Huss #E1 (engraved)
U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog:
Cachetmaker: Matthew J. Huss (engraved)
World War II Patriotics
Part of the U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
by Douglas H. Henkle, AFDCS LM #137,
(last updated .03-03-2023)
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Cachet Display Catalog: FDC Cachetmakers Index
This page displays engraved and thermographed World War II patriotic cachets created by
Matthew J. Huss (1901 - 1974) of Evanston, Illinois. Huss produced the Engraved World War II Patriotics shown on this page as well as those designed by his four known free-lance artists:
Alberta J. Goff @
-- Diana Huss? @
-- L.I. Olsen and
? Moher . Although many of them were serviced as First Day Covers (FDC), no Huss produced designs were made for any specific postal released issue.
List of FDC's serviced on Huss Engraved Patriotic
-- Addenda
-- What's New on this page
Wanted: a 300 bpi / 600 pixel wide (or greater) .jpg scan of any unlisted cachet
(ALSO any cachet marked ***)
Email it to:
Subject for this page: Doug Henkle unlisted engraved Matthew J. Huss cachet
(an email with any other subject or with any other graphical format will be ignored IF it has an attachment)
U.S. Scott #nnn = U.S. Scott Catalog number.
mm-dd-yyyy - First Day of Issue
Except as noted by "{A}" (my personal collection), all other displayed covers were found on the Web. Every cover I own or have seen on-line with
these designs is displayed. The Design Numbers #E1, #E2, etc. were assigned by this Webmaster.
S1# = "Lawrence Sherman (1999) - 9660 designs described, with some designs pictured in black and white
Due to the addition of 1400 new cachets merged into the 2nd edition in alphabetical order, all of the Catalog numbers in the 1st edition became
S2# = Lawrence Sherman (2006) - 11060 designs described, with some designs pictured in color
p.nn1/nn2 = (nn1) page where this cachet is listed, (nn2) page where it is pictured (page
number is in bold). If the nn2 does not appear, that cachet is not pictured.
Note: Descriptions in italics are quoted from one of these books by Lawrence Sherman.
For more World War Two era cachets, see:
Lawrence Sherman World War II Patriotics
- #E1 - Matthew J. Huss Engraved #E1 -- {A} / {A} / {A} / {A} /
(Smithsonian's National Postal Museum)
"^^Eagle flying to right, flag in claws [engraved]"
-- [S1#9413 p.316]
-- [S2#10726 p.389]
#923 FDC -- #928 FDC -- #936 FDC -- #942 FDC -- #943 FDC (with Huss's rubber stamped address on the back) --- military free 11-23-1944 usage
1) Huss's rubber stamped address only seen by me on one back flap.
2) Huss's penciled self address for covers he serviced that were canceled in Evanston, IL.
3) Huss's penciled self address for covers he serviced that were canceled elsewhere.

- E1a - Matthew J. Huss Engraved #E1a
Allied victory in Europe [engraved] (overprinted for, and canceled on, VE Day 5-08-1945)
-- [S1#343 p.134/141]
-- [S2#384 p.141]
Identified by Sherman as a W.B Heckman design, who was also from Evanston, IL. This is an overprinted
Huss #E1 S2#10726. Question is, who overprinted it, Huss or Heckman? Note that the only two examples I have seen of this cachet were serviced by Huss and sent to his pencil addressed Post Office Box #693. This unique Huss self address appears on many of the covers on this page.

- #E1b - Matthew J. Huss Engraved #E1b -- (eBay)
Capitulation Day [caps] / The United Nations Triumph etc. [engraved]
(overprinted by Huss or Heckman?, and canceled on VE Day 5-08-1945)
-- [S1#1187 p.150]
-- [S2#1341 p.166]
Identified by Sherman as a W.B Heckman design, who was also from Evanston, IL. This is an overprinted
Huss #E1 S2#10726. Question is, who overprinted it, Huss or Heckman?

- #E1c - Matthew J. Huss Engraved #E1c -- (eBay) / (eBay) ***
Capitulation Day [script] / The United Nations Triumph etc. [engraved]
(overprinted by Huss or Heckman?, and canceled on VE Day 5-08-1945)
-- [S1#1187 p.150/155]
-- [S2#1342 p.166/174]
Identified by Sherman as a W.B Heckman design, who was also from Evanston, IL. This is an overprinted
Huss #E1 S2#10726. Question is, who overprinted it, Huss or Heckman?

- #E1c3 - Matthew J. Huss Engraved #E1c3 (eBay)
V-J Day / Unconditional surrender instrument / signed etc. [picture engraved]
-- [S1#8266 p.292/298]
-- [S2#9672 p.361]

- #E1d - Matthew J. Huss Engraved #E1d -- (eBay) / (eBay) / (eBay)
First Air Mail / Helicopter Test Flight / October 1st, 1946
-- [S1# not listed]
-- [S2# not listed]
1) Rubber stamp presumably made by Huss to overprint this specific design, canceled in Evanston.
2) Official? rubber stamp applied by the Post Office?, canceled in Evanston.
3) Label by unknown, canceled in Arlington Heights.
4) Official? rubber stamp applied by the Post Office?, canceled in Chicago, backstamped in Joliet.
Notes: Evanston is located adjacent to the northern City Limits of Chicago. Howard Street is the
dividing line between the two cities. And Arlington Heights is about 25 miles northwest of Chicago's downtown. I do not know if these were the only two cities on the route for this test flight.

- #E2 - Matthew J. Huss Thermographed #E2 -- (eBay 4) / (Smithsonian's National Postal Museum)
V / for victory [thermographed] [in red]
-- [S1#8063 p.289]
-- [S2#9168 p.352]
#910 FDC -- #928 FDC -- #937 FDC -- 2-18-1944 usage -- military free 12-02-1944 usage

- #E3 - Matthew J. Huss Thermographed #E3 -- {A} / (eBay) / (eBay)
V / for victory [thermographed] [in blue]
-- [S1#8063 p.289]
-- [S2#9168 p.352]
#927 FDC -- #928 FDC -- #937 FDC -- 8-18-1945 usage

- #E4 - Matthew J. Huss Engraved #E4 on two military free 3-13-1945 and 9-26-1943 usages -- {A} / (eBay)
Listed twice?
First victory then peace forever [engraved]
-- [S1#2045 p.168]
-- [S2#2279 p.191]
V / First victory then peace forever [thermographed]
-- [S1#8051 p.289]
-- [S2#9155 p.352]

- #E5 - Matthew J. Huss Engraved #E5 -- {A}
Victory / first / V / then a just peace / inspired by genuine etc. [engraved]
-- [S1#8362 p.294]
-- [S2#9465 p.357]
#936 FDC

- #E6 - Matthew J. Huss Engraved #E6 with an 8-14-1945 cancel and Huss's add-on VJ-Day 3 lines of text (see also #E11) -- {A}
V / Victory
-- [S1# not listed]
-- [S2# not listed]
side by side detailed comparison of #E6 and #E7

- #E7 - Matthew J. Huss Engraved #E7 -- (eBay) /
(Smithsonian's National Postal Museum)
V / Victory
-- [S1# not listed]
-- [S2# not listed]
#928 FDC --- 11-23-1944 usage

- #E8 - Matthew J. Huss Engraved #E8 -- {A}
Victory / V / Liberty [cachet 31x30 mm] [engraved]
-- [S1#8391 p.294]
-- [S2#9498 p.358]
#933 FDC
side by side detailed comparison of #E8 and #E8a -- {A} / (Henry J. Schmidt)
especially compare the blue/red "V" outlined in white

- #E8a - Matthew J. Huss Engraved #E8a -- in Sherman was "Unknown" - (HJS) / (eBay)
V / Victory [cachet 28x30 mm] [engraved]
-- [S1#8127 p.290/297]
-- [S2#9242 p.353/363]
#936 FDC -- 3-05-1943 usage

- #E9 - Matthew J. Huss Thermographed #E9 -- {A}
Welcome home fighting forces [thermographed]
-- [S1#8892 p.304]
-- [S2#10070 p.372]
#934 FDC

- #E9a - Matthew J. Huss Thermographed #E9a -- (eBay)
V / Victory for liberty [under Statue of Liberty] [thermographed]
-- [S1#8123 p.290]
-- [S2#9250 p.354]

- #E10 - Matthew J. Huss Engraved #E10 -- {A}
"^^Snowman, helmeted, wearing star-spangled tie, making "V" w/left hand" (was Unknown)
-- [S1# not listed]
-- [S2#10947 p.393]
This cachet is pictured in Mellone 1940's Vol. 2 as #C25a-42 .
#908 FDC

- #E11 - Matthew J. Huss Engraved #E11 -- (eBay) / {A}
^^Embossed porthole, seaplane in blue
-- [S1# not listed]
-- [S2# not listed]
#935 FDC --- 8-14-1945 usage with Huss's overprint add-on VJ-Day 3 lines of text (see also #E6)

- #E12 -- "V-E Day cover" rubber stamp -- Huss Special Event Overprint #1
- #E13 -- "V-J Day cover" rubber stamp -- Huss Special Event Overprint #2
- #E14 -- "V-J Day / Japan Surrenders / August 14, 1945" -- Huss Special Event Overprint #3
- #E30 - Matthew J. Huss Engraved #E30 (thermographed) -- (eBay) / (eBay) / (David Ahl)
^^Eagle on the ball of the staff and large U.S. Flag
-- [S1# not listed]
-- [S2# not listed]
#928 FDC --- 5-19-1945 usage ---1-19-1944 usage --- 10-19-1944 usage

#Overprints by Matthew J. Huss:
So far, all of the following have been found added only to cachets Huss produced.
- #E12 - "V-E DAY COVER" -- (eBay)
V-E Day cover [in quotes] [on "General Eisenhower" cachet] [colored envelopes]
Matthew J. Huss Special Event Overprint #1 (rubber stamp)
-- [S1#8238 p.292]
-- [S2#9417 p.356]
S2#9417 on Huss (Goff) S2#5959

- #E13 - "V-J DAY COVER" -- -- (eBay)
V-J Day cover [in quotes] [overprinted on cachets by Huss] [colored envelopes]
Matthew J. Huss Special Event Overprint #2 (rubber stamp)
-- [S1 not listed]
-- [S2#9684 p.361]
1) S2#9684 on Huss (Diana) #7576
-- 2) S2#9684 on Huss (Goff) S2#6967
-- 3) S2#9684 on Huss (Goff) S2#10711

- #E14 - V-J DAY -- (eBay)
V-J Day / Japan Surrenders / August 14, 1945 [overprinted on cachets by Huss]
Matthew J. Huss Special Event Overprint #3
-- [S1#8238 p.292]
-- [S2#7576 p.315]
1) on Huss (engraved #E6)
-- 2) on Huss (engraved #E11)
S2#9684 on Huss (Goff) S2#8267
S2#9684 on Huss (Goff) S2#8267

#HussFDCs - List of FDC's serviced on Huss Engraved Patriotic cachets:
2-12-1943 -- #908 -- #E10
5-22-1944 -- #923 -- #E1
3-03-1945 -- #927 -- #E3
4-25-1945 -- #928 -- #E1 -- #E2 -- #E3 -- #E7 -- #E30
1-30-1946 -- #933 -- #E8
9-28-1945 -- #934 -- #E9
10-27-1945 -- #935 -- #E11
11-10-1945 -- #936 -- #E1 -- #E5 -- #E8a
11-26-1945 --#937 -- #E2 -- #E3
8-03-1946 -- #942 -- #E1
8-10-1946 -- #943 -- #E1
3-18-1943 -- #C25a-42 -- #E10
#Addenda 1:
How I got interested in Huss cachets: My First Congregational Church of Oshkosh fellow choir member, Charlie Goff, when I told him about my cachet collecting hobby, mentioned that his wife, Alberta J. Goff, made cachets for Huss while she attended Northwestern University during World War II. I interviewed her about her work, and an Oshkosh Daily Northwestern reporter, Jo Zorr, also interviewed her and published a large article about her on 3-10-1978, larger than 8-1/2" x 11", so I can't scan it at this time. Sometime after that, date unknown, I drove to Evanston, IL (from Oshkosh, WI) to visit Chandler's Stationery Store, where Huss worked at its Stamp Counter during the War and an unknown period before and after it. The man in charge of the Counter at that time, Jared Johnson, co-owner of the store with his brother Morton, said that Huss had passed away several years before, but that he worked at Chandler's with him. I do not recall most of what we talked about, but he sold me all the Huss covers he had left in stock. Chandler's was founded by H.E. "Harry" Chandler in 1895, the building at Sherman Avenue and Davis Street was built in 1929, and it went out of business on 1-21-1995, per the
Chicago Tribune article by Cornelia Grumman and Jon Hilkevitch about the history of the store and its closing.
#Addenda 2
Possible original source of these engraved cachets: I am sorry but I don't recall where I heard this story,
either on the Web somewhere, or from Jared Johnson during my above trip to Evanston. The story: Chandler's sold stationery during the War that featured the above designs and Huss requested they print cacheted envelopes for him, or he got permission to use the designs and he had the envelopes printed. I have looked at many examples of War stationery for sale on the Web and I have yet to find a single example of War themed stationery packets which included the above designs. As yet, this story cannot be proven.
What's New on this page -- changes since 02-15-2022:
Added 5 #928 FDC's (E1, E2, E3, E7, E30), eBay lot of 5 sold 3-02-2023, "Buy it now: $175.00".
Replaced the Sherman photocopy with an actual #E1c3 (S2#9672) cover scan.
Added 2 #E2 scans, and changed the filenames to include the Sherman 2nd ed. Catalog Number. I will do the same for future updates, just not all at once.
1) I want the Flag Cachet at the bottom of the page to always be the last listing, so just this one time, I re-numbered #E11 to #E30 to open up a gap for new
cachet designs to be added. I apologize to anyone who linked directly to this cachet or used my previously assigned number for any purpose. I will try not to re-number any other designs in the future. To avoid doing this again and still keep similar designs together, I will be adding some new designs with "a", etc. suffixes to keep them in
numerical order. I hope this does not inconvenience anybody.
2) Added #E1a -- #E1b -- #E1c -- #E1d
-- #E9a and a new #E11 .
3) Added an enlarged comparison of #E6 and #E7 to show clearly, besides size, why they are different designs.
4) Added #E8a and an enlarged comparison of #E8 and #E8a to show why I believe that #E8a was also designed by Huss.
5) Added Addenda 1 -- Addenda 2
Added #E1c (white blurry cover, scan too small) -- #E8a (3-05-1943 cancel) and #E11 (#935 FDC) .
Added List of FDC's serviced on Huss Engraved Patriotic
cachets .
Added each cachet's "anchor" link as the first thing in the item's description, e.g. "#E30 - Matthew J. Huss Engraved ...", so that the cachet can be directly linked to, using: .
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