Leaders take a journey through the years

(last updated .02-27-2008)

This historically important article published in the "Oshkosh Northwestern", 2-23-2007, p. B1, was previously available at: http://www.thenorthwestern.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070223/OSH05/702230301/1168
but sadly it was deleted by the paper.

Posted February 23, 2007
Leaders take a journey through the years
by Sarah Owen of the Northwestern

          Local "celebrities" are set to loosen their ties, kick off their heels and boogie down on stage today for the community.
          Oshkosh-area politicians, lawyers, businessmen, city councilors and the like have donated their time to bring to the stage comedy and drama during "Oshkosh Through the Years: A Musical Journey", today at 7 p.m. in the Grand Opera House.
          "It'll work like a variety show," said Kelly Schwegel, organizer and a performer. "The numbers are very entertaining, some are hilarious, some serious, and a lot of fun."
          Before production started, Schwegel and crew interviewed several community members about local history and their childhood memories to use as a foundation for the show.
          "If someone talked about life on the Fox River, we have a song that relates to that," she said.
          The audience may be surprised to witness the talent community leaders possess on stage.
          "It's incredible, the hidden talents that some of our leaders have," said Meredith Scheuerman, city councilor and a performer. "You wouldn't know it unless you actually came to the show that we can sing and dance."
          Scheuerman said it's the perfect chance to see local leaders in a different light.
          "We're real straight-laced during the day, in suits; at night we kick it up," she said.
          Proceeds will go to the Mid Morning Kiwanis Education Grant Scholarship.

Sarah Owen

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