10-29-2012: Reporting Broken links on my old Staff Pages
On 07-01-1998, The Koehn Institute [Archive] was merged with the UW Oshkosh Business Development Center to create The Center for Community Partnerships (CCP) [Archive].
[ Extracted from the deleted page
http://www.ki.uwosh.edu/wwawwd/history.html [Archive]
- last updated 03-26-1998. ]
Executive Team [Archive]
The Koehn Institute was founded in 1983 in response to area corporations requesting expertise and support as they made transitions to information-based technologies. To make the Institute a reality, Fox Valley businesses and the University community made financial, facility, and human resource commitments to start-up. The Institute found a physical home on the UW Oshkosh campus and was named after Richard W. Koehn, a respected area banking professional and special friend of the university.
The Institute's growth has been rapid, fueled by the constant and fast-changing nature of the technology environment. While over time our suite of services may change, our focus remains information technology with a commitment to professional education for the community and the students of UW Oshkosh.
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