U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog:
U.S. Scott #797 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
Part of the U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
by Douglas H. Henkle, AFDCS LM #137,
(last updated .12-26-2022)
FDC Publishing Co. Planty Catalogue Numbers
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Cachet Display Catalog: FDC Cachetmakers Index
This page lists all First Day Cover (FDC) Cachets for U.S. Scott
#797 in Planty Catalog Number Order.
U.S. Scott #797 was issued on 8-26-1937 at Ashville, NC - (10¢)
Society of Philatelic Americans Souvenir Sheet
Minkus CM184 [2003 Krause-Minkus Catalog, p. 209]
U.S. Scott #797-nn = each cachet's Planty Catalog number.
U.S. Scott #797-nn = e.g. https://www.folklib.net/fdc/bibliog/planty-797.shtml#797-GP1 - each cachet on this page can be linked to individually by using "#" and its shown Planty Catalog Number.
XII:nn = the page number(s) this cachet is documented in the
Planty Photo Encyclopedia of Cacheted First Day Covers, 2000, Volume XII, 2nd ed.
[Planty's Photo Encyclopedia of Cacheted F.D.C.s, 1981, Volume VIII, 1st ed. cannot be indexed because it has no 1,2,3... sequential page numbers.]
(was ...) = the Cachetmaker identification in the 1st edition was unknown or incorrect.
[NOT ....] = other corrections that I know about to entries that were in either the 1st or the 2nd edition of Planty.
[#nnn, ...] = references to articles in the AFDCS (American First Day Cover Society's) journal, FIRST DAYS.
Cachetmaker's name link = click on the name for possible birth/death dates, website links and/or FIRST DAYS article references for that Cachetmaker.
ACE #, RCD # = only the Cachetmaker's
Art Cover Exchange and
Registered Cachet Director membership numbers are listed here. Click on their name for their possible other AFDCS, ANCS or USCS membership numbers that I know about.
(GP) General Purpose
- U.S. Scott #797-1 - Hux Cut -- XII:61 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-2 - Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107, bright green & bistre brown -- XII:61
- U.S. Scott #797-2a - Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107, dull green & slate blue -- XII:61 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-2b - Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107, dull green & chalky blue -- XII:61
- U.S. Scott #797-2c - Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107, blue-green & chalky blue -- XII:61
- U.S. Scott #797-2d - Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107 -- XII:61
- U.S. Scott #797-2e - Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107 -- XII:61
- U.S. Scott #797-2f - Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107 -- XII:61
- U.S. Scott #797-2fIoor - Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107 -- XII:61
- U.S. Scott #797-2gIoor - Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107 -- XII:61
- U.S. Scott #797-2hIoor - Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107 -- XII:61
- U.S. Scott #797-2i - Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107 -- XII:61
- U.S. Scott #797-3 - D.J. Kapner (Donald Joseph) -- XII:62
- U.S. Scott #797-3a - D.J. Kapner (Donald Joseph) -- XII:62
- U.S. Scott #797-4 - Cachet Craft -- XII:62 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-5 - unknown -- XII:62 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-6 - Plimpton -- XII:62 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-7 - Imperial -- XII:62
- U.S. Scott #797-7a - Imperial -- XII:62
- U.S. Scott #797-8 - C. Wright Richell, ACE #44, RCD #73 [NOT ACE #49] -- XII:62-63
- U.S. Scott #797-9 - unknown -- XII:63
- U.S. Scott #797-9a - unknown -- XII:63 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-10 - William T. Raley (W.T.) -- XII:63
- U.S. Scott #797-10.1 - William T. Raley (W.T.) -- XII:63
- U.S. Scott #797-10.2 - William T. Raley (W.T.) -- XII:63
- U.S. Scott #797-10a - William T. Raley (W.T.) -- XII:63
- U.S. Scott #797-11 - unknown -- XII:63 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-11a - unknown -- XII:63
- U.S. Scott #797-12 - Jesse G. Holland (Graham) -- XII:63-64 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-13 - Albert C. Roessler (Charles) -- XII:64 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-14 - 1st Phoenix Connecticut Insurance Co. -- XII:64
(aka, on the #797-14 cachet, Phoenix-Connecticut Group of Fire Insurance Companies)
- U.S. Scott #797-15 - Linprint -- XII:64 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-16 - Hy E. Goldstein (Hyson) -- XII:64 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-17 - Hobby Cover Service -- XII:64
- U.S. Scott #797-18 - Torkel Gundel -- XII:64 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-19 - J.C. Sidenius (Jack) -- XII:64-65
- U.S. Scott #797-20 - Fairway -- XII:65
- U.S. Scott #797-20a - Fairway -- XII:65
- U.S. Scott #797-21, black - Historic Art (Historic Arts) (J.H.R. Pickett) -- XII:65 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-21a, NIP, multicolor - Historic Art (Historic Arts) (J.H.R. Pickett) -- XII:65 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-22, black - Ralph Dyer -- XII:65
- U.S. Scott #797-22a, Bright green - Ralph Dyer -- XII:65 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-22b, Orange & black - Ralph Dyer -- XII:65 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-23, olive - William S. Espenshade -- XII:65 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-23a, green - William S. Espenshade -- XII:65
- U.S. Scott #797-24 - Pavois (Stebbin) (SM Co.) -- XII:65 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-24a - Pavois (Stebbin) (SM Co.) -- XII:65 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-25, green - Henry Grimsland -- XII:66 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-25a, green on air mail envelope - Henry Grimsland -- XII:66
- U.S. Scott #797-26, green - C.S. Anderson (Charles Stephen) -- XII:66 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-26a, black - C.S. Anderson (Charles Stephen) -- XII:66 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-27 - House of Farnam -- XII:66 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-28 - Jesse G. Holland (Graham) -- XII:66 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-29 - Max Sage -- XII:66 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-30 - Clarence E. Laird and
Eugene C. Laird -- XII:66 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-31 - W.M. Grandy (Winfred Milton), RCD #130 -- XII:66-67 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-31a - W.M. Grandy (Winfred Milton), RCD #130 -- XII:67 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-32 - Glen L. Evans -- XII:67 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-33 - Washington Service (Newman Sudduth) -- XII:67 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-34 - Roy Hubbard -- XII:67
- U.S. Scott #797-35 - F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger) -- XII:67 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-35a - F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger) -- XII:67 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-35b - F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger) -- XII:67 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-35c - F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger) -- XII:67
- U.S. Scott #797-36 - A Cover of the Month -- XII:68
- U.S. Scott #797-37 - unknown -- XII:68
- U.S. Scott #797-38 - unknown -- XII:68
- U.S. Scott #797-39 - William H. Compton -- XII:68
- U.S. Scott #797-40 - unknown -- XII:68
- U.S. Scott #797-40a - unknown -- XII:68 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-41 - William S. Linto, RCD #201 -- XII:68
The above 41 Planty Catalog Numbers are those #797 cachets known at the time the 1981 Planty 1st edition was published. The following is all the newly reported Planty Catalog Numbers which only appear in the 2000 Planty 2nd edition.
- U.S. Scott #797-42 - Covered Wagon -- XII:69
- U.S. Scott #797-43 - Howard D. Barry and
J.W. Lawrence (James) -- XII:69
- U.S. Scott #797-43a - Howard D. Barry -- XII:69
- U.S. Scott #797-43b - J.W. Lawrence (James) -- XII:69
- U.S. Scott #797-44 - unknown -- XII:69
- U.S. Scott #797-45 - unknown -- XII:69 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-46 - J.A. Roy (James) -- XII:69
- U.S. Scott #797-47 - Munprint (Edward A. Munn, Jr.) -- XII:70 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-48 - unknown -- XII:70
- U.S. Scott #797-49 - Louis G. Nix (Gregor) -- XII:70
- U.S. Scott #797-49a - Louis G. Nix (Gregor) -- XII:70
- U.S. Scott #797-50 - unknown -- XII:70
- U.S. Scott #797-51 - unknown -- XII:70
- U.S. Scott #797-52 - Fred Chambers (Gold Bond) -- XII:70
- U.S. Scott #797-53 - unknown -- XII:70-71
- U.S. Scott #797-53a - unknown -- XII:71
- U.S. Scott #797-54 - unknown -- XII:71
- U.S. Scott #797-55 - unknown -- XII:71
- U.S. Scott #797-56 - unknown -- XII:71
- U.S. Scott #797-56a - unknown -- XII:71 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-56b - unknown -- XII:71 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-57 - unknown -- XII:71
- U.S. Scott #797-58 - Norwood B. Scatchard, RCD #105 /
Richard Buchwald -- XII:71
- U.S. Scott #797-58a - Norwood B. Scatchard, RCD #105 /
Richard Buchwald -- XII:71
- U.S. Scott #797-58b - Norwood B. Scatchard, RCD #105 /
Richard Buchwald -- XII:72
- U.S. Scott #797-58c - Norwood B. Scatchard, RCD #105 /
Richard Buchwald -- XII:72
- U.S. Scott #797-59 - World Wide Cover (World-Wide/Worldwide) (Erik Heyl) -- XII:72 -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-60 - E.G. Wagner (Ed) [NOT Elmer P. Wagner] -- XII:72
- U.S. Scott #797-61 - unknown -- XII:72
- U.S. Scott #797-62 - unknown -- XII:72
- U.S. Scott #797-63 - Virginia E. Seath, ACE #94 [NOT ACE #98] -- XII:72
- U.S. Scott #797-64 - Marion Fulton -- XII:73
- U.S. Scott #797-65 - Marion Fulton (Breswick Cover Service) -- XII:73
- U.S. Scott #797-66 - B.R. McIntyre (Bruce), ACE #88 or ACE #32 -- XII:73
- U.S. Scott #797-66a - B.R. McIntyre (Bruce), ACE #88 or ACE #32 -- XII:73
- U.S. Scott #797-67 - Risko Art Service (Harry Charles Risko), RCD #110 -- XII:73
- U.S. Scott #797-68 - unknown -- XII:73
- U.S. Scott #797-68a - unknown -- XII:73
- U.S. Scott #797-69 - B.R. McIntyre (Bruce), ACE #88 or ACE #32 -- XII:73
- U.S. Scott #797-70 - A.E. Owen (Arthur Edmund) -- XII:74
- U.S. Scott #797-71 - unknown -- XII:74
- U.S. Scott #797-72 - J. Belmont -- XII:74 -- (eBay)

(GP) General Purpose
Note the temporary thumbnail scans of cachets I don't have full-cover scans of, yet. Note also that each GP design has been assigned a unique "GP#" Catalog Number that will used throughout this website.
- U.S. Scott #797-GP1 - Battery Park Hotel, Ashville, NC (corner card) -- XII:74
- U.S. Scott #797-GP2 - Hotel Gordon, Waynesville, NC (corner card) -- XII:74
- U.S. Scott #797-GP3 - Ashville, NC Post Office Department (corner card) -- XII:74
- U.S. Scott #797-GP4 - The Souvenir Issues Association, Glen Ridge, NJ (corner card) -- XII:74
- U.S. Scott #797-GP5 - Michael Sanders, RCD #156 -- XII:75
- U.S. Scott #797-GP6 - F.E. Lerchenfeld -- XII:75
- U.S. Scott #797-GP7 - Durham Smoking Tobacco -- XII:75
- U.S. Scott #797-GP8 - G.S. Knoth -- XII:75
(CC-NIP) Corner Cards, all Not in Planty
- U.S. Scott #797-CC1-NIP
- The Postmaster General @, James A. Farley corner card -- TBA
- U.S. Scott #797-CC2-NIP - reserved for future reports of U.S. Senate corner cards
- U.S. Scott #797-CC3-NIP - reserved for future reports of U.S. House corner cards
- U.S. Scott #797-CC4-NIP - reserved for future reports of White House corner cards
- U.S. Scott #797-CC5-NIP - reserved for specific corner cards
- U.S. Scott #797-CC6-NIP - Dr. R.A. Baldwin, Springfield, MA (corner card) -- (eBay ***)

- U.S. Scott #797-CC7-NIP - Secretary, The Nyack Fire Patrol, Inc., Nyack, NY (corner card) -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-CC8-NIP - PL Gift Shop, Yonkers, NY (corner card) -- (eBay)

(NIP) Not in Planty
- U.S. Scott #797-NIP1 - unknown -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-NIP2 - unknown -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-NIP3 - unknown -- (eBay)

(NC) No Cachet
- U.S. Scott #797-NC1, no cachet, air mail envelope - unknown -- (eBay)

- U.S. Scott #797-NC2, no cachet, air mail envelope - unknown -- (eBay)

URL: https://www.folklib.net/fdc/bibliog/planty-797.shtml
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