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    - Current Biography series books with Musician Biographies

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      This bibliography page lists all books entitled Current Biography published by The H.W. Wilson Company   (Wikipedia)   that I own "{A}" and all other editions I know about.

      New pages split off from my original Bibliography page

Current Biography Cumulated Index
Current Biography Yearbook
Current Biography International Yearbook
Musician Biographies included in the "Current Biography Yearbooks" I own
Current Biography Magazines (I own 1944-1965 but am missing 1945,1946,1950,1955,1959,1963)

    A "Current Biography Cumulated Index" I own: - Menu

  1. #4ag - "Current Biography Cumulated Index 1940-2005"   {A} - cover scans
          New York, NY / Dublin, Ireland: The H.W. Wilson Company
          2006, 200 p., ISBN: 0-8242-1054-9, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1054-0, LC: 40-27432, no UPC

    Other "Current Biography Cumulated Index" editions I know about:

  2. "Current Biography Cumulated Index 1940-2013"
          2014, 800 p., (the latest edition) is available from H.W. Wilson and also at Amazon 1-61925-472-7, ISBN-13: 978-1-61925-472-5
    Every Yearbook I own (the source of the Musician Biographies listed below), contains an Index by Profession. This is the ONLY "Cumulated Index" which also contains an Index by Profession.

  3. "Current Biography Cumulated Index 1940-2018"
          2016, 277 p., ISBN: 1-68217-206-6, ISBN-13: 978-1-68217-206-3

  4. "Current Biography Cumulated Index 1940-2000"
          2001, 160 p., ISBN: 0-8242-0997-4, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-0997-1

  5. "Current Biography Cumulated Index 1940-1995"
          1996, 137 p., ISBN: 0-8242-0892-7, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-0892-9

  6. "Current Biography Cumulated Index 1940-1985"
          1986, 125 p., ISBN: 0-8242-0722-X, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-0722-9

  7. "Current Biography Cumulated Index 1940-1970"
          1973, 113 p., ASIN: B00267BOI2

    "Current Biography Yearbooks" I own: - Menu
          All of the Yearbooks I own have the same ISSN: 0084-9499 and the same LC: 40-27432, and none of the Yearbooks mention an ISBN number on their Copyright page. Because all hardcover "Yearbook" and "Cumulated Index" editions have never been published with a book jacket or in paperback format, none of them have a UPC number.

  8. #4ah - "Current Biography Yearbook 1990 with Index 1981-1990"   {A} - cover scans
          51st Annual Cumulation, New York, NY: The H.W. Wilson Company
          1990, 693 p., ISBN: 9990006768, ISBN-13: 978-9990006766
          Editor: Charles Moritz - Associate Editors: Judith Graham, Hilary Claggett, Robert Schuck, Elizabeth A. Schick - Assistant Editor: Jill Kadetsky

  9. #4ai - "Current Biography Yearbook 1991 with Index 1991"   {A} - cover scans
          52nd Annual Cumulation, New York, NY: The H.W. Wilson Company
          1991, 671 p., ISBN: 9990006776, ISBN-13: 978-9990006773
          Editor: Charles Moritz - Associate Editors: Judith Graham, Hilary Claggett, Robert Schuck, Elizabeth A. Schick - Assistant Editor: Jill Kadetsky

  10. #4aa - "Current Biography Yearbook 1992 with Index 1991-1992"   {A} - cover scans
          53rd Annual Cumulation, New York, NY: The H.W. Wilson Company
          1992, 658 p., ISBN: 9990006784, ISBN-13: 978-9990006780
          Editor: Judith Graham - Senior Editor: Elizabeth A. Schick - Associate Editors: Hilary D. Claggett, Miriam Helbok - Assistant Editor: Gray Young - Consulting Editor: Charles Moritz

  11. #4ab - "Current Biography Yearbook 1993 with Index 1991-1993"   {A} - cover scans
          54th Annual Cumulation, New York, NY: The H.W. Wilson Company
          1993, 659 p., ISBN: 9990011443, ISBN-13: 978-9990011449
          Editor: Judith Graham - Senior Editor: Elizabeth A. Schick - Associate Editors: Hilary D. Claggett, Miriam Helbok, Gray Young - Assistant Editor: Cliff Thompson - Consulting Editor: Charles Moritz

  12. #4ac - "Current Biography Yearbook 1994 with Index 1991-1994"   {A} - cover scans
          55th Annual Cumulation, New York, NY: The H.W. Wilson Company
          1994, 686 p., ISBN: 9994894560, ISBN-13: 978-9994894567
          Editor: Judith Graham - Senior Editor: Elizabeth A. Schick - Associate Editors: Hilary D. Claggett, Miriam Helbok, Cliff Thompson, Gray Young - Assistant Editor: Maureen Eastwood - Consulting Editor: Charles Moritz
  13. #4ad - Current Biography Yearbook 1995 with Index 1991-1995
  14. #4ae - Current Biography Yearbook 1996 with Index 1991-1996
  15. #4af - Current Biography Yearbook 1997 with Index 1996-1997

    Other "Current Biography Yearbook" editions I know about:

          Note: As I have never seen any of these books and the H.W. Wilson website and do not agree on the number of pages in each Yearbook, I have left the number of pages as unknown until such time as I can verify in person the actual number of pages. As of 11-09-2017, the 2003-2016 editions are also available at the H.W. Wilson website .

  16. "Current Biography Yearbook 2016"
          2016, ? p., 1-61925-731-9, ISBN-13: 978-1-61925-731-3
  17. "Current Biography Yearbook 2015"
          2015, ? p., 1-61925-707-6, ISBN-13: 978-1-61925-707-8
  18. "Current Biography Yearbook 2014"
          2014, ? p., 1-61925-430-1, ISBN-13: 978-1-61925-430-5
  19. "Current Biography Yearbook 2013"
          2013, ? p., 0-8242-1210-X, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1210-0
  20. "Current Biography Yearbook 2012"
          2012, ? p., 0-8242-1144-8, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1144-8
  21. "Current Biography Yearbook 2011"
          2011, ? p., 0-8242-1121-9, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1121-9
  22. "Current Biography Yearbook 2010"
          2010, ? p., 0-8242-1113-8, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1113-4
  23. "Current Biography Yearbook 2009"
          2009, ? p., 0-8242-1104-9, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1104-2
          ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-11104-2 at H.W. Wilson's website is incorrect, it has 14 digits instead 13
  24. "Current Biography Yearbook 2008"
          2008, ? p., 0-8242-1095-6, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1095-3
  25. "Current Biography Yearbook 2007"
          2007, ? p., 0-8242-1084-0, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1084-7
  26. "Current Biography Yearbook 2006"
          2006, ? p., 0-8242-1074-3, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1074-8
  27. "Current Biography Yearbook 2005"
          2005, ? p., 0-8242-1056-5, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1056-4
  28. "Current Biography Yearbook 2004"
          2004, ? p., 0-8242-1044-1, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1044-1
  29. "Current Biography Yearbook 2003"
          2003, ? p., 0-8242-1041-7, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1041-0
  30. "Current Biography Yearbook 2002"
          2002, ? p., 0-8242-1026-3?, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1026-7
  31. "Current Biography Yearbook 2001"
          2001, ? p., 9990016992, ISBN-13: 9789990016994
  32. "Current Biography Yearbook 2000"
          2000, ? p., 0-8242-1004-2, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1004-5

    All known "Current Biography International Yearbooks" 2002-2007: - Menu

  33. "Current Biography International Yearbook 2002"
          2003, 650 p., ISBN: 0-8242-1017-4, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1017-5
          - Editors: Patrick Kelly, Peter G. Herman, Mari Rich, Kate Stern, Clifford Thompson

  34. "Current Biography International Yearbook 2003"
          2003, 673 p., ISBN: 0-8242-1042-5, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1042-7
          - Editors: Clifford Thompson, Miriam Helbok

  35. #4al - "Current Biography International Yearbook 2004" {A}
          3rd Annual Cumulation, New York, NY / Dublin, Ireland: The H.W. Wilson Company
          2004, 614 p., ISBN: 0-8242-1045-X, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1045-8, ISSN: 1538-3296

  36. "Current Biography International Yearbook 2005"
          2006, ? p., ISBN: 0-8242-1057-3, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1057-1

  37. "Current Biography International Yearbook 2006"
          2007, 575 p., ISBN: 0-8242-1075-1, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1075-5

  38. "Current Biography International Yearbook 2007"
          2008, 592 p., ISBN: 0-8242-1085-9, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1085-4
          - Editors: Mari Rich, Albert Rolls, Christopher Mari, Clifford Thompson, Julia Weist

Musician Biographies included in the "Current Biography Yearbooks" I own: - Menu
      WORK IN PROGRESS (1990-1994 DONE)
    [...] = the original magazine publication issue date(s) as listed in the Current Biography Cumulated Index 1940-2005
    [??] = not listed in the Index
    |   1990   - 1991   - 1992   - 1993   - 1994   |


  1. Abdul, Paula - 1991 - #4ai1-4 [9/91]
  2. Acuff, Roy - 1993 - obit #4ab619 [6/76]
  3. Adams, Stanley - 1994 - obit #4ac636 [2/54,obit 3/94]
  4. Ade, King Sunny - 1993 - #4ac5-9 [11/94]
  5. Allen, Betty - 1990 - #4ah11-4 [11/90]
  6. Allen, Peter - 1992 - obit #4aa625 [3/83]
  7. Ameche, Don - 1994 - obit #4ac636 [5/65,obit 2/94]
  8. Anderson, June - 1991 - #4ai18-22 [5/91]
  9. Anderson, Marian - 1993 - obit #4ab620 [5/40,4/50,obit 6/93]
  10. Andrews, Julie - 1994 - #4ac21-5 [7/56,4/94]
  11. Angelou, Maya - 1994 - #4ac25-9 [2/74,2/94]
  12. Arrau, Claudio - 1991 - obit #4ai630 [1/42,11/86,obit 8/91]
  13. Auger, Arleen - 1993 - obit #4ab621 [2/89,obit 8/93]
  14. Aykroyd, Dan - 1992 - #4aa31-6 [1/92]
  15. Bailey, Pearl - 1990 - obit #4ah643 [6/55,10/69,obit 10/90]
  16. Bartoli, Cecilia - 1992 - #4aa55-8 [6/92]
  17. Baum, Kurt - 1990 - obit #4ah643-4 [9/56,obit 2/90]
  18. Bebey, Francis - 1994 - #4ac44-8 [4/94,obit 9/01]
  19. Bennett, Richard Rodney - 1992 - #4aa59-63 [3/92]
  20. Berge, Peirre - 1990 - #4ah59-63 [1/90]
  21. Bergonzi, Carlo - 1992 - #4aa63-6 [11/92]
  22. Bernstein, Leonard - 1990 - obit #4ah644-5 [2/44,2/60,obit 11/90]
  23. Black, Clint - 1994 - #4ac52-5 [8/94]
  24. Blakey, Art - 1991 - obit #4ai632 [9/88,obit 1/91]
  25. Bolcom, William - 1990 - #4ah71-4 [4/90]
  26. Bolton, Michael - 1993 - #4ab71-4 [8/93]
  27. Bon Jovi, Jion - 1990 - #4ah74-7 [1/90]
  28. Bono - 1993 - #4ab74-8 [??]
  29. Borge, Victor - 1993 - #4ab81-5 [3/46,5/93,obit 3/01]
  30. Bowie, David - 1994 - #4ac59-63 [10/76,11/94]
  31. Bowles, Paul - 1990 - #4ah77-82 [10/90,obit 2/00]
  32. Brooks, Garth - 1992 - #4aa83-6 [3/92]
  33. Brown, Bobby - 1991 - #4ai85-8 [4/91]
  34. Brown, James - 1992 - #4aa90-5 [3/92]
  35. Brubeck, Dave - 1993 - #4ab100-4 [3/56,4/93]
  36. Cage, John - 1992 - obit #4aa629 [9/61,obit 9/92]
  37. Cahn, Sammy - 1993 - obit #4ab624 [11/74,obit 3/93]
  38. Carey, Mariah - 1992 - #4aa103-5 [7/92]
  39. Carpenter, Mary-Chapin - 1994 - #4ac93-7 [2/94]
  40. Carradine, David - 1991 - #4ai115-9 [8/91]
  41. Cash, Rosanne - 1991 - #4ai119-23 [10/91]
  42. Chailly, Riccardo - 1991 - #4ai132-5 [6/91]
  43. Charles, Ray - 1992 - #4aa116-20 [4/65,6/92,obit 2004 Yearbook]
  44. Cher - 1991 - #4ai139-43 [1/74,6/91]
  45. Chereau, Patrice - 1990 - #4ah113-7 [1/90]
  46. Cherkassky, Shura - 1990 - #4ah117-21 [10/90,obit 3/96]
  47. Christie, William - 1992 - #4aa127-30 [1/92]
  48. Chung, Myung-Whun - 1990 - #4ah133-6 [8/90]
  49. Cleveland, James - 1991 - obit #4ai634 [8/85,obit 4/91]
  50. Clinton, George - 1993 - #4ab112-6 [7/93]
  51. Cole, Natalie - 1991 - #4ai144-7 [11/91]
  52. Coleman, Cy - 1990 - #4ah136-40 [8/90,obit 2/05]
  53. Connick, Harry, Jr. - 1990 - #4ah143-7 [11/90]
  54. Copland, Aaron - 1991 - obit #4ai634-5 [9/40,3/51,obit 1/91]
  55. Crawford, Michael - 1992 - #4aa141-4 [1/92]
  56. Crouch, Stanley - 1994 - #4ac132-5 [3/94]
  57. Cugat, Xavier - 1991 - obit #4ai635 [5/42,obit 1/91]
  58. Davies, Dennis Russell - 1993 - #4ab143-8 [5/93]
  59. Davis, Anthony - 1990 - #4ah168-72 [5/90]
  60. Davis, Miles - 1991 - obit #4ai636 [6/62,obit 11/91]
  61. Davis, Sammy, Jr. - 1990 - obit #4ah647 [9/56,7/78,obit 7/90]
  62. de Maiziere, Lothar - 1990 - #4ah183-6 [8/90]
  63. de Waart, Edo - 1990 - #4ah190-4 [3/90]
  64. DePriest, James - 1990 - #4ah186-90 [10/90]
  65. Dietrich, Marlene - 1992 - obit #4aa631 [6/53,2/68,obit 6/92]
  66. Dixon, Willie - 1992 - obit #4aa631 [5/89,obit 4/92]
  67. Drake, Alfred - 1992 - obit #4aa631 [4/44,obit 9/92]
  68. Dyer-Bennet, Richerd - 1992 - obit #4aa631 [6/44,obit 2/92]
  69. Dylan, Bob - 1991 - #4ai194-9 [5/65,10/91]
  70. Eckstine, Billy - 1993 - obit #4ab626-7 [7/52,obit 4/93]
  71. Ewing, Maria - 1990 - #4ah227-30 [4/90]
  72. Fassbaender, Brigitte - 1994 - #4ac173-7 [6/94]
  73. Firkusny, Rudolf - 1994 - obit #4ac646 [10/79,obit 9/94]
  74. Fitzgerald, Ella - 1990 - #4ah230-4 [10/56,7/90,obit 8/96]
  75. Ford, Tennessee Ernie - 1992 - obit #4aa632-3 [3/58,obit 1/92]
  76. Frager, Malcolm - 1991 - obit #4ai639-40 [4/67,obit 8/91]
  77. Francescatti, Zino - 1991 - obit #4ai640 [10/47,obit 11/91]
  78. Franklin, Aretha - 1992 - #4aa204-8 [12/68,obit 5/92]
  79. Gabriel, Peter - 1990 - #4ah253-6 [1/90]
  80. Garcia, Jerry - 1990 - #4ah264-7 [5/90,obit 10/95]
  81. Gardiner, John Eliot - 1991 - #4ai234-7 [??]
  82. Geffen, David - 1992 - #4aa223-7 [1/92]
  83. George, Zelma W. - 1994 - obit #4ac647 [10/61,obit 9/94]
  84. Getz, Stan - 1991 - obit #4ai641 [4/71,obit 8/91]
  85. Gifford, Kathie Lee - 1994 - #4ac208-13 [11/94]
  86. Gillespie, Dizzy - 1993 - #4ab202-6 - obit #4ab627-8 [4/57,1/93,obit 1/93]
  87. Gobel, George - 1991 - obit #4ai641 [3/55,obit 4/91]
  88. Gorecki, Henryk - 1994 - #4ac221-5 [5/94]
  89. Gossett, Louis, Jr. - 1990 - #4ah277-81 [11/90]
  90. Greco, Juliette - 1992 - #4aa239-43 [1/92]
  91. Hadley, Jerry - 1991 - #4ai258-62 [11/91]
  92. Hammer, M.C. - 1991 - #4ai262-6 [4/91]
  93. Hampson, Thomas - 1991 - #4ai268-70 [3/91]
  94. Harbison, John - 1993 - #4ab229-32 [2/93]
  95. Harnoncourt, Nikolaus - 1991 - #4ai270-4 [1/91]
  96. Harris, Emmylou - 1994 - #4ac233-7 [10/94]
  97. Harrison, Rex - 1990 - obit #4ah653 [1/47,2/86,obit 7/90]
  98. Hart, Mickey - 1994 - #4ac237-41 [1/94]
  99. Hawkins, Erskine - 1994 - obit #4ac648 [9/41,obit 1/94]
  100. Henson, Jim - 1990 - obit #4ah653 [3/77,obit 7/90]
  101. Hepburn, Audrey - 1993 - obit #4ab630 [3/54,obit 3/93]
  102. Hill, Benny - 1992 - obit #4aa635 [2/83,obit 6/92]
  103. Hooker, John Lee - 1992 - #4aa265-9 [11/92,obit 9/01]
  104. Horowitz, Vladimir - 1990 - obit #4ah653-4 [9/43,3/66,obit 1/90]
  105. Hynde, Chrissie - 1993 - #4ab252-5 [4/93]
  106. Ice-T - 1994 - #4ac252-6 [9/94]
  107. Idol, Billy - 1994 - #4ac256-60 [1/94]
  108. Isaak, Chris - 1993 - #4ab262-6 [5/93]
  109. Jackson, Janet - 1991 - #4ai302-6 [6/91]
  110. Jarreau, Al - 1992 - #4aa295-9 [10/92]
  111. Jarvi, Neeme - 1993 - #4ab274-7 [11/93]
  112. Jerusalem, Siegfried - 1992 - #4aa299-303 [9/92]
  113. Jett, Joan - 1993 - #4ab281-5 [9/93]
  114. Jobim, Antonio Carlos - 1991 - #4ai306-10 [7/91,obit 2/95]
  115. Johnson, Beverly - 1994 - #4ac271-3 [9/94]
  116. Jones, Rickie Lee - 1990 - #4ah344-8 [5/90]
  117. Keeler, Ruby - 1993 - obit #4ab632 [12/71,obit 4/93]
  118. Keene, Christopher - 1990 - #4ah355-9 [3/90,obit 1/96]
  119. Kennedy, Nigel - 1992 - #4aa338-42 [7/92]
  120. Kirsten, Dorothy - 1993 - obit #4ab633 [2/48,obit 1/93]
  121. Kleiber, Carlos - 1991 - #4ai338-41 [7/91,obit 2004 Yearbook]
  122. Knussen, Oliver - 1994 - #4ac308-12 [2/94]
  123. Krainik, Ardis - 1991 - #4ai342-6 [11/91,obit 3/97]
  124. Krenek, Ernst - 1992 - obit #4aa636 [7/42,obit 2/92]
  125. Landsbergis, Vytautas - 1990 - #4ah384-7 [7/90]
  126. lang, k.d. - 1992 - #4aa354-7 [9/92]
  127. Leinsdorf, Erich - 1993 - obit #4ab634 [5/40,10/63,obit 11/93]
  128. Lutoslawski, Witold - 1991 - #4ai376-80 - obit #4ac652 [8/91,obit 4/94]
  129. ?, ? - 1994 - obit #4ac? [?]
  130. Mansouri, Lotfi - 1990 - #4ah410-3 [4/90]
  131. Marsalis, Branford - 1991 - #4ai388-92 [9/91]
  132. Martin, Mary - 1991 - obit #4ai650 [1/44,obit 1/91]
  133. Masekela, Hugh - 1993 - #4ab367-71 [3/93]
  134. Masur, Kurt - 1990 - #4ah420-4 [??]
  135. Mathis, Johnny - 1993 - #4ab371-5 [7/65,2/93]
  136.   McEntire, Reba - 1994 - #4ac371-5 [10/94]
  137.   McGovern, Maureen - 1990 - #4ah428-31 [2/90]
  138. MacMurray, Fred - 1992 - obit #4aa637 [2/67,obit 2/92]
  139. Messiaen, Oliver - 1992 - obit #4aa638-9 [2/74,obit 1/92]
  140. Midori - 1990 - #4ah439-42 [6/90]
  141. Miller, Glenn - 1991 - obit #4ai651 [2/42,obit 1991 Yearbook]
  142. Miller, Roger - 1993 - obit #4ab637 [9/86,obit 1/93]
  143. Milstein, Nathan - 1993 - obit #4ab637 [3/50,obit 2/93]
  144. Montand, Yves - 1992 - obit #4aa639 [7/60,9/88,obit 1/92]
  145. Montoya, Carlos - 1993 - obit #4ab637 [3/68,obit 5/93]
  146. Mortier, Gerard - 1991 - #4ai411-5 [7/91]
  147. Murphy, George - 1992 - obit #4aa640 [12/65,obit 7/92]
  148. Mutter, Anne-Sophie - 1990 - #4ah462-5 [1/90]
  149. Newton, Wayne - 1990 - #4ah469-73 [2/90]
  150. Nikolais, Alwin - 1993 - obit #4ab638 [2/68,obit 1/93]
  151. Norrington, Roger - 1990 - #4ah477-80 [1/90]
  152. O'Connor, Sinead - 1991 - #4ai430-4 [6/91]
  153. O-Day, Anita - 1990 - #4ah487-91 [6/90]
  154. Palmieri, Eddie - 1992 - #4aa438-40 [6/92]
  155. Parks, Gordon - 1992 - #4aa444-8 [10/68,10/92]
  156. Pearl, Minnie - 1992 - #4aa448-52 [11/92,obit 5/96]
  157. Petty, Tom - 1991 - #4ai449-53 [11/91]
  158. Pickens, Jane - 1992 - obit #4aa642 [12/49,obit 4/92]
  159. Picon, Molly - 1992 - obit #4aa642 [6/51,obit 6/92]
  160. Rackmil, Milton R. - 1992 - obit #4aa643 [11/52,obit 1/92]
  161. Raitt, Bonnie - 1990 - #4ah517-21 [??]
  162. Raphael - 1991 - #4ai457-60 [8/91]
  163. Roberts, Marcus - 1994 - #4ac490-3 [3/94]
  164. Rozsa, Miklos - 1992 - #4aa492-6 [2/92,obit 10/95]
  165. Sanborn, David - 1992 - #4aa500-3 [8/92]
  166. Schneider, Alexander - 1993 - obit #4ab643-3 [3/76,obit 3/93]
  167. Schnittke, Alfred - 1992 - #4aa507-10 [7/92,obit 10/98]
  168. Schuman, William - 1992 - obit #4aa644 [6/42,12/62,obit 4/92]
  169. Serkin, Rudolf - 1990 - #4ah543-7 - 1991 - obit #4ai657 [7/40,6/90,obit 7/91]
  170. Singher, Martial - 1990 - obit #4ah661 [2/47,obit 5/90]
  171. Sinopoli, Giuseppe - 1991 - #4ai528-32 [3/91,obit 9/01]
  172. Slonimsky, Nicolas - 1991 - #4ai532-6 [4/55,2/91,obit 3/96]
  173. Springsteen, Bruce - 1992 - #4aa538-43 [4/78,8/92]
  174. Steber, Eleanor - 1991 - obit #4ai658-9 [3/43,obit 1/91]
  175. Stignani, Ebe - 1991 - obit #4ai659 [2/49,obit 1991 Yearbook]
  176. Strehler, Giorgio - 1991 - #4ai559-64 [3/91,obit 3/98]
  177. Streisand, Barbra - 1992 - #4aa546-50 [6/64,?/92]
  178. Studer, Cheryl - 1992 - #4aa551-5 [4/92]
  179. Swayze, Patrick - 1991 - #4ai564-7 [3/91]
  180. Troyanos, Tatiana - 1993 - obit #4ab645 [8/79,obit 10/93]
  181. Uchida, Mitsiko - 1991 - #4ai577-80 [9/91]
  182. Upshaw, Dawn - 1990 - #4ah5937 [2/90]
  183. Van Heusen, James - 1990 - obit #4ah664 [6/70,obit 4/90]
  184. Vandross, Luther - 1991 - #4ai580-4 [9/91,obit 2005 Yearbook]
  185. Vaughan, Sarah - 1990 - obit #4ah664 [11/57,4/80,obit 5/90]
  186. Vega, Suzanne - 1994 - #4ac600-4 [8/94]
  187. Waller, Robert James - 1994 - #4ac604-7 [5/94]
  188. Wasserman, Lew R. - 1991 - #4ai602-6 [5/91,obit 2002 Yearbook]
  189. Welk, Lawrnece - 1992 - obit #4aa647 [2/57,obit 7/92]
  190. Xenakis, Iannis - 1994 - #4ac628-30 [9/94,obit 7/01]
  191. Zappa, Frank - 1990 - #4ah633-8 [2/90,obit 2/94]

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