Artists for Victory sheet of 50 Poster Stamps Artists for Victory sheet of 50 Poster Stamps
"Artists for Victory" Stamps

U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog:
Artists for Victory (A4V) Poster Stamp Covers
World War II Patriotics

Part of the U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
by Douglas H. Henkle, AFDCS LM #137,

(last updated .07-02-2023)

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      This page displays World War II Patriotic cachets created by Artists for Victory (A4V or AFV) by Artists for Victory, Inc. of New York, NY. As far as I know, only one sheet of 50 different "Artists for Victory" poster stamps was issued. All displayed covers are in my collection or were found on the Web. In 1942, Artists for Victory, Inc., had 10,000 members.

      References -- What's New on this page
      Known FDCs with Artists for Victory Poster Stamps

      S1# = Lawrence Sherman's World War II Patriotics, 1st ed. (1999) -- 9,660 designs described, with some designs pictured in black and white
           Due to the addition of 1400 new cachets merged into the 2nd edition in alphabetical order, all of the Catalog numbers in the 1st edition became obsolete.
      S2# = Lawrence Sherman's World War II Patriotics, 2nd ed. (2006) -- 11,060 designs described, with some designs pictured in color
      nn1/nn2 = (nn1) page where this cachet is listed, (nn2) page where it is pictured (page number is in bold). If the nn2 does not appear, that cachet is not pictured.

For more World War Two era cachets, see: Lawrence Sherman's World War II Patriotics

      Wanted: a 300 bpi / 600 pixel wide (or greater) .jpg scan of any unlisted cachet
Email it to:
Subject for this page: Doug Henkle unlisted Artists for Victory patriotics
      (an email with any other subject or with any other graphical format will be ignored IF it has an attachment)

"[label + printed border]" (part of Sherman's description of all of these World War II Patriotic cachets)
Five types of Printed Borders known to me:
      The two Cachetmaker identifications are from the 1986 article by Patricia Wright (1949-2007)
      (nn) = total number of covers with this border displayed on this page
      1) (14) Produced by George W. Linn (1884-1966), with artwork by Dorothy W. Knapp (1907-1986) -- Linn #64 from "The "Linn's Catalogue of Patriotic Covers of WWII"
      2) (3) unknown
      3) (3) unknown
      4) (45) Produced by Paul F. Goldstein (19??-19??), with artwork by Dorothy W. Knapp (1907-1986) -- Linn #75 from "The "Linn's Catalogue of Patriotic Covers of WWII"
      5) (1) Dr. Harry C. Ioor
Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1820, A4V #18 on cover, Border1 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1820, A4V #18 on cover, Border2 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1820, A4V #18 on cover, Border3 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1820, A4V #18 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7684, A4V #25 on cover, Border5
    Stamps and cover displays are listed in the order of their design number which was printed on each stamp.
          See also: A4V Poster Stamps in Artist's name order
  1. #A4V1 -- Artists for Victory #1
          no text
          McClelland Barclay -- Avenge Pearl Harbor---buy war bonds today!
          -- [S1#70 p. 139] -- [S2#806 p. 150]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #806, A4V #1 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #806, A4V #1 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #806, A4V #1 on cover, Border1
  2. #A4V2 -- Artists for Victory #2
          Deliver us from evil
          Irwin D. Hoffman -- War bonds will remove this shadow!
          -- [S1#1632 p. 158] -- [S2#1815 p. 178]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1815, A4V #2 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1815, A4V #2 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1815, A4V #2 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1815, A4V #2 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1815, A4V #2 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1815, A4V #2 on cover
  3. #A4V3 -- Artists for Victory #3
          Someone talked!
          Paul Haus-Dorff -- Ship talk can be sabotalk!
          -- [S1#6286 p. 254] -- [S2#7139 p. 304]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7139, A4V #3 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7139, A4V #3 back
  4. #A4V4 -- Artists for Victory #4
          Go without / so they won't have to
          Sgt. Jack (John L. Jr.) Dumas -- Food is a weapon---waste not!
          -- [S1#2629 p. 179/183] -- [S2#2951 p. 206]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #2951, A4V #4 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #2951, A4V #4 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #2951, A4V #4 on cover, Border4
  5. #A4V5 -- Artists for Victory #5
          Attack! / Sacrifice---the privilege of free men
          Alexander E. Dugas -- Your country calls for more war bonds!
          -- [S1#642 p. 138] -- [S2#727 p. 148]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #727, A4V #5 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #727, A4V #5 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7139727, A4V #3 on cover, Border4
  6. #A4V6 -- Artists for Victory #6
          Slave world / or free world?
          George Maas -- Concentrate on war bonds for victory!
          -- [S1#6241 p. 253] -- [S2#7088 p. 303]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7088, A4V #6 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7088, A4V #6 back
  7. #A4V7 -- Artists for Victory #7
          Victory / starts here
          Gordon Innes -- Victory is in your hands!
          -- [S1#8385 p. 294] -- [S2#9491 p. 358]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #9491, A4V #7 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #9491, A4V #7 back
  8. #A4V8 -- Artists for Victory #8
          This is the / enemy
          Douglas Grant -- Loose lips = lost lives!
          -- [S1#7136 p. 269] -- [S2#8085 p. 324]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8085, A4V #8 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8085, A4V #8 back
  9. #A4V9 -- Artists for Victory #9
          Victory / starts here
          Duncan Gleason -- Lives depend on your job!
          -- [S1#8382 p. 294] -- [S2#9490 p. 358]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #9490, A4V #9 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #9490, A4V #9 back
  10. #A4V10 -- Artists for Victory #10
          Join the / silence / squad / to preserve our liberty
          Roswell Brown -- Rumors are enemy weapons!
          -- [S1#3639 p. 199] -- [S2#4110 p. 232]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #4110, A4V #10 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #4110, A4V #10 back
  11. #A4V11 -- Artists for Victory #11
          Buy more war bonds and stamps
          Paul W. Darrow -- War bonds and stamps supply the bullets!
          -- [S1#1087 p. 147] -- [S2#1228 p. 161]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1228, A4V #11 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1228, A4V #11 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1228, A4V #11 on cover, Border1 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1228, A4V #11 on cover, Border1
  12. #A4V12 -- Artists for Victory #12
          Deliver / us / from / evil [in quotes]
          Joel N. Altshuler -- Their deliverance depends on you!
          -- [S1#1630 p. 158] -- [S2#1813 p. 178]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #4110, A4V #12 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #4110, A4V #12 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #4110, A4V #12 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #4110, A4V #12 on cover Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #4110, A4V #12 on cover, Border4, #916 FDC
  13. #A4V13 -- Artists for Victory #13
          On the job! / the boys need guns
          Joseph Binder -- Save waste kitchen fats for explosives!
          -- [S1#5095 p. 230] -- [S2#5793 p. 273]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. ]#5793, A4V #13 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. ]#5793, A4V #13 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. ]#5793, A4V #13 on cover, Border1 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. ]#5793, A4V #13 on cover, Border2 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. ]#5793, A4V #13 on cover
  14. #A4V14 -- Artists for Victory #14
          Deliver us from evil [in quotes]
          Virginia Legakes -- For peace' sake---fight!
          -- [S1#1631 p. 158] -- [S2#1814 p. 178]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. ]#1814, A4V #14 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. ]#1814, A4V #14 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. ]#1814, A4V #14 on cover, Border1 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. ]#1814, A4V #14 on cover, Border3 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. ]#1814, A4V #14 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. ]#1814, A4V #14 on cover Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. ]#1814, A4V #14 on cover
  15. #A4V15 -- Artists for Victory #15
          Slave / world / or free / world
          Edwin Georgi -- Fight today for your child's tomorrow!
          -- [S1#6239 p. 253] -- [S2#7086 p. 303]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. ]#7086, A4V #15 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. ]#7086, A4V #15 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. ]#7086, A4V #15 on cover, Border4
  16. #A4V16 -- Artists for Victory #16
          Deliver us from evil [in quotes]
          James Lewicki -- Defend your sacred right of worship!
          -- [S1#1634 p. 158] -- [S2#1817 p. 178]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1817, A4V #16 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1817, A4V #16 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1817, A4V #16 on cover, Border3 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1817, A4V #16 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1817, A4V #16 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1817, A4V #16 on cover
  17. #A4V17 -- Artists for Victory #17
          The people are / on the march
          Jack Homowitz -- United Nations---One for all and all for one!
          -- [S1#6774 p. 264] -- [S2#7685 p. 317]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7685, A4V #17 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7685, A4V #17 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7685, A4V #17 on cover, Border4
  18. #A4V18 -- Artists for Victory #18
          Deliver us from evil [in quotes]
          Seymour Fogel -- Her liberation depends upon your liberality!
          -- [S1#1637 p. 158] -- [S2#1820 p. 178]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1820, A4V #18 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1820, A4V #18 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1820, A4V #18 on cover, Border1 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1820, A4V #18 on cover, Border2 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1820, A4V #18 on #916 FDC, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1820, A4V #18 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1820, A4V #18 on cover
  19. #A4V19 -- Artists for Victory #19
          Someone talked!
          Charles Clement -- ... And many died! Think before talking!
          -- [S1#6290 p. 254] -- [S2#7143 p. 304]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7143, A4V #19 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7143, A4V #19 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7143, A4V #19 on cover, Border4
  20. #A4V20 -- Artists for Victory #20
          Deliver us from evil [in quotes]
          Barbara Marks -- Destroy the despoilers of our faiths!
          -- [S1#1635 p. 158] -- [S2#1818 p. 178]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1818, A4V #20 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1818, A4V #20 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1818, A4V #20 on cover, Border1 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1818, A4V #20 on cover, Border1 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1818, A4V #20 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1818, A4V #20 on #913 FDC, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1818, A4V #20 on cover Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1818, A4V #20 on cover
          This pasted-on cachet on a Scott #918 FDC may be a copy of the original poster clipped from a magazine.
    Artists for Victory #20 original poster clipped from a magazine or newspaper on #918 FDC
          Courtesy of the University of North Texas: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department at: (accessed April 7, 2023), this is a poster with the same identical design as A4V #20, but with different wording: This Is the Enemy, however they attribute it to: "United States. Office of War Information. 1943." with no mention of the artist, Barbara Marks.
          The line at the bottom of the poster: OWI Poster No. 76. Additional copies may be obtained upon request from the Division of Public Inquiries, Office of War Information, Washington, D.C. ---- U.S. Government Printing Office: 1943-O-533688
    American War Poster from the University of North Texas Libraries Government Documents Department
  21. #A4V21 -- Artists for Victory #21
          Work / to keep free
          Louis Lispi -- A "Sound" policy for victory!
          -- [S1#9118 p. 307] -- [S2#10371 p. 377]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #10371, A4V #21 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #10371, A4V #21 back
  22. #A4V22 -- Artists for Victory #22
          Slave world / or free / world
          Will Keon -- Fight for the light of the right
          -- [S1#6240 p. 253] -- [S2#7087 p. 303]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7087, A4V #22 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7087, A4V #22 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7087, A4V #22 on cover, Border4
  23. #A4V23 -- Artists for Victory #23
          This / is the enemy
          Duane Bryers -- Extinguish this menace to Humanity!
          -- [S1#7083 p. 268 ] -- [S2#8030 p. 323]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8030, A4V #23 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8030, A4V #23 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8030, A4V #23 on #913 FDC, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8030, A4V #23 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8030, A4V #23 on cover, Border4
  24. #A4V24 -- Artists for Victory #24
          Join / the / silence / squad
          Don I. Daugherty -- Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut!
          -- [S1#3638 p. 199] -- [S2#4109 p. 232]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #4109, A4V #24 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #4109, A4V #24 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #4109, A4V #24 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #4109, A4V #24 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #4109, A4V #24 on cover
  25. #A4V25 -- Artists for Victory #25
          The people are / on the march!
          Bob Kearfoil -- Work! fight! sacrifice! united we'll win!
          -- [S1#6773 p. 264] -- [S2#7684 p. 317]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7684, A4V #25 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7684, A4V #25 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7684, A4V #25 on cover, Border3 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7684, A4V #25 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7684, A4V #25 on #927 FDC, Border5
  26. #A4V26 -- Artists for Victory #26
          Buy More / war bonds / and stamps
          Howard Stabin -- Support the man behind the gun!
          -- [S1#1070 p. 147] -- [S2#1210 p. 161]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1210, A4V #26 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1210, A4V #26 back
  27. #A4V27 -- Artists for Victory #27
          Sacrifice / The Privilege of free men
          Nikol Schattenstein -- Find your place in the fight for freedom!
          -- [S1#5953 p. 249/256] -- [S2#6754 p. 298/308]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #6754, A4V #27 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #6754, A4V #27 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #6754, A4V #27 on cover, Border4
  28. #A4V28 -- Artists for Victory #28
          This is the enemy
          Koehler & Ancona -- An eye for an eye -- The swine will swing!
          -- [S1#7142 p. 269] -- [S2#8091 p. 324/334]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8086, A4V #28 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8086, A4V #28 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8086, A4V #28 on cover, Border4
  29. #A4V29 -- Artists for Victory #29
          Fight it out / on this line
          Herbert Sipp -- Gear yourself in the battle of production!
          -- [S1#1970 p. 166] -- [S2#2191 p. 190]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #2191, A4V #29 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #2191, A4V #29 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #2191, A4V #29 on cover, Border1 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #2191, A4V #29 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #2191, A4V #29 on cover
  30. #A4V30 -- Artists for Victory #30
          This is the enemy
          Lionel S. Reiss -- Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!
          -- [S1#7143 p. 269 ] -- [S2#8092 p. 324]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8092, A4V #30 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8092, A4V #30 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8092, A4V #30 on cover, Border4
  31. #A4V31 -- Artists for Victory #31
          This is the enemy
          Harley Melzian -- Wipe the slime and crime from the earth!
          -- [S1#7145 p. 269] -- [S2#8094 p. 324/335]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8094, A4V #31 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8094, A4V #31 back
  32. #A4V32 -- Artists for Victory #32
          Someone talked!
          Oliver Nelson -- Talk is not cheap! Be careful!
          -- [S1#6291 p. 254] -- [S2#7144 p. 304]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7144, A4V #32 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7144, A4V #32 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7144, A4V #32 on cover, Border4
  33. #A4V33 -- Artists for Victory #33
          Work / to keep free
          Helen Rabinowitz -- Your hands can shape victory!
          -- [S1#9119 p. 307] -- [S2#10372 p. 377]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #10372, A4V #33 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #10372, A4V #33 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #10372, A4V #33 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #10372, A4V #33 on cover
  34. #A4V34 -- Artists for Victory #34
          The enemy is listening
          Weimer Pursell -- Idle chatter can be a serious matter
          -- [S1#6623 p. 262] -- [S2#7523 p. 315]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7523, A4V #34 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7523, A4V #34 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7523, A4V #34 on cover, Border1 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7523, A4V #34 on cover
  35. #A4V35 -- Artists for Victory #35
          Buy More / war bonds and stamps
          Silvia Passerini -- Hand up your share for victory!
          -- [S1#1071 p. 147] -- [S2#1211 p. 161]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1211, A4V #35 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1211, A4V #35 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1211, A4V #35 on cover, Border1 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1211, A4V #35 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1211, A4V #35 on cover, Border4
  36. #A4V36 -- Artists for Victory #36
          Your sacrifice / now / will prevent this
          Art Wells -- Imagine your child in her stead!
          -- [S1#9330 p. 313] -- [S2#10614 p. 385]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #10614, A4V #36 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #10614, A4V #36 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. ]#10614, A4V #36 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. ]#10614, A4V #36 on cover, Border4
  37. #A4V37 -- Artists for Victory #37
          Buy More / war bonds and stamps
          Hugo Steccatti -- Put your heart in your work -- your pay in bonds!
          -- [S1#1072 p. 147] -- [S2#1212 p. 161]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1212, A4V #37 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1212, A4V #37 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1212, A4V #37 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1212, A4V #37 on cover, Border4
  38. #A4V38 -- Artists for Victory #38
          Victory starts here
          Josefa Wenter -- As we sow, sh shall we reap!
          -- [S1#8465 p. 295/298] -- [S2#9616 p. 360/365]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #9616, A4V #38 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #9616, A4V #38 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #9616, A4V #38 on cover, Border4
  39. #A4V39 -- Artists for Victory #39
          This is the / enemy
          D.H. Moneypenny -- Just another atrocity story, eh?
          -- [S1#7135 p. 269] -- [S2#8084 p. 324]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8084, A4V #39 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8084, A4V #39 back
  40. #A4V40 -- Artists for Victory #40
          Work to keep free
          Don Schreckengost -- Idle hands work for the enemy!
          -- [S1#9124 p. 307] -- [S2#10377 p. 377]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #10377, A4V #40 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #10377, A4V #40 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #10377, A4V #40 on #920 FDC, Border1 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #10377, A4V #40 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #10377, A4V #40 on cover, Border4
  41. #A4V41 -- Artists for Victory #41
          Buy More / war bonds and stamps
          Xanti Schawinsky -- Smash the double cross with more tanks!
          -- [S1#1073 p. 147] -- [S2#1213 p. 161]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1213, A4V #41 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1213, A4V #41 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1213, A4V #41 on cover, Border1 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1213, A4V #41 on cover, Border1 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1213, A4V #41 on cover, Border4
  42. #A4V42 -- Artists for Victory #42
          Deliver us from evil [in quotes]
          Jack A. Willard -- "Protective custody" under the barbarian!
          -- [S1#1633 p. 158] -- [S2#1816 p. 178]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1816, A4V #42 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1816, A4V #42 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1816, A4V #42 on cover
  43. #A4V43 -- Artists for Victory #43
          Slave world---or free world?
          J.C. White -- Fight for the four freedoms!
          -- [S1#6242 p. 253] -- [S2#7089 p. 303]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7089, A4V #43 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7089, A4V #43 back
  44. #A4V44 -- Artists for Victory #44
          This is the / enemy
          Clarence West -- Fight for your right to free worship!
          -- [S1#7134 p. 269] -- [S2#8083 p. 324]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8083, A4V #44 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8083, A4V #44 back
  45. #A4V45 -- Artists for Victory #45
          Slave / world / or / free / world
          Tony Palazzo -- Keep the goose step out of America!
          -- [S1#6238 p. 253] -- [S2#7085 p. 303]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7085, A4V #45 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7085, A4V #45 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7085, A4V #45 on #917 FDC, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7085, A4V #45 on cover, Border4
  46. #A4V46 -- Artists for Victory #46
          This is the enemy
          Koehler & Ancona -- An eye for an eye -- The swine will swing!
          -- [S1#7142 p. 269] -- [S2#8091 p. 324/334]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8091, A4V #46 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8091, A4V #46 back
  47. #A4V47 -- Artists for Victory #47
          Buy more war bonds and stamps
          E.B. Greenhaw -- Take a smash at the Axis!
          -- [S1#1086 p. 147,54] -- [S2#1227 p. 161]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1227, A4V #47 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1227, A4V #47 back
  48. #A4V48 -- Artists for Victory #48
          This is the enemy
          Mary Stewart -- Rid them of the specter of fear!
          -- [S1#7144 p. 269] -- [S2#8093 p. 324]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8093, A4V #48 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #8093, A4V #48 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. 8093, A4V #48 on #916 FDC, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. 8093, A4V #48 on cover, Border4
  49. #A4V49 -- Artists for Victory #49
          Deliver us from evil [in quotes]
          Charles T. Allenbrook -- Eradicate the footprints of the tyrant!
          -- [S1#1636 p. 158] -- [S2#1819 p. 178]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1819, A4V #49 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1819, A4V #49 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1819, A4V #49 on cover, Border2 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1819, A4V #49 on cover Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #1819, A4V #49 on cover
  50. #A4V50 -- Artists for Victory #50
          Victory / starts / here
          Otto H. Keisker -- Stay on your job to the finish!
          -- [S1#8384 p. 294] -- [S2#9488 p. 358]
    Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #9488, A4V #50 front Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #9488, A4V #50 back Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #9488, A4V #50 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #9488, A4V #50 on cover, Border4 Artists for Victory, WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #9488, A4V #50 on cover

Known FDCs with Artists for Victory Poster Stamps -- all Not in Mellone (NIM):
#913 -- 8-24-1943 -- #A4V20 -- #A4V23
#916 -- 10-12-1943 -- #A4V12 -- #A4V18 -- #A4V48
#917 -- 10-26-1943 -- #A4V45
#919 -- 11-23-1943 -- #A4V20
#920 -- 12-07-1943 -- #A4V40
#927 -- 3-03-1945 -- #A4V25
Articles published in FIRST DAYS, Listed in Date of Publication Order:
What's New on this page -- changes since 01-14-2023:
07-02-2023 -- Added a #A4V12 #916 FDC.
03-05-2023 -- Added 2 uncacheted covers with stamps tied with 1-24-1944 cancels -- #A4V42 -- #A4V49.
      Added Index Menus of all 50 Poster Stamps to the in "Artist's Name Order" page:
      1) #TextIn --Sorted in order of the text IN the photo
      2) #TextUnder -- Sorted in order of the text UNDER the photo .
      1) Added a References Section
      2) Identified two Printed Borders .
01-17-2023 -- Added 2 #A4V13 scans.
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Page created by Douglas H. Henkle (Contact):