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Music Reference Books: Appleton Public Library

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      This is a "selected" list of Music Reference Books in the Appleton Public Library in Appleton, Wisconsin. The books are in catalog number order so I can easily check the shelves periodically to see if any books have been renumbered or withdrawn. Complete bibliographic details for each book can be found in my Bibliography page.

| Music Reference Books: Oshkosh Area Library Bibliographies |

Call Co. = Extremely important reference resource Withdrawn or thrown in the dumpster
{A} = I also own a copy of this book

    2nd Floor Non-Fiction:
  1. 780.266 - All -- #fh - 1994, Erlewine, "All Music Guide, 2nd ed." - cover scan
  2. 780.266 - Chr -- #ae - 1981, Christgau, "Christgau's Record Guide: Rock Albums of the 70s"
  3. 780.266 - Chr -- #dz - 1990, Christgau, "Christgau's Record Guide: The '80s" - cover scan
  4. 780.266 - Schr -- #ez - 1992, Schreiber, "The Ultimate Guide to Independent Record Artists and Labels" - cover scan
  5. 780.266075 - Ump -- #bt - 1991, Umphred, "Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Record Albums" - front cover scan - back cover scan
  6. 780.266075 - Ump -- #dn - 1992, Umphred, "Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Jazz Albums, 1949-1969" - cover scan
  7. 780.4203 - Sha -- #fa - 1982, Shaw, "Dictionary of American Pop/Rock" - cover scan
  8. 781.5709 - Fea -- #dp - 1955, Feather, "The Encyclopedia of Jazz"
  9. 781.6 - Lif -- #ax - 1983, Lifton, "The Listener's Guide to Folk Music" - front jacket scan - back jacket scan - spine & cover scan {A}
  10. 781.6 - Wor -- #fk - 1994, Broughton, "Rough Guide to World Music" - cover scan
  11. 781.62 - Har -- #ej - 1991, Harris, "The New Folk Music" - cover scan
  12. 781.62 - San -- #bi - 1976, Sandberg & Weissman, "The Folk Music Sourcebook" - cover scan
  13. 781.6213 - Art -- #aq - 1986, Hood, "Artists of American Folk Music" - front cover scan - back cover scan {A}
  14. 781.6309 - Swe -- #ds - 1991, Sweeney, "The Virgin Directory of World Music" - cover scan
  15. 781.63096 - Gra -- #di - 1988, Graham, "The Da Capo Guide to Contemporary African Music" - cover scan
  16. 781.64016 - New -- #ab - 1989, Birosik, "The New Age Music Guide" - cover scan
  17. 781.6403 - Gam -- #eh - 1991, Gammond, "The Oxford Companion to Popular Music" (copy #1)
  18. 781.6403 - Sta -- #gs - 1989, Stambler, Irwin, "Encyclopedia of Pop, Rock & Soul" (copy #1) - cover scan
  19. 781.642 - Buf -- #dy - 1993, Bufwack & Oermann. "Finding Her Voice: The Saga of Women in Country Music" - cover scan
  20. 781.642 - Can -- #do - 1984, Cantrell, "Bluegrass Breakdown: The Making of the Old Southern Sound" - cover scan
  21. 781.642 - Cou -- #dq - 1985, Mason, "The Country Music Book" - cover scan
  22. 781.642 - Led -- #jt - 2004, Ledgin, "Homegrown Music: Discovering Bluegrass" - cover scan
  23. 781.642 - MacC -- #eq - 1992, McCall, Hoekstra & Williams, "Country Music Stars: The Legends and the New Breed" - cover scan
  24. 781.642 - Ros -- #bh - 1985, Rosenberg, "Bluegrass: A History" - cover scan
  25. 781.64203 - MacC -- #fu - 1995, McCloud, "Definitive Country: The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Country Music and Its Performers" (copy #2) - cover scan
  26. 781.6420922 - Car -- #fz - 1995, Carlin, "The Big Book of Country Music, A Biographical Encyclopedia" - front cover scan - back cover scan
  27. 781.643 - All -- #gm - 19??, Erlewine, "All Music Guide to the Blues, 2nd ed." - cover scan
  28. 781.643 - Bla -- #bf - 1989, Oliver, "The Blackwell Guide to Blues Records" - cover scan
  29. 781.643 - Boo -- #bx - 1991, Booth, "Rythm Oil: A Journey through the music of the American South" - cover scan
  30. 781.643 - Cha -- #ca - 1967, Charters, "The Bluesmen: The Story and the Music of the men who made the Blues" - cover scan
  31. 781.643 - Sco -- #bl - 1991, Scott, "The Down Home Guide to the Blues" - cover scan
  32. 781.643092 - Bro -- #gt - 1998, Brooks, Koda & Brooks, "Blues For Dummies" - cover scan
  33. 781.6430922 - Tip -- #ja - 2002, Tipaldi, "Children of the Blues" - cover scan
  34. 781.6440266 - Bla -- #np - 1993, Pruter, "The Blackwell Guide to Soul Recordings" - cover scan
  35. 781.650266 - All -- #gv - 1998, Erlewine, "All Music Guide to Jazz, 3rd ed." - cover scan
  36. 781.65082 - Gou -- #oe - 1995, Gourse, "Madame Jazz: Contemporary Women Instrumentalists" - cover scan
  37. 781.650922 - Bal -- #ns - 1983, Balliett, "Jelly Roll, Jabbo & Fats: 19 Portraits in Jazz" - cover scan
  38. 781.650922 - Con -- #nu - 1977, Bruccoli, & Clark, "Conversations with Jazz Musicians, Volume 2" - cover scan
  39. 781.650922 - Fea -- #cb - 1966, Feather, "The Encyclopedia of Jazz in the Sixties" - cover scan
  40. 781.650922 - Fea -- #pb - 1986, Feather, "The Encyclopedia of Jazz in the Sixties" - cover scan
  41. 781.650922 - Lyo -- #oi - 1989, Lyons & Perlo, "Jazz Portraits: The Lives and Music of the Jazz Masters" - cover scan
  42. 781.650922 - Lyt -- #oj - 1978, Lyttelton, "The Best of Jazz: Basin Street to Harlem: Jazz Masters and Masterpieces, 1917-1930"
  43. 781.650922 - Lyt -- #ok - 1981, Lyttelton, "The Best of Jazz II: Enter the Giants, 1931-1944" - cover scan
  44. 781.650922 - Pla -- #on - 1982, Placksin, "American Women in Jazz: 1900 to the Present: Their Words, Lives and Music" - cover scan
  45. 781.650922 - Ter -- #or - 2002, Terkel, "Giants of Jazz" - cover scan
  46. 781.66 - Ump -- #de - 1992, Umphred, "Goldmine's Rock'n Roll 45RPM Record Price Guide, 2nd ed." - cover scan
  47. 781.6609 - Scha -- #hc - 1997, Schaefer, "Here to Stay: Rock and Roll through the '70s" - cover scan
  48. 781.68 - Smi -- #ku - 2002, Smith, "The NPR Curious Listener's Guide to Classical Music" - cover scan
  49. 782.42162 - Oku -- #bd - 1968, Okun, "Something to Sing About!"
  50. 782.421642 - She -- #bm - 1974, Shestack, "The Country Music Encyclopedia" - front jacket scan - back jacket scan - spine & front cover scan
  51. 782.421643 - Big -- #ci - 1984, Kochman, "The Big Book of Bluegrass"
  52. 782.421643 - Gur -- #ce - 1982, Guralnick, "The Listeners' Guide to the Blues"
  53. 782.42164303 - Har -- #an - 1979, Harris, "Blues Who's Who"
  54. 782.42166 - Mye -- #ha - 1994, Meyers, "Do You Hear That Beat: Wisconsin Pop/Rock in the 50's & 60's" - cover scan
  55. 782.42166 - Whi -- #ff - 1990, White, "Rock Lives: Profiles & Interviews"
  56. 784.4973 - Law -- #au - 1960, Lawless, "Folksingers and Folksongs in America" - spine & cover scan {A}
  57. 787.87092 - Blu -- #al - 1975, Guitar Player Magazine, "Blues Guitarists"
  58. 789.912 - Hou -- #ar - 1981, Hounsome & Chambre, "Rock Record"
  59. 789.912 - Tud -- #bq - 1979, Tudor & Tudor, "Grass Roots Music"
  60. 789.912075 - Osb -- #cn - 1978, Osborne & Hamilton, "Popular & Rock Records: 1948-1978"
  61. 789.912075 - Whi -- #dt - 1979, Whitburn, "Top Pop Artists and Singles 1955 - 1978"
  62. 789.9136 - Mar -- #az - 1979, Marsh & Swenson, "The Rolling Stone Record Guide" - cover scan
  63. 789.9136 - Mar -- #ba - 1983, Marsh & Swenson, "The New Rolling Stone Record Guide" - cover scan

    2nd Floor Reference:

  64. R - 780.266 - Lea -- #aw - 1968, Leadbitter & Slaven, "Blues Records: 1943 - 1966"
  65. R - 780.3 - New -- #pe - 1980, Sadie, "The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians"
  66. R - 780.922 - Bak -- #cs - 1992, Slonimsky, "Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians"
  67. R - 781.62 - Bag -- #aa - 1976, Baggelaar & Milton, "Folk Music: More Than A Song" - jacket scan - spine & cover scan {A}
        [jacket scan found on the Web, original jacket wanted, or a full size color scan of it (1100 pixels wide or bigger)]
  68. R - 781.6403 - Gam -- #eh - 1991, Gammond, "The Oxford Companion to Popular Music" (copy #2)
  69. R - 781.6403 - Gui -- #em - 1992, Larkin, "The Guinness Encyclopedia of Popular Music, 1st ed." - cover scans, Vol. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  70. R - 781.6403 - Enc -- #em - 1992, Larkin, "The Guinness Encyclopedia of Popular Music, 3rd ed."
  71. R - 781.64203 - MacC -- #fu - 1995, McCloud, "Definitive Country: The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Country Music and Its Performers" (copy #1) - cover scan
  72. R - 781.643 - Sco -- #bl - 1991, Scott, "The Down Home Guide to the Blues" - cover scan
  73. R - 781.643092 - San -- #gh - 1993, Santelli, "The Big Book of Blues: A Biographical Encyclopedia" - cover scan
  74. R - 781.65 - Fea -- #dh - 1960, Feather, "The New Edition of the Encyclopedia of Jazz" - cover scan
  75. R - 781.65 - New -- #dj - 1988, Kernfeld, "The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, Vol. One, A-K"
  76. R - 781.65 - New -- #ch - 1988, Kernfeld, "The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, Vol. Two, L-Z"
  77. R - 781.66 - Har -- #am - 1987, Hardy & Laing, "Encyclopedia of Rock"
  78. R - 781.6603 - New -- #fo - 1995, Romanowski, "The New Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll" - cover scan
  79. R - 782.420922 - Sta -- #bn - 1983, Stambler & Landon, "The Encyclopedia of Folk, Country & Western Music, 2nd ed." - cover scan
  80. R - 782.420922 -- #gs - 1989, Stambler, Irwin, "Encyclopedia of Pop, Rock & Soul" (copy #2) - cover scan
  81. R - 782.421642 - Har -- #ed - 1986, Deller, "The Harmony Illustrated Encyclopedia of Country Music"
  82. R - 782.421642 - Ill -- #ec - 1977, Deller, "The Harmony Illustrated Encyclopedia of Country Music"
  83. R - 782.42166 - Cli -- #ea - 1988, Clifford, "The Harmony Illustrated Encyclopedia of Rock, 6th ed."
  84. R - 782.42166 - Har -- #xz - 1992, Clifford, "The Harmony Illustrated Encyclopedia of Rock, 7th ed."
  85. R - 782.42166 - Roc -- #cj - 1989, Lazell, "Rock Movers & Shakers" - cover scan
  86. R - 787.420922 - Sta -- #fd - 1977, Stambler, "Encyclopedia of Pop, Rock & Soul"
  87. R - 787.420922 - Sta -- #bn - 1983, Stambler & Landon, "The Encyclopedia of Folk, Country & Western Music, 2nd ed." - cover scan

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Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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