Dr. Gerry Grzyb's "The Christmas Show"

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About the Christmas Music Programs on WRST-FM at UW Oshkosh

[Webmaster's note: the following two paragraph description of the show was written by WRST as of 06-21-2001 (© 2001, by the UW Oshkosh Radio-TV-Film Department). It was included on their Christmas page for Dr. Grzyb, but was later deleted from their site.]

Each year in the week before Christmas, WRST offers what may be the widest variety of Christmas music heard on any single radio station. The programs are developed and hosted by Dr. Gerry Grzyb (known on the air as "Doctor Christmas"), a professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh who has also served as the station's seasonal music coordinator since 1989. Dr. Grzyb draws upon his personal collection of almost 5,000 Christmas CDs for his programs, which serve as a listener's guide to the very best of all types of Christmas releases. Since 1994 he has also written lengthy reviews of new Christmas CDs for the Appleton Post-Crescent (the largest paper in the listening area, with a circulation of 75,000). While he is only on the air for one week per year, his programs are very popular in Oshkosh and the surrounding area. For the past five years Gerry has served as a national judge for the "Indie" awards given by the Association For Independent Music (AFIM, formerly NAIRD). Not surprisingly, he judges in the Seasonal category.

For most of the year WRST is student-run (under faculty supervision). The station format is talk radio for the first part of the day (it is part of the Wisconsin Ideas Network of Wisconsin Public Radio), and the remainder of the day is mostly filled with jazz and alternative rock. But the students go home for Christmas break, and Gerry's programs constitute almost all of the music programming in the week before Christmas. As his playlists show, there are no format restrictions whatever on his programs.

Christmas Music Playlists
1994* 1999* 2004* 2009
1995* 2000 2005*  
1996* 2001* 2006  
1997* 2002* 2007  
1998* 2003* 2008  

Since Dr. Grzyb is only at the station for a few days before Christmas, please use the following ways to contact him:

MAILING ADDRESS: Dr. Gerard J. Grzyb, 3048 Saffron Lane, Neenah, WI 54956

OR: UW Oshkosh Dept. of Sociology, 800 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, WI 54901

E-Mail: grzyb@uwosh.edu

Home Phone: (920) 729-6793 - Office Phone: (920) 424-2040

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FolkLib Index note:
      Dr. Gerry Grzyb's pages will be available at this site until such time as they can be regularly maintained and backed up on a permanent basis by WRST-FM Radio at UW Oshkosh on the Radio-TV-Film Department Web site. Except for necessary corrections, the above text and Copyright notice and the 1994-2000 playlist pages are exactly as downloaded on 06-21-2001 from the old WRST Web site. However, the text font and color changes, CSS and JavaScript code, and the dead links to all the other deleted WRST pages are not included here. The 1993 and 2001 Playlists were never installed on-line by WRST.

      If you wish to view the pages as they originally looked, broken images, broken links, and all, the following links go to the pages as last backed up by the Internet Archive in November 2001, shortly before the WRST server died and all the pages became unrecoverable.

Other related links:

Known links to this page:

URL: http://www.folklib.net/grzyb/christmas.shtml
Please send "Christmas Show" additions and/or corrections to Gerry Grzyb: grzyb@uwosh.edu
      other Contact information
Please send Web page design additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle: henkle@pobox.com
      P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331
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