U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog:
FDC Cachetmakers Index
Part of the U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
by Douglas H. Henkle, AFDCS LM #137,
(last updated .12-06-2024)
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FDC Publishing Co. Planty Catalog Numbers (1901-1939)
Earl Gerald Planty - (1905-1994)
FDC Publishing Co. Mellone Catalog Numbers (1940-1969)
Michael Anthony Mellone - (1945-2018)
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Cachet Display Catalog: FDC Cachetmakers Index (this page)
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This Cachet Display Catalog: FDC Cachetmakers Index page is an Index of Cachetmaker names and Cachet Lines that are listed in the Planty Catalog (1901-1939), Mellone Catalog (1940-1969), Steenerson Catalog (1970-1979) and other 1970-date "Cachet Lists" I have created on this site, e.g.
U.S. Scott #799-802 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order and
U.S. Scott #936 FDC Cachets . Some of these names are only on new pages which I am working on and are not yet installed. The rest are on one or more pages already installed. See my
Catalog Numbers Menu page for all installed "Cachet Lists".
For more post-1976 Cachetmakers and Cachet Lines, see the
AFDCS Directory of Current Cachetmakers Index page.
What's New on this page
#801-n, #801-G#n:p = #801 Planty Catalog Number(s) / Ronald H. Gonzalez Catalog Number
: page number -- as listed and pictured (mostly in color) in
"First Day Cover Catalogue of US Stamps Related to Puerto Rico, 2nd ed. (2015)", p. 4-36
-- Work-in-Progress, done: #801-G#1-9 out of 383 Gonzalez Catalog Numbers.
name link = click on the Cachetmaker's name for
possible birth/death dates, website links and/or FIRST DAYS article references for that Cachetmaker.
name link @ = links to that Cachetmaker's Cachet Display page. All other name links go to
their entry on the Philatelic Birth Dates, Index and Links page.
[nn/nnn] = "First Cachets" (2006)
[page number/First Cachet Scott Catalog number]
[#nnn/nnn/nnn] = [Issue Whole Number/page number/First Cachet Scott Catalog number] An update published in FIRST DAYS to:
"First Cachets" (2006)
[#356, 52(1), 1-15-2007, p. 29-33, "First Cachets Update 137"] Beck, Cachet Craft, Royal Historical Covers
[F.C.?] = Not listed in "First Cachets" (2006). This Cachetmaker's
"First Cachet" is unknown to me.
[F.C. xref] = Listed in "First Cachets" (2006), but only with a "(see: ...)" cross reference to another entry.
[F.C. N/A] = 1) Cachetmakers who made no cachets for a specific new issue. This applies mostly to those who made World War II Patriotics which were serviced by private collectors as FDC's, and 2) Cachetmakers where all of their known FDC cachets are one-of-a-kind, making them ineligible for listing.
[] (First Cachet) = the goal is to note the [Page #/Scott #] notation in
the p. 659-707 Index in "First Cachets" (2006) for every Cachetmaker name and Cachet Line listed on this page.
[#nnn-nn] = the Indexing of the various Scott Number "Cachet Lists" on this site. Work-in-Progress
Note1: The standard that is followed throughout this site, is that all 1901-1939 Numbers, are
Planty Cachet Numbers, and all 1940-1969 Numbers are Mellone Cachet Numbers. The original 1901-1939 Planty Cachet Numbers were assigned by Earl Gerald Planty and they wil continue to be so designated here in his honor.
[] (Indexing) = the goal is to Index every Cachetmaker name and Cachet Line that is included in one or more of the "Cachet Lists" installed on this site. Some "[Page #/Cachet #] notations indicate Scott number "Cachet Lists" that are not on this site and won't be anytime soon. After I have finished Indexing every name on every page on the Catalog Numbers Menu page, I will add a note to each blank "[]" stating that that particular Cachetmaker name or Cachet Line is not included on any "Cachet List" here.
Note2: This page replaces the "Planty 2nd edition Cachetmaker Index" page. As I have time, all the information on that, now obsolete, page will be installed on this page. I don't think anybody will really miss that old page. In the 194 days between 12-15-2020, when it went public, and 6-28-2021, when I removed all internal links to it, according to my Google Analytics data, that page was visited a total of 5 times!
Please write if you know the full names of any of the following Cachetmakers:
? Adams,
L.S. Adams,
? Aleko,
A.W. Arter,
? Askin,
W.L. Ball,
R.W. Ballard,
Dennis E. Barkley,
? Barnnie,
Howard D. Barry,
R.D. Barry
? Bosnak,
? Burnie,
? Butler,
? Dodd,
? Erickson,
? Frost,
? Koch,
? Linhart,
F. Miller,
S. Mutz,
W.F. Nardone,
K. Nelson,
? Pearson,
Dr. ? Peer,
Pee Jay,
? Rawlins,
J. Sorg,
D.L. Suit,
R.S. Tabor,
? Threlfall (brother of Henry Threlfall),
? Waldan,
E.G. Wagner,
? Weil,
A.W. Weiland,
H.M. Williams,
A.J. Winans.
See below for the FDC's created by each one of these people with incomplete full names.
A Work in Progress -- 65 Scott numbered "Cachet Lists" on this site fully Indexed by Cachetmaker so far:
-- #740-749
-- #750
-- #751
-- #752-771
-- #772
-- #773
-- #774
-- #775
-- #776
-- #777
-- #778
// #782
-- #783
// #795
-- #796
-- #797
-- #798
// #936
// #957
-- #958
// #1077
// #1164
// #1309
// #1827-1830
// #2420
// #3330
// #4326
Note: #779, #780, #781 -- unassigned (never issued)
-- #C20
-- #C21-22
-- #C23
-- #C24
-- #C25
-- #C25a
-- #C26
-- #CE2
-- #UX49
-- #UX50
-- #UX51
-- #UX52
-- #UX53
-- #UX54
-- #UX55
-- #UX56
// #UX76
-- #UXC5
-- #UXC6
-- #UXC7
// #UXC10
-- #UXC11
-- #UXC12-13
-- #UXC14
-- #UXC15
-- #UZ3
-- #UZ4
-- #UZ5
-- #UZ6
-- #UC2
-- #UC3
-- #UC4
MacArthur, WV and Nimitz, WV Post Office Dedications (4-15-1942 & 9-10-1945) (Events, not FDC's)
Catalog Numbers Menu (all installed Scott/Planty/Mellone Catalog Number "Cachet Lists" which are being indexed on this page)
Still To Do -- 4 other "Cachet Lists" on this site not fully indexed yet:
-- #799-802
-- #835
-- #836
-- #837
Indexing Work-in-Progress
Menu at the bottom of the page:
ACE (Art Cover Exchange) Members Menu
- Gerard Alan Abbott (G.A.) [61/774] / [#774-37, #775-57, #776-222]
- ABC Club [63/775] / [#775-55, #776-198]
- George H. Abel (Henry) (G.H.A.) [119/927] / [#957-50]
- Paul Abrams [F.C.?] / [#3330]
- ? Adams [F.C.?] / [#796-153, #835-104, #836-A1,A2]
- James Adams (add-on) [F.C.?] / [#796-153, #837-A1,A2]
- L.S. Adams [626/CE1] / [#CE1-37]
- Gladys S. Adler, ACE #165 [44/728-729] / [#795-99, #796-138, #798-85, #799-802-96, #835-72, #837-54, #852-52,53, #853-54,86a, #936-58, #957-7,48-49, #C23-127, #C25-NIM15]
- Gerry Adlman (see: GAMM)
- Aero Print (NOT AeroPrint or Aeroprint) (Robert C. Thompson) [27/703] / [#703-25, #740-749-24, #750-7]
- Aetna Life Insurance Company [56/772] / [#777-18d, #853-5]
- Martin L. Aiken [F.C.?] / [#801-NIP, #801-G#2:4]
- Alaska Steamship Co. [F.C.?] / [#800-162]
- The Alaskan Sportsmen [605/C25a] / [#C25a-NIM2]
- Albers Cachet (Robert C. Graebner) [242/1284] / [#1473, #UXC7, #UXC10]
- John Alden, RCD #263 (see also: Pilgrim) [F.C. xref]
/ [MacArthur, WV #7-10]
- Robert Alderfer [99/852] / [#852-54]
- Frances Aldrich [78/783] / [#783-135]
- ? Aleko [61/774] / [#774-38]
- Henry Allen Co. Inc. [605/C24] / [FC#C24-A]
- Alling & Cory Company [103/857] / [#857-1]
- Mickey Alogna (Michael Paul) (Servicer) [F.C.?] / [N/A]
Serviced GPs and Corner Cards for:
Storrs & Bement Company 1938-1940
-- Green & Low Paper Co. 1948-1955
-- Lindenmeyr Paper Corp. 1958-1970
- Alto (Joe Chester) [590/3187a-o] / [#3330]
- AMC-Bowers [F.C.?] / [MacArthur, WV #78]
- America First Committee [F.C.?] / [#853-142]
- American Airlines [218/1244] / [#1244-1, #C23-124]
- American Air Mail Society (AAMS) [24/696] / [#C23-18, #CE1-10,34,36, #UXC5]
- American Airmail Society (AAMS), Albion Penn'a - U.S.A. [605/C32] / [FC#C32-B]
- American Air Mail Society (AAMS), Tony Jannus Chapter [604/C23] / [#C23-24]
- American Art Service (AAS) @ [F.C. N/A] / [All NIM, #908, #919, #920, #929,#935, #940, #941, #2765h, #4440, #4442, #4443, #4454]
- American Bank Note Company [8/629] / [#778-75a,75b]
- American Cancer Society [234/1263] / [#1473]
- American Chemical Industries [F.C.?] / [#772-23]
- American Chemical Society [148/1002] / []
- American-Finish Tercentenary Committee [F.C.?] / [#836-135]
- American First Day Cover Society (AFDCS) [640/UX46] / [#UXC5]
- American-Hawaiian Steamship Company (Corner Card) @ [F.C.?] / [#908, #933, #938, #943, #947, #948, #949, #950, MacArthur, WV #CC2mac]
- American Historical Cover Society (Clarence E. Laird and
Eugene C. Laird) [63/775] / [#775-7]
- American Historical Philatelic Society [613/C70] / [#1409]
- American Institute of Swedish Arts, Literature and Science, Minneapolis, MN [135/958] / [#958-44]
- American Legion Needles California Post [#155 or 395?] [F.C.?] / [#774-95]
- American Legion, Wayne Post No. 11, Wayne, MI (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#798-GP17]
- American Legion Post #282 ("Frank Lundberg"), St. Louis Park, MO [F.C.?] / [#1409]
- American Philatelic Society [38/723] / [#740-749-69]
- American Philatelic Society (APS) Chapter 105 [F.C.?] / [#750-32]
- American Philatelic Society (APS), H.A. Davis, Denver, CO (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#795-CC13-NIP]
- American Postal Art Library (APAL) [F.C.?] / [#1783-1786]
- American Postal Arts Society (APAS) (see: House of Farnam (HF) / APAS)
- American War Mothers [50/737-738] / [#752-771-36, #755-36]
- Americana Unit of the ATA (American Topical Association) (Donald B. Brenke) [303/1543-1546] / [#UX76, #UX113, #UZ2, #UZ3, #UZ4]
- Anagram (Alex Bogolski) [496/2349] / [#2420, #3330]
- C.S. Anderson (Charles Stephen) (Philatelic Heavens) [F.C.?] / [#775-GP1, #1244-2]
- C. Anderson [F.C.?] / [#776-168, it's NOT C.S. Anderson, it's hand painted, not printed]
- C.S. Anderson (Charles Stephen) [40/726] / [#739-11, #740-749-14, #750-24, #751-2, #752-771-3, #755-3, #772-9, #773-16, #774-20, #775-41, #776-12, #777-62, #778-20,21, #782-12, #783-48, #784-25, #785-794-6, #795-39, #796-13, #797-26, #798-14, #799-802-2, #801-G#3:4, #835-4, #852-41, #853-10, #859-893-8, #899-901-17, #907-1,10, #908-12, #935-4, #936-35, #947-7,8, #948-10,61, #949-6, #957-4, #958-24, #1077-1, #1164-1, #1309-1, #1409, #C19-17,18, #C20-1, #C21-22-3, #C23-139, #C24-39,40, #C25-1, #C25a-1,2, #C26-1, #CE1-24,25, #CE2-18, #UX48, #UX49, #UX50, #UX51, #UX52, #UX53, #UX54, #UX56, #UXC4, #UXC6, #UXC7, #UXC10, #UXC12-13, #UXC14, #UXC15, #UZ2, Nimitz, WV #B]
- Elmer Anderson (see also: Pontiac Press) [F.C. xref] / [#777-116]
- John Anderson [88/798] / [#798-145, #C23-A1]
- Kathy Anderson [F.C.?] / [#3330]
- Andrews Cachets (John Andrews) [350/1749-1752] / [#1783-1786, #1827-1830, #1831]
- Andrelay [F.C.?] / [#3330]
- John Angeloff [53/745] / [#740-749-27]
- Animated Covers (Richard E. Ellis) [263/1369] / [#1409, #1783-1786, #1827-1830, #1831, #UX76, #UX113, #UXC10, #UXC12-13, #UXC14]
- Annapolis Philatelic Society [85/794] / [#794-72]
- David R. Annis [94/804] / [#836-44, #837-21, #C23-78]
- Annix with *795-54*.* Cuts, Inc. (Huckins-Smith) [F.C.?] / [#835-15]
- Hal Ansink @, ACE #94 [620/C79] /[#1710, #1795-1798, #2122, #3184n, #3330, #C79, #UX69, #UXC14, #UXC15, #UY26]
- Arbern Stamp Co., New York, NY [65/776] / [#776-6]
- Reuben W. Aretz [51/739] / [#739-31]
- Aristocrat [110/894] / [#1783-1786, #1827-1830, #1831, #2420, #UX76, #UX113, #UZ2, #UZ3]
- Aristocrat (LeBaron Coakley) [110/894] / [#C25a-4]
- The Aristocrats (Henry Day Lowry) [110/894] / [#935-11, #936-20, #947-36,37,80,81, #948-4,50,51,90/93?, #949-13#957-29, #958-21, #1077-2, #1164-2, #1244-3,4, #1309-2, #1409, #C25a-5,6,7, #C26-3, #UX48, #UX49, #UX50, #UX51, #UX52, #UX53, #UX54, #UX55, #UX56, #UX76, #UXC4, #UXC5, #UXC6, #UXC7, #UXC10, #UXC11, #UXC12-13, #UXC15]
- Ark Cachet (T. "Lee") [372/1827-1830] / [#1827-1830]
- Arkansas Centennial Commission [77/782] / [#782-51]
- Armadillo Covers (William D. Simpson) [411/2016] / [#UZ2]
- Voyle Armstrong [65/775] / [#776-19]
- C.T. Art - Colortone (color picture postcard) [F.C.?] / [#799-802-137]
- Art Craft (NOT Artcraft or ArtCraft) [100/853] / [#853-4, #859-893-2, #899-901-23,24,25,26, #907-7, #908-11, #935-14, #936-10, #947-24,25,26,27#948-3,52,53,54, #949-2, #957-26, #958-19, #1077-3, #1164-3, #1244-5, #1309-3, #1409, #1783-1786, #1827-1830, #1831, #2420, #3330, #4326, #C25-2, #C25a-3, #C26-4,5, #UX48, #UX49, #UX50, #UX51, #UX52, #UX53, #UX54, #UX55, #UX56, #UX76, #UX113, #UXC4, #UXC5, #UXC6, #UXC7, #UXC10, #UXC11, #UXC12-13, #UXC14, #UXC15, #UZ2, #UZ3, #UZ4, #UZ5, #UZ6, MacArthur, WV #65, Nimitz, WV #A]
Linn's 2-13-2016
- Art Craft (LeBaron Coakley) [100/853] / [#2420]
- Art Craft / PCS (Postal Commemorative Society) [100/853] / [#1827-1830, #2420, #4326, #UZ2, #UZ5, #UZ6]
- Art Shop [93/802] / [#799-802-7]
- Artcard [214/1209] / [#UX76]
- A.W. Arter [59/773] / [#773-GP1]
- Artists for Victory (A4V) Poster Stamp Covers @ [F.C. N/A] / [All NIM, #913, #916, #917, #919, #920, #927]
- Artmaster [123/940] / [#947-38,82, #948-18, #957-28, #958-18, #1077-4, #1164-4, #1244-6, #1309-4, #1409, #1827-1830, #1831, #2420, #3330, #UX48, #UX49, #UX50, #UX51, #UX52, #UX53, #UX54, #UX55, #UX56, #UX76, #UXC4, #UXC5, #UXC6, #UXC7, #UXC10, #UXC11, #UXC12-13, #UXC14, #UXC15, #UZ2, #UZ3, #UZ4, #UZ5]
- Artopages [640/UX48] / [#957-NIM8, #1309-5, #1409, #2593-GP-FDC2b, #3330, #5175-GP-FDC2a, #UX48, #UX49, #UX52, #UX56, #UX76, #UXC4, #UXC6, #UXC7, #UXC10, #UXC11, #UXC12-13, #UXC14, #UXC15]
- Artopages album page [F.C.?] / [#UX50]
- Ashville, NC Post Office Department (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#797-GP3]
- Asheville Stamp Club [54/749] / [#740-749-21]
- Donald W. Ashley [358/1775-1778] / [#1827-1830]
- Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities (aka Jamestown Committee, Assocviation for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities) [86/796] / [#796-100]
- Dorothy Asp, ACE #52 [F.C.?] / [#853-99]
- Association of South Jersey Stamp Clubs [107/867] / [#859-893-56]
- Eddie Atkinson [156/1028] / []
- Atlantic Safe Deposit Co., New York, NY (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#796-CC14-NIP]
- H. Dean Aubry (Harold) (see also: Parsons FDC Service) [81/784] / [#784-5,54, #785-794-31, #796-46, #798-37, #799-802-23, #836-24, #837-5]>
- Leo August, RCD #183 [100/853] / [#796-33, #852-17, #C19-6, #C23-138]
- Aurora, IL Chamber of Commerce [F.C.?] / [#C23-100]
- Austin Nichols & Co., Inc. [164/1077] / [FC#1077-A]
- Aye Dee (A.D. Smith) [61/774] / [#774-39, #777-154, #783-116]
- B.B. [164/1077] / [#1077-5]
- B-Line Cachets [F.C.?] / [#3330]
- B-17 Combat Crewman & Wingman Association (USAAF) (Doug Gross) [567/2838a-j] / [#3330]
- B'nai B'rith Philatelic Society Cachets (BBPS) (Robert Shosteck) [F.C.?] / [#1831]
- Alfred F. Babcock [155/1027] / [#859-893-102]
- Robert Babcock [F.C.?] / []
- Robert Bacher [F.C.?] / [#784-102]
- J. & H. Baer [F.C.?] / [#853-136]
- Michelle A. Bakay [475/2204] / [Lewin Numbers #1-40 and #SC1-8, from: [#473, 68(6), 11-12/2023, p. 31-32]: #2166, #2168, #2182, #2183, #2196, #2197/2182, #2204, #2205-2209, #2211, #2220-2223, #2224, #2248, #2257, #2277, #2368, #2394 (2), #2418, #2422-2425, #2445-2448, #2452, #2470-74, #2515, #2530, #2537, #2635, #2705-2709, #2750-2753, #2789, #2829-2833, #2869, #3004-3007, #3090, #3120, #RW53, #RW54, #RW55, #RW56, #RW57, #RW58]
- Baker Street Cachets (Tris Fall (Tristram R. III)) [] / []
- Dr. R.A. Baldwin, Springfield, MA (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#797-CC6-NIP]
- W.L. Ball [61/774] / [#774-40]
- R.W. Ballard [84/795] / [#795-81]
- Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. Passenger Traffic Dept. (Corner Card) [56/772] / [#772-100]
- J. Barbour [F.C.?] / [#C23-A2]
- Frank A. Barcus
(see also: Westminster Stamp Club) [F.C. xref] / [#739-4, #772-59,66]
- Norman Barcus [27/703] / []
- Bardstown Distillery, Inc. [108/879] / [#859-893-74]
- Dennis E. Barkley, Jr. [603/C23] / [#C23-128]
- Barlen Cachets (Barlen Philatelic) (Leonard Slobodin, artist: Tracey Banaski) [366/1772] / [#1827-1830]
- Barnnie (Dennis A. Ferrara) [F.C.?] / [#3330, #4326]
- Herb Barre [582/3024] / []
- Howard D. Barry (see also: Philatelic Press) [F.C. xref] / [#797-43a, #798-116, #799-802-92, #801-G#5:4, #836-66, #837-48]
- R.D. Barry [603,604/C23] / [#C23-7a]
- Bill Bartle [F.C.?] / [#774-41, #775-58]
- Deane C. Bartley (DC) (see also: Seattle Stamp Society), RCD #1 [62/774] / [#740-749-PC1,PC2, #774-83, #783-60]
- Battery Park Hotel, Ashville, NC (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#797-GP1]
- Bazaar (Dorothy Benjamin) [279/1423] / [#1827-1830, #1831, #UX76, #UXC10, #UXC11, #UXC12-13, #UXC14, #UXC15]
- Bates Cachets (William B. Bates, Producer:
Lawrence H. Smith) [F.C. xref] / [#740-749-1, #750-25, #CE1-20, #CE2-NIP5]
- William B. Bates (see: Bates Cachets)
- Karl P. Baum [54/749] / [#740-749-52]
- William H. Bayless [605/C32] / [FC#C32-A]
- P.H. Bayliss [84/795] / [#795-72,GP2, #796-115]
- Louie C. Bean [86/796] / [#796-GP17]
- W.S. Beardsley (Waiten) [46/734] / [#739-38, #740-749-34, #772-67, #773-34, #774-23, #775-59, #778-74, #782-89, #783-99, #784-39b,40b, #785-794-1b, #789-1b, #794-1b, #795-73, #796-71, #798-73, #799-802-119, #801-G#4:4, #835-63, #852-62, #853-104, #C20-48, #C21-22-45, #C23-89, #C24-58]
- Lawrence Beardmore [F.C.?] / [#837-66]
- R.C. Beazell (Robert Carson) [17/657] / [#739-6, #740-749-15, #750-1, #751-1, #772-41, #773-27, #774-8, #775-6, #776-100, #777-84, #782-52, #783-33, #784-14, #785-794-18, #C19-15, #C20-10, #CE1-6,7, #CE2-39]
- Morris W. Beck @, RCD #329 (Tri-Color, Tri Color, TriColor) [#356/29/1001] / [#1164-24]
- Nora Beck, ACE #9 [F.C.?] / [#799-802-173]
- Carl M. Becken [] / [#795-GP15-NIP, #C21-22-53, #C23-54,NIP2, ]
- Frank S. Beer [F.C.?] / [#801-NIP, #801-G#6:4]
- Bell Telephone Stamp Club of New England [76/778] / [#778-GP1, #859-893-89]
- Bella Cachets (Carolyn Marks) [#5021 (10-01-2015)] / [#4326]
- J. Belmont [] / [#797-72]
- Bengalese Stamp Bureau, Brookland (Station), DC (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / []
- Benicia Philatelic Society (Richard H. Ild) (see also: Richard H. Ild) [99/852] / [#852-61]
- Dave Bennett [] / [#2420]
- Ira A. Bennett [] / [#957-14]
- Russ Benning [] / [#2420]
- Alexander Bereson [F.C.?] / [#3330]
- C.A. Berglund [] / [#774-36, #775-53]
- Berkshire, MA Post Office [] / [#C23-111]
- Egon Bernet [17/654] / [#853-121, #C23-27]
- Bernet-Reid (Egon Bernet-Clarence E. Reid) [94/804] / [#835-52, #852-27, #C24-44]
- Fred (Frederic) William Bernet (see: Newark Stamp & Coin Co.) [F.C.?] / []
- Bernhardt Wall (artist: John T. Judd) [71/776] / [#776-46]
- Curtis A. Bernier (Alexander) [F.C.?] / [#835-89]
- Alberta Gene Berryhill, ACE #160 [F.C.?] / [#795-62, #796-87, #837-60]
- Adam K. Bert (all #5 sized covers with no cachet) [11/645] / [#774-104, #783-130, #796-GP27, #801-NIP5, #801-G#7:4, #835-GP11, #856-GP3, #857-gp20, #1473, #C19-GP11-NIP, #C23-GP21]
- Jack Bessel (see: Kolor Kover)
- C.W. Best (Cyrus Williams) [13/647-648] / [#799-802-136]
- Samuel T. Betts (see: Imperial)
- Beverly Hills Cachet Service (Robert J. Campbell (Josef))
(Josef Froulo) [33/716] / [#739-19, #740-749-6, #750-4, #751-8, #752-771-24, #755-24, #772-50, #773-28, #774-16, #775-42, #776-18, #777-20, #778-27, #782-30, #783-26, #784-6, #785-794-5, #795-33, #796-6, #C19-2, #C20-31, #C21-22-32, #C23-32, #CE1-35, #CE2-30]
- Bi-Color Craft (? Askin) [120/930] / [#935-5, #936-1, #947-85]
- Big Al Cachets (Al Sabinski) [447/2089] / [#3330]
- Birmingham Philatelic Society [604/C23] / [#C23-174]
- Daniel Bishop [F.C.?] / [#776-GP16]
- Bittings "gsb" (GSB) (Gilbert S. Bittings)
(artist for Alan M. Diamant) [355/1770] / [#1783-1786, #1827-1830, #1831]
- ? Bloch [] / [#UXC7]
- Leo C. Bobb (L.C.) [65/776] / [#776-172, #777-78, #798-121]
- Bobby G (Charles W. George) [221/1246] / [#UX52, #UXC5]
- Harry W. Bodley [14/649-650] / [#853-42]
- Alfred G. "Tag" Boerger [151/1015] / [#1164-5]
- Alex Bogolski (see: Anagram
- Bolton Robert Frederick Bolton [123/940] / [#948-83]
- Fred Boothe [65/776] / [#776-1]
- Border Craft (Ed Mendlowitz) [NOT Joseph E. Martin] [251/1320] / []
- Leonard L. Borkowski, ACE #254 [F.C.?] / [#798-120]
- ? Bosnak [] / [#C23-156]
- Boston Insurance Co., Western Department [] / [#775-33c]
- Boulder Dam Service Bureau [] / [#774-9]
- George C. Bowring [] / [#783-122]
- Boy's Stamp Club [107/872] / [#859-893-62]
- Boy Scouts [F.C.?] / [#853-105]
- Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Troop 6, Brookline MS [] / [#UXC7]
- Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Troop 32, Vogelenzng Camp [] / [#UXC7]
- Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Troop 41, Minneapolis, MN [1062/1069] / [#1077-6]
- Ron S. Boyd, ACE #45 [F.C.?] / [#776-220]
- W.A. Bramhall, ACE #58 [F.C.?] / [#776-74a,81]
- Lou Breker (Louis H.) [NOT Brecker] [] / [#775-26, #776-35, #777-81, #783-32, #785-794-7]
- Elmer A. Brenn [122/935] / [#935-23, #947-103]
- Jack Brennan, ACE #84 [] / [#777-143]
- Breswick Cover Service (see: Marion Fulton)
- R.L. Breswick [66/766] / [#776-103,104]
- Bridgeport Chamber of Commerce [] / [#772-14]
- Briggs-Weaver Machinery Co. (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#776-CC2]
- D.M. Brioso [F.C.?] / [#785-794-74]
- Bristol, RI Chamber of Commerce [] / [#C23-165]
- Norman H. Brock [76/778] / [#778-69]
- Joseph F. Bronesky, RCD #75 [F.C. xref] / [#774-42, #776-39, #777-22, #778-28,29, #782-46,98, #783-23, #784-16, #785-794-9, #795-12, #796-22, #798-21,62, #799-802-33, #801-G#8:4, #835-38, #852-12, #957-15, #4326, #C20-2,3, #C21-22-GP3, #C23-61, #C24-43]
[see also; Theron E. Fox (Edgar)
- Joseph F. Bronesky Data Envelope [F.C.?] / [#783-30]
- Joseph F. Bronesky &
Harry Charles Risko Jeweled Envelopes [64/775] / [#799-802-33, #958-23]
- Brookhaven [42/727] / [#782-45, 785-794-29]
- Brookhaven (Omar Robert Watts) [] / [#783-43]
- Brooklyn Stamp Mart [] / [#775-GP2]
- Brooklyn Letter Carriers Association [F.C.?] / [#853-106]
- Blossom Brower [F.C.?] / [#3330]
- E.M. Brower [] / [#783-34]
- Norman R. Brown [106/865] / [#859-893-129A-C, #C20-49]
- W. Brown [F.C.?] / [#853-65]
- R. Bruce Brownlee [] / [#777-150, #C20-49]
- Sarah Brucks [] / [#784-90]
- Edward E. Bryan [53/745] / [#776-94]
- Bradie Buchanan [] / [#772-GP7, #852-91]
- Richard Buchwald (see: Scatchard & Buchwald)
- Buckey Stamp Company [] / [#837-27]
- Sgt. J.A. Burnett [29/704-715] / [#740-749-GP1, #750-GP1, #752-771-GP2, #772-GP1, #773-GP2, #774-GP18, #775-GP3, #776-GP9, #778-GP4, #784-GP5, #C19-GP5-NIP, #C21-22-GP5]
- ? Burnie [F.C.?] / [#859-893-106]
- Burroughs Co. [193/1164] / [#1164-NIM1]
- Estelle L. Burroughs @ [110/894] / [#894-8, #896-8, #897-49, #899-12, #900-12, #901-12, #903-14,48]
- Burt and Jeffers, Inc. [56/772] / [#772-31]
- William R. Bush: USPS General Purpose Cachets @ [F.C.?] / [#1396-NIM]
- Sam C. Bushnell [34/717] / [#682-GP2, #703-GP7, #717-GP6, #724-GP3,#725-GP5, #776-GP25]
- O.P. Butcherson [] / [#777-120]
- R.L.B. (Robert Butkiewicz) [345/1732-1733] / [#3330]
- first name? Butler [] / [MacArthur, WV #26-27]
- Butler Cover Service (Robert Butler) [217/1240] / [#1409]
- Butte, MT Chamber of Commerce [] / [#C23-167]
- Roland C. Butler Tent 102 [246/1309] / [#1309-7]
- John Byrnes [F.C.?] / [#3330]
- Richard S. Byron "L.B." [F.C.?] / [#1783-1786]
- C. Henry (Cletus Henry) (see: Henry Cachet)
- CEC (Cuv Evanson Cachets) (Peter R. McClure) [F.C.?] / [#3330, #UX52]
- CEC/FM (Cuv Evanson Cachets/Foster Miller) (Peter R. McClure) [F.C.?] / []
Peter R. McClure - Woodbridge, VA / Washington, DC / Iowa Falls, IA
- CCC (see: Cover Craft Cachet)
- C.G. Jr., III (aka C.G. Junior III or C. George Jr., III) (Charles W. George, Jr., III) [128/947] / [#947-107, #1309-23]
- C.L.? [150/1008] / [#853-69]
- C-N (Allison W. Cusick & Barry Newton), [294/1488] / [#UXC14]
- C.T. American Art [F.C.?] / [#836-PC2]
- C and C [] / [#2420]
- Cachet Craft (NOT Cachetcraft) [#356/29/784] / [#784-39a,40a, #795-25,50, #797-4, #852-5, #859-893-17, #899-901-8, #907-13, #908-6, #936-3, #947-41,43,34, #948-8, #1309-8, #C24-55, #C25-GP2-NIM,NIM9a, #C25a-8,9,10, Nimitz, WV #F]
- Cachet Craft (Ken Boll) [F.C. xref] / [#935-21,84, #936-4, #947-42,45,46,47, #948-21,58,59,60, #938-5,46, #957-2, #958-12,14, #1077-7, #1164-6]
- Cachet Craft (Frederick B. Fitts (Bullard)) [84/795] / [#796-54, #798-40, #853-7]
- Cachet Craft (Erik Heyl) [F.C.?] / []
- Cachet Craft (Ludwig W. Staehle) [F.C.?] / [#957-1, #958-13]
- Cachet-Raleigh-Art-Robin (Raleigh Burnette) [372/#1827-1830] / [#1827-1830]
- Cal-Craft (Cal Craft) [99/852] / [#852-16]
- Dr. J.O. Caldwell [50/737-738] / []
- Russell Cadwell [F.C.?] / [#3330]
- Calhoun's Collection Society (CCS) (name?) [328/1710] / [#1827-1830]
- California Pacific International Exposition [59/773] / [#773-11]
- C.R. Callahan [52/740] / [#740-749-GP2]
- Cambridge, MD Chamber of Commerce [F.C.?] / [#C23-171]
- W.P. Campbell (William Penrose) [79/783] / [#783-66]
- Lewis D. Capen (NOT Capan) [63/775] / [#775-60]
- Capitol Stamp Co. [] / [MacArthur, WV #13]
- Carbia Brothers [F.C.?] / [#801-152, #801-G#9:4]
- The Carolina Insurance Company, Mauston, WI (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#795-CC6-NIP]
- J.G. Carrier, La Prairie, Quebec, Canada (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#796-CC1]
- Carrollton (Philip Devlin, Jr.) [324/1704] / [#1827-1830, #UX76]
- Amon G. Carter [605/C24] / [#C24-60]
- F.T. Carter [98/838] / [#852-4,14, #853-28,43,107]
- Cascade Cachet (Fidaldo Cover Service) [157/1042] / [#1164-7, #1309-9]
- Ralph A. Casner [26/702] / [#776-44]
- Max Casper (see also: Progressive Envelopes) [] / [#783-95, #785-794-71, #798-43, #836-3, #C23-59]
- Max Casper's Stamp Studio [54/752/771] / [#752-771-48, #755-48, #C21-22-1]
- Henry O. Cathey (HOC) [F.C.?] / []
- W.N. Cavens [72/777] / [#777-132]
- ? Cawood (see: Reid-Cawood)
- Centennial (Edward G. Hacker) [] / [#UX48, #UX49, #UX51, #UX53, #UXC4]
- Centennial Service Bureau [67/776] / [#776-5,26,27,28,29,30,79,80,82,83,84,85,88]
- Chamber of Commerce of the USA, Washington, DC [F.C.?] / [#CE1-CC5-NIP]
- Fred Chambers [63/775] / [#776-144, #782-91, #784-71, #795-74, #798-74, #799-802-110, #859-893-109, #907-41, #908-38, #935-81, #936-66, #947-78, #948-55, #957-57, #958-40, #C20-38, #C23-31, #C25-3, #C26-6, #CE2-20]
- Fred Chambers (Gold Bond) [63/775] / [#775-61, #777-127, #778-89, #783-96, #796-66, #797-52, #801-110, #801-G#20:5, #835-60, #853-57, #C24-41]
- T.L. Chambers (Theodore) [62/774] / [#774-43]
- Chambersburg Stamp Club [F.C.?] / [#C23-11]
- Champaign-Urbana Stamp Club [3811] / [#3811, #4227]
- Mrs. Herman Chaney [86/796] / [#795-103, #796-111, #799-802-151]
- L.G. Charist [72/777] / [#777-35]
- Chattanooga Stamp Club [48/736] / [#775-GP4, #776-GP3, #782-GP7]
- Carls R. Chavier [F.C.?] / [#801-NIP, #801-G#21:5]
- Grace Cheek [F.C.?] / [#852, #857-GP3, #896, #967, #971, #C25-NIM26]
- Chicago, IL Chamber of Commerce [F.C.?] / [#C23-170]
- Chickering - Jackson (see also: Gladys Jackson) [] / [#UX52, #UXC6]
- Chillicothe Chamber of Commerce [84/795] / [#795-75]
- Leona Mosher Christie [45/732] / [#795-91, #796-81, #798-64, #799-802-90, #801-G#21:6, #858-GP7]
- Harry Citret [] / [MacArthur, WV #67]
- Civil War cachet [F.C.?] / [#790/794-GP10]
- Thomas Clark [] / [#796-128]
- Bertha Cleft [] / [#783-109]
- Cliff's Covers (Clifford Elliott) [246/1309] / [#1309-10]
- Cletus Henry, "C. Henry", artist for "AHC" A Hartford Cover (see: Henry Cachet)
- Lee R. Clore [68/776] / [#776-214]
- CM Cachets (Carole Murray) [] / [#1827-1830, #1831]
- LeBaron Coakley (see: Historic Art, Art Craft) [] / []
- Leatherstocking Stamp Club (Alfred R. Cobbett) [604/C23] / [#C23-96]
- Frank Cochrane III @ [328/1710] / [#1710, #1711, #1716, #1727, #1753, #1756, #1853, #1868, #2017, #2109, #2244]
- Howard Peter Cohen
(see: S. 17th Street Public School, Newark, NJ)
- Coin [F.C.?] / [#801-NIP, #801-G#23:6]
- Coin 4 ? [448/2092] / [#2420]
- A.B. Cole [F.C.?] / [#957-NIM1]
- Danny Cole [F.C.?] / [#3330]
- Harry Coleman [F.C.?] / [#739-29]
- The Collectable Cover Co. (Warren Klein) [412/2016] / [#853-88]
- Collectors Club of Fond du Lac [134/957] / [#957-65]
- Collectors Club of St. Louis [F.C.?] / [#731-GP1]
- Collectors Club of Seattle [156/1029] / [#UXC7]
- Fred Collins [651/UX119] / [#1827-1830, #1831, #2420, #3330, #4326]
- Colonial Cachets (Donald W. Stiegler and others) [631/U554] / [#1409, #1783-1786, #1827-1830, #1831, #UXC10, #UXC11]
- The Colonial, Woodsocket, RI (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#777-CC2-NIP]
- Colonial Fire Underwriters [] / [#772-13a]
- Colorano Silk (or Colorano "Silk") (Ray Novak) [279/1423] / [#1409, #1783-1786, #1827-1830, #1831, #2420, #3330, #4326, #UX113, #UZ2, #UZ3, #UZ4]
- Colorano Maximum Card [234/1264] / [#1827-1830]
- Colorano R&R [F.C.?] / [#1309-11, #1827-1830]
- Color Copy Cachets [F.C.?] / [#3330]
- ColorCopy (Andrew C. "Andy" Doback) [] / [#2420]
- KSC Cachets (Kevin S. Colton) [309/1563] / [#UXC7]
- ComCut [33/716] / [#796-30]
- Commercial Travelers Mutual Accident Association, Utica, NY [604/C23] / [#C23-10]
- William H. Compton [87/797] / [#797-39, #799-802-37]
- CompuChet (Helen Fowler) [547/2599] / [#4326, #UX52]
- Computer Cachets, Inc. [] / [#2420]
- Concord Chamber of Commerce [] / []
- N.D. Cone, Gonzales, TX City Marshall (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#776-CC8]
- Congden and Carpenter Co. [] / [#777-1]
- Connecticut Fire Insurance Co. [56/772] / []
- Connecticut General Assemble [] / []
- Connecticut General Life Insurance Co. [56/772] / [#772-16]
- Connecticut Philatelic Society [144/993] / []
- Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. [100/853] / [#853-75]
- Continental Fire Insurance Co. [F.C.?] / [#775-62]
- Ernest W. Cook [107/869] / [#859-893-58,60]
- L. Charles (Chuck) Cooper -- not a Cachetmaker of #772-69 or any other issue.
- Percy A. Coppard [60/773] / [#773-8]
- Coral World, St. Thomas, U.S.V.I. [372/1827-1830] / [#1827-1830]
- Corn Cut [F.C.?] / [#C23-94]
- Harry F. Cornell [60/773] / [#773-GP3, #775-GP5, #784-GP4, #795-GP11]
- Len H. Cornell [605/C32] / [FC#C32-C]
- Samuel Cornish (add-ons prior to 10-16-1981) [397/1937-1938] / [#703, #796-152, #938, #1456-1459, #1476, #1479, #1574, #1603, #1717-1720, #1722, #1937, #1952, #2003, #2036, #2038, #2040, #2042, #2046, #2052, #2134, #2204, #2210, #2216, #2217, #2453, #2721, #2754]
- Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce [68/776] / [#776-208]
- Cortland, NY Chamber of Commerce [F.C.?] / [#C23-169]
- Cos-Art Covers (Russell S. Cozart) [118/925] / [#936-3]
- John Coulthard @ [83/790] / [#785-61, #790-23a, #800-106, #852-17, #854-44, #855-13a, #855-13, #856-25, #857-2, #904-2, #905-13, #906-4, #914-NIM, #920-NIM, #C25a-40, Canal Zone #120-#125]
- Cousteau Society [372/1827-1830] / [#1827-1830]
- Cover Craft Cachet (CCC) [222/1246] / [#1309-12, #1409, #1827-1830, #1831, #3330, #UX52, #UX53, #UX54, #UX55, #UX56, #UX76, #UXC5, #UXC6, #UXC7, #UXC10, #UXC11, #UXC12-13, #UXC14, #UXC15, #UZ5]
- A Cover of the Month (? Taylor)(see also: ? Taylor), same maker?) [68/776] / [#776-163, #777-43, #782-100, #797-36, #853-82]
- Cover of the Month Club [F.C.?] / [#796-79, #799-802-53]
- Cover-Scape Cachets (Cover Scape) (Dave Lipof) [505/2401] / [#2420]
- Covered Wagon (C. Hugh Johnson) [27/703] / [#739-18, #740-749-23, #750-34, #751-19, #797-41, #798-3, #799-802-15, #799-802-73, #801-G#32:6, #CE1-4]
- Jan Cramer, ACE #104 [F.C.?] / [#795-49]
- Gib Crockett [100/853] / [#852-21, #853-45, #907-5, MacArthur, WV #11]
- W.G. Crosby (Walter Garfield), RCD #96 [14/651] / [#773-20,38,39,40,41,42,43,44, #775-47, #784-60, #785-794-22, #795-61, #796-53, #798-58a, #799-802-48, #801-G#48:6, #835-14, #852-1,NIP1 #853-36, , #859-893-37, #907-15-17,20-36, #908-21-24,27-37, #935-49-75, #936-9,12,36,37,38.39,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55, #947-48,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69, #957-35,36,37, #948-8,36-46, #958-30-51, #C19-GP10-NIP, #C21-22-41,42, #C23-40,41,42,43,44,45, #C24-46,47,48,49,50,51,52, #C25-4,5,6,7,8,9, #C25a-11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21, #C26-8,9,10, MacArthur, WV #30-61]
- Virgil Crow [203/1193] / [#1409, #UX52?]
- Martin Crowel (NOT Crowl) [63/775] / [#775-29]
- Crown Stamp Co., N.Y.C. (Covered Wagon, #801 only) [605/C25] / [#799-802-15, #801-G#33:6, #C25-NIM17]
- Richard Crunk [68/776] / [#776-61]
Richard Crunk, Planty (1998) IX:18 or William M. Crunk, "First Cachets" (2006) 68/776
- Culkin Stamp Co. (see also: G.S. Purcell) [54/748] / [#740-749-45]
- W.A. Cullers [8/629] / [#908-8]
- Ralph Curran [62/774] / [#774-44, #C23-129]
- Curry Co. (Corner Card) (see: Yosemite Park & Curry Co.) [F.C. xref]
- Sabrina Curtis [] / [#4326]
- Rob Cuscaden [344/1731] / [#1827-1830]
- Custom Creations (David M. Peterman (Michael)) [595/3500] / [#3330]
- Walter Czubay (see also: Zoo-Bay), ACE #109, RCD #134 [68/776] / [#776-47, #778-53, #782-57, #783-68, #785-794-GP13, #798-34, #835-73, #936-25, #C24-10]
- Walter Czubay / Astoria Cachet Service [F.C.?] / [#785-794-32]
- Czyl's Penny Post (James "Jim" Czyl), ACE #479 [321/1691-1694] / [#1827-1830]
- Decatur Chapter, USCS Chapter #4 (Rich Hoffner)
(see also: Meyer Tuchinsky and
USCS Chapter #4 Stephen Decatur) [83/791] / [#UX52, #UX76]
- Dahlke Stationery & Mfg. Co. [F.C.?] / [#C23-PC1]
- Dallas Centennial Exposition [68/776] / [#776-99]
- John Daly [52/739] / [#739-45]
- The Dampney Company of America [96/835] / [#835-GP8]
- Walter F. Dancey (NOT Dancy) [94/803] / [#C23-NIP4]
- David H. Davenport (Davinport) (see also: Washington Service) [F.C. xref] / [#795-19, #859-893-12]
- Martin L. Davey (Ohio Governor) [84/795] / [#795-104]
- David "C" Cachets (David M. Pritchard, Jr.) [251/1319] / [#1409, #1827-1830, #UX76]
- Andrew P. Davidson
(GP cachet GP#FDOI-11) [F.C. N/A] / [#1230, #1365, #1366, #1367, #1368, #1368a, #1373, #1380, #1409]
- Minna Davidson [68/776] / [#776-93]
- Burton E. Davis [60/773] / [#773-58, #774-45]
- The Dayton Power & Light Company [604/C23] / [#C23-176]
- Dayton Rubber Mfg. Co. [604/C23] / [#C23-175]
- Roy De Palmer (or DePalmer) [68/776] / [#776-182,223]
- Ben Dedek [F.C.?] / [#957-NIM11]
- Jay Dee [130/949] / [#958-15]
- Dee's Stamp House (Wilford A. McDonough) [F.C.?] / [#785-794-57]
- Dee's Stamp House (signed "H. Lee", Harold Lee) [73/777] / [#777-50, #782-24]
- Dee's Stamp Shop (T. Kershner) [F.C.?] / [#782-56, #784-28]
- Delavan Circus Memorial Society [246/1309] / [#1309-13,14,15]
- Delaware, Lieutenant Governor of [F.C.?] / []
- Department of Interior (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / []
- Department of Interior 8 page booklet [F.C.?] / [#774-46]
- Detroit-Ludwig [95/804] / [#852-63, #859-893-24, #907-45, #935-82, #936-8, #947-92, #948-74, #957-60, #958-43, #C25-10]
- Detroit Philatelic Society [91/800] / [#774-GP24, #800-GP13]
- William Devlin [91/800] / [#799-802-174, #801-G#35:7]
- Leon C. Devorak [73/777] / [#777-145]
- R. Dewitt [247/1309] / [#1309-16]
- ? Dewitt @ [F.C.?] / [#684, #836-A3, #839, #840, #841, #843, #844, #845, #846, #847, #848, #849, #851, #856, #951, #978, #2710a, #2765b, #C23-A3, #C26]
- Charles E. Dewitz [F.C.?] / [MacArthur, WV #14]
- Norbert C. Waldau @ "CNW" [F.C.?] / [#942, #943, #944, #945, #946, #947, #948, #949, #950, #956, #964, #978, #984, #985, #1009, #1012, #1044, #C43, #C44, #C47, #C49]
- DGW (Dwight G. Wallace) [586/3120] / []
- Diamant Cachets (formerly Bittings) (Alan M. Diamant) [F.C.?] / []
- Diamond Cachet (Marvin Harris Universal Philatelic Cover Society) [183/1139] / [#1164-8]
- Dietz Printing Co. [146/998] / []
- F.H Dietz (Frederick Henry) [81/785, 83/790] / [#783-35, #785-794-62]
- Dime Stores [F.C.?] / [#957-NIM6]
- DJ () [371/1822] / [#1827-1830]
- DJT (see: Denys J. Truby) [F.C. xref] / []
- Ernest L. Doak [124/941] / [#958-NIM1]
- Andrew C. "Andy" Doback (see: ColorCopy) [646/UX109] / []
- ? Dodd [57/772] / [#772-32]
- John Donielo Cachets (artist: Jeanne Lurhs) [370/1818-1820] / []
- Downtown Stamp Company (Corner Card) [57/772] / [#772-GP1, #776-CC3]
- Maxwell W. Dragg [F.C.?] / [#852-25]
- DRC (D. Rick Chase) [355/1770] / [#1827-1830, #2420]
(see also:
"Grand Slam"
-- "Nostalgia Cachets"
-- "Sports Headliners"
-- Temple Stamp Club of Milwaukee @)])
- Dave Dube (David Paul), ACE #174 [505/2401] / []
- H. Dubert [68/776] / [#776-188]
- Christian L. Dull [F.C.?] / []
- Richard P. Dumonte, RCD #15 [60/773] / [#773-37]
- Dunbar, WV High School Stamp Club [115/907] / [MacArthur, WV #28]
- C.I. Dunn [F.C.?] / [#1097]
- Frank J. Dunn [447/2088] / [#2088]
- W. Dunn [34/717] / [#717]
- Clarence Dunn [F.C.?] / [#2486]
- Durham Smoking Tobacco [F.C.?] / [#797-GP7]
- ? Dye [] / [#739-26]
- Glenn W. Dye -- "Philatelic Printers" [605/C26] / [FC#C26-C]
- H.E. Dye [62/774] / [#774-47]
- James T. Dye (J.T.) [52/739] / [#853-84]
- Ralph Dyer [13/646] / [#739-12, #740-749-41, #750-3, #751-3, #752-771-27, #772-20, #773-5, #774-48, #785-794-10, #795-102, #796-140, #797-22, #798-122, #799-802-175, #853-85, #1164-9, #1827-1830, #C19-22-24, #C21-22-46, #C23-85, C25-NIM27]
- DYS (Margaret P. Dysinger (Perle) & Harrison Gillette) [] / [#UX76]
- Eagle Cover Service [42/727] / [#739-NIP1, #740-749-57, #772-3, #773-19, #775-12, #776-25, #777-31,32, #778-22, #782-65, #784-17, #C20-14, #CE2-42,43]
- The Eagle Fire Company of New York, Huntington, WV (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#796-CC2]
- East Penn Collectors Club [F.C.?] / [#852-47]
- William A. Easton, Jr. [F.C.?] / []
- T.K. Eaton [73/777] / [#777-96]
- Eau Claire Philatelic Society [135/957] / [FC#957-B]
- Eclipse Aviation [F.C.?] / [#C23-164]
- Edken (Sue Allen) [F.C.?] / [#3330]
- Florene Edmiston [79/783] / [#782-70, #783-134, #784-91, #795-63, #796-90, #798-123, #799-802-96, #799-802-98, #801-G#36:7, #835-74, #853-86b] (Gladys Adler's Daughter)
- L.M. "Tex" Edmunds, "Gold Star Covers" [F.C.?] / []
- Edsel Masonic Cachets (Edsel A. Hatfield) [329/1710] / [#1831, #2420]
- Charles Egli [F.C.?] / [#C23-98]
- Howard D. Egolf (Davis), RCD #131 [11/645] / [#C23-GP5]
- Elite (William R. Campbell) [315/1590,319/1623,1623a] / [#1827-1830]
- Elizabeth R. (see: Carol Ann Henkle)
- Marguerite Elmore (Marguerite Covers) [F.C. xref] / [#1105-NIM]
- Everett G. Emerson (Grant) [9/643, 10/644] / [#773-60, #776-73,74]
- David W. Emke [489/2257] / []
- Emmy (Emmy Mezzack) [430/2046] / []
- Engelhart & Wilson [68/776] / [#776-33]
- Nina Enroth (add-on) (see: Fonda Covers) [F.C. xref] / [#796-141]
- The Envelope Corporation [99/852] / [#852-33]
- Equitable Fire & Marine Insurance Co. (R.M. Morse [64/775]) [F.C. xref] / [#775-21, #795-10]
- ? Erickson [] / [#773-51]
- John Eshliman [F.C.?] / [#796-142]
- Lottie Eshliman, ACE #42, RCD #233 [60/773] / [#773-45,61,62, #774-49, #775-63,64,65, #776-4, #783-71,74,110, #800-802-178, #801-G#37:7]
- William S. Espenshade [60/773] / [#773-3,4,15,50, #775-1, #776-65, #777-38, #778-57, #782-26, #783-4, #785-794-33, #795-37, #796-15, #797-23, #798-32, #799-802-29, #801-G#38:7, #835-27, #852-19, #853-56, #899-901-3,4,5, #C20-18,19,20, #C21-22-22,23, #C23-38,147, #C24-29, C25-NIM28, #C25a-22, #CE2-1]
- Barbara Essig [451/2093] / []
- Roland Essig [442/2065] / []
- Jesus Estabo [F.C.?] / [#1783-1786]
- Reanne Estrada [F.C.?] / [#2420]
- Everett Evans [F.C.?] / [#776-169]
- Glen L. Evans [60/773] / [#773-63, #774-24, #776-59, #777-69, #782-54, #784-52, #785-794-63, #795-48, #796-38, #797-32, #799-802-78, #801-G#39:7, #835-39, #836-22, #837-35, #853-40, #C20-5, #C21-22-18, #C23-21, #C24-22, #CE2-22]
- Cuv Evanson Cachets (see: CEC)
- Evanston Philatelic Society [107/872] / [#859-893-61]
- George R.M. Ewing [604/C23] / [#C23-70a]
- Faculty Club, University of California, Berkeley, CA (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#C25-CC6-NIM]
- Fair Advertising Poster [F.C.?] / [#853-132]
- Fair Corp. stationery [F.C.?] / [#853-78]
- Fairway (see also: HUX Cuts, Inc.-Fairway) (Dr. Elmer N. Nelson) [5/610] / [#739-25, #740-749-17, #750-17, #751-13, #752-771-12, #755-12, #772-52, #773-23, #774-17, #775-39, #776-11, #777-45, #778-17, #782-29, #783-97, #784-35, #785-794-25, #795-18, #796-5, #797-20, #798-42, #799-802-49, #801-G#40:7, #835-44, #852-64, #853-11,108, #859-893-25, #C19-4,5, #C20-43, #C21-22-20,21, #C23-20, #C24-8, #CE1-26, #CE2-23]
- Tris Fall (Tristram R. III) (see:
Baker Street Cachets
-- FM Cachets
-- Thrifty Photo Cachets)
- James A. Farley @ [F.C. xref] (see: Postmaster General)
- Farnam, House of (see: House of Farnam (HF))
- Farnum (misspelled) (see: House of Farnam (HF))
- John Favour [F.C.?] / [#728-GP4]
- Clara H. Fawcett (CHF) [F.C. xref] / [#740-749-13, #750-5, #752-771-26, #775-18, #776-37]
- James W. Fawcett [52/740] / [#740-749-13]
- B. Fay, ACE #? [54/752] / [#752-771-57]
- FDC + (Joseph B. Kanturek) [232/1258] / [#1309-22]
- Joseph Feigenbaum [20/680] / [#796-1,2, #799-802-1?,30,95?]
- Dennis A. Ferrara (see also: Barnnie) [F.C.?] / [#4326]
- F.R. Ferryman [95/804] / [#835-50, #853-72,109, #C23-14, #C24-1]
- Fidalgo [197/1179] / [#1309-19]
- Fidelity Colorcraft [] / [MacArthur, WV #6]
- Fidelity Stamp Company (see: Fidelity Stamp Co.)
- Fidelity Stamp Co. [] / [#798-45, #799-802-4, #801-G#42:7, #835-24,26, #852-6, #853-6,77, #859-893-4, #907-2, #908-5, #935-26, #947-20,39,86,87, #948-6,66,67,68,69,70, #949-20, #957-8, #C23-19, #C24-25, #C25-12,NIM5, #C25a-25,26, #C26-12, #CE1-21]
- Fiireman's Fund Group [99/852] / [#852-66]
- First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW) @ (AFDCS chapter #29) [359/1783-1786] / [#1783-1786, #2114, #2145, #2154, #2226, #2420, #UX113, #UX118]
- The First National Trust and Savings Bank of San Diego [F.C.?] / [#773-54]
- First National Bank, Seattle, WA [603/C20] / [#C20-4]
- Frederick B. Fitts (Bullard) (see: Cachet Craft) [] / []
- Fleetwood [113/903] / [#948-87, #957-40, #1077-9, #1164-11, #1309-20, #1783-1786, #1827-1830, #1831, #2420, #3330, #4326, #UX48, #UX49, #UX50, #UX51, #UX52, #UX53, #UX54, #UX55, #UX56, #UX76, #UX113, #UXC4, #UXC5, #UXC6, #UXC7, #UXC10, #UXC11, #UXC12-13, #UXC14, #UXC15, #UZ2, #UZ3, #UZ4, #UZ5, #UZ6]
- Fleetwood Max [457/2110] / [#2420]
- Fleetwood Proof Card [113/903] / [#1827-1830, #2420]
- Fleetwood [Cover Service] (Dorothy W. Knapp (Wallace)) [113/903] / [#936-40, #947-60,84, #948-33,34, #C25-16, #C26-13, MacArthur, WV #2]
- Fleetwood [Cover Service] (Ludwig W. Staehle) [113/903] / [#907-19, #908-26, MacArthur, WV #1,66]
- P.S. Flegel [] / [#796-132,133]
- Florida Audubon Society [] / [#UXC4]
- Herman F. Fluegel (NOT Fleugel) [121/932] / [#935-1, #936-23, #947-28,29, #948-19,20, #957-12, #958-1, #1077-10, #1164-12, #C21-22-37, #UX48, #UX49, #UX50, #UX51, #UX52, #UX53, #UXC4, #UXC6, Nimitz, WV #C]
- FM Cachets (Tris Fall (Tristram R. III) &
Marcia Margolies) [624/C115, 656/UXC22] / [#3330]
- Judith Anne Fogt (Judy Fogt, Judith Fogt) (add-on) [] / [#796-116]
- Jack Follows [N/A] / [#C23-A4]
According to First Cachets (2006), Jack Follows made only add-ons. No cachets have been defined as his First or his Last.
- Fonda Covers (artist: Nina Enroth [474/2196] / []
- Ford Stamp Club [192/1162] / [#853-110]
- J.C. Formick, RCD #66 [] / [#783-126-127]
- Richard S. Foster [] / [#772-71]
- Foster Assembly of Bardstown [] / []
- Helen Fowler (see: ComPuChet)
- Melissa Fox @ (add-on) (NOT Mellisa) [F.C.?] / [#739-NIP2, #795-A1-NIP, #796-121, #1077-NIM1, #C23-A5]
- Theron Edgar Fox [603/C20] / [#783-39, #795-11, #796-17, #C20-12]
[see also: Joseph F. Bronesky]
- Franklin National Insurance Co. of New York [57/772] / [#772-13b]
- Frasek Stamp Company (Frank (Franz) Sekula) [102/856]] / [#856-GP2, #1193-112, #C76-117]
- Joe Frasketi (Joseph J., Jr.), ACE #89 [189/1153] / []
- A.G. French (ACE #36) [F.C.?] / []
- Art French (ACE #105) [F.C.?] / []
- Alfred Friedman [F.C.?] / [#C25-NIM7]
- Frigidaire, Dayton, OH [604/C23] / [#C23-NIP9]
- ? Frost (Old New England Hooked Rug Craft) [F.C. xref] / [#859-893-97]
- Frye Institute Stamp Club, (San Diego, CA?) (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#800-CC5h-NIP, #802-CC5h-NIP]
- FSC (Fulton Stamp Co.) (see: Ronald J. Traino, Sr.)
- Clyde Fuller [80/784] / [#784-86]
- Marion Fulton (Breswick Cover Service) [66/776] / [#776-101, #777-98,104,110, #778-42,43, #782-80,81,82, #783-82-83, #784-87,88, #795-64,69,70, #796-92,63, #797-64,65, #798-81,82,83, #799-802-116, #801-G#45-46:8, #799-802-140, #835-75,76, #852-55, #853-51,87, #C21-22-47, #C23-86]
- Fulton Stamp Co. (FSC) (Ronald J. Traino, Sr.) [] / [#947-49,50,,56,57,58,59, #948-23-32, #957-25, #958-16]
- RJT Fulton, N. York (Ronald J. Traino, Sr.) [F.C.?] / [#1827-1830]
- Virgil Gabrielli [] / []
- GAR Grant Post #9 [] / [#774-GP2]
- GAMM (Gerry Adlman,
Glenn C. Michel &
James Pearl) [330/1710] / [#1783-1786, #1827-1830, #2420, #UX113, #UZ2]
- Garden Club of America (John Andrews) [359/1783-1786] / [#1783-1786]
- Garfield-Perry Stamp Club (or Garfield Perry) [11/645,602/C10a] / [#752-771-37, #755-37, #795-60,88]
- David Ellis Garrett, ACE #80 [456/2102] / []
- Garrett & Co. [F.C.?] / [#796-20]
- Larry M. Gassen (LMG) / (Little Tiger) [459/2131] / []
- GAW (Cdr. George A. Wildes) [643/UX76] / [#UX76]
- Frans M. Geerlings (NOT Fran) [466/2167] / [#2420, #4326]
- Linda Geerlings [] / []
- GEF [] / [#783-40]
- The Gem City Press [604/C23] / [#C23-115]
- Tihamer Geng [130/948] / [FC#948-A]
- Charles W. George (CWG, C. George, Bobby G) [] / [#957-23, #958-22]
- Charles W. George, Jr. III (see: C.G. Jr., III) [] / []
- C. George [] / []
- Leo Gersten [129/947] / [FC#947-B,C]
- Paul P. Gervers (NOT Genvers) [25/690] / [#690-GP15-NIM, #704-714-GP6, #798-GP10]
- Ernest N. Gilbert (see: Historic Art)
- John C. Gilbert [90/799] / [#799-802-34]
- ? Gillet [69/776] / [#776-66]
- Gill Craft (aka Gilcraft) (Sturgill Gillis) [368/1803] / [#1827-1830, #1831, #2420, #UZ2, #UZ3]
- Leonard Gilman [88/798] / [#798-20,33]
- James B. Gilroy (Postmaster Lost Nation, IA) [90/799] / [#C23-GP11]
- Ginny's Stamps (Virginia E. Braley) [359/1783-1786] / [#1827-1830]
- F.M. Gittings (Frederick May) [69/776] / [#776-224, #783-79, #796-108, #798-124]
- gl Cachets (George Litvak) [551/2624-2629] / []
- Roy Gleason (see: "RG") [F.C. xref]
- Glen Cachet (Ron Sobel) [3056/1551] / [#1831]
- Glen Cachets (Steven F. Popick & Dick Thomas) [F.C.?] / []
- Alberta J. Goff @ (artist for Matthew J. Huss) [F.C. N/A **] / [#907, #920, #923, #926, #928, #929, #933, #934, #935, #936, #940, #942, #2838a, #2838b, #2838i]
- Bernard Goldberg [375/1842-1843] / [#2420, #3330]
- Goldcraft (George H. Goldey) [178/1127] / [#1164-13]
- Golden Gate International Exposition (The Crocker Co.) [99/852] / [#852-26,43,44,86,PC1,PC2]
- Albert Goldman (N.Y.C. P.O. P.M. in 1939) [100/853] / [#853-38]
- Goldseal (NOT Gold Seal) (see: Plimpton Mfg. Co.) [73/777] / [#777-72]
- Goldsmith Brothers [96/835] / [#835-23]
- Hy E. Goldstein (Hyson) (see: Parson's First Day Cover Service) [F.C. xref] / [784-26,54, #785-794-31, #795-38, #797-16]
- Paul F. Goldstein [I14/905] / [#907-9]
- Rachel L. Goldstein ("RLG") [313/1569-1570] / [#1783-1786]
- ? Gonzales (Gonzalez) [F.C.?] / [#801-163, #801-G#44:7]
- The Gonzales Enquirer (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#776-CC4]
- R.M. Goodale [94/802] / [#799-802-104]
- Mark W. Goodson (see: MWG), ACE #416 [F.C. xref] / []
- Albert E. Gorham (Elliot) [] / [#750-32, #751-20, #752-771-23, #755-23, #772-GP8, #773-32, #774-GP3, #784-GP1]
- A.W. Gosling (Arthur) [62/774] / [#774-51]
- Gothic Covers (Barry Newton, Paulelte Dibattista) [314/1571] / []
- Government of Puerto Rico Insular News Service [92/801] / [#801-154]
- Robert C Graebner Chapter, AFDCS #17 [#1727, not listed] / [#1831]
- Grand Rapids Stamp Club [] / [#775-3]
- Grand Slam (D. Rick Chase) [431/2046] / [#1831]
- W.M. Grandy (Winfred Milton), RCD #130 [] / [#772-1, #773-7, #774-1, #775-4,5, #776-15, #777-4, #778-30,82, #782-2,3, #783-54, #784-18, #785-794-13, #795-20,21,22, #796-10,11, #797-31, #798-18,19, #799-802-6, #801-G#48-49:8, #835-32,33, #852-32, #853-37, #859-893-16, #907-6, #908-19, #935-36, #936-14, #947-40,75, #948-1,75, #949-12#957-11#1077-11, #C20-40, #C21-22-24, #C23-17, #C24-26, #C25-13, #C25a-27, #CE2-24]
- Sergio Ferez Grau (Stamp Editor: Puerto Rico Ilustrado) [92/801] / [#799-802-74]
- Gray & Thompson Advertising (set of 5 postcards) [F.C.?] / [#796-60]
- C.A. Gray [] / [#C23-145]
- Great American Indemnity Co., New York, NY (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#796-CC4]
- Great Picture Covers (Geri Peltin) [350/1749-1752] / [#1827-1830, #1831]
- Great Smoky Mountain Conservation Assoc. [] / [#740-749-70]
- Green & Low Paper Co. (Servicer: Mickey Alogna @) [81/784] / [#960, #1062, #1067]
- Green Bay Philatelic Society (GBPS) [52/739] / [#739-22]
- Greenleaf School (Arthur C. Richardson) [] / [#859-893-54]
- Greenlee Custom Cachets (Holly Greenlee) [494/2342] / [#2420]
- Gary M. Greenlee (see: Greenlee Custom Cachets) [F.C. xref]
- Holly Greenlee (see: Greenlee Custom Cachets) [F.C. xref]
- A.V. Gregory [69/776] / [#776-142]
- J. Neal Griffith [] / [#739-42, #773-47, #775-43,66, #776-105, #777-105, #778-46, #782-71, #783-87,111, #784-84, #795-76, #798-84, #799-802-117, #835-49,70, #853-143, #C23-95, #C24-54, #CE1-39, #CE2-48,49.50]
- H.L. Griggs [] / [#796-110]
- Henry Grimsland [] / [#739-2, #740-749-11, #750-22, #751-9, #752-771-1, #755-1, #772-5, #773-10, #774-6, #775-32, #776-20,21, #777-10, #778-3, #782-44, #783-9, #784-41, #785-794-15,GP11, #795-1, #796-35, #797-25, #798-31, #799-802-17, #801-G#50:8, #835-34, #852-34, #853-1, #856-3, #859-893-3, #899-901-13,32, #907-13, #908-7, #935-13, #936-7, #947-35, #948-14, #957-34, #958-17, #C19-10, #C20-26, #C21-22-30, #C23-35, #C25-14, #C25a-28, #C26-14, #CE1-28, #CE2-25,26]
- H.S. Groat ( (Harrison Sidney)), RCD #69 [F.C.?] / []
- G.L. & H.J. Gross, Inc. [] / [#777-34b]
- gsb (see: Bittings)
- Guertin Art Service [] / [#777-26, #782-19]
- Gulf Building (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / []
- Torkel Gundel [] / [#739-35-36, #740-749-35,36, #752-771-38, #755-38, #772-58, #773-46, #774-52,53, #775-22, #776-57, #777-68, #778-33, #782-33, #784-8, #785-794-52, #795-46, #796-3,4, #797-18, #798-55m, #799-802-79, #801-G#47:8, #835-9,10, #852-31, #853-27,27a, #859-893-11, #899-901-36, #C20-15, #C21-22-8, #C23-23a, #C24-27, #CE1-27, #CE2-46]
- Torkel Gundel / Frank Herget [F.C.?] / [#853-27b]
- GWH (see: George W. Harrod [Harrad?]
- Gypsum Association, Chicago, IL (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / []
- H.B. Co. (HB) (Benjamin Kopel) [90/799] / [#798-125, #799-802-3, #801-G#51:8]
- H.E.R. (Harry E. Richmond) [60/773] / [#773-36]
- H.N. Local Post (see: also: Hideaki D. Nakano) [385/1874] / []
- Edward G. Hacker (see: also: Centennial) [26/702] / [#702-25, #C19-27, #C24-13, #CE1-3, #CE2-44]
- ? Hager (see: Swedish Pioneer Centennial Committee)
- Sandra Sue Haimerl "Sandra's Cachets" or "Sandras Cachets" [318/1617] / [#1827-1830, #1831]
- William D. Hanford [18/657] / [#690-26, #C12-19]
- J.C. Hall Company [F.C.?] / [#777-GP7]
- Marshall R. Hall, ACE #68 [F.C.?] / [#776-218]
- ? Halpert [135/957] / [#957-55]
- Ejgil J.S. Halvorsen (Johannes Shiodte) (NOT Elgin or Eigil) (NOT Schiodte) [602/C7] / []
- HAM [81/784] / [#784-15]
- Ham (Lois Hamilton) [301/1529] / [#1827-1830, #1831, #2420]
- E.T. Hamilton [62/774] / [#774-54]
- Henry Hammelman [9/643] / []
- H.W. Hanby [603/C20] / [#C20-NIP1]
- Hannibal, MO Chamber of Commerce [105/863] / []
- Ted Harrington, RCD #188 [F.C.?] / []
- David H. Harris [315/1581-1585] / []
- H.E. Harris (Henry Ellis) [22/682] / [#778-59]
- Wallace Harrison [F.C.?] / [#853-55]
- Harrison Stamp Company @ [95/809] / [#811-GP29, #812-GP29, #814-GP29, #835-NIP-1, #837-GP16, #858-GP1, #859-893-52]
- George W. Harrod [Harrad?] (GWH) [F.C.?] / [Harrad: #777-155 / Harrod: #795-65, #796-49]
- C. Murray Hart [96/835] / [#835-47,58]
- Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co. [57/772] / [#772-33]
- Hartford Chamber of Commerce [57/772] / [#772-53]
- Hartford Fire Insurance Co. [57/772] / [#772-10]
- Harvard College (see: also: J.B. Thomas (Jesse Burgess)) [105/861-862] / []
- Harvard University Stamp Club [106/866] / [#859-893-57]
- George Haslett, Jr., ACE #51 [F.C.?] / []
- H.S. Hathaway [F.C.?] / [#777-168]
- Hawaii Tourist Bureau [90/799] / [#799-802-156]
- Edwin P. Haworth (see: Velvatone Maximum Cards)
- Haynes Picture Shope, Inc. [53/744] / [#740-749-20]
- F.R. Hazard (see: also: New Arcade Stamp Shop) [] / [#772-72]
- Don Heath [] / [#783-50]
- Ken Hecht [] / [#796-70?]
- Ralph Hedges [] / [#752-771-GP3]
- Henry Barnard, Jr. High School Stamp Club [] / [#777-175]
- Richard H. Heflin (add-on) [F.C.?] / [#2420]
- A.A. Heller (Hellner?) [] / [#740-749-19]
- Carol Ann Henkle "Elizabeth R." [not listed F.C. 2116] / [#2116]
- Douglas H. Henkle [not listed F.C. 1717-1720] / [#1717-1720]
- E.J. Henriques (Edward Joseph) [120/929] / [#948-49]
- A.O. Henry [F.C.?] / [#798-125, #853-GP6, #858-A2, #UX76]
- Henry Cachet (Cletus Henry) [193/1163] / [#1164-14]
(also: C. Henry, artist for "AHC" A Hartford Cover)
- William Wheeler Henthorne [90/799] / []
- Robert Herdelin [97/836] / []
- Heritage Club [104/859] / [#859-893-48a]
- N.F. Herner (NOT N.E.)
(artist for Joseph Feigenbaum) [F.C.?] / [796-2]
- Elmer D. Herrick [627/CE1] / [#CE1-11,#CE2-27]
- Hertelle Stamp Co. [51/737-738] / [#750-6,14, #751-14]
- Hess-Mallory Co. @, Sioux City, IA (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [All NIP or NIM, #795-CC5d, #796-CC5d, #798-CC5d, #835-CC5d, #837-CC5d, #852-CC5d, #854-CC5d, #858-CC5d, #894-CC5d, #895-CC5d, #896-CC5d, #897-CC5d, #898-CC5d, #905-CC5d, #924-CC5d, #925-CC5d, #926-CC5d, #927-CC5d, #930-CC5d, #931-CC5d, #932-CC5d, #933-CC5d, #937-CC5d, #940-CC5d, #944-CC5d, #954-CC5d, #959-CC5d, #963-CC5d, #964-CC5d, #965-CC5d, #969-CC5d, #972-CC5d-, #975-CC5d, #977-CC5d, #978-CC5d, #980-CC5d, #C20-CC5d, #C28-CC5d, #C29-CC5d, #C33-CC5d, #C39-CC5d, #CE2-CC5d]
- Carl Hesse [61/773] / [#773-64, #775-GP6]
- Erik Heyl (see: World Wide Cover and Cachet Craft) [F.C. xref] / [#799-802-20, #801-G#52:8]
- Peter Heyl [F.C. xref] / []
- HH? [F.C.?] / [#3330]
- ? Hibbard & Co. [F.C.?] / [#777-118, #778-80]
- Highland Democrat Stamp Review [88/798] / [#798-12b-NIP, #799-802-39, #801-G#53:8]
- Hilton [F.C.?] / [#2420]
- Marvin Hissman "MH" [616/C76] / [#858-A4]
- Historic Art (was Historic Arts) (artist unsigned) [F.C.?] / [#835-45, #852-22]
- Historic Art (was Historic Arts) (Ernest N. Gilbert) [F.C.?] / [#795-55, #796-45, #798-25, #799-802-51, #801-G#56:8, #835-28, #852-3, #853-26]
- Historic Art (was Historic Arts) (LeBaron Coakley) [F.C.?] / [#798-26, #853-25]
- Historic Art (was Historic Arts) (J.H.R. Pickett) [F.C.?] / [#795-7,56, #796-43,44, #797-21, #799-802-52, #801-G#55:8]
- Historic Art (was Historic Arts) (J.Dugald Stewart Walker) [81/784] / [#784-21, #785-794-49]
- Historic Art (was Historic Arts) (Plukett?) [should this be J.H.R. Pickett?] [F.C.?] / [#798-27]
- Historic Art / Aristocrat (Henry Day Lowry) [] / [#859-893-6, #C24-30,31]
- Historical Aeronautics Association [62/774] / [#774-55]
- Historical Society of Pennsylvania (was Historic Society) [88/798] / [#798-13a,13b,59]
- Historical Society of Pennsylvania (was Historic Society), Phoenix Connecticut Insurance Co. [88/798] / [#798-13a.1,13b.1]
- HM (Henry F. "Hank" Mezzack) [330/1710] / []
- HML ? (add-on) [F.C.?] / [#836-78, #837-A7]
- Hobbies Magazine [627/CE1] / [#CE1-33,CC6-NIP]
- Hobby Cover Service (J. Henry Wilkins) [31/704-715] / [#776-13, #835-41]
- Hobby Cover Service (Ludwig W. Staehle), RCD #206 [F.C.?] / [#777-2, #783-5, #797-17, #798-5,66, #799-802-11, #801-G#54:8, #853-16]
- Hobby House [108/879] / [#859-893-41, #899-901-10]
- Hobby Life [F.C.?] / [#935-20, #936-67]
- Hobo Art Cachet [F.C.?] / [#799-A1-NIP, #799-A2-NIP, #858-A3]
- HOC (see: Henry O. Cathey)
- Leroy Hodapp, ACE #30 [F.C.?] / [#796-101]
- Mabel R. Hodapp, ACE #15 [F.C.?] / [#775-56]
- Hoffman & Mayer, Inc., New York, NY (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#C20-CC5e-NIP, #C24-CC5e-NIM, #CE2-CC5e-NIP]
- Rich Hoffner (Richard F.) (see: Decatur Chapter, USCS)
- Jesse G. Holland (Graham) [81/784] / [#784-20, #795-13, #796-24, #797-12,28, #798-44, #799-802-5, #801-G#58:8, #853-24, #859-893-15, #899-901-1, #C24-24]
- Jesse G. Holland (Graham)
/ Samuel "Sam" Yudkin [F.C.?] / [#785-794-42, #853-31]
- Holly (Holly Greenlee) [491/2281] / []
- Hollywood Cover Club [73/777] / [#777-14]
- K. Holmes [F.C.?] / [#782-115]
- Ralph S. Holzer, ACE #39 [F.C.?] / [#775-67, #795-101, #796-137, #799-802-143, #801-G#57:8]
- Robert Holzhauer [605/C25] / [#C25-NIM18]
- Home Insurance Company [100/853] / [#853-66]
- Honolulu Advertiser (Ray Lanteman) [611/C55] / [#C23-162]
- Honolulu Stamp Co. [90/799] / [#799-148]
- Hope Philatelic Society [73/777] / [#777-131]
- Harold B. Horner [26/702] / [#776-72, #CE1-31]
- H.J. Horsington (see: Imperial) [F.C. xref] / []
- Hotel Angelina (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#776-CC1]
- Hotel du Pont (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / []
- Hotel Fairmont, Fairmont, MN (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#958-CC7-NIM]
- Hotel Fort Raleigh, Manteo, NC (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#796-CC3]
- Hotel Gordon, Waynesville, NC (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#797-GP2]
- Hotel Greenville, Greenville, MS (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#795-CC11-NIP]
- Hotel Jefferson, Saint Louis, MO (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#796-CC6]
- Hotel Madison, New York, NY (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#795-CC12-NIP]
- Hotel Plymouth (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#778-GP11]
- Hotel Ramsey, Redwood Falls, MN (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#958-CC5-NIM]
- House of Farnam (HF) (NOT Farnum) [76/778] / [#778-32, #782-18, #783-18, #784-9, #785-794-16, #795-54, #796-16, #797-27, #798-7, #799-802-67, #801-G#59:8, #835-19, #852-7, #853-29, #859-893-5, #899-901-29, #907-3,14, #908-13, #936-2, #947-2,3,76, #948-7,56,57, #949-11, #957-33, #958-3-4, #1077-8, #1164-10, #1309-18, #1827-1830, #1831, #2420, #C23-22, #C24-23, #C25-11, #C25a-23,24, #C26-11, #UX48, #UX49, #UX50, #UX51, #UX52, #UX55, #UX56, #UX76, #UX113, #UXC4, #UXC6, #UXC7, #UXC10, #UXC11, #UXC12-13, #UXC14, #UXC15, #UZ2, #UZ3, #UZ5]
- House of Farnam (HF) / American Postal Arts Society (APAS) (Michael A. Mellone) [] / [#UZ2, #UZ3]
- House of Farnam (HF), Phoenix Connecticut Insurance Co. [] / [#936-71, #947-77, #957-58]
- Howard Paper Company, Urbana, OH [604/C23] / [#C23-NIP10]
- HSC [F.C.?] / [#852-PC4]
- HSR ? [] / [#C23-141]
- Homer D. Hubbard [54/752...771] / [#752-771-16, #755-16]
- Roy Hubbard [54/752...771] / [#752-771-16, #755-16, #772-18, #775-1,35,68, #776-63,123,124, #777-15, #783-72, #784-58, #785-794-50, #795-41?,58?, #796-41, #797-34, #798-67, #CE2-7]
- Jeanne Heuser Hudak [F.C.?] / [#UXC7]
- Hudeck Cachets (Gary L. Hudeck) [370/1813] / []
- Hudson-Terraplane Stamp Club [69/776] / [#776-136]
- Hudson's Bay Company, city?(illegible) (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#796-CC5]
- Potter B. Hueth (see: Philatelic Press) [F.C.?] / [#799-801-92b, #801-G#5:4]
- C.E. Hunt [74/777] / [#777-89]
- Diana Huss? (Postel?) @ (artist for Matthew J. Huss)
[F.C. N/A **] / [#913, #924, #926, #936-63]
- Matthew J. Huss @ [F.C. N/A **] / [#908, #923, #927, #928, #933, #934, #935, #936, #937, #942, #943, #C25a-42, MacArthur, WV #69]
** Although FDC's exist by the hundreds serviced on Huss produced World War II Patriotic Cacheted covers, not one cachet created by
Huss, or any of his four free-lance artists,
Alberta J. Goff,
Diana ?,
L.I. Olsen or
? Moher, was made for any specific U.S. postal issue.
- Hutchison? (add-on) [] / [#UX52, #UX76]
- Dr. Stephen E. Hutnick, RCD #70 [39/724] / [#785-789-66, #795-41?,58?, #798-54a,101, #835-58, MacArthur, WV #20]
- HUX Cuts, Inc. (Huckins-Smith) [] / [#739-1, #783-45, #797-1, #853-44, #C21-22-GP1]
- HUX Cuts, Inc.-Fairway [] / []
- Claude K. Hydrick & Scott Taylor [164/1077] / [FC#1077-B]
- John Ike [F.C.?] / [#C23-A7, #UC3-1]
- Richard H. Ild (see also: Benicia Philatelic Society) [606/C34] / []
- Imperial [54/748] / [#740-749-31, #750-26, #751-18, #752-771-28, #755-28, #772-54, #773-65, #774-56, #775-44, #776-58, #777-70, #778-34, #782-6, #784-51, #785-794-14, #795-43, #796-25, #797-7, #798-61, #799-802-32, #801-G#62:8, #835-17, #852-24, #853-30, #859-893-22, #C20-46, #C21-22-44, #C23-73, #C24-42, #CE1-12, #CE2-29]
- Imperial (Samuel T. Betts & H.J. Horsington) [] / [#777-70]
- Inglewood Stamp & Cover Club [] / [#C23-125a]
- Info Cachet (Nicholas Capozzi) [548/2616] / [#3330]
- Inland Printing Co., Whitman Centennial Co. [] / [#783-12]
- Intercity Stamp Company @ (Charles Sekula) [100/853] / [#853-53, #859-893-19, #899-901-27, #908-18, MacArthur, WV #19]
- Integrity (Frederick B. Dodrill, Jr. & Don Davis) [347/1735-1736, 633/U580] / [#1783-1786]
- International Stamp Collectors Society (ISCS) [] / []
- Dr. Harry C. Ioor, RCD #107 [] / [#739-5, #740-749-3, #750-15, #751-5, #752-771-2, #755-2, #772-2, #773-31, #774-21,82,103,GP4, #775-19,20,GP7,GP8,GP9,GP10, #776-14,GP4,GP5, #777-49, #778-12,23,83,GP5, #784-39,40, #785-794-1,2,3,4, #795-35,NIP13,NIP14, #796-7, #797-2, #798-12, #799-802-45, #801-G#60-61:8, #799-GP17-NIP, #835-42,GP3, #853-35, #859-893-1, #907-4, #908-9, #935-24,25,95, #936-15,70, #947-4,5, #948-2,71, #957-39, #958-2, #4326, #C19-11,12,21,GP1, #C20-27, #C21-22-5,6,7, #C23-1,116,117,118, #C24-5,6,7, #C25-15,27, #C25a-41, #C26-15,16, #CE1-13,14,15,16, #CE2-2,3,NIP3, MacArthur, WV #18]
- Intelex Systems Incorporated: A Division of ITT (International Telephone & Telegraph Corp.) [193/1164] / [#1164-15]
- Internationale Luposta Berlin 1971 Bear [F.C.?] / [#UXC11]
- Italian American Stamp Club (IASC) [622/C98] / [#3330]
- "J.W.C." (J.W. Clifford) [73/777] / [#782-50, #783-24,25, #784-47, #785-794-37, #795-42, #799-802-NIP2, #853-12, #859-893-47, #C24-32, #C26-7]
- Gladys Jackson (see also: Chickering - Jackson) [] / [#957-16, #958-11, #1309-24, #UX53, #UX54, #UX55, #UX56]
- Jackson - Sweeney (Gladys Jackson & ? Sweeney)
(see also: Sweeney) [F.C.?] / [#UXC10, #UXC11]
- Jackson Stamp Co. [F.C.?] / [#796-GP18]
- Maxi / Heliochrome post card (Arthur Jaffe) [F.C.?] / [#1309-25,26]
- Emil E. Jahnke (The Original Swap Shop) [] / [#775-69]
- Janesville Stamp Club [F.C.?] / [#1309-27]
- C.W. Janis [NOT Jannis] [57/772] / [#772-27, #773-9]
- J.D. (Jack Davis Covers) [326/1706-1709] / [#1827-1830]
- Jeweled Envelopes (Bronesky & Risko) [see also: Joseph F. Bronesky] [64/775] / [#775-16, #853-22]
- Jack Jelacie (NOT Velacie)
(see: Oregon Cachet and Cover Co.)
- John Jezek, Jr. [639/UC36] / [#UC36, #776-GP24, #936, #C24, #UX50, #UX52, #UXC4, ]
- Joseph J. Jiran, Jr. "JJJ" [325/1704] / []
- J.J.H. [] / [#777-108]
- JLW [] / [#777-87]
- The Nicklin Co. (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#778-GP14]
- JN Cachet (Jean Nicklin & Charles E. Nicklin) [246/1308] / [#1827-1830, #UX52, #UX55, #UX76, #UXC4, #UXC5, #UXC6, #UXC7, #UXC10, #UXC11, #UXC14, #UXC15]
- C. Hugh Johnson (see: Covered Wagon) [] / []
- Rev. L. Johnson
and J. Lester "Les" Williams [15/651] / [#784-62]
- T.R. Johnson (Thomas) [57/772] / [#772-73]
- H. Ennis Jones [96/835] / []
- Edward F. Jordan (artist for Smartcraft)
- Joykist Candy Company [605/C26] / [FC#C26-A]
- John T. Judd (artist for: Bernhardt Wall) [F.C. xref]
- Perry J. Judelson (see: Kolor Kover)
- John Jungkind [78/782] / [#782-9]
- Justice Covers (Gerry Weiner) [356/1770] / [#782-9, #1831]
- Juvelar (Larry Church, Joe Vita,
Tracy Lynn Williams) [589/3179] / [#1831]
- KJM [212/1203] / [#1309-30]
- K.M.C. Venture (Bill Olvey (William J.)) (NOT KMC Venture) [345/1732-1733] / [#1783-1786, #1827-1830, #1831, #2420, #UX113, #UZ2, #UZ4]
- Kamehameha Schools [90/799] / [#799-802-10]
- D.J. Kapner (Donald Joseph) [] / [#739-7, #740-749-10, #750-16, #751-12, #752-771-19,20#755-19,20, #772-34, #773-24, #774-4, #775-13,23,24, #776-22,23,24, #777-53-54, #778-19, #782-16,17, #783-11, #784-10,11,12,13, #785-794-19,20, #795-26,83, #796-19,26, #797-3, #798-28,29,39, #799-802-59, #801-G#63-64:8, #C21-22-15, #C23-46]
- Karoline's Cachets (Karoline Remmick) [] / [#2420]
- Ed Kee (John Edward) [] / [#750-18, #751-15, #752-771-9, #772-35, #776-GP6, #783-GP1-2, #785-794-64, #798-GP11, #852-45, #C21-22-14,GP2, #CE1-8-9,22, #CE2-4,5,6]
- H.C. Keeley [F.C.] / [#852-67]
- Kenilworth (Joseph B. Kanturek) [239/1275] / [#1309-28]
- Emily Ann Kennard (artist for Centennial Service Bureau) [F.C.?] / [#776-134]
- Kent County Philatelic Society [] / [#777-64, #778-GP8]
- T. Kershner (artist for Dee's Stamp Shop) [F.C. xref]
- ? Kessler [F.C.?] / [#C23-NIP5]
- William Galt Keyworth @ [] / [#775-GP11, #782-88, #799-802-54, #801-G#65:8, #835-65, #852-68, #853-111, #C23-67]
- Khol Kraft (Edward Khol [197/1179] / []
- N.H. Kiefer (NOT H.H.) [127/945] / [#947-14, #949-9]
- John B. Kilton [74/777] / [#777-61]
- Kimble Glass Co. [193/1164] / [#1164-16]
- A.O. King @ [F.C.?] / [#647, #648, #853-NIP2, #1077-NIM4, #1078, #1180, #1181, #RW57]
- John A. King (Asa) @ [219/1244] / [#1133, #1150, #1151, #1152, #1153, #1155, #1156, #1161, #1163, #1165, #1166, #1168, #1169, #1170, #1171, #1172, #1184, #1186, #1191, #1192, #1197, #1198, #1201, #1202, #1231, #1234, #1235, #1236, #1237, #1238, #1241, #1244, #1248, #1249, #1251, #1252, #1253, #1259, #1262, #1263, #1265, #1266, #1269, #1270, #1272, #1273, #1274, #1275, #1306, #1316, #1318, #1319, #1320, #1328, #1333, #1335, #1337, #1338, #1339, #1342, #1344, #1358, #1362, #1369, #1375]
- E. Kirk [F.C.?] / [#853-73]
- Kirk Kover [606/C33] / [#947-15,99, #948-76]
- Warren Klein (see: The Collectable Cover Co.)
- Max Klemm [76/778] / [#778-44]
- Harry E. Klotzbach (NOT Klotzback) [17/654] / [#776-GP21, #778-64, #C20-28, #C21-22-33, #CE2-16]
- KMC Venture (SP) (see: K.M.C. Venture)
- Dorothy W. Knapp (Wallace) [113/903] / [#752-771-29, #755-29, #774-25,26,27,28, #775-71, #783-75,112, #784-77, #795-NIP4, #796-139, #798-86, #799-802-127, #852-56,57, #853-89, #856-A1, #907-18, #908-14,15,44, #936-40,41, #947-55, #948-22, #957-38, #958-32, #C26-17, MacArthur, WV #79, Nimitz, WV #D]
- James Knoble [F.C.?] / [#1077-12]
- G.S. Knoth [] / [#797-GP8]
- ? Koch [F.C.?] / [#1164-17]
- Elmer E. Koehler (Erhard) (E.K.) @ [] / [#802-108, #1710, #UXC6, #UXC7]
- Stan C. Koepke
[Planty 1st ed., misidentified #743-27, not listed in First Cachets, 2006] [] / []
- Kohl Kraft (SP) (See: Khol Kraft)
- Kolor Kover (Perry J. Judelson & Jack Bessel) [140/975] / [#1077-14, #1164-18, #1309-29, #UX52, #UX56, #UXC4, #UXC6, #UXC7]
- Anne Kosvanec [] / [#2420]
- William J. Kotab [] / [#774-57, #775-72, #776-165, #798-118, #799-802-72, #C23-88]
- Nicholas G. "Nick" Koutroulis [259/1339] / [#1197, #1261, #1305, #1338f, #1339, #1361, #1369, #1391, #1393d, #1397, #1419, #1426, #1440, #1453, #1469, #1470, #1474, #1480-1483, #1499, #1529, #1555, #1561, #C80]
- Kover Kids (Harry B. Harn, Jr.) [369/1803] / [#1827-1830, #1831]
- Ben Kraft [417/2025] / [#795-NIP5, #801-NIP, #801-G#66:8, #957-NIM15, #UX52]
- Kenneth Krahl [69/776] / [#776-51a,54]
- Krause Publications / Stamp Collector Newspaper @ [F.C.?] / [#3139a, #3140a, #3153, #3177, #3131, #3317-#3320, #3333-#3337, #3447, #3496, #3505a-#3505d, #3528-#3531, #3206, , , , ]
- Kribbs' Kover (Kenneth D. Kribbs) (aka Kribb's Kover, NOT Kribbs Kover) add-on, only if before 5-12-1978 [642/UX73, 347/1735-1736, 348/1743] / [#796-120, #1831, #2420, #3330, #C23-A6, #UX76, #UX113, #UZ4, #UZ5, MacArthur, WV #22]
- E.C. Kropper (post card) [F.C.?] / [#739-15]
- Edward Kuntz [603/C19] / [#776-209, #798-57, #C19-28, #C23-142, #C24-38, #CE1-18]
- George S. Kuntz [F.C.?] / []
- LB ? [F.C.?] / [#1783-1786]
- L.C.B. [79/783] / [#783-143]
- LB ? [F.C.?] / [#1783-1786]
- L.F.B. (name?) [373/1827-1830] / [#1827-1830]
- L.V.R. [605/C25] / [#C25-NIM19]
- La Grange Chamber of Commerce National Air Mail Week [F.C.?] / [#C23-39]
George H. Laffert Census
- George H. Laffert
[NOT Leffert or Lefferts and NOT George P.] [55/756-765] / [see addressee list below]
- George H. Laffert (addressee: unaddressed/pencil erased) [#778-NIP1, #782-67, #798-128, #852-84, #853-135, #856-64]
- George H. Laffert (addressee: John S. Ballas) [#787-75a]
- George H. Laffert (addressee: Mr. George Dexter Frost (aka Mr. George D. Frost)) [#756-56, #757-56, #758-56, #759-56, #760-56, #761-56, #762-56, #763-56, #764-56, #765-56, #795-68a]
- George H. Laffert (addressee: Mr. George D. Frost, c/o W.T. Pollitz) [#799-115]
- George H. Laffert (addressee: Miss Mildred Nutter Frost) [#835-81, #899-901-22]
- George H. Laffert (addressee: W.A. Gustafson) [#799-115b]
- George H. Laffert (addressee: Mr. W.C. Henry) [#765-56]
- George H. Laffert (addressee: Fay Laffert) [#796-NIP9, #835-81]
- George H. Laffert (addressee: George H. Laffert (aka G.H. Laffert)) [#784-92, #790-75a, #795-68, #801-115, #801-G#72:10, #835-81]
- George H. Laffert (addressee: Mr. Frank A. Marston) [#777-156a]
- George H. Laffert (addressee: Mr. Eliot Spalding) [#756-56, #757-56, #758-56, #759-56, #760-56, #761-56, #762-56, #763-56, #764-56, #765-56]
- George H. Laffert (addressee: Heyliger de Windt) [#776-203, #776-203a, #777-156a, #782-67, #784-92, #794-75, #794-75a, #795-68, #795-68a]
- George H. Laffert (addressee: Mr. George F. Wilbur) [#783-113a]
- Clarence E. Laird and
Eugene C. Laird (see also: American Historical Cover Society) [20/680] / [#777-48, #782-13,14, #783-15,104, #784-57, #785-794-35,36, #796-50, #797-30, #798-17a, #799-802-70, #801-G#67-70:10, #C21-22-40]
- Lamar Hotel stationery [corner card] [F.C.?] / [#784-GP12]
- L.C. Lamb (see: Philatelic Exchange of Edgewood, RI)
- Irving M. Landauer [603/C20] / [#C20-NIP2]
- Dorothy B. Lane (aka D. Lane) [119/927] / [#785-794-41, #935-22, #936-6,65, #947-105, #949-1]
- Lansing Chamber of Commerce [64/775] / [#775-73]
- JLP Cachet (John LaPorta) [643/UX82] / [#1827-1830, #UX113]
- Henry P. Latham [78/782] / [#782-90]
- W.H. Latta [79/783] / [#783-102]
- Arthur E. Lauman (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#739-CC2-NIP]
- Blair H. Law [641/UX65] / []
- Henry I. Law (H.L.) [97/836] / []
- E.C. Lawrence [84/795] / [#795-GP1, #796-GP1, #798-GP12, #802-GP7, #835-GP2, 852-GP7a-NIP,GP7b-NIP, #C23-GP9]
- J.W. Lawrence (James) (see: Philatelic Press) [F.C.?] / [#797-43b, #801-802-92a, #801-G#5:4]
- Mildred W. Laws, ACE #34 [F.C.?] / [#783-106, #796-104, #798-127, #799-801-147, #801-G#71:10]
- LCR ? [] / [#772-74]
- Vivian K. Leavitt [F.C.?] / [#796-118,119]
- Harold Lee (see also: Dee's Stamp Shop, "H. Lee") [F.C. xref]
- George P. Leffert or George P. Lefferts (misspelled) (see; George H. Laffert)
- Leonard Stamp Co., New York, NY (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#C19-CC6-NIP]
- B.M. Lemm, ACE #95 [F.C.?] / [#783-108]
- F.E. Lerchenfeld [52/739] / [#739-46, #772-GP3, #773-GP4, #774-GP5, #775-GP12, #776-GP18, #777-GP1, #778-GP3, #785-794-GP9, #796-GP5, #797-GP6, #799-GP8, #856-GP1, #858-GP8, #C23-GP2]
- Steve Levine @ (add-ons) [F.C.?] / []
- first name? Levy [F.C.?] / [#785-794-24]
- Eric H. Lewis [128/945] / [#1077-NIM2]
- Lewis-Clark Hotel (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#783-GP10]
- LGS (Leonard (Len) G. Sautter) [304/1543-1546] / [#UZ2]
- [F.C.?] / []
- Library of Congress Philatelic Club (Paul Boswell) [407/2004] / []
- The Limited Editions Club (George Macy) [105/863] / [#859-893-48b]
- Lincoln Society of Philately (Clifford C. Gilmond) [173/1113] / [#UX55]
- Lindenmeyr Paper Corp. (Servicer: Mickey Alogna @) [81/784] / [#1100, #1409]
- O.W. Lindquist [58/772] / [#772-45]
- Lindsay Craft [129/947] / [FC#947-D]
- ? Linhart [F.C.?] / [#776-50]
- Linprint (George W. Linn) [35/717] / [#739-8, #740-749-4, #751-33, #752-771-6, #755-6, #772-28,29.30, #773-25,26, #774-5, #775-9,GP13,GP30, #776-52,53, #777-6-8, #778-26, #782-7-8, #783-7-8, #784-37, #785-794-8, #795-3,4, #796-31,32,GP12,GP28, #797-15, #798-9,10,11,GP1, #799-802-26, #801-G#73:10, #799-802-27, #801-G#74:10, #835-1,2,3a,3b, #852-30, #853-20,20a,20b, #859-893-7, #899-901-33,34,35, #4326, #C20-30, #C21-22-2, #C23-16a,120, #C25-17,NIM22, #CE2-34]
- Linprint / Phoenix Connecticut Insurance Co. [F.C.?] / [#852-30a]
- Copy of Linprint (unknown) [F.C.?] / [#775-10]
- William S. Linto (Stanley), RCD #201 [84/795] / [#785-794-56, #795-47, #796-61, #797-41, #798-70, #799-802-113, #908-39, #936-26, #947-90,91, #957-56, #958-39, #C25a-29, #C26-18]
- L.A. Lippe, RCD #245 [F.C.?] / []
- Little Rock Philatelic Society [78/782] / [#782-41]
- Allen Logan (NOT Allan) [603/C20] / [#774-GP6, #776-GP20, #796-GP19, #836-GP19, #837-GP7, #C20-NIP3]
- Lone Star Cachet (Marvin Harris) [236/1268] / [#UX52]
- Elmer R. Long (Reese) [10/643] / [#C19-16, #CE1-29]
- Noble Long [69/776] / [#776-102]
- Daniel Looney [62/774] / [#774-58, #775-74, #776-185, #777-101, #782-73, #784-85]
- Lorstan (Loretta & Stanley Sankowski) [631/U554] / [#1783-1786, #1827-1830, #1831, #UZ2]
- J. Lothian [90/799] / [#799-24]
- Henry Day Lowry [F.C. xref] / [#C25-18]
- LP [F.C.?] / [#2420]
- J. Loring Lucas, Jr. [309/1563] / []
- Oswald A. Ludwig [88/798] / [#798-56, #835-12, #C23-58, #C24-2,63]
- Henry M. Luethke, ACE #104 (NOT Luetke) [41/726] / [#783-84, #783-152, #784-81, #796-89, #798-129]
- Jeanne Lurhs (add-on?)
(see: John Donielo Cachets) [F.C. xref] / [#796-143]
- K.F. Lutz [F.C.?] / []
- James C. MacAdam "Mac's Originals" @ [138/971] / []
- McCaddon Company (William H. McCaddon) [51/737-738] / [#739-GP1, #752-771-GP1, #774-GP1, #775-GP14, #785-794-GP4, #799-GP2, #CE1-GP2]
- Myron F. McCamley, RCD #51 [53/745] / [#740-749-22, #783-52, #796-72,73, #798-119, #C20-22, #C23-62]
- A.? McCamley, or R. (Robert?) McCawley [F.C.?] / [#957-8, #958-9]
- Peter R. McClure (see: CEC)
- Wilford A. McDonough (artist for Dee's Stamp House) [F.C. xref]
- James F. McGogy [F.C.?] / [#798-65]
- Frank McGregor [F.C.?] / [#774-GP7,GP8]
- (first name?) McGregor, M.D. (Dr.) [7/627] / [#772-GP4, #776-GP22, #782-GP3, #798-GP2, #838-GP5]
- B.R. McIntyre (Bruce), ACE #88 or ACE #32 [F.C.?] / [#772-91, #773-95, #774-60,61, #775-77, #776-107,108, #777-146, #778-50,51,87, #783-77,105,107, #795-66, #796-86, #797-66,69, #798-93,94,95, #799-802-101, #853-90, #936-69, #C21-22-43, #C23-NIP6, #CE2-NIP1]
- L.T. McKeever [F.C.?] / [#776-167]
- V.L. McKinley [64/775] / [#775-29,76, #776-64, #777-73, #CE2-15]
- M.A.P.S. (see: Michigan Alumni Philatelic Society) [52/740] / [#740-749-38, #772-75]
- M.C.P.S. ? [64/775] / [#775-75, #C20-21]
- Father Joseph E. Mach [417/2023] / [#796-96, #836-GP29]
- Madison Stamp Club [135/957] / [#957-9]
- Macos (John A. Mayne (Alden)) [78/782] / [#799-802-35, #852-10, #859-893-18, #C21-22-39, #C23-55, #C24-21, #C25a-30, #C26-19]
- George Macy (see: The Limited Editions Club) [F.C. xref] / []
- Mahdeen [144/988] / [#1309-31]
- William Maitland [F.C.?] / []
- George G. Major [53/744] / [#752-771-31, #755-31]
- Robert J. Mallor [F.C.?] / [#859-893-55]
- Glen I. Mallory [102/8556] / [#853-112, #858-GP6]
- Woodrow Maloney [54/751] / [#751-21]
- Manger and Son (Henrey K. Manger & ? Manger) [58/772] / [#772-61]
- Jos. J. Manger & Son (Corner Card) [135/957] / [#782-CC10-NIP]
- Louise Mangold [F.C.?] / []
- Manhato Free Press [F.C.?] / []
- John Manning (see: WCO) [F.C. xref] / []
- Lester S. Manning [92/801] / [#801-802-97]
- Leon Yussuf Manoukian (NOT Manovkian or Manukian), (signed VG") (see also: Mutual Stamp Company) [70/776] / [#776-67, #777-24, #778-18, #782-38, #783-27, #784-3, #C21-22-27]
For cachets not listed on this site, yet, thanks to the "Cachet Mystery Corner" column about Manoukian by Clark Heins [#165, 28(2), 2-15-1983, p. 214-215]
"The mysterious "V.G." cachets for Sc. 783 and 784 were designed by a Russian artist, but Leon can't remember his name."
- Arthur E. Mansbach @ [F.C.?] / [#799-802-NIP16]
- Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Co. [193/1164] / [#1164-20]
- Marcia Margolies (see: FM Cachets)
- Marg Cachets: Shea Advertising (Judith Borek) [205/1193] / [#1309-32, #1827-1830, #1831, #UXC6]
- Marguerite Covers (Marguerite Elmore) [170/1100] / []
- Nathan Marcus [F.C.?] / [#2420]
- Marietta Kiwanis Club [85/795] / []
- Marietta Northwest Territory Celebration Commission (William Mark Young) [F.C.?] / [#795-31]
- Markle [129/947] / [FC#947-?]
- Markwell Mfg. Company, Inc. (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [MacArthur, WV #CC1]
- Richard J. Marolda (add-on) [F.C.?] / [#UX52]
- E.J. Marquarden [F.C.?] / [#774-59]
- Frank Martin (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#739-CC3-NIP]
- J.J. Martin (Newport, RI Postmaster 19??-19??) [F.C.?] / [#C23-110]
- Norman K. Mary [F.C.?] / [#773-57]
- Masonic Stamp Club of New York [76/778] / [#778-6, #947-61, #948-35]
- Masury Paints, city? (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#795-CC9-NIP, #800-C13-NIP]
- Jerry P. Mather "La Fiesta" [320/1633-1682] / [#1381, #1727 and many others which had the
counterfeit cancels he made]
- Matias Photo Shop (multicolor picture postcard) [F.C.?] / [#801-172]
- Herman R. Maul [118/925] / [#936-60, #947-72, #957-46-47, #1164-19, #UX51, #UX56]
- Paul C. Mauser [F.C.?] / [#853-A6-NIP, #895-NIP]
- John A. Mayne (Alden) [78/782] / [#782-85, #783-56,#784-43, #835-31, #859-893-28]
- John A. Mayne's Cover Service (Alden) (See: Macos)
- Henry O. Meisel (Otto) @ [31/704-715] / [#835-71, #957-24]
- Alvin R. Meissner [141/979] / [$979]
Alan (Heinz Hofflmn, Alvin R. Meissner, Alvin R. ) ............. ...141/979
- Erwin P. Meissner (Paul) [459/2136] / []
- Francis X. Menz (See: Radoon Stamp Club of Swedesboro, NJ) [F.C.?] / []
- Merchants Assoc. of Bronxville [F.C.?] / [#C23-112]
- Merchants Insurance Co. [75/777] / [#777-34a]
- Tom Metcalfe [62/774] / [#774-62]
- The Meter Digest [F.C.?] / [#1164-NIM5]
- Glenn C. Michel (see: GAMM)
- Michigan Alumni Philatelic Society (see also: M.A.P.S.) [52/740] / []
- Michigan Department of State [64/775] / [#775-78]
- Michigan Historical Commission [64/775] / [#775-79]
- Michigan Secretary of State [F.C.?] / [#775-85]
- Michigan Tourist & Resort Association [F.C.?] / [#775-80]
- Middletown Chamber of Commerce [58/772] / [#772-76]
- F. Miller [] / [#936-68]
- Jesse C. Miller [69/776] / [#776-77]
- M.M. Miller [6/621] / [#776-GP23]
- Warren Miller [33/716] / [#740-749-40]
- Milwaukee Cover Service (Joseph F. Bronesky) [F.C.?] / [#782-68]
- Jacques Minkus @ [47/735] / [#908-17, #935-87, #936-NIM9, #C25-WW1-NIM, MacArthur, WV #80, Nimitz, WV #E]
- Mischa Max Cards (Bill & Leba Salomon) [178/1124] / [#1164-21]
- The Missoulian Publishing Co. (corner card w/cachet) [F.C.?] / [#783-92]
- Mizpah Exchange Club [605/C29] / [#C29-NIM1]
- M.L.C. [78/782] / [#783-76]
- ? Moher (artist for Matthew J. Huss) [F.C. N/A **] / [none known]
- Frank J. Mohr [268/1381] / [#1473]
- Mohr-Jones (first names?) [617/C76] / [#C76-251]
- Monmouth County Philatelic Society Meeting Notices @ [98/838] / [#800-NIP9, #801-NIP9]
- Montana Souvenir Co. (picture postcard) [F.C.?] / [#783-PC1-3]
- Mrs. C.S. Moore [88/798] / [#798-130]
- Jerrold R. Moore @ [413/2016] / [#UZ2]
- Mt. Rainier National Park Post Office [53/742] / [#740-749-56]
- R.H. Mower [91/800] / [#800-GP15]
- mrh (Marti R. Hardison) [F.C.?] / [#UZ2]
- Hermann C.P. Mueller [F.C.?] / [#783, #785, #787, #789, #799-GP21]
- L.P. Muller [F.C.?] / [#853-113]
- Edward A. Munn Jr. [81/784] / [#784-31]
- Munprint (Edward A. Munn, Jr.) [81/784] / [#795-51, #796-67, #797-47, #798-76, #799-802-63, #835-91, #836-112, #853-41, #859-893-45, #837-38, #C23-12]
- Fay Marie Muridge, ACE #99, RCD #180 [123/935] / [#796-103]
- CM Cachets (Carole Murry) [317/1608] / [#1827-1830]
- Mutual Benefit Stamp Club [78/782] / [#795-GP4, #796-GP24, #798-GP16, #802-GP3, #835-GP1, #857-GP2]
- Mutual Stamp Co. (Mutual Stamp Company) (see also: Leon Yussuf Manoukian and
Vivian Greene) [70/776] / [#782-38]
- Mutual Trust Life Insurance Company (Leo Reponen) [F.C.?] / []
- S. Mutz [76/778] / [#778-49]
- Ron Myers [249/1313] / [#1827-1830, #1831]
- Mystic Stamp Company [409/2013] / []
- N.A. (first name? last name?) [81/784 / [#784-5]
- N.B. [F.C.?] / [#796-91]
- Kenneth A. Naegele @ [F.C.?] / [#776-NIP1, #777-NIP1, #795-GP20-NIP, #796-GP28-NIP, #798-GP20-NIP, #799-GP20-NIP, #800-GP20-NIP, #986, #C34]
- Thomas F. Naegele [231/1254-1257] / []
- Ralph H. Nafziger [590/3184f] / []
- Hideaki D. Nakano (see: H.N. Local Post) [F.C. xref] / [#4326]
- Narragansett Collectors' Club [75/777] / [#777-135,171]
- National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) [515/2420] / [#2420]
- National Aviation Hall of Fame (NAHF) [F.C.?] / [#3330]
- National Congress of PTA Convention [F.C.?] / [#773-93]
- National Federation Post Office Clerks Local 497 [58/772] / [#772-49]
- National Fire Insurance Co. [57/772] / [#772-13]
- National Organization of Women-New York City (see: N.O.W.-N.Y.)
- National Park Inn [F.C.?] / [#740-749-66]
- National Parks Stamp Shop [77/778] / [#778-67]
- Nazareth, PA Chamber of Commerce [F.C.?] / [#C23-114]
- Nebraska National Air Mail Week [F.C.?] / [#C23-68]
- Dr. Elmer N. Nelson (see also: Fairway) [F.C. xref] / []
- Ken Nelson [F.C.?] / [#936-61, #UX76]
- New Arcade Stamp Shop (F.R. Hazard) [F.C.?] / [#777-39,52,65]
- New Brainerd Hotel, Brainerd, MN (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#958-CC6-NIM]
- New Britain Chamber of Commerce [58/772] / [#772-55]
- New Deal Cover Service (Charles J. Peirce (Joseph)) [52/739] / [#739-14,21]
- New Hampshire Sesquicentennial Commission & Concord Chamber of Commerce [F.C.?] / [#835-16]
- New Haven, CT Chamber of Commerce [F.C.?] / [#C23-168]
- New London Chamber of Commerce [58/772] / [#772-15]
- New York City Post Office Postmaster (see: Albert Goldman)
- New York Historical Association(Society) [101/854] / [859-893-49]
- New York Post Office (NYPO) [F.C.?] / [#936-19,77, #C23-113,154]
- John H. Newman [91/800] / [#799-802-58 (#800-58)]
- Raleigh D. Newton (Dalton) @ [F.C. N/A] / [All NIM, #933, #935, #936, #938, #940, #941, #944, #945, #947, #949, #952, #953, #954, #957-NIM12, #959, #960 , #962, #963, #964, #965, #967, #968, #969, #970, #971, #973, #975, #977, #978, #979, #980, #981, #984, #985, #986, #987, #988, #991, #993, #994, #997, #1000, #1001, #1006, #1007, #1008, #1009, #1010, #1011, #1012, #1013, #1015, #1016, #1017, #1019, #1020, #1021, #1023, #1024, #1025, #1026, #1027, #1028, #1029, #1041, #1061, #1062, #1064, #1065, #1066, #1067, #1069, #1070, #1071, #1072, #1074, #1077, #1100, #1112, #1113, #1114, #1116, #1122, #1124, #1132, #1133, #1135, #1138, #1139, #1149, #1150, #C32, #C33, #C34, #C36, #C39, #C39a, #C40, #C41, #C42, #C43, #C44, #C45, #C46, #C48, #C53, #C55, #C59, #U532, #UC16, #UC17, Canada #274, Canal Zone #141]
- Newark Stamp & Coin Co. by Egon Bernet-Reid [96/835] / [#835-52a]
- C.E. Nickles [7/623] / []
- Charles E. Nicklin [F.C.?] / []
- Beth Niewenhous [F.C.?] / [#856-A2]
- T. Niimi [F.C.?] / [#799-802-118]
- Herbert A. Nikirk [461/2147] / [#2420]
- Louis G. Nix (Gregor) @ [46/733] / [#740-749-51, #751-22, #752-771-39, #755-39, #772-77, #773-48, #774-29, #775-81, #776-146, #777-82, #782-59, #784-67, #785-794-58, #795-77, #796-27, #797-49, #798-68, #799-802-102, #835-61, #852-69, #853-46, #857-GP1, #858-GP9,GP10, #859-893-20, #899-901-6, #936-NIM2, #1077-15, #C21-22-48, #C23-36, #C24-15, #C25a-31]
- Maynard G. Nixon [F.C.?] / [#776-180]
- Frederick L. Noll [604/C23] / [#C23-NIP11]
- Norfolk Cover Service (S.M. Falconer) [86/796] / [#796-66]
- North East Stamp Club (of Philadelphia) [F.C.?] / [#909-NIM]
- North Sound Philatelic Society [247/1309] / [#1309-33]
- Nostalgia Cachets (D. Rick Chase) [558/2721] / []
- Nova (Earl Blaisdell, J.W. Moore & A.l. Epperson) [344/1731] / [#1783-1786, #1827-1830]
- Ray Novak (see: Colorano Silk)
- N.O.W.-N.Y. / NOW/NY / NOW-NYC @
(Judith Kaplan) [324/1699] / [#1590, #1594, #1597, #1605, #1610, #1611, #1612, #1614, #1699, #1700, #1701, #1702?, #1703?, #1704, #1705, #1706, #1707, #1708, #1709, #1710, #1711, #1716, #1726, #1724, #1728, #1729, #1730, #1732, #1733, #1734, #1737, #1738-1742, #1744, #1754, #1755, #1758, #1759, #1769, #1770, #1772, #1773, #1774, #1787, #1788, #1790, #1791, #1792, #1793, #1794, #1795-1798, #1798, #1799, #1802, #1803, #1804, #1805-1810, #1813, #1818, #1824, #1827-1830, #1831, #1834-1837, #1838-1841, #1842, #1843, #1857, #1858, #1865, #1874, #1876-1879, #1880-1889, #1890-1893, #1906, #1907, #1910, #1911, #1912, 1916, #1912-1919, #1913-1918?, #1915, 1919, #1920, #1921-1924, #1925, #1926, #1927, #1928-1931, #1932, #1933,
#C97, #C99, #C100,
#UX79, #UX80, #UX81, #UX84, #UX85, #UX86, #UX87, #UX89, #UX90,
#UXC18, #UXC19,
#U581, #U582, #U583, #U593, #U598, #U599, #U600]
(National Organization of Women-New York City)
- Nu-Art (Ludwig W. Staehle, RCD #206) [F.C.?] / [#936-24]
- The Nugget Shop [F.C.?] / [#800-166]
- Harvey Nunn [63/774] / [#774-63]
- Secretary, The Nyack Fire Patrol, Inc., Nyack, NY (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#797-CC7-NIP]
- Oak Park, IL National Air Mail Week [F.C.?] / [#C23-63]
- Oakland County Philatelic Association [F.C.?] / [#853-70]
- [Official] Delaware Tercentenary Commission label (Thomas Speer) [97/836] / []
- Official Secretary of State seal [F.C.?] / []
- Ohio House of Representatives, Giles F. Guthrie, Ravena, OH [F.C.?] / [#795-GP3]
- The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Columbus, OH (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#796-CC11-NIP]
- Oklahoma City Stamp Club [F.C.?] / [MacArthur, WV #15]
- Oklahoma Philatelic Society [139/972] / []
- Oklahoma Postal Historical Society [176/1120] / []
- Old Colony Insurance Co., Western Department (Corner Card) [64/775] / [#775-33d]
- Old Lyme Chamber of Commerce [F.C.?] / [#772-98]
- Old New England Hooked Rug Craft (Frost?) [F.C. xref] / [#859-893-97]
- Old New England Hooked Rug Craft (Charlotte K. Stratton) [113/903] / []
- L.I. Olsen (artist for Matthew J. Huss) [F.C. N/A **] / [#942]
- William J. Olvey / Bill Olvey (see: K.M.C. Venture)
- Omaha Philatelic Society [54/751] / [#751-17]
- Oregon Cachet and Cover Co. (Harry Francis Rogers,
Lucy Howie Lloyd Rogers, Jack Jelacie)
[81/784] / [#784-55, #785-794-27, #799-802-80, #803-834-28]
- Oregon State University [not listed/4225] / [#4225]
- Original Order of Zunks (Gordon H. Hamilton) [F.C.?] / [MacArthur, WV #25]
- Osburn Hotel, Eugene, OR [F.C.?] / [#796-CC12-NIP]
- Oshkosh Cover Service (Charles J. Peirce (Joseph)) [52/739] / [#739-14,21]
- Oshkosh Philatelic Society [591/3206] / [#739-40]
- Ouachita Stamp Club [120/940] / [#948-72]
- Overseas Mailers (John Barnard (Jay) Leach & Emile Trahan) [154/1021] / [#1309-34, #UX50, #UX52]
- A.E. Owen (Arthur Edmund) (NOT Owens) [58/772] / [#772-78, #773-66, #774-64, #775-82, #776-147, #777-79, #782-102, #783-114, #784-93, #795-100, #796-106, #797-70, #798-131, #835-83, #836-94, #837-70, #C20-34, #C21-22-31, #C23-70, C25-NIM29]
- David R. Owens [90/799] / [#799-802-9]
- P.-a.c. (aka Pac) (Phillatel-Art Cachets) (T. Wayne Martin) [479/2216a-2219i] / []
- Pabst Engraving Co. [70/776] / [#776-38,42,48,49,68,69,70,71,155, #778-85]
- Pacifica [F.C.?] / [#852-70]
- Osburn Hotel, Eugene, OR [F.C.?] / [#796-CC12-NIP]
[F.C.?] / []
- Page Engineering Company, Chicago, IL (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#C25-CC7-NIM]
- Pan American [F.C.?] / []
- Pan American Expo Cover [F.C.?] / [#773-86]
- Panda Cachets (Rollin F. Berger, Jr.) [421/2036] / [#3330, #4326]
- Panorama Series (by unknown) [F.C.?] / [#853-19]
- Papercraft [111/896] / [#896-14, #897-12, #898-28, #899-901-9, #902-9, #903-15, #C25-24, #C27-NIM, #C28-NIM, #C29-NIM, #C30-NIM, #C31-NIM]
- Paramount [242/1282] / [#1309-35]
- Park Forest Stamp Club [247/1309] / [#1309-36]
- Parkhurst Canning Co [92/801] / [#799-802-13]
- Albert B. Parsons (ABP) [46/733] / [#740-749-9, #750-30, #751-23, #752-771-40,41, #755-40,41, #799-802-1, #CE1-1]
- Hal E. Parsons [F.C.?] / [#852-PC3]
- Parsons FDC Service (Hy E. Goldstein (Hyson), H. Dean Aubry) (see also: H. Dean Aubry) [81/784] / [#739-16, #796-46, #798-37, #799-802-1,23]
- James Paslay (Paslay Classic Cachets) [406/1953-2002] / [#2420]
- Pavey Envelope & Tag Co. [F.C.?] / [#C23-48]
- Pavois (Stebbin) (SM Co.) (NOT Pavious) [70/776] / [#776-GP27, #795-45,GP12, #796-21,GP4,GP22, #797-24, #798-15,16, #799-802-68, #835-29,30, #852-18,GP5a,GP5b, #853-GP4, #899-901-15,16, #C23-33,34,GP4, #C24-28,GP1, #C25-19,20, #C25a-32]
- PCS (Postal Commemorative Society) (see also: Art Craft / PCS) [312/1565-1568] / [#1783-1786, #1827-1830]
- Peace Symbols Society [F.C.?] / [#858-GP11]
- James Pearl (see: GAMM)
- ? Pearson [135/957] / [#957-59]
- Pee Jay ? [F.C.?] / [#836-GP39]
- Dr. Walter D. Peer Jr. [85/795] / [#795-82]
- gp Cachets (Geri Peltin) [347/1735-1736] / [#1827-1830]
- Tom Peluso (Thomas), ACE #347 (see: Therome Cachets)
- The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. [129/947] / [FC#947-E]
- T.W. Pennington [86/796] / [#796-107]
- Pennsylvania Constitution Commemoration Committee [96/835] / [#835-67]
- Pent Arts [116/909] / [#935-15-19, #936-30-34, #947-30-34, #948-11,62-65, #949-14-187-17-21, #958-25-29, #1077-16-19, #C26-20,21]
- Peripatetic Cachets (Amy Faust) [372/1824] / [#1827-1830]
- Perry, Rev. L.G. [F.C.?] / []
- David M. Peterman (Michael) (see: Custom Creations)
- J.B. Peterson [70/776] / [#776-97,193]
- D. Petrousa [F.C.?] / []
- Floyd A. Pfaff [88/798] / [#798-97]
- Philadelphia Enquirer (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / []
- Philatelic Club of the Aetna Life Affiliated Companies [58/772] / [#772-48]
- The Philatelic Exchange of Edgewood, RI (L.C. Lamb) [75/777] / [#777-37]
- Philatelic Press (Southwest Stamp Society, Los Angeles) [F.C. xref] / [#798-116, #853-60]
- Philatelic Press (Howard D. Barry,
J.W. Lawrence (James) and
Potter B. Hueth) [86/796] / [#796-69, #797-43, #835-55, #852-71, #853-60a, #899-901-30]
- Philatelic Press for Hollywood Philatelic Society [F.C.?] / []
- Phoenix Insurance Co. [58/772] / [#772-56, #775-21a, #777-11]
- Phoenix Connecticut Insurance Co. [87/797] / [#797-14, #835-3b, #853-20a]
(aka, on the #797-14 cachet, Phoenix-Connecticut Group of Fire Insurance Companies)
- J.H.R. Pickett (see: Historic Art) [F.C. xref] / []
- Pilgrim Cachets (John Alden), RCD #263 [89/798] / [#798-2, #799-802-8, #835-20, #852-29, #853-18, #856-2, #859-893-9, #C23-4, C25-NIM30]
- PL Gift Shop, Yonkers, NY [F.C.?] / [#796-CC13-NIP, #797-CC5-NIP]
- Earl G. Planty (Gerald), ACE #207 [F.C.?] / [#751-24]
- Pleas E. Moore (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#776-CC7]
- Plimpton Mfg. Co. (Plimpton Manufacturing Company) (see also: Goldseal) [F.C. xref] / [#782-49, #784-19, #785-794-38, #795-15, #796-23, #797-6, #799-802-36, #835-35,36, #852-15]
- Plimpton Mfg. Co., Phoenix Connecticut Insurance Co. [F.C.?] / [#783-19-20, #798-8, #835-3b]
- Pocatello, ID National Air Mail Week [F.C.?] / [#C23-6]
- Brian Ponika [F.C.?] / [#C23-NIP3]
- Pontiac Press (Elmer Anderson) [627/E17-E18] / [#UXC7]
- Pontiac Stamp Club [70/776] / [#776-GP14, #777-GP3]
- I.F. Pope (Irv) [543/2560] / [#2841, #2876]
- Walter T. Poppenger [] / [#740-749-46, #750-19, #907-42, #935-35, #936-13, MacArthur, WV #3-5,63]
- Port Coin & Stamp Shop (PCS) [640/UX52] / [#UX52]
- Porto-Server [F.C. N/A] / []
- Postmaster, The Washington [] / []
- Postmaster of San Juan [92/801] / [#801-71]
- The Postmaster General, James A. Farley, or other PMG's (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [
#739-CC1a-NIP//Type PMG-2,
#776-CC9//Type PMG-2,
#776-CC9//Type P2-3A-3,
#795-CC1a-1a-NIP//Type PMG-2,
#796-CC10a-1a//Type PMG-2, #1164-CC1-NIM,
#C25-CC1a-NIM//Type ST-1,
#CE1-CC1-NIP//Type PMG-2,
#CE2-CC1-NIP//Type PMG-2]
- Postmaster General, Office of the (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [
#796-CC7//Type OPMG-1]
- Postmaster General, The First Assistant (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [
- Postmaster General, The Third Assistant (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / []
- Postmaster General (set of 12 pictorial cachets) [] / [#796-57]
- Postmasters of America (POA) [319/1629-1631] / [#1409, #1831]
- Post Office Department (USPOD) First Assistant Postmaster General (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#775-GP25]
- Potomac Insurance Company of Philadelphia, PA [] / [#798-75]
- Lee Ziola Powell [] / [#UX76]
- Prestige Reaction Cachets (H.V. McMahon, Jr.) [226/1246] / [#1246-121, #1309-NIM1, #1409]
- David Preston ("Aries Covers" 347/1735-1736) [F.C.?] / [#1783-1786]
- Jean Priesecilla [164/1077] / [FC#1077-C]
- Private Cachet-United States Envelope Company [630/U550] / []
(aka US Envelope Co. / U.S. Envelope Co.)
- Progressive Envelopes (Max Casper) [82/785-790] / [#835-13]
- Providence Bible Institute [] / [#777-GP6]
- Providence Redevelopment Agency [193/1164] / [#1164-22]
- Providence Tercentenary Committee [] / [#777-33]
- Julian F. Pugh (Franklin) [] / [#1831, #UZ5]
- Pulp Sales Corporation [] / []
- G.S. Purcell (see also: Culkin Stamp Co.) [98/838] / []
- Quad City Stamp Club [129/948] / [#947-88]
- Queens County Philatelic Society [101/853] / [#853-114]
- Queensbury Cachet (John Lundquist) [369/1804] / [#UZ2]
- R.D. (Ralph Davis) [125/942] / [#947-97]
- Radoon Stamp Club of Swedesboro, NJ (Francis X. Menz) [F.C.?] / [#836-123]
- Rale Craft (Leon J. Raley) [130/947] / [#947-89]
- William T. Raley (W.T.) [32/704-715] / [#739-9, #740-749-30, #752-771-53, #755-53, #772-6,7,39, #773-33, #774-15, #777-30, #778-38, #782-47,48, #783-46,4, #784-44, #785-794-53,67, #795-85,147, #796-48,55,62,63, #797-10, #798-4,30, #799-802-62, #835-53, #C19-GP2, #C20-29, #C21-22-13, #C23-28a,81, #CE1-40, #CE2-31]
- Don Ramm [86/796] / [#796-74, #853-67]
- Robert G. Rank (see: Texture Craft)
- Ted Rauterberg, ACE #234, RCD #161 [F.C.?] / []
- ? Rawlins [?] / [#2420]
- RBH (Robert B. Haynes) [319/1629-1631] / [#UX76]
- Reader's Digest Cachets [614/C74] / [#1783-1786, #1827-1830, #1831]
- Clarence E. Reid (see also: Bernet-Reid and Reid-Cawood) [32/704-715] / [#775-25, #783-153#835-5, #853-23,59, #859-893-31,32,33,34,35,38,39, #957-NIM13, #C24-35, #C26-33, #UX52, #UXC6, MacArthur, WV #21]
- Reid-Bernet (see: Bernet-Reid)
- Reid-Cawood (Clarence E. Reid, ? Cawood) [70/776] / [#777-74]
- C.D. Reimers [67/776] / [#776-32,120]
- The Reliable Fire Insurance Company [604/C23] / [#C23-72]
- Reliable Stamp Club, Moberly, MD (aka Reliable Cachet Club) [54/752] / [#752-771-21, #755-21]
- Otto Renner, ACE #38 [F.C.?] / [#783-115]
- Leo Reponen (See: Mutual Trust Life Insurance Company) [F.C.?] / []
- "RG" Roy Gleason [81/784] / [#777-46]
- Rhode Island and Providence Plantation Tercentenary Committee [75/777] / [#777-19]
- Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#777-173]
- Rhode Island Insurance Co. [75/777] / [#777-34]
- Rhode Island Philatelic Society [193/1164] / [#1164-23]
- Rhode Island Tercentenary Commission [75/777] / [#777-18,18a-c]
- Edward B. Rhodes Post American Legion [F.C.?] / [#740-749-63]
- Ricale (Richard Campbell Leavitt & Vivian K. Leavitt) [404/1952] / [#2420]
- F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger) [32/704-715, 629/U523-U528] / [#739-3, #740-749-5, #750-23, #751-6, #752-771-32, #755-32, #772-37, #773-5, #774-3,GP9, #775-11,GP15, #776-2,GP7, #777-5, #778-25,GP7, #782-15, #783-37-38,GP6, #784-7, #785-794-11,12,GP1, #795-16,GP5, #796-18,GP3, #797-35, #798-49,GP4, #799-802-12, #835-7,69, #852-8, #853-33, #859-893-10, #C19-1, #C20-23, #C21-22-11,12, #C23-30,101, #C24-14, #C25-NIM11, #CE1-17,NIP2, #CE2-9,10]
- F.R. Rice (Frederick Roger) /
Leona Mosher Christie [737-738-52] / [#835-69]
- Richardson Cachet (Dorothy W. Knapp (Wallace)) [606/C32] / [FC#C32-D]
- Arthur C. Richardson (see: Greenleaf School)
- George Richardson [97/836] / []
- Harry E. Richmond (see: H.E.R.)
- C. Wright Richell, ACE #44, RCD #73 [81/784] / [#783-150, #784-94, #796-85, #797-8]
- R.V. Rider [F.C.?] / [#773-67, #775-84]
- Charles H. Riemann [606/C23] / [#957-NIM14, #958-NIM2]
- Riggs, Jim + Bam (Jim Riggs & Robert Barron) [358/1775-1778] / []
- Riknor Art Co. (Howard D. Barry) [F.C.?] / [#801-93, #801-G#5:4]
- Ringling Bros & Barnum Bailey & Circus [247/1309] / [#1309-37]
- Paul V. Risinger [F.C.?] / [#798-71,105]
- Risinger Printing Service (Paul V. Risinger) [86/796] / [#796-75]
- Risko Art Service (Harry Charles Risko), RCD #110 [71/776] / [#777-27-28, #782-4, #783-22, #784-33, #795-67, #797-67, #798-89, #799-802-56, #853-52]
- Risko Art Studio (Harry Charles Risko), RCD #110 [71/776] / [#776-17, #778-41, #785-794-17, #796-84, #C23-26]
- RJT Fulton, N. York (see: Ronald J. Traino, Sr.)
- RLG Cachets (see: Rachel L. Goldstein)
- Roanoke Colonial Memorial Association (aka Roanoke Colony Memorial Association) [86/796] / [#796-37]
- Alfred M. Roberts [F.C.?] / [#936-NIM4, MacArthur, WV #68]
- The Roberts Press [F.C.?] / []
- Hubert O. Robertson (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#739-CC4-NIP]
- Howard A. Robinette [5/551] / [#551-3]
- Ralph Rodgers [130/947] / [FC#947-H]
- Albert C. Roessler (Charles) [6/620-621] / [#739-24, #740-749-16, #750-31, #751-4, #752-771-7, #755-7, #772-43,44, #773-12, #774-18, #775-34, #776-55,56, #777-16,60, #778-10,11,GP12, #782-1, #783-14, #784-23,30, #785-794-44, #795-9, #796-34, #797-13, #798-50,51#799-802-64,65,66, #835-68, #C19-8, #C21-22-16, #C23-3, #CE1-30, #CE2-32,GP3-NIP, #UC1-1-2]
- Roger Williams, Jr. High School Stamp Clubs [75/777] / [#777-170]
- Harry Francis Rogers
(see: Oregon Cachet and Cover Co.)
- Lucy Howie Lloyd Rogers
(see: Oregon Cachet and Cover Co.)
- John W. Romppainen (ROMP) [541/2559a-j] / [#1077-NIM5a,b #4326, #UX52, #UX76]
- Rooster Booster [193/1164] / [#1164-NIM2]
- Ross Engineering Co. (Ed Carl Ross) [104/857] / [#859-893-13,14]
- Ross Foil (Ross Wetreich) [281/1426] / [#1783-1786, #1831]
- Morris C. Rothblum [15/651] / [#739-27, #740-749-60, #778-70, #C19-20]
- Round About Stamp Club [214/1208] / [#1309-38]
- J.A. Roy (James) [51/737-738] / [#739-13, #740-749-32, #750-10, #751-25, #772-57, #773-49, #774-13, #775-83, #776-62, #777-75, #778-18a, #782-87, #783-16, #784-70, #785-794-56, #795-57, #796-64, #797-46, #798-69#799-802-38, #C19-7, #C21-22-9, #CE1-2a, #CE2-11,12]
- Royal Historical Covers [#356/31/795] / [#795-44, #798-41, #799-802-19]
- RS (first name? last name?) [F.C.?] / [#784-49]
- S.B. [102/856] / [#856-4]
- S & T (Thomas J. (Tom) O'Hagan) [U618, 539/2551-2552] / [#4326]
- S. 17th Street Public School, Newark, NJ (Howard Peter Cohen) [F.C.?] / [#783-63]
- St. Paul, MN National Air Mail Week [F.C.?] / [#C23-80]
- Russell Sabor [627/CE2] / [#776-118]
- George V. Sadworth [105/859] / [#859-893-21, #935-29,80, #C25-NIM6, #C25a-33]
- D. Saffer (J. Daniel Saffer (John) @ [l26/943] / [#942, #943-18, #944-53, #945-59, #948-NIM4, #949-NIM, #950-NIM, #951-NIM, #1734, #2175, #C34-NIM]
- Max Sage [605/C24] / [#797-29, #C21-22-17, #C24-12, #C25-NIM16, #C25a-NIM10]
- The Salomons (Leba & William Salomon) [212/1204] / [#1077-20 is unknown, misidentified]
- Sam (William K. Harter) [159/1059Ab, 244/1289a-1295a] / []
- Harris Samonisky [97/836] / []
- E.N. Sampson [11/644] / [#774-GP10]
- San Francisco Examiner, Stamp Dept. [81/785, 83/790] / [#785-794-55, #C21-22-49]
- San Jose Evening News [100/852] / [#852-72]
- Walter Sandberg [F.C.?] / [MacArthur, WV #23]
- Michael Sanders, RCD #156 (aka Mike Sanders) [47/734] / [#752-771-GP4, #776-51,GP8, #778-81, #783-GP3-5, #785-794-51, #787-GP8, #795-53, #796-36,56,GP7, #797-GP5, #799-802-85,107,128, #835-56, #852-45, #853-115, #859-893-26, #908-16, #935-30,88, #936-5, #947-18,19,79,93, #948-85,86, #949-10,19, #957-5-6,66, #958-8,49,NIM3, #1077-21, #C21-22-GP4, #C23-25,57,102,GP8, #C24-3, #C25a-34,39, #CE2-8, MacArthur, WV #12]
- Sarasota, FL Chamber of Commerce [604/C23] / [#C23-173]
- Clyde J. Sarzin (Metallic) [219/1244, 630/U546] / []
- Clyde J. Sarzin (Quadrocolorplus) [325/1704] / [#UX76]
- George W. Saunders Livestock Commission Co. (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#776-CC5]
- Scandinavian Collectors Club (SCC) [130/947] / [#947-104]
- Norwood B. Scatchard, RCD #105,
Richard Buchwald [63/774] / [#774-65, #784-53, #785-794-65, #795-34, #796-42, #797-58, #798-63, #799-802-22,41]
- Warren E. Schaeffer [89/798] / [#798-100,142]
- Marie A. Schaff, ACE #166 [F.C.?] / [#853-96]
- George H. Scharr [F.C.?] / []
- Schenectady Stamp Club [96/826] / [#799-802-75]
- Walter F. Schenton [51/737-738] / [#CE2-45]
- Robert Scherd [F.C.?] / []
- Rev. Karl W. Scheufler [50/736] / [#739-33, #740-749-50, #750-35, #752-771-33, #755-33, #772-79, #773-68,69, #774-66, #776-143, #777-126, #778-90, #782-92, #783-98, #784-72, #795-78, #CE2-17]
- Gilbert Schmidt, ACE #386 [F.C.?] / []
- Gilbert Schmidt [F.C.?] / []
- Art Coy (Henry J. Schmidt (Hank)) [343/1730] / []
- Casual (Henry J. Schmidt) [F.C.?] / []
- HJS (Henry J. Schmidt) [343/1729] / []
- W.K. Schrage (William Karl) [BEP stamp designer, NOT a Cachetmaker]
- D.E. Schucker [51/737-738] / [#752-771-42, #755-42]
- Scott Paper Company [39/724] / [#853-116]
- Harold J. Scott [52/740] / [#740-749-58]
- S.E. (aka SE) [] / []
- Virginia E. Seath, ACE #94 [78/782] / [#776-207, #783-67,78, #784-78, #796-88, #797-63, #798-87,132, #852-59]
- Seattle Stamp Society [53/742] / [#740-749-26]
- Seattle Stamp Society (post card) [F.C.?] / [#740-749-PC1,PC2]
- Seattle Stamp Society (Deane C. Bartley (DC)), RCD #1 [53/742] / [#783-60]
- O.T.O. Sedahl [90/799] / [#799-802-100]
- Charles "Chas" Sekula [F.C. xref] (see: "Intercity Stamp Company")
- Frank (Franz) Sekula (see: "Frasek Stamp Company")
- Dr. John H. Selby [55/754-755] / [#752-771-43, #755-43]
- SEPAD Stamp Show [F.C.?] / []
- Serug Cachet (Serug Publishing House) [605/C26] / [FC#C26-B]
- Dr. Seuss (add-ons) @ [N/A, not a FDC cachetmaker] / [#909-#921]
- Shadow Cachets (Neil Faircloth) [586/3123-3124] / [#3330]
- W.C. Sharp (William Carl), ACE #70 [F.C.?] / [#776-200, #777-157, #783-81, #796-102, #798-134]
- Herbert L. Shatz [87/796] / [#796-9,28,51, #798-144]
- Thornton Carr Shaw (T.C.) [121/932] / [#835-GP8, #947-73, #1077-22]
- Shawnee Stamp Club [91/800] / [#800-GP14]
- ? Sheky [F.C.?] / [#UX52, #UX56, #UX76]
- Robert P. Shelton [58/772] / [#772-64]
- Howard M. Sherpe (Maynard) [320/1633-1682] / []
- H.M. Sherwin, WDAY Radio [94/802] / [#799-802-126]
- Floyd D. Shockley [16/661] / [#651-28]
- John S. Shue [F.C.?] / [#1831]
- Emanuel Sicurella (NOT Sigurella), ACE #103 [F.C.?] / [#776-109, #777-147, #783-151, #784-95]
- J.C. Sidenius (Jack) [71/776] / [#776-40, #777-36, #778-15, #783-64, #784-2, #785-794-48, #795-2, #796-14, #797-19, #798-38, #799-802-14, #835-8, #852-13,51, #853-21, #C19-25, #C20-17, #C21-22-25, #C23-29, #CE2-19]
- Lloyd E. Siders, ACE #75 (NOT Seidors) [F.C.?] / [#782-103, #784-83]
- Mrs. Chester W. Siegmund / Caribbean Sales Co. [93/801] / [#801-81a-j, #801-G#10-20:4-5]
- Harry Simon, Pan American Stamp Co. [20/680] / [#C24-18, #CE1-4]
- SIPEX (Sixth International Philatelic Exhibition) [F.C.?] / [#UXC5]
- Sky-Rite [605/C25] / [#C25-NIM20]
- William Sloane House, New York, NY (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#796-CC8]
- Smartcraft [116/909] / [#935-2, #936-18, #947-22,23,83, #948-16,17,77, #949-3,4, #957-27, #958-20, Nimitz, WV #N]
- Smartcraft Special [121/932] / [#935-3, #936-17]
- Smartcraft (Ludwig W. Staehle & Edward F. Jordan) [116/909] / [#908-1]
- Allan D. Smith (see: Aye Dee) [F.C. xref] / [#782-104]
- John D. Smith [75/777] / [#777-169, #782-105, #783-117]
- Lawrence H. Smith (see also: Bates Cachets) [48/735] / [#740-749-1, #750-25, #CE1-20, #CE2-NIP5]
- M.A. Smith, ACE #214 [F.C.?] / [#796-144]
- Robert B. Snare [75/777] / [#777-169, #782-105, #783-117]
- Social Security Administration [F.C. xref] / [#UX51]
- Society of Philatelic Americans (SPA), Wisconsin Branch #11 [38/720b] / [#739-39]
- Softones [354/1759] / [#UX76]
- Sons of the Republic of Texas, Houston, TX (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#796-CC9]
- J. Sorg [96/835] / [#835-51]
- SOS Covers: Sheldon O. Schwartz [348/1738-1742,1742a] / [#1827-1830, #1831]
- SOSSI [F.C.?] / [#UXC7]
- SOSSI: George Washington Chapter 2 [F.C.?] / [#UXC7]
- SOSSI: Mohawk Valley Chapter 16, Schenectady, NY [F.C.?] / [#UXC7]
- SOSSI: Paul Bunyan Chapter XIX, Minneapolis, MN [655/UXC7] / [#UXC7]
- Y. Souren Co. (Souren Avansov-Yohannessiantz) [33/704-715] / []
- Southern Telephone Co. [F.C.?] / [#853-117]
- Southwest Stamp Society, Los Angeles (see: Philatelic Press) [91/800] / [#800-801-94, #801-G#5:4]
- Richard Lee Southworth [122/934] / [#936-64]
- The Souvenir Issues Association, Glen Ridge, NJ (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#797-GP4]
- Spartan (Harold Phares, Jr.) [111/897] / [#947-6, #948-13, #949-8, #957-32, #958-5]
- Spectrum Covers (Seymour Nussenbaum) [334/1710] / [#1827-1830, #1831]
- Thomas Speer (see: Delaware Tercentenary Commission) [F.C. xref] / []
- Sports Headliners (D. Rick Chase) [435/2046] / []
- Springfield Fire & Marine Insurance Co. [F.C.?] / [#783-94]
- Ludwig W. Staehle, RCD #206 (see also: Cachet Craft, Hobby Cover Service, Nu-Art) [97/836] / [#852-34,35,36,37,38,39, #853-13,14,15, #859-893-27, #899-901-19,20, #907-8,43,44, #908-2,3,4, #935-6,7,8,9,97, #936-27,28,29,80, #947-95, #957-3, #C23-49, #C24-16,62, #C25-21,22, #C25a-35, #C26-22,23]
- D.M. Stalter [93/801] / [#799-802-185]
- W.M. Stalter [F.C.?] / [#783-GP13-NIP]
- The Stamp Corner [90/799] / [#799-802-87]
- The Stamp Mart [59/772] / [#772-80, #773-56, #774-67, #775-86]
- The Stamp Review [70/776] / []
- Stampoff, Lewiston, NY (Corner Card) [130/947] / [FC#947-G]
(not scanned yet, all NIP: three 949's w/different addressees)
- John Stampone [F.C.?] / [#UX76]
- Stamps Magazine (Harry L. Lindquist) [77/778] / [#778-8]
- R.B. Stanford [F.C.?] / [#776-GP17]
- State of Arizona Western Postal History Museum [641/UX61-UX63, 655/UXC12-UXC13] / [#UXC12-13]
- State of California Commission [F.C.?] / [#852-73]
- State of Connecticut National Air Mail Week [F.C.?] / [#C23-56]
- State of Connecticut Tercentenary Commission [59/772] / [#772-51]
- State of New York / Whiteface Mountain Highway Commission (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#C24-CC6-NIP]
- Everett G. Stanley [F.C.?] / [#857-GP5]
- Walter Martin Stawaszewski [F.C. xref] / [#936-62]
- Howard W. Steavens (H.W.S.) [87/796] / [#796-94]
- Steep Falls, ME National Air Mail Week [F.C.?] / [#C23-75]
- A. Stemmer [80/783] / [#783-86]
- George P. Stickell [F.C.?] / [#773-57]
- Alfred Henry Stinemetts, RCD #106 [F.C.?] / []
- Stanley C. Stolte [64/775] / [#775-36, #783-69]
- Raymond W. Stone [80/783] / [#783-80]
- Storrs & Bement Company (Servicer: Mickey Alogna @) [81/784] / [#784-89, #804, #805, #806, #807, #808, #809, #810, #811, #812, #813, #814, #815, #853-118, #901]
- Joseph W. Stoutzenberg [12/645] / []
- Mrs. G. Stratton [89/798] / [#796-95]
- Maurice Stratton [89/798] / [#798-91]
- P.L. Stratton [F.C.?] / [#C25-NIM13]
- Strong High School Stamp Club [75/777] / [#777-117]
- Newman Sudduth (NOT: Newman-Sudduth) (see: Washington Service)
- Joel B. Sugarman [F.C.?] / [#785-794-GP3, #843]
- D.L. Suit [604/C23] / [#C23-105]
- Sun Craft (NOT Sun-Craft) (? Balser) [132/951] / [#957-30, #958-42]
- Sunrise Stamp Club [106/864] / [#859-893-53]
- Sunset Unlimited [F.C.?] / []
- Swedish American Line [F.C.?] / []
- The Swedish Government [F.C.?] / []
- Swedish Pioneer Centennial Committee, Rockford, IL (? Hager) [135/958] / [#958-7]
- Sweeney (see also: Jackson - Sweeney) [641/UX60] / []
- Syracuse Herald [F.C.?] / [#784-107]
- R.S. Tabor (R.E.?) [63/774] / [#774-68]
- Jane L. Taft [75/777] / [#777-158]
- Harry Tamer [F.C.?] / [#C23-153]
- Albert Tate [87/796] / [#796-129]
- ? Tauer / USS Texas [F.C.?] / [#778-84]
- ? Taylor (see also: A Cover of the Month (? Taylor), same maker?) [F.C.?] / [#799-802-141]
- Mrs. Frank Taylor, ACE #209 [F.C.?] / [#796-105, #798-92, #799-802-103]
- Hugh Young Taylor [63/774] / [#774-69]
- Carl Teich & Co. (postcard) [] / [#739-22]
- Richard C. and Merle W. Tellekson @ [F.C.?] / []
- Temple Stamp Club of Milwaukee @ [463/2154] / [#2420]
- Texas Centennial Exposition (aka Texas Centennial Central Exposition) [71/776] / [#776-89,90,97,156,213]
- Texas Centennial Label [F.C.?] / [#776-91]
- Texas Refinery Corp.
Linn's [189/1153] / []
- Texture Craft (Robert G. Rank) [162/1068] / []
- Paul C. Tewkesbury [F.C.?] / [#774-70]
- Thames Stamp Club [627/CE2] / [#776-131]
- Harold C. Theda [53/745] / [#740-749-62, #776-31, #777-44, #782-40]
- Therome Cachets (Tom Peluso (Thomas), ACE #347) [514/2419] / [#799-A4-NIP, #856-A4, #1164-A2-NIM, #CE2-NIP4, #UXC7]
- Lester F. Thom [611/773] / [#773-70,71,72, #774-71, #776-201,202, #777-106,111-112,152, #782-74,75,76, #801-145, #801-145a-NIP, #801-G#41:7, #C21-22-50]
- J.B. Thomas (Jesse Burgess) (see also: Harvard College) [F.C. xref] / [#859-893-50]
- Cyrus R. Thompson [130/947] / [FC#947-F]
- Robert C. Thompson (see: Aero Print) [602/C12] / []
- Threlfall Brothers (Henry Threlfall and ? Threlfall) [89/798] / [#798-107]
- Henry Threlfall (see: Threlfall Brothers) [F.C.?] / [#798-107]
- ? Threlfall (see: Threlfall Brothers) [F.C.?] / [#798-107]
- Thrifty Photo Cachets (Tris Fall (Tristram R. III)) [570/2841-2842] / [#3330]
- Time Magazine [59/772] / [#772-46]
- V.C. Timmerman [80/783] / [#783-41]
- TM Historical Covers (Thelma Mayer & Jerry Mayer) [335/1710] / [#1827-1830, #1831]
- TMC (Tom & Mike Feichtinger Covers) [318/1617] / [#UX76]
- Steve Todd @ (see: Webcraft)
- H. & M. Toggery (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#776-CC6]
- Richard Tokunaga [91/799] / [#799-802-82]
- Harry T. Tombak [61/773] / [#773-73, #784-26]
- Rex Tompkins [F.C.?] / [#796-1, #799-802-95]
- Touch Of Gold (Doris Gold) [F.C.?] / [#1827-1830, #1831]
- Top Notch [50/736] / [#740-749-12, #750-2, #751-16, #752-771-34, #755-34, #773-21, #774-30, #775-2, #777-57-59, #778-13,88, #782-31, #783-21, #784-29, #785-794-30, #C20-32, #C21-22-26, #CE2-13]
- Torno (Thomas L. Torno) [491/2277] / [#4326]
- A Touch of Class (Herb Meisels) [312/1565-1568] / [#739-NIP4]
- Towle Silversmiths [640/UX52] / [#UX52]
- Harold J. Trabold, Orange, NJ (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#795-CC5g-NIP, #796-CC16-NIP, #799-CC5g-NIP, #800-CC5g-NIP, #C24-CC5g-NIP]
- Trail Blazers [F.C.?] / [Nimitz, WV #L]
- Trans-Pacific Cover Society (R.C.H., Royal C. Hendricks) [91/799] / [#799-802-46]
- Transcontinental Insurance Co. [59/772] / [#772-13c]
- Travelers Insurance Co. [59/772] / [#772-25]
- Leslie Travis [352/1755] / [#1783-1786]
- Tri-Color (aka Tri Color, TriColor) (see: Morris W. Beck) [171/1104]
- Tri-City Stamp Club [F.C.?] / [#C23-69]
- John Trout [87/796] / [#796-151]
- ? Truby [25/690] / [#739-28]
- Denys J. Truby (DJT) [25/690] / [#690-21-24]
- Harry A. Truby [F.C.?] / [
- Wesley "Wes" M. Tryon [65/775] / [#796-GP2]
- Tubbs Cordage Co. [100/852] / [#852-74]
- Meyer Tuchinsky (NOT Tuckinsky), RCD #49, Decatur Chapter #4 USCS [89/798] / [#798-1]
- Tudor House (Harry B. Harn, Jr.) [335/1710] / [#1827-1830, #1831, #UX76]
- Leonard J. Turley (Len), ACE #1 (or ACE #84) [F.C.?] / [#776-194, #778-45, #782-77,106, #798-135, #799-802-187]
- TWA (Trans World Airlines) [145/994] / [#C23-125,126]
- Clarence Ulmer [76/777] / [#777-159]
- Frank J. Ulrich @ [190/1154] / [#1122-19, #1123-17, #1124-21, #1130-17, #1133-19, #1134-32, #1140-26, #1142-31, #1143-34, #1144-23, #1146-21, #1150-23, #1154-38, #1172-21, #1176-19, #1178-50, #1179-48, #1180-102, #1181-40, #1182-59, #1187-24, #1190-25, #1191-22,23,24,25,26,27, #1192-29,30, #1199-59, #1206-31,32, #1207-29,30, #1232-32,33, #1233-37, #1234-29,30,31, #1235-29, #1236-30, #1237-33, #1238-36, #1239-30, #1240-41,42, #1241-33,#1242-40,41 #1243-29,30.31, #1244-70,71, #1245-29,30, #1246-146,147,148,149,150, #1247-47, #1248-39,40, #1249-31, #1250-48, #1251-32,33, #1252-38,39, #1253-23, #1254-1257-41,42, #1258-37, #1259-18, #1260-28,29, #1261-36, #1262-36, #1263-28, #1264-43, #1265-31, #1266-24, #1267-27, #1268-24, #1269-31,32, #1270-33, #1271-31, #1272-27, #1273-28, #1274-23, #1275-29, #1276-47, #1278-1295-69, #1306-26, #1307-40, #1308-36, #1309-40, #1310-35, #1311-26, #1312-29, #1313-35, #1314-30, #1315-34, #1316-31, #1317-36, #1318-29, #1319-24, #1320-32, #1321-39, #1322-28, #1323-34, #1324-34, #1325-35, #1326-43, #1327-31, #1328-37, #1329-22, #1330-54, #1331-1332-46, #1333-27, #1334-31, #1335-26, #1336-45, #1337-35, #1338-25, #1339-43, #1340-37, #1341-10, #1342-25, #1343-25, #1344-22, #1345-1354-34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43, #1355-29, #1356-22, #1357-30, #1358-22, #1359-20, #1360-23, #1361-26, #1362-23, #1363-44, #1364-29, #1365-28, #1366-28, #1367-28, #1368-28, #1369-37, #1370-23, #1371-46, #1372-18, #1374-NIM, #1375-NIM, #1378-NIM, #1385-NIM, #1386-23, #1392, #1393, #1393D, #1397, #1398, #1405, #1406, #1407, #1411, #1419, #1420, #1422, #1423, #1426, #1432, #1433, #1436, #1438, #1439, #1446, #1447, #1452, #1460, #1461, #1462, #1463, #1464, #1465, #1466, #1467, #1474, #1547, #C26-NIP, #C64a-19, #C70-47, #C71-19, #C76, #C85, #U546, #U548A, #U550, #UX50, #UX52, #UXC6]
- United Fruit Co. Steamship [F.C.?] / []
- United Postal Stationery Society (UPSS) @ [654/UXC4] / [#UX49, #UX50, #UX51, #UX113, #UX259, #UX269, #UXC4, #UXC5]
I have a total of 40 cachets just like #UX113 not scanned yet: #UX79 - #UX114, #UXC20, and #UY34 - #UY36.
- United States Military Academy (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#789-GP2]
- United States Rubber Company (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#C25-CC5-NIM]
- United States Senate, Committee on Appropriations (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#799-CC2a-NIP, #958-CC2a-NIM]
- United States Senate, Committee on the Judiciary (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#795-CC2-NIP]
- Universal Stamp Association [52/739] / [#739-GP3]
- Universal Stamp and Coin Co. [102/856] / [#856-GP5]
- unknown, Phoenix Connecticut Insurance Co. [F.C.?] / [#798-22b]
- USAF Recruiting Office (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#UZ4]
USCS or U.S.C.S. (Universal Ship Cancellation Society)
- USCS Chapter #2 John Paul Jones [F.C.?] / [#785-794-23, #790-23,23a,23a.1]
USCS Chapter #2 John Paul Jones
- USCS Chapter #3 Admiral Farragut [F.C.?] / [#792-23, #794-23]
USCS Chapter #3 Admiral Farragut
- USCS Chapter #4 Stephen Decatur [F.C.?] / [#791-23,23a]
USCS Chapter #4 Stephen Decatur
- USCS Chapter #8 Admiral George Dewey [83/791] / [#793-23]
USCS Chapter #8 Admiral George Dewey
- USCS Chapter #89 USS Buffalo (see also: USCS Member #89: H.S. Groat (Harrison Sidney)) [F.C.?] / [#790-23b]
- U.S. Frigate Constellation [F.C.?] / [#UXC12-13]
- U.S. Grant Hotel, San Diego, CA (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#773-CC1]
- U.S. Post Office Department (USPOD), Sponsored by [F.C.?] / [#C23-64]
- U.S. Postal Service (USPS) [F.C.?] / [#2420]
- U.S. Postal Service (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#UZ3]
- U.S. Senate (Corner Card) (see: United States Senate)
- U.S.P.S. First Day Ceremony Program [N/A] / [#1164-CP, #1827-1830, #3330, #UXC5, #UXC6, #UXC10, #UXC14, #UXC15]
- Mint U.S.P.S. Mint Stamp Poster Bulletin @ [N/A] / []
Mint, Original, as issued for posting on Bulletin Boards in local Post Offices.
- Used U.S.P.S. Used Stamp Poster Bulletin
(aka U.S.P.S. Souvenir Page) [N/A] / [#1164-POSTER, #3330, #UXC6, #UXC10, #UXC14, #UXC15]
Used posters, their Mint status being nullified by affixed postage and cancels added by either collectors or the Post Office and sold as "Souvenir Pages", sometimes compared to licking off the original gum of a mint never hinged stamp.
- U.S.S. Michigan Chapter 89 MCSCC (Designer: Len Pulinski) [643/UX75] / [#UX76]
- U.S.S. Relief (AH-1) (aka USS Relief) (Wikipedia) [F.C.?] / [#C19-9]
- U.S.S. Puget Sound Chapter #74 [F.C.?] / [#UX76, #UZ5]
- A.O. Utterback [F.C.?] / [#836-95-96]
- Unknown: "Please do us this favor!" @ [F.C.?] / [#783-GP12-NIP]
- Unknown: Stars and Capitol Building @ [F.C.?] / [#1328, #1333, #UX49, #UX50, #UX51, #UX57, #UX60, #UXC6, #UXC8, #UY19, #UY21]
- V.G. (Vivian Greene, artist for Mutual Stamp Co.) [F.C. xref] / [#784-3]
- V.O. Cachet Designs (Kenneth P. Van Otten) [] / []
- Val (Valerie L. Pence) [373/1827-1830] / [#1827-1830]
- Vanda (Harry B. Harn, Jr.) [F.C.?] / [#1831]
- Al Van Dahl (Albert Martin Wilhelm) and
Arlene May Van Dahl [] / [#1164-NIM3, #UXC6]
- Paul H. Van Der Zee [33/704-715] / [#853-91]
- George R. Van Natta @ [] / [#UX109, #UX110, #UX111, #UX112, #UX113, #UX114, #UX115, #UX116, #UX117, #UX118, #UX119, #UX120, #UX121, #UX122, #UX123, #UX124, #UX125, #UX126, #UX127, #UZ4]
- Kenneth P. Van Otten (see also: V.O. Cachet Designs) [F.C. xref] / []
- Harold Van Sickle, ACE #148 [] / [#C23-130]
- Glenna Van Wormer [] / [#773-GP8]
- Gordon S. Veith [] / [#740-749-61]
- Velvatone [flocked] (A.W. Dargis (August William)) [132/952] / [#1077-24, #UX50]
- Velvatone Maximum Cards (Edwin P. Haworth) [147/999] / [#1077-25]
- Virgin Islands Government, corner cards [F.C.?] / [#802-105]
- Virginia Dare Extract Company [F.C.?] / [#796-83]
- James J. Vlach, RCD #202 [] / []
- William J. Volker @ [F.C.?] / [#936-NIM6, C25-NIM31]
- John C. Von Losberg (NOT Losburg), RCD #52 [] / [#739-34, #776-51, #777-63, #778-60,81, #783-57, #795-53a, #836-43, #935-32, #947-10, #948-12]
- William J. Von Ohlen [] / [#778-GP9, #784-61m #794-GP7, #796-99, #836-GP9, #853-119, #957-NIM5, #1077-26, #1164-25, #C23-GP12]
- W.C. [85/795] / [#795-28]
- W.D. [F.C.?] / [#776-191]
- Henry Horst Wadsworth, Columbus, GA (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#795-CC10-NIP, #796-CC15-NIP]
- R.L. Waecherling (Ralph Lewis) [48/735] / [#735-4, #750-27]
- E.G. Wagner (Ed) [NOT Elmer P. Wagner] [F.C.?] / [#777-99, #797-60, #853-92]
- Elmer P. Wagner [76/777] / []
- H.S. Wagner [53/740] / []
- Robert W. Waitt [F.C.?] / [#796-58]
- ? Waldan [] / [#957-51-52]
- Ethel Walker [] / [#740-749-42,71]
- Dale Wallin [] / [#798-46]
- Fred Wallin [] / [#798-46]
- Robert O. Walton [F.C.?] /
- Wamby [] / [#783-144]
- Wanstead & Co. [65/775] / [#775-27, #776-36, #777-76, #778-37, #782-61,62, #783-49, #784-48, #785-794-46]
- Mildred Wanstead [F.C.?] / []
- War Department, The Army War College, Fort Humphreys, Washington, DC (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#795-CC7-NIP]
- F.A. Ward [F.C.?] / [#776-145]
- Edward T. Warneford [85/795] / [#795-8,59, #798-24, #799-802-55, #835-43, #859-893-23, #4326]
- R.M. Warren (Raymond) [] / [#739-37, #772-81,82, #773-74,75, #774-72,73, #775-87, #776-174,195, #782-107,108, #783-118,119, #784-96, #798-136, #799-802-188, #837-41, #852-50, #853-49,50]
- Washington Air Mail Society [603/C19] / [#C19-14]
- Washington Cover Club [130/947] / [#947-13]
- Washington Service (Corner Card) [183/1140] / [#778-GP10]
- Washington Service [54/750] / [#C20-25, #C23-66, #C24-45]
- Washington Service (Gib Crockett) [F.C.?] / [#852-21]
- Washington Service (David H. Davenport) [54/750] / [#750-28, #751-26, #752-771-35, #755-35, #777-71, #796-12, #798-35, #799-802-44, #801-G#34:7, #835-54, #C21-22-4, #CE1-38, #CE2-28]
- Washington Service (Newman Sudduth) [] / [#778-62, #782-43, #783-13, #784-22, #785-794-45, #797-33, #799-802-44, #801-G#34:7]
- Washington Stamp Club of the Air, Radio Station, WOL, Washington, DC (Albert F. Kunze) [44/727] / [#739-32, #740-749-68, #751-10, #752-771-13, #755-13]
- Washington Stamp Exchange (WSE) [] / [#776-GP30, #853-2,3, #C19-6, #C20-16, #C23-15a, #CE1-19, MacArthur, WV #16,70]
- Washington Stamp Exchange (WSE) (Leo August) [27/702] / [#778-1, #796-33, #852-17, #C19-6]
- Washington Stamp Exchange (WSE) (J.W. Clifford) [] / [#777-12-13, #835-18, #856-5, #C21-22-19, #C24-19,20]
- Washington Stamp Exchange (WSE) (Ralph Dyer) [] / [#740-749-7, #752-771-8, #755-8, #773-13, #774-7, #775-17, #776-10, #777-21, #778-2, #782-10, #783-53, #784-4, #785-794-10, #795-5, #796-33, #799-802-42, #C19-22-24, #CE2-21]
- Washington Stamp Exchange (WSE) (W.F. Nardone) [] / [#798-36]
- Waterbury, CT Chamber of Commerce [59/772] / [#C23-172]
- Waterbury, CT National Air Mail Week [F.C.?] / [#C23-5]
- Waterbury Democrat [59/772] / [#772-38]
- Watercolor Cachets (Craig R. McDonald, Carol Thompson, Jean Claus, Terry Claus) [364/1790] / [#1790, #1831]
- Waterloo Daily Courier [164/1077] / [FC#1077-D]
- Albert E. Waters [59/772] / [#772-83]
- W.N. Watson (Willard Norris) [61/773] / [#773-30]
- G. Nelson Watts [72/776] / [#776-GP13]
- Omar Robert Watts (see: Brookhaven) [F.C. xref]
- Wayne Post No. 111, Inc., The American Legion, Wayne, Mich. [123/936] / [FC#936-A]
- WCO (Wakefield Co. (John Manning) [124/940] / [#947-1, #957-10, #958-6,45]
- Freda Dickie Weaver [361/1787] / []
- Howard M. Weaver [13/645] / [#690-GP3]
- Robert Weaver [436/2046] / []
- Mack Webb, ACE #59 [F.C.?] / [#776-219, #777-NIP6, #782-109, #C23-131]
- Webcraft (Steve Todd @) [] / [#739-A1, #782-A1-NIP, #857-A13, #1164-A1-NIM, #1827-1830, #2420, #UX48, #UX49, #UX51, #UX76, #UXC4, #UXC6, #UXC10, #UZ5]
- John W. Webster [97/836] / [#836-48]
- T. Michael Weddle, ACE #11 [F.C. xref] / [#UX76]
- Louis C. Weigand, RCD #149 [F.C.? (803?)] / [#785-794-GP13, #803-851-88, #852-NIP2, #853-8, #C24-4, #C25-NIM3]
- Mae Weigand, RCD #149 [F.C. xref] / [#907-38,39,40, #908-40,41,42, #935-78,79, #936-56-57, #947-70, #948-47,48, #957-41-43, #958-34-36, #C25-NIM1, #C25a-36,37,38, #C26-24,25,26]
- ? Weil [5/740] / [#740-749-54]
- A.W. Weiland ? [85/795] / [#795-79, #798-102, #799-802-130, #837-75]
- William Weiss (National Cachet Publishing Service) [59/772] / [#772-19]
- John Welsh [61/773] / [#773-76]
- The Wenonah, Bay City, MI (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / []
- Roger A. Wentworth [F.C.?] / [#3549, #B2]
- George Wentz [F.C.?] / []
- Harry F. Wentz [F.C.?] / []
- West Coast Air Mail Society [100/852] / [#852-75]
- West Haven Sterling Boys Club [72/776] / [#776-186,187]
- George A. Wesson [373/1827-1830] / [#1594, #1827-1830, #1834-1837, #1838-1841, #1843, #1879, #C100, ##U598]
- Western Cachet (Michael O. Hoffman) [467/2167] / [#UX113]
- Western Heritage Association (WHA) [642/UX68] / [#UX76]
- Western Silk @ [345/1731] / [#1731, #1732-1733, #1734, #1744, #1745-1748, #1749-1752, #1753, #1754, #1755, #1757a-h, #1758, #1756, #1759, #1760-1763, #1764-1767, #1768, #1769, #1770, #1771, #1772, #1773, #1774, #1775-1778, #1779-1782, #1783-1783, #1787, #1788, #1789, #1790, #1791-1794, #1795-1798, #1799-1800, #1801, #1802, #1803, #1804, #1805-1810, #1821, #1822, #1823, #1824, #1825, #1826, #1827-1830, #1831, #1832, #1833, #1834-1837, #1838-1841, #C91-C92, #C93-C94, #C95-C96, #C97, #C98]
- Western Stamp Co. (Herman C. Naschke & Lou Breker (Louis H.)) [63/774] / [#774-19, #785-794-7]
- Westfield (Mass.) Stamp Club (Old Colony Envelope Co.) [130/947] / [FC#947-?]
- Westminster Stamp Club (Frank A. Barcus) [46/732] / [#739-4, #772-59,66]
- Westmont Cover Club [61/773] / [#773-77, #775-46,#776-127]
- The White House (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#836-GP16, #CE2-CC4-NIP]
- Wild Horse Cachet (Warren Reed) [501/2376] / [#3330]
- Wild Turkey Run Local Post [164/1077] / [FC#1077-E,F]
- Urban E. Wild [91/799] / [#799-802-161]
- J. Henry Wilkins (see: Hobby Cover Service) [F.C. xref] / [#783-5]
- William III Silk Screen Cachets (William E. Smith III) [562/2779-2782] / [#UXC7]
- Arthur H. Williams [F.C.?] / [#777-166]
- H.M. Williams [F.C.?] / [#835-93]
- J. Lester "Les" Williams [F.C.?]
(see: Johnson and Williams)
- Nat Williams [112/898] / []
- Archie Willis ? [65/775] / [#775-88]
- S. Davis Wilson (Samuel), Mayor of Philadelphia [89/798] / [#798-80, #835-48]
- M.W. Wilson [72/776] / [#776-181]
- Steve D. Wilson [506/2401] / [#2420, #4326]
- Sadie Winer [89/798] / [#798-52,53]
- A.J. Winans ? [F.C.?] / [#836-116]
- Buchanan (Buck) Winn, Jr. [F.C.?] / [#936-11]
- Winston Cover Company [41/726] / [#C25-NIM12]
- Wisconsin Federation of Stamp Clubs (WFSC) [F.C.?] / [#1077-29, #2420, #3330, #UX113]
- A.F. Witmer (Albert Franklin) [13/645] / [#752-771-5, #755-5, #772-GP5, #774-GP11, #775-GP16,GP19, #776-GP26, #782-GP2, #798-GP5, #801-GP18-NIP, #835-GP5, #836-GP8, #858-GP12]
- E.N Witwer [F.C.?] / []
- Witts Market House (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#C23-GP13]
- Edgar C. Wolters [F.C.?] / [#776-45]
- Wolverine Insurance Co. (Corner Card) [F.C.?] / [#775-GP26]
- Bill Womack [100/852] / [#852-76]
- Womens Cover Collectors (Howard Shaughnessy) [371/1821] / [#1827-1830]
- Women's International Stamp Club of Brooklyn (, NY) [123/936] / [FC#936-B]
- World Wide Cover (World-Wide/Worldwide) (Erik Heyl, Peter Heyl) [85/795] / [#795-32,52, #796-39,40, #797-59, #798-60, #799-802-20, #835-22,40, #836-38, #837-31,77]
- Frank W. Wright [19/657] / [#936-59, #957-44, #958-37]
- William N. Wright (Nelson) [122/932] / [#1077-27,28]
- William R. Wright (Valentine, VA Post Office) [444/2072] / []
- Y.M.C.A. (New York, NY) & Curry Co. [F.C.?] / [#853-120]
- Joyce Yensan [635/U598] / [#UX52]
- Yosemite Park & Curry Co. [F.C.?] / [#740-749-18]
- Yosemite Park & Curry Co. (House of Farnam) [491/2280] / [#740-749-18]
- William Mark Young (see: Marietta Northwest Territory Celebration Commission) [F.C. xref] / [#795-31, #837-2]
- Samuel "Sam" Yudkin [76/777] / [#777-40, #785-794-42]
- Zaso Aquarian Silk Productions (aka Z Silk Cachets) (John Zaso) [336/1710] / []
- George A. Zitkus [50/736] / [#739-30]
- Jacob Zoeller [72/776] / [#776-151]
- Zoo-Bay (Walter Czubay) (see also: Walter Czubay), ACE #109, RCD #134) [122/932] / [#935-27, #936-25, #947-21, #948-5,73, #957-61-62, #C24-10]
- ACE #?, name? [F.C.?] / [#801-NIP, #801-G#1:4]
ACE (Art Cover Exchange) Members Menu:
-- Art Cover Exchange Website
See the ACE Members by Number page or the ACE Members by Name page for all members I know about. However, the following list is just those members Indexed on this page who have had at least one FDC cachet included in a published photo cachet catalog.
- ACE #1 -- see Leonard J. Turley (Len) (also ACE #84)
- ACE #11 -- see Michael Weddle
- ACE #15 -- see Mabel R. Hodapp
- ACE #30 -- see Leroy Hodapp
- ACE #32 -- see B.R. McIntyre (Bruce) (also ACE #88)
- ACE #34 -- see Mildred W. Laws
- ACE #36 -- see A.G. French
- ACE #38 -- see Otto Renner
- ACE #39 -- see Ralph S. Holzer
- ACE #42 -- see Lottie Eshliman
- ACE #44 -- see C. Wright Richell
- ACE #45 -- see Ron S. Boyd
- ACE #51 -- see George Haslett, Jr.
- ACE #58 -- see W.A. Bramhall
- ACE #59 -- see Mack Webb
- ACE #68 -- see Marshall R. Hall
- ACE #70 -- see William Carl Sharp
- ACE #75 -- see Lloyd E. Siders
- ACE #80 -- see David Ellis Garrett
- ACE #84 -- see Leonard J. Turley (Len) (also ACE #1)
- ACE #84 -- see Jack Brennan
- ACE #88 -- see B.R. McIntyre (Bruce) (also ACE #32)
- ACE #89 -- see Joe Frasketi (Joseph J., Jr.)
- ACE #94 -- see Virginia E. Seath
- ACE #94 -- see Hal Ansink
- ACE #95 -- see B.M. Lemm
- ACE #99 -- see Fay Marie Muridge
- ACE #103 -- see Emanuel Sicurella
- ACE #104 -- see Henry M. Luethke
- ACE #104 -- see Jan Cramer
- ACE #105 -- see Art French
- ACE #109 -- see Walter Czubay (Zoo-bay)
- ACE #148 -- see Harold Van Sickle
- ACE #160 -- see Alberta Gene Berryhill
- ACE #174 -- see Dave Dube (David Paul)
- ACE #165 -- see Gladys S. Adler
- ACE #207 -- see Earl G. Planty (Gerald)
- ACE #209 -- see Mrs. Frank Taylor
- ACE #214 -- see M.A. Smith
- ACE #234 -- see Ted Rauterberg
- ACE #254 -- see Leonard L. Borkowski
- ACE #347 -- see Tom Peluso (Thomas)
- ACE #386 -- see Gilbert Schmidt
- ACE #416 -- see Mark W. Goodson
What's New on this page -- changes since 08-20-2023:
Indexed all FDC cachets on New Pages:
-- #UX49
-- #UX113
-- #947
-- #948
-- #1827-1830
Indexed 84 of the 86 FDC cachets (not the 2 WW II Patriotics) at Raleigh D. Newton @ .
Indexed all FDC cachets at American Art Service (AAS) @ .
Indexed all known to me FDC cachets at N.O.W.-N.Y. @ .
Indexed all FDC cachets at Estelle L. Burroughs @ .
Indexed all FDC cachets at Hess-Mallory Co. Corner Card FDC's @ .
Indexed all FDC cachets at Matthew J. Huss @ .
Indexed all FDC cachets at Alberta J. Goff @ .
Indexed all FDC cachets at Diana ? @ .
Indexed all FDC cachets at L.I. Olsen .
Indexed all FDC cachets at ? Moher .
Indexed all FDC cachets at A.O. King @ .
Indexed all FDC cachets at John A. King @ .
Indexed all FDC cachets at Artists for Victory (A4V) Poster Stamp Covers @ .
Indexed all FDC cachets at Servicer: Mickey Alogna @ .
Indexed all displayed and/or Cataloged FDC cachets at Frank J. Ulrich @ .
Known links to this page: Thank You.
(Home Page -- Link Page)
URL: https://www.folklib.net/fdc/cachetmakers-index.shtml
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