U.S. Scott #CE1 #CE1

U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog:
U.S. Scott #CE1 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order

Part of the U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
by Douglas H. Henkle, AFDCS LM #137, henkle@pobox.com

(last updated .08-14-2021)

FDC Publishing Co. Planty Catalog Numbers

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      This page lists all First Day Cover (FDC) Cachets for U.S. Scott #CE1 in Planty Catalog Number Order.

      U.S. Scott #CE1 was issued on 8-30-1934 at Chicago, IL - (16¢)
      Airmail Special Delivery
      Minkus ASD1 [2003 Krause-Minkus Catalog, p. 418]

FDC Publishing Co. Planty Catalog Numbers

   U.S. Scott #CE1-nn = each cachet's Planty Catalog number.
   U.S. Scott #CE1-nn = e.g. https://www.folklib.net/fdc/bibliog/planty-ce1.shtml#CE1-GP1 - each cachet on this page can be linked to individually by using "#" and its shown Planty Catalog Number.
   VII:nn = the page number(s) this cachet is documented in the Planty Photo Encyclopedia of Cacheted First Day Covers, 1997, Volume VII, 2nd ed.
        [Planty's Photo Encyclopedia of Cacheted F.D.C.s, 1984, Volume X, 1st ed. cannot be indexed because it has no 1,2,3... sequential page numbers.]
   (was ...) = the Cachetmaker identification in the 1st edition was unknown or incorrect.
   [NOT ....] = other corrections that I know about to entries that were in either the 1st or the 2nd edition of Planty.
   [#nnn, ...] = references to articles in the AFDCS (American First Day Cover Society's) journal, FIRST DAYS.
   Cachetmaker's name link = click on the name for possible birth/death dates, website links and/or FIRST DAYS article references for that Cachetmaker.
   ACE #, RCD # = only the Cachetmaker's Art Cover Exchange and Registered Cachet Director membership numbers are listed here. Click on their name for their possible other AFDCS, ANCS or USCS membership numbers that I know about.
   name link = click on the Cachetmaker's name for possible birth/death dates, website links and/or FIRST DAYS article references for that Cachetmaker.
   name link @ = links to that Cachetmaker's Cachet Display page. All other name links go to their entry on the Philatelic Birth Dates, Index and Links page.

      Wanted: 300 bpi / 600 pixel wide (or greater) .jpg scan of any unlisted cachet (ALSO any cachet marked ***)
Email it to: henkle@pobox.com
Subject for this page: Doug Henkle unlisted CE1 cachet
      (an email with any other subject or with any other graphical format will be ignored   IF  it has an attachment)

      Scan sources, if other than off the Web: {A} = from my own collection.

(GP) General Purpose
(GP-NIP) General Purpose, all Not in Planty
(CC-NIP) Corner Cards, all Not in Planty
(NIP) Not in Planty
  1. U.S. Scott #CE1-1 - Albert B. Parsons -- VII:100 -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-1 - Albert B. Parsons
  2. U.S. Scott #CE1-2a - J.A. Roy (James) -- VII:100 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-2a - J.A. Roy (James)
  3. U.S. Scott #CE1-2b - J.A. Roy (James) -- VII:100 -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-2b - J.A. Roy (James)
  4. U.S. Scott #CE1-3 - Edward G. Hacker -- VII:100 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-3 - Edward G. Hacker
  5. U.S. Scott #CE1-4 - Covered Wagon ("Via Air- ... Delivery" - in 1 line) -- VII:100 ***
  6. U.S. Scott #CE1-4a-NIP - Covered Wagon ("Via Air- ... Delivery" - in 2 lines) -- VII:100 -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-4a-NIP - Covered Wagon
  7. U.S. Scott #CE1-5 - Harry Simon, Pan American Stamp Co. -- VII:100 ***
  8. U.S. Scott #CE1-6 - R.C. Beazell (Robert Carson) -- VII:100-101 -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-6 - R.C. Beazell (Robert Carson)
  9. U.S. Scott #CE1-7a - R.C. Beazell (Robert Carson) -- VII:101 -- (eBay ***)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-7a - R.C. Beazell (Robert Carson)
  10. U.S. Scott #CE1-7b - R.C. Beazell (Robert Carson) -- VII:101 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-7b - R.C. Beazell (Robert Carson) U.S. Scott #CE1-7b - R.C. Beazell (Robert Carson)
  11. U.S. Scott #CE1-7c - R.C. Beazell (Robert Carson) -- VII:101 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-7c - R.C. Beazell (Robert Carson) U.S. Scott #CE1-7c - R.C. Beazell (Robert Carson)
  12. U.S. Scott #CE1-7d - R.C. Beazell (Robert Carson) -- VII:101 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-7d - R.C. Beazell (Robert Carson) U.S. Scott #CE1-7d - R.C. Beazell (Robert Carson)
  13. U.S. Scott #CE1-8 - Ed Kee (John Edward) -- VII:101 -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-8 - Ed Kee (John Edward)
  14. U.S. Scott #CE1-9 - Ed Kee (John Edward) -- VII:101 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-9 - Ed Kee (John Edward) U.S. Scott #CE1-9 - Ed Kee (John Edward) U.S. Scott #CE1-9 - Ed Kee (John Edward)
  15. U.S. Scott #CE1-10 - American Air Mail Society (AAMS) -- VII:101 -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-10 - American Air Mail Society (AAMS)
  16. U.S. Scott #CE1-11 - 1st Elmer D. Herrick -- VII:102 ***
  17. U.S. Scott #CE1-12 - Imperial -- VII:102 -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-12 - Imperial
  18. U.S. Scott #CE1-13 - Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107 -- VII:102 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-13 - Dr. Harry C. Ioor
  19. U.S. Scott #CE1-14 - Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107 -- VII:102 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-14 - Dr. Harry C. Ioor
  20. U.S. Scott #CE1-15 - Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107 -- VII:102 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-15 - Dr. Harry C. Ioor U.S. Scott #CE1-15 - Dr. Harry C. Ioor
  21. U.S. Scott #CE1-15a-NIP - Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107 (same design but larger) -- VII:102 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-15a-NIP - Dr. Harry C. Ioor
  22. U.S. Scott #CE1-16 - Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107 -- VII:102 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-16 - Dr. Harry C. Ioor
  23. U.S. Scott #CE1-17a - F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger) -- VII:102-103 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-17a - F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger)
  24. U.S. Scott #CE1-17b - F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger) on air mail envelope -- VII:102-103 -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-17b - F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger) U.S. Scott # -
  25. U.S. Scott #CE1-18 - Edward Kuntz -- VII:103 -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-18 - Edward Kuntz
  26. U.S. Scott #CE1-19 - Washington Stamp Exchange (WSE) -- VII:103 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-19 - Washington Stamp Exchange (WSE)
  27. U.S. Scott #CE1-20 - Bates Cachets (Producer: Lawrence Smith) -- VII:103 -- (eBay) ***
          Same cachet also serviced as #CE2-NIP5
    U.S. Scott #CE1-20 - Bates Cachets (Producer: Lawrence Smith)
  28. U.S. Scott #CE1-21 - Fidelity Stamp Co. -- VII:103 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-21 - Fidelity Stamp Co. U.S. Scott #CE1-21 - Fidelity Stamp Co.
  29. U.S. Scott #CE1-22 - Ed Kee (John Edward) red & blue -- VII:103 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-22 - Ed Kee (John Edward)
  30. U.S. Scott #CE1-22a-NIP - Ed Kee (John Edward) blue & red -- VII:103 -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-22a-NIP - Ed Kee (John Edward)
  31. U.S. Scott #CE1-23 - unknown -- VII:103 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-23 - unknown
  32. U.S. Scott #CE1-24 - C.S. Anderson (Charles Stephen) -- VII:103 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-24 - C.S. Anderson (Charles Stephen)
  33. U.S. Scott #CE1-25 - C.S. Anderson (Charles Stephen) -- VII:104 -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-25 - C.S. Anderson (Charles Stephen)
  34. U.S. Scott #CE1-26 - Fairway, brown, silver, green & gold flat print -- VII:104
  35. U.S. Scott #CE1-26a - Fairway, brown, silver, green & gold raised print -- VII:104
  36. U.S. Scott #CE1-26b-NIP - Fairway, brown -- VII:104 -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-26b-NIP - Fairway
  37. U.S. Scott #CE1-26c-NIP - Fairway, black -- VII:104 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-26c-NIP - Fairway
  38. U.S. Scott #CE1-26d-NIP - Fairway, green -- VII:104 -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-26d-NIP - Fairway
  39. U.S. Scott #CE1-27 - Torkel Gundel -- VII:104 ***
  40. U.S. Scott #CE1-28 - Henry Grimsland -- VII:104 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-28 - Henry Grimsland
  41. U.S. Scott #CE1-29 - Elmer R. Long (Reese) @ -- VII:104 -- {A}
    U.S. Scott #CE1-29 - Elmer R. Long (Reese)
  42. U.S. Scott #CE1-30 - Albert C. Roessler (Charles) -- VII:104 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-30 - Albert C. Roessler (Charles) U.S. Scott #CE1-30 - Albert C. Roessler (Charles) U.S. Scott #CE1-30 - Albert C. Roessler (Charles)
  43. U.S. Scott #CE1-31 - Harold B. Horner -- VII:105 -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-31 - Harold B. Horner
  44. U.S. Scott #CE1-32 - unknown -- VII:105 ***
  45. U.S. Scott #CE1-33 - 1st Hobbies Magazine -- VII:105 ***
  46. U.S. Scott #CE1-34 - American Air Mail Society (AAMS) printed on air mail envelope -- VII:105 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-34 - American Air Mail Society (AAMS)
  47. U.S. Scott #CE1-34a - American Air Mail Society (AAMS) rubber stamp on A.C. Roessler air mail envelope -- VII:105 -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-34a - American Air Mail Society (AAMS)
  48. U.S. Scott #CE1-35 - Beverly Hills -- VII:105 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-35 - Beverly Hills U.S. Scott #CE1-35 - Beverly Hills
  49. U.S. Scott #CE1-35a - Beverly Hills -- VII:105 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-35a - Beverly Hills U.S. Scott #CE1-35a - Beverly Hills
  50. U.S. Scott #CE1-36 - American Air Mail Society (AAMS) -- VII:105 ***
  51. U.S. Scott #CE1-37 - L.S. Adams -- VII:105 ***
  52. U.S. Scott #CE1-38 - Washington Service (David Davenport) -- VII:106 -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-38 - Washington Service (David Davenport)
  53. U.S. Scott #CE1-39 - J. Neal Griffith -- VII:106 ***
  54. U.S. Scott #CE1-40 - William T. Raley (W.T.) -- VII:106 -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-40 - William T. Raley (W.T.)
  55. U.S. Scott #CE1-41 - unknown -- VII:106 ***
  56. U.S. Scott #CE1-42 - unknown -- VII:106 ***

  57. #GP -- General Purpose

  58. U.S. Scott #CE1-GP1 - unknown -- VII:106 ***
  59. U.S. Scott #CE1-GP2 - 1st McCaddon Company -- VII:106 -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-GP2 - McCaddon Company

  60. #GP-NIP -- General Purpose, all Not in Planty

  61. U.S. Scott #CE1-GP3-NIP - unknown -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-GP3-NIP - unknown
  62. U.S. Scott #CE1-GP4-NIP - unknown -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-GP4-NIP - unknown
  63. U.S. Scott #CE1-GP5-NIP - unknown -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-GP5-NIP - unknown
  64. U.S. Scott #CE1-GP6-NIP - unknown -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-GP6-NIP - unknown
  65. U.S. Scott #CE1-GP7-NIP - Linprint (was unknown) -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-GP7-NIP - unknown

  66. #CC-NIP -- Corner Cards, all Not in Planty

  67. U.S. Scott #CE1-CC1a-NIP - See also: Postmaster General Corner Card FDC's @ -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-CC1-NIP - Postmaster General Corner Card U.S. Scott #CE1-CC1-NIP - Postmaster General Corner Card
  68. U.S. Scott #CE1-CC2-NIP - reserved for future reports of U.S. Senate corner cards
  69. U.S. Scott #CE1-CC3-NIP - reserved for future reports of U.S. House corner cards
  70. U.S. Scott #CE1-CC4-NIP - reserved for future reports of White House corner cards
  71. U.S. Scott #CE1-CC5-NIP - Chamber of Commerce of the USA, Washington, DC (Corner Card) -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-CC5-NIP - Chamber of Commerce of the USA, Washington, DC
  72. U.S. Scott #CE1-CC5d-NIP - Hess-Mallory Co. (Corner Card) --- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-CC5d-NIP - Hess-Mallory Co. (Corner Card)
  73. U.S. Scott #CE1-CC6-NIP - Hobbies Magazine, Chicago, IL (Corner Card) -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #CE1-CC6-NIP - Hobbies Magazine, Chicago, IL

  74. #NIP -- Not in Planty

  75. U.S. Scott #CE1-NIP1 - unknown -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-NIP1 - unknown
  76. U.S. Scott #CE1-NIP2 - F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger) [on Scott #C19-1 -- VII:93] -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-NIP2 - F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger)
  77. U.S. Scott #CE1-NIP3 - unknown -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-NIP3 - unknown U.S. Scott #CE1-NIP3 - unknown
  78. U.S. Scott #CE1-NIP4 - unknown -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-NIP4 - unknown
  79. U.S. Scott #CE1-NIP5 - A Touch of Class (Herb Meisels) (was: unknown) -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #CE1-NIP5 - unknown
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Page created by Douglas H. Henkle (Contact): henkle@pobox.com