U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog:
Cachetmaker: Hal Ansink

Part of the U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
by Douglas H. Henkle, AFDCS LM #137, henkle@pobox.com

(last updated .04-03-2024)

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Cachet Display Catalog: FDC Cachetmakers Index

      This page lists and/or displays all known to me First Day Cover (FDC) cachets created from 1973 to about 1999 by Hal Ansink, ACE #94 (1926-2006) of Waukegan, IL. Except as noted by "{A}" (my personal collection), all other displayed covers were found on the Web.

      References -- What's New on this page

      Wanted: a 300 bpi / 600 pixel wide (or greater) .jpg scan of any unlisted cachet (ALSO any cachet marked ***)
Email it to: henkle@pobox.com
Subject for this page: Doug Henkle unlisted Hal Ansink cachet
      (an email with any other subject or with any other graphical format will be ignored IF it has an attachment)

   U.S. Scott #nnn = U.S. Scott Catalog number "#nnn".
   mm-dd-yyyy = First Day of Issue.

    Cachets are listed in U.S. Scott Number order:
  1. U.S. Scott #1710 -- 5-20-1977 -- Hal Ansink -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1710 -- Hal Ansink #1 U.S. Scott #1710 -- Hal Ansink #2
  2. U.S. Scott #1795-1798 -- 2-01-1980 -- Hal Ansink
          photo in FIRST DAYS [#159, 27(4), 5-15-1982, p. 390, Figures 8 and 9]
  3. U.S. Scott #1869 -- 2-22-1985 -- Hal Ansink -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #1869 -- Hal Ansink
  4. U.S. Scott #2122 -- 4-29-1985 -- Hal Ansink -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #2122 -- Hal Ansink
  5. U.S. Scott #2400 -- 10-20-1988 -- Hal Ansink -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #2400 -- Hal Ansink U.S. Scott #2400 -- Hal Ansink
  6. U.S. Scott #3184n -- 5-28-1998 -- Hal Ansink -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #3184n -- Hal Ansink
  7. U.S. Scott #3330 -- 7-30-1999 -- Hal Ansink --- (TRF)
    U.S. Scott #3330 -- Hal Ansink U.S. Scott #3330 -- Hal Ansink

  8. #C -- U.S. Airmail Stamps

  9. U.S. Scott #C79 -- 11-16-1973 -- 1st Hal Ansink

  10. #UX -- U.S. Postal Cards

  11. U.S. Scott #UX69 -- 11-10-1975 -- Hal Ansink -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #UX69 -- Hal Ansink

  12. #UXC -- U.S. Airmail Postal Cards

  13. U.S. Scott #UXC14 -- 1-04-1974 - Hal Ansink -- {A}
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - Hal Ansink
  14. U.S. Scott #UXC15 -- 1-04-1974 - Hal Ansink -- {A}
    U.S. Scott #UXC15 - Hal Ansink

  15. #UY -- U.S. Postal Reply Cards

  16. U.S. Scott #UY26 -- 11-10-1975 -- Hal Ansink -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #UY26 -- Hal Ansink

  17. #Events -- non-FDC

  18. #GLENPEX-85 -- 2-22-1985 GLENPEX '85 -- Hal Ansink -- (eBay)
    Event 2-22-1985 GLENPEX '85 -- Hal Ansink
  19. https://ldodge.com/fdcs/3182n/ -- 3182n - First World Series -- lpd-cachets@comcast.net

Articles published in FIRST DAYS, Listed in Date of Publication Order: TBA, still searching.
What's New on this page -- changes since 09-16-2023
04-03-2024: Added: #2400
URL: https://www.folklib.net/fdc/makers/ansink-h.shtml
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Page created by Douglas H. Henkle (Contact): henkle@pobox.com