U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog:
Index of Corner Cards listed in Planty

Part of the U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
by Douglas H. Henkle, AFDCS LM #137, henkle@pobox.com

(last updated .09-10-2024)

FDC Publishing Co. Planty Catalog Numbers

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Cachet Display Catalog: FDC Cachetmakers Index

      This page lists all Corner Cards listed in the Planty "Cachet Lists" installed (so far) at this site, as well as those discovered after the publication date of each of the 18 volumes in the 2nd edition. With one exception, #799-802-CC9-NIP, Corner Card FDC's have no other apparent issue specific cachet on them. They only have a printed, embossed, or permanent stuck-on label return address in their upper left corner. FDC's with no cachet but with a return address hand written in pencil or ink or rubber stamped do not qualify as Corner Cards.

      What's New on this page

      01-19-2021 Notice: Started adding post-1939 Corner Cards displayed on this site whether or not they were listed in Mellone, or post-1969, whether or not they have ever been listed anywhere.

      739 -- 773 -- 795 -- 796 -- 797 -- 799 -- 800 -- 853 -- 957 -- 958 -- C25 -- CE1 -- CE2

     name link @ = links to the Display page for that Corner Card.
      *** = scan wanted, large size .jpg scans (600 pixels wide or wider), for this Corner Card listed in Planty.

  1. The Alliance Insurance Co. of Philadelphia, Camden, NJ -- 853
  2. #CC5a -- American-Hawaiian Steamship Company @
  3. American Legion, Wayne Post No. 11, Wayne, MI -- 798 ***
  4. American Philatelic Society (APS), H.A. Davis, Denver, CO -- 795
  5. Ames & McDaniles, Bridgton, ME -- 739
  6. Arrow Press, Inc., New York, NY -- #857-CC9
  7. Ashville, NC Post Office Department -- 797 ***
  8. Atlantic Safe Deposit Co., New York, NY -- 800
  9. B
  10. #CC14 -- William J. Bacon, Jr., Washington, DC -- 800
  11. Dr. R.A. Baldwin, Springfield, MA -- 797 ***
  12. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. Passenger Traffic Dept. -- 772 ***
  13. Battery Park Hotel -- 797 ***
  14. Ben Franklin Printing Service, Perrysburg, OH -- 798
  15. #CC5b -- Bengalese Stamp Bureau, Brookland (Station), DC
  16. Edward Blair, M.D., Healdsburg, CA -- 853
  17. The Boston Herald, Boston, MA -- 800
  18. John O. Butler Company, Chicago, IL -- 853
  19. C
  20. The Carolina Insurance Company, Mauston, WI -- 795
  21. J.G. Carrier, La Prairie, Quebec, Canada -- 796 ***
  22. Chamber of Commerce of the USA, Washington, DC -- CE1
  23. Citizens National Bank, Evansville, IN -- #857-CC1
  24. Samuel K. Clark, Lebanon, PA -- 739
  25. Cleveland Household, Inc., Cleveland, OH -- 739
  26. The Commodore Hotel, New York, NY -- #857-CC2
  27. #CC3 -- Congress of the United States, House of Representatives -- 800
  28. Corroon & Reynolds Insurance, New York, NY -- 739
  29. Clarence Cullimore, Bakersfield, CA -- 853
  30. Curry Co. -- 740-749 ***
  31. D E
  32. The Eagle Fire Company of New York, Huntington, WV -- 796 ***
  33. Edison Research Coordinating Council, New York, NY -- 853
  34. F
  35. 1st Boston Insurance Co., Western Department -- 775 ***
  36. 1st Detroit Philatelic Society -- 799-802 ***
  37. 1st Old Colony Insurance Co., Western Department -- 775 ***
  38. #CC5h -- Frye Institute Stamp Club, (San Diego, CA?)
  39. G
  40. #CC7 -- C. Audley Gray, Cuyahoga Falls, OH -- 799
  41. Great American Indemnity Co., New York, NY -- 796 ***
  42. #CC5i -- Gulf Building
  43. #CC5c -- Gypsum Association, Chicago, IL -- 853
  44. H
  45. Haskin's Drug Store, Granville, NY -- 739
  46. #CC5d -- Hess-Mallory Co., Sioux City, IA -- 739 -- 795
  47. Hobbies Magazine, Chicago, IL -- CE1
  48. #CC5e -- Hoffman & Mayer, Inc., New York, NY -- 853 -- CE2
  49. Frank L. Holt, Los Angeles, CA -- 853
  50. Holyoke Stamp Club, Holyoke, MA -- 739
  51. The Home of the Postage Stamp, New York, NY -- 853
  52. Hotel du Pont, city? -- 836 ***
  53. Hotel Fairmont, Fairmont, MN -- 958
  54. Hotel Fort Raleigh, Manteo, NC -- 796 ***
  55. Hotel Gordon -- 797 ***
  56. Hotel Greenville, Greenville, MS -- 795
  57. Hotel Madison, New York, NY8 -- 795
  58. Hotel Ramsey, Redwood Falls, MN -- 958
  59. Hotel Schroeder, Milwaukee, WI -- 739
  60. Hotel Shaw, San Francisco, CA -- 853
  61. Hotel Sussex, New York, NY -- 853
  62. Hudson's Bay Company, city?(illegible) -- 796 ***
  63. I
  64. The Inquirer and Mirror, Nantucket Island, MA -- #857-CC3

  65. J
  66. R.B. Johnson Insurance Agency, Philadelphia, PA -- #857-CC4

  67. K
  68. Kadimah, Baltimore, MD -- 739
  69. Kentucky State Medical Association, Lexington, KY -- 739

  70. L
  71. Arthur E. Lauman, Monmouth County, NJ -- 739
  72. Logan Antiques, York, PA -- CE2
  73. Mc
  74. N/A -- Arthur E. Mansbach, Los Angeles, CA -- Arthur E. Mansbach @
  75. Frank Martin, Boise, ID -- 739
  76. #CC15 -- Masury Paints [John W. Masury & Son, New York / Chicago] -- 795 -- 800

  77.      Headquarters and example Suppliers:
    Manhattan, NY -- New York, NY -- Columbus, GA -- Detroit, mi -- Harrisonburg, VA
  78. Mayer Press, Pittsburgh, PA -- #857-CC5
  79. N
  80. New Brainerd Hotel, Brainerd, MN -- 958
  81. News of Hawaii -- 799-802 ***
  82. Secretary, The Nyack Fire Patrol, Inc., Nyack, NY -- 797 ***
  83. O
  84. Ohio House of Representatives, Giles F. Guthrie, Ravena, OH -- 795 ***
  85. The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Columbus, OH -- 796 -- 799
  86. Osburn Hotel, Eugene, OR -- 796
  87. P
  88. Page Engineering Company, Chicago, IL -- C25
  89. Joseph Perna, Jr. Inc., Philadelphia, PA -- 739
  90. Philadelphia Enquirer, Philadelphia, PA -- 798 ***
  91. Pioneer Farm, Niobe, NY -- 739
  92. PL Gift Shop, Yonkers, NY -- 796 -- 797
  93. Post Office Department, Sheboygan, WI -- 739
  94. Prosper Press, Inc., New York, NY -- #857-CC10
  95. Q
  96. Reddy's, Philadelphia, PA -- 800 ***
  97. Hubert O. Robertson, Silver City, NM -- 739
  98. S
  99. Saint Catherine's Convent, Miami, FL -- 739
  100. The Saranac Hotel Apartments, Chicago, IL -- 957
  101. Dr. Paul Schickler, Bronx, NY -- #857-CC6
  102. William Sloane House, New York, NY -- 796 ***
  103. Sons of the Republic of Texas, Houston, TX -- 796 ***
  104. The Souvenir Issues Association, Glen Ridge, NJ -- 797 ***
  105. #CC5f -- Stampoff, Lewiston, NY
  106. T
  107. Territory of Alaska, Office of the Governor, Juneau, AK -- 800
  108. Thompson, Hine and Flory, Cleveland, OH -- 853
  109. #CC5g -- Harold J. Trabold, Orange, N.J. -- 739 -- 795 -- 853
  110. U
  111. U.S. Grant Hotel, San Diego, CA -- 773 ***
  112. #CC1 -- [U.S.] Postmaster General @ -- 739 -- 775 *** -- 795 -- 797 -- 799 -- 796-CC7 *** -- 796-CC10 -- 853 -- 957 -- CE1 -- CE2
  113. [U.S.] Postmaster General, The First Assistant -- 774 ***
  114. [U.S.] Secretary of the Treasury, Washington, DC -- #857-CC7
  115. #CC2 - [U.S.] United States Senate, Committee on Appropriations -- 799 -- 957 -- 958
  116. #CC2 - [U.S.] United States Senate, Committee on the Judiciary -- 795 -- 801
  117. [U.S.] Social Security Board -- 799-802 ***
  118. [U.S.] War Department, The Army War College, Fort Humphreys, Washington, DC -- 795 ***
  119. #CC4 - [U.S.] The White House -- 836 -- #857-CC8 -- CE2
  120. United States Rubber Company -- C25
  121. Faculty Club, University of California, Berkeley, CA -- C25
  122. V
  123. Vaughan Hotel, Port Arthur, TX -- 739
  124. Virgin Islands Government, [U.S.] -- 799-802 ***
  125. W
  126. Henry Horst Wadsworth, Columbus, GA -- 795
  127. The Wenonah, Bay City, MI -- 836 ***
  128. Witts Market House -- C23 ***
  129. Wolverine Insurance Company -- 775 ***
  130. X
    TODO / TBA
    [+10] Planty Volume IX, p. 51-52 -- 776-CC1-10
    [+131] Planty Volume XVII, p. 96-111 -- 855-CC1-94 (+94), 855-110-110-x1 (+37)
    [+10] Planty Volume XVIII, p. 58-59 -- 857-CC1-10

Articles published in FIRST DAYS, Listed in Date of Publication Order:

What's New on this page -- changes since 07-04-2022:
06-18-2024: Added 19 links for U.S. Scott #739, and 14 links for U.S. Scott #853.
URL: https://www.folklib.net/fdc/bibliog/planty-cc-index.shtml
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Page created by Douglas H. Henkle (Contact): henkle@pobox.com
