U.S. Scott #799-802 #799-802

U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog:
U.S. Scott #799-802 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order

Part of the U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
by Douglas H. Henkle, AFDCS LM #137, henkle@pobox.com

(last updated .03-17-2024)

FDC Publishing Co. Planty Catalog Numbers

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      This page lists all First Day Cover (FDC) Cachets for U.S. Scott #799-802 in   Planty Catalog Number Order. Click on the above 799, 800, 801 and 802 links for the WORK IN PROGRESS pages that display these cachets.

      References -- What's New on this page

      U.S. Scott #799-802:
#799, Hawaii Territorial was issued on 10-18-1937 at Honolulu, HI - (3¢)
#800, Alaska Territorial was issued on 11-12-1937 at Anchorage, AK - (3¢)
#801, Puerto Rico Territorial was issued on 11-25-1937 at San Juan, PR - (3¢)
#802, U.S. Virgin Islands Territorial was issued on 12-15-1937 at Charlotte Amalie, VI - (3¢)
      None of these selected first day dates had any connection to the histories of any of the Territories. **
      Minkus CM186 (#799), CM187 (#800), CM188 (#801), CM189 (#802) [2003 Krause-Minkus Catalog, p. 210]

** per David Zubatsky's, "The Historical Significance of First Day Dates - Part IV" -- "#799-802 Territorial Series: The Oct. 18, Nov. 12, Nov. 25 and Dec. 15, 1937, dates had no significance," [#59, 11(2), 11-12/1965, p. 38]

   U.S. Scott #799-802-nn = each cachet's Planty Catalog number.
   U.S. Scott #799-802-nn = e.g. https://www.folklib.net/fdc/bibliog/planty-799-802.shtml#799-802-GP1 - each cachet on this page can be linked to individually by using "#" and its shown Planty Catalog Number.
   XIII:nn = the page number(s) this cachet is listed in the Planty Photo Encyclopedia of Cacheted First Day Covers, 2001, Volume XIII, 2nd ed.
        [Planty's Photo Encyclopedia of Cacheted F.D.C.s, 1981, Volume VIII, 1st ed. cannot be indexed because it has no 1,2,3... sequential page numbers.]
   (was ...) = the Cachetmaker identification in the 1st edition was unknown or incorrect.
   [NOT ....] = other corrections that I know about to entries that were in either the 1st or the 2nd edition of Planty.
   [#nnn, ...] = references to articles in the AFDCS (American First Day Cover Society's) journal, FIRST DAYS.
   Cachetmaker's name link = click on the name for possible birth/death dates, website links and/or FIRST DAYS article references for that Cachetmaker.
   ACE #, RCD # = only the Cachetmaker's Art Cover Exchange and Registered Cachet Director membership numbers are listed here. Click on their name for their possible other AFDCS, ANCS or USCS membership numbers that I know about.
"*" - this Planty number is known in complete Scott 799-802 sets of 4 or more. All other entries note the Scott numbered cover(s) known for this Planty number.

(GP) -- (GP-NIP) -- (NIP) -- (A-NIP) -- (CC-NIP) -- (PC-NIP)
  1. U.S. Scott #799-802-1 - Albert B. Parsons / H. Dean Aubry, see #33 (was unknown) [NOT Parson] * -- XIII:5
          identified as a possible Joseph Feigenbaum by Clark Heins [#178, 29(7), 10-01-1984, p. 1020]
    #799-1 brown -- #799-1a black -- #799-1b blue -- #799-1c magenta
    U.S. Scott #799-1-1 brown - Albert B. Parsons U.S. Scott #799-1a black - Albert B. Parsons U.S. Scott #799-1b blue - Albert B. Parsons U.S. Scott #799-1c magenta - Albert B. Parsons
  2. U.S. Scott #799-802-2 - C.S. Anderson (Charles Stephen) * -- XIII:5-6
    U.S. Scott #799-2 - C.S. Anderson (Charles Stephen)
  3. U.S. Scott #799-802-3 - H.B. Co. (HB) (Benjamin Kopel) * -- XIII:6
    -- #799-3
  4. U.S. Scott #799-802-4 - Fidelity Stamp Co. * -- XIII:6-7
  5. U.S. Scott #799-802-5 - Jesse G. Holland (Graham) (HUX / Hux Cut) * -- XIII:7
  6. U.S. Scott #799-802-6 - W.M. Grandy (Winfred Milton) * -- XIII:8-9
  7. U.S. Scott #799-802-7 - 1st Art Shop (802) -- XIII:9-10
  8. U.S. Scott #799-802-8 - Pilgrim Cachets (John Alden) * -- XIII:10
    #799-8 -- #800-8 -- #801-8 -- #802-8
    U.S. Scott #799-8 - Pilgrim Cachets (John Alden) U.S. Scott #800-8 - Pilgrim Cachets (John Alden) U.S. Scott #801-8b - Pilgrim Cachets (John Alden) U.S. Scott #801-8c - Pilgrim Cachets (John Alden)
  9. U.S. Scott #799-802-9 - unknown (799) -- XIII:11
    U.S. Scott #799-9 - Kamehameha Schools U.S. Scott #799-9a - Kamehameha Schools

  10. U.S. Scott #799-802-10 - 1st Kamehameha Schools (799) -- XIII:11
    U.S. Scott #799-10 - Kamehameha Schools
  11. U.S. Scott #799-802-11 - Hobby Cover Service * -- XIII:11
    #799-11 -- #800-11 -- #801-11 -- #802-11
    U.S. Scott #799-11 - Hobby Cover Service U.S. Scott #800-11 - Hobby Cover Service U.S. Scott #801-11 - Hobby Cover Service U.S. Scott #802-11 - Hobby Cover Service
  12. U.S. Scott #799-802-12 - F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger) * -- XIII:11-12
    #799-12 -- #800-12 -- #801-12 -- #802-12
    U.S. Scott #799-12 - F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger) U.S. Scott #800-12 - F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger) U.S. Scott #801-12 - F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger) U.S. Scott #802-12 - F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger)
  13. U.S. Scott #799-802-12a - F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger), on Air Mail envelope -- XIII:11-12
    -- #801-12a
  14. U.S. Scott #799-802-13 - Parkhurst Canning Co. (was possible Parkhurst) (801) -- XIII:12
    -- #801-13
  15. U.S. Scott #799-802-14 - J.C. Sidenius (Jack) * -- XIII:12-13
  16. U.S. Scott #799-802-15 - Covered Wagon (C. Hugh Johnson) (was possible Crown Stamp Co.) * -- XIII:13
  17. U.S. Scott #799-802-16 - unknown * -- XIII:13
  18. U.S. Scott #799-802-17 - Henry Grimsland * -- XIII:13-14
  19. U.S. Scott #799-802-18 - unknown (801) -- XIII:14
  20. U.S. Scott #799-802-19 - Royal Historical Covers * -- XIII:14

  21. U.S. Scott #799-802-20 - World Wide Cover (Erik Heyl) * -- XIII:14-15
  22. U.S. Scott #799-802-21 - unknown (802) -- XIII:15
  23. U.S. Scott #799-802-22 - Norwood B. Scatchard (was unknown) * -- XIII:15-16
  24. U.S. Scott #799-802-23 - Parsons FDC Service (H. Dean Aubry) [NOT Parson's] * -- XIII:16
  25. U.S. Scott #799-802-24 - 1st J. Lothian (799) -- XIII:16
  26. U.S. Scott #799-802-25 - unknown (799) -- XIII:16
  27. U.S. Scott #799-802-26 - Linprint * -- XIII:17
    -- #801-26
  28. U.S. Scott #799-802-27 - Linprint, Green & black * -- XIII:17
  29. U.S. Scott #799-802-27a - Linprint, Yello & black * -- XIII:17
  30. U.S. Scott #799-802-28 - "RN" unknown (802) -- XIII:17
  31. U.S. Scott #799-802-29 - William S. Espenshade * -- XIII:18

  32. U.S. Scott #799-802-30 - Joseph Feigenbaum (was pictorial unknown) * -- XIII:18
          identified as such in James McCusker Auction #223 [5-23-2006]
          Identified as a possible Joseph Feigenbaum by Clark Heins [#178, 29(7), 10-01-1984, p. 1020]
  33. U.S. Scott #799-802-31 - unknown (799) -- XIII:18
  34. U.S. Scott #799-802-32 - Imperial * -- XIII:19
  35. U.S. Scott #799-802-33 - Joseph F. Bronesky - Theron Edgar Fox * -- XIII:19
          Identified as Bronesky-Fox by Joe D. Hough [#172, 29(1), 1-01-1984, p. 102]
  36. U.S. Scott #799-802-34 - John C. Gilbert (799) -- XIII:19
  37. U.S. Scott #799-802-35 - John A. Mayne (Alden) * -- XIII:20
  38. U.S. Scott #799-802-36 - Plimpton Mfg. Co. (Gold Seal Cachets) * -- XIII:20-1
  39. U.S. Scott #799-802-37 - William H. Compton (802) -- XIII:21
  40. U.S. Scott #799-802-38 - J.A. Roy (James)* -- XIII:21-2
  41. U.S. Scott #799-802-39 - Highland Democrat Stamp Review * -- XIII:22
          #799-39 -- #800-39 -- #801-39 -- #802-39
  42. U.S. Scott #799-802-40 - unknown (799) -- XIII:22
  43. U.S. Scott #799-802-41 - Norwood B. Scatchard - Richard Buchwald * -- XIII:22-3
  44. U.S. Scott #799-802-42 - Washington Stamp Exchange (WSE) (Ralph Dyer) * -- XIII:23
  45. U.S. Scott #799-802-43 - unknown (799) -- XIII:24
  46. U.S. Scott #799-802-44 - David Davenport (Washington Service) (Newman Sudduth) * -- XIII:24
  47. U.S. Scott #799-802-45 - Dr. Harry C. Ioor * -- XIII:24-5
  48. U.S. Scott #799-802-46 - 1st Trans-Pacific Cover Society (R.C.H., Royal C. Hendricks) (799) -- XIII:26
  49. U.S. Scott #799-802-47 - unknown (799) -- XIII:26
  50. U.S. Scott #799-802-48 - W.G. Crosby (Walter Garfield) * -- XIII:26-30
  51. U.S. Scott #799-802-49 - Fairway * -- XIII:30-1

  52. U.S. Scott #799-802-50 - unknown (801, 802) -- XIII:31
  53. U.S. Scott #799-802-51 - Historic Art (was Historic Arts) (Ernest N. Gilbert) * -- XIII:31
  54. U.S. Scott #799-802-52 - Historic Arts (Historic Art) (J.H.R. Pickett) * -- XIII:31-2
  55. U.S. Scott #799-802-53 - Cover of the Month Club (799, 800, 802) -- XIII:32
  56. U.S. Scott #799-802-54 - 1st William Galt Keyworth * -- XIII:32
  57. U.S. Scott #799-802-55a - Edward T. Warneford, red & blue * -- XIII:33
    #799-55a -- #800-55a -- #801-55a -- #802-55a
    U.S. Scott #799-55e - Edward T. Warneford U.S. Scott #800-55a - Edward T. Warneford U.S. Scott #801-55a - Edward T. Warneford U.S. Scott #802-55a - Edward T. Warneford
  58. U.S. Scott #799-802-55a2 -- Edward T. Warneford, red & blue on Air Mail envelope -- XIII:33
  59. U.S. Scott #799-802-55b - Edward T. Warneford, blue; red is missing * -- XIII:33
  60. U.S. Scott #799-802-55c -- Edward T. Warneford, blue & gold -- XIII:33
  61. U.S. Scott #799-802-55d -- Edward T. Warneford, blue & gold, stars and vertical lines missing -- XIII:33
    -- #801-55d
  62. U.S. Scott #799-802-56 - Risko Art Service (Harry Charles Risko) * -- XIII:33-4
    #799-56 -- #800-56 -- #801-56 -- #802-56
    U.S. Scott #799-56 - Risko Art Service (Harry Charles Risko) U.S. Scott #800-56 - Risko Art Service (Harry Charles Risko) U.S. Scott #801-56 - Risko Art Service (Harry Charles Risko) U.S. Scott #802-56 - Risko Art Service (Harry Charles Risko)
  63. U.S. Scott #799-802-57 - unknown (799) -- XIII:34
  64. U.S. Scott #799-802-58 - 1st John H. Newman (800) -- XIII:34
  65. U.S. Scott #799-802-59 - D.J. Kapner (Donald Joseph) * -- XIII:34-5
  66. U.S. Scott #799-802-59a - D.J. Kapner (Donald Joseph) -- XIII:34-5
  67. U.S. Scott #799-802-59a.1 - D.J. Kapner (Donald Joseph) -- XIII:34-5
    -- #801-59a.1
  68. U.S. Scott #799-802-59b - D.J. Kapner (Donald Joseph) on Becken airmail envelope -- XIII:34-5
    -- #801-59b

  69. U.S. Scott #799-802-60 - unknown (802) -- XIII:35
  70. U.S. Scott #799-802-61 - unknown (802) -- XIII:35
  71. U.S. Scott #799-802-62 - William T. Raley (W.T.) * -- XIII:35-7
  72. U.S. Scott #799-802-63 - Munprint (Edward A. Munn Jr.) * -- XIII:37
    -- #801-63
  73. U.S. Scott #799-802-64 - Albert C. Roessler (Charles) (802) -- XIII:37
  74. U.S. Scott #799-802-65 - Albert C. Roessler (Charles) * -- XIII:37-8
    -- #801-65
  75. U.S. Scott #799-802-66 - Albert C. Roessler (Charles) * -- XIII:38
    -- #801-66
  76. U.S. Scott #799-802-67 - House of Farnam (HF) * -- XIII:38
    -- #801-67
  77. U.S. Scott #799-802-68 - Pavois (Stebbin) (SM Co.) * -- XIII:39
    -- #801-68
  78. U.S. Scott #799-802-69 - unknown (801) -- XIII:39-41
    -- #801-69

  79. U.S. Scott #799-802-70 - Clarence E. Laird and Eugene C. Laird * -- XIII:39-41
    #799-70a -- #799-70b -- #799-70c -- #799-70d -- #800-70a,b,c,d -- #801-70a,b,c,d -- #802-70a,b,c,d
    U.S. Scott #799-70a - Clarence E. Laird and Eugene C. Laird U.S. Scott #799-70b - Clarence E. Laird and Eugene C. Laird U.S. Scott #799-70c - Clarence E. Laird and Eugene C. Laird U.S. Scott #799-70d - Clarence E. Laird and Eugene C. Laird U.S. Scott #800-70a - Clarence E. Laird and Eugene C. Laird U.S. Scott #800-70b - Clarence E. Laird and Eugene C. Laird U.S. Scott #800-70c - Clarence E. Laird and Eugene C. Laird U.S. Scott #800-70d - Clarence E. Laird and Eugene C. Laird U.S. Scott #801-70a - Clarence E. Laird and Eugene C. Laird U.S. Scott #801-70b - Clarence E. Laird and Eugene C. Laird U.S. Scott #801-70c - Clarence E. Laird and Eugene C. Laird U.S. Scott #801-70d - Clarence E. Laird and Eugene C. Laird U.S. Scott #802-70a - Clarence E. Laird and Eugene C. Laird U.S. Scott #802-70b - Clarence E. Laird and Eugene C. Laird U.S. Scott #802-70c - Clarence E. Laird and Eugene C. Laird U.S. Scott #802-70d - Clarence E. Laird and Eugene C. Laird
  80. U.S. Scott #799-802-71 - Postmaster of San Juan (801) -- XIII:41-2
  81. U.S. Scott #799-802-72 - 1st William J. Kotab (Washington Second Day Cachets) * -- XIII:42-3
  82. U.S. Scott #799-802-73 - Covered Wagon (C. Hugh Johnson) * -- XIII:43
    -- #801-73
  83. U.S. Scott #799-802-74 - Sergio Ferez Grau (Stamp Editor: Puerto Rico Ilustrado) (801) -- XIII:43-4
  84. U.S. Scott #799-802-75 - Schenectady Stamp Club (802) -- XIII:44
  85. U.S. Scott #799-802-76 - unknown (800) -- XIII:44
  86. U.S. Scott #799-802-77 - pictorial unknown (801) -- XIII:44
  87. U.S. Scott #799-802-78 - Glen L. Evans * -- XIII:44-5
    -- #801-78
  88. U.S. Scott #799-802-79 - Torkel Gundel * -- XIII:45
    -- #801-79
  89. U.S. Scott #799-802-79a - Torkel Gundel (for Frank Hergert) * -- XIII:45
    -- #801-79a

  90. U.S. Scott #799-802-80 - Oregon Cachet and Cover Co. (Harry Francis Rogers, Lucy Howie Lloyd Rogers, Jack Jelacie) (was unknown) * -- XIII:45-6
          Identified by Ralph H. Nafziger [#340, 50(1), 1-15-2005, p. 25-29]
    #799-80 -- #800-80 -- #801-80 -- #802-80
    U.S. Scott #799-80 - Oregon Cachet and Cover Co. U.S. Scott #800-80 - Oregon Cachet and Cover Co. U.S. Scott #801-80 - Oregon Cachet and Cover Co. U.S. Scott #802-80 - Oregon Cachet and Cover Co.
  91. U.S. Scott #799-802-81 - 1st Mrs. Chester W. Siegmund / Caribbean Sales Co. * -- XIII:46-48
  92. U.S. Scott #799-802-82 - 1st Richard Tokunaga (799, 801) -- XIII:48
  93. U.S. Scott #799-802-83 - unknown (799, 801) -- XIII:48
  94. U.S. Scott #799-802-84 - unknown (799) -- XIII:11
          Identified as Hobby Cover Service and moved to #11
  95. U.S. Scott #799-802-85 - Michael Sanders, RCD #156 (was possible Sanders) * -- XIII:49
  96. U.S. Scott #799-802-86 - unknown (801) -- XIII:49
  97. U.S. Scott #799-802-87 - 1st The Stamp Corner (was Alvin H. Tam) (799) -- XIII:49-50
  98. U.S. Scott #799-802-88 - unknown * -- XIII:50
    -- #801-88
  99. U.S. Scott #799-802-89 - unknown * -- XIII:50

  100. U.S. Scott #799-802-90 - Leona Mosher Christie * -- XIII:50-1
  101. U.S. Scott #799-802-91 - David R. Owens (799) -- XIII:51
  102. U.S. Scott #799-802-92 - Philatelic Press (Howard D. Barry, J.W. Lawrence (James) and Potter B. Hueth) (was just Howard D. Barry) * -- XIII:51-2
    -- #801-92
  103. U.S. Scott #799-802-93 - Riknor Art Co. (Howard D. Barry) (801) -- XIII:52
    -- #801-93
  104. U.S. Scott #799-802-94 - Southwest Stamp Society (801-94 SIC) (800) -- XIII:52
  105. U.S. Scott #799-802-95 - Rex Tompkins (801) -- XIII:53
          Identified as a Joseph Feigenbaum by Clark Heins [#178, 29(7), 10-01-1984, p. 1020]
    -- #801-95
  106. U.S. Scott #799-802-96 - Gladys S. Adler, ACE #165 / Florene Edmiston (799) -- XIII:53
  107. U.S. Scott #799-802-97 - Lester S. Manning (801, 802) -- XIII:53
  108. U.S. Scott #799-802-98 - Florene Edmiston * -- XIII:53-4
    -- #799-98 -- #800-98 -- #801-98 -- #802-98
    U.S. Scott #799-98 - Florene Edmiston U.S. Scott #800-98 - Florene Edmiston U.S. Scott #801-98 - Florene Edmiston U.S. Scott #802-98 - Florene Edmiston
  109. U.S. Scott #799-802-99 - unknown (802) -- XIII:54

  110. U.S. Scott #799-802-100 - 1st O.T.O. Sedahl * -- XIII:54
  111. U.S. Scott #799-802-101 - B.R. McIntyre (Bruce), ACE #88 or ACE #32 (was unknown A.C.E. artist, 802-101 only) * -- XIII:54-6
          #799-101 -- #801-101
  112. U.S. Scott #799-802-102 - Louis G. Nix (Gregor) * -- XIII:56-57
          (was Louis B. Nix in both editions)
    #799-102 -- #800-102 -- #801-102 -- #802-102
    U.S. Scott #799-102a - Louis G. Nix (Gregor) U.S. Scott #800-102a - Louis G. Nix (Gregor) U.S. Scott #801-102a - Louis G. Nix (Gregor) U.S. Scott #802-102a - Oregon Cachet and Cover Co.
  113. U.S. Scott #799-802-103 - 1st Mrs. Frank Taylor, ACE #209 (801, 802) -- XIII:57
  114. U.S. Scott #799-802-105 - Virgin Islands Government, corner cards (802) -- XIII:57
  115. U.S. Scott #799-802-106 - John Coulthard (800) -- XIII:57
  116. U.S. Scott #799-802-107 - Michael Sanders, RCD #156 (was possible Sanders) (801) -- XIII:57-8
  117. U.S. Scott #799-802-108 - Elmer E. Koehler (Erhard) (1 of 1, added on at my request in the 1980s) (802) -- XIII:58
  118. U.S. Scott #799-802-109 - unknown (801) -- XIII:58

  119. U.S. Scott #799-802-110 - Fred Chambers (Gold Bond) * -- XIII:58
  120. U.S. Scott #799-802-111 - maximum card (unknown) (799) -- XIII:58
  121. U.S. Scott #799-802-112 - unknown (799) -- XIII:58-9
  122. U.S. Scott #799-802-113 - William S. Linto * -- XIII:59
  123. U.S. Scott #799-802-114 - unknown (800) -- XIII:43
          identified as Covered Wagon and moved to #73
  124. U.S. Scott #799-802-115 - George H. Laffert (NOT Leffert or Lefferts and NOT George P.) * -- XIII:59-60
    -- #799-115 -- #801-115
  125. U.S. Scott #799-802-116a - Marion Fulton (Breswick Cover Service) * -- XIII:60-1
  126. U.S. Scott #799-802-116b - Marion Fulton (Breswick Cover Service) * -- XIII:60-1
    -- #801-116b
  127. U.S. Scott #799-802-117 - J. Neal Griffith (799,802) -- XIII:61
    -- #801-117
  128. U.S. Scott #799-802-118 - T. Niimi (was unknown) (799) -- XIII:61
  129. U.S. Scott #799-802-119 - unknown * (was just 799) -- XIII:61-2
    -- #801-119

  130. U.S. Scott #799-802-120 - W.S. Beardsley (Waiten) (was unknown) (799) -- XIII:62
  131. U.S. Scott #799-802-121 - unknown (800) -- XIII:49
          identified as Sanders and moved to #85a.1
  132. U.S. Scott #799-802-122 - unknown (801) -- XIII:62
  133. U.S. Scott #799-802-123 - unknown (801) -- XIII:62
    -- #801-123
  134. U.S. Scott #799-802-124 - unknown [green] (799) -- XIII:62
  135. U.S. Scott #799-802-125 - unknown (801) -- XIII:62-3
    -- #801-125
  136. U.S. Scott #799-802-125a - unknown (801) -- XIII:62-3
    -- #801-125a
  137. U.S. Scott #799-802-126 - 1st H.M. Sherwin, WDAY Radio (802) -- XIII:63

  138.       The above 126 Planty Catalog Numbers are those #799-802 cachets known at the time the 1981 Planty 1st edition was published. The following is all the newly reported Planty Catalog Numbers which only appear in the 2001 Planty 2nd edition.

  139. U.S. Scott #799-802-127 - Dorothy W. Knapp (Wallace) (799) -- XIII:63
  140. U.S. Scott #799-802-128 - Michael Sanders, RCD #156 ("Complete set", but 802-128 is not listed or pictured) * -- XIII:63
    -- #801-128
  141. U.S. Scott #799-802-129 - unknown (799, 800, 801) -- XIII:63-4

  142. U.S. Scott #799-802-130 - A.W. Weiland (799, 800, 801) -- XIII:64
  143. U.S. Scott #799-802-131 - unknown (800) -- XIII:64
  144. U.S. Scott #799-802-132 - unknown (799) -- XIII:64
  145. U.S. Scott #799-802-133 - unknown (799) -- XIII:64
  146. U.S. Scott #799-802-134 - unknown (801) -- XIII:64
  147. U.S. Scott #799-802-135 - unknown (799) -- XIII:65
  148. U.S. Scott #799-802-136 - C.W. Best (Cyrus Williams) (799) -- XIII:65
  149. U.S. Scott #799-802-137 - C.T. Art - Colortone (color picture postcard) (802) -- XIII:65
  150. U.S. Scott #799-802-138 - unknown (802) -- XIII:65
  151. U.S. Scott #799-802-139 - unknown (799) -- XIII:65

  152. U.S. Scott #799-802-140 - Marion Fulton (Breswick Cover Service) (799) -- XIII:65
  153. U.S. Scott #799-802-141 - ? Taylor (800) -- XIII:65
  154. U.S. Scott #799-802-142 - unknown (800) -- XIII:65-6
  155. U.S. Scott #799-802-143 - Ralph S. Holzer, ACE #39 (801) -- XIII:66
  156. U.S. Scott #799-802-144 - unknown (799) -- XIII:66
  157. U.S. Scott #799-802-145 - Lester F. Thom (801) -- XIII:66
  158. U.S. Scott #799-802-146 - unknown (801) -- XIII:66
  159. U.S. Scott #799-802-147 - Mildred W. Laws, ACE #34 (799, 800, 801) -- XIII:66
    -- #799-147
  160. U.S. Scott #799-802-148 - Honolulu Stamp Co. (799) -- XIII:66-7
  161. U.S. Scott #799-802-149 - unknown (800) -- XIII:67

  162. U.S. Scott #799-802-150 - unknown (800) -- XIII:67
  163. U.S. Scott #799-802-151 - Mrs. Herman Chaney (800, 802) -- XIII:67
  164. U.S. Scott #801-152 - Carbia Brothers (was unknown) -- XIII:67
          Identified by Ronald H. Gonzalez, p. 4
    -- #801-152
  165. U.S. Scott #799-802-153 - unknown (801) -- XIII:67
  166. U.S. Scott #799-802-154 - 1st Government of Puerto Rico Insular News Service (801) -- XIII:67
  167. U.S. Scott #799-802-155 - unknown (802) -- XIII:67-8
  168. U.S. Scott #799-802-156 - 1st Hawaii Tourist Bureau (799) -- XIII:68
  169. U.S. Scott #799-802-157 - unknown (802) -- XIII:68
  170. U.S. Scott #799-802-158 - unknown (799, 800) -- XIII:68
  171. U.S. Scott #799-802-159 - unknown (800) -- XIII:68

  172. U.S. Scott #799-802-160 - unknown (801) -- XIII:68
  173. U.S. Scott #799-802-161 - Urban E. Wild (corner card plus cachet) (799) -- XIII:69
          According to the Hoji Shinbun Digital Collection, Urban E. Wild became the Honolulu Chamber of Commerce President on 1-20-1950. And, per his statement at the Hawaii Statehood hearings, 81st Congress, on May 1-5, 1950 (courtesy of Google Books), Mr. Wild was born in Cedar Falls, IA and move to Hawaii about 1917.
  174. U.S. Scott #799-802-162 - Alaska Steamship Co. (800) -- XIII:69
  175. U.S. Scott #799-802-163 - ? Gonzales (Gonzalez) (801) -- XIII:69
  176. U.S. Scott #799-802-164 - unknown (800) -- XIII:69
  177. U.S. Scott #799-802-165 - unknown (801) -- XIII:69
  178. U.S. Scott #799-802-166 - The Nugget Shop (800) -- XIII:69
  179. U.S. Scott #799-802-167 - unknown (799, 800) -- XIII:69-70
  180. U.S. Scott #799-802-168 - unknown (802) -- XIII:70
  181. U.S. Scott #799-802-169 - unknown (802) -- XIII:70

  182. U.S. Scott #799-802-170 - unknown (801, 800) -- XIII:70
  183. U.S. Scott #799-802-171 - unknown (802) -- XIII:70
  184. U.S. Scott #799-802-172 - Matias Photo Shop (multicolor picture postcard) (801) -- XIII:70
  185. U.S. Scott #799-802-173 - Nora Beck, ACE #9 (799) -- XIII:71
  186. U.S. Scott #799-802-174 - William Devlin (800, 801, 802) -- XIII:71
  187. U.S. Scott #799-802-175 - Ralph Dyer (800) -- XIII:71
  188. U.S. Scott #799-802-176 - A.G. French, ACE #36 (799) -- XIII:71
    -- #799-176
  189. U.S. Scott #799-802-177 - Art French, ACE #105 (800) -- XIII:71-2
  190. U.S. Scott #799-802-178 - Lottie Eshliman, ACE #42, RCD #233, ANCS #172, #795-37 (800, 801, 802) -- XIII:72
  191. U.S. Scott #799-802-179 - Irving Harrington (800) -- XIII:72

  192. U.S. Scott #799-802-180 - A.O. Henry (802) -- XIII:72
  193. U.S. Scott #799-802-181 - A. Pastore (800) -- XIII:72
  194. U.S. Scott #799-802-182 - Henry Schullermann (was Schulermann) (799, 800) -- XIII:72-3
    -- #799-182
  195. U.S. Scott #799-802-183 - Virginia Seath, ACE #94 [SIC #98] (802) -- XIII:73
  196. U.S. Scott #799-802-184 - W.C. Sharp, ACE #70 (801, 802) -- XIII:73
  197. U.S. Scott #799-802-185 - D.M. Stalter (801, 802) -- XIII:73-4
  198. U.S. Scott #799-802-186 - Teg R. (800) -- XIII:74
  199. U.S. Scott #799-802-187 - Leonard J. Turley (Len), ACE #1 (799) -- XIII:74
  200. U.S. Scott #799-802-188 - R.M. Warren (Raymond) (799, 801, 802) -- XIII:74-5
  201. U.S. Scott #799-802-189 - W.L. Youukiu (802) -- XIII:75

  202. U.S. Scott #799-802-190 - unknown (799) -- XIII:75
  203. U.S. Scott #799-802-191 - unknown (799) -- XIII:75
  204. U.S. Scott #799-802-192 - unknown (799) -- XIII:75
    -- #799-192
  205. U.S. Scott #799-802-193 - unknown (802) -- XIII:75
  206. U.S. Scott #799-802-194 - unknown (800) -- XIII:75
  207. U.S. Scott #799-802-195 - Ricale (800) -- XIII:75-6
          [probably not Ricale (Richard Campbell Levitt & Vivian K. Levitt), whose "First Cachet" was #1952, p. 404]
  208. U.S. Scott #799-802-196 - Melissa Fox (800,801) -- XIII:76
  209. U.S. Scott #799-802-197 - unknown (800) -- XIII:76
  210. U.S. Scott #799-802-198 - unknown (800) -- XIII:76
  211. U.S. Scott #799-802-199 - Hubartt (800) -- XIII:76

  212. U.S. Scott #799-802-200 - Ron Gross (800) -- XIII:76
  213. U.S. Scott #799-802-201 - 1st William Hawthorne (799) -- XIII:76
  214. U.S. Scott #799-802-202 - News of Hawaii corner card (799) -- XIII:76-7
  215. U.S. Scott #799-802-203 - 1st Simon Stamp Store (799) -- XIII:77

  216. #GP -- General Purpose

          Note the temporary thumbnail scans of cachets I don't have full-cover scans of, yet. Note also that each GP design has been assigned a unique "GP#" Catalog Number that will used throughout this website.

  217. U.S. Scott #799-GP1 - William T. Raley (W.T.) -- XIII:77
          The center Eagle design, with text around it, is similar to GP #Eagle8
  218. U.S. Scott #799-GP2 - McCaddon Co. -- XIII:77 -- ***
          General Purpose cachet: GP#FDOI-28b
    General Purpose cachet GP#FDOI-28b - unknown
  219. U.S. Scott #799-802-GP3 - Mutual Benefit Stamp Club -- XIII:77 -- ***
          General Purpose cachet: GP#FDC1
    #799-GP3 -- #800-GP3 -- #801-GP3 -- #802-GP3
    U.S. Scott #802-GP3 - Mutual Benefit Stamp Club
  220. U.S. Scott #800-GP4 - United Benefit Life Insurance -- XIII:77
  221. U.S. Scott #799-GP5 - Social Security Board corner card -- XIII:77
  222. U.S. Scott #800-801-GP6 - Everett G. Emerson -- XIII:77-8
  223. U.S. Scott #802-GP7 - E.C. Lawrence (was unknown) -- XIII:78 -- ***
          General Purpose cachet: GP#FDC3
          Identified at [#384, 55(5), 7-15-2010, p. 38-9]
    U.S. Scott #802-GP7 - E.C. Lawrence
  224. U.S. Scott #799-GP8 - F.E. Lerchenfeld -- XIII:78 -- ***
          General Purpose cachet: GP#FDC9 Peach
    General Purpose cachet GP#FDC9 -- F.E. Lerchenfeld
  225. U.S. Scott #799-GP9 - unknown -- XIII:78 -- ***
          General Purpose cachet: GP#FDC12c green
    General Purpose cachet GP#FDC12 - unknown

  226. U.S. Scott #800-GP10 - unknown -- XIII:78
  227. U.S. Scott #802-GP11 - unknown -- XIII:78
  228. U.S. Scott #800-GP12 - unknown -- XIII:78 -- ***
          General Purpose cachet: GP#Eagle4b on a cover with a General Purpose cachet: GP#Border6
    General Purpose cachet GP#Eagle4b1 (crop of GP#Eagle4b)
    General Purpose cachet GP#Border6 - unknown
  229. U.S. Scott #799-GP12a - unknown - Albert C. Roessler (Charles) -- XIII:78 -- ***
          General Purpose cachet: GP#Border6
    General Purpose cachet GP#Border6 - unknown
  230. U.S. Scott #800-GP13 - 1st Detroit Philatelic Society (Corner Card) -- XIII:79
  231. U.S. Scott #800-GP14 - 1st Shawnee Stamp Club -- XIII:79
  232. U.S. Scott #800-GP15 - R.H. Mower (800) -- XIII:79

  233. #GP-NIP -- General Purpose, all Not in Planty

  234. U.S. Scott #799-802-GP16-NIP - unknown
          #799-GP16-NIP -- #800-GP16-NIP, not reported -- #801-GP16-NIP, not reported -- #802-GP16-NIP
    U.S. Scott #799-802-GP16-NIP - unknown
  235. U.S. Scott #799-802-GP17-NIP - unknown
  236. U.S. Scott #799-802-GP18-NIP - unknown
    -- #801-GP18-NIP
  237. U.S. Scott #799-802-GP19-NIP - unknown
  238. U.S. Scott #799-802-GP20-NIP - Kenneth A. Naegele
    -- 799-GP20-NIP
  239. U.S. Scott #799-802-GP21-NIP - unknown
  240. U.S. Scott #799-802-GP22-NIP - unknown
  241. U.S. Scott #799-802-GP23-NIP - unknown
  242. U.S. Scott #799-802-GP24-NIP - unknown

  243. #NIP -- all Not in Planty

  244. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP1 - unknown -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #799-NIP1 - unknown
  245. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP2 - "J.W.C." (J.W. Clifford)
    #799-NIP2 -- #800-NIP2 -- #801-NIP2 -- #802-NIP2
    U.S. Scott #799-NIP2 - JWC Cachets U.S. Scott #800-NIP2 - JWC Cachets U.S. Scott #801-NIP2 - JWC Cachets U.S. Scott #802-NIP2 - JWC Cachets
  246. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP3 - (paste on), unknown -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #799-NIP3 - unknown
  247. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP4 - unknown -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #799-NIP4 - unknown
  248. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP5 - Adam K. Bert -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #799-NIP5 - Adam K. Bert
  249. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP6 - William J. Volker -- (eBay)
         NIP6b Scan source: H.R. Harmer, 11-16-2019, Public Auction 3029, Lot #4605
    U.S. Scott #799-NIP6 - William J. Volker U.S. Scott #799-NIP6b - William J. Volker U.S. Scott #799-NIP6b - William J. Volker
  250. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP7 - William J. Volker -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #799-NIP7 - William J. Volker
  251. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP8 - (add-on), Melissa Fox
  252. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP8a - (add-on), Melissa Fox
  253. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP8b - (add-on), Melissa Fox
    -- #801-NIP8b
  254. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP9 - Monmouth County Philatelic Society
    #799-NIP8, not reported -- #800-NIP9 -- #801-NIP9 -- #802-NIP8, not reported
  255. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP10 - John Truzack -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #799-NIP10 - John Truzack
  256. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP11 - unknown
    #799-NIP11 -- #800-NIP11 -- #801-NIP11 -- #802-NIP11
    U.S. Scott #799-NIP11 - unknown U.S. Scott #800-NIP11 - unknown U.S. Scott #801-NIP11 - unknown U.S. Scott #802-NIP11 - unknown
  257. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP12 - unknown
    #799-NIP12: An event cover, first day of use of the 1937 Christmas Seal, NOT a First Day Cover of #799
    U.S. Scott #799-NIP12 - unknown
  258. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP13 - (add-on), unknown -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #799-NIP13 - unknown U.S. Scott #799-NIP13 - unknown
  259. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP14 - unknown -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #799-NIP14 - unknown
  260. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP15 - H. Mueller -- 799
  261. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP16 - Arthur E. Mansbach -- 799
  262. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP17 - Albert Tate
         Scan source: H.R. Harmer, 11-16-2019, Public Auction 3029, Lot #4613
    U.S. Scott #800-NIP17 - Albert Tate
  263. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP18 - James T. Elliott
         Scan source: H.R. Harmer, 11-16-2019, Public Auction 3029, Lot #4612
    U.S. Scott #800-NIP18 - James T. Elliott
  264. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP19 - unknown
         Scan source: H.R. Harmer, 11-16-2019, Public Auction 3029, Lot #4611
    U.S. Scott #800-NIP19 - unknown
  265. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP20 - unknown -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #799-NIP20 - unknown
  266. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP21, A Touch of Class (Herb Meisels)
  267. U.S. Scott #799-802-NIP21 - (add-on), unknown
          Renumbered and moved to #799-A6-NIP
  268. U.S. Scott #799-NIP-nc, (no cachet) -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #799-NIP-nc - unknown

  269. #A-NIP -- More Recent Add-Ons, all Not in Planty

  270. U.S. Scott #nnnnn-A1-NIP - unknown (add-on)

  271. #CC-NIP -- Corner Cards, all Not in Planty

  272. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC1-NIP - Postmaster General (Corner Card)
    U.S. Scott #799-CC1-NIP - Postmaster General (Corner Card)
  273. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC2-NIP - United States Senate (Corner Card)
    U.S. Scott #799-CC2a-NIP - United States Senate (Corner Card) U.S. Scott #799-CC2a-NIP - United States Senate / Committee on the Judiciary (Corner Card)
  274. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC3-NIP - United States House of Representatives (Corner Card)
    U.S. Scott #800-CC3-NIP - United States House of Representatives (Corner Card)
  275. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC4-NIP - White House (Corner Card)
    U.S. Scott #799-CC4-NIP - White House (Corner Card)
  276. U.S. Scott #799-CC5-NIP - reserved for specific corner cards

  277. Other Corner Cards IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER:
  278. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC11-NIP - Atlantic Safe Deposit Co., New York, NY (Corner Card)
    U.S. Scott #800-CC11-NIP - Atlantic Safe Deposit Co., New York, NY (Corner Card)
  279. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC14-NIP - William J. Bacon, Jr., Washington, DC (Corner Card)
    U.S. Scott #800-CC14-NIP - William J. Bacon, Jr., Washington, DC (Corner Card)
  280. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC12-NIP - The Boston Herald, Boston, MA (Corner Card)
    U.S. Scott #800-CC12-NIP - The Boston Herald, Boston, MA (Corner Card)
  281. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC10-NIP - Calhawaii Company, Honolulu, HI (Corner Card)
    U.S. Scott #799-CC10-NIP - Calhawaii Company, Honolulu, HI (Corner Card)
  282. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC11-NIP - The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC (Corner Card)
    U.S. Scott #799-CC11-NIP - The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC (Corner Card)
  283. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC9-NIP - Fitzwilliam Tavern, Fitzwilliam, NH (Corner Card)
    #799-CC9-NIP -- #800-CC9-NIP -- #801-CC9-NIP -- #802-CC9-NIP
    U.S. Scott #799-NIP2 - Fitzwilliam Tavern, Fitzwilliam, NH (Corner Card) U.S. Scott #800-NIP2 - Fitzwilliam Tavern, Fitzwilliam, NH (Corner Card) U.S. Scott #801-NIP2 - Fitzwilliam Tavern, Fitzwilliam, NH (Corner Card) U.S. Scott #802-NIP2 - Fitzwilliam Tavern, Fitzwilliam, NH (Corner Card)
  284. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC5h-NIP - Frye Institute Stamp Club (Corner Card)
    #800-CC5h-NIP -- #802-CC5h-NIP
    U.S. Scott #800-CC5h-NIP - Frye Institute Stamp Club (Corner Card)
  285. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC12-NIP - The Glidden Company, Honolulu, HI (Corner Card)
    U.S. Scott #799-CC12-NIP - The Glidden Company, Honolulu, HI (Corner Card)
  286. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC7-NIP - C. Audley Gray, Cuyahoga Falls, OH (Corner Card)
    U.S. Scott #799-CC7-NIP - C. Audley Gray, Cuyahoga Falls, OH (Corner Card)
  287. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC5e-NIP - Hoffman & Mayer, Inc., New York, NY (Corner Card)
    #799-CC5e-NIP -- #800-CC5e-NIP -- #801-CC5e-NIP -- #802-CC5e-NIP
    U.S. Scott #800-CC5e-NIP - Frye Institute Stamp Club (Corner Card)
  288. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC13-NIP - Elton M. Manuel Hobbies, Newport, RI (Corner Card)
    U.S. Scott #799-CC13-NIP - Elton M. Manuel Hobbies, Newport, RI (Corner Card)
  289. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC10-NIP - New Central Hotel, Jefferson City, MO (Corner Card)
    U.S. Scott #800-CC10-NIP - New Central Hotel, Jefferson City, MO (Corner Card)
  290. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC6-NIP - The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Columbus, OH (Corner Card)
    U.S. Scott #799-CC6-NIP - The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Columbus, OH (Corner Card)
  291. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC7-NIP - Reddy's, Philadelphia, PA (Corner Card)
    U.S. Scott #800-CC7-NIP - Reddy's, Philadelphia, PA (Corner Card)
  292. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC8-NIP - Territory of Alaska, Office of the Governor, Juneau, AK (Corner Card)
    U.S. Scott #800-CC8-NIP - Territory of Alaska, Office of the Governor, Juneau, AK (Corner Card)
  293. U.S. Scott #799-802-CC5g-NIP - Harold J. Trabold, Orange, NJ (Corner Card)
    #799-CC5g-NIP -- #800-CC5g-NIP
    U.S. Scott #799-CC5g-NIP - Harold J. Trabold, Orange, NJ (Corner Card)

  294. #PC-NIP -- Postcards, all Not in Planty


Articles published in FIRST DAYS, Listed in Date of Publication Order:

#WhatsNew -- What's New on this page -- changes since 12-20-2021
      09-26-2023: Although I don't have full cover scans of some of them, I have added thumbnail scans of the GP (General Purpose) designs which have been used on other covers and which I have assigned "GP#" Catalog Numbers (See: GP Identifier).
      04-22-2022: Added a new section and 7 More Recent Add-Ons (#A1 - #A7)
URL: https://www.folklib.net/fdc/bibliog/planty-799-802.shtml
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Page created by Douglas H. Henkle (Contact): henkle@pobox.com