Music Reference Books: Oshkosh Public Library
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This is a
"selected" list
of Music Reference Books in the
Oshkosh Public Library
in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The books are in catalog number order so I
can easily check the shelves periodically to see if any books have been
renumbered or withdrawn. Complete bibliographic details for each book can
be found in my
Bibliography page.
Music Reference Books: Oshkosh Area Library Bibliographies
- 016.7899 - W579ps -- #fe
- 1987, "Pop Singles Annual: 1955-1986", Whitburn
- 780.266 - A416 -- #cx
- 1992, Erlewine, "All Music Guide, 1st ed."
- cover scan
- 780.266 - D637n -- #ee
- 1992, Docks, "1900-1965 American Premium Record Guide"
- 780.266 - U52gr -- #dd
- 1990, Umphred, "Goldmine's Rock'n Roll 45RPM Record Price Guide"
- 780.904 - S294n -- #cr
- 1987, Schaefer, J. "New Sounds: A Listener's Guide to New Music"
- 780.92 - B658 -- #bc
- 1990, Obrecht, "Blues Guitar - The Men Who Made the Music, 1st ed."
- 780.92 - B979s -- #bz
- 1984, Busnar, "Superstars of Rock 2"
- 780.92 - M122c -- #eq
- 1992, McCall, Hoekstra & Williams, "Country Music Stars:
The Legends and the New Breed"
- cover scan
- 780.92 - M257s -- #ck
- 1975, Malone & McCulloh, "Stars of Country Music"
- 780.92 - O723r -- #cm
- 1974, Orloff, "Rock 'N Roll Woman"
- 780.92 - P724g -- #co
- 1974, Pleasants, "The Great American Popular Singers"
- 780.92 - S554c -- #bm
- 1974, Shestack, "The Country Music Encyclopedia"
- front jacket scan
- back jacket scan
- spine & front cover scan
- 780.92 - W588r -- #ff
- 1990, White, "Rock Lives: Profiles & Interviews"
- 781.620973 - A791 -- #aq
- 1986, Hood, "Artists of American Folk Music"
- cover scan
- 781.620973 - B144f -- #aa
- 1976, Baggelaar & Milton, "Folk Music: More Than A Song"
- jacket scan
[jacket scan found on the Web, original jacket wanted, or a full size
color scan of it (1100 pixels wide or bigger)]
- 781.620973 - L418f -- #au
- 1960, Lawless, "Folksingers and Folksongs in America"
- 781.6296 - G741d -- #di
- 1988, Graham, "The Da Capo Guide to Contemporary African Music"
- cover scan
- 781.6296 - K62w -- #dk
- 1990, Kwnick, "Where is the Way: Song and Struggle in South Africa"
- 781.629607 - S794a -- #bo
- 1990, Stapleton & May, "African Rock: The Pop Music of a Continent"
- 781.642 - B929f -- #dy
- 1993, Bufwack & Oermann. "Finding Her Voice: The Saga
of Women in Country Music"
- cover scan
- 781.642 - C282b -- #fz
- 1995, Carlin, "The Big Book of Country Music, A Biographical Encyclopedia"
- 781.642 - C816j -- #eb
- 1976, Cornfield, "Just Country: Country People, Stories, Music"
- 781.642 - E56 -- #hg
- 1998, Kingsbury, "The Encyclopedia of Country Music: The Ultimate Guide
to the Music"
- 781.642 - G793w -- #fr
- 1993, Gregory, "Who's Who in Country Music"
- 781.642 - H463g -- #gn
- 1996, Heggeness, "Goldmine Country Western Record & CD Price Guide"
- 781.642 - M363n -- #go
- 1993, Marschall, "New Country: Today's Brightest Stars"
- 781.642 - S657b -- #hi
- 1995, Smith, "Bluegrass: An Informal Guide"
- scan needed
- 781.642 - V364w -- #ct
- 1989, Vaughan, "Who's Who in New Country Music"
- 781.643 - B632 -- #bf
- 1989, Oliver, "The Blackwell Guide to Blues Records"
- cover scan
- 781.643 - B725r -- #bx
- 1991, Booth, "Rythm Oil: A Journey through the music of the
American South"
- cover scan
- 781.643 - B772b -- #if
- 1996, Bourgeois, "Blueswomen: Profiles of 37 Early Performers,
with an Anthology of Lyrics, 1920-1945"
- 781.643 - H318w -- #hf
- 1993, Harrison, "The World of Blues"
781.643 - S425d
-- #bl
- 1991, Scott, "The Down Home Guide to the Blues"
- cover scan
- 781.644 - G822s -- #ei
- 1991, Gregory, "Soul Music A-Z"
- 781.657 - N5322 -- #ab
- 1989, Birosik, "The New Age Music Guide"
- cover scan
- 781.66 - A656t -- #df
- 1989, Aquila, "That Old Time Rock & Roll: A Chronicle of an Era,
- 1954-1963"
- 781.66 - G111s -- #cd
- 1992, Gaar, "She's a Rebel: The History of Women in Rock & Roll"
- 781.66 - G983b -- #fj
- 1992, Guterman, "The Best Rock-and-Roll Records of All Time: A Fan's
Guide to the Stuff You Love"
- 781.66 - R682 -- #db
- 1991, Rees & Crampton, "Rock Movers and Shakers"
- 783.7 - O48n -- #be
- 1986, Oliver, Harrison & Bolcom, "The New Grove Gospel, Blues and
Jazz with Spirituals and Ragtime"
- 784.3 - H542 -- #cu
- 1987, Wenner & Freilicher, "Here's to the Women: 100 Songs for and
about American Women"
- 784.4 - Gr -- #ak
- 1962, Grafman & Manning, "Folk Music USA"
- 784.406 - Ok -- #bd
- 1968, Okun, "Something to Sing About!"
- 784.4973 - N475f -- #es
- 1960, Nettl, "An Introduction to Folk Music in the United States"
- 784.503 - S534d -- #fa
- 1982, Shaw, "Dictionary of American Pop/Rock"
- cover scan
- 784.52 - C855 -- #ah
- 1987, Eremo, "Country Musicians"
- 784.52 - R813b -- #bh
- 1985, Rosenberg, "Bluegrass: A History"
- cover scan
- 784.54 - S234s -- #cq
- 1985, Santelli, "Sixties Rock: A Listener's Guide"
- 784.756 - O114d -- #cl
- 1976, Oakley, "The Devil's Music: A History of the Blues"
- 787.61 - G968 -- #fi
- 1983, Guitar Player Magazine, "The Guitar Player Book"
- 787.61 - P451f -- #da
- 1980, Perlman, "Fingerstyle Guitar"
- 787.7 - P451c -- #ev
- 1983, Perlman, "Clawhammer Style Banjo"
- 787.8 - B628a -- #dw
- 1983, Blackley, "The Autoharp Book"
- 787.9 - R999j -- #ex
- 1975, Ritchie, "Jean Ritchie's Dulcimer People"
- 789.912 - L525r -- #en
- 1980, Leibowitz, "The Record Collector's Handbook"
- 789.912 - R328r -- #dm
- 1985, Rees, "Rare Rock: A Collectors' Guide"
- 789.913 - M887b -- #dl
- 1984, Morthland, "The Best of Country Music"
Reference Section:
- R - 016.7899 - W579ba -- #bv
- 1987, Whitburn, "The Billboard Book of Top 40 Albums (1/55 - 6/87)"
- R - 016.7899 - W579tps -- #cw
- 1991, Whitburn, "Top Pop Singles 1955 - 1990"
- R - 780.266 - U52g2 -- #bs
- 1989, Umphred, "Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Record Albums"
- R - 780.266 - U52g2 -- #bt
- 1991, Umphred, "Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Record Albums"
- R - 780.266 - U52gj -- #dn
- 1992, Umphred, "Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Jazz Albums,
- 1949-1969"
- cover scan
- R - 780.266 - U52gr -- #de
- 1992, Umphred, "Goldmine's Rock'n Roll 45RPM Record Price Guide,
2nd Edition"
- cover scan
- R - 780.92 - B168b -- #cs
- 1992, Slonimsky, "Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians"
- R - 780.92 - C855 -- #er
- 1971, Neese, "Country Music Who's Who: 1972"
- R - 780.92 - H316b -- #an
- 1979, Harris, "Blues Who's Who"
- R - 780.92 - I298 - 1978 -- #ay
- 1977, Logan & Woffinden, "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Rock"
- R - 780.92 - K554c -- #at
- 1974, Kinkle, "The Complete Encyclopedia of Popular Music and
Jazz 1900-1950"
- R - 780.92 M397f
-- #iv
- 2003, Masino, "Famous Wisconsin Musicians"
- R - 780.92 - S727b -- #dc
- 1982, Southern, "Biographical Dictionary of Afro-American and
African Musicians"
- R - 780.92 - S783ef -- #bn
- 1983, Stambler & Landon,
"The Encyclopedia of Folk, Country & Western Music"
- cover scan
- R - 781.57 - J428 -- #bb
- 1968, McCarthy, Morgan, Oliver & Harrison, "Jazz on Record"
- R - 781.642 - A416 -- #gj
- 1997, Erlewine, "All Music Guide to Country"
- cover scan
- R - 781.642 - C338 -- #cg
- 1989, Hoffman & Albert, "The Cashbox Country Album Charts, 1964-1988"
- R - 781.642 - W579tc -- #cv
- 1989, Whitburn, "Top Country Singles 1944 - 1988"
- R - 781.643 - H582e -- #cy
- 1992, Herzhaft, "Encyclopedia of the Blues"
- R - 781.657 - N5322 -- #ab
- 1989, Birosik, "The New Age Music Guide"
- cover scan
- R - 781.66 - C846s - v. 1 -- #ag
- 1989, Cotton, "Shake, Rattle & Roll: The Golden Age of American
Rock n' Roll, Vol. 1, 1952-1955"
- R - 781.66 - H271e - 1988 -- #am
- 1987, Hardy & Laing, "Encyclopedia of Rock"
- R - 784.40016 - B897f -- #ad
- 1981, Brunnings, "Folk Song Index"
- R - 784.40016 - S213f -- #bi
- 1976, Sandberg & Weissman, "The Folk Music Sourcebook"
- cover scan
- R - 784.4973 - L418 -- #av
- 1965, Lawless, "Folksingers and Folksongs in America"
- R - 784.52 - D357h -- #ed
- 1986, Deller, "The Harmony Illustrated Encyclopedia of Country Music"
- R - 784.54 - H474r -- #ao
- 1982, Helander, "The Rock Who's Who, 1st ed."
- R - 784.54 - R7539 -- #bg
- 1983, Pareles, "The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll"
- R - 785.42 - F288e -- #cb
- 1966, Feather, "The Encyclopedia of Jazz in the Sixties"
- cover scan
- R - 785.42 - F288e -- #cc
- 1976, Feather & Gitler, "The Encyclopedia of Jazz in the Seventies"
- cover scan
- R - 785.42 - F288e -- #dh
- 1960, Feather, "The New Edition of the Encyclopedia of Jazz"
- cover scan
- R - 785.4203 - N532 -- #dj
- 1988, Kernfeld, "The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, Vol. One, A-K"
- R - 789.912 - D261i -- #fg
- 1981, Davis, "Index to the New World Recorded Anthology of American
Music, A User's Guide to the Initial One Hundred Records"
- R - 789.912 - F326r -- #ef
- 1980, Felton, "The Record Collector's International Directory"
- R - 789.912 - H647o -- #ap
- 1980, Hill & Hudgeons, "The Official Price Guide to Collectible
Rock Records"
- R - 789.912 - H859r -- #ar
- 1981, Hounsome & Chambre, "Rock Record"
- R - 789.912 - N968r -- #et
- 1978, Nugent & Gillett, "Rock Almanac: Top Twenty American and
British Singles and Albums of the '50s, '60s and '70s"
- R - 789.912 - O812r -- #eu
- 1976, Osborne & Hamilton, "Record Collector's Price Guide"
- R - 789.913 - C554c -- #ae
- 1981, Christgau, "Christgau's Record Guide: Rock Albums of the 70s"
- R - 789.913 - M365n -- #ba
- 1983, Marsh & Swenson, "The New Rolling Stone Record Guide"
- cover scan
- R - 789.913 - T912p -- #br
- 1983, Tudor, "Popular Music, An Annotated Guide to Recordings"
- R - 920 - C392 -- #ac
- 1973, Blackwell, "Celebrity Register"
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Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331
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