [ #B09 ]
  40. Blest Are They Whose Spirits Long - George Friedrich Handel, arr. Hal H. Hopson - from the Oratorio "Israel in Egypt", paraphrase of Psalm 63:1,3,4, Isaiah 40:31 - scans -- 10-30-1983, 03-01-1992, 02-12-1995, 02-15-1998, 01-09-2000, 10-29-2000, 10-16-2005, 11-08-2009, 09-18-2011, 09-15-2013, 09-27-2015, 09-18-2016 (12) [ #B10 ]
  41. Bow Down Low (Shaker Song) - arr. David Bridges -- 01-22-1989, 09-16-1990, 10-06-1991, 09-15-1996, 01-17-1999, 01-16-2000, 01-26-2003, 02-01-2004, 09-18-2005, 01-14-2007, 02-24-2008, 03-01-2009, 01-15-2012, 03-06-2016 (14) [ #B11 ]
  42. Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light - Johann Sebastian Bach -- 12-24-1997 (1) [ #B12 ]
  43. Brother James's Air - arr. C. Armstrong Gibbs -- 05-20-1990, 04-21-1996, 10-24-1999, 02-19-2006, 10-04-2009, 03-18-2012 (6) [ #B13 ]
  44. Brother Man!, O - Roy Ringwald -- 01-22-1995 (1) [ #B14 ] ,
  45. Brothers and Sisters, Farewell - Monte Mason - scans -- (1) [ #B17 ]
  46. But the Lord is Mindful of His Own - Felix Mendelssohn -- 02-27-2000, 10-31-2010 (2) [ #B15 ]
  47. Call, The - Ralph Vaughan Williams, arr. Douglas E. Wagner, words: George Herbert - scans -- 03-13-2005, 10-02-2005, 10-05-2008, 02-10-2013, 10-02-2016 (5) [ #C01 ]
  48. Call to Worship (Introit) - Dale Wood (p. 4, #2, "Choral Sentences for Worship") -- 10-06-1991 (1) [ #csfw2 ]
  49. Canon of Praise - Johann Pachelbel, arr. Hal H. Hopson -- 06-25-2000, 09-17-2000, 09-09-2001, 10-17-2004, 09-24-2006, 10-14-2007, 05-09-2010, 01-30-2011 (8) [ #C02 ]
  50. Cantante Domino - Hans Leo Hassler -- 02-18-1990, 11-16-1997 (2) [ #C03 ]
  51. Cantata for Christmas - John Gardner -- 12-22-1991 (1) [ #C04 ]
  52. Cantata No. 4: Christ Lay in Death's Dark Prison - Johann Sebastian Bach -- 04-02-1995 (1) [ #C05 ]
  53. Cantata No. 106 - Johann Sebastian Bach -- 04-01-1979 (B) (1) [ #C06 ]
  54. Cantata No. 140: Wachet Auf (Sleepers Wake) - Johann Sebastian Bach -- 12-14-1997 (1) [ #C07 ]
  55. Cantata No. 142: For Unto Us a Child is Born - Johann Sebastian Bach -- 12-12-1999 (1) [ #C08 ]
  56. Cantemos al Creador - Carlos Rosas -- 10-06-1996 (1) [ #C09 ]
  57. Canticle for Peace, A - Patrick Meyer Wis. (for Chancel Choir and Handbell Choir) (composed in memory of Harry Koster) -- 11-11-2012 (1) [ #C34 ]
  58. Canticle of Peace, A - Joseph W. Clokey - scans -- 04-29-1990, 11-08-1998, 02-11-2001, 11-21-2004, 11-04-2012, 02-12-2017 (6) [ #C10 ]
  59. Carols of Christmas: Metaphors of the Mystery - various -- 12-14-2008 (1) [ #C11 ]
  60. Carry Me Home (incorporating Deep River and Swing Low Sweet Chariot) - arr. Jean Anne Shafferman -- 10-12-2003, 01-18-2004, 03-06-2005, 06-25-2006, 11-15-2009 09-19-2010 (6) [ #C12 ]
  61. Cherubim Song - Dmitri S. Bortniansky (SIC: Dimitry Bortnyansky) -- 05-27-1947, 02-10-2002 (2) [ #C13 ]
  62. Cherry Tree Carol, The - arr. Sir David Valentine Willcocks (#46, p.200 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook) -- 12-14-2008, 12-11-2011 (2) [ #100C46 ]
  63. Chester - William Billings -- 03-16-1997 (1) [ #C14 ]
  64. Child in a Manger - John Rutter ("100 Carols for Choirs", #15, p. 68) -- 12-24-2006 (1) [ #100C15 ]
  65. Children of Light, Rejoice! - Ken Medema -- 12-21-2014 (1) [ #C35 ]
  66. Children of Promise - Borghild Jacobson Wis. -- 01-30-2005 (1) [ #C15 ]
  67. Christ Arose! - Robert Lowry -- 04-16-2006 (1) [ #C16 ]
  68. Christ Hath a Garden - Gerald Near, text: Robert Bridges, after Isaac Watts -- 01-28-1990, 09-23-1990, 04-14-1991, 09-28-1997, 02-21-1999, 03-12-2000, 10-03-2004, 02-05-2006, 03-04-2007, 05-15-2011, 04-14-2013, 02-28-2016, 03-12-2017 (13) [ #C17 ]
  69. Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation - arr. ? Wolff -- 10-27-1991 (1) [ #C18 ]
  70. Christ the Lord Is Ris'n Today - Eleanor Daley -- 03-31-2013 (1) [ #C33 ]
  71. Christmas Oratorio - Camille Saint-Saens -- 12-13-1998 (1) [ #C19 ]
  72. The Church's One Foundation ( Wikipedia) - lyrics: Samuel John Stone, music: Samuel Sebastian Wesley, arr. Jerry A. Ulrich - scans -- 10-30-2016 (1) [ #C37 ]
  73. Clare Benediction, A (Benediction) - John Rutter - scans -- 10-04-1998, 11-03-2013, 11-10-2013 (3) [ #C20 ]
  74. Come All Who Thirst - Luigi Cherubini, arr. Hal H. Hopson, Paraphrase of Isaiah 55:1-3 -- 09-12-1999, 02-06-2000, 09-08-2002, 03-21-2004, 09-11-2005, 03-09-2008, 10-12-2008, 03-04-2012, 09-09-2012 (9) [ #C21 ]
  75. Come Build a Church - Ken Medema - scans - YouTube -- 05-19-2002, 10-20-2002, 05-15-2005, 10-14-2012, 01-25-2015, 11-08-2015, 05-22-2016 (7) [ #C22 ]
  76. Come Down Lord - Stan Pethel -- 04-28-2002, 05-19-2002, 09-22-2013 (3) [ #C23 ]
  77. Come Flood This Heart of Mine - lyrics: Herb Frombach, music: David Lantz III - scans - YouTube -- 11-15-2015 (1) [ #C36 ]
  78. Come, Jesus, Holy Son of God - George Friedrich Handel, arr. Hal H. Hopson - scans -- 11-26-1989, 11-09-1992, 12-01-1996, 11-30-1997, 11-29-1998, 11-28-1999, 12-03-2000, 12-01-2002, 11-28-2004, 11-27-2005, 12-03-2006, 12-07-2008, 11-29-2009, 11-28-2010, 12-07-2014, 11-29-2015, 11-27-2016 (17) [ #C25 ]
  79. Come, Little Children, O - Carolyn Jennings -- 12-24-2003 (1) [ #C26 ]
  80. Come, Little Children, O - Alice Parker -- 12-24-1999 (1) [ #C27 ]
  81. Come, Emmanuel, O - arr. Alice Parker - scans -- 12-13-1987, 12-08-1991, 12-10-1995, 12-05-1999, 12-07-2003 12-06-2015 (6) [ #C24 ]
  82. Come, Ye Thankful People, Come - arr. (setting) Joel Raney, music: George J. Elvey -- 11-20-2011 (1) [ #C31 ]
  83. Come, You Who Are Filled - Gwen McLeod Hall -- 04-25-2010, 11-06-2016 (2) [ #C28 ]
  84. Create In Me, O God, A Pure Heart, from Motet. Op. 29, No 2 (Psalm LI) - Johannes Brahms - scans -- 09-11-1983, 03-30-2014 (2) [ #C32 ]
  85. Creator of the Stars of Night - Sandra T. Ford -- 01-09-2005, 11-04-2007 (2) [ #C29 ]
  86. Crucifixion, The - Sir John Stainer - scans -- ca. 1954-60 (C), 04-09-2006 (2) [ #C30 ]
  87. David and Goliath - Dale Wood - scans -- 10-18-2015 (1) [ #D10 ]
  88. David's Lamentation - William Billings -- 03-16-1997 (1) [ #D01 ]
  89. Day by Day - arr. Bradley Ellingboe, music: Oskar Ahnfelt, text: Carolina Sandell Berg, trans. - Robert Leaf -- 11-05-2000, 04-29-2001, 11-06-2011, 09-16-2012 (4) [ #D02 ]
  90. De Gospel Train - trad. -- 05-13-2007 (1) [ #D03 ]
  91. Dear God - music: Daniel Kallman, text: - Herbert Brokering -- 05-23-2004, 04-22-2012, 05-12-2013, 04-17-2016 (4) [ #D09 ]
  92. Dear Lord and Father - C. Hubert H. Parry -- 09-14-1997, 01-23-2000, 09-30-2001, 11-06-2005, 02-12-2012 (5) [ #D04 ]
  93. Dearest Friend, O - Kenneth T. Kosche Wis., based on "Londonderry Air", Jaroslav J. Vajda -- 11-03-2002, 03-09-2003, 03-11-2012, 02-03-2013 (4) [ #D05 ]
  94. Deep River ( Wikipedia) - ? -- 08-01-2004 (1) [ #D06 ]
  95. Ding Dong! Merrily on High - words: G.R. Woodward (1848-1934), 16th-century French Melody, harmony: Charles Wood [photocopy, source unknown] [ #D13 ]
  96. Ding Dong Merrily on High - Charles Wood -- 12-24-2016 (1) [ #D15 ]
  97. Dismissal Sentence "May the Grace of Christ" (Benediction) - Dale Wood (p. 9, #10, "Affirmations for Worship") - scans -- 11-27-2011, 12-04-2011, 09-16-2012 (3) [ #D08 ]
  98. Dismissal Sentence "God Be With You" (Benediction) - Dale Wood - scans (p. 10, #12, "Affirmations for Worship") -- 11-18-2012, 11-20-2016 (2) [ #D12 ]
  99. Dismissal Sentence "God Be With You" (Benediction) - Dale Wood (p. 11, #8, "Choral Sentences for Worship") -- 10-06-1991, 02-26-2017 (2) [ #csfw8 ]
  100. Do Not Fear - Fred Gramann ( ECS Publishing), UPC: 6-00313-47958-8 - scans -- 10-19-2014, 02-14-2016 (2) [ #D11 ]
  101. Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether - Harold Friedell -- 04-30-2000 (1) [ #D07 ]
  102. Dream God's Dream - Bryan Sirchio, arr. Trahn Thohn & Sherri Hansen -- ? (1) [ #D14 ]
          Written as a theme song for the Illinois South Conference Senior High Youth retreat on Martin Luther King Jr.'s Holiday weekend, 1992
  103. Easter Hodie, An - Donald Hustad, words: Timothy Dudley-Smith - scans -- 03-30-1997, 04-23-2000, 03-31-2002, 04-04-2010, 03-27-2016 (5) [ #E01 ]
  104. E'en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come - Revelation 22, adapted by Paul O. Manz Wis. -- 12-02-1990, 12-01-1991, 12-07-1997, 12-13-2009 (4) [ #E02 ]
  105. Eight Psalms - Heinrich Schutz -- 04-09-2000 (1) [ #E03 ]
  106. Ein Feste Burg ["A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"] - Hans Leo Hassler, ed. Vernon Sanders -- ? (1)
          from "Psalmen und Christliche Gesang", 1607
  107. Elijah - Felix Mendelssohn -- 04-05-1992 (1) [ #E04 ]
  108. Elijah Rock - arr. Jester Hairston -- 11-12-2000, 02-13-2011 (2) [ #E05 ]
  109. Emmanuel - God With Us - arr. Robert Young -- 01-02-2011 (1) [ #E06 ]
  110. Ever With Me - Gwyneth Walker -- 12-02-2007, 01-20-2008, 03-08-2009, 09-25-2011 (4) [ #E07 ]
  111. Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit ( Wikipedia) - trad. spiritual, arr Moses Hogan, ed. John Purifoy (p. 17 "Ain't that Good News" songbook) - scans -- 05-19-2002 (1) [ #atgn17 ]
  112. Every Time I Feel the Spirit ( Wikipedia) - African-American spirtual, arr. William Farley Smith (#592 "Chalice Hymnal") -- 10-07-2001 (1) [ #Chalice592 ]
  113. Except the Lord Build the House - William Wallace Gilchrist (1846-1916) -- 05-29-1949 (1) [ #E08 ]
  114. Eyes of All Wait Upon Thee, The - Jean Berger -- 05-21-1978, 09-18-1983, 03-05-1995 (3) [ #E09 ]
  115. Festival Easter Hymn on 'Grafton' - K. Lee Scott -- 04-20-2014 (1) [ #F05 ]
  116. For the Beauty of the Earth - Gary Fry, arr. -- 04-18-2010 (1) [ #F01 ]
  117. For Us a Child is Born: A Christmas Cantata - Johann Sebastian Bach -- 12-23-2007 (1) [ #F02 ]
  118. Four Motets - Aaron Copland -- 03-29-1998 (1) [ #F03 ]
    Friendly Beasts, The - (see: Jesus, Our Brother, Strong and Good)
  119. From Heaven Above to Earth I Come - Martin Luther, Johann Sebastian Bach -- 12-24-2006 (1) [ #F04 ]
  120. Gabriel to Mary Came (Angelus ad Virginem) - 14th-century Irish carol, trans. - W.A.C. (William Adair C?) Pickard-Cambridge, arr. Sir David Valentine Willcocks (#9, p.46 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook) -- 12-13-2015 (1) [ #100C09 ]
  121. Gaelic Benediction, A - Jerry A. Ulrich - scans -- 05-15-2011, 02-12-2012, 10-30-2016, 02-05-2017, 11-27-2016 (5) [ #G18 ]
  122. Gaelic Blessing, A (Benediction) - John Rutter, words: an old Gaelic rune - scans -- 10-07-2012, 10-14-2012, 10-28-2012, 03-23-2014 (4) [ #G20 ]
  123. Gift of Love, The - arr. Hal H. Hopson -- 02-19-1995, 10-31-1999, 05-08-2005, 05-02-2010 (4) [ #G01 ]
  124. Give Me a Clean Heart - Margaret J. Douroux, arr. John Helgen - YouTube -- 05-07-2006, 02-15-2009, 10-23-2011, 01-11-2015 (4) [ #G02 ]
  125. Give Me a Clean Heart - Margaret J. Douroux, arr. Albert Denis Tessier (#182 "Songs of Zion" songbook) -- 09-21-2014 (1) [ #Zion182 ]
  126. Give Me a Peaceful Happy Home - Jean Sibelius -- 12-15-2002 (1) [ #G03 ]
  127. Give Thanks and Praise - George Friedrich Handel, Harry Kihlken -- 11-20-2005, 11-23-2008 (2) [ #G04 ]
  128. Glorious Forever - Sergei Rachmaninoff, from the Russian of Nikolay Alekseyevich Nekrasov, trans. by Nathan Haskell Dole -- 10-09-2011 (1) [ #G05 ]
  129. Glory of the Father, The - Egil Hovland -- 02-23-1997, 12-24-1997 (2) [ #G06 ]
  130. Go Down, Moses ( Wikipedia) - African-American Spiritual (#663 "Chalice Hymnal") -- 10-16-2011 (1) [ #Chalice663 ]
  131. Go in Love - James Culver -- 09-23-2001, 10-27-2002 (2) [ #G07 ]
  132. Go in Peace and the Peace of God (Benediction) - Kenneth E. White, words: Barber L. Waters (#445 "Chalice Hymnal") -- 10-16-2011 (1) [ #Chalice445 ]
  133. Go My Children, With My Blessing - Walter Pelz -- 10-26-1997 (1) [ #G08 ]
  134. Go Not Far From Me, O God - Niccolo Antonio Zingarelli -- 01-15-1995, 05-14-2000 (2) [ #G09 ]
  135. Go, Tell it on the Mountain - American folk song, arr John Rutter - scans (p. 46 "O Holy Night" songbook) -- 12-24-2014 (1) [ #ohn46 ]
  136. God Be In My Head - Andrew Carter, words: Book of Hours, Sarum, 1514 -- 01-18-1998, 09-20-1998, 10-15-2000, 05-20-2001, 01-25-2009, 09-23-2012, 09-07-2014, 09-25-2016, 04-02-2017 (9) [ #G10 ]
          ISBN: 0-19-351145-2, ISBN-13: 978-0-19-351145-3, UPC: 9-780193-511453
  137. God Be With You Till We Meet Again (Benediction) - Words: Jeremiah E. Rankin, Music: William G. Tomer (#434 "Chalice Hymnal") -- 11-02-2014 (1) [ #Chalice434 ]
  138. God is a God - arr. Verolga Nix (#140 "Songs of Zion" songbook) -- 02-20-2011 (1) [ #Zion140 ]
  139. God is Our Song - Hal H. Hopson -- 10-28-1990 (1) [ #G11 ]
  140. God So Loved the World - Sir John Stainer, from the oratorio, "The Crucifixion" - scans -- 03-21-2010, 04-06-2014, 04-18-2014 (3) [ #G12 ]
  141. God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens - ? (Songbook #62) -- 01-30-2000 (1) [ #G16 ]
    God's Gonna Set This World on Fire - trad. spiritual, arr. Moses Hogan, ed. John Purifoy (p. 26 "Ain't that Good News" songbook) - scans -- 01-17-2016 (1) [ #atgn26 ]
  142. Good Christian Men, Rejoice - German 14th-cent. arr. John Rutter - scans (p. 16 "O Holy Night" songbook) -- 12-24-2013 (1) [ #ohn16 ]
  143. Good King Wenceslas - arr. Sir David Valentine Willcocks (#22, p.102 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook) -- 01-02-2000 (1) [ #100C22 ]
  144. Gospel Mass - Robert Ray -- 03-24-1996 (1) [ #G13 ]
  145. Grace (Amazing Grace) - John Newton, early American melody, arr. Mark Hayes Wis. - scans -- (1) [ #G17 ]
    (see also: Amazing Grace, - John Newton, arr. Katherine K. Davis)
  146. Great and Glorious - Franz Joseph Haydn -- 11-19-1995, 10-18-2009 (2) [ #G14 ]
  147. Guide My Soul - Peter Schickele -- 02-28-1999 (1) [ #G15 ]
  148. Halle, Halle, Halle - arr. Hal H. Hopson, trad. Caribbean text & tune, additional text: Psalm 150 -- 01-31-1999, 10-06-2002, 02-22-2004, 10-07-2007 (4) [ #H01 ]
  149. Halleluia, Amen - George Friedrich Handel -- 05-13-1990, 01-13-1991, 05-12-1996, 10-11-1998, 02-02-2003 (5) [ #H02 ]
  150. Hallelujah to the Lamb - Don Moen & Debbye Graafsma -- 04-22-2001 (1) [ #H03 ]
  151. Happy in the Lord - arr. Alice Parker, based on "Jesus My All to Heaven is Gone" by - John Cennick (1718-1755) -- 11-02-1997, 10-25-1998, 09-22-2002, 10-30-2005, 10-22-2006, 09-21-2008, 05-22-2011 (7) [ #H04 ]
  152. Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal - arr. Alice Parker -- 02-17-2002, 03-31-2002 (2) [ #H05 ]
  153. Hark! The Vesper Hymn Is Stealing - ? Stevenson -- 06-05-1949 (1) [ #H22 ]
  154. He Comes to Us - music: Jane M. Marshall, words: Dr. Albert Schweitzer -- 01-06-1991, 01-07-1996, 01-04-1998, 01-06-2008 (4) [ #H06 ]
  155. He Nevuh Said a Mumbalin' Word - arr. Carla J. Giomo -- 04-02-2006, 03-16-2008 (2) [ #H07 ]
  156. Healing River - Fred Hellerman, Fran Minkoff, arr. Herbert Haufrecht -- 04-06-2008, 04-27-2008, 10-25-2016 (2) [ #H08 ]
  157. Hear Thou Our Prayer, O Lord (Prayer Response) - arr. Peter D. Tkach -- 01-15-2012, 02-26-2012, 03-18-2012, 02-21-2016 (4) [ #H21 ]
  158. Help Us, O Lord - Aaron Copland -- 02-11-1996, 03-10-1996 (2) [ #H09 ]
  159. Helpless and Hungry - Scott Soper (Choir and Congregation) -- 12-13-2009 (1) [ #H10 ]
  160. Here I Am Lord - Dan Schutte Wis. -- 05-16-2004 (1) [ #H11 ]
  161. Here I Am, Send Me OR Here Am I, Send Me - Frank J. Wells based on Isaiah 6:8 -- 05-17-1992, 11-17-1996, 02-08-1998, 03-03-2002, 05-01-2005, 09-30-2012 (6) [ #H12 ]
  162. Here's One Mark Hayes Wis. -- 05-05-1996, 02-18-2001 (2) [ #H13 ]
  163. He's Got the Whole World in His Hands - Wikipedia - African-American spiritual, arr. Keith Hampton -- 04-10-2016 (1) [ #H24 ]
  164. His Eye Is on the Sparrow - Charles H. Gabriel, words: Civilla D. Martin (#82 "Chalice Hymnal") -- 11-05-2006 (1) [ #Chalice82 ]
  165. His Eye Is on the Sparrow - Charles H. Gabriel, words: Civilla D. Martin (#33 "Songs of Zion" songbook) -- 07-17-2011 (1) [ #Zion33 ]
  166. Holly and the Ivy, The - arr. H. Walford Davies (#82, p.328 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook) -- 12-14-2008 (1) [ #100C82 ]
  167. Holy Spirit, O - W. Fred Kaan, M. Ron Klusmeier -- 10-01-2000, 03-02-2003, 01-22-2006 (3) [ #H14 ]
  168. Hope (An Advent Hymn) - music: Fanny L. Seville Wis., arr. Mike Jensen, words: Emily Dickinson - scans -- 11-29-2015 (1) [ #H23 ]
          This Hymn is from the Hymnbook of children's "Sing Me Stories of Jesus", published by the United Church of Christ of Bismarck, ND (publication date unknown)
  169. Hosanna! - From the Moravian Liturgy by Christian Gregor, arr. Roberta Bitgood -- 04-12-1987, 03-24-1991, 03-20-2016 (3) [ #H15 ]
  170. How Beautiful Upon the Mountains - Edwin Fissinger -- 10-01-1995, 12-09-2001, 12-08-2002 (3) [ #H16 ]  
  171. How Can I Keep From Singing? ( Wikipedia) - trad., arr. Jeffrey Honore Wis. (see p. 619 "Chalice Hymnal" - "My Life Flows On") -- 04-30-1995, 05-11-1997, 09-13-1998, 10-10-1999, 11-04-2001, 09-07-2003, 09-09-2007, 01-29-2012, 10-09-2016 (9) [ #Chalice619 and #H25 ]
  172. How Can I Keep From Singing ( Wikipedia) - trad., arr. Ronald Staheli, UPC: 7-28215-02840-3 - scans -- 03-16-2014 (1) [ #H20 ]
  173. How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place (Psalm 84) - Johannes Brahms -- 05-12-1991, 05-19-1996 (2) [ #H17 ]
  174. How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place (Psalm 84) - Robert J. Powell - scans -- 03-15-2009, 03-02-2014 (2) [ #H18 ]
  175. Hymn of Fire - ? Butler / Paul Trueblood -- 05-18-1997 (1) [ #H19 ]
  176. I Have Seen Him - John Harmon Wis. -- 04-05-2015 (1) [ #I20 ]
  177. I Shall Not Be Moved - trad.. arr. J. Jefferson Cleveland & Verolga Nix (#35 "Songs of Zion" songbook) -- 06-29-2014 (1) [ #Zion35 ]
  178. I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked - Geoffrey O'Hara -- 04-27-1997 (1) [ #I01 ]
  179. I Want Jesus to Walk With Me - African-American Spiritual, arr. Lloyd Larson - scans -- 01-17-2010, 05-16-2010, 04-28-2013 (3) [ #I02 ]
  180. I Will Arise - Joseph Hart (Southern Harmony), arr. Daniel (David?) Ashley White -- 03-26-2000, 03-28-2004, 02-24-2013 (3) [ #I03 ]
  181. I Will Arise - David Ashley White -- 11-14-2004 (1) [ #I04 ]
  182. I Will Be As the Dew - Frank Pooler Wis. -- 04-21-1991 (1) [ #I05 ]
  183. I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes - Leo Sowerby -- 02-03-1991, 03-18-2001, 05-04-2003 (3) [ #I06 ]
  184. I Will Sing With the Spirit - John Rutter -- 10-24-2010 (1) [ #I07 ]
  185. I Wonder As I Wander ( Wikipedia) - John Jacob Niles, arr. John Rutter -- 12-24-2000 (1) [ #I08 ]
  186. I Wonder As I Wander - Appalachian carol, arr. John Rutter (#38, p.169 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook) -- 12-13-2015 (1) [ #100C38 ]
  187. If God Be For Us (Romans 8:13) - Clifford McCormick -- 10-21-1990, 09-08-1991, 09-10-1995, 07-11-1999, 05-18-2003, 09-16-2007, 03-01-2015 (7) [ #I09 ]
  188. If I Forget, Yet God Remembers - Daniel Pederson, words: - Robert Browning -- 11-12-2006, 02-04-2007, 01-11-2009, 11-10-2013 (4) [ #I10 ]
  189. If I Had One Day - James F.D. Martin [commissioned in memory of Bethany Estrada's mother, Barbara Watts] -- 11-09-2014 (1) [ #I19 ]
  190. If Ye Love Me - Thomas Tallis, ed. Christopher Johns -- 02-22-2009, 02-14-2010, 05-05-2013 (3) [ #I11 ]
  191. I'll Walk With God - Paul Francis Webster, Nicholas Brodszky, arr. Bob Weiss -- 05-14-1995 (1) [ #I12 ]
  192. I'm Going to Sing - Ronald E. Anderson -- 10-14-1990, 10-12-1997 (2) [ #I13 ]
  193. I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me - African-American spiritual, arr. Bill Thomas (#614 "Chalice Hymnal") -- 05-15-2016 (1) [ #614 ]
  194. I'm Gonna Sing 'Til the Spirit Moves in My Heart - Moses Hogan -- ? (1)
  195. I'm Just a Poor Wayfarin' Stranger - Gilbert M. Martin -- 03-11-1990, 02-23-1992, 03-12-1995 (3) [ #I14 ]
  196. In the Bleak Midwinter - Harold Darke (1888-1976), words: - Christina Rossetti (1830-1894) (#40, p.174 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook) -- 12-24-2008, 12-24-2010, 12-24-2015 (3) [ #100C40 ]
  197. In the Bleak Midwinter - Gustav T. Holst (#39, p.173 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook) -- 12-24-2004, 12-24-2013 (2) [ #100C39 ]
  198. Incarnate Love - Christina Rossetti, Robert Young -- 12-24-2010 (1) [ #I15 ]
  199. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly (Polish Carol) - arr. Sir David Valentine Willcocks (#43, p.192 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook) -- 12-24-1998, 12-24-2001 (2) [ #100C43 ]
  200. Is Any Afflicted? - William Billings -- 09-17-1995, 01-10-1999, 02-24-2002, 03-07-2004, 01-31-2010 (5) [ #I16 ]
  201. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear ( Wikipedia) - arr. Helvey -- 12-24-2001 (1) [ #I17 ]
  202. It Is Well With My Lord - ? (p. 46 "Song of the Soul and Spirit") -- 06-27-2004 (1) [ #I18 ]
  203. It Is Well With My Soul ( Wikipedia) - Horatio G. Spafford (1828-1888), words: - Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) (#20 "Songs of Zion" songbook) - YouTube -- 07-24-2011, 02-22-2015 (2) [ #Zion20 ]
  204. Jesu, Grant Me This, I Pray - Charles Herbert Kitson (1874-1944) -- 04-12-1992, 03-23-1997, 03-24-2002, 04-04-2004 (4) [ #J01 ]
  205. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - Johann Sebastian Bach, ed. and arr. Wallingford Riegger - scans -- 03-18-1990, 05-02-1993, 04-26-1998, 01-13-2002, 05-03-2009, 02-05-2017, (6) [ #J02 ]
  206. Jesu Priceless Treasure - Johann Sebastian Bach, ed. Robert Hufstader -- 03-19-1978 (D), 04-08-1984*, 03-17-1991*, 03-29-2009 (4) [ #J03 ]
          * = dates listed on the front of one of the practice scores being used to prepare for our 03-29-2009 performance
  207. Jesus Loves Me ( Wikipedia) - William B. Bradbury, arr. Michael Hassell -- 04-01-2001, 02-23-2003, 04-29-2007 (3) [ #J04 ]
  208. Jesus Loves Me - arr. John Ferguson -- 10-12-2014 (1) [ #J07 ]
  209. Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice - arr. Jim Taylor -- 10-19-2003, 10-09-2005, 01-28-2007, 02-11-2007 (4) [ #J05 ]
  210. Jesus, Our Brother, Strong and Good (The Friendly Beasts) - arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams -- 12-11-2016 (1) [ #J08 ]
          words: Luke 2:1-7, Matt 1:23, French Carol 12th century, French melody early 13th century, trans. anon.
  211. Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley - American Spiritual, arr. Bill Thomas (#211 "Chalice Hymnal") -- 03-21-2010 (1) [ #Chalice211 ]
  212. Just a Closer Walk With Thee - trad. -- 11-07-2004 (1) [ #J06 ]
  213. Keep Silence - arr. John Helgen - scans -- 12-06-1998, 12-02-2001, 11-30-2003, 12-04-2005, 12-06-2009, 12-08-2013 (6) [ #K01 ]
  214. Keep Your Lamps! - trad. spiritual, arr. Andre J. Thomas -- 12-13-2009 (1) [ #K02 ]
  215. Kyrie Eleison - Joel Dennis -- 03-28-1999 (1) [ #K03 ]
  216. Kyrie Eleison - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -- 10-16-1983, 05-19-1991 (2) [ #K04 ]
  217. Laetatus Sum - Alessandro Scarlatti -- 04-06-2003 (1) [ #L01 ]
  218. Last Words of David, The - Randall Thompson, text from II Samuel XXIII,3,4 -- 10-19-2008, 02-25-1996 (2) [ #L02 ]
  219. Laudamus Te - Kirby Shaw -- 05-11-1997 (1) [ #L03 ]
  220. Lenten Love Song, A - Helen Kemp -- 03-10-1991 (1) [ #L04 ]
  221. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence ( Wikipedia) - Gustav T. Holst -- 12-05-2004, 11-30-2014, 12-04-2016 (3) [ #L05 ]
  222. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (Introit) - trad. French Carol, Liturgy of St. James, trans. - Gerard Moultrie (1829-1885) (p. 107 "Pilgrim Hymnal") -- 12-13-1987 (1) [ #Pilgrim107 ]
  223. Let Me, God, Your Help Be Finding (Lass, o Herr, mich Hulfe finden) - Felix Mendelssohn -- 03-13-2005 (1) [ #L06 ]
  224. Let the Song Be Begun - Don Malin -- 04-15-2001 (1) [ #L07 ]
  225. Let There Be Peace on Earth - Wikipedia - Sy Miller and - Jill Jackson (Miller) [screen name: Harley Wood], arr. Cynthia Dobrinski -- 05-14-2006 (1) [ #L08 ]
  226. Let Thy Holy Presence - Pavel Tschesnokoff -- 11-13-1983 (1)
          also transliterated Tschesnokoff, Tchesnokov, Tchesnokoff, and Chesnokoff
  227. Let Us With a Gladsome Mind - Wikipedia - Alan Ridout, Psalm 136, Metrical Version by John Milton -- 10-29-1995, 04-07-2002, 09-28-2003, 05-09-2004, 09-20-2009, 01-24-2016, 03-05-2017 (7) [ #L09 ]
  228. Life's Railway to Heaven - Charles Davis Tillman, arr. J. Jefferson Cleveland & Verolga Nix (#68 "Songs of Zion" songbook) -- 07-27-2014 (1) [ #Zion68 ]
  229. Like as the Hart Desireth the Water Brooks - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina -- 02-24-1991, 01-28-1996, 03-09-1997, 11-26-2000, 03-03-2013 (5) [ #L10 ]
  230. Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming - trad. arr. Michael Praetorius (#50, p.210 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook) -- 12-24-2002, 12-24-2005, 12-11-2011 (3) [ #100C50 ]
  231. Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming - trad. arr. Michael Praetorius (#160 "Chalice Hymnal") -- 12-24-1990, 12-24-1996, 12-24-2003 (3) [ #Chalice160 ]
  232. Lone, Wild Bird, The - A Southern Folk Tune, arr. David N. Johnson, text: Henry Richard McFadyen (1877-1964) - scans -- 01-11-1998, 02-25-2001, 03-12-2006, 02-28-2010, 03-23-2014 (5) [ #L12 ]
  233. Lone, Wild Bird, The - music: ? Graham (pre-1835) -- 11-07-2010 (1) [ #L13 ]
  234. Look at the World - John Rutter -- 04-27-2008, 10-04-2009, 05-08-2016 (3) [ #L14 ]
  235. Lord Bless You and Keep You, The (Benediction) - Peter C. Lutkin - scans -- 11-20-2011, 04-08-2012, 09-29-2013, 04-20-2014 (4) [ #L27 ]
          ISBN: 0-87487-716-4, ISBN-13: 978-0-87487-716-8, UPC: 0-29156-07369-0
  236. Lord, Don't Move This Mountain - Mahalia Jackson, - Doris Akers (#173 "Songs of Zion" songbook) -- 09-27-1998, 09-16-2001, 10-29-2006, 02-19-2012 (4) [ #Zion173 ]
  237. Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor (Bryn Calfaria) - William Owen (1814-1893) (p. 291 "Pilgrim Hymnal") -- 02-03-2002 (1) [ #Pilgrim291 ]
  238. Lord, I Want to Be a Christian ( Wikipedia) - arr. Moses Hogan (#589 "Chalice Hymnal") -- 01-19-2003, 10-05-2003, 02-15-2004, 01-07-2007, 05-06-2007, 01-18-2009, 02-07-2010 (7) [ #Chalice589 ]
  239. Lord, I Want to Be a Christian ( Wikipedia) - trad. spiritual, arr. Moses Hogan, ed. John Purifoy (p. 21 "Ain't that Good News" songbook) - scans - YouTube -- 11-17-2002, 03-08-2015, 11-01-2015 (3) [ #atgn21 ]
  240. Lord is a Mighty God, The - Felix Mendelssohn - YouTube -- 01-05-1992, 09-08-1996, 09-26-1999, 02-15-2015, 09-11-2016 (5) [ #L16 ]
  241. Lord, It Belongs Not to My Care - Carl Schalk, - Richard Baxter (1615-1691) -- 09-14-2014 (1) [ #L29 ]
  242. Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying - Ken Medema -- 01-20-1991, 03-15-1992, 09-24-1995, 01-19-1997, 11-09-2003, 10-03-2010 (6) [ #L17 ]
  243. Lord Most Holy, O - Cesar Franck, ed. Arthur H. Ryder -- 04-05-2009 (1) [ #L18 ]
  244. Lord My Shepherd Is, The - Austin C. Lovelace, text: Isaac Watts -- 09-29-1996, 02-19-2017 (2) [ #L19 ]
  245. Lord of the Dance - arr. Sir David Valentine Willcocks (#31, p.138 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook) -- 12-11-2011. 04-20-2014 (2) [ #100C31 ]
  246. Lord, Sanctify Me Wholly - Robert J. Powell -- 11-10-1991 (1) [ #L20 ]
  247. Lord Will Not Suffer Thy Foot to Be Moved, The - Johann Sebastian Bach -- 02-04-1990 (1) [ #L21 ]
  248. Lord's Prayer, The - Bradley Ellingboe (from his "Requiem", p. 36) -- 11-26-2006, 10-28-2007 (2) [ #L22 ]
  249. Lord's Prayer, The - William Mathias -- 11-14-1999, 05-07-2000, 09-23-2007 (3) [ #L23 ]
  250. Lost in the Night Finnish Song - Tr. Olav Lee, 1929, arr. F. Melius Christiansen Wis. -- 12-13-2009 (1) [ #L24 ]
  251. Love, How Deep, O - H. Everett Titcomb -- 02-16-1992 (1) [ #L25 ]
  252. Love Lifted Me - James Rowe 1865-1933, words: Howard E. Smith 1863-1918 (#71 "Songs of Zion" songbook) - YouTube -- 11-25-2007, 07-10-2011, 08-02-2015 (3) [ #Zion71 ]
  253. Lovely Star in the Sky - music: Un-Yung La (Korea), adapted from a Korean hymn by Reginald Heber (#175 "Chalice Hymnal") with the Congregation -- 12-15-2002 (1) [ #Chalice175 ]
  254. Lullaby on Christmas Eve - F. Melius Christiansen -- 12-24-2009 (1) [ #L28 ]
  255. Lux Aeterna - John Adam Smith -- 03-13-2005 (1) [ #L26 ]
  256. Magnificat Anima Mea - Gerald Near -- 12-08-1996 (1) [ #M01 ]
  257. Magnificat - My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord - Dietrich Buxtehude -- 12-11-1994, 12-12-2004, 12-10-2006, 12-14-2014 (4) [ #M02 ]
    Magnificat and Nunc Dimittus - Ralph Vaughan Williams, UPC: 0-73999-09120-5 - scans -- 03-13-2005 (1) [ #M13 ]
          We have not performed "Magnificat", only - Nunc Dimittus
  258. Magnificat, We Sing - Alice Parker - cover/none - scans -- (1) [ #M14 ]
  259. Maiden Mild, A - text: James Ryman, music: Derek Healey -- 12-11-2005 (1) [ #M03 ]
  260. Maiden Most Gentle, A - Andrew Carter (#4, p.21 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook) -- 12-24-1995, 12-24-1999, 12-24-2004, 12-24-2005 (4) [ #100C04 ]
  261. La Marche Des Rois (March of the Kings) - arr. Gordon Young -- 12-15-2002 (1) [ #M04 ]
  262. Mass in G - Franz Schubert -- 03-21-1999 (1) [ #M05 ]
  263. May the Peace of the Lord - Douglas E. Wagner -- 02-27-2011 (1) [ #M06 ]
  264. Mercy and Truth - Ned Rorem -- 11-15-1998 (1) [ #M07 ]
  265. Morning Star, O - Harmony: - Johann Sebastian Bach, melody: Phillipp Nicolai, trans: Catherine Winkworth -- 01-04-2009, 01-06-2013 (2) [ #M08 ]
  266. Morning Trumpet, The - B.F. White (Sacred Harp), arr. Robert P. Wetzler - scans -- 11-07-1999, 03-28-2004, 10-21-2007, 01-03-2010, 09-26-2010, 11-16-2014 (6) [ #M09 ]
  267. My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me - words: W.C. Martin, music: Charles H. Gabriel, arr. J. Jefferson Cleveland & Verolga Nix (#69 "Songs of Zion" songbook) -- 04-29-2012 (1) [ #Zion69 ]
  268. My Lord! What a Morning - trad., harmonies: Verolga Nix (#145 "Songs of Zion" songbook) -- 07-10-2011 (1) [ #Zion145 ]
  269. My Shepherd Will Supply My Need - Virgil Thomson -- 10-07-1990, 11-03-1991, 03-19-1995, 04-13-1997, 05-03-1998, 10-14-2001, 03-30-2003, 05-21-2006, 09-14-2008 (9) [ #M10 ]
  270. My Song in the Night - arr. Paul J. Christiansen - scans -- 12-03-1995 (1) [ #M11 ]
  271. My Song Shall Be Alway of the Loving-Kindness of the Lord - Gerald Near, from Psalm 89 -- 01-27-1991, 11-05-1995, 10-22-2000, 11-25-2001, 01-27-2002, 03-05-2006, 10-28-2012, 02-07-2016 (8) [ #M12 ]
  272. No Hands But Yours - J. Jerome Williams, text: St. Teresa of Avila, 16th century -- 09-14-2003, 03-14-2004, 01-15-2006, 05-11-2008, 05-17-2009, 01-16-2011, 01-15-2017 (7) [ #N01 ]
  273. No Journey Ends (A Christmas Carol) - Charles Bowerman, text: Nels F. Norstrom, ed. Patrick W. Meyer (ASCAP) -- 12-24-2017 (1)
  274. No Longer a Baby - Bryan Jeffery Leech, Jan Sanborn -- 01-21-1990, 01-14-2001, 03-23-2003, 04-30-2006 (4) [ #N02 ]
  275. Now I Walk in Beauty (Navajo Prayer) - Gregg Smith -- 11-18-2001, 11-26-2003, 04-17-2005, 09-30-2007 (4) [ #N03 ]
  276. Nunc Dimittus - Ralph Vaughan Williams - scans -- 03-13-2005 (1) [ #N04 ]
          part of - Magnificat and Nunc Dimittus
    "O any-word" (all titles are listed under "any-word, O")
  277. Offertory - John Ness Beck - scans - YouTube -- 10-22-1995, 03-09-2014, 04-26-2015, 03-26-2017 (4) [ #O01 ]
  278. On This Jubilant Day - Robert Leaf -- 03-31-1991 (1) [ #O02 ]
  279. Once in Royal David's City - words: - Cecil Frances Alexander, music: Henry John Gauntlett, Verses 1-5 harmonized: Arthur Henry Mann, Verse 6 arr. Sir David Valentine Willcocks (#61, p.260 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook) -- 12-13-2015 (1) [ #100C61 ]
  280. One Faith, One Hope, One Lord - Craig Courtney, based on Ephesians 4:4-6,13 -- 10-13-2013 (1) [ #O05 ]
  281. One Lonely Night - Joseph M. Martin, UPC: 7-48769-00525-5 - scans -- 04-05-1998, 04-16-2000, 03-24-2013, 04-13-2014, 03-29-2015, 04-09-2017 (6) [ #O03 ]
  282. Open Our Eyes - MacFarlane -- 06-05-1949 (1) [ #O06 ]
  283. Order My Steps - Glenn Burleigh, arr. Jack Schrader -- 10-23-2005, 10-26-2008, 01-20-2013, 10-26-2014, 10-16-2016 (5) [ #O04 ]
  284. Oxen, The - music: Michael Head, words: Thomas Hardy -- 12-11-2016 (1) [ #O07 ]
  285. Oxen, The - music: Richard Bullen, words: Thomas Hardy -- 12-11-2016 (1) [ #O08 ]
  286. Paper Reeds by the Brook, The - Randall Thompson -- 10-02-1983 (1) [ #P21 ]
  287. Peace Song with We Shall Overcome - Greg Gilpin -- 02-12-2006, 09-11-2011 (2) [ #P01 ]
  288. Pentecost Hymn - Edvard Grieg, arr. Bradley Ellingboe -- 05-06-2001, 05-22-2005, 05-23-2010, 05-19-2013, 05-15-2016 (5) [ #P02 ]
  289. Pie Jesu - Robert H. McIver -- 03-18-2007 (1) [ #P03 ]
  290. Potter's Field, The - music: William Beckstrand, words: Halgrimur Petursson 1666, trans. Gracia Grindal -- 04-01-2012 (1) [ #P22 ]
  291. Poverty - M. Lee Suitor -- 01-05-2003 (1) [ #P04 ]
  292. Praise and Thanks to God - Heinrich Schutz, "Lob und Preis sei Gott" English text & edited by Mason Martens - scans -- 05-12-2002, 01-18-2015, 10-25-2015 (3) [ #P05 ]
  293. Praise to the Lord, The Almighty Mark Hayes Wis. -- 11-14-2010 (1) [ #P06 ]
  294. Prayer of St. Francis - Lekberg -- 03-01-1998 (1) [ #P07 ]
          (see also: - St. Francis Prayer)
  295. Prayer to Jesus - George Oldroyd, words: Richard Rolle (1290-1349) -- 03-04-1990, 02-01-1998 (2) [ #P08 ]
  296. Prayer to Jesus - R.R. Terry -- 02-17-1991, 04-02-2000 (2) [ #P09 ]
  297. Precious Lord, Take My Hand - Thomas A. Dorsey, arr. Jack Schrader -- 03-08-1998, 02-07-1999, 02-20-2000, 10-28-2001, 02-20-2005 (5) [ #P10 ]
  298. Prepare Ye - Marc A. Robinson -- 12-10-2000, 11-27-2011 (2) [ #P11 ]
  299. Processional Alleluia - C. Harry Causey -- 02-13-2000 (1) [ #P12 ]
  300. Psalm and Alleluia - Johann Pachelbel, arr. John Purifoy, Psalm 136:1-4 quoting "Canon in D" -- 09-29-2002, 11-18-2012 (2) [ #P13 ]
  301. Psalm of Praise, A - Benjamin Harlan, adapted from Psalms 103 and 15 -- 11-24-2013 (1) [ #P20 ]
  302. Psalm 84: Cantique de Jean Racine - Gabriel Faure, arr. Hal H. Hopson -- 09-15-1991, 05-07-1995, 11-01-1998, 03-16-2003 (4) [ #P14 ]
          (see also: How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place (Psalm 84))
  303. Psalm 86 - Carl S. Nygard, Jr. -- 09-21-2003, 09-29-2013, 05-11-2014 (3) [ #P15 ]
  304. Psalm 93 - Heinrich Schutz -- 03-17-2002 (1) [ #P16 ]
  305. Psalm 103 - Heinrich Schutz -- 01-11-2004 (1) [ #P17 ]
  306. Psalm 150 - Cesar Franck -- 02-04-1996, 02-18-1996 (2) [ #P18 ]
  307. Psalm 150 - John Harper -- 02-02-1997, 04-13-1997, 10-19-1997, 04-18-1999, 09-10-2000 (5) [ #P19 ]
  308. Rain Down - text based on Psalm 33, text/music: - Jaime Cortez -- 05-20-2012 (1) [ #R08 ]
  309. Redemption - Charles Gounod -- ?-1984 (E) (1) [ #R01 ]
  310. Rejoice in the Lord Alway (The Bell Anthem) - Henry Purcell - scans -- 11-23-1997, 02-23-2014 (2) [ #R02 ]
  311. Requiem - Bradley Ellingboe -- 03-25-2007, 03-17-2013 (2) [ #R03 ]
  312. Requiem - Gabriel Faure -- ?-1981 (F), ?-1986 (G) 03-25-2012, 03-13-2016 (4) [ #R04 ]
  313. Requiem Mass in D Minor, K. 626 ( Wikipedia) - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -- 03-23-1980 (H) (1) [ #R05 ]
  314. Rise Up Early - Richard Kountz -- 01-04-2004 (1) [ #R06 ]
  315. Risen, Alleluia! - Allen Koepke -- 04-16-1995, 04-04-1999, 03-23-2008 (3) [ #R07 ]
  316. St. Francis Prayer - Carolyn Jennings - scans -- 10-20-1996, 05-16-1999, 10-05-2014 (3) [ #S01 ]
          (see also: Prayer of St. Francis)
  317. St. John Passion - Johann Sebastian Bach -- ?-1985 (I) (1) [ #S02 ]
  318. St. Teresa's Bookmark - Edward Tyler, words: St. Teresa of Avila, translation: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -- 10-31-2004, 04-10-2011 (2) [ #S03 ]
  319. Savior of the Nations, Come - arr. Robert Benson, music: Ambrose of Milan & Martin Luther -- 12-04-2011 (1) [ #S33 ]
  320. Seven Last Words, The - John Harmon Wis. -- 04-08-2001, 03-21-2010 (2) [ #S04 ]
  321. Sevenfold Amen (Benediction) - Sir John Stainer (p. 594 "Pilgrim Hymnal") -- 10-30-1983 (1) [ #Pilgrim594 ]
  322. Shall We Gather at the River / Deep River - arr. (setting by) John Carter, based on Hanson Place by Robert Lowry (1864), and Deep River, trad. - scans -- 03-25-1990, 02-10-1991, 05-21-1995, 01-14-1996, 11-09-1997, 05-17-1998, 05-13-2001, 11-13-2011 (8) [ #S05 ]
          02-10-1991: instrumental arr. Scott Wittkopf (Chancel Choir member)
  323. Shall We Gather at the River ( Wikipedia) - arr. Robert H. McIver -- 02-13-2000 (1) [ #S06 ]
  324. Shall We Gather at the River? - ? -- 10-15-1995 (1) [ #S07 ]
  325. Sheep May Safely Graze - Johann Sebastian Bach, arr. Katherine K. Davis -- 03-19-2000, 04-13-2008, 03-20-2011 (3) [ #S08 ]
  326. Shepherd Psalm, The: Psalm 23 Paraphrase John Carter, arr. Mary Kay Beall -- 03-29-1992, 02-10-2002, 02-08-2004, 09-10-2006, 05-20-2007 02-08-2009, 09-08-2013 (7) [ #S09 ]
  327. Shepherd's Pipe Carol - John Rutter -- 12-23-1990, 12-24-1995 (2) [ #S10 ]
  328. Surely, He Hath Borne Our Griefs (Isaiah 53:4) - Heinrich Graun -- 04-08-1990, 03-25-2001 (2) [ #S11 ]
  329. Silent Devotion and Response Ernest Bloch -- 11-17-1991, 11-26-2003, 11-01-2009 (3) [ #S12 ]
  330. Simple Gifts (Shaker Tune) - arr. Theron Kirk -- 03-22-1992, 01-12-1997, 01-24-1999, 05-02-1999, 09-15-2002, 05-11-2003, 09-25-2005, 02-01-2009 (8) [ #S13 ]
  331. Sing Hosanna! Hosanna! - John D. Horman -- 04-13-2003 (1) [ #S14 ]
  332. Sing Praise to God - Lorenz -- 10-20-1991 (1) [ #S15 ]
  333. Sing to the Lord, O - Eleanor Daley -- 03-14-2004 (1) [ #S16 ]
  334. Sing to the Lord a New Song - Franz Joseph Haydn, paraphrased & arr. Hal H. Hopson, from "Mass No. 3 in D minor" -- 09-19-1999, 10-08-2000, 04-21-2002, 10-26-2003, 09-12-2004, 02-26-2006, 05-18-2008, 11-03-2013 (8) [ #S17 ]
  335. Sing Ye Praises to Our King - Aaron Copland -- 11-25-1990, 11-25-2012 (2) [ #S18 ]
  336. Sit Down Servant - adapted and arr. Linda Twine, UPC: 7-28215-02923-3 - scans - YouTube -- 04-24-2005, 01-27-2008, 10-04-2015 (3) [ #S19 ]
  337. So Are They Blessed - George Friedrich Handel -- 11-24-1991 (1) [ #S20 ]
  338. So Like the Wind ... - John Harmon Wis. -- 10-04-1998, 05-08-2011 (2) [ #S21 ]
  339. So Longs My Soul for Thee, O God - John Harmon Wis. -- 04-28-1991, 01-19-1992 (2) [ #S22 ]
  340. Sometimes I Feel ( Wikipedia) - Spiritual, arr. Alice Parker, Robert Shaw -- 03-21-2010 (1) [ #S23 ]
  341. Song of the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ - Marc-Antoine Charpentier -- 12-09-1990, 12-23-2001 (2) [ #S24 ]
  342. Song of Mary, The - Magnificat - arr. Robert Young -- 01-02-2011 (1) [ #S25 ]
  343. Song of Praise, A - Mark Bloedow Wis. -- 04-08-2007 (1) [ #S26 ]
  344. Sons and Daughters, O, Let Us Sing - Jean Tisserand, 15th Century -- 04-14-2002 (1) [ #S27 ]
  345. Speak to One Another - Jean Berger -- 10-27-1996, 09-26-2004, 10-07-2012 (3) [ #S28 ]
  346. Standin' in the Need of Prayer - trad. (#110 "Songs of Zion" songbook) -- 01-10-2010, 07-17-2011 (2) [ #Zion110 ]
  347. Stars and Wonders - Borghild Jacobson Wis. -- 01-23-2005 (1) [ #S29 ]
  348. Steal Away - trad. (#134 "Songs of Zion" songbook) -- 07-09-2006, 07-24-2011, 07-28-2013 (3) [ #Zion134 ]
  349. Still, Still, Still - Austrian Carol, lyrics: Marilyn Keith & Alan Bergman, arr. Norman Luboff -- 12-24-1991, 12-24-1998, 12-24-2006 (3) [ #S30 ]
  350. Summer Ended - Charles Wood -- 11-18-1990, 11-24-2002, 09-28-2008, 11-23-2014 (4) [ #S31 ]
  351. Sweet Hour of Prayer - William W. Walford, William B. Bradbury, arr. Larry Beebe - scans -- 10-08-1995, 09-22-1996, 09-21-1997, 04-25-1999, 10-13-2002, 07-27-2003, 09-19-2004, 09-17-2006, 02-18-2007, 11-09-2008 01-23-2011, 09-20-2015 (12) [ #S32 ]
  352. Tandi Tanga Jesus - arr. Bradley Ellingboe -- 10-03-1999, 11-11-2001 (2) [ #T01 ]
  353. Thanks Be To God - George Friedrich Handel - scans -- 06-05-1949, 11-19-2006 (2) [ #T02 ]
  354. Thanks Be To Thee - George Friedrich Handel -- 10-30-1988, 11-11-1990, 11-03-1996, 01-07-2001, 11-13-2005, 11-18-2007, 09-12-2010, 11-22-2015 (8) [ #T03 ]
    "The any-word" (all titles are listed under "any-word, The")
  355. There is a Balm in Gilead ( Wikipedia) - arr. W. Dawson -- 05-06-1990, 02-22-1998, 10-21-2001 (3) [ #T04 ]
  356. There is a Flower - words: John Audelay, arr.: John Rutter (#85, p.333 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook) -- 12-24-1995, 12-14-2008, 12-13-2015 (3) [ #100C85 ]
  357. There Shall a Star Come Out of Jacob - Felix Mendelssohn -- 10-30-1988, 01-07-1990, 01-08-1995, 01-05-1997, 01-16-2005, 01-24-2010, 01-06-2013, 01-03-2016, 01-22-2017 (9) [ #T05 ]
  358. There Shall a Star From Jacob Shine - arr. Joy Patterson -- 01-12-2003, 12-05-2010 (2) [ #T06 ]
  359. Therefore Watch That Ye Be Ready - Andreas Hammerschmidt -- 12-04-1983 (1)
  360. This Joyful Eastertide Alec Wyton, words: G.R. Woodward (17th Century Dutch Carol) -- 04-15-1990, 04-19-1992, 04-07-1996, 04-08-2012 (4) [ #T07 ]
  361. This We Know - Setting by Ron Jeffers -- 11-19-2000 (1) [ #T08 ]
  362. Three Carols For Christmas - John Rutter -- 12-24-1995 (1) [ #T09 ]
          Shepherd's Pipe Carol, Wexford Carol, There is a Flower
  363. Three Kings, The - Anders Ohrwall -- 12-14-2003 (1) [ #T10 ]
  364. Three Kings, The ( Wikipedia) - Peter Cornelius, trans. H.N. Bate, arr. David Willcocks -- 01-08-2017 (1) [ #T15 ]
  365. To Thee We Sing - arr. Peter D. Tkach "from the Liturgy of the Russian Church" -- 03-06-2011 (1) [ #T11 ]
  366. Treasures in Heaven - Joseph W. Clokey -- 11-04-1990, 11-12-1995, 10-15-2006 (3) [ #T12 ]
  367. Tree of Life, The - MorningStar Music - K. Lee Scott, text: Erik Routley, based on a Hungarian hymn by Pecselyi Kiraly Imre -- 04-20-2008, 04-19-2015, 05-01-2016 (3) [ #T13 ]
  368. Thou, O Jehovah, Abideth Forever - ? -- 05-05-1991 (1) [ #T14 ]
  369. Trees - Margaret Pleasant Douroux (#197 "Songs of Zion" songbook) -- 03-11-2007 (1) [ #Zion197 ]
  370. 'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime - French Canadian melody, harmony: Frederick F. Jackish, words: Jean de Brebeuf, translation: Jesse E. Middleton (#166 "Chalice Hymnal") with the Congregation -- 12-15-2002 (1) [ #Chalice166 ]
  371. Ubi Caritas - Maurice Durufle -- 03-31-1996 (1) [ #U01 ]
    Un-YungLa (Lovely Star in the Sky) - (see: Lovely Star in the Sky)
  372. Union - American Folk Hymn, arr. Daniel C. Meyer -- 03-28-2004, 03-02-2008, 11-17-2013, 11-20-2016 (4) [ #U02 ]
  373. Vamos Todos a Belen (Let Us Go to Bethlehem) - arr. Bradley Ellingboe -- 12-15-2002 (1) [ #V01 ]
  374. Veni, Veni, Emmanuel - arr. Robert Young -- 01-02-2011 (1) [ #V02 ]
  375. Wade in the Water ( Wikipedia) - trad. African-American spiritual, harm. Willa A. Townsend (#371 "Chalice Hymnal") -- 01-10-2016 (1) [ #Chalice371 ]
  376. Walk in the Light - arr. Andre J. Thomas, refrain: George D. Elderkin, stanzas: Charles Wesley -- 12-13-2009, 12-09-2012 (2) [ #W01 ]
    Wayfarin' Stranger - Gilbert M. Martin (see: I'm Just a Poor Wayfarin' Stranger)
  377. We Will Lay Our Burden Down - John L. Bell, arr. John Ferguson -- 10-18-1998, 04-25-2004, 02-27-2005, 03-07-2010 (4) [ #W02 ]
  378. Welsh Hymn, A - Daniel Protheroe -- 10-10-2004 (1) [ #W03 ]
  379. Wexford Carol - arr. John Rutter (#21, p.97 "100 Carols for Choirs" songbook) -- 12-24-1995 (1) [ #100C21 ]
  380. What a Friend We Have In Jesus - words: Joseph Medlicott Scriven, music: Charles Crozat Converse, arr. Harold M. Best -- 02-11-1990, 03-26-2006, 02-26-2017 (3) [ #W04 ]
  381. When Jesus Wept - William Billings -- 03-26-1995, 03-16-1997, 03-22-1998, 03-10-2002, 04-01-2007, 03-21-2008, 04-03-2011 (7) [ #W05 ]
  382. When Long Before Time - Peter W.S. Davison, arr. David Cherwien - scans -- 05-04-2008, 09-07-2008, 09-13-2009 (3) [ #W06 ]
  383. When Mary Came With Rich Perfume - Borghild Jacobson Wis., setting: Kenneth T. Kosche Wis. -- 03-27-2005, 03-27-2016 (2) [ #W07 ]
  384. When Sudden Terror Tears Apart - Printz -- 09-11-2002 (1) [ #W08 ]
  385. When We Are Tempted to Deny Your Son - Zebulon M. Highben, text: David W. Romig, UPC: 6-88670-53073-9 - scans -- 04-06-2014 (1) [ #W14 ]
  386. Where Is This Stupendous Stranger - Austin C. Lovelace -- 01-07-2001 (1) [ #W09 ]
  387. Winter Carol - Austin C. Lovelace -- 01-12-1992, 02-26-1995, 01-25-1998, 01-28-2001, 01-25-2004, 01-08-2006, 01-21-2007, 02-10-2008, 01-09-2011, 01-13-2013 (10) [ #W10 ]
  388. With Grace and Carefulness (Brother James's Air), Psalm 65 - arr. John L. Bell - scans -- 11-22-2009, 10-11-2015, 03-19-2017 (3) [ #W11 ]
  389. With a Voice of Singing - Martin Shaw -- 06-03-1984, 09-09-1990, 01-21-1996, 05-23-1999, 09-24-2000, 10-17-2010, 10-06-2013 (7) [ #W12 ]
  390. With All Your Heart Ye Truly Seek - Felix Mendelssohn -- 04-28-1996 (1) [ #W13 ]
2 Introits
1 Prayer Response
9 Benedictions
all the rest are Anthem titles

"Pilgrim Hymnal" -- 1967-Spring 2001 - scans [ #PilgrimHymnal ]

  1. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence #107
  2. Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor (Bryn Calfaria) #291
  3. Sevenfold Amen #594
"Chalice Hymnal" -- Fall 2001- - scans [ #ChaliceHymnal ]
    Used occasionally for various reasons:
    Each hymn is identified by its Hymn number because the book has no page numbers.
  1. Alleluia #106
  2. Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit #592
  3. Go Down, Moses #663
  4. Go in Peace and the Peace of God #445
  5. God Be With You Till We Meet Again #434
  6. His Eye Is on the Sparrow #82
  7. How Can I Keep From Singing? #619
  8. I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me #614
  9. Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley #211
  10. Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming #160
  11. Lord, I Want to Be a Christian #589
  12. Lovely Star in the Sky #175
  13. 'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime #166
  14. Wade in the Water #371
    82 - 106 - 160 - 166 - 175 - 211 - 371 - 434 - 445 - 589 - 592 - 619 - 663
"Songs of Zion" songbook -- 7/2006- - scans [ #SongsZion ]
  1. Blessed Quietness #206
  2. Give Me a Clean Heart #182
  3. God is a God #140
  4. His Eye Is on the Sparrow #33
  5. I Shall Not Be Moved #35
  6. It Is Well with My Soul #20
  7. Life's Railway to Heaven #68
  8. Lord, Don't Move This Mountain #173
  9. Love Lifted Me #71
  10. My Lord! What a Morning #145
  11. Standin' in the Need of Prayer #110
  12. Steal Away #134
  13. Trees #197
    20 - 33 - 35 - 68 - 71 - 110 - 134 - 140 - 145 - 173 - 182 - 197 - 206
"O Holy Night" songbook -- 1981, Hinshaw Music, Inc.
      "The John Rutter Carols", thirteen sacred carols & Christmas hymns for choir S.A.T.B., edited and arranged by John Rutter
      - scans [ #Rutter_ohn ]
  1. O Come, O Come Emmanue, p. 1-3 - title / copyright - French 15th-cent. arr. John Rutter [ #ohn01 ]
  2. Angels We Have Heard on High, p. 4-8 - title / copyright - French trad. arr. John Rutter [ #ohn04 ]
  3. Angels, From the Realms of Glory, p. 9-11 - title / copyright - Henry Smart arr. John Rutter [ #ohn09 ]
  4. Ding Dong! Merrily on High, p. 12 - title / copyright - French 16th-cent. arr. John Rutter [ #ohn12 ]
  5. What Child Is This?, p. 13-15 - title / copyright - English trad. arr. John Rutter [ #ohn13 ]
  6. Good Christian Men, Rejoice, p. 16-20 [ #ohn16 ]
  7. The First Nowell, p. 21-25 - title / copyright - English trad. arr. John Rutter [ #ohn21 ]
  8. Away in a Manger, p. 26-29 - title / copyright - J.R.Murray arr. John Rutter [ #ohn26 ]
  9. O Holy Night, p. 30-42 - title / copyright - (Cantique de Noel) Adolphe Adam arr. John Rutter [ #ohn30 ]
  10. Joy to the World, p. 43 - title / copyright - Lowell Mason (based on Handel), words: Isaac Watts [ #ohn43 ]
  11. Three Kings of Orient, p. 44-45 - title / copyright - J.H. Hopkins arr. John Rutter [ #ohn44 ]
  12. Go, Tell it on the Mountain, p. 46-53 [ #ohn46 ]
  13. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, p. 54-57 - title / copyright - Mendelssohn arr. John Rutter [ #ohn54 ]
"Ain't that Good News!" songbook -- 1999, Hal Leonard Corporation, #08742075, UPC: 0-73999-42075-3
      Moses Hogan Arrangements of Traditional Spirituals, Edited by John Purifoy
      front cover / Table of Contents / back cover, UPC / copyright, same for all five songs
  1. Ain't that Good News, p. 3-11
  2. Abide with Me, p. 12-16
  3. Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit, p. 17-20
  4. Lord, I Want to Be a Christian, p. 21-25
  5. God's Gonna Set This World on Fire, p. 26-30
"100 Carols for Choirs" songbook -- 12/1995-
      front cover / title / copyright / Table of Contents #1 / #2 / #3 / back cover, ISBN, UPC
    #nn/nn = carol number / page number
  1. Cherry Tree Carol, The #46, p.200
  2. Child in a Manger #15, p. 68
  3. Gabriel to Mary Came (Angelus ad Virginem) #9, p.46
  4. Good King Wenceslas #22, p.102
  5. Holly and the Ivy, The #82, p.328
  6. I Wonder As I Wander #38, p.169
  7. In the Bleak Midwinter (Darke) #40, p.174
  8. In the Bleak Midwinter (Holst) #39, p.173
  9. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly #43, p.192
  10. Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming #50, p.210
  11. Lord of the Dance #31, p.138
  12. Maiden Most Gentle, A #4, p.21
  13. There is a Flower #85, p.333
  14. Wexford Carol #21, p.97
    4 - 9 - 15 - 21 - 22 - 31 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 43 - 46 - 50 - 82 - 85
    Other titles with practice marks in my copy (#9) of this songbook, but with no record (so far) that we performed them in any Church Service:
  15. Sans Day Carol #53, p.219
  16. Birthday Carol #68, p.277
  17. Joys Seven #80, p.316
  18. Jesus Christ the Apple Tree #83, p.330

The most frequently performed Anthems: (7 times or more) [as of 11-08-2015]
Chancel Choir Anthems in Title Order
  1. 15   Come, Jesus, Holy Son of God - George Friedrich Handel, arr. Hal H. Hopson

  2. 13   Bow Down Low (Shaker Song) - arr. David Bridges

  3. 12   Sweet Hour of Prayer - William W. Walford, William B. Bradbury, arr. Larry Beebe

  4. 11   Blest Are They Whose Spirits Long - George Friedrich Handel, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  5. 11   Christ Hath a Garden - Gerald Near

  6. 10   Awake, My Heart - Jane M. Marshall, words: Paulus Gerhardt, translated: Winfred Douglas
  7. 10   Winter Carol - Austin C. Lovelace

  8.   9   Come All Who Thirst - Luigi Cherubini, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  9.   9   My Shepherd Will Supply My Need - Virgil Thomson

  10.   8   Canon of Praise - Johann Pachelbel, arr. Hal H. Hopson
  11.   8   How Can I Keep From Singing? - trad., arr. Jeffrey Honore Wis.
  12.   8   Shall We Gather at the River / Deep River - arr. (setting by) John Carter, based on Hanson Place by Robert Lowry (1864), and Deep River, trad.
  13.   8   Simple Gifts (Shaker Tune) - arr. Theron Kirk
  14.   8   Sing to the Lord a New Song - Franz Joseph Haydn, arr. Hal H. Hopson

  15.   7   God Be In My Head - Andrew Carter, words: Book of Hours, Sarum, 1514
  16.   7   Happy in the Lord - arr. Alice Parker
  17.   7   If God Be For Us - Clifford McCormick
  18.   7   Lord, I Want to Be a Christian - Moses Hogan
  19.   7   My Song Shall Be Alway - Gerald Near, from Psalm 89
  20.   7   The Shepherd Psalm: Psalm 23 Paraphrase - John Carter, arr. Mary Kay Beall
  21.   7   Thanks Be To Thee - George Friedrich Handel
  22.   7   There Shall a Star Come Out of Jacob - Felix Mendelssohn
  23.   7   When Jesus Wept - William Billings
  24.   7   With a Voice of Singing - Martin Shaw

  25.   6   (9 titles)
  26.   5   (12 titles)
  27.   4   (29 titles)
  28.   3   (37 titles)
  29.   2   (67 titles)
  30.   1   (188 titles)

(A) "The Fifth Quarter Century: The First Congregational Church in Oshkosh 1849-1974"
    by Arthur Darken, Betty Darken, Charles Goff, John Minniear, Braxton Patterson, Bernice Porterfield and Robert Robertson
    1974, 95 p., plus 12 unnumbered photograph pages, comb bound
    cover / Table of Contents

(B) "Independent of Mind, Open of Heart [Archive]: The Story of 150 Years of Ministry 1849-1999"
    by Evelyn Bowerman, Susan Coghill, Ralph DiBiasio-Snyder, Susan Grant, Hope Linton and Kay Sanders
    1999, 329 p., plus 44 unnumbered photograph pages
    cover / title / copyright / Table of Contents #1 / #2
         p. 255 -- 04-01-1979 -- Cantata No. 106 - Johann Sebastian Bach
(C) Ibid., p. 196 -- ca. 1954-60 -- Crucifixion - Sir John Stainer
(D) Ibid., p. 255 -- 03-19-1978 -- Jesu Priceless Treasure - Johann Sebastian Bach
(E) Ibid., p. 110 -- ?-1984 -- Redemption - Charles Gounod
(F) Ibid., p. 255 -- ?-1981 -- Requiem - Gabriel Faure
(G) Ibid., p. 259 -- ?-1986 -- Requiem - Gabriel Faure
(H) Ibid., p. 255 -- 03-23-1980 -- Requiem Mass in D Minor - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
(I) Ibid., p. 258 -- ?-1985 -- St. John Passion - Johann Sebastian Bach
      Except for Chapter 3, all other chapters in the book have a section called, "The Music of Our Church", written by Hope Linton.
Ch. 1, (1849-1865), p. 17-20
Ch. 2, (1865-1885), p. 56-61
Ch. 4, (1886-1913), p. 107-113
Ch. 5, (1913-1928), p. 140-143
Ch. 6, (1929-1946), p. 170-174
Ch. 7, (1947-1957), p. 194-197
Ch. 8, (1958-1976), p. 221-228
Ch. 9, (1977-1999), p. 255-264

Other books published by or about the First Congregational Church, Oshkosh, WI

(B2) "In Celebration of These Lives: A Compilation of Eulogies 1988-2015"
    front cover / title / copyright / Index A-F / F-K / K-N / O-S / S-Z / back cover
    by Ralph And Carol Dibiasio-Snyder
    Oshkosh, WI: First Congregational Church, 2015, 337 p.
    ISBN: 1-329-49131-9, ISBN-13: 978-1-329-49131-1, UPC: 9-781329-491311
       this book is listed at LibraryThing by user: "FCClibraryoshkosh"
       FYI, as of 11-09-2015 there were 2,550 books from our Library located in the Church Lounge listed on the LibraryThing website.

       Books I just learned about, but have not seen, yet.
(B3) The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Young Ladies Society of the First Congregational Church, Oshkosh, Wis., 1884-1909, 1909, by Grace Morgan Davies

(B4) A Century of Christian Service 1849-1949, 1949, 24 p.

(B5) We Built This House to the Glory of God, 1987

Please send additions/corrections for this page to Doug Henkle, Choir Member since 1972 / Webmaster.
Chancel Choir Anthems in Date Order - Chancel Choir Members

Known links to this page:

Rev. Nancy A. Taylor - Pastor - Contact FCC OR Contact Staff
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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