FolkLib Index - Oasis Sampler Discography
          (from Springfield, VA)

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          Oasis CD Sampler Discography: This set of discography pages documents the Sampler CD's released by Oasis CD Manufacturing which was founded by Micah Solomon in 1995. The only way a recording artist can appear on one of these CD's is to have this company manufacture at least one of their new releases. Some details about these CD's are available on their CD Sampler Program page. However, they list some, but not all, of the 19 different genre samplers they have released, and they do not mention how many different CD's in each genre have been released, or who, in detail, appears on them. I hope to do this all as best as I can.

          Oasis CD Manufacturing, aka OasisCD Duplication, is not connected in any way with the Oasis record label based in the U.K. See the following for details about the other Oasis label: VH1: Oasis (U.K.) label Artists / Albums. I can find no album list on the The Official Oasis (U.K.) label Website, and no complete discography for the U.K. label anywhere on the Web.
U.K. label logo Oasis U.K. label logo U.S. label logo for CD's documented here Oasis U.S. label logo

          Oasis CD Manufacturing Sampler CD's have never been available for general sale to the public. They are distributed to "400 to 700 (depending on genre) radio stations nationwide: (College Media Journal) CMJ-reporting stations, Triple-A stations, American stations, Alt-Country stations, and more. It also goes to a fantastic list of industry insiders who have asked to hear each Sampler as it comes out. When we send out the Sampler that includes a song from your CD, we'll also provide you with a mailing list of recipients so you can be in touch with the DJs to promote your music directly." They have also been given away to the public as premiums for Public Radio pledges. They can be found in used CD stores and on-line sometimes at places like eBay.

All known existing genres of Oasis CD Samplers:
          This information has been gathered from my own collection, other people's collections, and other Web sites. There are no release dates mentioned on any of these CD's. Dates are the most recent copyright date of any of the songs on the CD. Links are to the different discography pages with complete track titles created so far on this Web site.

Genre Known Volumes I have
Oasis Acoustic Volumes 1-48 #3,5,6,7,9,39,48,VI-ii
Acoustic Volumes 1-9
Oasis Acoustic Instrumentals Volumes 1-2  
Oasis Adult Contemporary Volumes 1-?  
Oasis Alternative Volumes 1-33 #19
Oasis Ambient Volumes 1-?  
Oasis Blues Volumes 1-7 #4
Oasis Children's Volumes 1-?  
Oasis Classical Volumes 1-?  
Oasis Country Volumes 1-3 #2,3
Oasis Humor Volumes 1-?  
Oasis Inspirational Volumes 1-12 #12
Oasis Jazz Volumes 1-9 #9
Oasis New Age Volumes 1-2 #2
Oasis Pop Volumes 1-2 #2
Oasis Rock Volumes 1-4 #4
Oasis Rock & Roots Volumes 1-27 #27
Oasis Underground Volumes 1-?  
Oasis Urban Volumes 1-5 #3
Oasis World Volumes 1-3 #1,3

Known links to this page:

Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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