U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog:
Cachetmaker: Mickey Alogna (Storrs & Bement, etc.)

Part of the U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
by Douglas H. Henkle, AFDCS LM #137, henkle@pobox.com

(last updated .06-30-2024)

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Cachet Display Catalog: FDC Cachetmakers Index

      This page displays First Day Covers (FDC) serviced on General Purpose cachets from about 1938 and to about 1970 by Michael "Mickey" Paul Alogna (1906-2005) of Hartford, CT. Mickey Alogna was employed by the following three companies during this time period (Obituary). There is no proof, yet, that he designed and printed the General Purpose cachets displayed on this page, but he signed all known fillers.
     Storrs & Bement Co., Hartford, CT
     Green & Low Paper Co., Hartford, CT
     Lindenmeyr Paper Corp., Hartford, CT (previously Henry Lindenmeyr & Sons)

Storrs & Bement Co. Corner Card and from the filler - Mickey Alogna From the Green & Low Paper Co. filler - Mickey Alogna From the Henry Lindenmeyr & Sons filler - Mickey Alogna From the Lindenmeyr Paper Corp. filler - Mickey Alogna
      Mickey Alogna GP cachets -- Type 3 (black) -- Type 3a (brown) -- Type 1 (black) -- Type 1a (brown) -- Type 2 (red)
General Purpose Type 3 (black) - Mickey Alogna General Purpose Type 3a (brown) - Mickey Alogna General Purpose Type 1 (black) - Mickey Alogna General Purpose Type 1a (brown) - Mickey Alogna General Purpose Type 2 (red) - Mickey Alogna

      References -- What's New on this page

      Except as noted by "{A}" (my personal collection) or (USSS), all other displayed covers were found on the Web.

      Wanted: a 300 bpi / 600 pixel wide (or greater) .jpg scan of any unlisted cachet (ALSO any cachet marked ***)
Email it to: henkle@pobox.com
Subject for this page: Doug Henkle unlisted Mickey Alogna serviced GP cachet
      (an email with any other subject or with any other graphical format will be ignored IF it has an attachment)

  1. U.S. Scott #784-789, 8-26-1936 - 1st Storrs & Bement Company Corner Card (Cachetmaker: Mickey Alogna) -- X:92
  2. U.S. Scott #804, 4-25-1938 -- Storrs & Bement Co. Corner Card with unknown filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #804 - Mickey Alogna U.S. Scott #804 - Mickey Alogna
  3. U.S. Scott #805, 5-05-1938 -- Storrs & Bement Co. Corner Card with unknown filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #805 - Mickey Alogna
  4. U.S. Scott #806, 6-03-1938 -- Storrs & Bement Co. Corner Card with unknown filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #806 - Mickey Alogna
  5. U.S. Scott #807, 6-16-1938 -- Storrs & Bement Co. Corner Card with Storrs & Bement Co. filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #807 - Mickey Alogna U.S. Scott #807 - Mickey Alogna
  6. U.S. Scott #808, 7-01-1938 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with Storrs & Bement Co. filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #808 - Mickey Alogna U.S. Scott #808 - Mickey Alogna
  7. U.S. Scott #809, 7-11-1938 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with Storrs & Bement Co. filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #809 - Mickey Alogna U.S. Scott #809 - Mickey Alogna
  8. U.S. Scott #810, 7-21-1938 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with Storrs & Bement Co. filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #810 - Mickey Alogna U.S. Scott #810 - Mickey Alogna
  9. U.S. Scott #811, 7-28-1938 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with Storrs & Bement Co. filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #811 - Mickey Alogna U.S. Scott #811 - Mickey Alogna
  10. U.S. Scott #812, 8-04-1938 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with Storrs & Bement Co. filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #812 - Mickey Alogna U.S. Scott #812 - Mickey Alogna
  11. U.S. Scott #813, 8-11-1938 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with Storrs & Bement Co. filler -- (eBay)
  12. U.S. Scott #814, 8-18-1938 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with Storrs & Bement Co. filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #814 - Mickey Alogna U.S. Scott #814 - Mickey Alogna
  13. U.S. Scott #815, 9-02-1938 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with Storrs & Bement Co. filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #815 - Mickey Alogna U.S. Scott #815 - Mickey Alogna

  14. U.S. Scott #827, 11-22-1938 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with unknown filler -- (eBay)

  15. U.S. Scott #901, 10-16-1940 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with Storrs & Bement Co. filler -- (eBay)

  16. U.S. Scott #904, 7-04-1942 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet missing with Storrs & Bement Co. filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #904 - Mickey Alogna

  17. U.S. Scott #905, 7-04-1942 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with unknown filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #905 - Mickey Alogna

  18. U.S. Scott #908, 2-12-1943 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with unknown filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #908 - Mickey Alogna

  19. U.S. Scott #929, 7-11-1945 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with unknown filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #929 - Mickey Alogna

  20. U.S. Scott #935, 10-27-1945 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with unknown filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #935 - Mickey Alogna

  21. U.S. Scott #960, 7-31-1948 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with Green & Low Paper Co. filler -- (eBay)
  22. U.S. Scott #973, 10-27-1948 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with Green & Low Paper Co. filler -- (USSS*)
          USSS* = cover and filler is from "The Making of a First Day of Issue: 1948 Rough Riders Commemorative" by Marjory J. Sente, [The U.S. Specialist #1124, 10/2023, Vol. 94(10), p. 471-472]
    U.S. Scott #973 - Mickey Alogna U.S. Scott #973 filler - Mickey Alogna

  23. U.S. Scott #1062, 7-12-1954 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with Green & Low Paper Co. filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1062 - Mickey Alogna U.S. Scott #1062 - Mickey Alogna

  24. U.S. Scott #1067, 5-21-1955 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with Green & Low Paper Co. filler -- (eBay)

  25. U.S. Scott #1100, 3-15-1958 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with Lindenmeyr Paper Corp. filler -- (eBay)

  26. U.S. Scott #1177, 2-03-1961 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with unknown filler -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1177 - Mickey Alogna

  27. U.S. Scott #1409, 10-17-1970 -- Mickey Alogna GP cachet with Lindenmeyr Paper Corp. filler -- -- ***
          #1409 and filler are pictured on page 58 of Todd Ronnei's page: The 1970 Fort Snelling Sesquicentennial Stamp and Its First Day Covers (PDF).

Articles published in FIRST DAYS, Listed in Date of Publication Order:
What's New on this page -- changes since 07-01-2022:
      Added #973, the "Type" numbers for the GP crops at the top of the page, and started converting this page from "Servicer" to "Cachetmaker". Further research has found no proof that he designed and printed the cachets. What I did NOT find, was that anybody else was involved in the production of these FDCs over the 32 years and 3 different paper companies where Mickey Alogna was employed.
URL: https://www.folklib.net/fdc/makers/alogna.shtml
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Page created by Douglas H. Henkle (Contact): henkle@pobox.com