What's New on my Home Page
(last updated .07-30-2013)
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Reporting Broken links on my old Staff Pages
Search all my UW Oshkosh personal Web pages.
All dates in my pages are in mm-dd-yyyy format
- .04-06-2003
Moved the search form to
- .01-06-2002
Changed all MapBlast! map links from
"http://www.mapblast.com/" to MapQuest
- .09-30-2001
Changed all FOCOL links from
"http://www.focol.org/~" to
- .07-01-2000
Moved all my UW Oshkosh personal (unofficial) Web pages
to my new personal domain to join my Stamp Collecting page
which was moved 04-26-2000. Renamed "home_site_map.html" so that
it would be the default page
in a new directory at this site.
- .04-26-2000
Stamps: New URL for my Stamp Collecting link page.
- .01-24-2000
The UW Oshkosh Polk Library has replaced its old Telnet catalog with
a new Web-based On-line Catalog.
- .11-23-1999
Added the
"Powered by Atomz.com"
Search Service form above so you can search all of my UW Oshkosh Web pages.
- .08-12-1999
Added a new Travel section.
- .07-29-1999
Added a new section for Oshkosh Area Chambers of Commerce to my
Local Business, etc. page.
- .06-24-1999
Fixed all broken MAP links.
- .06-21-1999
Moved all "Lookups / Searches" phone related links to a new section:
Telephone Information.
- .05-30-1999
Moved my
Lookups / Searches:
Copyright and Trademark Information page to my
personal Web site.
- .05-24-1999
Modified every page's copyright date notation from, for example,
"Copyright © 1999" to "Copyright © 1998-1999". The first date
is the year the page was first put on-line, and the second date is the
current year, or the year the page was last updated. If I have no record
of when the file was created, the creation year is 1998, as I have not
created any new home*.html pages in 1999.
- .05-12-1999
Added a new
Help Desk Information and Software section.
- .04-16-1999
Added a new
Computers / Accessibility section for those who think that
designing a site so it is unusable by Lynx is not deliberately
discriminatory against people with disabilities.
- .02-04-1999
Added and/or moved a number of Computer Club links to a new section of my
Local Business, etc. page.
- .01-17-1999
Moved all non-Oshkosh Area Radio and TV links on my
Local Business page to a personal page so I
don't have to keep updating the same links in two places.
- .01-06-1999
Moved all Stamp Collecting / Philatelic Links to a new personal page.
- .01-05-1999
Updated the Copyright date on every page.
- .12-16-1998
Added links for UW Oshkosh Student Home Pages and how to obtain
them to my
Home and
Site Map pages.
- .08-20-1998
Changed all Bobby links from
"http://www.cast.org/bobby2.0/" to
- .08-11-1998
Added only the PICS/RSACi Rating META code and their required rating
graphic (the only graphic in my UW Oshkosh pages) to the
home page. There are some Parental Control
programs that are beginning to check for this rating code. Unfortunately,
the programs are assuming that sites without the code are "unknown" to be
smut free, so access to perfectly innocent unrated sites will be blocked
by these programs. It is a good idea, in theory, however, I don't
especially care for their "guilty until proven innocent" attitude. Also,
their site is
JavaScript Restricted!.
- .07-29-1998
Wisconsin / Wisconsin Web Resources: Milwaukee Webmasters User Group,
FVTC PC Users Group
- .07-10-1998
UW Oshkosh: Web Editor's Corner
UW Oshkosh: Koehn Institute renamed Center for Community Partnerships
- .05-21-1998
UW Oshkosh: E-Mail Address Lookup, via Telnet replaced by ph Server search
- .05-12-1998
World Wide Web / Searching: Dogpile
World Wide Web / Browsers: Links for Lynx
- .04-27-1998
In keeping with official University policy, removed all occurrences
of the three letter abbreviation for UW Oshkosh
- .04-20-1998
Folk Music: Wisconsin Music Site Map
- .03-27-1998
World Wide Web / Searching: Northern Light
- .03-26-1998
City of Oshkosh / Oshkosh and Fox Cities / Weather:
National Weather Service
- .03-25-1998
Menu: Site Map
- .03-09-1998
Changed my personal Home Page from
"http:///www.uwosh.edu/faculty_staff/henkle/" to
because our entire Academic Computing Staff
just got new similarly formatted official Home Pages.
Changed all dates on all my pages from mm-dd-yy to mm-dd-yyyy format.
Changed many links to reflect the fact that FolkBook went permanently
off-line, and changed all "FolkBook Index" to "FolkLib Index".
- .02-24-1998
Fixed a number of broken links.
- .01-07-1998
Added Bobby test links for every "Image Site Only" home page which
cannot be read easily, or possibly, at all, by people with disabilities.
If the site has frames, separate Bobby links are included for each
frame that makes up the home page.
Updated the Copyright date on all of my UW Oshkosh pages. If nothing
else on the page changed, the "last updated" date was not changed.
- .12-20-1997
Added a test "approved" link for
to the bottom of all of my UW Oshkosh pages
- .12-13-1997
Folk Music: Changed the UW-Parkside Music Archives
link from "http://music.wit.org/uwp/music/" to
- .12-10-1997
After making numerous format changes, added
"Bobby approved"
links to the bottom of all of my UW Oshkosh pages -
"Bobby is a free web-based service that will help you make web
pages accessible to people with disabilities."
- .11-30-1997
Local Business: added pages for First Congregational Church,
Oshkosh Public Museum, and several interactive maps
- .11-23-1997
Folk Music: folkmusic.org
- .11-10-1997
Wisconsin / Other Campuses: Wisconsin Community Colleges
- .11-02-1997
Changed all Green Apple Folk Music Society links from
"http://www.focol.org/club-org/greenapple/" to
- .10-29-1997
Changed note that all UW Oshkosh (414) area coded phone numbers
are now invalid, effective 10-25-1997
- .10-12-1997
Lookups / Searches: MapBlast! (also started adding interactive map links
for Wisconsin locations)
- .10-06-1997
Menu: Retirement
Retirement: Wisconsin Retirement System - Employee Trust Funds
Federal: Moved AARP, Medicare and Soc. Sec. to new Retirement section
- .10-02-1997
Local Concerts / Venues: UW Oshkosh
- .09-30-1997
UW Oshkosh: E-Mail Address Lookup, via Telnet
- .09-22-1997
Wisconsin: Wisconsin Web Site Lists: The List, replacement URL's
Federal: AARP
World Wide Web: The Compendium of HTML Elements, replacement URL's
many other replacement URL's
- .09-19-1997
UW Oshkosh: Music Courses
Local Concerts / Venues: reorganized this section
- .08-12-1997
Menu: Wisconsin Area Code 414 to 920 Changes
Lookups / Searches: Thesaurus Lookup Form: replaced a gopher site that
didn't work with two new Web lookup sites
- .08-07-1997
Lookups / Searches: Copyright and Trademark Information:
05-30-1999 note: This page was moved to my
personal Web site.
- .07-22-1997
Lookups / Searches:
Changed Peter Wallin's Conversion Tables page from
"http://sol.acs.uwosh.edu/~wallinp/convert.html" to
- .07-11-1997
Added a "Best Viewed With Any Browser" link to the top of every page
My UW Oshkosh address is still the same, but I changed my
E-Mail address on all my pages to "henkle@pobox.com" in an attempt
to cut down on the growing volume of junk mail I get due to visits
from mass marketer's Web crawlers.
provides a Junk Mail Protection
service which detects incoming mail from known "spam" addresses.
Lookups / Searches: Convert measurements
World Wide Web: All Things Web
World Wide Web: Best Viewed With Any Browser
World Wide Web: Why not code for Netscape?
Folk Music: Changed the UW-Parkside Music Archives
link from "http://archive.uwp.edu/pub/music/" to
- .06-26-1997
Lookups / Searches: Conversion Tables
- .06-15-1997
Wisconsin: Wisconsin Technical College System,
College of the Menominee Nation, American Indian College Fund
- .03-30-1997
Folk Music: new URL for Cornerstone
Star Trek: new URL's for Ultimate TV List pages
- .03-23-1997
Folk Music: Simply Folk Playlists: new Home Page
- .03-12-1997
World Wide Web: HTML Validation Service: A Kinder, Gentler Validator
World Wide Web: Using extended ASCII in HTML
- .03-02-1997
City of Oshkosh / Oshkosh & Fox Cities / Weather: Oshkosh (NetCast)
Wisconsin: Wisconsin Museums
- .02-26-1997
UW Oshkosh: changed all my "http://www.uwosh.edu/documentation/" and
"http://www.uwosh.edu/departments/acs/" links to point to our
new (today) Academic Computing Services department web server
- .02-25-1997
UW Oshkosh: Campus Map
Added HTML 2.O validation links to the bottom of this page, and to
Local Business
- .02-12-1997
City of Oshkosh / Oshkosh & Fox Cities / Weather: Green Bay
City of Oshkosh / Local Concerts / Musi-Cal: Green Bay
- .02-07-1997
City of Oshkosh / Local Business / Tourist Attractions: new section,
Area Airports and Paine Art Center, moved EAA here
City of Oshkosh / Oshkosh & Fox Cities: local weather
(courtesy: The Weather Channel)
Wisconsin: Wisconsin Weather (courtesy: The Weather Channel) and
the Earth Watch Satellite photo
Wisconsin / Other Campuses: University Bookstore (Madison)
Lookups / Searches: Mapquest.com
World Wide Web / Searching: Yahoo
Folk Music / Home Pages: Joan Baez, Judy Collins, John Denver, other
FolkLib Index and Wisconsin Artists
- .01-30-1997
Local Business: added "Image Site Only!" notes to those sites which
are VERY unfriendly to visitors using text browsers like Lynx, and
to those with image loading disabled
- .01-21-1997
Menu: Thank you links back to the pages that link to my page
City of Oshkosh / Oshkosh & Fox Cities: moved Appleton Public Library
here, and added Neenah and Menasha Public Libraries
City of Oshkosh / Local Concerts / Musi-Cal: added Fond du Lac and Wautoma
- .01-15-1997
City of Oshkosh / Oshkosh Public Library, new Home Page
City of Oshkosh / Local Concerts: reorganized this section, and added
several new links, including the Fox Valley Arts Alliance
Computers / Other: new URL for The Year 2000 Information Center,
added no frames version
- .12-15-1996
Removed all graphics for faster page loading
World Wide Web: ADV-HTML - Advanced HTML Discussion List
World Wide Web: The Compendium of HTML Elements
Folk Music: other Wisconsin Folk Music societies
Folk Music / Wisconsin Public Radio: "Simply Folk" Playlists
- .12-01-1996
City of Oshkosh: deleted
because the Dept. of Tourism moved to "http://tourism.state.wi.us/"
and deleted all their city pages
- .10-20-1996
UW Oshkosh: Web Policies and Procedures
City of Oshkosh / Oshkosh & Fox Cities: new URL for Winnebago County
Lookups / Searches: new URL for The United States Postal Service:
Other lookups
Computers / Magazines: Beyond Computing
Computers / Magazines: new URL for Digital Age
Folk Music: new URL for Musi-Cal: By state/province/country
Folk Music: new separate URL's for Wisconsin Public Radio and Television
Folk Music: new URL for Wolverine Willy & the Blues Toads
Stamps: new URL for The United States Postal Service: Other lookups
Star Trek: All Voyager files at Paramount moved to the restricted
Microsoft Network (MSN), so URL's were deleted
Local Business / Music: added a link to a list of Wisconsin on-line Music
Local Business / Newspapers: The Valley Scene
Local Business / TV: WBAY, WFRV, WLUK, WGBA, WXGZ
Local Business / Clubs and Organizations
Local Business / Newspapers: added papers for those cities surrounding
Oshkosh: Appleton, Fond du Lac, Neenah, Omro, Ripon and Winneconne
- .07-21-1996
Computers / Magazines: deleted Digital Age (was: DEC Professional)
(URL no longer exists)
Computers / Other: Que Publishing - Digital Bookshelf
Folk Music: changed all Musi-Cal URL's
- .07-02-1996
City of Oshkosh / Oshkosh & Fox Cities: new page
Local Business
City of Oshkosh / The Oshkosh Northwestern:
moved to the new page
City of Oshkosh / Local Concerts / Venues: new URL's for Oshkosh, Green Bay,
Computers / Local Computer Dealers (Office Technology, Inc.)
moved to the new page
- .06-27-1996
City of Oshkosh: Oshkosh & Fox Cities (Winnebago County)
- .06-26-1996
World Wide Web: new URL for Composing Good HTML
World Wide Web: Changed all "http://webreference.com/" to
World Wide Web: Changed page title "The World Wide Web for Dummies" to
"The World Wide Web for the Clueless"
Illinois: Changed all "http://www.interaccess.com/" to
Illinois: new URL for Chicago area on-line map
Computers / Hardware: new URL for Intel
Computers / Software: new URL for Multinet
Computers / Software: Multinet VAX/VMS FAQ
Computers / Software: new URL for Nolo Press
Computers / Software: new URL for Pegasus Mail
Computers / Software: new URL for Windows 95
Computers / Magazines: new URL for Internet World
Star Trek: Ultimate TV List for Voyager, TOS, TNG and DS9
- .05-06-1996
Lookups / Searches: Telephone - Central Source Yellow Pages
- .04-30-1996
Started adding Head Section tag: "link rel" to every file, to better
comply with recommended HTML 3.2 compatibility standards for ease
of use by as many different types of Web browsers as possible.
- .04-08-1996
Lookups / Searches: new URL for Acronym Server
Lookups / Searches: deleted Internet Computer Index (the authors deleted
it because they had no time to keep it up to date)
Computers / Software: new URL for Windows Magazine
- .04-03-1996
World Wide Web / Searching: Other Search Engines
- .03-20-1996
Menu: Fun and/or Strange Sites
Computers / Software: new URL for Sun
Star Trek: new URL for Star Trek Resources on the Internet
- .02-18-1996
[I've been accumulating these for three months, but did not take the
time time to install them until now, sorry for any inconvenience]
UW Oshkosh: "Good Times" virus hoax
UW Oshkosh: Course Offerings - Computer Science, Music
UW Oshkosh: Statement of Acceptable Use of Computing Resources
Wisconsin: Forward Wisconsin Elected Officials Home Page (& Symbols)
Wisconsin Web Site Lists: new URL for The List
Wisconsin Web Site Lists: UW Servers (Web and Gopher)
Federal: new URL for Health Care Financing Administration
Federal: new URL for IRS Tax Forms, US Treasury
Federal: new URL for Welcome to the White House
Illinois: Chicago area on-line map
Lookups: new URL for How far is it?
Lookups: new URL for Hytelnet on the Web
Lookups: The Internet Movie [and TV] Database (USA mirror)
Lookups: moved Selected U.S. Phone Books Online to Obsolete Sites
World Wide Web: Webmaster Reference Library
Computers / Software: new URL for Screen Savers For Windows
Computers / Software: new URL for Windows 95
Computers / Magazines: Information Week
Computers / Magazines: new URL for PC World
Folk Music: new URL for Folk Music Periodicals
Folk Music: new URL's for all artists
Stamps: new URL for Philatelic Computing Study Group
- .10-30-1995
City of Oshkosh / Venues: Folk Venue Database (WI)
City of Oshkosh / Venues: Removed promo for Kim Robertson concert
Wisconsin: Local News and Weather
- .10-26-1995
World Wide Web: The World Wide Web for Dummies
Computers / Software: Pegasus Mail
- .10-18-1995
Wisconsin: The List (of Internet Providers)
- .10-14-1995
bottom of page: disabled counter, Koehn Institute server was down for
hardware upgrades. The Server is back up, but I am waiting for
the newest version of the counter software which is promised soon.
- .10-08-1995
City of Oshkosh: Oshkosh Public Library valid username change
City of Oshkosh / Folk music: Rearranged Kim Robertson information
City of Oshkosh: Kim Robertson music at the Oshkosh Public Library
World Wide Web: HTML Validation Service
- .10-07-1995
Folk Music: changed the Music Archives address from
"peace.wit.com/mirrors/" to "music.wit.com/uwp/"
bottom of page: HTML Validation Service
- .10-05-1995
City of Oshkosh: changed Kim Robertson concert tickets phone number
- .09-28-1995
Added a page access counter to the bottom of my Home Page
- .09-26-1995
City of Oshkosh: 10-28-1995 Kim Robertson concert information
- .09-21-1995
City of Oshkosh: Oshkosh & Fox Cities (Winnebago County)
City of Oshkosh: Oshkosh Northwestern E-Mail address
Lookups: Selected U.S. Phone Books Online
- .09-16-1995
UW Oshkosh: new URL for Libraries and Learning Resources
City of Oshkosh: Oshkosh & Fox Cities (Badger, FOCOL)
City of Oshkosh: deleted EAA Oshkosh '95 (more detailed info was on the
EAA Club Home Page, besides, the '95 Convention is over, and the
URL no longer exists)
City of Oshkosh: Celebrities (Fredric March, Kim Robertson)
City of Oshkosh: Local Concerts (Green Apple Folk Music Society,
Wisconsin: new URL for Wisconsin Internet Providers
Wisconsin Web Site Lists: Badger
Illinois: new URL's for Galvin and Crerar Libraries
World Wide Web: new URL for Webcrawler
World Wide Web: deleted HTML Documentation Table of Contents (URL no
longer exists)
Computers: Local Computer Dealers (Office Technology, Inc.)
Folk Music: Folk Music Periodicals (at FolkBook)
Folk Music: Green Apple Folk Music Society
Folk Music Home Pages: Kim Robertson; new URL's for Arlo Guthrie,
Nanci Griffith (Yahoo)
- .07-26-1995
Changed my Home Page from "http://sol.acs.uwosh.edu/~henkle/" to
- .07-23-1995
World Wide Web / Searching: Lycos
World Wide Web / Searching: WebCrawler
Computers / Health: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Computers / Health: Repetitive Strain Injury
- .07-17-1995
Folk Music: changed the Music Archives address from
"http://www.wit.com/" to "http://peace.wit.com/"
For documentation purposes, added each page's actual file name to the
bottom of the page
- .07-15-1995
Illinois: Chicago Public Library
- .07-12-1995
Menu: Wisconsin
Menu: Federal
Menu: Illinois
Menu: deleted Other Campuses, moved all its links to Wisconsin
Wisconsin: Appleton Public Library
Lookups: How far is it?
Computers / Hardware: Zenith
Computers / Software: Screen Savers For Windows
Computers / Software: Windows 95
- .07-10-1995
Computers / Magazines: DEC Professional
- .07-08-1995
World Wide Web: Composing Good HTML
- .07-05-1995
Menu: What's New
Lookups: Hytelnet on the Web
World Wide Web: Mosaic Home Page
World Wide Web: Mosaic for Windows
Computers / Software: Kermit
- .07-04-1995
Menu: World Wide Web, and moved two Lookup links there
World Wide Web: A Geographical List of all Registered WWW Servers
City of Oshkosh: Experimental Aircraft Association
City of Oshkosh: EAA Oshkosh '95
URL: http://www.folklib.net/henkle/home_whats_new.shtml
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331
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Copyright © 1995-2017
Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.