Selection by Label Name A-Z
--- What's New?
All Labelographies at this site
Labelography defined: - What is a Labelography?
Purposes/Goals of
this set of 31 pages:
--- 272 different record companies /
1) Show every variety of 78/LP/45 label used by a
Wisconsin based record company in my own extensive multi-genre
collection of recordings by Wisconsin artists and groups.
2) Show every variety of 78/LP/45 label used by
Wisconsin musicians,
whether they recorded on a Wisconsin label or not.
2a) A "Wisconsin musician" is defined on this Web site as one who
lived in Wisconsin at one time in their life, regardless of where they
lived at the time of the recording.
3) Clicking the link (if there is one) for the label company name
shown below each scan goes to the label discography created here. This
makes these pages a "Pictorial Index" to those discographies. The
ultimate goal is to create a label discography to match every scan shown
What is not here:
78/LP/45 labels usually use the same general format for many
different released titles. As every CD cover, Cassette J-Card, 8-Track
stick-on-label, VHS box, and DVD case is unique for every title, those
formats are not included on these pages.
Still a Work in Progress ... As I have time, I plan to add here scans of every different label in my collection. Due to my scanner, each scan is an involved process. The following page has absolutely nothing to do with music. It is just the laborious process required for each new scan: How to rotate and crop label scans .
* = Non-Wisconsin label which released at least one recording by a
Wisconsin musician
(nn/nn) = the number of record companies on this page / number of scans on
this page. For Dialup users, the page loading may take awhile.
| | (--/30) | Unknown Label Names / Self Released? / Self Produced? --- Unique? |
| A
| A&M*
| ABC-Paramount*
| Ad Presents*
| Age of Aquarius
| Airkraftian
| Ajax*
| Aleatoric*
| American (Cuca)
| American Artists*
| American Investment
| American Melody*
| Appleton
| Arista*
| Atlantic Jazzlore*
| Audem*
| Audio Phonic
| Audiophile
| Audiotek*
| AVI*
| B
| Balloon
| Bananas
| Bear Creek
| Beer City
| Bel-Aire*
| Birdie
| Blackhole
| Blarney
| Blue Baby
| Blue Eagle
| Blue Ridge
| Boat
| Bojo
| Breezeway
| Briar*
| Bright
| Bulge
| Buzdum
| C
| Cadet
| Cap*
| Capitol*
| Capricorn*
| Castalia
| Castle
| Chalet*
| Citation
| Collector*
| Columbia*
| Continental
| Cornbelt
| Coulee
| Count
| Couth Youth
| Crusada
| Cuca
| D
| Dali*
| Dare*
| Decca*
| Demo
| Design (Pickwick)*
| Domino
| Don-Joe Polkas*
| Dot*
| Double Eagle
| Draeger
| Dunhill*
| Dyno
| E
| Edelweiss
| End of the Trail
| Energy*
| Enjoy*
| Epic*
| Epicenter
| Ermine
| Excel
| F
| Fantasy*
| Fiddle Sticks
| Fidelity Sound*
| Fiends Club
| Fire
| Flame
| Flying Fish*
| Folk-Legacy*
| Folkways*
| Forester George
| Fortune*
| Fossil
| Fox River
| Freckle*
| G
| Gibbs
| GNP Crescendo*
| Gold
| Greenhays*
| GRT*
| H
| Hal Leonard
| Happy Time
| HG
| Hi*
| Hindsight*
| HLF*
| Homegrown
| Homestead
| Hopewell*
| I
| Icebergg
| Insight*
| Intrepid*
| I.R.S.*
| Island Exchange
| J
| Jack Rabbit*
| Jaro*
| Jay Jay*
| JBM Sound
| Jewel*
| Jocur
| Johnny Dollar*
| Jolly Dutchman (Cuca)
| June Appal*
| Just Think
| K
| Kama Sutra*
| Kandy
| Kapp*
| Key
| Kick-Off
| King (Gusto)*
| KL
| Kovac
| L
| Lawrence U.
| LB (Blue Eagle)
| Leaf
| Le Ron
| Lilyfern
| Lindy
| Lombardi
| Long
| Love Day
| M
| Makin' Jam
| Mammoth
| Maple Twig
| MCA*
| MCA Coral*
| Mean Mountain
| Mega*
| Mercury*
| Mercury Wing*
| Metro (MGM)*
| MGM*
| Michaels
| Michigan Archives*
| Midget*
| Modern*
| Mono
| Moo Town
| Mountain Railroad
| N
| Nas Drovia*
| Nationwide*
| New (N.E.W. or NEW)
| New Phoenix
| North Star Appli. (NSA)
| North Star
| Northland
| Norton*
| Nuggett*
| O
| Old Homestead*
| Old Tyme Jamboree*
| Olivia*
| P
| P.D.B.
| Pacific Cascade*
| Page
| Pageant
| Pal.
| Pathways of Sound*
| Pentagon
| Pfau
| Philips (Mercury)*
| Pickwick/33 (Capitol)*
| Pickwick/33 (Dot)*
| Plowboy
| Polka King (Radiant)
| Polkaland
| Polka-Time
| Polkatime
| Pop
| Q
| Quill*
| R
| Racon
| Rainbow
| Ramblin' (Rounder)*
| Raven
| Raynard
| RCA Camden*
| RCA Victor*
| Red House*
| Reflection
| Reflector
| Reprise*
| Rerun
| Ribbit
| Rollo
| Rounder*
| Royal American*
| Rusty Rose
| RY
| S
| Sandy*
| Sandy Hook*
| Sara (Cuca)
| Scepter*
| Second Wave*
| Slash*
| Soda Jerk*
| Soma*
| Soul*
| Spectacular
| Spin
| Spruce Tree
| Squeezebox
| Stacy*
| Star Light
| Studio Sound
| Sunblind
| Sunnyvale*
| SuperSonic Refrige*
| Swing Rock
| T
| Tangent
| Target
| Teen Town
| Tee Pee
| Tevar*
| Thrushwood*
| TK*
| Tomorrow River
| Tool Room
| Tornado*
| Touch and Go*
| Toward*
| Trade Wind
| Train on the Island*
| Transaction
| Traveler
| Trick Knee
| TRX*
| Turtle Creek*
| U
| United Artists*
| Universal City*
| UW-Madison
| V
| V*
| Valley
| Vera
| Verve*
| VM
| Vocalion*
| W
| Warner Bros.*
| Weary Wolf
| Wheatland*
| Willow
| Win-Mil
| Window
| Windspirit
| Wisconsin Folklife Center
| Wisconsin Power & Light Co.
| Wisconsin Polka Tunes (Northland)
| Wisconsin Public Radio
| Wolf River
| Wright
| X
| Y
| Yesterday's Memories
| You Guys*
| Z
| 0-9
| 20th Century
Picture Sleeves
(every label here is also listed above)
| PS
| A
| Armada
| B
| Beer City
| Birdie
| Boat
| Bulge
| C
| Coulee
| Crusada
| F
| Fiddle Sticks
| Fossil
| I
| J
| Just Think
| K
| Key
| L
| Long
| M
| Makin' Jam
| Mean Mountain
| N
| Norton
| R
| Raynard
| Rerun
| S
| Soda Jerk
| Spin
| SuperSonic Refrige*
| T
| Touch and Go*
| Trick Knee
| Y
| You Guys
| Unknown
| Honor Among Thieves
78 label scans shown here because I either own a copy (**), or
a scan was E-Mailed to me by a friend:
| Audiophile **
| Decca **
| Pfau
| Polkaland
| RCA Victor **
All known Wisconsin based 78 labels which, except as noted, have no scan here. The initial list is courtesy of the Mills Music Library at UW-Madison [ (page deleted)]. The links below go to the information I have (if anything) about each label.
Sub-labels of Paramount listed at: Paramount Records Discography:
Label Bibliography:
At the lowest Amazon prices as of 5/2011 noted below, I probably will NEVER own any of the following books, or be able to index the labels listed in them. -- N/A = Amazon has no edition available at any price.
The only known books with "Labelography" in their title:
Other on-line Labelographies:
On-line Label Lists:
A&M Records
-- Los Angeles, CA
Ad Presents Records (Audio Deluxe Records)
-- Oelwein, IA
Age of Aquarius Records
-- Sauk City
Ajax Records
-- Crystal Springs, FL
American Investment Records
-- De Soto
American Melody Records
-- Guilford, CT
Arista Records
-- New York, NY
Atlantic Jazzlore Records
-- New York, NY
Audem Records
-- Wallkill, NY
Double Eagle
-- Saukville
The following tentative definition was submitted to the The Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) Member Mailing List for discussion or amendment on 1-30-2010. Nothing has been decided yet whether this is the complete and correct definition of the word or not:
A Labelography is: 1. A work (article/book/CD-ROM/Web page) that primarily focuses on LP/45/78 label photographs/scans. It can be used for showing labels for just one record company or many. 2. A Discography covering many labels, which may or may not include photographs/scans.
An expanded Labelography definition, still unapproved or verified as correct by anybody.
1. A Discography documenting many different record companies.
2. A work (book/article/CD-ROM/Web page) that primarily focuses on 78/LP/45 label photographs/scans.
3. By extension, a work documenting labels of any other kind, such as
those applied to fruit crates, or cigar labels or canning labels.
The Label Man [Archive]
Kurt Nauck and others used the term in 1993 for the American Vintage Record Labelography (AVRL), a label-based discography. ARSC List members have reported possible uses of the term Labelography in 1933 or 1936 or Gramophone, or American Record Guide or American Music Lover, but no exact references have been found yet.