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FolkLib Index - Dictionary/Encyclopedia Bibliography
      Complete details in order by author and date

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      This page lists Music Reference Books which cover more than just one genre of music and include "Dictionary" or "Encyclopedia" in their title. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of every book ever published with such a title. It is just a list of every book I own "{A}" or have personally referenced in local Wisconsin libraries.

      New pages split off from my original Bibliography page

{..} = Who owns, or owned, this reference book (see the complete code list in library)

Complete details in order by author and date (top/bottom of page)
| A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M |
| N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z |


  1. #vs - Anderson, E. Ruth.   {A} - cover scans
          "Contemporary American Composers: A Biographical Dictionary, 1st ed."
          Boston, MA: G.K. Hall & Co.
          1976, 513 p., ISBN: 0-8161-1117-0, ISBN-13: 978-0-8161-1117-6, LC: 76-2395, UPC: ?

  2. #vt - Anderson, E. Ruth.   {A}{I} - cover scans
          "Contemporary American Composers: A Biographical Dictionary, 2nd ed."
          Boston, MA: G.K. Hall & Co.
          1982, 582 p., ISBN: 0-8161-8223-X, ISBN-13: 978-0-8161-8223-7, LC: 81-7047, UPC: ?
        Ref ML 390 .A54 1982 (.I)

  3. #pn - ASCAP. "The ASCAP Biographical Dictionary, 1st ed.", 1948 {A}

  4. #po - ASCAP. "The ASCAP Biographical Dictionary, 2nd ed.", 1952 {A}

  5. #pp - ASCAP. "The ASCAP Biographical Dictionary, 3rd ed.", 1966 {A}

  6. #pq - ASCAP. "The ASCAP Biographical Dictionary, 4th ed.", 1980 {A}


  7. #qw - Claghorn, Charles Eugene   {A} - cover scans
          "Biographical Dictionary of American Music"
          West Nyack, NY: Parker Publishing Company, Inc.
          1974, 491 p., ISBN: 0-13-076331-4, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-076331-0, LC: 73-005534, UPC: ? #af 1989, Clarke. "The Penguin Encyclopedia of Popular Music" {A}{AP}


  8. #4ea - Drone, Jeanette Marie   {A} - cover scans
          "Musical AKAs: Assumed Names and Sobriquets of Composers, Songwriters, Librettists, Lyricists, Hymnists and Writers on Music"
          Lanham, MD / Toronto / Plymouth, U.K.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc.
          2007, 645 p., ISBN: 0-8108-5739-1, ISBN-13: 978-0-8108-5739-1, LC: 2006-000542, UPC: 9-780810-857391


  9. #7y - Harrison, Nigel   {A} - cover scans
          "Songwriters: A Biographical Dictionary with Discographies"
          Jefferson, NC / London, U.K.: McFarland & Company, Inc.
          1998, 633 p., ISBN: 0-7864-0542-2, ISBN-13: 978-0-7864-0542-8, LC: 98-11824, UPC: ?


  10. #4bd - Julian, John D.   {A} - cover scans
          "A Dictionary of Hymnology, 2nd ed., Vol. 1" - Wikipedia
          New York, NY: Dover Publications (reprint)
          1957[1907], 876 p., no ISBN, no LC, no UPC

  11. #4be - Julian, John D.   {A} - cover scans
          "A Dictionary of Hymnology, 2nd ed., Vol. 1" - Wikipedia
          New York, NY: Dover Publications (reprint)
          1957[1907], 893 p. (p. 876-1768), no ISBN, no LC, no UPC, ASIN: B002I4J5S4
        "First Edition...January, 1892"
        "Second Revised Edition with New Supplement...June, 1907"
        "This new Dover Edition first published in 1957, is an unabridged and unaltered republication of the Second and last Revised Edition. The original work appeared as one volume but is now bound as two. It is published through special arrangement with John Murray."
        [John Murray was the publisher of the 1st and 2nd editions, B000OCM0FC]
        This pre-1923 Public Domain book has been reprinted several other times, e.g.: 0825429609 (1985), 1270757660 (2011), 1294757814 (2014).


  12. #vv -- TBA
  13. #vw -- TBA
  14. #6v - Murrells, Joseph   {A}{E} - cover scans
          "Million Selling Records from the 1900s to the 1980s: An Illustrated Directory"
          New York, NY: Arco Publishing, Inc.
          1984, 530 p., ISBN: 0-668-06459-5, ISBN-13: 978-0-668-06459-0, LC: 84-24218, no UPC
        R 789 M967m (.E)
        For some reason the beginning pages of this book are not numbered. Counting back from the first page numbered, 14, page 1 is the Cover.
        Unlike most other books I own, this book is organized by artist within the year a recording was released, and not by the A-Z artist's name, so I cannot easily index this book as I am doing for so many other books. See: Indexing Musicians found in books


  15. #kn - Sadie & Bashford. "The New Grove Dictionary of Opera", 1992 {I}

  16. #pe - Sadie. "The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians", 1980   {A}

  17. #xp - Sadie, Stanley   {A} - cover scans
          "The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians: Volume 5: Couraud - Edlund",
          London, U.K.: Macmillan Publishers Limited
          1980, 872 p., ISBN: N/A [individual volumes of this 20 volume set have no separate ISBN or LC], no UPC
          From the content of the single volume I own, these books are restricted to classical and opera related musicians only. See #pe the 20 Volume Set

  18. #ww - Shepherd, John, David Horn, Dave Laing, Paul Oliver & Peter Wicke, ed.   {A} - cover scans
          "Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World: Volume I: Media, Industry and Society"
          London / New York: Continuum
          2003, 800 p., ISBN: 0-8264-6321-5, ISBN-13: 978-0-8264-6321-0, LC: none, UPC: 9-780826-463210

      Nicolas Slonimsky - Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians (Wikipedia) #gr 1978, Slonimsky. "Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, 6th ed."   {A}

  19. #cs 1992, Slonimsky. "Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, 8th ed."   {A}

  20. #kv 1997, Slonimsky, Kuhn & McIntire. "Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Classical Musicians"   {A}


  21. #wx - Thompson, Oscar & Nicolas Slonimsky   {A} - cover scans
          "The International Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians, 4th ed."
          New York, NY: Dodd, Mead & Company
          1946, 2380 p., no ISBN, LC, UPC

  22. #wy - Thompson, Oscar & Nicolas Slonimsky   {A} - cover scans
          "The International Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians, 6th ed."
          New York, NY: Dodd, Mead & Company
          1952, 2385 p., no ISBN, LC, UPC

  23. #wz - Thompson, Oscar & Bruce Bohle   {A} - cover scans
          "The International Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians, 10th ed.",
          New York, NY / Toronto: Dodd, Mead & Company, London: J.M. Dent & Sone Ltd.
          1975, 2511 p., ISBN: 0-396-07005-1, ISBN-13: 978-0-396-07005-4, LC: 74-22214, no UPC

  24. #xa - Thompson, Oscar & Bruce Bohle   {A} - cover scans
          "The International Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians, 11th ed.",
          New York, NY: Dodd, Mead & Company
          1985, 2609 p., ISBN: 0-396-08412-5, ISBN-13: 978-0-396-08412-9, LC: 84-13736, no UPC

All the above books in order by author and date

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P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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