FolkLib Index - Simply Folk Discography
      (in Madison, WI)

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Albums issued by Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR)
Past and present "Simply Folk" Hosts:
   Becca Pulliam (1-??-1979 - date?)
   Tom Martin-Erickson (1-??-1979 - date?) (9-04-2005 - 200?)
   Judy Woodward (Judy Rose) (date? - 8-28-2005)
   Stephanie Elkins (200? - 8-21-2016)
   Dan Robinson (8-21-2016 - date)

#A)  Summary Discography
#B)  Full Discography
#C)  Sources
#D)  "Simply Folk" program information
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#A)  Summary Discography  (top/bottom of page)

    t = Complete list of track titles appears in the Full Discography
         p.# = Schwann listing page number

   Solo Albums

#01)t 1984   Simply Christmas                      Wis. Public Radio      -
      by Scott Alarik

   Various Artists Collections

#02)t 1982   A Simply Folk Sampler                 Wis. Public Radio  41061
#03)t 1990   Simply Folk Sampler 2                 Wis. Public Radio   2240

#B)  Full Discography  (top/bottom of page)

[number] = Actual albums I have seen
"Owners" = Who owns, or owned, the album I saw
              (see the complete code list in library)
         i = instrumental
         n = narrative

Summary Discography  (top/bottom of page)                            Owners
----------Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR)                               ------

#01)  1984   Simply Christmas [LP: no catalog number]                {A}{C}
---             by Scott Alarik
---             Produced by Scott Alarik, Marv Nonn and Tom Martin-Erickson
---                for the WPR Association
---          (track times are not listed on the LP) - UPC: none
#01.  A1    :    Caroling Child
#01.  A2    :    Away in a Manger
#01.  A3    :    Curoo, Curoo
#01.  A4    :    Old Scrub Pine
#01.  A5    :    What Child Is This
#01.  B1    :    Coulter's Candy
#01.  B2    :    This Christmas Day
#01.  B3    :    Coventry Carol
#01.  B4    :    Cherry Tree Carol, The
#01.  B5    :    Thanksgiving Eve
#01.  B6    :    Silent Night

Summary Discography  (top/bottom of page)                            Owners
#02)  1982   A Simply Folk Sampler       [LP: 41061]                 {A}{C}
---   1990   Simply Folk Sampler, Vol. 1 [CS: no catalog #]             {A}
---             UPC: none
#02.  A1    :    Up In Wisconsin                 Lou & Peter Berryman
#02.  A2    :    Prairie Life                    Northern Light
#02.  A3    :    Pinery Boy                      Art Thieme
#02.  A4    :    I Wish I Had Someone to Love Me Sally Rogers,
---                                                Claudia Schmidt
#02.  A5 i  :    Old Joe Hardly The Beggarman    Hardly Brothers
#02.  B1    :    Santy Anno                      Gilmour Brothers [sic]
---                                    should be Gilmour Bros.
#02.  B2    :    Broom of the Cowdenknowes       Dan Keding, Roxanne Neat
#02.  B3    :    Star of the County Down         Wild Oats
#02.  B4    :    I'm a Little Cookie             Larry Penn
#02.  B5    :    Miles to Go                     Jan Marra, w/ Bob Douglas,
---                                                Peter Ostroushko
#02.  B6 i  :   "Simply Folk" Theme              Bruce Burnside

Summary Discography  (top/bottom of page)                            Owners
#03)  1990   Simply Folk Sampler 2 (CS: #?)
#03                                [CD: 2240-CD]                        {A}
---             Produced by Marv Nonn and Tom Martin-Erickson
---          Recorded during the 10th Anniversary concert tour
---          (track times are not listed on the CD or Cassette, those shown
---           are by the CD Wizzard player program on my COMPAQ Deskpro)
---             UPC: none
#03.   1   3:40  Forward Hey                     Lou & Peter Berryman
#03.   2   3:41  River Song, The                 Northern Light
#03.   3 n 1:54  Reincarnation                   Robbie Clement
#03.   4   2:53  Gettin' In The Cows             Robbie Clement
#03.   5   2:42  Cold Pizza For Breakfast        Girl's Night Out
#03.   6   3:11  Lizzie Lindsay                  Tom Dahill
#03.   7 i 2:38  Kringeller Fran Siljansnas      Wiscandia
#03.   8   3:50  Rocking Trout Commercial        Clay Riness
#03.   9 i 3:49  June Apple                      Lost Nation String Band
#03.  10   3:08  By and By                       Art Thieme
#03.  11   3:34  Scots Wha Hae                   The Jacobeats
#03.  12   3:52  Seattle's Song                  Warren Nelson and
---                                                Lost Nation String Band
#03.  13 i 1:44  Flute Song                      Michael Jones
#03.  14   3:46  Starlight On The Rails          Skip Jones, Analee Scully
#03.  15   4:38  Run, Kate Shelly, Run           Larry Penn
#03.  16 i 4:27  Hogeye / Bull At The Wagon /    Rattletrap String Band
---                                  Shady Grove
#03.  17   3:57  Ten Year Two Step *             Tom Clinton-McCausland,
---                                                Bruce O'Brien
                 * aka "Simply Folk's Happy 10th Anniversary Song"

#C)  Sources  (top/bottom of page)

     From the LP liner notes of #01: other Scott Alarik albums are
available from:

     Swallowtail Records
     P.O. Box 843
     Ithaca, NY 14851

#02 (CS) and #03 (CS/CD) are available from WPR:

     Wisconsin Public Radio    Please mention "Simply Folk" when ordering
     The Radio Store           ANYTHING from The Radio Store.
     P.O. Box 5006
     Madison, WI, 53705-5006
     (800) 747-7444

     (800) 383-9772 - to order a copy of the Radio Store catalog
                      8:00 am - 4:20 pm  (U.S. Central Time)

#D)  "Simply Folk" program information  (top/bottom of page)

Broadcast Statewide:  Sunday  5:00 pm - 8:00 pm  (Wisconsin Public Radio)

     WLFM  91.1  Appleton (Lawrence Univ.)
     WUEC  89.7  Eau Claire
     WPNE  89.3  Green Bay
     WGBW  91.5  Green Bay (UW-Green Bay)
     WHHI  91.3  Highland
     WHLA  90.3  La Crosse
     WERN  88.7  Madison
     WHWC  88.3  Menomonie
     WHAD  90.7  Milwaukee
     WVSS  90.7  Menomonie
     WHBM  90.3  Park Falls
     WHSA  89.9  Superior, Ashland, Brule
     KUWS  91.3  Superior (UW-Superior)
     WHRM  90.9  Wausau

(AM)  WHA  970   Madison
(AM) WLBL  930   Stevens Point

      "Simply Folk" - hosted by Tom Martin-Erickson
          821 University Ave.
          Madison, WI 53706-1497
          (608) 263-8162 weekday mornings

      (800) 654-FOLK  Calendar of WI, IL and MN Folk Music events, updated
    Madison 265-4073     every Monday (or Tuesday, if Monday is a Holiday)

Known links to this page:

Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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