U.S. Scott #1164 #1164

U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog:
U.S. Scott #1164 FDC Cachet List and Display in Mellone Order

Part of the U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
by Douglas H. Henkle, AFDCS LM #137, henkle@pobox.com

(last updated .01-11-2025)

FDC Publishing Co. Mellone Catalog Numbers

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      This page lists all First Day Cover (FDC) Cachets for U.S. Scott #1164 in Mellone Catalog Number Order.

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      U.S. Scott #1164 was issued on 10-20-1960 at Providence, RI - (4¢)
      First Automated Post Office in the U.S.
      Minkus CM473 [2003 Krause-Minkus Catalog, p. 243]

      Wanted: 300 bpi / 600 pixel wide (or greater) .jpg scan of any unlisted cachet (ALSO any cachet marked ***)
Email it to: henkle@pobox.com
Subject for this page: Doug Henkle unlisted 1164 cachet
      (an email with any other subject or with any other graphical format will be ignored   IF  it has an attachment)

   U.S. Scott #1164-nn = each cachet's Mellone Catalog number.
   1164-nn = e.g. https://www.folklib.net/fdc/1960s/1164-cachets.shtml#1164-10 - each cachet on this page can be linked to individually by using "#" and its shown Mellone Catalog Number.
   p. nnn = the page number(s) this cachet is documented in Mellone's Specialized Cachet Catalog of First Day Covers of the 1960's, Volume I, 1st ed., 1985
   [#nnn, ...] = references to articles in the AFDCS (American First Day Cover Society's) journal, FIRST DAYS.
   cachet line name link = links to that line's entry on the FDC Cachetmakers Index page which lists by Catalog number every design for that line that appears on a "Cachet List" on this site.
   name link = click on the Cachetmaker's name for possible birth/death dates, website links and/or FIRST DAYS article references for that Cachetmaker.
   name link @ = links to that Cachetmaker's Cachet Display page. All other name links go to their entry on the Philatelic Birth Dates, Index and Links page.
  1. U.S. Scott #1164-1, p. 45, C.S. Anderson (Charles Stephen) -- (eBay)
          #1164-1a (black) -- #1164-1b (blue) -- #1164-1c (violet)
    U.S. Scott #1164-1a - C.S. Anderson (Charles Stephen) U.S. Scott #1164-1b - C.S. Anderson (Charles Stephen) U.S. Scott #1164-1c - C.S. Anderson (Charles Stephen) U.S. Scott #1164-1c - C.S. Anderson (Charles Stephen)
  2. U.S. Scott #1164-2, p. 45, Aristocrats (Henry Day Lowry) -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-2 - Aristocrats (Henry Day Lowry)
  3. U.S. Scott #1164-3, p. 45, Art Craft -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-3 - Art Craft U.S. Scott #1164-3-2a - Art Craft U.S. Scott #1164-3-2b - Art Craft
  4. U.S. Scott #1164-4, p. 45, Artmaster -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-4 - Artmaster
  5. U.S. Scott #1164-5, p. 45, Alfred G. "Tag" Boerger -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-5 - Alfred G. 'Tag' Boerger
  6. U.S. Scott #1164-6, p. 45, Cachet Craft (Ken Boll) -- (eBay) / (eBay)
          eBay dealer description: "U.S. Postmasters General; signed by J. Edward Day, James Farley, Arthur Summerfield, W. Marvin Watson and John A. Gronouski. Also includes and autopen signature of Winton M. Blount and what we believe to be a secretarially signed signature of Laurence O'Brien.
          Authentic autographs in ink on vintage commemorative first day postal cover."
    U.S. Scott #1164-6 - Cachet Craft (Ken Boll) U.S. Scott #1164-6 - Cachet Craft (Ken Boll)
  7. U.S. Scott #1164-7, p. 45, Cascade Cachet -- (eBay ***)
    U.S. Scott #1164-7 - Cascade Cachet
  8. U.S. Scott #1164-8, p. 45, Diamond Cachet ***
  9. U.S. Scott #1164-9, p. 45, Ralph Dyer ***
  10. U.S. Scott #1164-10, p. 45, House of Farnam (HF) -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-10 - House of Farnam (HF)
  11. U.S. Scott #1164-11, p. 45, Fleetwood -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-11 - Fleetwood
  12. U.S. Scott #1164-12, p. 45, Herman F. Fluegel -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-12 - Herman F. Fluegel
  13. U.S. Scott #1164-13, p. 45, Goldcraft ***
  14. U.S. Scott #1164-14, p. 45, Henry Cachet (Cletus Henry) -- (eBay) / (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-14 - Cletus Henry U.S. Scott #1164-14 - Cletus Henry U.S. Scott #1164-14 - Cletus Henry
  15. U.S. Scott #1164-15, p. 45, 1st Intelex Systems Incorporated: A Division of ITT (International Telephone & Telegraph Corp.) -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-15 - Intelex Systems Incorporated: A Division of ITT (International Telephone & Telegraph Corp.)
  16. U.S. Scott #1164-16, p. 45, 1st Kimble Glass Co. ***
  17. U.S. Scott #1164-17, p. 45, ? Koch ***
  18. U.S. Scott #1164-18, p. 45, Kolor Kover -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-18 - Kolor Kover
  19. U.S. Scott #1164-19, p. 45, Herman R. Maul-- (eBay)
          Automated Post Office #1164-19a Kennedy
          Your New Postal Clerk #1164-19b Nixon
    U.S. Scott #1164-19z - Herman R. Maul U.S. Scott #1164-19b - Herman R. Maul
  20. U.S. Scott #1164-20, p. 45, 1st Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Co. -- (eBay) / (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-20 - Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Co. U.S. Scott #1164-20 - Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
  21. U.S. Scott #1164-21, p. 45, Mischa Max Cards -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-21 - Mischa Max Cards
  22. U.S. Scott #1164-22, p. 45, 1st Providence Redevelopment Agency -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-22 - Providence Redevelopment Agency U.S. Scott #1164-22 - Providence Redevelopment Agency
  23. U.S. Scott #1164-23, p. 45, 1st Rhode Island Philatelic Society -- (eBay) / (eBay) / (eBay ***)
    U.S. Scott #1164-23 - Rhode Island Philatelic Society U.S. Scott #1164-23 - Rhode Island Philatelic Society U.S. Scott #1164-23 - Rhode Island Philatelic Society
  24. U.S. Scott #1164-23a-NIM, NIM, 1st Rhode Island Philatelic Society -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-23a-NIM - Tri-Color (Morris W. Beck)
  25. U.S. Scott #1164-24, p. 46, Tri-Color (Morris W. Beck @) -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-24 - Tri-Color (Morris W. Beck)
  26. U.S. Scott #1164-25, p. 46, William J. Von Ohlen -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-25 - William J. Von Ohlen

  27. U.S. Scott #1164-CP - U.S.P.S. First Day Ceremony Program -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-CP - U.S.P.S. First Day Ceremony Program U.S. Scott #1164-CP - U.S.P.S. First Day Ceremony Program U.S. Scott #1164-CP - U.S.P.S. First Day Ceremony Program
  28. U.S. Scott #1164-POSTER - U.S.P.S. Mint Stamp Poster Bulletin -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-POSTER - U.S.P.S. Mint Stamp Poster Bulletin

  29. (NIM) Not in Mellone
  30. U.S. Scott #1164-NIM1 - 1st Burroughs Co. ***
  31. U.S. Scott #1164-NIM2 - 1st Rooster Booster ***
  32. U.S. Scott #1164-NIM3 - Al and Arlene Van Dahl -- (eBay ***)
    U.S. Scott #1164-NIM3 - Al and Arlene Van Dahl
  33. U.S. Scott #1164-NIM4 - unknown -- (eBay) / (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-NIM4 - unknown U.S. Scott # -
  34. U.S. Scott #1164-NIM5 - The Meter Digest -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-NIM5 - The Meter Digest

  35. (A-NIM) More Recent Add-Ons, all Not in Mellone
  36. U.S. Scott #1164-A1-NIM" - Webcraft (Steve Todd @) add-on -- (eBay) / (eBay)
          #1164-A1a -- #1164-A1b
    U.S. Scott #1164-A1a - Webcraft yyyy? add-on by Steve Todd U.S. Scott #1164-A1b - Webcraft yyyy? add-on by Steve Todd
  37. U.S. Scott #1164-A2-NIM - Therome Cachets (Tom Peluso (Thomas), ACE #347) add-on -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-A2-NIM - Therome Cachets (Tom Peluso (Thomas))

  38. (CC-NIM) Corner Cards, all Not in Mellone
  39. U.S. Scott #1164-CC1-NIM - The Postmaster General @, James A. Farley (Corner card) (Type PMG-3.1) -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-CC1-NIM - The Postmaster General, James A. Farley (Corner card)
  40. U.S. Scott #1164-CC6 - Philatelic Group of Boston -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1164-CC6 - Philatelic Group of Boston
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URL: https://www.folklib.net/fdc/1960s/1164-cachets.shtml
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Page created by Douglas H. Henkle (Contact): henkle@pobox.com