U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog:
CSAC (Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee) by Year
Part of the U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
by Douglas H. Henkle, AFDCS LM #137,
(last updated .07-01-2024)
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Cachet Display Catalog: FDC Cachetmakers Index
This page lists members by Year of the
CSAC (Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee)
which accepts new stamp suggestions, researches them, and decides which ones to forward to the
Postmaster General of the United States .
CSAC (Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee) by Name
What's New on this page
Why this page? Three of the 1983-1984 Designers who are listed on my
U.S. Stamp Designers, Engravers, etc. page were CSAC members at the time they designed a new issue. In my Web search for what years these three were on the Committee, I could find no one site that lists every member of each annually serving Committee (1957-date) and how long each member served. So I felt there was a need to gather all the many partial lists from all over the Web into one reference source. The accuracy of the names and years served are dependent on the Sources noted. This page includes each later membership list which differs from the previous one I had found. I do not know if the Committee membership changes on a given annual date or whatever other random date it might happen. Members may serve for four terms of three years (12 years maximum), but I don't know when this rule was implemented. Karl Malden served for twenty years (1990-2009). The date noted for each list on the page is the Source's date, not the actual date when the membership changed. The "official" CSAC list mm-dd-yyyy change date is unknown for every list on this page. All information (names & years served) found on the original source for an individual are updated as I find changes on other new sources.
I have not yet found full Committee membership lists for the years 1957-1959 or 1961-2002 anywhere on the Web. Also, the
1990 list I have is incomplete.
USPS 2-28-2012 article
-- "Members of the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Postmaster General."
Mystic Stamp Company
-- "It was officially established on March 21, 1957." and "held its first meeting on April 30, 1957."
Except as noted, Years Served are from my comparing Committee lists found over time. The CSAC does not mention the years that each member served.
[Archive] = This list is no longer available on the Web except as a backup of an old page done by the
Internet Archive's Wayback Machine -- archive.org .
The following are former members of the CSAC, but I can't find full Committee membership lists for the years they served:
Ernest Borgnine (9/1975 - 1/1984)
Internet Movie DataBase (IMDB)
James A. Michener (1979-1986)
Mystic Stamp Company
J. Bradbury Thompson (1969-1978)
Wikipedia: (other) "CSAC Former members (partial list)"
Postmaster General Arthur Summerfield, MI (1-21-1953 - 1-20-1961)
- 1957 Founded
-- Source: Linn’s World Stamp Almanac, 6th ed. (2000), p. 470
- Franklin R. Bruns Jr., MD (3/1957 - 11/1957)
- William H. Buckley, NY (3/1957 - 1/1961)
- Arnold J. Copeland, CT (3/1957 - 1/1961)
- Robert E. Fellers, DC (3/1957 - 1/1961)
- Sol Glass, MD (3/1957 - 1/1961)
- Harry L. Lindquist, NY (3/1957 - 1/1961)
- Ervine Metzl, NY (3/1957 - 1/1961)
- Abbott Washburn, DC (3/1957 - 1/1961)
- Bernard Davis, PA (12/1957 - 12/1961)
Alternates for Washburn:
- Robert Sivard (1957-?)
- C. Robert Payne (1957-?)
- 1958
-- Source: Linn’s World Stamp Almanac, 6th ed. (2000), p. 470
- Donald R. McLeod, MD (succeeded Bruns)(4/1958 - 1/1961)
- 1959
-- Source: Linn’s World Stamp Almanac, 6th ed. (2000), p. 470
- No new appointees
12-15-1960 (PDF) -- Source: USPS: Benjamin Franklin Award given by PMG Summerfield to all 12 SCAC members
- Franklin R. Bruns Jr. (3/1957 - 11/1957)
- William H. Buckley (3/1957 - 1/1961)
- Arnold J. Copeland (3/1957 - 1/1961)
- Bernard Davis (12/1957 - 12/1961)
- Robert E. Fellers (3/1957 - 1/1961)
- Sol Glass (3/1957 - 1/1961)
- Harry L. Lindquist (3/1957 - 1/1961)
Years Served from Wikipedia
- Donald R. McLeod, MD (4/1958 - 1/1961)
- Ervine Metzl (3/1957 - 1/1961)
- C. Robert Payne (1957-?)
- Robert Sivard (1957-?)
- Abbott Washburn (3/1957 - 1/1961)
Postmaster General J. Edward Day, CA (1-21-1961 - 8-09-1963)
- 1961
-- Source: Linn’s World Stamp Almanac, 6th ed. (2000), p. 470-471
- Robert W. Baughman, KS (4/1961 - 8/1963)
- George W. Brett (Wendell), DC (4/1961 - 8/1963)
- Bruce Catton, MD (4/1961 - 2/1963)
- Roger Kent, CA (4/1961 - 1/1969)
- David Louis Lidman, NY (4/1961 - 1/1969)
- Donald R. McLeod, MD (4/1958 - 1/1961 Summerfield) (4/1961 - 2/1965 Day)
- John Maass, PA (4/1961 - 2/1965)
- Dr. James J. Matejka, Jr. (John), IL (4/1961 - 8/1963) (2/1965 - 1/1969)
- William N. Posner, NY (4/1961 - 3/1967)
- Norman Todhunter, NY (4/1961 - 1/1969)
- John Walker, DC (4/1961 - 1/1969)
- 1962
-- Source: Linn’s World Stamp Almanac, 6th ed. (2000), p. 471
- Stanley H. Fryczynski, Jr., NJ (4/1962 - 8/1963)
Postmaster General John A. Gronouski, WI (9-30-1963 - 11-02-1965)
- 1963
-- Source: Linn’s World Stamp Almanac, 6th ed. (2000), p. 471
- Catherine Drinker Bowen, PA (2/1963 - 8/1963 appointed by PMG Day)
"A historian nmaed to replace Bruce Catton, who had resigned."
- 1964
-- Source: Linn’s World Stamp Almanac, 6th ed. (2000), p. 471
- from 8/1963, when Day resigned, until 2/1964, there was no Committee
- 2/1964 -- Kent, Lidman, McLeod, Maass, Posner, Todhunter and, Walker "were re-appointed"
- 1965
-- Source: Linn’s World Stamp Almanac, 6th ed. (2000), p. 471
- Reuben K. Barrick, VA (2/1965 - 1/1969)
"replaced Donald R. McLeod, who had retired."
- Dr. James J. Matejka, Jr. (John), IL (2/1965 - 1/1969 a reappointment) (4/1961 - 8/1963)
- Walter Krawiex, IL (2/1965 - 3/1966)
"replaced John Maass, who had resigned because of ill health."
- Roger L. Stevens, DC (2/1965 - 1/1969)
Postmaster General Larry O'Brien, MA (11-03-1965 - 4-10-1968)
- 1966
-- Source: Linn’s World Stamp Almanac, 6th ed. (2000), p. 471-272
- Stevan Dohanos, CT (3/1966 - 1/1969) (7/1969 - 1/1978, Chair 1971-1975)
- (3/1966 - 1/1969)
- (3/1966 - 1/1969)
- (3/1966 - 1/1969)
- (3/1966 - 1/1969)
- 1967
-- Source: Linn’s World Stamp Almanac, 6th ed. (2000), p. 471
- (1967 - )
- 1968
-- Source: Linn’s World Stamp Almanac, 6th ed. (2000), p. 471
- (1968 - )
- 1969
-- Source: Linn’s World Stamp Almanac, 6th ed. (2000), p. 471
- (1969 - )
- 1970
-- Source: Linn’s World Stamp Almanac, 6th ed. (2000), p. 471
- (1970 - )
- 1971
- 1972
- 1973
- 1974
- 1975
- 1976
- 1977
- 1978
- 1979
- 1980
- 1981
- 1982
- 1983
- 1984
- 1985
- 1986
- 1987
- 1988
- 1989
10-07-1990 (partial list) -- Source: Tampa Bay Times
The article lists four others who were appointed at the same time as Malden, but it doesn't state who else was a member at that time.
- David Lewis Eynon (1990-2007)
- Bernard Hennig Sr. (1990-?)
- Stephen T. McLin (1990-?)
- Karl Malden (1990-2009)
- Robert H. Power (1990-?)
- ?
- 1991
- 1992
- 1993
- 1994
- 1995
- 1996
- 1997
- 1998 (partial list) -- Source: Linn's [Ln#4978, Vol.97, 3-25-2024, p. 6,8]
This "U.S. Stamp Notes: A book in the works: reader’s questions wanted" column by John M. Hotchner states the years he served.
- John M. Hotchner (1998-2010)
- ?
- 1999
- 2000
- 2001
- 2002
2-04-2003 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of February 2003")
10-03-2003 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of August 2003"), no change from "February 2003"
Note: Anyone below with a start date of 1999-2002, I cannot verify that date. These dates were obtained from old CSAC Wikipedia page archive.org backups, and I do not know what each editor's source was for this information.
- Cary R. Brick (2002-2013)
- Michael R. Brock (2005-2008)
- Meredith J. Davis (?-2004)
- David Lewis Eynon (1990-2007)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg (2002-2013)
- Sylvia Harris (2001-2011)
- Ira Michael Heyman (2000–2011)
- John M. Hotchner (1998-2010)
- Dr. C. Douglas Lewis, Vice Chair (?-2005)
- Karl Malden (1990-2009)
- Dr. Virginia M. Noelke, Chair (?-2004)
- Richard F. “Digger” Phelps (?-2006)
- Ronald A. Robinson (1993-2008)
- John Sawyer III (?-2003)
2-12-2004 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of October 2003")

- Cary R. Brick (2002-2013)
- Michael R. Brock (2005-2008)
- Meredith J. Davis (?-2004)
- David Lewis Eynon (1990-2007)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg (2002-2013)
- Sylvia Harris (2001-2011)
- Ira Michael Heyman (2000–2011)
- John M. Hotchner (1998-2010)
- Dr. C. Douglas Lewis, Vice Chair (?-2005)
- Karl Malden (1990-2009)
- Dr. Virginia M. Noelke, Chair (?-2004)
- Richard F. “Digger” Phelps (?-2006)
- Ronald A. Robinson (1993-2008)
- Maria Eugenia Santana (2003-2006)
11-17-2004 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of November 2004")
- Cary R. Brick (2002-2013)
- Michael R. Brock, Vice Chair (2005-2008)
- Meredith J. Davis (?-2004)
- David Lewis Eynon (1990-2007)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg (2002-2013)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Sylvia Harris (2001-2011)
- Michael I. Heyman (2000–2011)
- John M. Hotchner (1998-2010)
- Dr. C. Douglas Lewis, Chair (?-2005)
- Karl Malden (1990-2009)
- Richard F. “Digger” Phelps (?-2006)
- Ronald A. Robinson (1993-2008)
- Maria Eugenia Santana (2003-2006)
3-04-2005 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of January 2005")
- Cary R. Brick (2002-2013)
- Michael R. Brock, Vice Chair (2005-2008)
- David Lewis Eynon (1990-2007)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg (2002-2013)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Sylvia Harris (2001-2011)
- Michael I. Heyman (2000–2011)
- John M. Hotchner (1998-2010)
- Dr. C. Douglas Lewis, Chair (?-2005)
- Karl Malden (1990-2009)
- Richard F. “Digger” Phelps (?-2006)
- Ronald A. Robinson (1993-2008)
- Maria Eugenia Santana (2003-2006)
4-04-2005 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of March 2005")
8-26-2005 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of August 2005")
- Cary R. Brick (2002-2013)
- Michael R. Brock, Vice Chair (2005-2008)
- David Lewis Eynon (1990-2007)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg (2002-2013)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Sylvia Harris (2001-2011)
- Michael I. Heyman (2000–2011)
- John M. Hotchner (1998-2010)
- Dr. C. Douglas Lewis, Chair (?-2005)
- Karl Malden (1990-2009)
- James Miho (2005-2007)
- Joan Adams Mondale (2005-2010)
- Richard F. “Digger” Phelps (?-2006)
- Ronald A. Robinson (1993-2008)
- Maria Eugenia Santana (2003-2006)
11-28-2005 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of October 2005")
- Cary R. Brick (2002-2013)
- Michael R. Brock, Vice Chair (2005-2008)
- David Lewis Eynon (1990-2007)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg (2002-2013)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Sylvia Harris (2001-2011)
- Michael I. Heyman (2000–2011)
- John M. Hotchner (1998-2010)
- Karl Malden (1990-2009)
- James Miho (2005-2007)
- Joan Adams Mondale (2005-2010)
- Richard F. “Digger” Phelps (?-2006)
- Ronald A. Robinson, Chair (?-2008)
- Maria Eugenia Santana (2003-2006)
4-04-2006 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of March 2006")
- Cary R. Brick (2002-2013)
- Michael R. Brock, Vice Chair (2005-2008)
- David Lewis Eynon (1990-2007)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg (2002-2013)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Sylvia Harris (2001-2011)
- Michael I. Heyman (2000–2011)
- John M. Hotchner (1998-2010)
- Karl Malden (1990-2009)
- James Miho (2005-2007)
- Joan Adams Mondale (2005-2010)
- Richard F. “Digger” Phelps (?-2006)
- Ronald A. Robinson, Chair (?-2008)
10-28-2006 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of October 2006")
- Cary R. Brick (2002-2013)
- Michael R. Brock, Vice Chair (2005-2008)
- David Lewis Eynon (1990-2007)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg (2002-2013)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Sylvia Harris (2001-2011)
- Jessica Helfand (2006-2012)
- Michael I. Heyman (2000–2011)
- John M. Hotchner (1998-2010)
- Karl Malden (1990-2009)
- James Miho (2005-2007)
- Joan Adams Mondale (2005-2010)
- B. Martin Pedersen (2006-2011)
- Ronald A. Robinson, Chair (?-2008)
1-04-2007 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of December 2006")
- Benjamin F. Bailar (2006-2014)
- Cary R. Brick (2002-2013)
- Michael R. Brock, Vice Chair (2005-2008)
- David Lewis Eynon (1990-2007)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg (2002-2013)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Sylvia Harris (2001-2011)
- Jessica Helfand (2006-2012)
- Michael I. Heyman (2000–2011)
- John M. Hotchner (1998-2010)
- Karl Malden (1990-2009)
- James Miho (2005-2007)
- Joan Adams Mondale (2005-2010)
- B. Martin Pedersen (2006-2011)
- Ronald A. Robinson, Chair (?-2008)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
(order changed in 2014 when the CSAC re-alphabetized the list moving her from "D" to "V")
9-22-2007, "Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee (CSAC) celebrates its 50th Anniversary"

12-17-2007 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of October 2007")
- Benjamin F. Bailar (2006-2014)
- Cary R. Brick (2002-2013)
- Michael R. Brock, Vice Chair (2005-2008)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg (2002-2013)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Sylvia Harris (2001-2011)
- Jessica Helfand (2006-2012)
- Michael I. Heyman (2000–2011)
- John M. Hotchner (1998-2010)
- Karl Malden (1990-2009)
- Joan Adams Mondale (2005-2010)
- B. Martin Pedersen (2006-2011)
- Ronald A. Robinson, Chair (?-2008)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
4-27-2008 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of February 2008")
- Benjamin F. Bailar (2006-2014)
- Cary R. Brick (2002-2013)
- Michael R. Brock, Vice Chair (2005-2008)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg (2002-2013)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Sylvia Harris (2001-2011)
- Jessica Helfand (2006-2012)
- Michael I. Heyman (2000–2011)
- John M. Hotchner (1998-2010)
- Karl Malden (1990-2009)
- Joan Adams Mondale (2005-2010)
- B. Martin Pedersen (2006-2011)
- Ronald A. Robinson, Chair (?-2008)
- Clara E. Rodriguez (2008-2011)
appointed to CSAC 2-11-2008
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
1-22-2009 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of November 2008")
11-2008 -- Source: Polish American Journal, June 2009, page 2
- Benjamin F. Bailar (2006-2014)
- Cary R. Brick (2002-2013)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg, Chair (2002-2013)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Sylvia Harris (2001-2011)
- Jessica Helfand (2006-2012)
- Michael I. Heyman, Vice Chair (2000–2011)
- John M. Hotchner (1998-2010)
- Karl Malden (1990-2009)
- Joan Adams Mondale (2005-2010)
- B. Martin Pedersen (2006-2011)
- Clara E. Rodriguez (2008-2011)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
8-05-2009 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of July 2009")
- Benjamin F. Bailar (2006-2014)
- Cary R. Brick (2002-2013)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg, Chair (2002-2013)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Sylvia Harris (2001-2011)
- Jessica Helfand (2006-2012)
- Michael I. Heyman, Vice Chair (2000–2011)
- John M. Hotchner (1998-2010)
- Joan Adams Mondale (2005-2010)
retired from CSAC 1-22-2010
- B. Martin Pedersen (2006-2011)
- Clara E. Rodriguez (2008-2011)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
2-21-2010 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of January 2010")
2-14-2010 -- Source: CSAC ("as of January 2010") on a PDF at the University of Alabama
New members: Alcala, Gioia, Madsen / Retirement: Hotchner, Mondale -- Source: USPS 1-21-2010 article with biographies
- Antonio Alcala (2010-2011)
- Benjamin F. Bailar (2006-2014)
- Cary R. Brick (2002-2013)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg, Chair (2002-2013)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Dana Gioia (2010-2013)
- Sylvia Harris (2001-2011)
- Jessica Helfand, Design Subcommittee Chair (2006-2012)
- Ira Michael Heyman, Vice Chair; Subject Subcommittee Chair (2000–2011)
- Eric Madsen (2010-2013)
- B. Martin Pedersen (2006-2011)
- Clara E. Rodriguez (2008-2011)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
3-26-2010 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of March 2010")
New member: Klug -- Source: USPS 3-08-2010 article with biography
- Antonio Alcala (2010-2011)
- Benjamin F. Bailar (2006-2014)
- Cary R. Brick (2002-2013)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg, Chair (2002-2013)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Dana Gioia (2010-2013)
- Sylvia Harris (2001-2011)
- Jessica Helfand, Design Subcommittee Chair (2006-2012)
- Ira Michael Heyman, Vice Chair; Subject Subcommittee Chair (2000–2011)
- Janet R. Klug (2010-2019)
- Eric Madsen (2010-2013)
- B. Martin Pedersen (2006-2011)
- Clara E. Rodriguez (2008-2011)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
9-26-2011 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of August 2011")
- Benjamin F. Bailar (2006-2014)
- Cary R. Brick (2002-2013)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg, Chair (2002-2013)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Dana Gioia (2010-2013)
- Jessica Helfand, Design Subcommittee Chair (2006-2012)
- Ira Michael Heyman, Vice Chair; Subject Subcommittee Chair (2000–2011)
retired from CSAC 11-08-2011
- Janet R. Klug (2010-2019)
- Eric Madsen (2010-2013)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
3-04-2012 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of February 2012")
2/2012 -- Source: American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
New members: Baumann, Bueno, Rinker, Maruchi Santana, Shriver -- Source: USPS 2-28-2012 article with biographies
- Benjamin F. Bailar (2006-2014)
- Caroline Baumann (2012-2015)
- Cary R. Brick (2002-2013)
- B.J. Bueno (2012-2023)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg, Chair (2002-2013)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Dana Gioia (2010-2013)
- Janet R. Klug (2010-2019)
- Eric Madsen (2010-2013)
- Maruchi Santana (2012-2022)
- Debra Shriver (2012-2014)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
7-03-2013 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of June 2013")
- Gail Anderson (2013–present)
- Benjamin F. Bailar (2006-2014)
- Caroline Baumann (2012-2015)
- B.J. Bueno (2012-2023)
- Cary R. Brick (2002–2013)
- Jean Picker Firstenberg, Chair (2002-2013)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Janet R. Klug (2010-2019)
- Eric Madsen (2010-2013)
- Harry Rinker (2013–2023)
- Maruchi Santana (2012-2022)
- Debra Shriver (2012-2014)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
10-05-2013 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of September 2013")
- Gail Anderson (2013–present)
- Benjamin F. Bailar (2006-2014)
- Caroline Baumann (2012-2015)
- B.J. Bueno (2012-2023)
- Cary R. Brick (2002–2013)
retired from CSAC -- Linn's Stamp News 2-07-2014
- Jean Picker Firstenberg, Chair (2002-2013)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Janet R. Klug (2010-2019)
- Harry Rinker (2013–2023)
- Maruchi Santana (2012-2022)
- Debra Shriver (2012-2014)
- Katherine C. Tobin, Ph.D. (2013–2022)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
2-08-2014 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of January 2014")
- Gail Anderson (2013–present)
- Benjamin F. Bailar (2006-2014)
- Caroline Baumann (2012-2015)
- B.J. Bueno (2012-2023)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Janet R. Klug (2010-2019)
- Harry Rinker (2013–2023)
- Maruchi Santana (2012-2022)
- Debra Shriver (2012-2014)
- Katherine C. Tobin, Ph.D. (2013–2022)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
5-27-2014 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of March 2014")
- Gail Anderson (2013–present)
- Benjamin F. Bailar (2006-2014)
- Caroline Baumann (2012-2015)
- B.J. Bueno (2012-2023)
- Dr. Cheryl R. Ganz (2014–present)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004-2016)
- Janet R. Klug (2010-2019)
- Harry Rinker (2013–2023)
- Maruchi Santana (2012-2022)
- Debra Shriver (2012-2014)
- Katherine C. Tobin, Ph.D. (2013–2022)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
8-11-2014 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of July 2014")
- Gail Anderson (2013–present)
- Benjamin F. Bailar (2006-2014)
- Caroline Baumann (2012-2015)
- B.J. Bueno (2012-2023)
- Dr. Cheryl R. Ganz (2014–present)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004–2016)
- Janet R. Klug, Chair (2010–2019)
appointed Chair on 1-16-2014
- Harry Rinker (2013–2023)
- Maruchi Santana (2012-2022)
- Debra Shriver (2012-2014)
- Katherine C. Tobin, Ph.D. (2013–2022)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
10-11-2014 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of August 2014")
New members: Argentine, Bua, Lewis, Tobin -- Source: USPS 8-22-2014 article with biographies -- also:
Linn's, May 1, 2021
- Gail Anderson (2013–present)
- Peter Argentine (2014–present)
- Caroline Baumann (2012-2015)
- Justin Bua (2014–2017)
- B.J. Bueno (2012-2023)
- Dr. Cheryl R. Ganz (2014–present)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004–2016)
- Janet R. Klug, Chair (2010–2019)
- Carolyn Lewis (2014–2021)
- Harry Rinker (2013–2023)
- Maruchi Santana (2012-2022)
- Debra Shriver (2012-2014)
- Katherine C. Tobin, Ph.D. (2013–2022)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
2-27-2015 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of August 2014"), date not changed, but Shriver retired.
- Gail Anderson (2013–present)
- Peter Argentine (2014–present)
- Caroline Baumann (2012-2015)
- Justin Bua (2014–2017)
- B.J. Bueno (2012-2023)
- Dr. Cheryl R. Ganz (2014–present)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2004–2016)
- Janet R. Klug, Chair (2010–2019)
- Carolyn Lewis (2014–2021)
- Harry Rinker (2013–2023)
- Maruchi Santana (2012-2022)
- Katherine C. Tobin, Ph.D. (2013–2022)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
11-26-2015 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of September 2015")
- Gail Anderson (2013–present)
- Peter Argentine (2014–present)
- Justin Bua (2014–2017)
- B.J. Bueno (2012-2023)
- Dr. Cheryl R. Ganz (2014–present)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (2005–2016)
- Janet R. Klug, Chair (2010–2019)
- Carolyn Lewis (2014–2021)
- Harry Rinker (2013–2023)
- Maruchi Santana (2012-2022)
- Katherine C. Tobin, Ph.D. (2013–2022)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
- 2016
3-20-2017 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of February 2017")
- Gail Anderson (2013–present)
- Peter Argentine (2014–present)
- Justin Bua (2014–2017)
- B.J. Bueno (2012-2023)
- Dr. Cheryl R. Ganz (2014–present)
- Janet R. Klug, Chair (2010–2019)
- Carolyn Lewis (2014–2021)
- Harry Rinker (2013–2023)
- Maruchi Santana (2012-2022)
- Katherine C. Tobin, Ph.D. (2013–2022)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
5-15-2018 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC ("as of February 2017"), date not changed, but Bua retired.
- Gail Anderson (2013–present)
- Peter Argentine (2014–present)
- B.J. Bueno (2012-2023)
- Dr. Cheryl R. Ganz (2014–present)
- Janet R. Klug, Chair (2010–2019)
- Carolyn Lewis (2014–2021)
- Harry Rinker (2013–2023)
- Maruchi Santana (2012-2022)
- Katherine C. Tobin, Ph.D. (2013–2022)
- Donna de Varona (2006–2018)
11-17-2018 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC (stopped dating lists)
New members: Cash, Crew, Harrity -- Source: USPS 10-09-2018 article with biographies
- Gail Anderson (2013–present)
- Peter Argentine (2014–present)
- B.J. Bueno (2012-2023)
- Ivan Cash (2018–present)
- Spencer Crew (2018–present)
- Dr. Cheryl R. Ganz (2014–present)
- Mike Harrity (2018–present)
- Janet R. Klug, Chair (2010–2019)
retired from CSAC 10-24-2019
- Carolyn Lewis (2014–2021)
- Harry Rinker (2013–2023)
- Maruchi Santana (2012-2022)
- Katherine C. Tobin, Ph.D. (2013–2022)
- 2019
8-02-2020 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC
- Gail Anderson (2013–present)
- Peter Argentine (2014–present)
- B.J. Bueno, Chair (2012-present)
appointed Chair on 10-24-2019
- Ivan Cash (2018–present)
- Spencer Crew (2018–present)
- Dr. Cheryl R. Ganz (2014–present)
- Mike Harrity (2018–present)
- Carolyn Lewis (2014–2021)
- Harry Rinker (2013–2023)
- Maruchi Santana (2012-2022)
- Katherine C. Tobin, Ph.D. (2013–2022)
4-14-2021 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC
1-04-2022 -- Source: CSAC
New members: Butterfield, Kelley, Ream -- Source: USPS 1-21-2021 article with biographies
- Gail Anderson (2013–present)
- Peter Argentine (2014–present)
- B.J. Bueno, Chair (2012-2023)
- Dr. Kevin Butterfield (2021-present)
- Ivan Cash (2018–present)
- Spencer Crew (2018–present)
- Dr. Cheryl R. Ganz (2014–present)
- Mike Harrity (2018–present)
- Dr. Joseph L. Kelley (2021-present)
- Roger R. Ream (2021-present)
- Harry Rinker (2013–2023)
- Maruchi Santana (2012-2022)
- Katherine C. Tobin, Ph.D. (2013–2022)
1-11-2023 [Archive] -- Source: CSAC
- Gail Anderson (2013–present)
- Peter Argentine (2014–present)
- B.J. Bueno, Chair (2012-2023)
- Dr. Kevin Butterfield (2021-present)
- Ivan Cash (2018–present)
- Spencer Crew (2018–present)
- Dr. Cheryl R. Ganz (2014–present)
- Mike Harrity (2018–present)
- Dr. Joseph L. Kelley (2021-present)
- Roger R. Ream (2021-present)
- Harry Rinker (2013–2023)
01-07-2024 Source: CSAC website as of 1-07-2024
- Gail Anderson (2013–present)
- Peter Argentine (2014–present)
- Graham Beck (2024–present) --
Appointed 1-12-2024
- Dr. Kevin Butterfield (2021-present)
- Ivan Cash (2018–present)
- Alicia Cheng (7/2024-present)
- Spencer Crew (2018–present)
- Dr. Cheryl R. Ganz (2014–present)
- Mike Harrity (2018–present)
- Trish Jackson (5/2024–present)
- Dr. Joseph L. Kelley, Chair (2021-present)
-- Info
- Roger R. Ream (2021-present)
Related information about the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee (CSAC)
USPS news releases for nationwide stories (2009-date)
Article by the former SCAC member Cary R. Brick, "Stamp advisory committee considers all subjects"
Linn's Stamp News, April 29, 2021
Article by the former SCAC member Cary R. Brick, "Top 10 recommendations for CSAC, thoughts from a committee veteran"
Linn's Stamp News, May 1, 2021
#Almanac6 --
Famous stamp personalities in Linn’s World Stamp Almanac:
Millennium Edition,
6th edition, Sidney, OH, USA, 2000, 1056 p., ISBN: 0-940403-85-4
-- Editor-Publisher: Michael Lawrence,
Book Director: Donna O'Keefe Houseman
pp. 469-476 -- Instead of listing year by year, members are listed by who served under each PMG, from Summerfield to Runyon (1957-1993). For some reason, with only one exception, all other members who started from 1994 up until the book's 2000 publication date are not listed. The member entries include the dates they served, so I have created yearly lists based on each member's start date. Every other CSAC source has just the start and end years of service. This is the only source that includes which month they started/ended. This 6th ed. includes all of the entries from the previous edition.
Known links to this page: Thank You.
(Home Page -- Link Page)
What's New on this page
-- changes since 09-06-2022
-- Started adding new names that began Service from 1957-1993 as listed in Linn’s World Stamp Almanac, 6th ed. (2000). I still have no souce for new members from 1994 to 2002 or 2016.
-- Made updates from the "Firstenberg designated new CSAC chairwoman" article on page 403 of
"Linn's U.S. Stamp Yearbook 2008".
Added 2022 and 2023 Members from archive.org backups and from the current CSAC website.
Added a new page, CSAC (Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee) by Name
that combines all the names above and all other names listed on the CSAC page at Wikipedia into alphabetical order.
URL: https://www.folklib.net/fdc/csac.shtml
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