Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet # sample Series # sample

U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog:
Cachetmaker: Krause Publications / Stamp Collector Newspaper

Part of the U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
by Douglas H. Henkle, AFDCS LM #137,

(last updated .02-08-2025)

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Cachet Display Catalog: FDC Cachetmakers Index

      This page displays First Day Cover (FDC) cachets created from 1997 through about 2001 by Krause Publications (Wikipedia) of Iola, WI and the Stamp Collector Newspaper ("S.C.") of Albany, OR (Editor ?). This series of cachets were serviced on both FDC's and Special Events. Note that the "KP" Krause logo does not appear on a cachet until Series #6 . Until further research proves otherwise, I am assuming Krause printed all of these cachets in Iola. I do not know yet what arrangement Krause and "S.C." made about producing these cachets. On a somewhat related note, this period overlaps the years when Krause published the Krause-Minkus Standard Catalog of U.S. Stamps (1998-2004). Except as noted by "{A}" (my personal collection), all other displayed covers were found on the Web.

      Total number of cachets produced verified: "there are 24 numbered, plus an additional 1997 Wisconsin sesquicentennial forerunner" (Youngblood)

      What's New on this page

      Wanted: a 300 bpi / 600 pixel wide (or greater) .jpg scan of any unlisted cachet (ALSO any cachet marked ***)
Email it to:
Subject for this page: Doug Henkle unlisted Krause / Stamp Collector cachet
      (an email with any other subject or with any other graphical format will be ignored IF it has an attachment)


U.S. Scott #nnn = U.S. Scott Catalog number.
mm-dd-yyyy - First Day of Issue or Event date

  1. #K-SC1, Series #1 -- Krause / Stamp Collector
          U.S. Scott #3139a -- 5-29-1997 -- and #3140a -- 5-30-1997 -- FDC dual canceled combo -- (eBay)
          U.S. Scott #3131 -- 6-02-1997 -- PACIFIC ’97 show cancel (Event) -- (eBay)
          Series #1 unserviced -- {A}
    Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #1 Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #1 Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #1
  2. #K-SC2, Series #2 -- Krause / Stamp Collector
          U.S. Scott #3153 -- 8-21-1997 -- FDC -- {A}
    Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #2
  3. #K-SC3, Series #3 -- Krause / Stamp Collector
          U.S. Scott #3177 -- 10-30-1997 -- FDC -- {A}
    Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #3
  4. #K-SC4, Series #4 -- Krause / Stamp Collector -- *** (serviced)
          Series #4 unserviced -- {A}
    Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #4
  5. #K-SC5, Series #5 -- Krause / Stamp Collector
          #3131 -- 8-29-1998 "Last Day of Sale" Event -- {A}
          three #3236c, #3236g, #3236l -- 8-27-1998 -- FDC with a P.O. added cancel the next day on 8-28-1998 -- {A}
    Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #5 Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #5 Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #5 Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #5
  6. #K-SC6, Series #6 -- Krause / Stamp Collector -- *** (serviced)
          Series #6 unserviced -- {A}
    Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #6
  7. #K-SC7, Series #7 -- Krause / Stamp Collector -- *** (serviced)
          Series #7 unserviced -- {A}
    Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #7
  8. #K-SC8, Series #8 -- Krause / Stamp Collector -- *** (serviced)
          Series #8 unserviced -- {A}
    Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #8
  9. #K-SC9, Series #9 -- Krause / Stamp Collector
          #3317-#3320 -- 6-24-1999 -- FDC set of 4 -- {A}
    Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #9 Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #9 Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #9 Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #9
  10. #K-SC10, Series #10 -- Krause / Stamp Collector -- ***
  11. #K-SC11, Series #11 -- Krause / Stamp Collector
          #3333-#3337 -- 8-26-1999 -- FDC set of 5 -- {A}
    Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #11 Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #11 Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #11 Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #11 Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #11
  12. #K-SC12, Series #12 -- Krause / Stamp Collector -- ***
  13. #K-SC13, Series #13 -- Krause / Stamp Collector -- ***
  14. #K-SC14, Series #14 -- Krause / Stamp Collector -- ***
  15. #K-SC15, Series #15 -- Krause / Stamp Collector -- ***
  16. #K-SC16, Series #16 -- Krause / Stamp Collector
          #3447 -- 11-09-2000 -- FDC -- {A}
    Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #16
  17. #K-SC17, Series #17 -- Krause / Stamp Collector
          #3496 -- 1-19-2001 -- FDC -- {A}
    Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #17
  18. #K-SC18, Series #18 -- Krause / Stamp Collector
          #3505a-#3505d -- 3-29-2001 and 3-30-2001 -- FDC dual canceled combo {A}
    Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #18
  19. #K-SC19, Series #19 -- Krause / Stamp Collector
          #3528-#3531 -- 8-23-2001 block of 4 -- FDC {A}
    Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #19
  20. #K-SC20, Series #20 -- Krause / Stamp Collector -- ***
  21. #K-SC21, Series #21 -- Krause / Stamp Collector -- ***
  22. #K-SC22, Series #22 -- Krause / Stamp Collector -- ***
  23. #K-SC23, Series #23 -- Krause / Stamp Collector -- ***
  24. #K-SC24, Series #24 -- Krause / Stamp Collector
         #3821-3824 -- 10-23-2003 -- FDC {A}
         This was the final numbered cachet in this Series.
    Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet #24

  25.       This was an extra Cachet is this Series which had no Series Number noted in the cachet.

  26. #K-SC-none, No Series # -- Krause / Stamp Collector
          #3206 -- 5-29-1998 -- FDC {A}
    Krause / Stamp Collector Cachet, No Series #
  27. #U618 -- 9-09-1990 -- Stamp Collector / Krause Publications (Corner Card) -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #U618 -- Krause / Stamp Collector (Corner Card)

  28. #Iola -- Other Iola, WI / Krause Publications / Western Stamp Collector Memorabilia
  29. #SC-subs1 -- Western Stamp Collector 12-07-1952 subscription renewal card -- (eBay)
    Western Stamp Collector 12-07-1952 renewal card Western Stamp Collector 12-07-1952 renewal card
  30. #Iola-PC1 -- Krause Publications, Inc. postcard (ca. 1980s) -- (eBay)
    Krause Publications, Inc. postcard Krause Publications, Inc. postcard KP-J2374
  31. #Iola-PC2 -- Main Street of Iola. postcard (ca. 1907) -- (eBay)
    Main Street of Iola. (ca. 1890s) Main Street of Iola. (ca. 1890s) Main Street of Iola. (ca. 1890s) Main Street of Iola. (ca. 1890s)
  32. #Iola-PC3 -- Downtown Iola, Wisconsin postcard (ca. 1960s) -- (eBay)
    Downtown Iola, Wisconsin postcard (ca. 1960s) Downton Iola, Wisconsin. (ca. 1960s) KP-J11780
  33. #Iola-PC4 -- #Iola-PC3 postcard Reprinted for National Postcard Week -- May 4-19-1986 -- (eBay)
    #Iola-PC3 postcard Reprinted for National Postcard Week -- May 4-19-1986 #Iola-PC3 Reprinted for National Postcard Week -- May 4019-1986 KP-J11789

Articles published in FIRST DAYS, Listed in Date of Publication Order:
What's New on this page -- changes since 12-12-2021:
02-08-2025: Scans added: Series #24 -- #U618 -- Iola related Memorabilia Section
11-20-2024: Changed all "KSC" Numbers on this page to "K-SC" to avoid any conflict with Kevin S. Colton's "KSC Cachets".
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