#4326 U.S. Virgin Islands
U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog:
U.S. Scott #4326 FDC Cachets:
Flags of our Nation, U.S. Virgin Islands
Part of the U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
by Douglas H. Henkle, AFDCS LM #137,
(last updated .05-22-2022)
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U.S. Scott #4326
was issued on 8-16-2012 at Sacramento, CA - (44¢ forever)
Flags of our Nation, U.S. Virgin Islands
A work in progress, the goal of this page is to display all First Day Cachets for U.S. Scott #4326. Except as noted by "{A}" (my personal collection), all other displayed covers were found on the Web.
- U.S. Scott #4326 - Art Craft --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - Art Craft variety #1 for combo covers --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - Art Craft variety #2 for combo covers --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - Art Craft / PCS (Postal Commemorative Society) --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - Barnnie (Dennis A. Ferrara) --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - Bella Cachets (Carolyn Marks) --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - Fred Collins --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - Colorano "Silk" --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - CompuChet (Helen Fowler) --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - Sabrina Curtis --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - Fleetwood --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - Frans M. Geerlings --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - Panda Cachets --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - ROMP #1 (John W. Romppainen) --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - ROMP #2 (John W. Romppainen) --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - ROMP #3 (John W. Romppainen) --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - S & T --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - Torno (Thomas L. Torno) --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - Steve D. Wilson --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - unknown #1 --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 - unknown #2 --- (eBay)

(802) dual #4326 and F.D. cancel added to 1937 Planty cacheted FDC's
All of these #802/#4326 combination (combo) covers were created by Hideaki D. Nakano .
- U.S. Scott #4326 on Planty #802-26 - Linprint --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 and #C127 on Planty #802-33 - Joseph F. Bronesky, RCD #75 --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 on Planty #802-45a - Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107 --- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #4326 on Planty #802-55a - Edward T. Warneford --- (eBay)

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URL: http://www.folklib.net/fdc/2010s/4326-cachets.shtml
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