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FolkLib Index - "Songwriter's Market" Bibliography
      Complete details in order by author and date

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      This page lists every known edition of the Songwriter's Market series of books published by Writer's Digest Books.
      The 1980, 1981, 1982, 2017 editions are WANTED. Will pay up to $5.00 each plus USPS shipping (via paper check or money order) from anywhere in the U.S. to the address below. Any condition is acceptable, even poor or withdrawn Public Library copies, IF, and only if, the "Record Companies" chapter is complete and readable.
      Why do I want every edition? Because I plan on indexing every record company's entry in every book on my Historical Record Label Addresses pages, "a long term project to list every Record Label that ever existed".

      Another feature of these books is that many volumes contain one page biographies, profiles or interviews of music industry people, songwriters, lyricists, producers, etc. A list can be found on my "Close-up" Musical Biographies Index page.

      New pages split off from my original Bibliography page

      Click on "cover scan" below for a fullsize scan of each cover, or see thumbnail scans of all book covers in this series, except 1980, 1981, 1982, 2017 (WANTED).

  1. #ma - Bessler, Ian (ed.).   {A}
          2007 Songwriter's Market, Cincinnati, OH: Writer's Digest Books, 2007, 425 p.
          ISBN: 1-58297-431-4, LC: ?, UPC: 9-781582-974316, ISSN: 0161-5971 - Record Labels - cover scans
  2. #mb - Bessler, Ian (ed.).   {A}
          2008 Songwriter's Market, Cincinnati, OH: Writer's Digest Books, 2008, 425 p.
          ISBN: 1-58297-502-7, LC: ?, UPC: 9-781582-975023, ISSN: 0897-9790 - Record Labels - cover scans
  3. #mc - Bessler, Ian (ed.).   {A}{F}
          2009 Songwriter's Market, Cincinnati, OH: Writer's Digest Books, 2009, 425 p.
          ISBN: 1-58297-547-7, LC: ?, UPC: 9-781582-975474, ISSN: 0897-9790 - Record Labels - cover scans, 782.4213 Son (.F)
          See below for a compact list of all known editions of this book.

Songwriter's Market (all known editions)

  1. 1979 Songwriter's Market - B000JVTF42 (ISBN: 0-911654-58-5, unknown at - {A} -- ed. William Brohaugh - cover scan #1 / #2
          LC: 78-648269, ISSN: 0161-5971
  2. 1980 Songwriter's Market - 0-517-32744-9
  3. 1981 Songwriter's Market - 0-517-37853-1
  4. 1982 Songwriter's Market - 0-517-40887-2
  5. 1983 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-086-7 - {A} -- ed. Barbara Norton Kuroff - cover scan
  6. 1984 Songwriter's Market - 0-517-47429-8 - {A} -- ed. Barbara Norton Kuroff - cover scan
  7. 1985 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-154-5 - {A} -- ed. Rand Ruggeberg - cover scan
  8. 1986 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-201-0 - {A} -- ed. Rand Ruggeberg - cover scan
  9. 1987 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-247-9 - {A} -- ed. Julie Wesling Whaley - cover scan
  10. 1988 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-276-2 - {A} -- ed. Julie Wesling Whaley - cover scan
  11. 1989 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-333-5 - {A} -- ed. Julie Wesling Whaley - cover scan
  12. 1990 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-377-7 - {A} -- ed. Mark Garvey & Katherine Jobst - cover scan
  13. 1991 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-425-0 - {A} -- ed. Mark Garvey & Brian C. Rushing - cover scan
  14. 1992 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-474-9 - {A} -- ed. Brian C. Rushing & Anne M. Bowling - cover scan
  15. 1993 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-581-8 - {A} -- ed. Michael Oxley & Anne M. Bowling - cover scan
  16. 1994 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-610-5 - {A} -- ed. Cindy Laufenberg - cover scan
  17. 1995 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-676-8 - {A} -- ed. Cindy Laufenberg - cover scan
  18. 1996 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-711-X - {A} -- ed. Cindy Laufenberg - cover scan
  19. 1997 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-745-4 - {A} -- ed. Cindy Laufenberg - cover scan
  20. 1998 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-795-0 - {A} -- ed. Cindy Laufenberg - cover scan
  21. 1999 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-853-1 - {A} -- ed. Tara A. Horton - cover scan
  22. 2000 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-914-7 - {A} -- ed. Tara A. Horton - cover scan
  23. 2001 Songwriter's Market - 0-89879-980-5 - {A} -- ed. Ian Bessler - cover scan
  24. 2002 Songwriter's Market - 1-58297-047-5 - {A} -- ed. Ian Bessler - cover scan
  25. 2003 Songwriter's Market - 1-58297-123-4 - {A} -- ed. Ian Bessler - cover scan
  26. 2004 Songwriter's Market - 1-58297-188-9 - {A} -- ed. Ian Bessler - cover scan
  27. 2005 Songwriter's Market - 1-58297-276-1 - {A} -- ed. Ian Bessler & Michael Schweer - cover scan
  28. 2006 Songwriter's Market - 1-58297-398-9 - {A} -- ed. Ian Bessler & Michael Schweer - cover scan
  29. 2007 Songwriter's Market - 1-58297-431-4 - {A} -- ed. Ian Bessler - cover scan
  30. 2008 Songwriter's Market - 1-58297-502-7 - {A} -- ed. Ian Bessler - cover scan
  31. 2009 Songwriter's Market - 1-58297-547-7 - {A} {F} -- ed. Ian Bessler - cover scan
  32. 2010 Songwriter's Market - 1-58297-585-X - {A}, {F} 782.4213 Son (.F) -- ed. Jane Friedman - cover scan
  33. 2011 Songwriter's Market - 1-58297-954-5 - {A} -- ed. Phil Sexton - cover scan
  34. 2012 Songwriter's Market - 1-59963-232-2 - {A} -- ed. Adria Haley - cover scan
  35. 2013 Songwriter's Market - 1-59963-596-8 - {A} -- ed. Roseann Biederman - cover scan
  36. 2014 Songwriter's Market - 1-59963-731-6, ISBN-13: 978-1-59963-731-0 -- ed. James Duncan - cover scan
  37. 2015 Songwriter's Market - 1-59963-842-8, ISBN-13: 978-1-59963-842-3 - {O} -- ed. James Duncan - cover scan
  38. 2016 Songwriter's Market - 1-59963-939-4, ISBN-13: -- ed. Cris Freese & Andrea Williams
  39. 2017 Songwriter's Market

  1. #4eb - Friedman, Jane, Editorial Director & - Alice Pope, Managing Editor   {A} - cover scans
          "2009 Artist's & Graphic Designer's Market"
          Cincinnati, OH: Writer's Digest Books / F+W Media, Inc.
          2008, 570 p., ISBN: 1-58297-545-0, ISBN-13: 978-1-58297-545-0, no LC:, UPC: 9-781582-975450
        Record Labels, p. 431-450, This book has no other music related information.
        Yearly editions do not have separate LC numbers. They are all covered under one LC: 95-640723, ISSN: 1075-0894

  2. #4ec - Bostic, Mary Burzlaff, ed.   {A} - cover scans
          "2012 Artist's & Graphic Designer's Market"
          Cincinnati, OH: North Light Books
          2011, 672 p., ISBN: 1-4403-1418-7, ISBN-13: 978-1-4403-1418-6, no LC, UPC: 9-781440-314186
        This edition has no Record Labels chapter, or any other music related information.

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Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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