U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog:
1939 New York World’s Fair Postcards by Miller Art Co.

Part of the U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
by Douglas H. Henkle, AFDCS LM #137, henkle@pobox.com

(last updated .12-04-2024)

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      This page lists and/or displays all 113* known to me 1939 New York World’s Fair Picture Postcards published by Miller Art Co. of Brooklyn, NY. Some websites state that this company started in 1922 and went out of business in 1941, but I can find nothing on the Web to verify these dates. Except as noted by "{A}" (my personal collection), or (BF) from Beth Farcht, all other displayed items were found on the Web.

      Scans Wanted, Miller Art numbers: 137, 138, 140, 145, 146, 149, 151, 152, 153, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 174, 175, 177, 180, 181, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 197, 198, 199.

      References -- What's New on this page

      * There are 113 Postcards Known to me in this series: #101 - #200 and 13 with no Postcard Number. Of these, I have been unable to find 41 Titles. Their Miller Art numbers are listed above. The following Logo and Printer Manufacturer identification appear on every postcard I have seen.

1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #101 front     1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #101 back

      Wanted: a 300 bpi / 600 pixel wide (or greater) .jpg scan of any unlisted design
Email it to: henkle@pobox.com
Subject for this page: Doug Henkle unlisted Miller Art 1939 NYWF postcards
      (an email with any other subject or with any other graphical format will be ignored IF it has an attachment)

      See also: 1939 New York World’s Fair Poster Stamps on #853 FDC's

Alphabetical List of all Known Titles on this page

Miller Art Co., Inc., Brooklyn, NY -- set of 1939 New York World’s Fair postcards:
      Postcards Printed by Miller Art Company from Paul M. Van Dort (32 postcards)
  1. 101:-The Trylon and Perisphere -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #101 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #101 back
  2. 102:-Section of the Colonial Court of States -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #102 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #102 back
  3. 103:-Hall of Fashion -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #103 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #103 back
  4. 104:-Maison Coty Cosmetics Building -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #104 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #104 back
  5. 105:-Administration Building -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #105 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #105 back
  6. 106:-Music Hall -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #106 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #106 back
  7. 107:-Federal Area. Lagoon of the Nations and surrounding area -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #107 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #107 back
  8. 108:-Hall of Marine Transportation -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #108 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #108 back
  9. 109:-General View. Main Exhibit Area -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #109 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #109 back
  10. 110:-Hall of Communications -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #110 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #110 back
  11. 111:-R.C.A. Exhibit Building -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #111 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #111 back
  12. 112:-Scene near Hall of Communications -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #112 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #112 back
  13. 113:-The Contemporary Arts Building -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #113 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #113 back
  14. 114:-Railroad Exhibit Building -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #114 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #114 back
  15. 115:-U.S. Steel Building -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #115 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #115 back
  16. 116:-The Ford Motor Company Building -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #116 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #116 back
  17. 117:-The Glass Centre Building -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #117 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #117 back
  18. 118:-The DuPont Chemistry Building -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #118 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #118 back
  19. 119:-The Food No. 2 Building -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #119 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #119 back
  20. 120:-Musical Program in the open air -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #120 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #120 back
  21. 121:-New York City Building. Trylon and Perisphere -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #121 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #121 back
  22. 122:-The Electrical Products Building -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #122 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #122 back
  23. 123:-The Star Pylon -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #123 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #123 back
  24. 124:-Medical and Health Science and Education Buildings -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #124 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #124 back
  25. 125:-Fireworks Display. --- (eBay)
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #125 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #125 back
  26. 126:-Aviation Building -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #126 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #126 back
  27. 127:-Federal Building and surrounding area -- {A}
          On the second postcard's front the print was misaligned.
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #127 front (misprint) 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #127 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #127 back
  28. 128:-Chrysler Building by night -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #128 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #128 back
  29. 129:-Empire State Building by moonlight. New York. -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #129 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #129 back
  30. 130:-Rockefeller Center and Radio City by night. New York. -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #130 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #130 back
  31. 131:-Airplane view of the Triborough and Hell Gate Bridges. New York. -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #131 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #131 back
  32. 132:-Lower Manhattan Skyline -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #132 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #132 back
  33. 133:-Statue of Liberty at night. New York. -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #133 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #133 back
  34. 134:-General Motors Exhibit -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #134 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #134 back
  35. 135:-Jewish Palestine Exhibit -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #135 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #135 back
  36. 136:-Amusement Area -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #136 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #136 back
  37. 137:-?
  38. 138:-?
  39. 139:-Times Square at night. New York. -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #139 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #139 back
  40. 140:-?
  41. 141:-Chrysler Motors Building -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #141 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #141 back
  42. 142:-New York City Building. Hall of Pharmacy. Electrical Products Building. -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #142 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #142 back
  43. 143:-Scene looking towards Railroad Building. -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #143 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #143 back
  44. 144:-Fireworks. Fountain Lake. Amusement Zone. -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #144 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #144 back
  45. 145:-?
  46. 146:-?
  47. 147:-Victories of Peace Statue. Trylon and Perisphere. -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #147 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #147 back
  48. 148:-The Parachute Jump --- (eBay)
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #148 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #148 back
  49. 149:-?
  50. 150:-"Europa" by Gleb W. Derujinsky [statue] -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #150 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #150 back
  51. 151:-?
  52. 152:-?
  53. 153:-?
  54. 154:-Some of the highlights -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #154 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #154 back
  55. 155:-?
  56. 156:-?
  57. 157:-George Washington Bridge, New York. -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 back
  58. 158:-?
  59. 159:-?
  60. 160:-?
  61. 161:-?
  62. 162:-?
  63. 163:-?
  64. 164:-R.C.A. Building, Rockefeller Center, New York City --- (eBay)
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #164 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #164 back
  65. 165:-?
  66. 166:-Science in Central Park, New York City --- (BF)
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #166 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #166 back
  67. 167:-?
  68. 168:-?
  69. 169:-?
  70. 170:-?
  71. 171:-?
  72. 172:-"Sea Maid" by Raymond Barger. Heinz Dome. [statue] -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 back 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 back
  73. 173:-Close Up of Perisphere. Trylon in Background by Night. --- (eBay)
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #173 front
  74. 174:-?
  75. 175:-?
  76. 176:-The Tower of Glass Building at night -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 back
  77. 177:-?
  78. 178:-Hall of Metals by night -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 back
  79. 179:-Luminous Spiral Column of Operations Building -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 back
  80. 180:-?
  81. 181:-?
  82. 182:-A Section in the Court of States -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 back
  83. 183:-Lagoon of Nations Fountain Display -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 back
  84. 184:-Threee Dimensional Mural in the "City of Light Exhibit" --- (eBay)
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #184 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #184 back
  85. 185:-Three Dimensional Mural in the City of Light Exhibit -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 back
  86. 186:-?
  87. 187:-?
  88. 188:-?
  89. 189:-?
  90. 190:-?
  91. 191:-?
  92. 192:-?
  93. 193:-?
  94. 194:-?
  95. 195:-?
  96. 196:-"Manhattan" by Sidney Waugh and Hall of Marine Transportation -- (eBay ***)
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #196 front
  97. 197:-?
  98. 198:-?
  99. 199:-?
  100. 200:-Builders of the Future Statue by Wm. Zorach -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., #157 back

  101. Postcards with a Title but no Number:
  102. 1a:-The British Pavilion -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., # front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., # back
  103. 1b:-Entrance to the British Pavilion -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., # front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., # back
  104. 1c:-The Royal Visitors, King George and Queen Elizabeth. -- {A}
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., # front 1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., # back
  105. 1d:-General View. Main Exhibit Area. --- (eBay) -- Same photo as #109.
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., # front
  106. 1e:-Close Up of Perisphere. Trylon in Background by Night. --- (eBay) -- Same photo as #173.
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., # front

  107. Postcards with no Title and no Number with the noted text as part of the design:
          (the only postcards I have seen with rounded corners)
  108. 2a:- -- All Set and Going Places! --- (eBay)
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., # front
  109. 2b:- -- Excuse My Haste! --- (eBay)
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., # front
  110. 2c:- -- Having a Swell Time! As Long As It Lasts! --- (eBay)
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., # front
  111. 2d:- -- Hi There! Wish You Were Here! --- (eBay)
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., # front
  112. 2e:- -- This Fair is Worth Crowing About! --- (eBay)
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., no # or title front
  113. 2f:- -- Well We Got Here! And it was worth it! --- (eBay)
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., # front
  114. 2g:- -- What a Crowd! Can You Find Me? --- (eBay)
    1939 New York World’s Fair postcard by Miller Art Co., # front

Alphabetical List of all Known Titles on thius page:
Articles published in FIRST DAYS, Listed in Date of Publication Order:

On-line References:
What's New on this page -- changes since 02-23-2023
      12-04-2024: Added #166
URL: https://www.folklib.net/fdc/1930s/1939wf-miller-art.shtml
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Page created by Douglas H. Henkle (Contact): henkle@pobox.com