FolkLib Index
- Current Biography series books with Musician Biographies
(last updated .11-09-2017)
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This bibliography
page lists all books entitled Current Biography published by
The H.W. Wilson Company
that I own "{A}"
and all other editions I know about.
New pages split off from my original Bibliography page
Current Biography Cumulated Index
Current Biography Yearbook
Current Biography International Yearbook
Musician Biographies included in the "Current Biography Yearbooks" I own
Current Biography Magazines
(I own 1944-1965 but am missing 1945,1946,1950,1955,1959,1963)
A "Current Biography Cumulated Index" I own:
- Menu
- #4ag -
"Current Biography Cumulated Index 1940-2005" {A}
- cover scans
New York, NY / Dublin, Ireland: The H.W. Wilson Company
2006, 200 p., ISBN:
0-8242-1054-9, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1054-0, LC:
40-27432, no UPC
Other "Current Biography Cumulated Index" editions I know about:
"Current Biography Cumulated Index 1940-2013"
2014, 800 p., (the latest edition) is available from H.W. Wilson and also
at Amazon 1-61925-472-7, ISBN-13: 978-1-61925-472-5
Every Yearbook I own (the source of the
Musician Biographies listed below),
contains an Index by Profession. This is the ONLY "Cumulated Index"
which also contains an Index by Profession.
- "Current Biography Cumulated Index 1940-2018"
2016, 277 p., ISBN:
1-68217-206-6, ISBN-13: 978-1-68217-206-3
- "Current Biography Cumulated Index 1940-2000"
2001, 160 p., ISBN:
0-8242-0997-4, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-0997-1
- "Current Biography Cumulated Index 1940-1995"
1996, 137 p., ISBN:
0-8242-0892-7, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-0892-9
- "Current Biography Cumulated Index 1940-1985"
1986, 125 p., ISBN:
0-8242-0722-X, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-0722-9
- "Current Biography Cumulated Index 1940-1970"
1973, 113 p., ASIN:
"Current Biography Yearbooks" I own:
- Menu
All of the Yearbooks I own have the same ISSN: 0084-9499 and the
same LC: 40-27432, and none of the Yearbooks mention an ISBN number on
their Copyright page. Because all hardcover "Yearbook" and "Cumulated Index"
editions have never been published with a book jacket or in paperback format,
none of them have a UPC number.
- #4ah -
"Current Biography Yearbook 1990 with Index 1981-1990" {A}
- cover scans
51st Annual Cumulation, New York, NY: The H.W. Wilson Company
1990, 693 p., ISBN:
9990006768, ISBN-13: 978-9990006766
Editor: Charles Moritz
- Associate Editors: Judith Graham, Hilary Claggett, Robert Schuck,
Elizabeth A. Schick
- Assistant Editor: Jill Kadetsky
- #4ai -
"Current Biography Yearbook 1991 with Index 1991" {A}
- cover scans
52nd Annual Cumulation, New York, NY: The H.W. Wilson Company
1991, 671 p., ISBN:
9990006776, ISBN-13: 978-9990006773
Editor: Charles Moritz
- Associate Editors: Judith Graham, Hilary Claggett, Robert Schuck,
Elizabeth A. Schick
- Assistant Editor: Jill Kadetsky
- #4aa -
"Current Biography Yearbook 1992 with Index 1991-1992" {A}
- cover scans
53rd Annual Cumulation, New York, NY: The H.W. Wilson Company
1992, 658 p., ISBN:
9990006784, ISBN-13: 978-9990006780
Editor: Judith Graham
- Senior Editor: Elizabeth A. Schick
- Associate Editors: Hilary D. Claggett, Miriam Helbok
- Assistant Editor: Gray Young
- Consulting Editor: Charles Moritz
- #4ab -
"Current Biography Yearbook 1993 with Index 1991-1993" {A}
- cover scans
54th Annual Cumulation, New York, NY: The H.W. Wilson Company
1993, 659 p., ISBN:
9990011443, ISBN-13: 978-9990011449
Editor: Judith Graham
- Senior Editor: Elizabeth A. Schick
- Associate Editors: Hilary D. Claggett, Miriam Helbok, Gray Young
- Assistant Editor: Cliff Thompson
- Consulting Editor: Charles Moritz
- #4ac -
"Current Biography Yearbook 1994 with Index 1991-1994" {A}
- cover scans
55th Annual Cumulation, New York, NY: The H.W. Wilson Company
1994, 686 p., ISBN:
9994894560, ISBN-13: 978-9994894567
Editor: Judith Graham
- Senior Editor: Elizabeth A. Schick
- Associate Editors: Hilary D. Claggett, Miriam Helbok,
Cliff Thompson, Gray Young
- Assistant Editor: Maureen Eastwood
- Consulting Editor: Charles Moritz
- #4ad - Current Biography Yearbook 1995 with Index 1991-1995
- #4ae - Current Biography Yearbook 1996 with Index 1991-1996
- #4af - Current Biography Yearbook 1997 with Index 1996-1997
Other "Current Biography Yearbook" editions I know about:
Note: As I have never seen any of these books and the H.W. Wilson website
and do not agree on the number of pages in each Yearbook, I have
left the number of pages as unknown until such time as I can verify in person
the actual number of pages. As of 11-09-2017, the 2003-2016 editions are also
available at the
H.W. Wilson website .
- "Current Biography Yearbook 2016"
2016, ? p.,
1-61925-731-9, ISBN-13: 978-1-61925-731-3
- "Current Biography Yearbook 2015"
2015, ? p.,
1-61925-707-6, ISBN-13: 978-1-61925-707-8
- "Current Biography Yearbook 2014"
2014, ? p.,
1-61925-430-1, ISBN-13: 978-1-61925-430-5
- "Current Biography Yearbook 2013"
2013, ? p.,
0-8242-1210-X, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1210-0
- "Current Biography Yearbook 2012"
2012, ? p.,
0-8242-1144-8, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1144-8
- "Current Biography Yearbook 2011"
2011, ? p.,
0-8242-1121-9, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1121-9
- "Current Biography Yearbook 2010"
2010, ? p.,
0-8242-1113-8, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1113-4
- "Current Biography Yearbook 2009"
2009, ? p.,
0-8242-1104-9, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1104-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-11104-2 at H.W. Wilson's website is incorrect, it has
14 digits instead 13
- "Current Biography Yearbook 2008"
2008, ? p.,
0-8242-1095-6, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1095-3
- "Current Biography Yearbook 2007"
2007, ? p.,
0-8242-1084-0, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1084-7
- "Current Biography Yearbook 2006"
2006, ? p.,
0-8242-1074-3, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1074-8
- "Current Biography Yearbook 2005"
2005, ? p.,
0-8242-1056-5, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1056-4
- "Current Biography Yearbook 2004"
2004, ? p.,
0-8242-1044-1, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1044-1
- "Current Biography Yearbook 2003"
2003, ? p.,
0-8242-1041-7, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1041-0
- "Current Biography Yearbook 2002"
2002, ? p.,
0-8242-1026-3?, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1026-7
- "Current Biography Yearbook 2001"
2001, ? p.,
9990016992, ISBN-13: 9789990016994
- "Current Biography Yearbook 2000"
2000, ? p.,
0-8242-1004-2, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1004-5
All known "Current Biography International Yearbooks" 2002-2007:
- Menu
- "Current Biography International Yearbook 2002"
2003, 650 p., ISBN:
0-8242-1017-4, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1017-5
- Editors: Patrick Kelly, Peter G. Herman, Mari Rich, Kate Stern,
Clifford Thompson
- "Current Biography International Yearbook 2003"
2003, 673 p., ISBN:
0-8242-1042-5, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1042-7
- Editors: Clifford Thompson, Miriam Helbok
- #4al
- "Current Biography International Yearbook 2004" {A}
3rd Annual Cumulation, New York, NY / Dublin, Ireland:
The H.W. Wilson Company
2004, 614 p., ISBN:
0-8242-1045-X, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1045-8,
ISSN: 1538-3296
- "Current Biography International Yearbook 2005"
2006, ? p., ISBN:
0-8242-1057-3, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1057-1
- "Current Biography International Yearbook 2006"
2007, 575 p., ISBN:
0-8242-1075-1, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1075-5
- "Current Biography International Yearbook 2007"
2008, 592 p., ISBN:
0-8242-1085-9, ISBN-13: 978-0-8242-1085-4
- Editors: Mari Rich, Albert Rolls, Christopher Mari,
Clifford Thompson, Julia Weist
Musician Biographies included in the "Current Biography Yearbooks" I own:
- Menu
[...] = the original magazine publication issue date(s) as listed in the
Current Biography Cumulated Index 1940-2005
[??] = not listed in the Index
- 1991
- 1992
- 1993
- 1994
- Abdul, Paula - 1991 - #4ai1-4 [9/91]
- Acuff, Roy - 1993 - obit #4ab619 [6/76]
- Adams, Stanley - 1994 - obit #4ac636 [2/54,obit 3/94]
Ade, King Sunny - 1993 - #4ac5-9 [11/94]
- Allen, Betty - 1990 - #4ah11-4 [11/90]
- Allen, Peter - 1992 - obit #4aa625 [3/83]
- Ameche, Don - 1994 - obit #4ac636 [5/65,obit 2/94]
- Anderson, June - 1991 - #4ai18-22 [5/91]
- Anderson, Marian - 1993 - obit #4ab620 [5/40,4/50,obit 6/93]
Andrews, Julie - 1994 - #4ac21-5 [7/56,4/94]
- Angelou, Maya - 1994 - #4ac25-9 [2/74,2/94]
- Arrau, Claudio - 1991 - obit #4ai630 [1/42,11/86,obit 8/91]
- Auger, Arleen - 1993 - obit #4ab621 [2/89,obit 8/93]
Aykroyd, Dan - 1992 - #4aa31-6 [1/92]
- Bailey, Pearl - 1990 - obit #4ah643 [6/55,10/69,obit 10/90]
- Bartoli, Cecilia - 1992 - #4aa55-8 [6/92]
- Baum, Kurt - 1990 - obit #4ah643-4 [9/56,obit 2/90]
- Bebey, Francis - 1994 - #4ac44-8 [4/94,obit 9/01]
- Bennett, Richard Rodney - 1992 - #4aa59-63 [3/92]
- Berge, Peirre - 1990 - #4ah59-63 [1/90]
Bergonzi, Carlo - 1992 - #4aa63-6 [11/92]
- Bernstein, Leonard - 1990 - obit #4ah644-5 [2/44,2/60,obit 11/90]
- Black, Clint - 1994 - #4ac52-5 [8/94]
- Blakey, Art - 1991 - obit #4ai632 [9/88,obit 1/91]
- Bolcom, William - 1990 - #4ah71-4 [4/90]
- Bolton, Michael - 1993 - #4ab71-4 [8/93]
- Bon Jovi, Jion - 1990 - #4ah74-7 [1/90]
- Bono - 1993 - #4ab74-8 [??]
- Borge, Victor - 1993 - #4ab81-5 [3/46,5/93,obit 3/01]
Bowie, David - 1994 - #4ac59-63 [10/76,11/94]
- Bowles, Paul - 1990 - #4ah77-82 [10/90,obit 2/00]
- Brooks, Garth - 1992 - #4aa83-6 [3/92]
- Brown, Bobby - 1991 - #4ai85-8 [4/91]
Brown, James - 1992 - #4aa90-5 [3/92]
Brubeck, Dave - 1993 - #4ab100-4 [3/56,4/93]
- Cage, John - 1992 - obit #4aa629 [9/61,obit 9/92]
- Cahn, Sammy - 1993 - obit #4ab624 [11/74,obit 3/93]
- Carey, Mariah - 1992 - #4aa103-5 [7/92]
Carpenter, Mary-Chapin - 1994 - #4ac93-7 [2/94]
- Carradine, David - 1991 - #4ai115-9 [8/91]
- Cash, Rosanne - 1991 - #4ai119-23 [10/91]
- Chailly, Riccardo - 1991 - #4ai132-5 [6/91]
Charles, Ray - 1992 - #4aa116-20 [4/65,6/92,obit 2004 Yearbook]
- Cher - 1991 - #4ai139-43 [1/74,6/91]
- Chereau, Patrice - 1990 - #4ah113-7 [1/90]
- Cherkassky, Shura - 1990 - #4ah117-21 [10/90,obit 3/96]
- Christie, William - 1992 - #4aa127-30 [1/92]
- Chung, Myung-Whun - 1990 - #4ah133-6 [8/90]
- Cleveland, James - 1991 - obit #4ai634 [8/85,obit 4/91]
- Clinton, George - 1993 - #4ab112-6 [7/93]
- Cole, Natalie - 1991 - #4ai144-7 [11/91]
- Coleman, Cy - 1990 - #4ah136-40 [8/90,obit 2/05]
- Connick, Harry, Jr. - 1990 - #4ah143-7 [11/90]
- Copland, Aaron - 1991 - obit #4ai634-5 [9/40,3/51,obit 1/91]
- Crawford, Michael - 1992 - #4aa141-4 [1/92]
- Crouch, Stanley - 1994 - #4ac132-5 [3/94]
- Cugat, Xavier - 1991 - obit #4ai635 [5/42,obit 1/91]
- Davies, Dennis Russell - 1993 - #4ab143-8 [5/93]
- Davis, Anthony - 1990 - #4ah168-72 [5/90]
- Davis, Miles - 1991 - obit #4ai636 [6/62,obit 11/91]
- Davis, Sammy, Jr. - 1990 - obit #4ah647 [9/56,7/78,obit 7/90]
- de Maiziere, Lothar - 1990 - #4ah183-6 [8/90]
- de Waart, Edo - 1990 - #4ah190-4 [3/90]
- DePriest, James - 1990 - #4ah186-90 [10/90]
- Dietrich, Marlene - 1992 - obit #4aa631 [6/53,2/68,obit 6/92]
- Dixon, Willie - 1992 - obit #4aa631 [5/89,obit 4/92]
- Drake, Alfred - 1992 - obit #4aa631 [4/44,obit 9/92]
- Dyer-Bennet, Richerd - 1992 - obit #4aa631 [6/44,obit 2/92]
- Dylan, Bob - 1991 - #4ai194-9 [5/65,10/91]
- Eckstine, Billy - 1993 - obit #4ab626-7 [7/52,obit 4/93]
- Ewing, Maria - 1990 - #4ah227-30 [4/90]
Fassbaender, Brigitte - 1994 - #4ac173-7 [6/94]
- Firkusny, Rudolf - 1994 - obit #4ac646 [10/79,obit 9/94]
- Fitzgerald, Ella - 1990 - #4ah230-4 [10/56,7/90,obit 8/96]
- Ford, Tennessee Ernie - 1992 - obit #4aa632-3 [3/58,obit 1/92]
- Frager, Malcolm - 1991 - obit #4ai639-40 [4/67,obit 8/91]
- Francescatti, Zino - 1991 - obit #4ai640 [10/47,obit 11/91]
Franklin, Aretha - 1992 - #4aa204-8 [12/68,obit 5/92]
- Gabriel, Peter - 1990 - #4ah253-6 [1/90]
- Garcia, Jerry - 1990 - #4ah264-7 [5/90,obit 10/95]
- Gardiner, John Eliot - 1991 - #4ai234-7 [??]
- Geffen, David - 1992 - #4aa223-7 [1/92]
- George, Zelma W. - 1994 - obit #4ac647 [10/61,obit 9/94]
- Getz, Stan - 1991 - obit #4ai641 [4/71,obit 8/91]
Gifford, Kathie Lee - 1994 - #4ac208-13 [11/94]
Gillespie, Dizzy - 1993 - #4ab202-6 - obit #4ab627-8
[4/57,1/93,obit 1/93]
- Gobel, George - 1991 - obit #4ai641 [3/55,obit 4/91]
- Gorecki, Henryk - 1994 - #4ac221-5 [5/94]
- Gossett, Louis, Jr. - 1990 - #4ah277-81 [11/90]
- Greco, Juliette - 1992 - #4aa239-43 [1/92]
- Hadley, Jerry - 1991 - #4ai258-62 [11/91]
- Hammer, M.C. - 1991 - #4ai262-6 [4/91]
- Hampson, Thomas - 1991 - #4ai268-70 [3/91]
Harbison, John - 1993 - #4ab229-32 [2/93]
- Harnoncourt, Nikolaus - 1991 - #4ai270-4 [1/91]
Harris, Emmylou - 1994 - #4ac233-7 [10/94]
- Harrison, Rex - 1990 - obit #4ah653 [1/47,2/86,obit 7/90]
Hart, Mickey - 1994 - #4ac237-41 [1/94]
- Hawkins, Erskine - 1994 - obit #4ac648 [9/41,obit 1/94]
- Henson, Jim - 1990 - obit #4ah653 [3/77,obit 7/90]
- Hepburn, Audrey - 1993 - obit #4ab630 [3/54,obit 3/93]
- Hill, Benny - 1992 - obit #4aa635 [2/83,obit 6/92]
Hooker, John Lee - 1992 - #4aa265-9 [11/92,obit 9/01]
- Horowitz, Vladimir - 1990 - obit #4ah653-4 [9/43,3/66,obit 1/90]
- Hynde, Chrissie - 1993 - #4ab252-5 [4/93]
- Ice-T - 1994 - #4ac252-6 [9/94]
- Idol, Billy - 1994 - #4ac256-60 [1/94]
Isaak, Chris - 1993 - #4ab262-6 [5/93]
- Jackson, Janet - 1991 - #4ai302-6 [6/91]
Jarreau, Al - 1992 - #4aa295-9 [10/92]
- Jarvi, Neeme - 1993 - #4ab274-7 [11/93]
Jerusalem, Siegfried - 1992 - #4aa299-303 [9/92]
- Jett, Joan - 1993 - #4ab281-5 [9/93]
- Jobim, Antonio Carlos - 1991 - #4ai306-10 [7/91,obit 2/95]
- Johnson, Beverly - 1994 - #4ac271-3 [9/94]
- Jones, Rickie Lee - 1990 - #4ah344-8 [5/90]
- Keeler, Ruby - 1993 - obit #4ab632 [12/71,obit 4/93]
- Keene, Christopher - 1990 - #4ah355-9 [3/90,obit 1/96]
- Kennedy, Nigel - 1992 - #4aa338-42 [7/92]
- Kirsten, Dorothy - 1993 - obit #4ab633 [2/48,obit 1/93]
- Kleiber, Carlos - 1991 - #4ai338-41 [7/91,obit 2004 Yearbook]
- Knussen, Oliver - 1994 - #4ac308-12 [2/94]
- Krainik, Ardis - 1991 - #4ai342-6 [11/91,obit 3/97]
- Krenek, Ernst - 1992 - obit #4aa636 [7/42,obit 2/92]
- Landsbergis, Vytautas - 1990 - #4ah384-7 [7/90]
lang, k.d. - 1992 - #4aa354-7 [9/92]
- Leinsdorf, Erich - 1993 - obit #4ab634 [5/40,10/63,obit 11/93]
- Lutoslawski, Witold - 1991 - #4ai376-80 - obit #4ac652 [8/91,obit 4/94]
- ?, ? - 1994 - obit #4ac? [?]
- Mansouri, Lotfi - 1990 - #4ah410-3 [4/90]
Marsalis, Branford - 1991 - #4ai388-92 [9/91]
Martin, Mary - 1991 - obit #4ai650 [1/44,obit 1/91]
Masekela, Hugh - 1993 - #4ab367-71 [3/93]
- Masur, Kurt - 1990 - #4ah420-4 [??]
Mathis, Johnny - 1993 - #4ab371-5 [7/65,2/93]
McEntire, Reba - 1994 - #4ac371-5 [10/94]
McGovern, Maureen - 1990 - #4ah428-31 [2/90]
MacMurray, Fred - 1992 - obit #4aa637 [2/67,obit 2/92]
- Messiaen, Oliver - 1992 - obit #4aa638-9 [2/74,obit 1/92]
- Midori - 1990 - #4ah439-42 [6/90]
Miller, Glenn - 1991 - obit #4ai651 [2/42,obit 1991 Yearbook]
- Miller, Roger - 1993 - obit #4ab637 [9/86,obit 1/93]
- Milstein, Nathan - 1993 - obit #4ab637 [3/50,obit 2/93]
- Montand, Yves - 1992 - obit #4aa639 [7/60,9/88,obit 1/92]
- Montoya, Carlos - 1993 - obit #4ab637 [3/68,obit 5/93]
- Mortier, Gerard - 1991 - #4ai411-5 [7/91]
- Murphy, George - 1992 - obit #4aa640 [12/65,obit 7/92]
- Mutter, Anne-Sophie - 1990 - #4ah462-5 [1/90]
- Newton, Wayne - 1990 - #4ah469-73 [2/90]
- Nikolais, Alwin - 1993 - obit #4ab638 [2/68,obit 1/93]
- Norrington, Roger - 1990 - #4ah477-80 [1/90]
- O'Connor, Sinead - 1991 - #4ai430-4 [6/91]
- O-Day, Anita - 1990 - #4ah487-91 [6/90]
- Palmieri, Eddie - 1992 - #4aa438-40 [6/92]
- Parks, Gordon - 1992 - #4aa444-8 [10/68,10/92]
Pearl, Minnie - 1992 - #4aa448-52 [11/92,obit 5/96]
- Petty, Tom - 1991 - #4ai449-53 [11/91]
- Pickens, Jane - 1992 - obit #4aa642 [12/49,obit 4/92]
- Picon, Molly - 1992 - obit #4aa642 [6/51,obit 6/92]
- Rackmil, Milton R. - 1992 - obit #4aa643 [11/52,obit 1/92]
- Raitt, Bonnie - 1990 - #4ah517-21 [??]
- Raphael - 1991 - #4ai457-60 [8/91]
Roberts, Marcus - 1994 - #4ac490-3 [3/94]
- Rozsa, Miklos - 1992 - #4aa492-6 [2/92,obit 10/95]
- Sanborn, David - 1992 - #4aa500-3 [8/92]
- Schneider, Alexander - 1993 - obit #4ab643-3 [3/76,obit 3/93]
- Schnittke, Alfred - 1992 - #4aa507-10 [7/92,obit 10/98]
- Schuman, William - 1992 - obit #4aa644 [6/42,12/62,obit 4/92]
- Serkin, Rudolf - 1990 - #4ah543-7 - 1991 - obit #4ai657
[7/40,6/90,obit 7/91]
- Singher, Martial - 1990 - obit #4ah661 [2/47,obit 5/90]
- Sinopoli, Giuseppe - 1991 - #4ai528-32 [3/91,obit 9/01]
- Slonimsky, Nicolas - 1991 - #4ai532-6 [4/55,2/91,obit 3/96]
Springsteen, Bruce - 1992 - #4aa538-43 [4/78,8/92]
- Steber, Eleanor - 1991 - obit #4ai658-9 [3/43,obit 1/91]
- Stignani, Ebe - 1991 - obit #4ai659 [2/49,obit 1991 Yearbook]
- Strehler, Giorgio - 1991 - #4ai559-64 [3/91,obit 3/98]
Streisand, Barbra - 1992 - #4aa546-50 [6/64,?/92]
- Studer, Cheryl - 1992 - #4aa551-5 [4/92]
- Swayze, Patrick - 1991 - #4ai564-7 [3/91]
- Troyanos, Tatiana - 1993 - obit #4ab645 [8/79,obit 10/93]
- Uchida, Mitsiko - 1991 - #4ai577-80 [9/91]
- Upshaw, Dawn - 1990 - #4ah5937 [2/90]
- Van Heusen, James - 1990 - obit #4ah664 [6/70,obit 4/90]
- Vandross, Luther - 1991 - #4ai580-4 [9/91,obit 2005 Yearbook]
- Vaughan, Sarah - 1990 - obit #4ah664 [11/57,4/80,obit 5/90]
Vega, Suzanne - 1994 - #4ac600-4 [8/94]
- Waller, Robert James - 1994 - #4ac604-7 [5/94]
- Wasserman, Lew R. - 1991 - #4ai602-6 [5/91,obit 2002 Yearbook]
- Welk, Lawrnece - 1992 - obit #4aa647 [2/57,obit 7/92]
Xenakis, Iannis - 1994 - #4ac628-30 [9/94,obit 7/01]
- Zappa, Frank - 1990 - #4ah633-8 [2/90,obit 2/94]
Known links to this page:
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331
Copyright © 2017 -
Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.