U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog: Main Menu
All First Day Cover Cachetmakers Menu
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Minkus Cachet Identifier
Minkus Cachet Catalog Numbers Cross Reference
"1DC" and "1DI" General Purpose Cachets: Cachetmaker
"Border" General Purpose Cachets
"FDC" General Purpose Cachets: Cachetmaker
"FDI" General Purpose Cachets: Cachetmaker
"FDOI" General Purpose Cachets: Cachetmaker
A.O. King: Cachetmaker
AFDCS Court of Honor Cachetmakers Index
AFDCS Directory of Current Cachetmakers Bibliography
AFDCS Directory of Current Cachetmakers Index
Alogna, Mickey: Servicer (Storrs & Bement, etc.)
American-Hawaiian Steamship Company Corner Card FDC's
Beck, Morris W.: Cachetmaker
Bush, William R.: USPS General Purpose Cachets: Cachetmaker
Cachetmaker: William J. Volker
Corner Card First Day Covers
Coulthard, John: Cachetmaker
Dewitt, ?: Cachetmaker
Diana (Artist for Matthew J. Huss): Cachetmaker
Dr. Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel) (add-ons)
Eagle General Purpose Cachets: Unknown Cachetmaker
Estelle L. Burroughs: Cachetmaker
Farley: Postmaster General Corner Card FDC's
FDCCW (First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin): Cachetmaker
Fillers or Inserts by Specific U.S. Cachetmakers
Fox, Melissa - Postal Cards: Cachetmaker
Frank Cochrane III: Cachetmaker
Goff, Alberta J. (Artist for Matthew J. Huss): Cachetmaker
Hal Ansink: Cachetmaker
Harrison Stamp Company: Cachetmaker
Heckman, W.B.: Cachetmaker
Hess-Mallory Co. Corner Card FDC's
Huss, Matthew J. (engraved): Cachetmaker
Huss, Matthew J. All World War II Patriotics He Produced
Identifier: General Purpose Cachets
Intercity Stamp Company: Cachetmaker
John A. King: Cachetmaker
Keyworth, William Galt: Cachetmaker
Koehler, Elmer E.: Cachetmaker
Krause Publications / Stamp Collector Newspaper: Cachetmaker
Laird 1930s Poster Stamps
Laird Special Event non-FDC and FDC Cachets
Levine, Steve: Cachetmaker
MacAdam, James C. "Mac's Originals": Cachetmaker
Mansbach, Arthur E.: Cachetmaker
Meisel, Henry O.: Cachetmaker
Meisels, Herbert (Add-ons and Fakes): Cachetmaker
Monmouth County Philatelic Society Meeting Notices
Moore, Jerrold R.: Cachetmaker
N.O.W.-N.Y. (NOW-NY): Cachetmaker
Naegele, Kenneth A.: Cachetmaker
Newton, Raleigh D.: Cachetmaker
Nix, Louis G.: Cachetmaker
Norbert C. Waldau: Cachetmaker
Papercraft: Cachetmaker
Pavois and McCamley General Purpose Cachets
Possible Future Cachetmaker Pages, Someday
Saffer, J. Daniel: Cachetmaker
Tellekson, Richard C. and Merle W.: Cachetmaker
Temple Stamp Club of Milwaukee: Cachetmaker
Todd, Steve (Webcraft): Cachetmaker
U.S.P.S. Mint Stamp Posters
Ulrich, Frank J.: Cachetmaker
Unknown: "Please do us this favor!": Cachetmaker
UPSS (United Postal Stationery Society): Cachetmaker
Van Natta, George R. - Postal Cards: Cachetmaker
Varese Media: Cachetmaker
Volker, William J.: Cachetmaker
Western Silk Cachets: Cachetmaker
Wisconsin First Day Cover Cachetmakers
Cachet Display Catalog XML SiteMap
1939 New York Worldâ??s Fair Poster Stamps on #853 FDC's
Miller Art 1939 NYWF Postcards
"Fighting Ships of the U.S.A." Album for Poster Stamps
"Ships of the Navy Stamp Album" for Poster Stamps
"The Spirit of '42 Stamp Album" for Poster Stamps
#936 FDC Cachets
#958 FDC Cachet List and Display in Mellone Order
#C25 FDC Cachet List and Display in Mellone Order
#C25a FDC Cachet List and Display in Mellone Order
#C26 FDC Cachet List and Display in Mellone Order
A4V Artists: Artists for Victory Poster Stamps
A4V Covers: Artists for Victory Poster Stamps
AAS (American Art Service) Patriotics: Cachetmaker
MacArthur, WV and Nimitz, WV Post Office Dedications
Porto-Server World War II Patriotics: Cachetmaker
U.S. Scott #957 FDC Cachets
World War II Poster Stamps
Return to the Catalog Numbers Menu
Return to the Catalog Numbers Menu
#799 FDC Cachets
Page moved
Return to the Catalog Numbers Menu
#800 FDC Cachets
#801 FDC Cachets
#802 FDC Cachets
Return to the Catalog Numbers Menu
#UC1 FDC Cachets
#UC2 Covers
#UC3 FDC Cachets
#UC4 FDC Cachets
Return to the Catalog Numbers Menu
#UX47/S64 General Electric (GE) advertisement varieties
Return to the Catalog Numbers Menu
#UX50 FDC Cachets
#UX51 FDC Cachets
#UX52 FDC Cachets
#UX53 FDC Cachets
#UX54 FDC Cachets
#UX55 FDC Cachets
#UX56 FDC Cachets
#UX76 FDC Cachets
#UXC10 FDC Cachets
#UXC11 FDC Cachets
#UXC12-13 FDC Cachets
#UXC14 FDC Cachets
#UXC15 FDC Cachets
#UXC4 FDC Cachets
#UXC5 FDC Cachets
#UXC6 FDC Cachets
#UXC7 FDC Cachets
Return to the Catalog Numbers Menu
#UZ1 Postal Card Entires
#UZ2 FDC Cachets
#UZ3 FDC Cachets
#UZ4 FDC Cachets
#UZ5 FDC Cachets
#UZ6 FDC Cachets
Return to the Catalog Numbers Menu
Page moved
Return to the Catalog Numbers Menu
Page moved
Return to the Main Menu
Return to the AFDCS Directory of Current Cachetmakers Bibliography
Return to the AFDCS Directory of Current Cachetmakers Bibliography
Return to the AFDCS Directory of Current Cachetmakers Bibliography
Return to the AFDCS Directory of Current Cachetmakers Bibliography
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#1054-1059 FDC Cachet Lists Menu
#1077 FDC Cachet List and Display in Mellone Order
Return to the Site Map
#1164 FDC Cachet List and Display in Mellone Order
#1309 FDC Cachet List and Display in Mellone Order
Return to the Site Map
#2420 FDC Cachets
#2420 Picture Postcard FDC's
#2420 Picture Postcard FDC's
Return to the Site Map
#3330 FDC Cachets
Return to the Site Map
#4326 FDC Cachets
Return to the Site Map
AFDCS "Cachetmakers Spotlight"
AFDCS Affiliated Chapters
AFDCS Conventions
Bibliography #1: FIRST DAYS
"Combat Insignia" Poster Stamp Albums (World War II Patriotics)
"Combat Insignia" Poster Stamp Albums (World War II Patriotics)
"Combat Insignia" Poster Stamps (World War II Patriotics)
"Combat Insignia" Poster Stamps (World War II Patriotics)
All First Day Cover Cachetmakers Menu
Art Cover Exchange (ACE) Members by Name
Art Cover Exchange (ACE) Members by Name
Art Cover Exchange (ACE) Members by Number
Art Cover Exchange (ACE) Members by Number
Cachetmakers and Collectors Index of Zubatsky Articles
Cachetmakers and Collectors Index of Zubatsky Articles
Catalog Numbers Menu
Catalog Numbers Menu
CSAC (Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee) by Name
CSAC (Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee) by Name
CSAC (Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee) by Year
CSAC (Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee) by Year
Famous Philatelists / Famous Stamp Collectors Index
Famous Philatelists / Famous Stamp Collectors Index
FDC Cachetmakers Index: Cachet Display Catalog
FDC Cachetmakers Index: Cachet Display Catalog
Horizontal "Combat Insignia" Volume 1-6 Poster Stamps
Horizontal "Combat Insignia" Volume 1-6 Poster Stamps
Numbers missing from my 2020 U.S. stamp catalog
Numbers missing within U.S. Scott Numbers #1 through #293
Numbers missing within U.S. Scott Numbers #1 through #293
Philatelic Birth Dates, Index and Links
Registered Cachet Directors (RCD or R.C.D.) Members by Name
Registered Cachet Directors (RCD or R.C.D.) Members by Name
Return to the Catalog Numbers Menu
Return to the Main Menu
Return to the Site Map
Return to the Site Map
Return to the Site Map
Return to the Site Map
Return to the Site Map
Return to the Site Map
Return to the Site Map
Search all FDC pages here with Google
Search all FDC pages here with Google
Sherman 2nd ed. Index by Cachetmaker, World War II Patriotics
Sherman 2nd ed. Index by Cachetmaker, World War II Patriotics
Site Map: U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
Site Map: U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
Stamp Collecting / Philatelic Links
U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog: Bibliographies Menu
U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog: Bibliographies Menu
"Collector's Handbook" by Elmer R. Long
"UPSS United States Postal Card Catalog" Index
#739 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#740-749 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#750 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#751 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#752-771 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#772 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#773 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#774 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#775 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#776 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#777 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#778 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#782 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#783 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#785-794 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#795 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#796 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#797 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#798 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#799-802 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#835 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#836 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#837 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#852 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#853 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#C19 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#C20 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#C21-22 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#C23 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#C24 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#CE1 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#CE2 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
Earl G. Planty's Early Columns and Other Writings
Index of Corner Cards listed in Planty
Philatelic Bibliography
Philatelic Bibliography Thumbnail Cover Scans
Planty Catalogs' Tables of Contents
Steenerson's 1970's FDC Cachet Catalog: Index
The Wisconsin Cover Sheet (FDCCW Newsletter)
WTM: "Winding Trails Magazine" (1/1935 - 9/1937)
U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog: Introduction
U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog: Introduction
U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog: Main Menu
U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog: Misspelled First Day Cover Cachetmakers
U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog: Misspelled First Day Cover Cachetmakers
U.S. Postal Card Directory: Part 1 (UXC, UZ)
U.S. Postal Card Directory: Part 1 (UXC, UZ)
U.S. Stamp Designers, Engravers, etc. by Name
U.S. Stamp Designers, Engravers, etc. by Name
U.S. Stamp Designers, Engravers, etc. by Number
U.S. Stamp Designers, Engravers, etc. by Number
Unit Logos "Combat Insignia" Poster Stamps
Unit Logos "Combat Insignia" Poster Stamps
Vertical "Combat Insignia" Volume 1-6 Poster Stamps
Vertical "Combat Insignia" Volume 1-6 Poster Stamps
Volume 6 "Combat Insignia" Poster Stamps with New Assigned Numbers
Volume 6 "Combat Insignia" Poster Stamps with New Assigned Numbers
What's New: U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
What's New: U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
Where to find listings of U.S. Stamps By Year
Where to find listings of U.S. Stamps By Year
Wisconsin Stamps
Wisconsin Stamps
Wisconsin Stamps in FDOI order
Wisconsin Stamps in FDOI order
World War II Patriotics Not in Sherman (NIS)
World War II Patriotics Not in Sherman (NIS)
World War II Patriotics Sherman/Guthrie/Minkus/Linn Number Conversion / Lawrence Sherman World War II Patriotics
World War II Patriotics Sherman/Guthrie/Minkus/Linn Number Conversion / Lawrence Sherman World War II Patriotics
1939 New York Worldâ??s Fair Poster Stamps on #853 FDC's
Miller Art 1939 NYWF Postcards
"Fighting Ships of the U.S.A." Album for Poster Stamps
"Ships of the Navy Stamp Album" for Poster Stamps
"The Spirit of '42 Stamp Album" for Poster Stamps
#936 FDC Cachets
#958 FDC Cachet List and Display in Mellone Order
#C25 FDC Cachet List and Display in Mellone Order
#C25a FDC Cachet List and Display in Mellone Order
#C26 FDC Cachet List and Display in Mellone Order
A4V Artists: Artists for Victory Poster Stamps
A4V Covers: Artists for Victory Poster Stamps
AAS (American Art Service) Patriotics: Cachetmaker
MacArthur, WV and Nimitz, WV Post Office Dedications
Porto-Server World War II Patriotics: Cachetmaker
U.S. Scott #957 FDC Cachets
World War II Poster Stamps
#1054-1059 FDC Cachet Lists Menu
#1077 FDC Cachet List and Display in Mellone Order
#1164 FDC Cachet List and Display in Mellone Order
#1309 FDC Cachet List and Display in Mellone Order
#2420 FDC Cachets
#2420 Picture Postcard FDC's
#2420 Picture Postcard FDC's
#3330 FDC Cachets
#4326 FDC Cachets
AFDCS "Cachetmakers Spotlight"
AFDCS Affiliated Chapters
AFDCS Conventions
Bibliography #1: FIRST DAYS
"Collector's Handbook" by Elmer R. Long
"UPSS United States Postal Card Catalog" Index
#739 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#740-749 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#750 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#751 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#752-771 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#772 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#773 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#774 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#775 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#776 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#777 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#778 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#782 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#783 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#785-794 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#795 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#796 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#797 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#798 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#799-802 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#835 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#836 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#837 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#852 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#853 FDC Cachet List in Planty Order
#C19 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#C20 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#C21-22 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#C23 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#C24 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#CE1 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
#CE2 FDC Cachet List and Display in Planty Order
Earl G. Planty's Early Columns and Other Writings
Index of Corner Cards listed in Planty
Philatelic Bibliography
Philatelic Bibliography Thumbnail Cover Scans
Planty Catalogs' Tables of Contents
Steenerson's 1970's FDC Cachet Catalog: Index
The Wisconsin Cover Sheet (FDCCW Newsletter)
WTM: "Winding Trails Magazine" (1/1935 - 9/1937)
Cachet Display Catalog XML SiteMap
Return to the AFDCS Directory of Current Cachetmakers Bibliography
Return to the AFDCS Directory of Current Cachetmakers Bibliography
Return to the AFDCS Directory of Current Cachetmakers Bibliography
Return to the AFDCS Directory of Current Cachetmakers Bibliography
"1DC" and "1DI" General Purpose Cachets: Cachetmaker
"Border" General Purpose Cachets
"FDC" General Purpose Cachets: Cachetmaker
"FDI" General Purpose Cachets: Cachetmaker
"FDOI" General Purpose Cachets: Cachetmaker
A.O. King: Cachetmaker
AFDCS Court of Honor Cachetmakers Index
AFDCS Directory of Current Cachetmakers Bibliography
AFDCS Directory of Current Cachetmakers Index
Alogna, Mickey: Servicer (Storrs & Bement, etc.)
American-Hawaiian Steamship Company Corner Card FDC's
Beck, Morris W.: Cachetmaker
Bush, William R.: USPS General Purpose Cachets: Cachetmaker
Corner Card First Day Covers
Coulthard, John: Cachetmaker
Dewitt, ?: Cachetmaker
Diana (Artist for Matthew J. Huss): Cachetmaker
Dr. Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel) (add-ons)
Eagle General Purpose Cachets: Unknown Cachetmaker
Estelle L. Burroughs: Cachetmaker
Farley: Postmaster General Corner Card FDC's
FDCCW (First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin): Cachetmaker
Fillers or Inserts by Specific U.S. Cachetmakers
Fox, Melissa - Postal Cards: Cachetmaker
Frank Cochrane III: Cachetmaker
Goff, Alberta J. (Artist for Matthew J. Huss): Cachetmaker
Hal Ansink: Cachetmaker
Harrison Stamp Company: Cachetmaker
Heckman, W.B.: Cachetmaker
Hess-Mallory Co. Corner Card FDC's
Huss, Matthew J. (engraved): Cachetmaker
Huss, Matthew J. All World War II Patriotics He Produced
Identifier: General Purpose Cachets
Intercity Stamp Company: Cachetmaker
John A. King: Cachetmaker
Keyworth, William Galt: Cachetmaker
Koehler, Elmer E.: Cachetmaker
Krause Publications / Stamp Collector Newspaper: Cachetmaker
Laird 1930s Poster Stamps
Laird Special Event non-FDC and FDC Cachets
Levine, Steve: Cachetmaker
MacAdam, James C. "Mac's Originals": Cachetmaker
Mansbach, Arthur E.: Cachetmaker
Meisel, Henry O.: Cachetmaker
Meisels, Herbert (Add-ons and Fakes): Cachetmaker
Monmouth County Philatelic Society Meeting Notices
Moore, Jerrold R.: Cachetmaker
N.O.W.-N.Y. (NOW-NY): Cachetmaker
Naegele, Kenneth A.: Cachetmaker
Newton, Raleigh D.: Cachetmaker
Nix, Louis G.: Cachetmaker
Norbert C. Waldau: Cachetmaker
Papercraft: Cachetmaker
Pavois and McCamley General Purpose Cachets
Possible Future Cachetmaker Pages, Someday
Return to the Main Menu
Minkus Cachet Identifier
Minkus Cachet Catalog Numbers Cross Reference
Saffer, J. Daniel: Cachetmaker
Tellekson, Richard C. and Merle W.: Cachetmaker
Temple Stamp Club of Milwaukee: Cachetmaker
Todd, Steve (Webcraft): Cachetmaker
U.S.P.S. Mint Stamp Posters
Ulrich, Frank J.: Cachetmaker
Unknown: "Please do us this favor!": Cachetmaker
UPSS (United Postal Stationery Society): Cachetmaker
Van Natta, George R. - Postal Cards: Cachetmaker
Varese Media: Cachetmaker
Volker, William J.: Cachetmaker
Western Silk Cachets: Cachetmaker
Wisconsin First Day Cover Cachetmakers
Return to the Catalog Numbers Menu
#UZ1 Postal Card Entires
#UZ2 FDC Cachets
#UZ3 FDC Cachets
#UZ4 FDC Cachets
#UZ5 FDC Cachets
#UZ6 FDC Cachets
#UXC10 FDC Cachets
#UXC11 FDC Cachets
#UXC12-13 FDC Cachets
#UXC14 FDC Cachets
#UXC15 FDC Cachets
#UXC4 FDC Cachets
#UXC5 FDC Cachets
#UXC6 FDC Cachets
#UXC7 FDC Cachets
Return to the Catalog Numbers Menu
#UX50 FDC Cachets
#UX51 FDC Cachets
#UX52 FDC Cachets
#UX53 FDC Cachets
#UX54 FDC Cachets
#UX55 FDC Cachets
#UX56 FDC Cachets
#UX76 FDC Cachets
Return to the Catalog Numbers Menu
#UX47/S64 General Electric (GE) advertisement varieties
Return to the Catalog Numbers Menu
#UC1 FDC Cachets
#UC2 Covers
#UC3 FDC Cachets
#UC4 FDC Cachets
Return to the Catalog Numbers Menu
#800 FDC Cachets
#801 FDC Cachets
#802 FDC Cachets
Return to the Catalog Numbers Menu
#799 FDC Cachets