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Music Reference Books: Oshkosh Public Library

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      This is a "selected" list of Music Reference Books in the Oshkosh Public Library in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The books are in catalog number order so I can easily check the shelves periodically to see if any books have been renumbered or withdrawn. Complete bibliographic details for each book can be found in my Bibliography page.

| Music Reference Books: Oshkosh Area Library Bibliographies |

  1. 016.7899 - W579ps -- #fe - 1987, "Pop Singles Annual: 1955-1986", Whitburn
  2. 780.266 - A416 -- #cx - 1992, Erlewine, "All Music Guide, 1st ed." - cover scan
  3. 780.266 - D637n -- #ee - 1992, Docks, "1900-1965 American Premium Record Guide"
  4. 780.266 - U52gr -- #dd - 1990, Umphred, "Goldmine's Rock'n Roll 45RPM Record Price Guide"
  5. 780.904 - S294n -- #cr - 1987, Schaefer, J. "New Sounds: A Listener's Guide to New Music"
  6. 780.92 - B658 -- #bc - 1990, Obrecht, "Blues Guitar - The Men Who Made the Music, 1st ed."
  7. 780.92 - B979s -- #bz - 1984, Busnar, "Superstars of Rock 2"
  8. 780.92 - M122c -- #eq - 1992, McCall, Hoekstra & Williams, "Country Music Stars: The Legends and the New Breed" - cover scan
  9. 780.92 - M257s -- #ck - 1975, Malone & McCulloh, "Stars of Country Music"
  10. 780.92 - O723r -- #cm - 1974, Orloff, "Rock 'N Roll Woman"
  11. 780.92 - P724g -- #co - 1974, Pleasants, "The Great American Popular Singers"
  12. 780.92 - S554c -- #bm - 1974, Shestack, "The Country Music Encyclopedia" - front jacket scan - back jacket scan - spine & front cover scan
  13. 780.92 - W588r -- #ff - 1990, White, "Rock Lives: Profiles & Interviews"
  14. 781.620973 - A791 -- #aq - 1986, Hood, "Artists of American Folk Music" - cover scan
  15. 781.620973 - B144f -- #aa - 1976, Baggelaar & Milton, "Folk Music: More Than A Song" - jacket scan
        [jacket scan found on the Web, original jacket wanted, or a full size color scan of it (1100 pixels wide or bigger)]
  16. 781.620973 - L418f -- #au - 1960, Lawless, "Folksingers and Folksongs in America"
  17. 781.6296 - G741d -- #di - 1988, Graham, "The Da Capo Guide to Contemporary African Music" - cover scan
  18. 781.6296 - K62w -- #dk - 1990, Kwnick, "Where is the Way: Song and Struggle in South Africa"
  19. 781.629607 - S794a -- #bo - 1990, Stapleton & May, "African Rock: The Pop Music of a Continent"
  20. 781.642 - B929f -- #dy - 1993, Bufwack & Oermann. "Finding Her Voice: The Saga of Women in Country Music" - cover scan
  21. 781.642 - C282b -- #fz - 1995, Carlin, "The Big Book of Country Music, A Biographical Encyclopedia"
  22. 781.642 - C816j -- #eb - 1976, Cornfield, "Just Country: Country People, Stories, Music"
  23. 781.642 - E56 -- #hg - 1998, Kingsbury, "The Encyclopedia of Country Music: The Ultimate Guide to the Music"
  24. 781.642 - G793w -- #fr - 1993, Gregory, "Who's Who in Country Music"
  25. 781.642 - H463g -- #gn - 1996, Heggeness, "Goldmine Country Western Record & CD Price Guide"
  26. 781.642 - M363n -- #go - 1993, Marschall, "New Country: Today's Brightest Stars"
  27. 781.642 - S657b -- #hi - 1995, Smith, "Bluegrass: An Informal Guide" - scan needed
  28. 781.642 - V364w -- #ct - 1989, Vaughan, "Who's Who in New Country Music"
  29. 781.643 - B632 -- #bf - 1989, Oliver, "The Blackwell Guide to Blues Records" - cover scan
  30. 781.643 - B725r -- #bx - 1991, Booth, "Rythm Oil: A Journey through the music of the American South" - cover scan
  31. 781.643 - B772b -- #if - 1996, Bourgeois, "Blueswomen: Profiles of 37 Early Performers, with an Anthology of Lyrics, 1920-1945"
  32. 781.643 - H318w -- #hf - 1993, Harrison, "The World of Blues"
  33. 781.643 - S425d -- #bl - 1991, Scott, "The Down Home Guide to the Blues" - cover scan
  34. 781.644 - G822s -- #ei - 1991, Gregory, "Soul Music A-Z"
  35. 781.657 - N5322 -- #ab - 1989, Birosik, "The New Age Music Guide" - cover scan
  36. 781.66 - A656t -- #df - 1989, Aquila, "That Old Time Rock & Roll: A Chronicle of an Era, - 1954-1963"
  37. 781.66 - G111s -- #cd - 1992, Gaar, "She's a Rebel: The History of Women in Rock & Roll"
  38. 781.66 - G983b -- #fj - 1992, Guterman, "The Best Rock-and-Roll Records of All Time: A Fan's Guide to the Stuff You Love"
  39. 781.66 - R682 -- #db - 1991, Rees & Crampton, "Rock Movers and Shakers"
  40. 783.7 - O48n -- #be - 1986, Oliver, Harrison & Bolcom, "The New Grove Gospel, Blues and Jazz with Spirituals and Ragtime"
  41. 784.3 - H542 -- #cu - 1987, Wenner & Freilicher, "Here's to the Women: 100 Songs for and about American Women"
  42. 784.4 - Gr -- #ak - 1962, Grafman & Manning, "Folk Music USA"
  43. 784.406 - Ok -- #bd - 1968, Okun, "Something to Sing About!"
  44. 784.4973 - N475f -- #es - 1960, Nettl, "An Introduction to Folk Music in the United States"
  45. 784.503 - S534d -- #fa - 1982, Shaw, "Dictionary of American Pop/Rock" - cover scan
  46. 784.52 - C855 -- #ah - 1987, Eremo, "Country Musicians"
  47. 784.52 - R813b -- #bh - 1985, Rosenberg, "Bluegrass: A History" - cover scan
  48. 784.54 - S234s -- #cq - 1985, Santelli, "Sixties Rock: A Listener's Guide"
  49. 784.756 - O114d -- #cl - 1976, Oakley, "The Devil's Music: A History of the Blues"
  50. 787.61 - G968 -- #fi - 1983, Guitar Player Magazine, "The Guitar Player Book"
  51. 787.61 - P451f -- #da - 1980, Perlman, "Fingerstyle Guitar"
  52. 787.7 - P451c -- #ev - 1983, Perlman, "Clawhammer Style Banjo"
  53. 787.8 - B628a -- #dw - 1983, Blackley, "The Autoharp Book"
  54. 787.9 - R999j -- #ex - 1975, Ritchie, "Jean Ritchie's Dulcimer People"
  55. 789.912 - L525r -- #en - 1980, Leibowitz, "The Record Collector's Handbook"
  56. 789.912 - R328r -- #dm - 1985, Rees, "Rare Rock: A Collectors' Guide"
  57. 789.913 - M887b -- #dl - 1984, Morthland, "The Best of Country Music"

    Reference Section:

  58. R - 016.7899 - W579ba -- #bv - 1987, Whitburn, "The Billboard Book of Top 40 Albums (1/55 - 6/87)"
  59. R - 016.7899 - W579tps -- #cw - 1991, Whitburn, "Top Pop Singles 1955 - 1990"
  60. R - 780.266 - U52g2 -- #bs - 1989, Umphred, "Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Record Albums"
  61. R - 780.266 - U52g2 -- #bt - 1991, Umphred, "Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Record Albums"
  62. R - 780.266 - U52gj -- #dn - 1992, Umphred, "Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Jazz Albums, - 1949-1969" - cover scan
  63. R - 780.266 - U52gr -- #de - 1992, Umphred, "Goldmine's Rock'n Roll 45RPM Record Price Guide, 2nd Edition" - cover scan
  64. R - 780.92 - B168b -- #cs - 1992, Slonimsky, "Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians"
  65. R - 780.92 - C855 -- #er - 1971, Neese, "Country Music Who's Who: 1972"
  66. R - 780.92 - H316b -- #an - 1979, Harris, "Blues Who's Who"
  67. R - 780.92 - I298 - 1978 -- #ay - 1977, Logan & Woffinden, "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Rock"
  68. R - 780.92 - K554c -- #at - 1974, Kinkle, "The Complete Encyclopedia of Popular Music and Jazz 1900-1950"
  69. R - 780.92 M397f -- #iv - 2003, Masino, "Famous Wisconsin Musicians"
  70. R - 780.92 - S727b -- #dc - 1982, Southern, "Biographical Dictionary of Afro-American and African Musicians"
  71. R - 780.92 - S783ef -- #bn - 1983, Stambler & Landon, "The Encyclopedia of Folk, Country & Western Music" - cover scan
  72. R - 781.57 - J428 -- #bb - 1968, McCarthy, Morgan, Oliver & Harrison, "Jazz on Record"
  73. R - 781.642 - A416 -- #gj - 1997, Erlewine, "All Music Guide to Country" - cover scan
  74. R - 781.642 - C338 -- #cg - 1989, Hoffman & Albert, "The Cashbox Country Album Charts, 1964-1988"
  75. R - 781.642 - W579tc -- #cv - 1989, Whitburn, "Top Country Singles 1944 - 1988"
  76. R - 781.643 - H582e -- #cy - 1992, Herzhaft, "Encyclopedia of the Blues"
  77. R - 781.657 - N5322 -- #ab - 1989, Birosik, "The New Age Music Guide" - cover scan
  78. R - 781.66 - C846s - v. 1 -- #ag - 1989, Cotton, "Shake, Rattle & Roll: The Golden Age of American Rock n' Roll, Vol. 1, 1952-1955"
  79. R - 781.66 - H271e - 1988 -- #am - 1987, Hardy & Laing, "Encyclopedia of Rock"
  80. R - 784.40016 - B897f -- #ad - 1981, Brunnings, "Folk Song Index"
  81. R - 784.40016 - S213f -- #bi - 1976, Sandberg & Weissman, "The Folk Music Sourcebook" - cover scan
  82. R - 784.4973 - L418 -- #av - 1965, Lawless, "Folksingers and Folksongs in America"
  83. R - 784.52 - D357h -- #ed - 1986, Deller, "The Harmony Illustrated Encyclopedia of Country Music"
  84. R - 784.54 - H474r -- #ao - 1982, Helander, "The Rock Who's Who, 1st ed."
  85. R - 784.54 - R7539 -- #bg - 1983, Pareles, "The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll"
  86. R - 785.42 - F288e -- #cb - 1966, Feather, "The Encyclopedia of Jazz in the Sixties" - cover scan
  87. R - 785.42 - F288e -- #cc - 1976, Feather & Gitler, "The Encyclopedia of Jazz in the Seventies" - cover scan
  88. R - 785.42 - F288e -- #dh - 1960, Feather, "The New Edition of the Encyclopedia of Jazz" - cover scan
  89. R - 785.4203 - N532 -- #dj - 1988, Kernfeld, "The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, Vol. One, A-K"
  90. R - 789.912 - D261i -- #fg - 1981, Davis, "Index to the New World Recorded Anthology of American Music, A User's Guide to the Initial One Hundred Records"
  91. R - 789.912 - F326r -- #ef - 1980, Felton, "The Record Collector's International Directory"
  92. R - 789.912 - H647o -- #ap - 1980, Hill & Hudgeons, "The Official Price Guide to Collectible Rock Records"
  93. R - 789.912 - H859r -- #ar - 1981, Hounsome & Chambre, "Rock Record"
  94. R - 789.912 - N968r -- #et - 1978, Nugent & Gillett, "Rock Almanac: Top Twenty American and British Singles and Albums of the '50s, '60s and '70s"
  95. R - 789.912 - O812r -- #eu - 1976, Osborne & Hamilton, "Record Collector's Price Guide"
  96. R - 789.913 - C554c -- #ae - 1981, Christgau, "Christgau's Record Guide: Rock Albums of the 70s"
  97. R - 789.913 - M365n -- #ba - 1983, Marsh & Swenson, "The New Rolling Stone Record Guide" - cover scan
  98. R - 789.913 - T912p -- #br - 1983, Tudor, "Popular Music, An Annotated Guide to Recordings"
  99. R - 920 - C392 -- #ac - 1973, Blackwell, "Celebrity Register"

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Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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