APPENDIX B, Complete Index

(last updated .08-09-2017)

      This page, generated by the Webmaster, contains a complete index of every entry created by Bill Markwick for his "The Folk File: A Folkie's Dictionary"   ( ) .

Menu for the alphabetical entry titles on this page:
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  1. A&R
  2. Abbott, O.J.
  3. aboon
  4. a cappella
  5. accelerando
  6. accent
  7. accidental
  8. accordion
  9. accumulative songs
  10. Acknowledgements
  11. acoustic
  12. action
  13. Acuff, Roy
  14. Adams, Derroll
  15. ae
  16. aerophone
  17. afore
  18. A440
  19. ahint
  20. air
  21. alane
  22. Albion Band
  23. album
  24. Ale
  25. aliquot
  26. aliquot strings
  27. All Hallows Eve
  28. All Saints' Day
  29. All Souls' Day
  30. Almanac Singers
  31. alto
  32. Amazing Grace
  33. ambitus
  34. American Folklife Center
  35. amp
  36. amplifier
  37. anacrusis
  38. anapestic
  39. Andersen, Eric
  40. Anderson, Alistair
  41. Anderson, Pink
  42. anent
  43. anhemitonic
  44. Animals
  45. anon
  46. anticipation
  47. antiphon
  48. antiphonal
  49. anti-recruiting songs
  50. APG
  51. Appalachia
  52. Appalachian bow
  53. archlute
  54. archtop
  55. Arhoolie
  56. Arkin, Alan
  57. armband
  58. armonica
  59. Armstrong, Frankie
  60. Armstrong, Tommy
  61. arpeggio
  62. art music
  63. Asch, Moses
  64. Ashley, Clarence
  65. ask
  66. assonantal rhyme
  67. a' the go
  68. athwart
  69. Atkins, Chet
  70. atonal
  71. attack
  72. augmented
  73. augmented chord
  74. authentic
  75. autoharp
  76. Autry, Gene
  77. ava
  78. awl
  79. Axton, Hoyt


  80. bacca pipes
  81. back
  82. backbeat
  83. backup
  84. Bacon, Lionel
  85. badman ballads
  86. Baez, Joan
  87. bag
  88. bagpipes
  89. bairn
  90. Baker, Etta
  91. balalaika
  92. baldrick
  93. Baldry, Long John
  94. ballad
  95. ballade
  96. balladmonger
  97. ballet
  98. ballett
  99. bandoneon
  100. bandster
  101. Band, The
  102. bandura
  103. bane
  104. banjo
  105. banjo-guitar
  106. banjolin
  107. bar
  108. bar band
  109. Barbeau, Marius
  110. Barbecue Bob
  111. bar chord
  112. bard
  113. Baring-Gould, Sabine
  114. baritone
  115. barker
  116. bar line
  117. baroque
  118. baroque pitch
  119. Barrand, Tony
  120. barre chord
  121. barrelhouse
  122. barrel organ
  123. bass
  124. basscan
  125. bass guitar
  126. bass run
  127. Battlefield Band
  128. bawbee
  129. bawdy
  130. beam
  131. beat
  132. beatnik
  133. Bedlam
  134. Beers Family
  135. Beethoven, Ludwig van
  136. Belafonte, Harry
  137. belive
  138. Bellamy, Peter
  139. bellman
  140. ben
  141. bend
  142. Benoit, Emile
  143. bent
  144. berk
  145. besom
  146. Bibb, Leon
  147. Bikel, Theodore
  148. Billings, William
  149. birk
  150. birkie
  151. bis
  152. bitonal
  153. blackleg
  154. blacklist
  155. Blackwell, Scrapper
  156. Blake, Norman
  157. Bland, James
  158. bleed
  159. Blind Blake
  160. Blind Blake Higgs
  161. Blind Boy Fuller
  162. Blind Boy Grunt
  163. Blind Lemon Jefferson
  164. Blind Sammie
  165. Blind Willie Johnson
  166. Blind Willie McTell
  167. blint
  168. Bloomfield, Mike
  169. blow
  170. Blowin' in the Wind
  171. bluegrass
  172. blue note
  173. blues
  174. Blue Sky Boys
  175. Bluetail Fly
  176. board-end
  177. bob
  178. bobbit
  179. bodhran
  180. Bogtrotters
  181. boogie
  182. Bogle, Eric
  183. Boggs, Doc
  184. Bojangles
  185. Bok, Gordon
  186. Bolden, Buddy
  187. bones
  188. bongos
  189. Bonny Prince Charlie
  190. Bookbinder, Roy
  191. books
  192. Bookbinder, Roy
  193. borrowing
  194. bothy
  195. bothy band
  196. bottleneck style
  197. bottom strings
  198. bourree
  199. bouzouki
  200. bow
  201. bowdlerize
  202. bower
  203. bowl mandolin
  204. box
  205. Boys of the Lough
  206. bracken
  207. brae
  208. Bragg, Billy
  209. Brand, Oscar
  210. branle
  211. brass
  212. braw
  213. braxie
  214. break
  215. breakdown
  216. bree
  217. breeks
  218. breve
  219. Brickman, Marshall
  220. bridge
  221. bridge pin
  222. brig
  223. bright
  224. bring it home
  225. broadside
  226. Broadside magazine
  227. broken chord
  228. broken token
  229. Bromberg, David
  230. Bronson, Bertrand
  231. broom
  232. Broonzy, Bill
  233. Brothers Four
  234. Brown, Willie
  235. bubblegum
  236. bucht
  237. buckdancing
  238. buckwheat
  239. Bull, Sandy
  240. bully
  241. burden
  242. burn
  243. Burns, Jethro
  244. Burns, Robert
  245. busk
  246. busking
  247. but
  248. but and ben
  249. Butterfield, Paul
  250. button accordion
  251. buzzwords
  252. Byrds
  253. byre


  254. ca
  255. cadence
  256. cadenza
  257. cadger
  258. cadgily
  259. cafeteria effect
  260. Cajun
  261. cakes
  262. call and response
  263. callant
  264. calling-on song
  265. calliope
  266. calypso
  267. cambric
  268. Cameron, John Allan
  269. Camp, Hamilton
  270. Campbell, Alex
  271. Campbell, Paul
  272. Candlemas
  273. candyman
  274. canned
  275. Cannon, Gus
  276. canny
  277. canon
  278. canticle
  279. cantillate
  280. cantino
  281. cantometrics
  282. cantus firmus
  283. capo
  284. capstan shanty
  285. Carawan, Guy
  286. Carignan, Jean
  287. carl
  288. carlin
  289. carol
  290. Carolan, Turlough
  291. Carr, Leroy
  292. Carson, Fiddling John
  293. Carter Family
  294. Carter, Maybelle
  295. Carter, Sydney
  296. Carter, Wilf
  297. Carthy, Martin
  298. Casey Jones
  299. Cash, Johnny
  300. castrato
  301. catch
  302. catgut
  303. CBC
  304. ceilidh
  305. celesta
  306. cello
  307. Celtic
  308. cembalo
  309. cent
  310. Chad Mitchell Trio
  311. chain
  312. Chandler, Dillard
  313. Chandler, Len
  314. change ringing
  315. channerin
  316. chant
  317. chanter
  318. chanterelle
  319. chantey
  320. chapbook
  321. Chapin, Harry
  322. chart
  323. Charters, Sam
  324. cheater
  325. cheat sheet
  326. cheironomy
  327. chemical toilets
  328. Chenier, Clifton
  329. Chieftains
  330. chiels
  331. Child
  332. Child ballad
  333. Child, F.J.
  334. children's folk
  335. chironomy
  336. chitarrone
  337. chops
  338. chord
  339. chordal style
  340. chord inversion
  341. chord numbering
  342. chordophone
  343. chord progression
  344. chord shape
  345. chorus
  346. Christmastide
  347. Christofori, Bartolomeo
  348. Christy's Minstrels
  349. chromatic
  350. chromatic scale
  351. church music
  352. chuffed
  353. cimbalom
  354. circle of fifths
  355. circulating temperament
  356. cittern
  357. claes
  358. clam
  359. Clancy Brothers
  360. Clark, Guy
  361. clashpans
  362. classical
  363. classical guitar
  364. clavichord
  365. clavier
  366. clawhammer
  367. Clayton, Paul
  368. Clearwater Project
  369. clef
  370. clem
  371. Clements, Vassar
  372. Click Song
  373. Clifton, Bill
  374. clinker
  375. clogging
  376. clogs
  377. Clootie
  378. close harmony
  379. Cockburn, Bruce
  380. cockie
  381. cockup
  382. coda
  383. coeval
  384. coffeehouse
  385. Cohen, Leonard
  386. collating
  387. collectors
  388. collier
  389. colliery
  390. Collins, Judy
  391. colophon
  392. colophony
  393. combination tone
  394. come-all-ye
  395. Come For To Sing
  396. Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eirann
  397. comma
  398. comma of Pythagoras
  399. commercialized
  400. common chord
  401. common time
  402. compass
  403. communal origin
  404. compere
  405. compound interval
  406. compound meter
  407. compound time
  408. concertina
  409. concerto
  410. concert pitch
  411. concordance
  412. concordant
  413. conga
  414. conjunct
  415. conjunctive
  416. Connors, Tom
  417. Conolly, John
  418. consonant
  419. contemporary folk
  420. conteur
  421. continuo
  422. contra dancing
  423. contralto
  424. contrapuntal
  425. Cooder, Ry
  426. cook
  427. coof
  428. Cooney, Michael
  429. cooper
  430. coorie
  431. Copper Family
  432. copyright
  433. corbie
  434. cornet
  435. coster
  436. Cotten, Elizabeth
  437. Cotswold
  438. countermelody
  439. counterpoint
  440. countertenor
  441. counting in
  442. country
  443. C&W
  444. country blues
  445. country dancing
  446. Country Gardens
  447. Country Gentlemen
  448. courante
  449. course
  450. courting dulcimer
  451. cover
  452. cowbell
  453. cowboy songs
  454. craw
  455. credenza
  456. Creighton, Helen
  457. crescendo
  458. Cristofori, Bartolomeo
  459. cross-fingering
  460. cross flute
  461. cross-harp
  462. crossover
  463. cross picking
  464. cross rhythm
  465. crossroads
  466. crotchet
  467. croton
  468. crown
  469. Crudup, Big Boy
  470. crwth
  471. cue
  472. cuif
  473. cumulative songs
  474. curtal
  475. cutaway
  476. cut time
  477. cutty
  478. cutty stool
  479. cycle
  480. cycle of fifths
  481. cymbal


  482. dactylic
  483. Dalhart, Vernon
  484. damper
  485. damping
  486. dance
  487. danceout
  488. Dane, Barbara
  489. danting
  490. Darby and Tarleton
  491. Darling, Erik
  492. daunton
  493. Davenport, Bob
  494. Davis, Rev. Gary
  495. D.C.
  496. dead
  497. dead thumb
  498. decay time
  499. decelerando
  500. decoration
  501. definition, folksong
  502. degree
  503. deil
  504. delay line
  505. Deliverance
  506. dell
  507. Deller, Alfred
  508. Delmore Brothers
  509. delta blues
  510. Denny, Sandy
  511. Denver, John
  512. descant
  513. de Worde, Wynkyn
  514. DI
  515. diad
  516. dialogue
  517. diapason
  518. diapente
  519. diastematic
  520. diatessaron
  521. diatonic
  522. diatonic interval
  523. diddley bow
  524. diddling
  525. didjeridu
  526. diesis
  527. difference tone
  528. Digital Tradition
  529. Dillards
  530. dim
  531. diminished
  532. diminished chord
  533. diminuendo
  534. dirge
  535. Dirty Linen
  536. disasters
  537. discant
  538. discordant
  539. disjunct
  540. disjunctive
  541. dissonant
  542. dithyramb
  543. ditone
  544. Dixon, Willie
  545. do
  546. Dobro
  547. doct
  548. dochter
  549. doffer
  550. doffin' mistress
  551. dominant
  552. Donegan, Lonnie
  553. Donovan
  554. Dont Look Back
  555. dool
  556. do-re-mi
  557. dotted notes
  558. double
  559. double bass
  560. double dominant
  561. double dotted
  562. double flat
  563. double sharp
  564. double stop
  565. double-thumbing
  566. downbeat
  567. dram
  568. dreadnought
  569. Driftwood, Jimmy
  570. drone
  571. drone strings
  572. drum kit
  573. drummer
  574. drums
  575. dry
  576. D.S.
  577. dubbing
  578. dulcimer
  579. dulcimer, courting
  580. dule
  581. duple
  582. D'Urfey, Thomas
  583. dyad
  584. Dyer-Bennett, Richard
  585. Dylan, Bob
  586. dynamics


  587. Easy Rider
  588. ecclesiastical modes
  589. echo
  590. ee
  591. een
  592. eenst
  593. EFDSS
  594. effects box
  595. Eisteddfod
  596. electric folk
  597. Electric Muse
  598. elegy
  599. eleventh
  600. elf
  601. Elizabethan
  602. Elliott, Jack
  603. embouchure
  604. Emmett, Dan
  605. end-blown
  606. English, Logan
  607. enharmonic
  608. envoi
  609. epic
  610. EQ
  611. equalizer
  612. equal-tempered scale
  613. Estes, Sleepy John
  614. ethnic
  615. etiquette, folk
  616. euphony
  617. Even Dozen Jug Band
  618. Eve of All Hallows
  619. Everly Brothers
  620. ey


  621. faa
  622. Fahey, John
  623. Faier, Billy
  624. fain
  625. fainting
  626. Fairport
  627. Fairport Convention
  628. fake
  629. fake book
  630. faker
  631. false fifth
  632. falsetto
  633. fancy
  634. Farina, Richard
  635. fasola
  636. fause
  637. feast
  638. fecht
  639. fee
  640. feedback
  641. feere
  642. fell
  643. female sailor
  644. female triumphs
  645. fen
  646. fermata
  647. fey
  648. f-hole
  649. fiddle
  650. fiddle pun
  651. fiddle tunes
  652. fiere
  653. fife
  654. fifth
  655. Figgy Duff
  656. figured bass
  657. filk
  658. fill
  659. filler
  660. final
  661. fingerboard
  662. fingerpicking
  663. fingerpick
  664. finger-style
  665. fifth
  666. fipple
  667. Fitzgerald, Winston
  668. Five Hand Reel
  669. flag
  670. flageolet
  671. flailing
  672. flamenco
  673. flamenco guitar
  674. Flanders and Swann
  675. flat
  676. flat chord
  677. flatpick
  678. flatpicking
  679. Flatt and Scruggs
  680. Flatt, Lester
  681. flatted
  682. fleaching
  683. fluff
  684. flute
  685. Foggy Foggy Dew
  686. foldback
  687. Folkbook
  688. folk boom
  689. folk dance
  690. Folkie Profile
  691. folk Nazi
  692. folk process
  693. Folk Review
  694. folk revival
  695. folk-rock
  696. folk scare
  697. folksong, definition
  698. folksongs, military
  699. folksong, types
  700. Folkways
  701. Fool
  702. Fool's Jig
  703. foot
  704. Ford, Tennessee Ernie
  705. foreman
  706. forebitter
  707. fork fingering
  708. formant
  709. fornent
  710. forte
  711. Foster, Stephen
  712. fourth
  713. fourth chord
  714. Fowke, Edith
  715. foxhunting songs
  716. frailing
  717. fratching
  718. Freedom Singers
  719. freedom songs
  720. free reed
  721. French harp
  722. frequency
  723. frequencies, equal-tempered
  724. frequencies, just
  725. frequencies, meantone
  726. frequencies, Pythagorean
  727. fret
  728. fretboard
  729. Friedman, Albert
  730. frog
  731. frontman
  732. Fruit Jar Drinkers
  733. Fugs
  734. fugue
  735. fuguing
  736. Fuller, Blind Boy
  737. Fuller, Jesse
  738. fundamental
  739. fundamental bass
  740. funky
  741. furlong


  742. gaberlunzie
  743. Gaelic
  744. gaed
  745. gaffer
  746. Gahr, David
  747. galliard
  748. gambolier
  749. gamut
  750. gandy dancer
  751. gang
  752. gar
  753. garland dance
  754. Gateway Singers
  755. gauge
  756. Gaughan, Dick
  757. gavotte
  758. Georgia Bill
  759. genteel
  760. Georgia Sea Island Singers
  761. Geremia, Paul
  762. Gerlach, Fred
  763. Gibson
  764. Gibson, Bob
  765. gie
  766. gig
  767. Gilbert, Ronnie
  768. gill
  769. gin
  770. glass harmonica
  771. Glazer, Tom
  772. glee
  773. Glesca
  774. glissando
  775. Glover, Tony
  776. go down
  777. Goldstein, Kenneth
  778. goliard
  779. goober peas
  780. good-
  781. Goodman, Steve
  782. goodnight ballad
  783. gospel
  784. Gossett Jr, Lou
  785. go the distance
  786. gowd
  787. Gow, Niel
  788. grace notes
  789. Graham, Davey
  790. Grainger, Percy
  791. grammarie
  792. grand clef
  793. Grandpa Jones
  794. Grand Ole Opry
  795. grat
  796. great clef
  797. Great Folk Scare
  798. gree
  799. Greek modes
  800. Greenbriar Boys
  801. Green Grow the Rashes-O
  802. Green Grow the Rushes-O
  803. Greensleeves
  804. greet
  805. Gregorian chant
  806. grog
  807. Grossman, Albert
  808. Grossman, Stefan
  809. gruel
  810. gruppetto
  811. GSO
  812. Guabi, Guabi
  813. guest set
  814. guid
  815. Guido d'Arezzo
  816. Guild
  817. Guinchard, Rufus
  818. guitar
  819. guitarron
  820. Gullah
  821. Gunning, Sarah
  822. gut
  823. gutbucket
  824. Guthrie, Arlo
  825. Guthrie, Woody
  826. guttle
  827. Guy, Buddy
  828. Gypsies
  829. Gypsy scale


  830. ha
  831. Hal-an-Tow
  832. hallan
  833. Hall, Than
  834. halt
  835. halyard song
  836. Hamilton, Frank
  837. hammer
  838. hammered dulcimer
  839. Hammond Jr, John
  840. Hammond, John
  841. handkerchief dance
  842. Handy, W.C.
  843. Hannah
  844. Harburg, Yip
  845. Hardanger fiddle
  846. Hardin, Tim
  847. harmonic
  848. harmonica
  849. Harmonica Frank
  850. harmonic minor
  851. harmonic series
  852. harmonium
  853. harmony
  854. harmony singing
  855. harp
  856. harpeggio
  857. harpsichord
  858. Hart, Tim
  859. Hartford, John
  860. haugh
  861. Havens, Richie
  862. Hawaiian guitar
  863. Hawes, Bess Lomax
  864. hawker
  865. Hawks
  866. Hays, Lee
  867. head
  868. head arrangement
  869. Headline Singers
  870. headstock
  871. Heaney, Joe
  872. Hellerman, Fred
  873. Helmholtz notation
  874. Helms, Bobby
  875. hemiola
  876. hemiope
  877. hemitonic
  878. Hemsworth, Wade
  879. Henderson, Hamish
  880. Henske, Judy
  881. heptatonic scale
  882. Hester, Carolyn
  883. Herald, John
  884. herbs
  885. hertz
  886. hexachord
  887. hexatonic scale
  888. hey
  889. Hibbs, Harry
  890. Hickerson, Joe
  891. high C
  892. high hat
  893. High Level Ranters
  894. high lonesome
  895. high string guitar
  896. high strung
  897. Highwaymen
  898. hillbilly
  899. Hill, Joe
  900. hind
  901. hinny
  902. Hinton, Sam
  903. HIP
  904. historical accuracy
  905. hobo songs
  906. hocket
  907. hoddin
  908. hoedown
  909. Hogmanay
  910. hog-rubber
  911. hokum
  912. hokum blues
  913. Holcomb, Roscoe
  914. Hole in the Wall
  915. Holiday, Billie
  916. hollers
  917. Holy Ground
  918. Holy Modal Rounders
  919. Homer and Jethro
  920. homophonic
  921. homorhythmic
  922. honkytonk
  923. hook
  924. Hooker, John Lee
  925. hoot
  926. hootenanny
  927. hoot night
  928. Hopkins, Lightnin'
  929. hornpipe
  930. horse
  931. hot licks
  932. hotlist
  933. house concert
  934. House, Son
  935. Houston, Cisco
  936. Howlin' Wolf
  937. How to Play the 5-string Banjo
  938. Hudson Dusters
  939. Hugill, Stan
  940. humour
  941. hurdie
  942. hurdy gurdy
  943. Hurt, John
  944. Hutchings, Ashley
  945. hyper


  946. iambic
  947. Ian & Sylvia
  948. Ian, Janis
  949. I Come for to Sing
  950. idiophone
  951. idiot list
  952. ilka
  953. incest songs
  954. incremental songs
  955. Internet folk
  956. intonation
  957. intro
  958. inversion
  959. interval
  960. Irish pipes
  961. Irish music
  962. Irish Rovers
  963. isometric
  964. Ives, Burl
  965. Ives, Charles
  966. IWW


  967. Jack-in-the-Green
  968. Jackson, Aunt Molly
  969. Jackson, Mahalia
  970. Jacobite songs
  971. jam
  972. James, Skip
  973. Jansch, Bert
  974. Jefferson, Blind Lemon
  975. Jeremiad
  976. Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring
  977. jew's harp
  978. jig
  979. Jim Kweskin Jug Band
  980. Jimmy
  981. John Barleycorn
  982. John Henry
  983. John Roberts & Tony Barrand
  984. Johnson, Blind Willie
  985. Johnson, James
  986. Johnson, Lonnie
  987. Johnson, Robert
  988. Jones, Grandpa
  989. jongleur
  990. Joplin, Scott
  991. Journeymen
  992. juba
  993. jug band
  994. juke
  995. Juno
  996. just intonation


  997. Kalb, Danny
  998. kalimba
  999. Karpeles, Maud
  1000. Kashtin
  1001. Kazee, Buell
  1002. kazoo
  1003. keekit
  1004. kemp
  1005. Kemp, William
  1006. Kennedy, Peter
  1007. Kennedy, Norman
  1008. Kent, Enoch
  1009. Kershaw, Doug
  1010. key
  1011. keynote
  1012. key signature
  1013. kick drum
  1014. Kidson, Frank
  1015. Killen, Louis
  1016. Kimber, William
  1017. Kincaid, Bradley
  1018. King, Albert
  1019. King Arthur
  1020. King, B.B.
  1021. kist
  1022. kitchen music
  1023. klezmer
  1024. Kingston Trio
  1025. Kipling, Rudyard
  1026. Kipper Family
  1027. kipple
  1028. kirtle
  1029. kit
  1030. kittle
  1031. kittle hoosie
  1032. knife guitar
  1033. knowe
  1034. Koerner, John
  1035. Koerner, Ray & Glover
  1036. Kokomo Arnold
  1037. Kooper, Al
  1038. Kornfeld, Barry
  1039. Kottke, Leo
  1040. Kristofferson, Kris
  1041. krumhorn
  1042. Kweskin, Jim
  1043. kye


  1044. LaFarge, Peter
  1045. laird
  1046. lake wake
  1047. lament
  1048. Lammas
  1049. landsman
  1050. Landy, Bob
  1051. lane
  1052. lang
  1053. Langhorne, Bruce
  1054. Lass of Roch Royal
  1055. lave
  1056. lawin
  1057. lay
  1058. lea
  1059. lead
  1060. Leadbelly
  1061. leading
  1062. lead note
  1063. lead sheet
  1064. league
  1065. Ledbetter, Huddie
  1066. ledger line
  1067. leeze me
  1068. legato
  1069. leger line
  1070. Lehrer, Tom
  1071. leman
  1072. Lent
  1073. lesser fifth
  1074. Lewis, Furry
  1075. ley
  1076. Library of Congress
  1077. lich
  1078. lich wake
  1079. licks
  1080. ligature
  1081. Lightfoot, Gordon
  1082. lillie
  1083. limberjack doll
  1084. Limeliters
  1085. limies
  1086. Lincolnshire Poacher
  1087. lining out
  1088. lining track
  1089. linkin
  1090. linn
  1091. lip
  1092. Lipscomb, Mance
  1093. live
  1094. Living Tradition, The
  1095. Lloyd, A.L.
  1096. LOC
  1097. lock
  1098. Lomax, Alan
  1099. Lomax, John
  1100. longsword
  1101. loun
  1102. loup
  1103. love songs
  1104. Lovin' Spoonful
  1105. lozen
  1106. LP
  1107. LRO
  1108. lullaby
  1109. lumber
  1110. Lunnan
  1111. Lunsford, Bascom Lamar
  1112. lute
  1113. luthier
  1114. lyart
  1115. lyke wake
  1116. lyre
  1117. lyrics, online


  1118. MacArthur, Margaret
  1119. Macon, Uncle Dave
  1120. MacColl, Ewan
  1121. machine head
  1122. MacNeil, Rita
  1123. madrigal
  1124. magazines
  1125. maggot
  1126. mailing list, folk
  1127. maillins
  1128. main
  1129. Mainer's Mountaineers
  1130. main stage
  1131. major chord
  1132. major key
  1133. major scale
  1134. major seventh
  1135. Makem, Tommy
  1136. Mallett, David
  1137. mando-banjo
  1138. mando-cello
  1139. mandola
  1140. mandolin
  1141. Maphis, Joe
  1142. maracas
  1143. marimba
  1144. mark
  1145. marker
  1146. Markwick, Bill
  1147. Martin
  1148. Martin, Bogan, & Armstrong
  1149. Martinmas
  1150. matlow
  1151. maun
  1152. mazurka
  1153. McBride, Owen
  1154. McCoy, Charlie
  1155. McCurdy, Ed
  1156. McDowell, Fred
  1157. McGarrigle, Kate & Anna
  1158. McGee Brothers
  1159. McGhee, Brownie
  1160. McGuinn, Roger
  1161. McLaughlan, Murray
  1162. McLean, Don
  1163. McTell, Ralph
  1164. McTell, Blind Willie
  1165. meal-n'-ale
  1166. meantone scale
  1167. measure
  1168. media
  1169. mediant
  1170. medicine shows
  1171. medieval
  1172. medley
  1173. Mel Bay
  1174. melisma
  1175. melodeon
  1176. melodic minor
  1177. melody
  1178. membranophone
  1179. Memphis Minnie
  1180. Memphis Slim
  1181. merk
  1182. me-sen
  1183. mesotonic scale
  1184. Messer, Don
  1185. meter
  1186. metronome
  1187. microtone
  1188. middle C
  1189. Michaelmas
  1190. mickle
  1191. military folksongs
  1192. Mills, Alan
  1193. Mimi & Richard Farina
  1194. minim
  1195. minor
  1196. minor chord
  1197. minor key
  1198. minor scale
  1199. minstrel
  1200. minuet
  1201. minus sign
  1202. mirliton
  1203. missing fundamental
  1204. Mitchell, Adam
  1205. Mitchell, Joni
  1206. mixdown
  1207. modal
  1208. modal tuning
  1209. mode
  1210. modulation
  1211. moldy figs
  1212. money
  1213. monitor
  1214. monochord
  1215. monody
  1216. monophonic
  1217. Monroe, Bill
  1218. Monroe, Charlie
  1219. Montana Slim
  1220. Moore, Thomas
  1221. mordent
  1222. morisco
  1223. morris
  1224. morris call
  1225. morris off
  1226. morris on
  1227. morris Ring
  1228. mountain dulcimer
  1229. mouth bow
  1230. mouth music
  1231. mouth organ
  1232. movable do
  1233. movies
  1234. mud
  1235. multi-tracking
  1236. mummers
  1237. mummers plays
  1238. mumming
  1239. Music Access
  1240. music hall
  1241. musicianer
  1242. mute
  1243. My Dog Has Fleas
  1244. My Grandfather's Clock


  1245. Nancy
  1246. National
  1247. natural
  1248. natural minor
  1249. natural scale
  1250. navelgazers
  1251. navvy
  1252. Navy six
  1253. Neale, John
  1254. needle gun
  1255. Neil, Fred
  1256. net, the
  1257. neuk
  1258. neumatic
  1259. neume
  1260. Never-Never Land
  1261. New Christy Minstrels
  1262. newgrass
  1263. New Lost City Ramblers
  1264. Newman, Joel
  1265. New Vaudeville Band
  1266. New York Gals
  1267. Nick
  1268. niffer
  1269. night visiting song
  1270. Niles, John Jacob
  1271. ninth
  1272. ninth chord
  1273. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
  1274. node
  1275. nonsense songs
  1276. nonsense syllables
  1277. Northumbrian pipes
  1278. Northwest
  1279. notation
  1280. notation, British
  1281. notation, guitar
  1282. note
  1283. note frequencies
  1284. note names
  1285. noter
  1286. note sequence
  1287. noughtless
  1288. nourice
  1289. nouris
  1290. numbers in tradition
  1291. nut
  1292. Nye, Hermes
  1293. nylon strings


  1294. Oak Publications
  1295. ocarina
  1296. O'Carolan, Turlough
  1297. Ochs, Phil
  1298. octave
  1299. octave equivalence
  1300. octave notation
  1301. octave stretching
  1302. ode
  1303. Odetta
  1304. offbeat
  1305. Okun, Milt
  1306. O Lochlainn, Colm
  1307. old-timey
  1308. Old Town School of Folk Music
  1309. O'Neill, Francis
  1310. online folk
  1311. open
  1312. open mike
  1313. open stage
  1314. open sing
  1315. open tuning
  1316. opposite chord
  1317. oral tradition
  1318. oral transmission
  1319. organ
  1320. organgrinder
  1321. organum
  1322. ornament
  1323. ostinato
  1324. oud
  1325. outlandish
  1326. outro
  1327. outtake
  1328. overblowing
  1329. overdubbing
  1330. overtone


  1331. PA
  1332. palmer
  1333. Palmer, Roy
  1334. panegyric
  1335. panpipes
  1336. paper-trained
  1337. parallel
  1338. Parchman Farm
  1339. parlor ballads
  1340. partial
  1341. parts of music
  1342. passing note
  1343. patent
  1344. pattern picking
  1345. Patton, Charlie
  1346. Paul, Les
  1347. Paupers, The
  1348. pavane
  1349. Paxton, Tom
  1350. paying your dues
  1351. Peacock, Kenneth
  1352. pedal
  1353. pedal steel
  1354. peeler
  1355. peerie
  1356. peg
  1357. pelf
  1358. pentachord
  1359. Pentangle
  1360. pentatonic scale
  1361. People's Songs
  1362. pennywhistle
  1363. perch
  1364. percussion
  1365. perfect interval
  1366. perfect pitch
  1367. period
  1368. Peter, Paul & Mary
  1369. Petric, Faith
  1370. phaser
  1371. Philharmonic pitch
  1372. philibeg
  1373. Phillips, Bruce
  1374. physical scale
  1375. piano
  1376. pianola
  1377. piano rolls
  1378. pibroch
  1379. Picardy third
  1380. pick
  1381. pick o'er
  1382. pickup
  1383. pickup band
  1384. piller
  1385. pin
  1386. pipe
  1387. pipe-and-tabor
  1388. pipes
  1389. pipe tune
  1390. pit
  1391. pitch
  1392. pitch class
  1393. pitch discrimination
  1394. pitch drift
  1395. pitch pipe
  1396. pizzicato
  1397. plagal
  1398. plainchant
  1399. plainsong
  1400. planxty
  1401. player piano
  1402. Playford
  1403. playing by ear
  1404. plectrum
  1405. plectrum banjo
  1406. ploo
  1407. poaching songs
  1408. pock
  1409. pole
  1410. polka
  1411. Polly
  1412. polymeter
  1413. polyphonic
  1414. polyphony
  1415. polyrhythm
  1416. Poole, Charlie
  1417. Poor Old Horse
  1418. popping p's
  1419. portamento
  1420. Porterhouse, Tedham
  1421. potluck
  1422. pound
  1423. pow
  1424. PP&M
  1425. presenting
  1426. press gang
  1427. principal chords
  1428. Prine, John
  1429. Prior, Maddy
  1430. prison songs
  1431. processional
  1432. producer
  1433. Proffitt, Frank
  1434. progression
  1435. projection
  1436. prosody
  1437. protest
  1438. psaltery
  1439. pub
  1440. Puckett, Riley
  1441. pull
  1442. pulling shanty
  1443. pulse
  1444. Purcell, Henry
  1445. pure
  1446. purfling
  1447. Pythagorean scale


  1448. quadruplet
  1449. quartal
  1450. quaver
  1451. quid
  1452. quire
  1453. quodlibet


  1454. R&B
  1455. race records
  1456. rag
  1457. ragtime
  1458. Ragtime Jug Stompers
  1459. Rainbow Quest
  1460. Rainey, Ma
  1461. rainstick
  1462. Raitt, Bonnie
  1463. Raney, Wayne
  1464. range
  1465. rant
  1466. ranting
  1467. rapper
  1468. rasgueado
  1469. Ready when you are, C.B.
  1470. Reagon, Bernice
  1471. real ale
  1472. rebec
  1473. recessional
  1474. recorder
  1475. recordings
  1476. Redpath, Jean
  1477. reed
  1478. reed organ
  1479. reed pipe
  1480. reekit
  1481. reel
  1482. Reece, Florence
  1483. refrain
  1484. register
  1485. relative minor
  1486. Renaissance
  1487. Renbourn, John
  1488. reprise
  1489. residents
  1490. resin
  1491. resolve
  1492. resolution
  1493. resonator
  1494. resultant tone
  1495. Respighi, Ottorino
  1496. rest
  1497. reverb
  1498. reverb time
  1499. revival singers
  1500. rewrites
  1501. Reynard
  1502. Reynolds, Malvina
  1503. rhapsody
  1504. rhythm
  1505. rhythm and blues
  1506. riddle songs
  1507. riding the rods
  1508. riever
  1509. riff
  1510. rill
  1511. rimshot
  1512. Ring
  1513. Ring book
  1514. ringing
  1515. ringing the changes
  1516. Rinzler, Ralph
  1517. Rise Up Singing
  1518. ritard
  1519. Ritchie, Jean
  1520. ritual
  1521. Roberts, John
  1522. Robertson, Jeannie
  1523. Robertson, Robbie
  1524. Robeson, Paul
  1525. Robin Hood
  1526. rock mixers
  1527. rococo
  1528. rod
  1529. Rodgers, Jimmie
  1530. Rodgers, Jimmie 2
  1531. Rogers, Stan
  1532. rondeau
  1533. rondo
  1534. Rooftop Singers
  1535. root
  1536. roots music
  1537. rosette
  1538. rosin
  1539. Rosmini, Dick
  1540. Rosselson, Leon
  1541. round
  1542. roundelay
  1543. round robin
  1544. rubato
  1545. rubbish
  1546. run
  1547. Rush, Tom


  1548. sackbut
  1549. sacred harp
  1550. saddle
  1551. Sainte-Marie, Buffy
  1552. sair
  1553. Salvation Army pitch
  1554. Sandburg, Carl
  1555. sarabande
  1556. sark
  1557. SATB
  1558. Satie, Erik
  1559. saut
  1560. Savakus, Russ
  1561. SCA
  1562. scale
  1563. scale length
  1564. scan
  1565. scansion
  1566. scat singing
  1567. schottische
  1568. scop
  1569. Scotch snap
  1570. Scott, Sir Walter
  1571. Scots snap
  1572. scraper
  1573. scratch band
  1574. scratch team
  1575. Scruggs, Earl
  1576. Scruggs style
  1577. Scruggs, Randy
  1578. Scruggs tuner
  1579. seanachie
  1580. Sebastian, John
  1581. second
  1582. second guitar
  1583. Seeger, Charles
  1584. Seeger, Mike
  1585. Seeger, Peggy
  1586. Seeger, Pete
  1587. Segovia, Andres
  1588. segue
  1589. Seldom Scene
  1590. semi-acoustic
  1591. semibreve
  1592. semiquaver
  1593. semitone
  1594. session man
  1595. set
  1596. seventh
  1597. shades
  1598. shake
  1599. Shakers
  1600. shanties
  1601. shape
  1602. shape note
  1603. sharp
  1604. Sharp, Cecil
  1605. sharped
  1606. shawm
  1607. Shea, Red
  1608. sheene
  1609. shielen
  1610. shilling
  1611. Shines, Johnny
  1612. ship of the line
  1613. shithot
  1614. shoon
  1615. shore
  1616. short-drag
  1617. short octave
  1618. shuffle
  1619. shuttle
  1620. sibilance
  1621. siccan
  1622. side
  1623. side drum
  1624. sideman
  1625. sight reading
  1626. Silber, Irwin
  1627. silkie
  1628. siller
  1629. silver-headed pin
  1630. Silverstein, Shel
  1631. Simon & Garfunkel
  1632. simple meter
  1633. simple rhythm
  1634. singaround
  1635. single string
  1636. Sing Out!
  1637. sirrah
  1638. sit in
  1639. sixth
  1640. skerry
  1641. skiffle
  1642. Skillet Lickers
  1643. skilly
  1644. skin
  1645. Skinner, J. Scott
  1646. skins
  1647. skipping songs
  1648. Sky, Patrick
  1649. slack tuning
  1650. slate
  1651. slide
  1652. slide guitar
  1653. slide whistle
  1654. slip jig
  1655. slur
  1656. smear
  1657. Smith, Bessie
  1658. Smith, Michael
  1659. Smothers Brothers
  1660. snake
  1661. snare
  1662. Snow, Hank
  1663. Society for Creative Anachronism
  1664. sodger
  1665. sol-fa
  1666. solmization
  1667. solo
  1668. song circle
  1669. song cycle
  1670. song family
  1671. song finding
  1672. song structure
  1673. sonsie
  1674. Sons of the Pioneers
  1675. sookie
  1676. soprano
  1677. Sorrels, Rosalie
  1678. soul-cake
  1679. sound board
  1680. sound check
  1681. sound hole
  1682. sound post
  1683. sound sheet
  1684. sovereign
  1685. Spaeth, Sigmund
  1686. spait
  1687. Spanish guitar
  1688. Spanish tuning
  1689. spasm band
  1690. spate
  1691. speer
  1692. spinet
  1693. spiritual
  1694. Spivey, Victoria
  1695. Spoelstra, Mark
  1696. spondee
  1697. spoons
  1698. squaredance
  1699. squeezebox
  1700. squire
  1701. staccato
  1702. staff
  1703. stall ballad
  1704. Stampfel, Peter
  1705. stane
  1706. Stanley Brothers
  1707. stanza
  1708. star
  1709. Steeleye Span
  1710. steel guitar
  1711. step
  1712. stereo from the floor
  1713. stick dance
  1714. stock
  1715. stone
  1716. stool of repentance
  1717. stop
  1718. storytelling
  1719. stour
  1720. Stracke, Win
  1721. strand
  1722. strathspey
  1723. streen
  1724. street cries
  1725. string band
  1726. stringwinder
  1727. strophic
  1728. strum
  1729. subdominant
  1730. submediant
  1731. sukey
  1732. Sunnyland Slim
  1733. supernatural
  1734. supertonic
  1735. suite
  1736. suits
  1737. sus
  1738. suspended chord
  1739. suspension
  1740. sustain
  1741. Swarbrick, Dave
  1742. sweep
  1743. sweeten
  1744. swing
  1745. sword dances
  1746. Sykes, Roosevelt
  1747. syllabic
  1748. sympathetic resonance
  1749. sympathetic strings
  1750. syncopation
  1751. synesthesia
  1752. synthesizer
  1753. syntonic
  1754. syntonic comma
  1755. syrinx


  1756. tablature
  1757. tabor
  1758. tacet
  1759. tack piano
  1760. tag
  1761. tailpiece
  1762. Taj Mahal
  1763. talkin' blues
  1764. talking blues
  1765. tall tales
  1766. tambour
  1767. tambourin
  1768. tambourine
  1769. Tampa Red
  1770. Tanner, Gid
  1771. tarantella
  1772. taropatch
  1773. Tarriers
  1774. tatie
  1775. tatters
  1776. Tawney, Cyril
  1777. Taylor, James
  1778. technician
  1779. temper
  1780. temperament
  1781. temperance songs
  1782. tempo
  1783. tenor
  1784. tenor banjo
  1785. tenor guitar
  1786. tension rod
  1787. tent
  1788. tenth
  1789. Terkel, Studs
  1790. Terry, Sonny
  1791. tessitura
  1792. tetrachord
  1793. Texas Slim
  1794. thairbut, thairben
  1795. The Band
  1796. thee
  1797. theek
  1798. theorbo
  1799. Theremin
  1800. third
  1801. thirteenth
  1802. this time
  1803. Thompson, Richard
  1804. Thornton, Big Mama
  1805. Thorp, N. Howard
  1806. three finger picking
  1807. threnody
  1808. thumb piano
  1809. thumbpick
  1810. thumbring
  1811. thumb string
  1812. tiddler
  1813. tie
  1814. tierce de Picardie
  1815. tight
  1816. timber stairs
  1817. timbre
  1818. timbrel
  1819. time signature
  1820. time value
  1821. tiple
  1822. tinker
  1823. tint
  1824. tine
  1825. tirl
  1826. tocher
  1827. token songs
  1828. tonality
  1829. tone
  1830. tonic
  1831. tonic minor
  1832. tonic sol-fa
  1833. topical songs
  1834. top strings
  1835. tough
  1836. toun
  1837. Townsend, Graham
  1838. tr
  1839. track
  1840. traddie
  1841. traddies
  1842. train songs
  1843. transcriptions
  1844. transports
  1845. transpose
  1846. transposing instrument
  1847. transpose on-the-fly
  1848. transverse
  1849. Traum, Happy
  1850. Travellers
  1851. travelling people
  1852. Travis, Merle
  1853. Travis picking
  1854. treble
  1855. tree
  1856. tremolo
  1857. triad
  1858. trill
  1859. triple
  1860. triplet
  1861. tritone
  1862. trochaic
  1863. troubadour
  1864. trouvere
  1865. truss rod
  1866. Tubb, Ernest
  1867. tune
  1868. tuner
  1869. tuning fork
  1870. tuning jokes
  1871. tuning systems
  1872. turn
  1873. turnaround
  1874. Turner, Gil
  1875. Turner, Joe
  1876. twa
  1877. twelfth
  1878. twelfth night
  1879. twelfth root of two
  1880. twelve-string guitar
  1881. twin
  1882. twirl
  1883. Tyburn Hill
  1884. Tyson, Ian
  1885. Tyson, Sylvia


  1886. Uillean pipes
  1887. ukelele
  1888. unco
  1889. union songs
  1890. unison
  1891. unplugged
  1892. upbeat
  1893. up-tempo
  1894. Usenet folk
  1895. ut


  1896. vamp
  1897. Van Diemen's Land
  1898. Van Ronk, Dave
  1899. van Zandt, Townes
  1900. variant
  1901. vaudeville
  1902. vibraphone
  1903. vibrato
  1904. vibrato arm
  1905. vihuela
  1906. viol
  1907. viola
  1908. viola da gamba
  1909. violin
  1910. violin family
  1911. virelais
  1912. virginal
  1913. vocables
  1914. vocal styles
  1915. vocal ranges
  1916. voice
  1917. volunteers
  1918. von Schmidt, Eric


  1919. wab
  1920. wad
  1921. wake
  1922. wain
  1923. waits
  1924. Walker, Jerry Jeff
  1925. Walker, T-Bone
  1926. walking bass
  1927. waltz
  1928. Waltzing Matilda
  1929. waly
  1930. wankers
  1931. wantonly
  1932. Ward, Wade
  1933. Warner, Frank
  1934. Warner, Jeff
  1935. washboard
  1936. washboard band
  1937. Washington, Jackie
  1938. Washington, Jackie 2
  1939. washtub bass
  1940. wassail
  1941. watermelon back
  1942. Waters, Muddy
  1943. Watersons
  1944. Watson, Doc
  1945. Watson, Merle
  1946. waught
  1947. wauk, wauken
  1948. waulking songs
  1949. wean
  1950. Weavers
  1951. web
  1952. Web, World-Wide
  1953. weel-fared
  1954. Weissberg, Eric
  1955. Weissman, Dick
  1956. Wells, Junior
  1957. well-tempered scale
  1958. We Shall Overcome
  1959. West, Hedy
  1960. Western Swing
  1961. wet
  1962. whaling songs
  1963. whas
  1964. Wheatstone, Sir Charles
  1965. Whiskeyhill Singers
  1966. whistle
  1967. whitebread
  1968. White, Bukka
  1969. White, Josh
  1970. whites
  1971. white voice
  1972. Whitsun
  1973. Whitsuntide
  1974. whole-tone scale
  1975. Why are we waiting
  1976. Why was he born so
  1977. Wildwood Flower
  1978. Williams, Big Joe
  1979. Williams, Hank
  1980. Williams, Ralph Vaughan
  1981. Williamson I, Sonny Boy
  1982. Williamson II, Sonny Boy
  1983. Wills, Bob
  1984. Willy
  1985. Wimoweh
  1986. Winchester, Jesse
  1987. winding sheet
  1988. windjammer
  1989. windsock
  1990. Wobblies
  1991. wolf tone
  1992. woodwind
  1993. Work, Henry Clay
  1994. Work, John
  1995. workshops
  1996. worksongs
  1997. worker songs
  1998. world music
  1999. wow
  2000. wrest
  2001. wrest pin
  2002. WWW
  2003. Wyatt, Lorre


  2004. xylophone


  2005. yan, tan, tethera
  2006. Yankee Doodle
  2007. yin
  2008. Young, Izzie
  2009. Young, Neil
  2010. Young Tradition
  2011. yowes


  2012. zither
  2013. zorico
  2014. zydeco
  2015. Zimmerman, Bob
  2016. Zimmermann, Charles

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Created by Bill Markwick (1945-2017)

The Folk File: A Folkie's Dictionary Copyright © 1993-2009 Bill Markwick, All Rights Reserved.