U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog:
Cachetmaker: First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW)

Part of the U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
by Douglas H. Henkle, AFDCS LM #137, henkle@pobox.com

(last updated .12-18-2024)

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Cachet Display Catalog: FDC Cachetmakers Index

      This page displays First Day Cover (FDC) cachets created by various members of the First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW), AFDCS Chapter #29, and a branch chapter of the Wisconsin Federation of Stamp Clubs (WFSC). FDCCW was founded on 5-14-1977 and disbanded on 9-01-1993. All proceeds from the sale of these covers was donated by each Cachetmaker to FDCCW.
      "The Wisconsin Cover Sheet" (FDCCW Newsletter)

      References -- What's New on this page

U.S. Scott #nnn = U.S. Scott Catalog number.
mm-dd-yyyy - First Day of Issue
HJS = from the specialized First Day Cover collections of the late Henry J. Schmidt, AFDCS LM #153.

FDCCW-3 and FDCCW-4 will be displayed when I can find a copy of them.

  1. U.S. Scott #1783-1786 - 6-07-1979, First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (#FDCCW-1) by Elmer E. Koehler --- {A}
    U.S. Scott #1783 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #1) U.S. Scott #1784 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #1) U.S. Scott #1785 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #1) U.S. Scott #1786 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #1)
          This is the mockup Mr. Koehler gave (or sent) to the unknown printer from which all cachets were printed in black. After it was returned from the printer, he or someone else had it First Day serviced. I have found no record of who added the yellow, green and red colors by hand to all the other cachets. This is the only example I have seen with a hand cancel, or a block of four. --- {A}
    U.S. Scott #1783-1786 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #1)
          On 7-18-1979 I received from Waukegan, IL, from Hal Ansink, a photocopy of the only unofficial cancel I have seen on this cachet. The cancel is barely legible, but it is Black Earth, WI 53515, 19 miles west of Madison. It is a mystery who might have serviced this cover. Why there? --- {A}
    U.S. Scott #1786 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #1) U.S. Scott #1786 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #1)
  2. U.S. Scott #2114, 3-29-1985, First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (#FDCCW-2) by Henry J. Schmidt -- (HJS)
    U.S. Scott #2114 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #2) U.S. Scott #2114 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #2)
  3. U.S. Scott #2145, 5-25-1985, First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (#FDCCW-3) by by Howard M. Sherpe
  4. U.S. Scott #2154, 8-26-1985, First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (#FDCCW-4) by by Paul C. Thoman
  5. U.S. Scott #UX113, 7-03-1986, First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (#FDCCW-5) by Henry J. Schmidt
    U.S. Scott #UX113 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #5), Artist: Henry J. Schmidt U.S. Scott #UX113 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #5), Artist: Henry J. Schmidt U.S. Scott #UX113 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #5), Artist: Henry J. Schmidt
  6. U.S. Scott #2226, 3-06-1987, First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (#FDCCW-6) by Henry J. Schmidt -- (HJS / eBay / HJS)
    U.S. Scott #2226 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #6) U.S. Scott #2226 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #6) U.S. Scott #2226 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #6)
  7. U.S. Scott #UX118, 9-22-1987, First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (#FDCCW-7) by Henry J. Schmidt -- HJS{A} / (HJS)
          All covers on this page are SOLD OUT. The ordering address on this cachet is now invalid.
    U.S. Scott #UX118 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #6) U.S. Scott #UX118 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #6) U.S. Scott #UX118 - First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCW #6)
  8. #FDCCW-8 -- U.S. Scott #2420 -- 8-30-1989 -- "FDCCW" Last Cachet -- "1 of 105" --- {A}
    U.S. Scott #2420 -- First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCS) U.S. Scott #2420 -- First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCS) U.S. Scott #2420 -- First Day Cover Collectors of Wisconsin (FDCCS)
FDCCW was founded on 5-14-1977 and disbanded on 9-01-1993.
Articles published in FIRST DAYS, Listed in Date of Publication Order:

What's New on this page -- changes since 07-19-2021:
12-18-2024: -- Added FDCCW, #1 (#1783-1786)
04-13-2023: -- Added a "References" section.
URL: https://www.folklib.net/fdc/makers/fdccw.shtml
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Page created by Douglas H. Henkle (Contact): henkle@pobox.com