U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog:
Cachetmaker: Porto-Server
World War II Patriotics

Part of the U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
by Douglas H. Henkle, AFDCS LM #137, henkle@pobox.com

(last updated .05-23-2022)

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      This page displays World War II Patriotic cachets created by Porto-Server (Tarrson Company) (NOT Tarson) of Chicago, Illinois. Nine (9) of these cachets have been serviced as U.S. Scott Numbered First Day Covers (FDC). All displayed covers were found on the Web. The covers are listed in alphabetical order of the text printed on the cachet, which is the order that Lawrence Sherman cataloged them. Nineteen (19) different cachets, every design listed by Sherman (2006), and five (5) printed unused stationery are displayed on this page.
Dimensions: Covers 8-3/4 x 3-7/8"-- Letters 7-1/8 x 10-3/8"

      References -- What's New on this page
      Known FDCs with Porto-Server Patriotic Cachets

      S1# = Lawrence Sherman, 1st ed. (1999) - 9,660 designs described, with some designs pictured in black and white
           Due to the addition of 1400 new cachets merged into the 2nd edition in alphabetical order, all of the Catalog numbers in the 1st edition became obsolete.
      S2# = Lawrence Sherman, 2nd ed. (2006) - 11,060 designs described, with some designs pictured in color
      nn1/nn2 = (nn1) page where this cachet is listed, (nn2) page where it is pictured (page number is in bold). If the nn2 does not appear, that cachet is not pictured.
      Note: Descriptions in italics are quoted from these books by Lawrence Sherman.

For more World War Two era cachets, see: Lawrence Sherman World War II Patriotics

      Wanted: a 300 bpi / 600 pixel wide (or greater) .jpg scan of any unlisted cachet
Email it to: henkle@pobox.com
Subject for this page: Doug Henkle unlisted Porto-Server patriotics
      (an email with any other subject or with any other graphical format will be ignored IF it has an attachment)

  1. #7 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          A / merry Christmas / and etc. ... A Happy New Year / U.S. Army
          -- [S1#6 p.129] -- [S2#7 p.137]
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7 Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7
  2. #3332 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          Here's / a letter for
          -- [S1#2961 p.186] -- [S2#3332 p.214]
          #907 FDC -- #908 FDC
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3332 on Scott #907 FDC Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3367 on Scott #908 FDC Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3332 Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3332
  3. #3367 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          Hey! / Youse Guys! / The Mail's In!
          -- [S1#2980 p.186/189] -- [S2#3367 p.215/219]
          #907 FDC -- #908 FDC
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3367 on Scott #907 FDC Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3367 on Scott #908 FDC Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3367 Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3367
  4. #3368 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          Hey! Got / Any Mail For
          -- [S1#2981 p.186] -- [S2#3368 p.215]
          #907 FDC -- #908 FDC
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3368 on Scott #907 FDC Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3367 on Scott #908 FDC
  5. #3369 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          Hey! That's / My Name
          -- [S1#2983 p.186] -- [S2#3369 p.215]
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3369 Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3369 Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3369
  6. #3379 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          Hi - Folks / Here's That / Overdue / Mail For
          -- [S1#2990 p.186] -- [S2#3379 p.215]
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3379
  7. #3380 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          High Tide And / Torpedoes Can't / Stop The Mail For
          -- [S1#2994 p.186] -- [S2#3380 p.215]
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3380
  8. #3381 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          High Time / Somebody Wuz / Tossin' A Line To
          -- [S1#2995 p.186] -- [S2#3381 p.215]
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3381
  9. #3382 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          High-Ho! Here's / A Letter For
          -- [S1#2996 p.186] -- [S2#3382 p.215]
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3382
  10. #3482 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          How About / A Message For
          -- [S1#3077 p.188] -- [S2#3482 p.216/219]
          #907 FDC
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3482 on Scott #907 FDC Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3482
  11. #3597 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          I Won't Let / My Sweetheart / Down - Here's / One For
          -- [S1#3181 p.191] -- [S2#3597 p.221]
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3597
  12. #3700 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          I'm Lookin' For
          -- [S1#3212 p.191] -- [S2#3700 p.222]
          #907 FDC
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3482 on Scott #907 FDC Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3700
  13. #3711 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          I'm Writing / This While / Scrubbing The / Admiral's Deck / Pal
          -- [S1#3222 p.191] -- [S2#3711 p.223/229]
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3711 Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #3711
  14. #5088 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          Many T'anks - / Folks, For The Mail / And Here's One For
          -- [S1 not listed] -- [S2#5088 p.257]
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #5088
  15. #5252 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          Mess Sarge / Ain't Lookin' Pal, / So Here's One For
          -- [S1#4622 p.219] -- [S2#5252 p.260]
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #5252
  16. #5787 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          On The / Lookout For
          -- [S1#5089 p.230/234] -- [S2#5787 p.273]
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #5787
  17. #6567 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          Remember Me ... / Any Mail For
          -- [S1#5781 p.244] -- [S2#6567 p.292]
          #907 FDC
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #6567 on Scott #907 FDC
  18. #7029 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          Shoot Some / Ink This Way - For
          -- [S1#6191 p.252/257] -- [S2#7029 p.302/309]
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #7029
  19. #10599 -- Porto-Server -- (eBay)
          Your Letter / Wuza Life-Saver - / Sweetheart - So / Here's One For
          -- [S1#9319 p.312] -- [S2#10599 p.385/387]
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic, Sherman 2nd ed. #10599
  20. #Letters -- Porto-Server printed stationery
          A Merry / Christmas / and A Happy / New Year
          Do That Job... and Hurry Home
          Give Them "Hell-O" for Us! / Berlin
          Keep 'Em Running / Right Off the Map!
          Put the Heat to / Hirohito
    Porto-Server WW II Patriotic printed stationery Porto-Server WW II Patriotic printed stationery Porto-Server WW II Patriotic printed stationery Porto-Server WW II Patriotic printed stationery Porto-Server WW II Patriotic printed stationery Porto-Server WW II Patriotic printed stationery

Known FDCs with Porto-Server Patriotic Cachets:
  1. U.S. Scott #907 -- S2#3332 -- S2#3367 -- S2#3368 -- S2#3482 -- S2#3700 -- S2#6567
  2. U.S. Scott #908 -- S2#3332 -- S2#3367 -- S2#3368

Articles published in FIRST DAYS, Listed in Date of Publication Order:

#Petaluma -- UM-044. WWII US Patriotic Envelopes- Set of Six Different Envelopes
      Petaluma Collective Antique and Militaria Mall in conjunction with the Military Antiques and Museum of Petaluma, CA
What's New on this page -- changes since 03-04-2022:
      1) Added FDC's: #907, #908: S2#3332 -- S2#3367 -- S2#3368 -- #907: -- S2#3482 -- S2#3700 -- S2#6567 -- Color variety of S2#7 -- and Five printed stationery .
URL: https://www.folklib.net/fdc/1940s/porto-server.shtml
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Page created by Douglas H. Henkle (Contact): henkle@pobox.com