FolkLib Index - Folk Music Bibliography: #A
      Book list in order by date and title

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#A)  General Folk Music Bibliography (selected)
        Book list in order by date and title (and explanation of what this bibliography contains)
#B)     Book list in order by author and date
#C)     Book list in order by book code (#aa, #ab, #ac, etc.)
#D)     Book list in order by title and date
#E)  Complete bibliographical details in order by author and date
#F)     New books added
     Return to Discographies or the FolkLib Index Home Page
        or use the BACK function of your browser

#A) General Folk Music Bibliography (selected) (top / bottom of page)

      This list is limited to books I have actually used in my research, and which are, or will be, cited in one or more of my Music Archives or FolkLib Index discographies and Artist Index Files. Some of these books have been partially indexed, by artist, on the Musician's Birthdays/Bibliography pages. The primary sources of these books are my own collection {A} [670+ books], the Oshkosh and Appleton Public Libraries and the UW Oshkosh Polk Library. All the other "{n}" codes are listed on my Library page.
      With the exception of two books moved to the Single Musician Bibliography page, all other books contain detailed information about more than one musician.
    {C} [104 books] Oshkosh Public Library
    {F} [61 books] Appleton Public Library
    {I} [31 books] UW Oshkosh (Forrest R. Polk) Library

(Book list in order by date and title)

  #cz  1950, "Folksongs on Records: Issue Three", Lumpkin & McNeil
  #il  1950, "Songs to Thee, Wisconsin", UW-Madison

  #dp  1955, "The Encyclopedia of Jazz", Feather

  #hw. 1956, "The American Festival Guide", Coates

  #au  1960, "Folksingers and Folksongs in America", Lawless
  #es  1960, "An Introduction to Folk Music in the United States", Nettl
  #dh  1960, "The New Edition of the Encyclopedia of Jazz", Feather

  #0006. 1961, "The Memoirs of Arthur Shattuck", Shattuck

  #ak. 1962, "Folk Music USA", Grafman & Manning

  #av  1965, "Folksingers and Folksongs in America", Lawless

  #cb  1966, "The Encyclopedia of Jazz in the Sixties", Feather

  #jy. 1967, "The Big Bands", Simon
  #ca  1967, "The Bluesmen: The Story and the Music of the men who made
               the Blues", Charters

  #aw  1968, "Blues Records: 1943 - 1966", Leadbitter & Slaven
  #bb  1968, "Jazz on Record", McCarthy, Morgan, Oliver & Harrison
  #bd  1968, "Something to Sing About!", Okun

  #dr  1970, "African Music on LP: An Annotated Discography", Merriam
  #0001  1970, "Charley Patton", Fahey

  #er  1971, "Country Music Who's Who: 1972", Neese
  #cf  1971, "A Listing of Bluegrass LP's", Haglund & Ohlsson

  #dx  1972, "The Guitar and Mandolin: Biographies of Celebrated
               Players and Composers", Bone

  #ac  1973, "Celebrity Register", Blackwell
  #ek  1973, "The Guitar: An Introduction to the Instrument", Hill

  #at  1974, "The Complete Encyclopedia of Popular Music and
               Jazz 1900-1950", Kinkle
  #bm  1974, "The Country Music Encyclopedia", Shestack
  #co  1974, "The Great American Popular Singers", Pleasants
  #cm  1974, "Rock 'N Roll Woman", Orloff

  #al  1975, "Blues Guitarists", Guitar Player Magazine
  #ex  1975, "Jean Ritchie's Dulcimer People", Ritchie
  #ck  1975, "Stars of Country Music", Malone & McCulloh
  #im  1975?, "The Oshkosh Warriors Drum Corps", unknown

  #cp  1976, "Classic Guitar, Lute and Vihuela Discography", Purcell
  #cl  1976, "The Devil's Music: A History of the Blues", Oakley
  #cc  1976, "The Encyclopedia of Jazz in the Seventies", Feather & Gitler
  #aa  1976, "Folk Music: More Than A Song", Baggelaar & Milton
  #bi. 1976, "The Folk Music Sourcebook", Sandberg & Weissman
  #eb  1976, "Just Country: Country People, Stories, Music", Cornfield
  #eu  1976, "Record Collector's Price Guide", Osborne & Hamilton

  #fd  1977, "Encyclopedia of Pop, Rock & Soul", Stambler
  #ik  1977, "Folk Songs out of Wisconsin", Peters
  #ec  1977, "The Harmony Illustrated Encyclopedia of Country Music", Deller
  #ay  1977, "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Rock", Logan & Woffinden

  #gr  1978, "Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians", Slonimsky
  #cn  1978, "Popular & Rock Records: 1948-1978", Osborne & Hamilton
  #ho  1978, "Record Albums 1948-1978, 2nd ed.", Osborne
  #et  1978, "Rock Almanac: Top Twenty American and British Singles and
               Albums of the '50s, '60s and '70s", Nugent & Gillett

  #an  1979, "Blues Who's Who", Harris
  #hd. 1979, "A Cry From the Earth: Music of the North American Indians",
  #bq  1979, "Grass Roots Music", Tudor & Tudor
  #az  1979, "The Rolling Stone Record Guide", Marsh & Swenson
  #dt  1979, "Top Pop Artists and Singles 1955 - 1978", Whitburn

  #fy. 1980, "Contemporary Music Almanac 1980/81", Zalkind
  #da  1980, "Fingerstyle Guitar", Perlman
  #ap  1980, "The Official Price Guide to Collectible Rock Records",
               Hill & Hudgeons
  #en  1980, "The Record Collector's Handbook", Leibowitz
  #ef  1980, "The Record Collector's International Directory", Felton
  #ep  1980, "The Rock Music Sourcebook", Machen, Fornatale & Ayres

  #ae  1981, "Christgau's Record Guide: Rock Albums of the 70s", Christgau
  #ad  1981, "Folk Song Index", Brunnings
  #hr  1981, "A Guide to Music Festivals in America", Rabin
  #fg  1981, "Index to the New World Recorded Anthology of American Music,
               A User's Guide to the Initial One Hundred Records", Davis
  #hp  1981, "Popular & Rock Price Guide for 45's, 3rd ed.", Osborne
  #ar  1981, "Rock Record", Hounsome & Chambre

  #dc  1982, "Biographical Dictionary of Afro-American and African
               Musicians", Southern
  #fa  1982, "Dictionary of American Pop/Rock", Shaw
  #ce  1982, "The Listeners' Guide to the Blues", Guralnick
  #hq  1982, "Record Albums, 4th ed.", Osborne
  #ao  1982, "The Rock Who's Who", 1st ed., Helander
  #ew  1982, "Show Music on Record for the 1890s to the 1980s", Raymond
  #bp. 1982, "20th Century Masters of Finger-style Guitar", Stropes & Lang
  #hv  1982, "Who's Who in Rock Music, 2nd ed.", York

  #dw  1983, "The Autoharp Book", Blackley
  #ev  1983, "Clawhammer Style Banjo", Perlman
  #bn  1983, "The Encyclopedia of Folk, Country & Western Music", Stambler
               & Landon
  #fi  1983, "The Guitar Player Book", Guitar Player Magazine
  #ax  1983, "The Listener's Guide to Folk Music", Lifton
  #hs  1983, "Minnesota Rocked!! The 1960's: A Discography & Guide to the Music
               & the People of Minnesota from the 1960's, 1st ed.", Tourville
  #el. 1983, "New Rock Record: 2nd Edition", Hounsome
  #ba  1983, "The New Rolling Stone Record Guide", Marsh & Swenson
  #br  1983, "Popular Music, An Annotated Guide to Recordings", Tudor
  #bg  1983, "The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll", Pareles

  #dl  1984, "The Best of Country Music", Morthland
  #ci  1984, "The Big Book of Bluegrass", Kochman
  #do  1984, "Bluegrass Breakdown: The Making of the Old
               Southern Sound", Cantrell
  #ke. 1984, "Cohen on the telephone: A history of Jewish recorded
               humor and popular music, 1892-1942", Corenthal
  #fv  1984, "The Folk Record Source Book", Pohle
  #bz  1984, "Superstars of Rock 2", Busnar

  #bh  1985, "Bluegrass: A History", Rosenberg
  #dq  1985, "The Country Music Book", Mason
  #dm  1985, "Rare Rock: A Collectors' Guide", Rees
  #hu  1985, "Rock & Roll Record Albums" (1985-'86 ed.), Umphred
  #cq  1985, "Sixties Rock: A Listener's Guide", Santelli
  #bu  1985, "Top Pop Albums 1955 - 1985", Whitburn

  #aq  1986, "Artists of American Folk Music", Hood
  #jr. 1986, "Door County Almanak: No 3", Johnson
  #ed  1986, "The Harmony Illustrated Encyclopedia of Country Music", Deller
  #kf. 1986, "The Iconography of Recorded Sound, 1886-1986: A Hundred Years
               of Commercial Entertainment and Collecting Opportunity", Corenthal
  #be  1986, "The New Grove Gospel, Blues and Jazz with Spirituals and
               Ragtime", Oliver

  #jm  1987, "An American Rock History, Vol. 1:
               California (1963-1985)", MacLean & Joynson
  #bv  1987, "The Billboard Book of Top 40 Albums (1/55 - 6/87)", Whitburn
  #ah  1987, "Country Musicians", Eremo
  #js. 1987, "Door County Almanak: No 4", Johnson
  #am  1987, "Encyclopedia of Rock", Hardy & Laing
  #cu  1987, "Here's to the Women: 100 Songs for and about American Women",
               Wenner & Freilicher
  #kc  1987, "Music of Maine", Caldwell
  #fp. 1987, "New Folk Favorites", Schmid
  #cr  1987, "New Sounds: A Listener's Guide to New Music", J. Schaefer
  #fe  1987, "Pop Singles Annual: 1955-1986", Whitburn
  #as  1987, "Rock Record: 3rd Edition", Hounsome

  #di  1988, "The Da Capo Guide to Contemporary African Music", Graham
  #ea  1988, "The Harmony Illustrated Encyclopedia of Rock, 6th ed.", Clifford
  #dj  1988, "The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, Vol. One, A-K", Kernfeld
  #ch  1988, "The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, Vol. Two, L-Z", Kernfeld
  #fb  1988, "Off the Record: An Oral History of Popular Music",
               Smith & Fink

  #bf  1989, "The Blackwell Guide to Blues Records", Oliver
  #cg  1989, "The Cashbox Country Album Charts, 1964-1988", Hoffman & Albert
  #gs  1989, "Encyclopedia of Pop, Rock & Soul", Stambler
  #bj. 1989, "The Folk Music Sourcebook", Sandberg & Weissman
  #bs  1989, "Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Record Albums", Umphred
  #ey  1989, "Irish Folk Music: A Selected Discography", D. Schaefer
  #ab  1989, "The New Age Music Guide", Birosik
  #ai  1989, "New Age Musicians", Eremo
  #af  1989, "The Penguin Encyclopedia of Popular Music, 1st ed.", Clarke
  #cj. 1989, "Rock Movers & Shakers", Lazell
  #ag  1989, "Shake, Rattle & Roll: The Golden Age of American Rock n' Roll,
               Vol. 1, 1952-1955", Cotten
  #df  1989, "That Old Time Rock & Roll: A Chronicle of an Era,
               1954-1963", Aquila
  #cv  1989, "Top Country Singles 1944 - 1988", Whitburn
  #ct  1989, "Who's Who in New Country Music", Vaughan

  #bo  1990, "African Rock: The Pop Music of a Continent", Stapleton & May
  #jn  1990, "An American Rock History, Vol. 2:
               Texas, Arizona and New Mexico (1960-1989)", MacLean & Joynson
  #by. 1990, "Bluegrass LP Issues 1957-1990", Boothroyd
  #bc  1990, "Blues Guitar - The Men Who Made the Music", Obrecht
  #dz  1990, "Christgau's Record Guide: The '80s", Christgau
  #dd  1990, "Goldmine's Rock'n Roll 45RPM Record Price Guide", Umphred
  #ff  1990, "Rock Lives: Profiles & Interviews", White
#dk  1990, "Where is the Way: Song and Struggle in South Africa", Kwnick

  #bw. 1991, "The Billboard Book of Top 40 Albums (1/55 - 6/90)", Whitburn
  #bl  1991, "The Down Home Guide to the Blues", Scott
  #bt  1991, "Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Record Albums", Umphred
  #eg. 1991, "Guinness British Hit Singles", Gambaccini, Rice & Rice
  #ir. 1991, "The Illustrated History of Wisconsin Music", Corenthal
  #ej. 1991, "The New Folk Music", Harris
  #eh  1991, "The Oxford Companion to Popular Music", Gammond
  #db  1991, "Rock Movers and Shakers", Rees & Crampton
  #bx  1991, "Rythm Oil: A Journey through the music of the
               American South", Booth
  #ei  1991, "Soul Music A-Z", Gregory
  #eo  1991, "That Half-Barbaric Twang: The Banjo in American
               Popular Culture", Linn
  #cw  1991, "Top Pop Singles 1955 - 1990", Whitburn
  #ds  1991, "The Virgin Directory of World Music", Sweeney
  #kx. 1991, "Who's Who in Rock & Roll", Tobler

  #cx. 1992, "All Music Guide, 1st ed.", Erlewine
  #jo. 1992, "An American Rock History, Vol. 3:
               Chicago and Illinois (1960-1992)", MacLean & Joynson
  #cs  1992, "Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, 8th ed.", Slonimsky
  #fj  1992, "The Best Rock-and-Roll Records of All Time: A Fan's
               Guide to the Stuff You Love", Guterman
  #fx. 1992, "The Billboard Book of American Singing Groups:
               A History 1940-1990", Warner
  #eq  1992, "Country Music Stars: The Legends and the New Breed",
               McCall, Hoekstra & Williams
  #cy  1992, "Encyclopedia of the Blues", Herzhaft
  #dn  1992, "Goldmine's Price Guide to Collectible Jazz Albums,
               1949-1969", Umphred
  #de  1992, "Goldmine's Rock'n Roll 45RPM Record Price Guide,
               2nd Edition", Umphred
  #em  1992, "The Guinness Encyclopedia of Popular Music, 1st ed.", Larkin
  #xz  1992, "The Harmony Illustrated Encyclopedia of Rock, 7th ed.", Clifford
  #jh. 1992, "Lost and Found, Vol. 1 (Iowa and Minnesota)", Oldsberg, Prellberg & Bulinski
  #ee  1992, "American Premium Record Guide 1900-1965, 4th ed.", Docks
  #jd  1992, "A Passion for Polka: Old-Time Ethnic Music in America", Greene
  #kl. 1992, "Polka Happiness", Keil & Keil
  #dg. 1992, "The Rolling Stone Album Guide", DeCurtis
  #jb. 1992, "Savage Lost: Florida Garage Bands", Lemlich
  #cd  1992, "She's a Rebel: The History of Women in Rock & Roll", Gaar
  #ht  1992, "They Couldn't Tame Us: The Wisconsin 60's Rock Discography",
  #ez. 1992, "The Ultimate Guide to Independent Record Artists
               and Labels", Schreiber

  #fc. 1993, "The Best of the Blues: The Essential CD Guide", St. Pierre
  #gh. 1993, "The Big Book of Blues: A Biographical Encyclopedia", Santelli
  #dv. 1993, "The Country Music Almanac", Biracree
  #dy  1993, "Finding Her Voice: The Saga of Women in Country Music",
               Bufwack & Oermann
  #du. 1993, "Grass Roots International Folk Resource Directory", Berman
  #gd  1993, "Grove Press: Guide to the Blues on CD", Hadley
  #ji. 1993, "Lost and Found, Vol. 2 (Minnesota and Wisconsin)", Oldsberg, Prellberg & Halfpap
  #ft. 1993, "The New Country Music Encyclopedia", Richards & Shestack
  #go  1993, "New Country: Today's Brightest Stars", Marschall
  #hn  1993, "Recording Industry Sourcebook", Fuchs
  #fr  1993, "Who's Who in Country Music", Gregory
  #hf  1993, "The World of Blues", Harrison

  #fh. 1994, "All Music Guide, 2nd ed.", Erlewine
  #jp. 1994, "An American Rock History, Vol. 4:
               Indiana, Iowa and Missouri (1960-1993)", MacLean & Joynson
  #fl. 1994, "The Comprehensive Country Music Encyclopedia",
               Country Music Magazine
  #ha. 1994, "Do You Hear That Beat: Wisconsin Pop/Rock in the 50's & 60's", Myers
  #in. 1994, "Farmhouse Fiddlers: Music & Dance Traditions
               in the Rural Midwest", Martin
  #gb  1994, "High Definition Compact Disc Recordings: Sound Quality Evaluations
               of over 1400 of the Most Technically Excellent Digital
               Recordings", Ferstler
  #jj. 1994, "Lost and Found, Vol. 3 (Illinois and Minnesota)", Oldsberg, Prellberg, Erwin & Markesich
  #ia. 1994, "Music Address Book", Levine
  #ib. 1994, "The New Book of Rock Lists", Marsh & Bernard
  #fn. 1994, "Stars of Soul and Rhythm & Blues", Hildebrand
  #iq. 1994, "Wisconsin Music: An Annotated Bibliography", Sundell
  #fk. 1994, "Rough Guide to World Music", Broughton

  #gk  1995, "All Music Guide to Rock, 1st ed.", Erlewine
  #fz  1995, "The Big Book of Country Music, A Biographical Encyclopedia", Carlin
  #hi  1995, "Bluegrass: An Informal Guide", Smith
  #hj. 1995, "Bluegrass Music Festivals: 1996 Guide for U.S.
               and Canada", Stepaniak
  #gf. 1995, "Country Music What's What", Millard
  #fu. 1995, "Definitive Country: The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Country Music
               and Its Performers", McCloud
  #hk. 1995, "Folk & Traditional Music Festivals: 1996 Guide for U.S.
               and Canada", Stepaniak
  #jk  1995?, "Lost and Found, Vol. 4 (North Dakota)", Oldsberg, Prellberg & ?
  #gg. 1995, "The 1996 Information Please Entertainment Almanac", Moses & Rowen
  #fo. 1995, "The New Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll", Romanowski
  #fs. 1995, "The Official Price Guide to Records", Osborne
  #gw. 1995, "Songwriting and the Creative Process: Suggestions
               and starting points for songwriters", Gillette

  #jl  1996?, "Lost and Found, Vol. 5 (Northern Minnesota)", Oldsberg, Prellberg & ?
  #ig. 1996, "The 1997 A&E Entertainment Almanac", Moses
  #ga. 1996, "All Music Guide to the Blues, 1st ed.", Erlewine
  #hh. 1996, "America's Music: The Roots of Country", Oermann
  #if  1996, "Blueswomen", Bourgeois
  #jf. 1996, "Capitol Rock", Opsasnick
  #id. 1996, "Encyclopedia of Rock Stars", Rees & Crampton
  #gn  1996, "Goldmine Country Western Record & CD Price Guide", Heggeness
  #ie. 1996, "Goldmine Price Guide to Collectible Record Albums, 5th ed."
  #ic. 1996, "Goldmine Price Guide to 45 RPM Records", Neely
  #fw. 1996, "The Great Rock Discography", Strong
  #gu. 1996, "Music Festivals from Bach to Blues", Clynes
  #jv. 1996, "Texan Jazz", Oliphant

  #fm. 1997, "All Music Guide, 3rd ed.", Erlewine
  #gj. 1997, "All Music Guide to Country, 1st ed.", Erlewine
  #gl. 1997, "All Music Guide to Rock, 2nd ed.", Erlewine
  #gi. 1997, "The Best of the Blues", Santelli
  #hc. 1997, "Here to Stay: Rock and Roll through the '70s", G. Schaefer
  #ge. 1997, "MusicHound Country: The Essential Album Guide", Mansfield & Graff
  #gc. 1997, "Native American Music Directory", Gombert
  #hz. 1997, "North American Indian Music: A Guide to Published
               Sources and Selected Recordings", Keeling
  #gy. 1997, "1997 Kerrville Touring Directory for Singer Songwriters and other
               Acoustic Artists", Leblanc & Young
  #gp. 1997, "1997-1998 Acoustic Venue Directory", Puddlestomp Records
  #ih. 1997, "The 1998 A&E Entertainment Almanac", Rowen

  #gv. 1998, "All Music Guide to Jazz, 3rd ed.", Erlewine
  #kd. 1998, "Baseball on Record", Corenthal
  #gt. 1998, "Blues For Dummies", Brooks, Koda & Brooks
  #0002. 1998, "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right: Bob Dylan,
               the Early Years" (1961-1969), Gill
  #hg  1998, "The Encyclopedia of Country Music: The Ultimate Guide
               to the Music", Kingsbury
  #io. 1998, "The Great Rock Discography", Strong
  #hm. 1998, "The International Guide to New Age Music", Werkhoven
  #gx. 1998, "Modern Twang: An Alternative Country Music Guide & Directory", Goodman
  #hb. 1998, "MusicHound Blues: The Essential Album Guide", Rucker
  #fq. 1998, "MusicHound Folk: The Essential Album Guide", Walters & Mansfield
  #hy. 1998, "MusicHound Jazz: The Essential Album Guide", Holtje & Lee
  #la. 1998, "MusicHound Lounge: The Essential Album Guide to Martini Music and Easy Listening", Knopper
  #lb. 1998, "MusicHound R&B: The Essential Album Guide", Graff, Freedom du Lac & McFarlin
  #is. 1998, "No Depression", Alden & Blackstock
  #hl. 1998, "Unknown Legends of Rock 'n' Roll", Unterberger
  #ld. 1998, "VideoHound's Soundtracks: Music from the movies, broadway and television", Deutsch
  #gz. 1998, "1998 Kerrville Touring Directory for Singer Songwriters and other
               Acoustic Artists", Leblanc
  #gq. 1998, "1998-1999 Acoustic Venue Directory", Puddlestomp Records

  #gm  1999, "All Music Guide to the Blues, 2nd ed.", Erlewine
  #jw. 1999, "Bluegrass Bios: Profiles of the Stars of Bluegrass Music", Rice
  #hx. 1999, "Bluegrass Yearbook: Your Favorite Bluegrass Festival Performers",
  #ij. 1999, "The Encyclopedia of Rock Obituaries", Talevski
  #it. 1999, "Modern Twang", Goodman
  #lc. 1999, "MusicHound Rock: The Essential Album Guide, 2nd ed.", Graff & Durchholz
  #le. 1999, "MusicHound Swing: The Essential Album Guide", Knopper
  #iz. 1999, "The Rolling Stone Jazz & Blues Album Guide", Swenson
  #kh. 1999, "Workin' Man Blues: Country Music in California", Haslam

  #jq. 2000, "An American Rock History, Vol. 5:
               Minnesota and Wisconsin (1960-1997)", MacLean & Joynson
  #ix. 2000, "The Essential Klezmer", Rogovoy
  #ju. 2000, "Goldmine Jazz Album Price Guide", Neely
  #lf. 2000, "MusicHound World: The Essential Album Guide", McGovern
  #kj. 2000, "Texas Music", Koster

  #ii. 2001, "The Big Book of Blues: A Biographical Encyclopedia", Santelli
  #iy. 2001, "Folk and Blues: The Encyclopedia, 3rd ed.", Stambler & Stambler
  #jz. 2001, "The Indie Bible, 3rd ed.", Wimble
  #iw. 2001, "Jews Who Rock", Oseary
  #0003. 2001, "Labor's Troubadour", Glazer
  #km. 2001, "The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians", Sadie & Tyrrell
  #iu. 2001, "The 100 Greatest Albums in Christian Music", Granger

  #jx. 2002, "Bluegrass Bios: Profiles of the Stars of Bluegrass Music", Rice
  #ja. 2002, "Children of the Blues", Tipaldi
  #jg. 2002, "Country Music, U.S.A., 2nd Rev. ed.", Malone
  #jc. 2002, "The Expert Encyclopedia of Recording", Clark
  #kg. 2002, "The Illustrated History of Recorded Sound", Corenthal
  #ky. 2002, "The Indie Bible, 4th ed.", Wimble
  #ki. 2002, "Louisiana Music", Koster
  #ip. 2002, "MusicHound Blues: The Essential Album Guide", Rucker & Schuller

  #iv. 2003, "Famous Wisconsin Musicians", Masino
  #kk. 2003, "The Handbook of Texas Music", Barkley
  #ka. 2003, "The Indie Bible, 5th ed.", Wimble
  #0004. 2003, "A Life in The Music", Sidran
  #je. 2003, "Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy", Masino

  #jt. 2004, "Homegrown Music: Discovering Bluegrass", Ledgin
  #kb. 2004, "The Indie Bible, 6th ed.", Wimble

  #0005. 2005, "Bunny Berigan: Elusive Legend of Jazz", Dupuis
  #kz. 2005, "The Indie Bible, 7th ed.", Wimble

  #kw. 2006, "On That Wisconsin Beat:
               More Wisconsin Pop/Rock/Soul/Country in the 50's & 60's", Myers

#F)   New books added

#8k, #8l, #8m, #8n, #8o, #8p, #8q, #8r, #8s, #8t, #8u, #8v, #8w, #8x, #8y, #8z, #9a,
05-02-2024: title?(#8a) and Third Ear: Alternative Rock(#8b), Celtic(#8c), Classical(#8d), Funk(#8e) and Reggae(#8f) -- all {A} -- got assigned numbers but were never added to any of my Bibliography pages. I cannot add them now.
#8g, #8h, #8i, #010 #8j
#7q, #7r, #7s, #7t, #7u, #7v, #7w, #7x, #7y, #7z
#7g, #7h, #7i, #7j, #7k, #7l, #7m, #7n, #7o, #7p
#6w, #6x, #6y, #6z, #7a, #7b, #7c, #7d, #7e, #7f
#6m, #6n, #6o, #6p, #6q, #6r, #6s, #6t, #6u, #6v
#6c, #6d, #6e, #6f, #6g, #6h, #6i, #6j, #6k, #6l
#3s, #3t, #3u, #3v, #3w, #3x, #3y, #3z, #6a, #6b
#3i, #3j, #3k, #3l, #3m, #3n, #3o, #3p, #3q, #3r
#2y, #2z, #3a, #3b, #3c, #3d, #3e, #3f, #3g, #3h
#2o, #2p, #2q, #2r, #2s, #2t, #2u, #2v, #2w, #2x
#2e, #2f, #2g, #2h, #2i, #2j, #2k, #2l, #2m, #2n
#1u, #1v, #1w, #1x, #1y, #1z, #2a, #2b, #2c, #2d
#1k, #1l, #1m, #1n, #1o, #1p, #1q, #1r, #1s, #1t
#1a, #1b, #1c, #1d, #1e, #1f, #1g, #1h, #1i, #1j

      01-01-2016 - I have stopped keeping track of dates each book was added. Some of the links on this page do not work because I assigned book codes but have not added some of them to any of my bibliographic pages yet.
#zp, #zq, #zr, #zs, #zt, #zu, #zv, #zw, #zx, #zy, #zz
10-01-2015 #zf, #zg, #zh, #zi, #zj, #zk, #zl, #zm, #zn, #zo
09-16-2015 #yv, #yw, #yx, #yy, #yz, #za, #zb, #zc, #zd, #ze
04-06-2015 #yl, #ym, #yn, #yo, #yp, #yq, #yr, #ys, #yt, #yu
09-10-2014 #yb, #yc, #yd, #ye, #yf, #yg, #yh, #yi, #yj, #yk
09-06-2014 #xr, #xs, #xt, #xu, #xv, #xw, #xx, #xy, #xz, #ya
05-02-2014 #xh, #9an, #9ao, #xi, #xj, #xk, #xl, #xm, #xn, #xo, #xp, #xq
04-16-2014 #xb, #xc, #xd, #xe, #xf, #xg
04-09-2014 #wq, #wr, #ws, #wt, #wu, #wv, #ww, #wx, #wy, #wz, #xa
04-01-2014 #9aa, #9ab, #9ac, #9ad, #9ae, #9af, #9ag, #9ah, #9ai, #9aj, #9ak, #9al, #9am
03-10-2014 #wg, #wh, #wi, #wj, #wk, #wl, #wm, #wn, #wo, #wp
02-17-2014 #vr, #vs, #vt, #vu, #vv, #vw, #vx, #vy, #vz, #wa, #wb, #wc, #wd, #we, #wf
02-21-2014 #vq
02-10-2014 #vm, #vn, #vo, #vp
02-02-2014 #vb, #vc, #vd, #ve, #vf, #vg, #vh, #vi, #vj, #vk, #vl
01-31-2014 #ux, #uv, #uz, #va
12-12-2013 #ur, #us, #ut, #uu, #uv, #uw
11-23-2013 #ul, #um, #un, #uo, #up, #uq
10-04-2013 #uk
06-29-2013 #ue, #uf, #ug, #uh, #ui, #uj
06-24-2013 #tx, #ty, #tz, #ua, #ub, #uc, #ud
06-19-2013 #tp, #tq, #tr, #ts, #tt, #tu, #tv, #tw
06-10-2013 #tj, #tk, #tl, #tm, #tn, #to
06-06-2013 #sv, #sw, #sx, #sy, #sz 03-20-3013 #ta, #tb, #tc, #td, #te, #tf, #tg, #th, #ti
#sq, #sr, #ss, #st, #su, #su
10-30-2012 #sk, #sl, #sm, #sn, #so, #sp
10-26-2012 #sa, #sb, #sc, #sd, #se, #sf, #sg, #sh, #si, #sj #ro, #rp, #rq, #rr, #rs, #rt, #ru, #rv, #rw, #rx, #ry, #rz
10-12-2012 #rd, #re, #rf, #rg, #rh, #ri, #rj, #rk, #rl, #rm, #rn
09-29-2012 #qx, #qy, #qz, #ra, #rb, #rc
09-28-2012 #qk, #ql, #qm, #qn, #qo, #qp, #qq, #qr, #qs, #qt, #qu, #qv, #qw
09-07-2012 #qh, #qi, #qj
03-19-2012 #qg
02-15-2012 #0009
12-08-2011 #qd,
07-23-2011 #px, #py, #pz, #qa, #qb, #qc #pu, #pv, #pw,
04-18-2011 #pr, #ps, #pt
03-12-2011 #pn, #po, #pp, #pq
01-23-2011 #pf, #pg, #ph, #pi, #pj, #pk, #pl, #pm
01-22-2011 #pb, #pc, #pd, #pe,
01-21-2011 #ol, #om, #on, #oo, #op, #oq, #or, #os, #ot, #ou
01-20-2011 #ob, #oc, #od, #oe, #of, #og, #oh, #oi, #oj, #ok
01-19-2011 #nr, #ns, #nt, #nu, #nv, #ny, #nw, #nx,
01-05-2011 #nb, #nc, #nd, #ne, #nf, #ng, #nh, #ni, #nj, #nk, #nl, #nm, #nn, #no, #np, #nq
12-03-2010 #mu, #mv, #mw, #mx, #my, #mz, #na
11-29-2010 #mo, #mp, #mq, #mr, #ms, #mt
11-26-2010 #ml, #mm, #mn
11-23-2010 #mg, #mh, #mi, #mj, #mk
11-22-2010 #md, #me, #mf
11-21-2010 #lx, #ly, #lz, #ma, #mb, #mc
11-20-2010 #lg, #lh, #li, #lj, #lk, #ll, #lm, #ln, #lo, #lp, #lq, #lr, #ls, #lt, #lu, #lv, #lw
    The above books have not yet been added to the other pages which list books by date and title (top of this page), by title and date, or by book code. However, all the above "New books added" are on the by author and date (short list) page.

05-24-2009 #lc, #ld, #le, #lf
05-23-2009 #ky, #kz, #la, #lb
05-22-2009 #kx
06-30-2008 #kw
10-24-2007 #kn, #ko, #kp, #kq, #kr, #ks, #kt, #ku, #kv
10-18-2007 #km
03-16-2007 #0007, #0008
06-24-2005 #0006, #kd, #ke, #kf, #kg, #kh, #ki, #kj, #kk, #kl
06-02-2005 #0005
03-12-2005 #kc
02-11-2005 #jr, #js, #jt, #ju, #jv, #jw, #jx, #jy, #jz, #ka, #kb
01-13-2005 #jh, #ji, #jj, #jk, #jl, #jm, #jn, #jo, #jp, #jq
10-19-2004 #0003, #0004
04-25-2004 #jg
01-07-2004 #jc, #jd, #je, #jf
05-04-2003 #jb
02-02-2003 #is, #it, #iu, #iv, #iw, #ix, #iy, #iz, #ja
11-17-2002 #ir
10-27-2002 #iq
10-20-2002 #io, #ip
01-27-2002 #in
06-03-2001 #ik, #il, #im
05-27-2001 #if, #ig, #ih, #ii, #ij
07-18-1999 #hw, #hx, #hy, #hz, #ia, #ib, #ic, #id, #ie
07-05-1999 #hn, #ho, #hp, #hq, #hr, #hs, #ht, #hu, #hv
04-25-1999 #hd, #0002, #hf, #hg, #hh, #hi, #hj, #hk, #hl, #hm
04-18-1999 #gt, #gu, #gv, #gw, #gx, #gy, #gz, #ha, #hb, #hc
04-11-1999 #gj, #gk, #gl, #gm, #gn, #go, #gp, #gq, #gr, #gs
04-04-1999: #fz, #ga, #gb, #gc, #gd, #ge, #gf, #gg, #gh, #gi
03-28-1999: #fr, #fs, #ft, #fu, #fv, #fw, #fx, #fy
01-03-1999: #fq
07-26-1998: #fp
03-15-1998: #fk, #fl, #fm, #fn, #fo
08-03-1997: #fg, #fh, #fi, #fj

Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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