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This is a list of the
titles in my own personal library of (mostly)
Music Reference Books. Complete bibliographic details for each
book can be found on my Bibliography
pages. These are books I have been
indexing since 1991 on my
Musician's Birthdays/Bibliography
pages. These books have also been the valuable authoritative sources of a
great deal of the musician information found in the
Folk Library Index.
Note: this list is not complete. As of 5-09-2017, there are more than
100 other titles that have not been scanned or written up on-line yet.
"location?" = book misplaced somewhere, can't find it to scan it
TOC = Table of Contents
Click on the "jacket or cover scan" link for a full size display of each
cover. For thumbnail displays of many scanned covers, see my
Folk Music Bibliography (Scanned Book Covers) page.
Note: I am just a Folk Music fan, and not a library, so I
cannot accept requests for any type of research in my personal collection
of books. Check with your local library or book store for access to these
Music Reference Books: Oshkosh Area Library Bibliographies
Songwriter's Market
Books about an individual musician or musical group
Authors, Writers and General Biographies
Wisconsin School Alumni Directories
Non-Musical books by Wisconsin authors or books about Wisconsin Non-Musical subjects
Other Non-Musical books which may or may not contain information
about Musicians
| A - B
- C - D
- E - F
- G - H
- I - J
- K - L
- M
| N - O
- P - Q
- R - S
- T - U
- V - W
- X - Y
- Z
Key to scans:
hardcover: front jacket
hardcover: back jacket
hardcover: cover, the cover has lettering and/or a design,
OR additional scans have not been done yet
hardcover: spine & cover, the cover is blank
(in some cases my used book has no jacket)
For hardcover books with jacket but no back jacket
scan, my copy has no jacket and I found a jacket scan on the Web.
soft cover: front cover
soft cover: back cover
soft cover: cover, additional scans have not been done yet
These books are listed by author and date:
- #is
- 1998, Alden & Blackstock,
"No Depression"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #nr
- 1999, Alexander,
"Masters of Jazz Guitar"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #mj
- 2002, Alfonso,
"The Billboard Guide to Contemporary Christian Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ph
- 1994, Allen, B.,
"The Blackwell Guide to Recorded Country Music"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #pv
- 1981, Allen, D.,
"A Bibliography of Discographies Volume 2: Jazz"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #xw
- 1971, Allen, W.,
"Studies in Jazz Discography I"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- TOC [part 1] scan
- TOC [part 2] scan
- #vs
- 1976, Anderson,
"Contemporary American Composers: A Biographical Dictionary, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- #vt
- 1982, Anderson,
"Contemporary American Composers: A Biographical Dictionary, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- #df
- 1989, Aquila,
"That Old Time Rock & Roll: A Chronicle of an Era, 1954-1963"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #pn
- 1948, ASCAP,
"The ASCAP Biographical Dictionary, 1st ed."
- spine & front cover scan
#pn, #po, #pp, #pq spines scan
- #po
- 1952, ASCAP,
"The ASCAP Biographical Dictionary, 2nd ed."
- spine & front cover scan
- #pp
- 1966, ASCAP,
"The ASCAP Biographical Dictionary, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- #pq
- 1980, ASCAP,
"ASCAP Biographical Dictionary, 4th ed."
- front cover scan
- #ss
- 1990, Axiom,
"Star Guide 1990-1991"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #tp
- 1992, Axiom,
"Star Guide 1992-1993"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #xh
- 1993, Axiom,
"Star Guide 1993-1994"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #tq
- 1994, Axiom,
"Star Guide 1994-1995"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #tr
- 1995, Axiom,
"Star Guide 1995-1996"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ts
- 1996, Axiom,
"Star Guide 1996-1997"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #tt
- 1997, Axiom,
"Star Guide 1997-1998"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #px
- 1998, Axiom,
"Star Guide 1998-1999"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #tu
- 1999, Axiom,
"Star Guide 1999-2000"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #tv
- 2001, Axiom,
"Star Guide 2001-2002"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #tw
- 2004, Axiom,
"Star Guide 2004-2005"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #st
- 2006, Axiom,
"Star Guide 2006-2007"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #xi
- 1994, Axiom,
"Celebrity Birthday Directory"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #xj
- 1995, Axiom,
"Celebrity Birthday Directory, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #xk
- 1996, Axiom,
"Celebrity Birthday Directory, 4th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #mk
- 2004, Aykroyd & Manilla,
"Elwood's Blues: Interviews with the Blues Legends & Stars"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #aa
- 1976, Baggelaar & Milton,
"Folk Music: More Than A Song"
- jacket scan (from Web)
- spine & front cover scan
[jacket scan found on the Web, original jacket wanted, or a full size
color scan of it (700 pixels wide or bigger)]
- #8j
- 1977, Baggelaar & Milton,
"The Folk Music Encyclopaedia"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ns
- 1983, Balliett,
"Jelly Roll, Jabbo & Fats: 19 Portraits in Jazz"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4cy
- 1986, Balliett,
"American Musicians: 56 Portraits in Jazz"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #4cz
- 1988, Balliett,
"American Singers: 27 Portraits in Song"
- spine & front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #kk
- 2003, Barkley,
"The Handbook of Texas Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #qh
- 2008, Beisswenger & McCann,
"Mel Bay Presents Ozarks Fiddle Music: 308 Tunes Featuring 30 Legendary
Fiddlers With Selections from 50 Other Great Ozarks Fiddlers"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ne
- 2005, Berelian,
"The Rough Guide to Heavy Metal"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ru
- 2002, Berger,
"The NPR Curious Listener's Guide to Opera"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- all 12 NPR books
- #du
- 1993, Berman,
"Grass Roots International Folk Resource Directory"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- About the Authors scan
- #ma
- 2007, Bessler,
"2007 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
sample record labels page
other labels, part 1
part 2
- #mb
- 2008, Bessler,
"2008 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #mc
- 2009, Bessler,
"2009 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
"Songwriter's Market" Bibliography
for a list of all other editions I own (marked with "{A}").
See also
Folk Music Bibliography (Scanned Book Covers)
for cover scans of every edition I own.
- #hd
- 1979, Bierhorst,
"A Cry From the Earth: Music of the North American Indians"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ut
- 1994, Billboard,
"International Buyer's Guide, 35th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #us
- 1996, Billboard,
"International Buyer's Guide, 37th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #yv
- 1997, Billboard,
"International Buyer's Guide, 38th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #yw
- 1998, Billboard,
"International Buyer's Guide, 39th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #uo
- 2002, Billboard,
"International Buyer's Guide, 43rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #up
- 2003, Billboard,
"International Buyer's Guide, 44th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #yx
- 2009, Billboard,
"International Buyer's Guide, 50th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #dv
- 1993, Biracree,
"The Country Music Almanac"
- front cover scan
- #ab
- 1989, Birosik,
"The New Age Music Guide: Profiles and
Recordings of 500 Top New Age Musicians"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #yi
- 1979, Block & Neuls-Bates,
"Women in American Music: A Bibliography of Music and Literature"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- About the Authors page scan
- #7i
- 2001, Bogdanov, Woodstra & S.T. Erlewine,
"All Music Guide, 4th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #nt
- 2002, Bogdanov, Woodstra & S.T. Erlewine,
"All Music Guide to Jazz, 4th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #7j
- 2003, Bogdanov, Woodstra & Erlewine,
"All Music Guide to the Blues, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #sa
- 2003, Bogdanov, Woodstra & Erlewine,
"All Music Guide to Country, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #by
- 1990, Boothroyd,
"Bluegrass LP Issues 1957-1990"
- front cover scan
- #if
- 1996, Bourgeois,
"Blueswomen: Profiles of 37 Early Performers,
with an Anthology of Lyrics, 1920-1945"
- spine & front cover scan
- title page scan
- Acknowledgements / copyright page scan
- TOC page scan
- #3u
- 2004, Bourgeois,
"Blueswomen: Profiles of 37 Early Performers,
with an Anthology of Lyrics, 1920-1945 (reprint)",
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #6m
- 2004, Brackett & Hoard,
"The New Rolling Stone Album Guide, 4th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #gt
- 1998, Brooks, Koda & Brooks,
"Blues For Dummies"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #fk
- 1994, Broughton,
"Rough Guide to World Music"
- front cover scan
- #nk
- 1999, Broughton,
"Rough Guide to World Music Volume 1:
Africa, Europe and the Middle East"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #nl
- 2000, Broughton,
"Rough Guide to World Music Volume 2:
Latin & North America, Caribbean, India, Asia and Pacific"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #nm
- 2006, Broughton, Ellingham, Lusk & Clark,
"Rough Guide to World Music:
Africa & Middle East, 3rd ed., Volume 1 of 3"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #nu
- 1977, Bruccoli, & Clark,
"Conversations with Jazz Musicians, Volume 2"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #ad
- 1981, Brunnings,
"Folk Song Index:
a comprehensive guide to the Florence E. Brunnings collection"
- spine & front cover scan
- TOC page scan
- #xv
- 1986, Bruyninckx,
"Modern Jazz: Modern Big Band, Vol. 1, A-K"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- copyright page and facing page scan
- #nc
- 1995, Buckley,
"Classical Music on CD: The Rough Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #dy
- 1993, Bufwack & Oermann,
"Finding Her Voice: The Saga of Women in Country Music"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- copyright page scan
- TOC page scan
- #8p
- 1995, Bufwack & Oermann,
"Finding Her Voice: The Illustrated History of Women in Country Music"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- copyright page scan
- TOC page scan
- #fz
- 1995, Carlin,
"The Big Book of Country Music, A Biographical Encyclopedia"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #wc
- 2006, Carlin,
"American Popular Music: Country"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #wa
- 2007, Carlin,
"American Popular Music: Folk"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- Hardcover from Infobase Publishing
- #qk
- 2009, Carlton,
"Conversations with Great Jazz and Studio Guitarists"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- TOC page scan
- #pf
- 1990, Carner,
"Jazz Performers:
An Annotated Bibliography of Biographical Materials"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #nf
- 1995, Carr, Fairweather & Priestley,
"Jazz: The Rough Guide, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #nq
- 2000, Carr, Fairweather & Priestley,
"The Rough Guide to Jazz, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ng
- 2004, Carr, Fairweather & Priestley,
"The Rough Guide to Jazz, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #3x
- 2004, Charmasson,
"Patents, Copyrights & Trademarks For Dummies, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4bo
- 1970, Chilton,
"Who's Who of Jazz: Storyville to Swing Street"
- spine & front jacket scan
- back jacket & spine scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- "Additions & Corrections" sheet scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #pk
- 1972, Chilton,
"Who's Who of Jazz: Storyville to Swing Street"
- spine & front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #nv
- 1978, Chilton,
"Who's Who of Jazz: Storyville to Swing Street, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- title page scan
- copyright page scan
- #pm
- 1985, Chilton,
"Who's Who of Jazz: Storyville to Swing Street", 4th Rev. Sub edition
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #pl
- 1989, Chilton,
"Who's Who of Jazz:
Storyville to Swing Street, New & revised 5th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- copyright page scan
- About the Author scan
- #og
- 1997, Chilton,
"Who's Who of British Jazz"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- "Also by John Chilton" scan
- #dz
- 1990, Christgau,
"Christgau's Record Guide: The '80s"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #qw
- 1974, Claghorn,
"Biographical Dictionary of American Music"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- #3s
- 1982, Claghorn,
"Biographical Dictionary of Jazz"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #3r
- 1984, Claghorn,
"Women Composers and Hymnists: A Concise Biographical Dictionary"
- spine & front cover scan
- #3t
- 1995, Claghorn,
"Popular Bands and Performers"
- spine & front cover scan
- About the Author page scan
- #jc
- 2002, Clark, Rick,
"The Expert Encyclopedia of Recording"
- front cover scan
- #af
- 1989, Clarke,
"The Penguin Encyclopedia of Popular Music, 1st ed."
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- jacket front flap
- jacket back flap (about the author)
- #6w
- 1998, Clarke,
"The Penguin Encyclopedia of Popular Music, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #mt
- 2009, Clee,
"The Directory of American 45 R.P.M. Records, 13th? ed."
- front cover scan
- #gu
- 1996, Clynes,
"Music Festivals from Bach to Blues"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #hw
- 1956, Coates,
"The American Festival Guide"
- spine & front cover scan
- title page scan
- TOC p. ix scan
- TOC p. x scan;
Found on the Web:
- spine and frontjacket scan
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- #sx
- 1996, Cochran,
"Our Own Sweet Sounds: A Celebration of Popular Music in Arkansas, 1st ed."
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- TOC page scan
- jacket back flap (about the author) scan
- #sw
- 2005, Cochran,
"Our Own Sweet Sounds: A Celebration of Popular Music in Arkansas, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #nx
- 2005, Cook,
"Richard Cook's Jazz Encyclopedia"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #3y
- 1992, Cook & Morton,
"The Penguin Guide to Jazz on CD, LP and Cassette, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #nw
- 1994, Cook & Morton,
"The Penguin Guide to Jazz on CD, LP and Cassette, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #3z
- 1996, Cook & Morton,
"The Penguin Guide to Jazz on CD, 3rd ed"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #6a
- 1998, Cook & Morton,
"The Penguin Guide to Jazz on CD, 4th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #6b
- 2000, Cook & Morton,
"The Penguin Guide to Jazz on CD, 5th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #6c
- 2002, Cook & Morton,
"The Penguin Guide to Jazz on CD, 6th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #6d
- 2004, Cook & Morton,
"The Penguin Guide to Jazz on CD, 7th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ll
- 2001, Cooper,
"Mel Bay Presents Guitar Interviews: The Best from
Classical Guitar Magazine, Vol. One"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ke
- 1984, Corenthal,
"Cohen on the Telephone: A History of Jewish
Recorded Humor and Popular Music, 1892-1942"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #kf
- 1986, Corenthal,
"The Iconography of Recorded Sound, 1886-1986: A Hundred
Years of Commercial Entertainment and Collecting Opportunity"
- front cover scan
- #ir
- 1991, Corenthal,
"The Illustrated History of Wisconsin Music:
1840-1990 - 150 Years of Melodies and Memories"
- front cover scan
- #kd
- 1998, Corenthal,
"Baseball on Record"
- front cover scan
- #kg
- 2002, Corenthal,
"The Illustrated History of Recorded Sound"
- front cover scan
- #fl
- 1994, Country Music Magazine,
"The Comprehensive Country Music Encyclopedia"
- front cover scan
- #ny
- 1997, Crowther & Pinfold,
"Singing Jazz: The Singers and Their Styles"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #qg
- 1988, Crowther, Pinfold & Driggs,
"The Big Band Years"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #nz
- 1980, Dale,
"The World of Jazz"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #xd
- 1970, Dance,
"The World of Duke Ellington"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #xg
- 1981, Dance,
"The World of Duke Ellington (1st Da Capo Press edition, reprint)"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- copyright page scan
- #xe
- 2000, Dance,
"The World of Duke Ellington" (2nd Da Capo Press edition, reprint)
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #2g
- 1974, Dance,
"The World of Swing"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #oa
- 2001, Dance,
"The World of Swing: An Oral History of Big Band Jazz"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4bn
- 1966, de Charms & Breed,
"Songs in Collections: An Index"
- spine & front cover scan
- TOC page scan
- #4bh
- 1976, Dearling & Dearling with Rust,
"The Guinness Book of Music Facts and Feats, 1st ed."
- spine & front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #4bi
- 4bi, Dearling & Dearling with Rust,
"The Guinness Book of Music, 2nd ed."
- spine & front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #4bj
- 1984, Dearling & Dearling with Rust,
"The Guinness Book of Recorded Sound"
- spine & front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #dg
- 1992, DeCurtis,
"The Rolling Stone Album Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #6l
- DeCurtis, Henke & George-Warren,
"The Rolling Stone Album Guide: The Companion Volume to 25 Years of Essential Rock"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #6k
- 1992, DeCurtis, Henke & George-Warren,
"The Rolling Stone Illustrated History of Rock & Roll, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ob
- 1966, Delaunay,
"New Hot Discography: The Standard Directory of Recorded Jazz"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #ld
- 1998, Deutsch,
"VideoHound's Soundtracks: Music from the movies, broadway and television"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4aq
- 2000, Deutsch,
"MusicHound Soundtracks: The Essential Album Guide to Film, Television and Stage Music"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ys
- 1999, Dicaire,
"Blues Singers:
Biographies of 50 Legendary Artists of the Early 20th Century"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #yt
- 2002, Dicaire,
"More Blues Singers:
Biographies of 50 Artists from the Later 20th Century"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #zp
- 2006, Dicaire,
"Jazz Musicians, 1945 To The Present"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #zr
- 2008, Dicaire,
"The New Generation of Country Music Stars:
Biographies of 50 Artists Born After 1940"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #yq
- 2010, Dicaire,
"The Early Years of Folk Music: Fifty Founders of the Tradition"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #yr
- 2011, Dicaire,
"The Folk Music Revival, 1958-1970:
Biographies of Fifty Performers and Other Influential People"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #xf
- 1995, Dietrich,
"Duke's 'Bones: Ellington's Great Trombonists"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- TOC, p. 5 scan
- #3c
- 1980, Docks,
"American Premium Record Guide 1915-1965, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #2q
- 1982, Docks,
"American Premium Record Guide 1915-1965, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #2r
- 1986, Docks,
"American Premium Record Guide 1915-1965, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ee
- 1992, Docks,
"American Premium Record Guide 1900-1965, 4th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #3d
- 1997, Docks,
"American Premium Record Guide 1900-1965, 5th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ms
- 2001, Docks,
"1900-1965 American Premium Record Guide, 6th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #hx
- 1999, Donaghey,
"Bluegrass Yearbook: Your Favorite Bluegrass Festival Performers"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- About the Author page scan
- CD label sources scan
- CD track titles scan
- CD scan
- #oc
- 2005, Driggs & Haddix,
"Kansas City Jazz: From Ragtime to Bebop - A History"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #4ea
- 2007, Drone,
"Musical AKAs: Assumed Names and Sobriquets of Composers, Songwriters,
Librettists, Lyricists, Hymnists and Writers on Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
About the Author p. 645 scan
- #ty
- 1964, Duckles,
"Music Reference and Research Materials: An Annotated Bibliography, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #tz
- 1967, Duckles,
"Music Reference and Research Materials: An Annotated Bibliography, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #ua
- 1974, Duckles,
"Music Reference and Research Materials: An Annotated Bibliography, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #ub
- 1988, Duckles,
"Music Reference and Research Materials: An Annotated Bibliography, 4th ed."
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #uc
- 1994, Duckles,
"Music Reference and Research Materials: An Annotated
Bibliography, 4th ed. (revised)"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #ud
- 1997, Duckles,
"Music Reference and Research Materials:
An Annotated Bibliography, 5th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #ot
- 2004, Enstice & Stockhouse,
"Jazzwomen: Conversations With Twenty-One Musicians"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #xu
- 2013, Epperson,
"More Important Than the Music: A History of Jazz Discography"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #ai
- 1989, Eremo,
"New Age Musicians"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #cx
- 1992, Erlewine,
"All Music Guide, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #fh
- 1994, Erlewine,
"All Music Guide, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #fm
- 1997, Erlewine,
"All Music Guide, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ga
- 1996, M. Erlewine,
"All Music Guide to the Blues, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #gm
- 1999, M. Erlewine, Bogdanov, Woodstra, Koda & S.T. Erlewine
"All Music Guide to the Blues, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #gj
- 1997,M. Erlewine,
"All Music Guide to Country, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #rz
- 1996, M. Erlewine, Bogdanov, Woodstra & Yanow,
"All Music Guide to Jazz, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #gv
- 1998, M. Erlewine with Bogdanov, Woodstra, S.T. Erlewine & Yanow,
"All Music Guide to Jazz, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #gk
- 1995, M. Erlewine with Bogdanov, Woodstra & S.T. Erlewine,
"All Music Guide to Rock, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #gl
- 1997, M. Erlewine with Bogdanov, Woodstra, S.T. Erlewine, Unterberger
& ,
"All Music Guide to Rock, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #rs
- 2005, Evans,
"The NPR Curious Listener's Guide To Blues"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- all 12 NPR books
- #4ey
- 1981, Farrell,
"Directory of Contemporary American Musical Instrument Makers"
- spine & front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- #dp
- 1955, Feather,
"The Encyclopedia of Jazz"
- spine & front cover scan
- #dh
- 1960, Feather,
"The New Edition of the Encyclopedia of Jazz"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #cb
- 1966, Feather,
"The Encyclopedia of Jazz in the Sixties"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #cc
- 1976, Feather & Gitler,
"The Encyclopedia of Jazz in the Seventies"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #wl
- 1984, Feather,
"The Encyclopedia of Jazz"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #pb
- 1986, Feather,
"The Encyclopedia of Jazz in the 60's"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #sf
- 1993, Feather,
"The Encyclopedia Yearbooks of Jazz"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #cc
- 1976, Feather & Gitler,
"The Encyclopedia of Jazz in the Seventies"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #qv
- 1999, Feather & Gitler,
"The Biographical Encyclopedia of Jazz"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #2c
- 1984, Ferguson & Johnson,
"Mainstream Jazz Reference and Price Guide, 1949-1965"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #tn
- 1993, Field,
"Harmonicas, Harps, and Heavy Breathers, 1st ed.,
The Evolution of the People's Instrument"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #to
- 2000, Field,
"Harmonicas, Harps, and Heavy Breathers, Updated ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #yh
- 1983, Floyd & Reisser,
"Black Music in the United States: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Reference and Research Materials"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #1v
- 2000, Folk Alliance,
"The North American Folk Business Directory 2000/2001"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #rd
- 1999, Folkman,
"The Musician's Atlas 1999"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #re
- 2000, Folkman,
"The Musician's Atlas 2000"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #rf
- 2001, Folkman,
"The Musician's Atlas 2001"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #rg
- 2002, Folkman,
"The Musician's Atlas 2002"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #rh
- 2003, Folkman,
"The Musician's Atlas 2003"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #rk
- 2006, Folkman,
"The Musician's Atlas 2006"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #rl
- 2007, Folkman,
"The Musician's Atlas 2007"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #rm
- 2008, Folkman,
"The Musician's Atlas 2008"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #xx
- 1974, Foreman,
"Systematic Discography"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- back cover & spine scan
- TOC page scan
- back cover scan
- #pd
- 2007, Fox,
"Compendium of Over 2000 Jazz Pianists"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- sample page scan, p. 49
- #no
- 1983, Frasier,
"Women Composers: A Discography"
- spine & front cover scan
- #od
- 2010, Friedwald,
"A Biographical Guide to the Great Jazz and Pop Singers"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #qx
- 1992, Fuchs,
"Recording Industry Sourcebook, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #hn
- 1993, Fuchs,
"Recording Industry Sourcebook, 4th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
see also: Runkle (14th ed., 15th ed.)
- #cd
- 1992, Gaar,
"She's a Rebel: The History of Women in Rock & Roll"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- About the Author page scan
- #4eu
- 2002, Gaar,
"She's a Rebel: The History of Women in Rock & Roll,
Expanded 2nd ed."
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- About the Author page scan
- #eg
- 1991, Gambaccini, Rice & Rice,
"Guinness British Hit Singles"
- front cover scan
- #gw
- 1995, Gillette,
"Songwriting and the Creative Process: Suggestions
and starting points for songwriters"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #2z
- 1992, Goc,
"Just Plain Chet: The History of Krause Publications"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #gc
- 1997, Gombert,
"Native American Music Directory"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #gx
- 1998, Goodman,
"Modern Twang: An Alternative Country Music Guide & Directory"
- front cover scan
- alternative cover scan (from Web)
[alternative cover scan found on the Web, book wanted, or a full size
color scan of it (700 pixels wide or bigger)]
- #it
- 1999, Goodman,
"Modern Twang"
- front cover scan
- #oe
- 1995, Gourse,
"Madame Jazz: Contemporary Women Instrumentalists"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- front and back jacket flaps scan
- #8s
- 1996, Graff,
"MusicHound Rock: The Essential Album Guide, 1st ed."
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #lc
- 1999, Graff & Durchholz,
"MusicHound Rock: The Essential Album Guide, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #lb
- 1998, Graff, Freedom du Lac & McFarlin,
"MusicHound R&B: The Essential Album Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ak
- 1962, Grafman & Manning,
"Folk Music USA"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #iu
- 2001, Granger,
"The 100 Greatest Albums in Christian Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #1u
- 1994, Graves,
"Folk: The Life, Times, & Music Series"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #pu
- 1977, Gray & Gibson,
"A Bibliography of Discographies Volume 1: Classical Music, 1925-1975"
- spine & front cover scan
- #pw
- 1983, Gray,
"A Bibliography of Discographies Volume 3: Popular Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #jd
- 1992, Greene,
"A Passion for Polka: Old-Time Ethnic Music"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #6x
- 1978, Greenfield, Layton & March,
"The Penguin Stereo Record Guide, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #6s
- 1990, Greenfield, Layton & March,
"The Penguin Guide to Compact Discs, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #2x
- 1966, Greenfield, March & Stevens
"The Penguin Guide to Bargain Records"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ce
- 1982, Guralnick,
"The Listeners' Guide to the Blues"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- TOC #1 scan
- TOC #2 scan
- #gd
- 1993, Hadley,
"The Grove Press Guide to the Blues on CD"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #tx
- 1995, Haggerty,
"A Guide to Popular Music Reference Books: An Annotated Bibliography"
- spine & front cover scan
- #kq
- 1987 Hamilton, David,
"The Metropolitan Opera Encyclopedia:
A Comprehensive Guide to the World of Opera"
- spine & front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #ej
- 1991, Harris,
"The New Folk Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #an
- 1979, Harris,
"Blues Who's Who: a Biographical Dictionary of Blues Singers"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #vr
- 1981, Harris,
"Blues Who's Who: a Biographical Dictionary of Blues Singers"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #hf
- 1993, Harrison, David,
"The World of Blues"
- spine & front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- jacket back flap scan (about the author)
- #7y
- 1998, Harrison, Nigel,
"Songwriters: A Biographical Dictionary with Discographies"
- spine & front cover scan
- #3j
- 1999, Harry,
"Whatever Happened To...?: The Ultimate Pop & Rock 'Where Are They Now?"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #kh
- 1999, Haslam,
"Workin' Man Blues: Country Music in California"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #vq
- 2014, Hazell,
"The Kindred Path: A biography of a friendship"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #3e
- 1986, Heggeness,
"The Promo Record Price Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #zx
- 1995, Heggeness,
"Goldmine's Promo Record Guide & CD Price Guide, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #zy
- 1998, Heggeness & Neely,
"Goldmine Promo Record Guide & CD Price Guide, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #gn
- 1996, Heggeness,
"Goldmine Country Western Record & CD Price Guide, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ao
- 1982, Helander,
"The Rock Who's Who, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #2y
- 1996, Helander,
"The Rock Who's Who, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #2i
- 1996, Helander,
"The Rockin' '50s: The People Who Made the Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #2h
- 1999, Helander,
"The Rockin' '60s: The People Who Made the Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #qd
- 2005, Henderson,
"A Directory of Composers for Organ,
3rd Revised and Enlarged Edition"
- front cover scan
- #cy
- 1992, Herzhaft,
"Encyclopedia of the Blues"
- front cover scan
- #4eo
- 1997, Herzhaft,
"Encyclopedia of the Blues, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #fn
- 1994, Hildebrand,
"Stars of Soul and Rhythm & Blues"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ek
- 1973, Hill,
"The Guitar: An Introduction to the Instrument"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- TOC page #1 scan
- TOC page #2 scan
- About the Author scan
- #8m
- 1997, Hoffman,
"The NPR Classical Music Companion:
An Essential Guide for Enlightened Listening"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #8n
- 1997, Hoffman,
"The NPR Classical Music Companion: Terms and Concepts from A to Z"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #vi
- 1982, Holmes, John L.,
"Conductors on Record"
- spine & front cover scan
- #wd
- 2006, Holmes, Thom,
"American Popular Music: Jazz"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #hy
- 1998, Holtje & Lee,
"MusicHound Jazz: The Essential Album Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #aq
- 1986, Hood,
"Artists of American Folk Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ar
- 1981, Hounsome & Chambre,
"Rock Record"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- copyright page scan
- #8x
- 1981, Hounsome & Chambre,
"New Rock Record:
A Collectors' Directory of Rock Albums and Musicians"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- copyright page scan
- #8t
- 1983, Hounsome,
"New Rock Record:
A Collectors' Directory of Rock Albums and Musicians, 2nd ed."
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #el
- 1983, Hounsome,
"New Rock Record: 2nd Edition"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #as
- 1987, Hounsome,
"Rock Record: 3rd ed."
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #8u
- 1991, Hounsome,
"Rock Record 4: The Directory of Rock Albums and Musicians, 4th ed."
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #8v
- 1997, Hounsome,
"Rock Record 7: Directory of Albums & Musicians, 7th ed."
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #pr
- 1988, Jezic,
"Women Composers: The Lost Tradition Found"
- front cover scan
- #4bd
- 1957[1907], Julian,
"A Dictionary of Hymnology, 2nd ed., Vol. 1" (reprint)
- spine & front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- front & back book flaps scan
- spine & front cover scan
- title page scan
- copyright page scan
- TOC page scan
- #4be
- 1957[1907], Julian,
"A Dictionary of Hymnology, 2nd ed., Vol. 2" (reprint)
- spine & front jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- title page scan
the back jacket, both flaps, and copyright page are identical for both
books, and Volume 2 has no Table of Contents, also, each volume has a
different page 876, see:Volume 1
- #so
- 1980, Kay,
"International Who's Who in Music and Musicians' Directory, 9th ed."
- front cover scan
- #sp
- 1988, Kay,
"International Who's Who in Music and Musicians' Directory, 11th ed."
- front cover scan
- #hz
- 1997, Keeling,
"North American Indian Music: A Guide to Published
Sources and Selected Recordings"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #kl
- 1992, Keil & Keil,
"Polka Happiness"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #of
- 1993, Kenney,
"Chicago Jazz: A Cultural History, 1904-1930"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #dj
- 1988, Kernfeld,
"The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, Vol. One, A-K"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket & spine scan
- front cover scan
- #ch
- 1988, Kernfeld,
"The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, Vol. Two, L-Z"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket & spine scan
- front cover scan
- #rc
- 1994, Kernfeld,
"The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz" (in one volume)
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #xs
- 2003, Kernfeld,
"The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz" (Volume 2)
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #hg
- 1998, Kingsbury,
"The Encyclopedia of Country Music: The Ultimate Guide to the Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #at
- 1974, Kinkle,
"The Complete Encyclopedia of Popular Music and Jazz 1900-1950, Volume 1"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #uu
- 1974, Kinkle,
"The Complete Encyclopedia of Popular Music and Jazz 1900-1950, Volume 2"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #uv
- 1974, Kinkle,
"The Complete Encyclopedia of Popular Music and Jazz 1900-1950, Volume 3"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #uw
- 1974, Kinkle,
"The Complete Encyclopedia of Popular Music and Jazz 1900-1950, Volume 4"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #la
- 1998, Knopper,
"MusicHound Lounge:
The Essential Album Guide to Martini Music and Easy Listening"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #le
- 1999, Knopper,
"MusicHound Swing: The Essential Album Guide"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ci
- 1984, Kochman,
"The Big Book of Bluegrass: The Artists, The History, The Music"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #kj
- 2000, Koster,
"Texas Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ki
- 2002, Koster,
"Louisiana Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #3a
- 2008, Krause & Sieber,
"I'm Chet: The Autobiography of Chet Krause"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #dk
- 1990, Kwnick,
"Where is the Way: Song and Struggle in South Africa"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #3k
- 2007, Largo,
"The Portable Obituary: How the Famous, Rich, and Powerful Really Died"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #mo
- 1992, Larkin,
"The Guinness Encyclopedia of Popular Music, Volume 1"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #mp
- 1992, Larkin,
"The Guinness Encyclopedia of Popular Music, Volume 2"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #mq
- 1992, Larkin,
"The Guinness Encyclopedia of Popular Music, Volume 3"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #mr
- 1992, Larkin,
"The Guinness Encyclopedia of Popular Music, Volume 4"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #7t
- 1992, Larkin,
"The Guinness Who's Who of Indie and New Wave Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #7s
- 1993, Larkin,
"The Guinness Who's Who of Blues"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #6z
- 1993, Larkin,
"The Guinness Who's Who of Country Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #vy
- 1993, Larkin,
"The Guinness Who's Who of Folk Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #2l
- 1998, Larkin,
"The Billboard Illustrated Encyclopedia of Rock"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- #6y
- 1998, Larkin,
"The Virgin Encyclopedia of the Blues"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #7a
- 1998, Larkin,
"The Virgin Encyclopedia of Country Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #7x
- 1998, Larkin,
"The Virgin Encyclopedia of Indie and New Wave"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #au
- 1960, Lawless,
"Folksingers and Folksongs in America: a handbook of biography,
bibliography and discography, 1st ed."
- spine & front cover scan
- #au, #av, #vm spines scan
- #av
- 1965, Lawless,
"Folksingers and Folksongs in America: a handbook of biography,
bibliography and discography, 2nd ed."
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #vm
- 1981, Lawless,
"Folksingers and Folksongs in America: a handbook of biography,
bibliography and discography, 2nd ed. reprint"
- spine & front cover scan
- #xb
- 1976, Lawrence (Gale Research Co.),
"Who Was Who Among North American Authors 1921-1939"
#xb Vol. 1, A-J spine & front cover scan
- #xc
- 1976, Lawrence (Gale Research Co.),
"Who Was Who Among North American Authors 1921-1939"
#xc Vol. 2, K-Z spine & front cover scan
- #cj
- 1989, Lazell,
"Rock Movers & Shakers"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #aw
- 1968, Leadbitter & Slaven,
"Blues Records: January 1943 to December 1966"
- spine & front cover scan
- About the Authors page scan
- #8o
- 1987, Leadbitter,
"Blues Records: 1943 to 1970: A Selective Discography Volume 1 A-K"
- spine & front cover scan
- title page scan
- #gy
- 1997, Leblanc & Young,
"1997 Kerrville Touring Directory for
Singer Songwriters and other Acoustic Artists"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- TOC and Copyright page scan
- #gz
- 1998, Leblanc,
"1998 Kerrville Touring Directory for
Singer Songwriters and other Acoustic Artists"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- TOC and Copyright page scan
- #jt
- 2004, Ledgin,
"Homegrown Music: Discovering Bluegrass"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #oh
- 2005, Lee,
"American Big Bands"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #jb
- 1992, Lemlich,
"Savage Lost: Florida Garage Bands"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #3l
- 1998, Lentz,
"Obituaries in the Performing Arts, 1997: Film, Television, Radio, Theatre, Dance, Music, Cartoons, and Pop Culture"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #3m
- 2002, Lentz,
"Obituaries in the Performing Arts, 2001: Film, Television, Radio, Theatre, Dance, Music, Cartoons, and Pop Culture"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ia
- 1994, Levine,
"Music Address Book"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #8k
- 1994, Libbey,
"The NPR Guide to Building a Classical CD Collection, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ax
- 1983, Lifton,
"The Listener's Guide to Folk Music"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #sn
- 1983, Lyons,
"The Great Jazz Pianists: Speaking of Their Lives and Music"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #oi
- 1989, Lyons & Perlo,
"Jazz Portraits: The Lives and Music of the Jazz Masters"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #rr
- 2004, Lornell,
"The NPR Curious Listener's Guide To American Folk Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- all 12 NPR books
- #8q
- 1989, Lornell,
"Virginia's Blues, Country, & Gospel Records 1902-1943:
An Annotated Discography"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- #cz
- 1950, Lumpkin & McNeil,
"Folksongs on Records: Issue Three"
- front cover scan
- backcover & spine scan
- #oj
- 1978, Lyttelton,
"The Best of Jazz: Basin Street to Harlem: Jazz Masters and Masterpieces, 1917-1930"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #ok
- 1981, Lyttelton,
"The Best of Jazz II: Enter the Giants, 1931-1944"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #jg
- 2002, Malone,
"Country Music, U.S.A., 2nd Rev. ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ge
- 1997, Mansfield & Graff,
"MusicHound Country: The Essential Album Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #6r
- 1992, March, Greenfield & Layton,
"The Penguin Guide to Compact Discs and Cassettes, New Edition"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #6t
- 1996, March, Greenfield & Layton,
"The Penguin Guide to Compact Discs and Cassettes"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #6u
- 2005, March, Greenfield & Layton,
"The Penguin Guide to Compact Discs & DVDs 2005/6 Edition"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ib
- 1994, Marsh & Bernard,
"The New Book of Rock Lists"
- front cover scan
- #az
- 1979, Marsh & Swenson,
"The Rolling Stone Record Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ba
- 1983, Marsh & Swenson,
"The New Rolling Stone Record Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #in
- 1994, Martin,
"Farmhouse Fiddlers: Music & Dance Traditions in the Rural Midwest"
- front cover scan
- #iv
- 2003, Masino,
"Famous Wisconsin Musicians"
- front cover scan
- title page
Title page autographs:
Susan Masino at Barnes & Noble Bookstore, Madison on 1-30-2003;
Les Paul at the Iridium Jazz Club,
New York City on 8-07-2006
- #je
- 2003, Masino,
"Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #vl
- 1981, May,
"Behind the Baton: A Who's Who of Conductors"
- front jacket scan (from the Web)
- spine & front cover scan
- #fu
- 1995, McCloud,
"Definitive Country: The Ultimate Encyclopedia of
Country Music and Its Performers"
- front cover scan
- #wm
- 2000, McGee,
"Traditional Musicians of the Central Blue Ridge"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #lf
- 2000, McGovern,
"MusicHound World: The Essential Album Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #jm
- 1993, MacLean & Joynson,
"An American Rock History, Part 1, 1963-1985:
California, The Golden State, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- TOC and Copyright page scan
- sample page scan
- inside back cover scan
- #jn
- 1990, MacLean & Joynson,
"An American Rock History, Part 2: Texas, Arizona and New Mexico,
A Southwestern Pilgrimage (1960-1989)"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- TOC and Copyright page scan
- #jo
- 1992, MacLean & Joynson,
"An American Rock History, Part 3: Chicago and Illinois (1960-1992)"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- TOC and Copyright page scan
- inside back cover scan
- #jp
- 1994, MacLean & Joynson,
"An American Rock History, Part 4: Indiana, Iowa and Missouri (1960-1993)"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- TOC and Copyright page scan
- inside back cover scan
- #jq
- 2000, MacLean & Joynson,
"An American Rock History, Part 5:
The Midwest - Minnesota and Wisconsin (1960-1997)"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- TOC and Copyright page scan
- #6e
- 1975, MacMillan & Beckwith,
"Contemporary Canadian Composers"
- spine & front cover scan
- #gf
- 1995, Millard,
"Country Music What's What"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #6i
- 1976, Miller,
"The Rolling Stone Illustrated History of Rock & Roll, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- copyright page scan
- #6j
- 1980, Miller,
"The Rolling Stone Illustrated History of Rock & Roll, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #rv
- 2002, Morath,
"The NPR Curious Listener's Guide to Popular Standards"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- all 12 NPR books
- #ol
- 2004, Morgenstern,
"Living With Jazz: A Reader"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #6v
- 1984, Murrells,
"Million Selling Records from the 1900s to the 1980s:
An Illustrated Directory"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- TOC page scan
- #ha
- 1994, Myers,
"Do You Hear That Beat: Wisconsin Pop/Rock in the 50's & 60's"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #kw
- 2006, Myers,
"On That Wisconsin Beat:
More Wisconsin Pop/Rock/Soul/Country in the 50's & 60's"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- title page scan with author's autograph
- #ic
- 1996, Neely,
"Goldmine Price Guide to 45 RPM Records, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #3g
- 2003, Neely,
"Goldmine Price Guide to 45 RPM Records, 4th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #zw
- 2001, Neely,
"Goldmine Country & Western Record Price Guide, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ju
- 2000, Neely,
"Goldmine Jazz Album Price Guide, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #va
- 2004, Neely,
"Goldmine Jazz Album Price Guide, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #me
- 2001, Neely,
"Goldmine Record Album Price Guide, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #mf
- 2003, Neely,
"Goldmine Record Album Price Guide, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #vn
- 1965, Nettl,
"An Introduction to Folk Music in the United States, 2nd ed. reprint"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #sc
- 1976, Nettl,
"Folk Music in the United States; an Introduction, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #vp
- 1990, Nettl,
"Folk and Traditional Music of the Western Continents, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #rw
- 2004, Nickson,
"The NPR Curious Listener's Guide to World Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- all 12 NPR books
- #ps
- 1997, O'Dair,
"Trouble Girls: The Rolling Stone Book of Women in Rock"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #bc
- 1990, Obrecht,
"Blues Guitar - The Men Who Made the Music, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #si
- 1993, Obrecht,
"Blues Guitar - The Men Who Made the Music, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #hh
- 1996, Oermann,
"America's Music: The Roots of Country"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #bd
- 1968, Okun,
"Something to Sing About!:
The Personal Choices of America's Folk Singers"
- #jh
- 1992, Oldsberg, Prellberg & Bulinski,
"Lost and Found, Vol. 1 (Iowa and Minnesota)"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ji
- 1993, Oldsberg, Prellberg & Halfpap,
"Lost and Found, Vol. 2 (Minnesota and Wisconsin)"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #jj
- 1994, Oldsberg, Prellberg, Erwin & Markesich,
"Lost and Found, Vol. 3 (Illinois and Minnesota)"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #jl
- 1997, Oldsberg, Prellberg & Miller,
"Lost and Found, Vol. 5 (Northern Minnesota)"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #jv
- 1996, Oliphant,
"Texan Jazz"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #jf
- 1996, Opsasnick,
"Capitol Rock"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #7b
- 2004, Orovio,
"Cuban Music from A to Z"
- spine & front cover scan
- front jacket scan found on the Web
- #eu
- 1976, Osborne,
"Record Collector's Price Guide, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ho
- 1978, Osborne,
"Record Albums 1948-1978, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #cn
- 1978, Osborne,
"Popular & Rock Records: 1948-1978, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #hq
- 1982, Osborne,
"Record Albums Price Guide, 4th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #fs
- 1995, Osborne,
"The Official Price Guide to Records"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #qb
- 1996, Osborne,
"The Official Price Guide to Country Music Records, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #qc
- 1997, Osborne,
"The Official Price Guide to Movie/TV Soundtracks, and
Original Cast Albums, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #iw
- 2001, Oseary,
"Jews Who Rock"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- TOC p. vii scan
- TOC p. viii scan
- #xy
- 1960, Panassie,
"The Real Jazz"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- back cover & spine scan
- TOC scan
- #xz
- 1956, Panassie & Gautier,
"Guide to Jazz"
- spine & front cover scan
- front jacket scan (found on the Web)
- #8w
- 1956, Panassie & Gautier,
"Dictionary of Jazz"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- back cover scan
- #bg
- 1983, Pareles & Romanowski,
"The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #3n
- 2007, People Magazine,
"Gone Too Soon: Remembering 65 Celebrities Who Died Far Too Young"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #3o
- 2013, People Magazine,
"Gone Too Soon: Remembering 57 Celebrities Who Died Far Too Young"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #da
- 1980, Perlman,
"Fingerstyle Guitar"
- spine & front cover scan
- #6f
- 1985, Perlman,
"Fingerstyle Guitar, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #3w
- 2002, Peterik, Austin & Bickford,
"Songwriting For Dummies, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ik
- 1977, Peters,
"Folk Songs out of Wisconsin: An Illustrated Compendium of Words and Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4bm
- 1979, Peterson & Fenton,
"Index of Children's Songs: A Title, First Line, and Subject Index"
- spine & front cover scan
- TOC page scan
- #qi
- 2009, Phillips,
"Voices of Our People: in every life there is a story:
The Vanishing Ozarks, Volume 1"
- front jacket
- back jacket
- title page
- About the Author, p. 1
- p. 2
- #sv
- 2011, Phillips,
"Places of Our People: behind every person there is a place:
The Vanishing Ozarks, Volume 2"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #pc
- 2010, Pinkham,
"Milwaukee Jazz Profiles:
Lives & Lessons of Musicians from the Cream City"
- front cover
- back cover
- TOC, p. 5
- TOC, p. 6
- #on
- 1982, Placksin,
"American Women in Jazz: 1900 to the Present:
Their Words, Lives and Music"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #1k
- 1966, Pleasants,
"The Great Singers: From the Dawn of Opera to Our Own Time"
- spine & front cover scan
- #1o
- 1985, Pleasants,
"The Great Singers: From the Dawn of Opera to Caruso, Callas and Pavarotti"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #1n
- 1985, Pleasants,
"The Great American Popular Singers"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #3v
- 1997, Pogue & Speck,
"Classical Music For Dummies, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #pg
- 1987, Pohle,
"Record Source Book: England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, 2nd ed."
- spine & front cover scan
- #lp
- 1995, Pollard & Taylor,
"The Gramophone Good CD Guide 1995"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #gp
- 1997, Puddlestomp Records,
"1997-1998 Acoustic Venue Directory"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #cp
- 1976, Purcell,
"Classic Guitar, Lute and Vihuela Discography"
- front cover scan
- #ls
- 1947, RCA,
"RCA Victor 1948 Record Catalog: Classical and Popular"
- front cover scan
- #7k
- 1946, Randolph,
"Ozark Folksongs: Vol. 1, British Ballads and Songs"
- spine & front cover scan
- title page scan
- #7l
- 1948, Randolph,
"Ozark Folksongs: Vol. 2, Songs of the South and West"
- spine & front cover scan
- title page scan
- #7m
- 1949, Randolph,
"Ozark Folksongs: Vol. 3, Humorous and Play-Party Songs"
- spine & front jacket scan
- title page scan
- #4bt
- 2007, Ratiner,
"Contemporary Musicians: Profiles of the People in Music, Volume 60"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- TOC page v scan
- TOC page vi scan
- #db
- 1991, Rees, Dafydd & Crampton,
"Rock Movers and Shakers"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #id
- 1996, Rees, Dafydd & Crampton,
"DK Encyclopedia of Rock Stars, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- About the authors page scan
- #2j
- 1999, Rees, Dafydd & Crampton,
"VH1 Music First: Encyclopedia of Rock Stars, new revised edition"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- copyright/introduction page scan
- #2k
- 1999, Rees, Dafydd & Crampton,
"Q: Encyclopedia of Rock Stars, new revised edition"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- copyright/introduction page scan
- #dm
- 1985, Rees, Tony,
"Rare Rock: A Collectors' Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #jw
- 1999, Rice,
"Bluegrass Bios: Profiles of the Stars of Bluegrass Music" (no cover)
3-ring binder scan
title page scan
- #jx
- 2002, Rice,
"Bluegrass Bios: Profiles of the Stars of Bluegrass Music" (no cover)
title page scan
Each yearly edition came as a bundle of pages punched for a 3-ring
binder. Special binders with no printed year were available separately to
store any year's set of pages. I bought one binder. See the scan of the
binder I use for the 1999 edition immediately above.
- #ft
- 1993, Richards & Shestack,
"The New Country Music Encyclopedia"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #rt
- 2005, Ritchie, Fiona,
"The NPR Curious Listener's Guide to Celtic Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- all 12 NPR books
- #ex
- 1975, Ritchie, Jean,
"Jean Ritchie's Dulcimer People"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #7c
- 1989, Robbins,
"The New Trouser Press Record Guide, Revised Edition" (3rd ed.)"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #7d
- 1991, Robbins,
"The Fourth Edition of The New Trouser Press Record Guide:
The Ultimate Guide to Alternative Music (4th ed.)"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #7e
- 1997, Robbins,
"The Trouser Press Guide to '90s Rock, 5th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #om
- 1986, Rogers,
"Dance Bands & Big Bands"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ix
- 2000, Rogovoy,
"The Essential Klezmer"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- TOC p. vii page scan
- TOC p. viii page scan
- #fo
- 1995, Romanowski,
"The New Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ih
- 1997, Rowen,
"The 1998 A&E Entertainment Almanac"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #8g
- 1969, Roxon,
"Lillian Roxon's Rock Encyclopedia, 1st ed."
- front jacket scan
- back jacket & spine scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #8h
- 1971, Roxon,
"Lillian Roxon's Rock Encyclopedia, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #8i
- 1978, Roxon & Naha,
"Lillian Roxon's Rock Encyclopedia, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #hb
- 1998, Rucker,
"MusicHound Blues: The Essential Album Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ip
- 2002, Rucker & Schuller,
"MusicHound Blues: The Essential Album Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ml
- 2003, Runkle,
"Recording Industry Sourcebook, 14th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #mm
- 2004, Runkle,
"Recording Industry Sourcebook, 15th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- see also: #hn
- #mn
- 2005, Runkle,
"Recording Industry Sourcebook, 16th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #oo
- 1973, Russell, Ross,
"Jazz Style in Kansas City and the Southwest"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #lm
- 1997, Russell, Tony,
"The Blues: from Robert Johnson to Robert Cray"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ln
- 2004, Russell, Tony,
"Country Music Records: A Discography, 1921-1942"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #6q
- 2006, Russell, Tony,
"The Penguin Guide to Blues Recordings"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- About the Authors scan
- TOC scan
- #xq
- 1973, Rust with Debus,
"The Complete Entertainment Discography from the mid-1890s to 1942"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #4bl
- 1974, Rust,
"The Dance Bands"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- spine & front cover scan
- Sid Phillips Foreword scan
- #lq
- 1978, Rust,
"The American Record Label Book:
From the 19th Century Through 1942, 1st ed."
- spine & front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #lx
- 1978, Rust,
"The American Record Label Book" (updated reprint)
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #sz
- 1980, Rust,
"Brian Rust's Guide to Discography"
- front cover scan
- title page scan
- copyright page scan
- TOC page scan
See also: Dearling, Dearling & Rust
- #lt
- 2004, Ryan,
"Trumpet Records: Diamonds on Farish Street, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #xp
- 1980, Sadie,
"The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians:
Volume 5: Couraud - Edlund"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #bi
- 1976, Sandberg & Weissman,
"The Folk Music Sourcebook"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #bj
- 1989, Sandberg & Weissman,
"The Folk Music Sourcebook"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #cq
- 1985, Santelli,
"Sixties Rock: A Listener's Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #gh
- 1993, Santelli,
"The Big Book of Blues: A Biographical Encyclopedia"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ii
- 2001, Santelli,
"The Big Book of Blues:
- front cover scan
- #gi
- 1997, Santelli,
"The Best of the Blues"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #mg
- 2000, Sawyers,
"Celtic Music: A Complete Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #hc
- 1997, Schaefer, G.
"Here to Stay: Rock and Roll through the '70s"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ya
- 1978, Schleman,
"Rhythm on Record [reprint]"
- spine & front cover scan
- title page scan
- #fp
- 1987, Schmid,
"New Folk Favorites"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #op
- 2002, Schoenberg,
"The NPR Curious Listener's Guide to Jazz"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- all 12 NPR books
- #ez
- 1992, Schreiber,
"The Ultimate Guide to Independent Record Artists and Labels"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #2m
- 2014, Scott, Christian,
"Country Music & Sacred Recording Artists Pseudonyms 1922-1941"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #bl
- 1991, Scott, Frank,
"The Down Home Guide to the Blues"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- About The Author page scan
- #8r
- 1993, Scott, Frank & Ennis,
"The Roots & Rhythm Guide to Rock"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- About the Author scan
- #nj
- 2006, Shapiro,
"The Rough Guide to Soul and R&B"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ww
- 2003, Shepherd, Horn, Laing, Oliver & Wicke,
"Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World:
Volume I: Media, Industry and Society"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #lu
- 1998, Sherman & Nauck,
"Note the Notes: An Illustrated History of the
Columbia 78 rpm Record Label: 1901-1958"
- front cover scan
- title page
- #bm
- 1974, Shestack,
"The Country Music Encyclopedia"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #mu
- 1971, Sidran,
"Black Talk: How the Music of Black America Created a
Radical Alternative to the Values of Western Literary Tradition, 1st ed."
- spine & front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #mv
- 1981, Sidran,
"Black Talk, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #my
- 1992, Sidran,
"Talking Jazz: An Illustrated Oral History"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- title page scan
- MAMA Voucher/Receipt scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #mx
- 1995, Sidran,
"Talking Jazz: An Oral History, expanded ed."
- front over scan
- back cover scan
- #7g
- 2008, Simmonds,
"The Encyclopedia of Dead Rock Stars:
Heroin, Handguns, and Ham Sandwiches, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #7h
- 2012, Simmonds,
"The Encyclopedia of Dead Rock Stars:
Heroin, Handguns, and Ham Sandwiches, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #jy
- 1967, Simon,
"The Big Bands, 1st ed."
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- #oq
- 1981, Simon,
"The Big Bands, 4th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #gr
- 1978, Slonimsky,
"Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, 6th ed."
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #cs
- 1992, Slonimsky,
"Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, 8th ed."
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #kv
- 1997, Slonimsky, Kuhn, & McIntire,
"Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Classical Musicians"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #fb
- 1988, Smith, Joe & Fink,
"Off the Record: An Oral History of Popular Music"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #4aw
- 1970, Smith, Julia,
"Directory of American Women Composers:
with Selected Music for Senior & Junior Clubs"
- front cover scan
- TOC page ii scan
- #hi
- 1995, Smith, Richard D.,
"Bluegrass: An Informal Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- TOC p. ix scan
- TOC p. x scan
- About the Author page scan
- #ku
- 2002, Smith, Tim,
"The NPR Curious Listener's Guide to Classical Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- all 12 NPR books
- #ly
- 2000, Southall,
"The A-Z of Record Labels, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #lr
- 2003, Southall,
"The A-Z of Record Labels, 2nd ed."
standard cover scan
cover with die-cut LP center hole
- back cover scan
- #ni
- 2006, Spicer,
"The Rough Guide to Punk, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #fc
- 1993, St. Pierre,
"The Best of the Blues: The Essential CD Guide"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #vx
- 1969, Stambler & Landon,
"The Encyclopedia of Folk, Country & Western Music, 1st ed."
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #bn
- 1983, Stambler & Landon,
"The Encyclopedia of Folk, Country & Western Music, 2nd ed."
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #iy
- 2001, Stambler & Stambler,
"Folk and Blues: The Encyclopedia, 3rd ed."
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #uk
- 2005, Steinberg,
"Choral Masterworks: A listener's Guide"
- spine & front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- spine & back cover scan
- #hj
- 1995, Stepaniak,
"Bluegrass Music Festivals: 1996 Guide for U.S. and Canada"
- front cover scan
- #hk
- 1995, Stepaniak,
"Folk & Traditional Music Festivals: 1996 Guide for U.S. and Canada"
- front cover scan
- #qj
- 1972, Stone County 4-H Council,
"The Faces of Rackensack"
- front cover scan
- #ta
- 1994, Strong,
"The Great Rock Discography, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #tb
- 1995, Strong,
"The Great Rock Discography, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #fw
- 1996, Strong,
"The Great Rock Discography, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #io
- 1998, Strong,
"The Great Rock Discography, 4th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #tc
- 2001, Strong,
"The Great Rock Discography, 5th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #td
- 2002, Strong,
"The Great Rock Discography, 6th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #te
- 2004, Strong,
"The Great Rock Discography, 7th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #tf
- 1996, Strong,
"The Wee Rock Discography"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ti
- 1998, Strong,
"The Great Metal Discography, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #th
- 2001, Strong,
"The Great Metal Discography, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #tg
- 2006, Strong,
"The Essential Rock Discography"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #um
- 2003, Strong,
"The Great Indie Discography, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #un
- 1999, Strong, The Great Alternative & Indie Discography"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ul
- 2008, Strong, Lights, Camera, Soundtracks"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #su
- 2002, Strong, The Great Scots Musicography"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #sk
- 2010, Strong,
"The Great Folk Discography, Vol. 1: Pioneers & Early Legends"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #sl
- 2011, Strong, The Great Folk Discography, Vol. 2: The Next Generation"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #bp
- 1982, Stropes & Lang,
"20th Century Masters of Finger-style Guitar"
- front cover scan
- #lv
- 2008, Stubbs,
"Ace Records: Labels Unlimited"
- front cover scan
- #1a
- 2002, Summerfield,
"The Classical Guitar: Its Evolution, Players and Personalities Since 1800"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #iq
- 1994, Sundell,
"Wisconsin Music: An Annotated Bibliography"
- front cover scan
- #6g
- 1998, Sutro,
"Jazz For Dummies, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #6h
- 2006, Sutro,
"Jazz For Dummies, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #iz
- 1999, Swenson,
"The Rolling Stone Jazz & Blues Album Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #mh
- 1985, Swenson,
"The Rolling Stone Jazz Record Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ij
- 1999, Talevski,
"The Encyclopedia of Rock Obituaries [hardcover]"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #7f
- 1999, Talevski,
"Tombstone Blues: The Encyclopedia of Rock Obituaries" [paperback]
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #mz
- 1996, Taylor,
"National Directory of Record Labels & Music Publishers, 5th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #or
- 2002, Terkel,
"Giants of Jazz"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #2u
- 2000, Thompson, Dave,
"20th Century Rock and Roll: Pop"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #mi
- 2002, Thompson, Dave
"The Music Lover's Guide to Record Collecting"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #wx
- 1946, Thompson, Oscar & Slonimsky,
"The International Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians, 4th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #wy
- 1952, Thompson & Slonimsky,
"The International Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians, 6th ed."
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #wz
- 1975, Thompson & Bohle,
"The International Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians, 10th ed."
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #xa
- 1985, Thompson & Bohle,
"The International Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians, 11th ed."
- front jacket scan
- back jacket & spine scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #ja
- 2002, Tipaldi,
"Children of the Blues"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #kx
- 1991, Tobler,
"Who's Who in Rock & Roll"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #3p
- 1984, Tosches,
"Unsung Heroes of Rock 'n' Roll, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #3q
- 1991, Tosches,
"Unsung Heroes of Rock 'n' Roll, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4ev
- 1999, Tosches,
"Unsung Heroes of Rock 'n' Roll, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #hs
- 1983, Tourville,
"Minnesota Rocked!! The 1960's: A Discography and
Guide to the Music and the People of Minnesota from the 1960's"
- front cover scan
- #bq
- 1979, Tudor & Tudor,
"Grass Roots Music"
- spine & front cover scan
- #zi
- 1979, Tudor & Tudor,
"Black Music"
- spine & front cover scan
- #zj
- 1979, Tudor & Tudor,
- spine & front cover scan
- #zk
- 1979, Tudor & Tudor,
"Contemporary Popular Music"
- spine & front cover scan
- #br
- 1983, Tudor,
"Popular Music, An Annotated Guide to Recordings"
- spine & front cover scan
- #os
- 1982, Ullman,
"Jazz Lives: Portraits in Words and Pictures"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #dn
- 1992, Umphred,
"Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Jazz Albums, 1949-1969, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #uz
- 1994, Umphred,
"Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Jazz Albums, 1949-1969, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #bs
- 1989, Umphred,
"Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Record Albums, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #bt
- 1991, Umphred,
"Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Record Albums: 1949-1989, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ux
- 1993, Umphred,
"Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Record Albums: 1949-1989, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #uy
- 1994, Umphred,
"Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Record Albums, 4th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ie
- 1996, Umphred,
"Goldmine Price Guide to Collectible Record Albums, 5th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #hl
- 1998, Unterberger,
"Unknown Legends of Rock 'n' Roll"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #nh
- 1999, Unterberger,
"Music USA: The Rough Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ou
- 2004, Vacher,
"Soloists and Sidemen: American Jazz Stories"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #pa
- 1978, Walker,
"The Big Band Almanac"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #ze
- 1989, Walker,
"The Big Band Almanac, Revised Edition"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #nn
- 2001, Wallis & Wilson,
"Rough Guide to Irish Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #fq
- 1998, Walters & Mansfield,
"MusicHound Folk: The Essential Album Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #fx
- 1992, Warner,
"The Billboard Book of American Singing Groups: A History 1940-1990"
- cover scans
- #zg
- 2000, Warner,
"The Da Capo Book of American Singing Groups: A History 1940-1990"
- cover scans
- #zh
- 2006, Warner,
"American Singing Groups: A History From 1940 to Today"
- cover scans
- #kp
- 1996, Warrack,
"The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Opera, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #wp
- 2001, George-Warren, Romanowski & Pareles,
"The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #3i
- 2013, Welky & Keckhaver,
"Encyclopedia of Arkansas Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #hm
- 1998, Werkhoven,
"The International Guide to New Age Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #bv
- 1987, Whitburn,
"The Billboard Book of Top 40 Albums (1/55 - 6/87)"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #bw
- 1991, Whitburn,
"The Billboard Book of Top 40 Albums (1/55 - 6/90)"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #zb
- 1990, White, A.,
"The Billboard Book of Gold & Platinum Records"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ff
- 1990, White, T.,
"Rock Lives: Profiles & Interviews"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #zc
- 1997, White, T.,
"The Entertainers: Portraits of Stardom in the 20th Century"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #zd
- 1997, White, T.,
"Music to My Ears: The Billboard Essays"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4bf
- 1995, Wilburn,
"Northern Journey, A Guide to Canadian Folk Music"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4bg
- 1998, Wilburn,
"Northern Journey 2: A Guide to Canadian Folk Music on CD"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #lz
- 1989, Willis,
"America's Music Bluegrass: A history of bluegrass
music in the words of its pioneers"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #rp
- 2000, Wimble,
"The Indie Contact Bible, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #jz
- 2001, Wimble,
"The Indie Bible, 3rd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ky
- 2002, Wimble,
"The Indie Bible, 4th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ka
- 2003, Wimble,
"The Indie Bible, 5th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #kb
- 2004, Wimble,
"The Indie Bible, 6th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #kz
- 2005, Wimble,
"The Indie Bible, 7th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #lg
- 2006, Wimble,
"The Indie Bible, 8th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #lh
- 2008, Wimble,
"The Indie Bible, 9th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #li
- 2009, Wimble,
"The Indie Bible, 10th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #lj
- 2010, Wimble,
"The Indie Bible, 11th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #nd
- 2000, Wolff & Duane,
"Country Music: The Rough Guide"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4at
- 2008, Woodstra, Bush & S.T Erlewine,
"All Music Guide Required Listening: Contemporary County"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4az
- 2008, Woodstra, Bush & S.T Erlewine
"All Music Guide Required Listening: Old School Rap & Hip-Hop".
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #pt
- 1998, Woodworth,
"Solo: Women Singer Songwriters: In Their Own Words"
- front cover scan
- #lo
- 2004, Wright-McLeod,
"The Encyclopedia of Native Music: More Than a
Century of Recordings from Wax Cylinder to the Internet"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ry
- 1994, Wynn with M. Erlewine, Bogdanov &Woodstra,
"All Music Guide to Jazz, 1st ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #oy
- 2000, Yanow,
"Third Ear: Afro-Cuban Jazz"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ox
- 2000, Yanow,
"Third Ear: Bebop"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #oz
- 2001, Yanow,
"Third Ear: Classic Jazz"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ow
- 2000, Yanow,
"Third Ear: Swing"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ov
- 2001, Yanow,
"Trumpet Kings: The Players Who Shaped the Sound of Jazz Trumpet"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #hv
- 1982, York,
"Who's Who in Rock Music, 2nd ed."
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- jacket front & back flap scan
- #yk
- 1981, Zaimont & Famera,
"Contemporary Concert Music by Women: A Directory of the Composers and Their Works: A Project of the International League of Women Composers, Inc."
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #fy
- 1980, Zalkind,
"Contemporary Music Almanac 1980/81"
- front cover scan
Songwriter's Market:
Songwriter's Market
Note: each book has a "Record Companies" chapter listing numerous labels
active in the year covered.
- #sm79
- "1979 Songwriter's Market"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- front cover scan
- #sm83
- "1983 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #sm84
- "1984 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #sm85
- "1985 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #sm86
- "1986 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #sm87
- "1987 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #sm88
- "1988 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm89
- "1989 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm90
- "1990 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm91
- "1991 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm92
- "1992 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm93
- "1993 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm94
- "1994 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm95
- "1995 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm96
- "1996 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm97
- "1997 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm98
- "1998 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm99
- "1999 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm00
- "2000 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm01
- "2001 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm02
- "2002 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm03
- "2003 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm04
- "2004 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm05
- "2005 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm06
- "2006 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #ma
- "2007 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #mb
- "2008 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #mc
- "2009 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- #sm10
- "2010 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #sm11
- "2011 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #sm12
- "2012 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #sm13
- "2013 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #sm14
- "2013 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #sm15
- "2013 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #sm16
- "2013 Songwriter's Market"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
Current Biography:
Current Biography
- #4ah
- 1990,
"Current Biography Yearbook 1990 with Index 1981-1990"
- spine & front cover scan
- #4ai
- 1991,
"Current Biography Yearbook 1991 with Index 1991"
- spine & front cover scan
- #4aa
- 1992,
"Current Biography Yearbook 1992, 53rd ed."
- spine & front cover scan
- #4ab
- 1993,
"Current Biography Yearbook 1993 with Index 1991-1993, 54th ed."
- spine & front cover scan
- #4ag
- 2006,
"Current Biography Cumulated Index 1940-2005"
- spine & front cover scan
ALL of the above books contain information about many different musicians
or record labels.
Books about an individual musician or musical group:
Single Musician Bibliography
(AuB) = Autobiography
name - Musicians who lived in Wisconsin
- #0009
- 1995, Clancy & Kenton,
"Woody Herman: Chronicles of the Herds"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #0005
- 2005, Dupuis,
"Bunny Berigan: Elusive Legend of Jazz"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #0002
- 1998, Gill,
"Don't Think Twice, It's All Right: Bob Dylan,
the Early Years (1961-1969)"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #0003
- 2001, Glazer, Joe (AuB),
"Labor's Troubadour"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #0007
- 2006, Masino,
"The Story of AC/DC: Let There Be Rock"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #010
- 2005, Milliken,
"Lillian Roxon: Mother of Rock"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- TOC page scan
- #0008
- 2005, Romano,
"Incurable Blues:
The Troubles & Triumph of Blues Legend Hubert Sumlin"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #0006
- 1961, Shattuck,
"The Memoirs of Arthur Shattuck"
- spine & front cover scan
- #0004
- 2003, Sidran, Ben (AuB),
"A Life in The Music"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- #011
- 2007, Stoneman & Wright,
"Pressing On: The Roni Stoneman Story"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #012
- 1993, Tribe,
"The Stonemans:
An Appalachian Family and the Music that Shaped Their Lives"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
Authors, Writers and General Biographies:
(Listed in book title order)
Authors, Writers and General Biography Bibliography
- #1p
- 1998, Cryst,
"The Cambridge Biographical Encyclopedia, 2nd ed."
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- #1q
- 1996, Bowman,
"The Cambridge Dictionary of American Biography"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- #1r
- 1994, Garraty & Sternstein,
"Encyclopedia of American Biography"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- #1s
- 1974, Van Doren & McHenry,
"Webster's American Biographies"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #1t
- 1988, McHenry & Calvill,
"Webster's New Biographical Dictionary"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
Wisconsin School Alumni Directories:
Wisconsin Alumni Directory Bibliography
- #9ai
- 1995, Beloit Memorial High School,
"Alumni Directory 1870-1995"
- spine & front cover scan
- #9ab
- 1999, Carroll College,
"Alumni Directory 1999"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #9ac
- 2004, Carroll College,
"Alumni Directory 2004"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #9ad
- 2008, Carroll College,
"Alumni Directory 2008"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #9am
- 2008, Fox Valley Lutheran High School,
"2008 Alumni Directory"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #9al
- 2004, Plymouth High School,
"Alumni Directory 2004"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #9ag
- 1982, Ripon College,
"1982 Alumni Directory"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #9ah
- 2007, Ripon College,
"2007 Alumni Directory"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #9aj
- 1999, UW Oshkosh,
"Alumni Directory"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #9ae
- 2004, UW Oshkosh,
"Alumni Directory 2004"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #9ak
- 2009, UW Oshkosh,
"Alumni Today 2009"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
Non-Musical books by Wisconsin authors or
books about Wisconsin Non-Musical subjects:
Wisconsin Non-Musical Bibliography
- #9aa
- 1976, Blackshear,
"Wisconsin Authors and Their Books 1836-1975"
- front cover scan
- back cover & spine scan
- #8z
- 1995, Corenthal,
"Czarnina Kid and Other Weird Tales"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #9z
- 2000, Corenthal,
"Uncle Eli: More Topical Tales of Wisconsin and the World"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #7z
- 2005, Corenthal,
"Owed to Wisconsin"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #zs
- 1982, Johnson & McNamara,
"Door County Almanak: No. 1"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- copyright page scan
- credits page 3 scan
- TOC page 4 scan
- TOC page 5 scan
- #zt
- 1985, Johnson,
"Door County Almanak: No. 2, Orchards"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- credits & copyright page 2 scan
- TOC page 3 scan
- TOC page 4 scan
- #jr
- 1986, Johnson,
"Door County Almanak: No 3, Fishin'"
- front cover scan
- #js
- 1987, Johnson,
"Door County Almanak: No 4, Farms"
- front cover scan
- #zu
- 1990, Johnson,
"Door County Almanak: No. 5, Tourists, Resorts, Transportation"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- credits & copyright page 2 scan
- TOC page 3 scan
- TOC page 4 scan
- #nb
- 1960, Moore,
"Moore's Who is Who in Wisconsin"
- front cover scan
Other Non-Musical books which may or may not contain information
about Musicians:
Non-Musical Bibliography or
MusicHound, VideoHound and CyberHound Bibliography
- #4ec
- 2011, Bostic,
"2012 Artist's & Graphic Designer's Market"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4am
- 2007, Craddock,
"VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever 2008: The Complete Guide to Movies on Videocassette and DVD"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4an
- 2008, Craddock,
"VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever 2009: The Complete Guide to Movies on Videocassette and DVD"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4ay
- 1997, Farrell,
"CyberHound's Web Guide: 8000 Sites With Bite"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4eb
- 2008, Friedman & Pope,
"2009 Artist's & Graphic Designer's Market"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #qa
- 1988, House of Collectibles,
"The Official Price Guide to Old Books and Autographs, 7th ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4au
- 1997, Moran,
"CyberHound's Guide to Associations & Nonprofit Organizations
on the Internet"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #gg
- 1995, Moses & Rowan,
"The 1996 Information Please Entertainment Almanac"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ig
- 1996, Moses,
"The 1997 A&E Entertainment Almanac"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #ih
- 1997, Rowen,
"The 1998 A&E Entertainment Almanac"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #pz
- 2006, Russell, Richard,
"Antique Trader: Book Collector's Price Guide, 2nd ed."
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4ao
- 1997, Schwartz & Banks,
"VideoHound's SciFi Experience: Your Quantum Guide to the Video Universe"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #9an
- 1997, Siegel & Siegel,
"The Used Book Lover's Guide to the Central States"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
[AL, AZ, AR, CO, ID, KS, LA, MS, MT, NE, NV, NM, ND, OK, SD, TN, TX, UT,
- #9ao
- 1995, Siegel & Siegel,
"The Used Book Lover's Guide to the Midwest"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
[IA, IL, IN, KY, MI, MN, MO, OH, WI, WV]"
- #py
- 1999, Siegel & Siegel,
"The Used Book Lover's Guide to the Midwest"
- front cover scan
- back cover scan
[IA, IL, IN, KY, MI, MN, MO, OH, WI, WV]"
- #4av
- 1996, Turecki,
"CyberHound's Guide to Internet Libraries"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4ap
- 1999, Wilhelm,
"VideoHound's World Cinema: The Adventurer's Guide to Movie Watching"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan
- #4ax
- 1996, author/editor?,
"CyberHound's Internet Guide to the Coolest Stuff Out There"
- spine & front cover scan
- back cover scan