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FolkLib Index - Wisconsin Polka Bands

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      | Wisconsin Polka discography |

      This page lists every Wisconsin-based Polka Band that I have been able to find mentioned in various on-line and print sources, or seen in person at dances, concerts and festivals. Like my Wisconsin Bluegrass Bands page, this page will attempt to list every known Polka band in the state, whether or not they have ever recorded anything, whether or not there is other known on-line information about them, and whether or not they are still actively performing. Please write if you know about any bands not listed, or if you have additional information about, or links for, a listed band.

      no known recordings = artists/groups which will not be listed in my forthcoming book, (ca. 2028), FolkLib Index: Wisconsin Discography, unless a recording by them can be found.

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"Accordiona Music Sales", deleted site, see Karen Jean Gerlovich

    A - ABC... Artist Selection
  1. .A.K.A. Band "Not just another band" - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Pulaski]
          (Kevin Baker, Tom Busch, Bruce Fritz, Steve Rodgers, Tom Rodgers, Mike Sariego)
  2. .Altenburg, Art - "Concertina"
  3. .Anderson Band, The Greg - Discog ( FolkLib Index) ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Monroe]
          (Greg Anderson, Jim Fueling, J.T. Dennis Whitney)
  4. .Austin Band, The Mike [Active: 19??-] [Middleton]
          (Mike Austin, Dave Austin, ?)
  5. .Austin, David #2 (accordion, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: The Mike Austin Band) - (former member: The Roger Bright Band 1996-2001) [Middleton]
          (see also: Dave Austin #1 (trumpet, Madison))
  6. .Austin, Mike (?) - (leader: The Mike Austin Band) [Middleton]
  7. .Austrian Express [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
    B - ABC... Artist Selection
  8. .Badger Button Box Club - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Orders ( Accordiona Music Sales [Archive]) [Active: 1976-] [Milwaukee]
          (Jim Galbraith, Ed Gallun, Hank Junemann, Rudy Kotras, Joe Krevs, Rudy Maierle, Frank Murn, Ed Sterbenz, Stan Stevens) - (former member: Hank Magayne)
  9. .Baker's Music Makers, Norbie (aka Norbie Baker and His Music Makers, Norbie Baker's Polka Band, Norbie-Gillie Orchestra) - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 1950-1963] [Milwaukee]
          (Norbie Baker, Gillie ? banjo, ?)
  10. .Band Boys, The - Orders ( Accordiona Music Sales [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  11. .Band in a Van [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Jim Wilfahrt, Calaf Wilfahrt)
  12. .Banks, Ronald - (see: Uncle Ozzie)
  13. .Barbara and the Karousels - Page ( National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame) [Active: 19??-] [West Allis]
          [aka Barbara Lane and the Karousels, Barbara Flanum and the Karousels]
          (members: ?)
  14. .Bashell, Louie, & His Silk Umbrella Orchestra - Discog ( FolkLib Index), [Active: 194?-19??] [Milwaukee]
          (former members: Louie Bashell, Jim Brusky, Chet Zurawik, ?)
  15. .Bashell, Louie (Louis) (accordion) - Page ( Polka Times) ( National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame #1 / #2) ( Wikipedia), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former leader: Louie Bashell Orchestra) [Milwaukee]
  16. Bavarian Echo Band, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [New London / Knoxville, TN]
          (Don Huettner, (Margrit Huettner)
  17. .Bechtel, Fritz [city?]
  18. .Behm's, The - Discog (no known recordings) [sometimes misspelled Boehm's] [Active: 19??-] [New London / city ]
          (Don Behm, Lori Behm)
  19. .Bellin Orchestra, Clete [Active: 19??-] [Door County / Kewaunee / Forestville]
          (Clete Bellin, Mike Hager, Bill Jerabek, Joe Jerabek, Diana Schroeder, John Weidow)
  20. .Benaszeski Brothers [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Kevin Genrich, ?)
  21. .Bernie's Polka Band [Active: 19??-] [Green Bay]
          (Bernie Kroll, ?)
  22. .Bixby Band, Scott [Active: 19??-] [Rhinelander]
          (members: ?)
  23. .Blazonczyk, Eddie Sr. (accordion, bass, vocals) (aka Eddie Bell) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (leader: Eddie Blazonczyk's Versatones 1963-1997, member: 1997-2002) [Chicago, IL / city? / Chicago, IL]
          "As a teen, Eddie spent his High School years in northern Wisconsin" [ per his Web site's Biography] [Wisconsin city unknown]
  24. .Blue Denim Boys, Emil Guenther's [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  25. .Blue Notes, The [Active: 19??-] [Fond du Lac]
          (Ron Boehning, Will Zeamer) - (former member: Ken Cady)
  26. .Bonde, Les (Lester Bondowski)
  27. .Bondowski, Lester - "Concertina"
  28. .Boren, Jim, and the JBO [Active: 19??-] [Cudahy]
          (members: ?)
  29. .Bork Band, Arlie [Active: 19??-] [Marion]
          (Arlie Bork, Don Krull)
  30. .Brandt Band, Kenny [Active: 19??-] [Hartford]
          (members: ?)
  31. .Breuer, Bob [West Bend]
  32. .Brewhaus Polka Kings - (see: Grant Kozera and The Brewhaus Polka Kings
  33. .Brian and the Mississippi Valley Dutchmen [Active: 1985-] [Cashton]
          (Brian Brueggen, ?)
  34. .Bright Band, The Roger - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1953-2001] [New Glarus]
          (Roger Bright, Denny Anderson 19??-2001, Dave Austin 1996-2001, Kevin Bright 19??-2001) - (former members: Scott Lorenz, Gene Tebo 19??-19??, ?)
  35. .Bright, Roger (accordion, button accordion, piano, vocals) - Page ( Nancy Hlad) ( International Polka Association), Orders ( Accordiona Music Sales [Archive]), National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame ( Lifetime Achievement Award), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [New Glarus]
  36. .Brueggen, Gary and the Ridgeland Dutchmen - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Cashton]
          (Gary Brueggen, Willard Brueggen, - (former members: Keith Larson, Dennis Nadherny, Laurie Solberg)
  37. .Brusky, Tom (accordion, tuba, drums, bass, keyboard, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Greenfield / Milwaukee]
  38. .Brusky Polka Band, The Tom [SIC] - (see: Tom Brusky)
  39. .Busse, Don (?) [city?]
  40. .Button Box 'by Gosh [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  41. .Buttons & Banjos [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  42. .Byk Band, The Louie (aka Louie Byk & His Orchestra) - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1959-] [Milwaukee]
          (Jim Brusky, Louie Byk, Robert Bykowski, George Wendelberger, Bob Zierer) - (former member: Louis "Big Louie" Bykowski)
    C - ABC... Artist Selection
  43. .Callies, Ervin A. (bumba*) - Obit ( Daily Citizen, Beaver Dam [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [aka "Curley - The Bumba King"] [Milwaukee / Pewaukee. / Texarkana, TX]
          * bumba - I can't find a picture of it, but from the description in his obit, it sounds like a varient of a Stumpf fiddle.
          found one reference to "Curly the Bumba King and the Jolly Slovenians", but he is not listed as a member of the only referenece I have seen for The Jolly Slovenians
  44. .Carol and the Keynotes - Page ( Andy Schulz) [Active: 1982?-] [Grafton]
          (Carol Butt, Dennis Herriges 1989-, Steve Nothem 1993-)
  45. .Carpenter Band, The Vic [Active: 19??-] [Abbotsford]
          (members: ?)
  46. .Check, John F. - "Concertina"
  47. . Check, John and the Michigan Dutchmen [Active: 1959-1966] [Flint, MI]
          (John Check, ?)
  48. . Check, John and the Wisconsin Dutchmen - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1966-19??] [Oshkosh]
          (former members who appeared on at least one recording:
          Richard Altreuter, Don Hale, Dave Martin, Tim Morrissey, Leroy Walter, Ray Wifler, Neil Wilson, Willie Ziemer ?)
  49. .Checkalski, Arnie - "Concertina"
  50. .Cheri's Polka Euphonics [Active: 19??-] [Wittenberg]
          (Cheri Mueller, Dick Metko, ?)
  51. ."Concertina" Millie (Mildred Kaminski) - "Concertina"
  52. .Cousin Fuzzy (Earl McNellis) and His Cousins - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( International Polka Association), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Uncle Ozzie's Band 1971-1984) - (see also: Cousin Fuzzy and Uncle Ozzie) [Active: 195?-1962] [Millville, MN / Green Bay / Minneapolis, MN]
  53. .Cousin Fuzzy and Uncle Ozzie - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-19??] [Green Bay? or Wisconsin Rapids? & Portage]
  54. .Cupertino, Johnny [Milwaukee]
  55. .Cynor Classics [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
    D - ABC... Artist Selection
  56. .D.J.'s Polka Band - Discog (no known recordings) [Active: 19??-] [Green Bay]
          (Dennis Wojkiewicz concertina, Joe Wojkiewicz Sr. drums)
  57. .Danny and The Ravens [Active: 19??-] [West Allis]
          (Dave Castona, Eddie Sterbenz, Ron Zwiefelhofer, anon.)
  58. .Dietz Band, John [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  59. .Dogs, Normie [city?]
  60. .Doleysh Bros. Ochestra, The (aka Doleysch) - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Two Rivers]
          (members: ?)
  61. .Dombrowski, Michael James [city?]
  62. .Dombrowski, Norm and the Happy Notes Orchestra [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Norm Dombrowski, Ronald Gruna, Irvin Kovalski, Gene Lorbiecki, Bob Organiscak, Dave Wanta)
  63. .Dorf Kapelle - "Concert/Community/Marching Bands"
  64. .Dorschner, Ray and the Rainbow Valley Dutchmen - Page ( International Polka Association) [Active: 1950-] [Zittau / Stevens Point / Menasha]
          (Ray Dorschner, Mike Cielecki, Jim Dorschner, Randy Dorschner, Steve Dorschner, Jens Jensen, Ray Wells)
  65. .Down Home Dairyland Polka Band [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Rick March, ?)
  66. .Downtowners, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Fond du Lac]
          (members: ?)
  67. .Duchow, Lawrence and his Red Ravens - Page ( International Polka Association) [Active: 19??-] [Potter / Hilbert]
          (members: ?)
    Duescher's Musical Brass, Dave - (see: Musical Brass, Dave Duescher's)
  68. .Dux Orchestra, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (DeWayne "Tiny" Dux, Fred Dux, Otto Dux, Frankie Filitz, Martha (Opelt) Lautenbach, Carl Opelt, Jerry Opelt, Bill Schwellenbach)
  69. .Edlebeck, "Whoopee" Norm & his International TV Recording Orchestra [Active: 1965-] [Wausaukee 1965-1993 / New Ulm, MN 1993-]
          When he lived in Wisconsin his band was called "Whoopee" Norm Edlebeck & his Dairyland Dutchmen
          (Norm Edlebeck, ?)
  70. .Eggum's Band, Sammy [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Joe Niemann, ?)
  71. .Elm City Dutchmen (aka Schultz's Elm City Dutchmen) - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1947-1948, 1951] [Sheboygan]
          (Charlie Eckhart, Robert Horness, Clarence Kolb, Don Kraemer, Ralph Madsen, Wayne Ristow, Carlton Schultz, Harold Yurk)
    F - ABC... Artist Selection
  72. .Family Tradition - Page ( Mike Skalecki) [Active: 19??-] [Wausau / Stevens Point]
          (Jeremy Bukowski, Joe Dunaj, Ken Dunaj, Benji Gaboda, Rick Gaboda, Al Niewiadomski)
  73. .Feller Band, Herman (?) [New Glarus]
          (Herman Feller, Jr., ?)
  74. .Filipczak, John and The Classics - Discog (no known recordings), Page ( Minnesota State Arts Board) [Active: 19??-] [Grantsburg]
          (members: ?)
  75. .Finn Power [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  76. .Firemen 5 [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (members: ?)
  77. .Flanum, Barbara and the Karousels - (see: Barbara and the Karousels)
  78. .Fleury Band, Don - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Brookfield]
          (former members: Don Fleury, John Busalacchi, Dick Chewning, Jim Christiaansen, Tom Fleury, Rick Gundrum, Ray Schelonka, Dick Talatzko, Chet Zurawik)
  79. .Frank, Gary [Waterford]
  80. .Freistadt Alte Kameraden Band, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) [Active: 1942-] [Freistadt (Mequon) / Germantown]
          (1942-1966 it was called "The Victory Band")
          not Alte Kameraden, a German band from Fairfax, VA, or the Alte Kameraden band from Red Lodge, MT
          (David Balsiger, David Baumann, Donald Boehlke, Norman Boehlke, Jerry Boesch, Roland Braun, Mervin Browne, Robert Butt, Roger Butt, Elroy Ernst, Franklin Even, Jim Grube, Greg Highstrom, Blaine Hilgendorf, Earl Hilgendorf, Franklin Klug, Dave Krueger, Edward Lueders, Jr., Harold Pipkorn, Lou Rittschof, Koby Scheel, Harold Schoessow, Elmer Schreiber, Don Silldorff, Wilmer Wetzel)
  81. .Frodl, Don & his Orchestra - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1959-] [Stratford]
          (Don Frodl, Norm Augustine, Gene Nikolai, Jerry Sternitzky, Ken Volz, Fritz Willfahrt)
  82. .Fun Time Band, The [Active: 19??-] [Green Bay]
          (Andy Mogged, Jeff Severson, anon.) - (former member: Steve Enderby)
    G - ABC... Artist Selection
  83. .Gaedtke, Reiny - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Manitowoc]
  84. .Gagas Downbeat Orchestra, Benny - Picture ( from Gary Cisewski 11-09-2010) [Active: 1950-1965?] [Stevens Point]
          (Michael L. Lepinski, Felix Klesmith, ?)
  85. .Gennerman, Keith - (former member: Uncle Ozzie's Band 1963-2001) [Menomonee Falls]  
  86. .Gentleman Jim Polka Band - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Oak Creek]
          (Jim Gilmeister, Tom Beres, anon., anon., anon.)
  87. .Gilbertson, Jerry [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  88. .Gilmeister, Jim - (see: Gentleman Jim Polka Band)
  89. .Goetsch, Jerry - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( International Polka Association) [Active: 1950-1992] [Wausau]
  90. .Golden Aces Orchestra, The - Orders ( Accordiona Music Sales [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Rosholt]
          (Duane Burclaw, ?)
  91. .Goodtime Dutchmen, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Orders ( Accordiona Music Sales [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Kewaskum]
          (Dave Heuer, Lynn Thull, Marcia Thull, Ralph Thull, Randy Thull, Russell Thull, Allie Wenzel)
  92. .Goose Island Ramblers - "Bluegrass"
  93. .Gosz Orchestra, Romy - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( International Polka Association) [Active: 19??-19??] [Grimms / Two Rivers / Manitowoc]
          (Romy Gosz, Wencil (Jim) Jirikovec, Ludger Karmen, Bill Maertz, Paul Nedvecki, Joseph Stuiber, Max Terens, Ray Wanek, Emil Yindra, Don Zaharik)
  94. .Gralak, Don & His Band [Active: 19??-19??] [Milwaukee]
          (Don Gralak, Jerry Beniek, Kenny Brandt, Wayne Dickmann, Joe Grilli, Jerry Krahn, Danny Rejman)
  95. Granny and the Wild Flowers (aka Granny and the Wildflowers) [Active: 19??-2005] [Pardeeville]
          (Aleda L. "Granny" Schliewe, ?)
  96. .Grassel, Ruby and his Merrymen [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  97. .Greiner Brothers Orchestra - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1956-] [Schofield]
          (members as of late 1990's: Ken Bloom, Kevin Genrich, Glenn Greiner, Mike Hanke, Dale Osterbrink, Wayne Plant leader: Jim Rhyner)
  98. .Groeschl, Syl - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Fond du Lac]
  99. .Groller, Walt (accordion) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Wikipedia) ( International Polka Association Hall of Fame), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Allentown, PA / Whitewater / Whitehall, PA]
  100. .Gruetzmacher, Dan - "Concertina"
  101. .Grzanna, Don (accordion, piano, flute, guitar) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Nancy Hlad [Archive]) ( Accordions Worldwide) [Chicago, IL / Caledonia]
    H - ABC... Artist Selection
  102. Happy Harmony Stars - Picture ( from Gary Cisewski 11-09-2010) [Active: 19??-19??] [Stevens Point]
          (Leonard Cisewski, Ronnie Mason, Carl Shulfer, ?)
  103. .Happy Notes - (see: Norm Dombrowski and the Happy Notes Orchestra)
  104. .Hartmann, Gordon [cousin of Verne Meisner, 1989 Grammy nominee] [city?]
  105. .Hartmann, Karl - Page ( National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame) [city?]
  106. .Hartwich, Karl - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Moline, IL / Trempealeau]
  107. .Hartwich, Karl and the Country Dutchmen [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Karl Hartwich, Don Burghardt, Joyce Cielecki, Mike Cielecki, Frank Galewski, Holly Johnson, Tony Kaminski, Jeff Langen, Myron Meulbauer, Jerry Minar, Laurie Moran, Marty Nachreiner, Kim Ristow, Doug Young)
  108. .Hartwig Band, Jimmy [Active: 19??-] [Johnson Creek]
          (Jimmy Hartwig, Wayne Hartwig, ?)
  109. .Hause, Ed [New Berlin]
  110. .Hauser's Hot Shot Family Band [Active: 19??-] [Bear Creek]
          (Marv Hauser, ?)
  111. .Heier Orchestra, Gene - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1947-] [Manitowoc]
  112. .Hodnik, Rudy & His Orchestra - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-19??] [Waukegan, IL]
          (Rudy Hodnik, ?)
  113. .Hoffmann, Johnny and The Herzbuben [Active: 1950-] [Milwaukee]
          (Johnny Hoffmann, Ervin Frank, Kevin Oestreich, John Pfalz, Tony Shedelbauer, Peter Steinke, Rick Steinke) - (former members: Peter Braun, Adolf Jung, Joe Pfalz, George Weiss)
  114. Huettner, Don & the MerryMakers Orchestra [Active: 196?-1985] [New London]
          (Don Huettner, Maeferd Kopitzke, Greg Laabs 1970-1980, Bob Palmer, Jack Roe)
  115. It's Just Us [Active: 19??-] [Clintonville]
          (Jim Gast, Sandy Gast)
    J - ABC... Artist Selection
  116. .Jerabek, Danny (button box accordion, cornet, electric piano, keyboasrds, saxophone, drums, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Kick, Copper Box, Michelle and the Five Fat Dutchmen) [Ripon / Oshkosh]
  117. .Jirikovec Orchestra, Mark - (member: Tom Siebold and The Brass Buttons) [Active: 19??-] [Maribel / Denmark]
  118. .Jolly Chaps Orchestra, The [Active: 19??-] [Custer]
          (Richard Buss, Ray Chojnacki, Michael Duda, Tony Kaminski, Don Zblewski)
  119. .Jolly Chollys, The & Their Orchestra [Active: 1949-] [city?] (Al Dykstra, Marvin Haberman, Charles Kittel, Everett Latsch, Roger Schleif, Dick Simonds)
  120. .Jolly Gents, The - (see: Jerry Voelker and the Jolly Gents)
  121. Jolly Notes Orchestra, The [Active: 193?-19??] [Franklin]
          (John Miller 1977-1984, John Pass, Jenny Rechinski, Stanley Rechinski 193?-19??, Perry Zeeb)
  122. .Jolly Swiss Boys, The New - Orders ( Accordiona Music Sales [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Coon Valley/La Crosse area]
  123. Jolly Slovenians, The [Active: 4/1968-19??] [Sheboygan]
          (Mike Fischer, Frances Grabner, Anna A. Koroschetz, Frank Koroschetz, Sr., Frank J. Koroschetz, Jr., Joe Koroschetz, Pauline Rupar, Frank J. Virant)
  124. , () - (member: The Jolly Slovenians) [Sheboygan]
  125. .Jolly Two, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Appleton / Waupaca]
          (Arlyn Bork, Ed Koch)
  126. .Julida Boys, The [Active: 19??-] [West Bend]
          (Allen Bales, Robert Klesmith, Bill Mertz, Robert Mertz, Joan Nagle, Janet Noegel, Mike Noegel)
  127. .Justman, Andy - "Concertina"
  128. .Justy & The Keybenders [Active: 19??-] [Kewaskum]
          (Harold F. Justman, ?)
    K - ABC... Artist Selection
  129. .Kaminski, Mildred - (see: "Concertina" Millie)
  130. .Karen & The Polka Gents [Active: 19??-] [Weyauwega]
          (Karen Kimmel, ?)
  131. .Karl and Brian - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Karl Hartwich, Brian Brueggen)
  132. .Karl and the Country Dutchmen - (see: Karl Hartwich and the Country Dutchmen)
  133. .Karman Orchestra, Joe [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Joe Karman, ?)
  134. .Kaye, Dick & The Kayedettes (aka Kaydettes) [Active: 19??-] [West Bend]
          (Dick Kaye, ?)
  135. .Kenny's Recording Orchestra, Ed (aka Ed Kenny's Olde Tymers Recording Orchestra, Ed Kenney's Old Timers) [Active: 19??-] [Cedarburg]
  136. .Kern Orchestra, The Johnny - Discog (no known recordings) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Howie Sturtz, ?)
  137. .Kick (aka K!ck) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Jacob Timmons [Archive]) [Active: 1/1998-2002] [Oshkosh]
          In 2002, when they decided to expand their repertoire beyond just polkas, Kick disbanded and reformed as Copper Box.
          (Johann Hescher, Danny Jerabek, Dave Jerabek, Michelle Jerabek, Mark Powers, Jay Yungwirth)
  138. .Kinayski Orchestra, The Frank [Active: 1973-19??] [Eau Claire]
          (Dave "Arnie" Arneson, Jon Aumann, Bob Flottum, Mark Pieplow, Jim Rauscher, Randy Schneeberger) - (former members: Bob Roehl, Tim Sandsmark, Bill Simon)
  139. .Klass Band, The Joey [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Joey Klass, ?)
  140. .Konkol, Ray and his Orchestra (aka The Ray Konkol Band) - "Concertina"
  141. .Konop, Orv - (see: The OK Dance Band)
  142. .Kosek, Harry & The Red River Boys - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-19??] [city?]
          (Bill Kirschbaum, Erich Kosek, Harry Kosek, Kurt Krueger)
  143. .Kossins, Dick & his Orchestra [Active: 19??-] [Okauchee]
          (Dick Kossins, Cass Kopacz, Erv Kosmatka, Erv Leeman, Bob Schamber)
  144. .Kotwitz Band, Kenny [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Kenny Kotwitz, ?)
  145. .Kozera, Grant and The Brewhaus Polka Kings - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?), Orders ( Accordiona Music Sales [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (see: Brewhaus Polka Kings) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee / New Berlin]
  146. .Krempasky, John [Madison (1965-)]
  147. .Kuchenbecker, Gary and His Old Lager Orchestra - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Author ?) ( CD Baby) ( Big Bands Database Plus: Working Bands Registry) [Active: 1974-] [Tigerton]
          The following have appeared on the 4 recordings I have. I do not know who is a current member and who is a former member.
          (Gary Kuchenbecker, Dave Bare, Marcia Bleck, Joe Bretl, Denise Brodbeck, Bob Burgdorff, Joann Burgdorff, Rhonda Carlson, Troy Drexler, Harv Erdman, Fred Fuerst, Bob Goethke, Don Griebenow, Kerry Griebenow, Don Huber, Lovell "Ooody" Ives, Joann Kekula, Lee Kersten, David Kuchenbecker, Jim Kuchenbecker, Dan Larson, Bob Lorenz, Dick Marko, Al Marquardt, Rachel Meagher, Dick Metko, Cecil Reedy, John Rickert, Jeff Schram, Larry Schuster, Dan Taycher, Jeff Tellock, Bob Valeke, Bob Worth)
    L - ABC... Artist Selection
  148. .LaBotz, Joe - Page ( Jessica Stoddard) [Mashapotato]
  149. .Lane, Barbara and the Karousels - (see: Barbara and the Karousels)
  150. .Lane, Noyse - Page ( National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame) [Milwaukee / AZ (1999-date), founder of the Wisconsin Polka Hall of Fame]
  151. .Lazewski, Johnny & the Johnny Tune In Band [Active: 19??-] [Stevens Point]
  152. .LeBotte Orchestra, Gene [Active: 19??-] [Algoma]
          (under the direction of Orville Konop)
  153. .Lech, Ron - "Concertina"
  154. .Libby, Bruce [Roberts / Ellsworth]
  155. .Liebl, Syl and the Jolly Swiss Boys [band name changed from The Jolly Germans] [Active: 1950-] [Coon Valley / La Crosse]
          (Syl Liebl, ?)
  156. .Linn, Alice - Discog ( FolkLib Index) - (former member: Uncle Ozzie's Band 1981-2001) [city?]
  157. .Lucht Orchestra, The Art - Discog (no known recordings) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Art Lucht, Dorothy Kannenberg, Eugene Lucht, Gerald Lucht, Howie Sturtz)
    M - ABC... Artist Selection
  158. .Madden Band, Sammy [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Sammy Madden, ?)
  159. .Magayne Orchestra, Hank [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Hank Magayne, ?)
  160. .Majeski, Roger and The Harmony Kings [Active: 19??-] [Mosinee]
          (Roger Majeski, Eric "John" Kurowski, Scott Majeski, Steve Rodgers, Mike Szemborski) - (former member: Curt Traska 1998-2003)
  161. .Maroszek Bros. - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Pulaski]
  162. .Marsolek, Jerry and his Recording Orchestra - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [St. Francis]
          (Jerry Marsolek, Vern Binsack, John Carini, Grant Kozera, Don Marsolek)
  163. .Mathis Group, Dale - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
  164. .Maupin, Jimmy And His Orchestra - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
  165. .  McIntyre, Mike [Greenwood / Rockford, IL]
  166. .  McNellis, Earl J. - (see: Cousin Fuzzy)
  167. .Meisner Polka Band, Steve (accordion, bass, piano, string synthesizer, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Donna Katcher) ( Wisconsin Arts Board [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Whitewater 1961-]  
  168. .Meisner, Verne and the Polka Boys (accordion) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( John ?) ( National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame and Museum) ( International Polka Association) ( National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame [Archive]) ( Wisconsin Arts Board [Archive]) [Active: 1950-2005] [Whitewater]
          (Verne Meisner, Bob Belonger, Bill Hagemann, Carl Hartmann, Dick Stluka)
  169. .Metko, Dick and the Boys - (former member: Lawrence Duchow Red Raven Orchestra, Dick Rodgers Orchestra) [Active: 19??-] [Readfield]
          (Dick Metko, ?)
  170. .Micale Orchestra, The Spike [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Spike Micale, ?)
  171. .Michelle and the Five Fat Dutchmen [Active: 2008-] [Oshkosh]
          [aka Michelle Jerabek and the Five Fat Dutchmen]
          (Michelle Jerabek with Danny Jerabek, Tuba Dan Jerabek, Jerry Schneider, Tom Schneider, Ralph Thull)
  172. .Mierzwinski, Al - Discog (no known recordings), Page ( Retro-Milwaukee), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Milwaukee]
  173. .Moldenhauer Orchestra, Glen (aka Glen Moldenhauer Polka Band) [Iron Ridge]
          (Glen Moldenhauer, ?)
  174. .Monsen, Jimmy - Page ( Nancy Hlad [Archive]) [Sussex]
  175. .Mueller, Cheri - (see: Cheri's Polka Euphonics)
  176. .Mueller, Peggy - "Wis." [button box accordion player, not a band] [Germantown]
  177. .Music Connection, The - (aka Neal Zunker & The Music Connection) [Active: 19??-] [Wausau]
  178. .Music Venders, The - Page ( Danya Feige) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
          (Lee Lane, Jr., Scott Seban, Chris Vesche, Michael Vesche)
  179. .Musical Brass, Dave Duescher's [Active: 19??-] [Green Bay]
          (Dave Duescher, Diana Schroeder, ?)
    N - ABC... Artist Selection
  180. .New Generation, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [Pulaski]
  181. .Noltkamper, Eric (accordion, piano, button box, concertina, guitar, banjo, bass and drums) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Nancy Hlad), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Madison / Milwaukee / grad. Milwaukee Area Technical College year? / Richmond Heights, OH]
  182. .Norskedalen Trio, The - Info ( Norwegian Embassy) [Active: 1982-] [Coon Valley]
          (Tilford "Tip" Bagstad, Eleanor Bagstad, Beatrice Olson)
  183. .Northstar Express [Active: 19??-] [Hawkins]
    O - ABC... Artist Selection
  184. .Ochs, Pete and His Orchestra - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
  185. .O'Donnell, Bryan - "Concertina"
  186. .OK Dance Band, Orv Konop & The [Active: 19??-] [Green Bay]
          (Orv Konop, ?)
  187. .Oulu Hotshots, The [Active: 197?-] [Oulu Township, Bayfield County]
          (Bill Kangas, Glenn Lahti, LeRoy Lahti) - (former member: Archie Lahti 197?-1974)
    P - ABC... Artist Selection
  188. .Peachey, Don and His Orchestra (aka Don Peachey Band, Don Peachey and the Band) - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Wikipedia) ( Polkamart [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1950-12/01/1953, 4/01/1956-] [Burnett]
          [alternate spelling: Don Peachy and His Orchestra, Don Peachy Band, Don Peachy and the Band]
          (Don Peachey, Bill Anding, Leroy Godfroy, Bernie Hoppe, John Peachey, Mary Peachey Dittrich, Brett Schroeder) - (former members: Lou Allen, John Christian, Kurt Cowling, Rose Giedlinski, George Godfroy, Ken Jacobs, Robert "Kookie" Jambura, Wayne "Jiggs" Mannigel, Mike Marks, "Mighty" Ron Meitner 1959-?, Janie Peachey (Jane Shirek), Gerry Retzer, Bob Shirek)
          Trivia: the original 1950 name of the band was "Don Peachey's Jolly Seven"
  189. .Pekol, Jim and his Orchestra - Page ( Wikipedia) ( Polkamart [Archive]), Info ( Polkamart [Archive]), Orders ( Accordiona Music Sales [Archive]) [Active: 1979-] [Phillips]
          (Jim Pekol, Marilyn (Baer) Pekol, Brian Pekol) - (former members: Denis Burgess, Kathy Dunbar, John Greiner, Jamie Martwick, David Pekol, Carla Swanson,
  190. .Pine Valley Dutchmen, The [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Melvin Appleyard, Dale Appleyard, DeWayne Dux, Louie Hoffman, Terry Schwantes, Bill West)
  191. .Pitt Crew, The - Page ( Author ? [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Pulaski / Green Bay]
          (Gerry Pitt, Steve Rodgers, Thomas Rodgers, ?)
  192. .Polish Connection - Page ( Ron Raczkowski) [Active: 1991-] [Mosinee]
          (Russ Mancl, Ron Raczkowski, Wally Raczkowski, Paul Schulfer 1/2007-, Mike Schumacher, Curt Traska) - (former member: (Tom Adams)
  193. .Polka Maniacs [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
  194. .Polka Partners, The - Orders ( Accordiona Music Sales [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Gene Lettau, Terry Lettau, ?)
  195. .Polkarioty - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Scott Benson, Kathy Dunbar, Karl Wallin, Mitch Yurkovich, Richie Yurkovich)
  196. .Polkatown Sound Reunion - Discog (no known recordings) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  197. .Powers, Norm (accordion) [city?]
  198. .Prime Time [Active: 19??-] [Stevens Point]
          (members: Jim Kleist, Dan Raczkowski, Donny Wayerski, ?)
  199. .Przybylski, Chad and The Polka Rhythms - Orders ( Accordiona Music Sales [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Pulaski]
    R - ABC... Artist Selection
  200. .Rademacher, Tony [city?]
  201. .Ratchman Orchestra, Dodo - Obit ( Oshkosh Northwestern 11-18-2005), Info ( Oshkosh Northwestern 12-03-2005) [Active: 193?-198?] [Oshkosh]
          (Andrew P. "Dodo" Ratchman, Ken Cady, Jay Ratchman, ?)
  202. .Rhode Bros., The [Active: 19??-] [Greenwood]
  203. .Rhythm Playboys Orchestra, The [Active: 19??-] [Osseo]
  204. .Ring, Don & his Rhythm Kings Orchestra - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [McFarland]
          (Don Ring, Virgil Grenia, Bob Junceau, Tom Kennedy, Don Moldenhauer)
          See the Big Bands Discography page for information about the pirated Dick Jurgens recordings Don Ring sells, and the fake "Dick Jurgens Orchestra" led by Don Ring.
  205. .Roberts, Bernie - Page ( Polkamart [Archive]), Orders ( Accordiona Music Sales [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Milwaukee]
  206. .Rodgers, Dick - "Concertina"
  207. .Rodgers T.V. Recording Orchestra, The Dick - [Active: 1959-] [Pulaski]
          (Dick Rodgers with Jim Brusky, Tuba Dan Jerabek, ?)  
  208. .Roger's Jolly Dutchmen - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Scandinavia]
          (Roger Fietzer, Gene Behm, Russ Fietzer, Dave McNichols, John Schwarzenbach)
  209. .Rogers, Charley and the Good Times - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Rhinelander]
    S - ABC... Artist Selection
  210. .Savatski, Bill (accordion, button box accordion, organ, vocals) - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Tomah / New Lisbon / grad. UW-La Crosse year?. / Alliance, NE / Mauston / New Lisbon]
  211. .Schlies, Don - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [city?]
  212. .Schmidt, Dave - Discog (no known recordings) [Grafton]
  213. .Schneider, Arlie [Appleton]
  214. .Schneider, Jerry - Page ( Polkamart [Archive]), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: Michelle and the Five Fat Dutchmen) [Chilton]
  215. .Schneider, Mike - Page ( Baldoni Accordions) ( Nancy Hlad [Archive]), Orders ( Accordiona Music Sales [Archive]) [Milwaukee]
  216. .Schroeder Recording Orchestra, The Diana - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1970-] [Reedsville]
          (Diana Schroeder)
  217. .II Edition, The - Page ( Author ?) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Ray Lemke (?-date), Tanya Lemke (1998-date), Gene Lettau (1993-date), Tammy Lettau (1993-date), Tanya Lettau (1994-date), Terry Lettau (1993-date), Dan Zupon (1996-date))
          (former member: anon.)
  218. .Sherwood Band, Dick [Active: 19??-] [Madison]
          (Dick Sherwood, ?)
  219. .Siebold, Tom and The Brass Buttons - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1973-] [Maribel]
          (Ray Berres, Bernie Boushka, Wayne Hessil, Jim Hruska, Mark Jirikovec, Greg Laabs, Gary Nejedlo, Allen Reddy, Tom Steffek)
  220. .Smith Trio, Art - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Art Smith, Ron Smith his son, Steve Young)
  221. .Socha, Aaron and Polish Power - Discog (no known recordings) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  222. .State Line Play Boys (Stateline Playboys) - (see: Keith Zweifel & His State Line Play Boys)
  223. .Steinbach Orchestra, Herold (aka Herold Steinbach and the Polkatones) - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1966-] [Iron Ridge]
          (Herold Steinbach, Kenneth Brandt, Roland Haass, Maurice Heppe, Elroy Margelowsky)
  224. .Sturtz Orchestra, The Howie - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1946-2001] [Loyal 1930-1954 / Neillsville 1954-19?? / Eau Claire 19??-]
          (Howie Sturtz and His Swing Kings 1946-1961, The Howie Sturtz Orchestra 1961-2001)
          (aka: The Grassland Butter Orchestra years?, Ertz and Sturtz years?)
          (Howie Sturtz, Don Chesebro, Lee Dopp, Don Gress, Greg Heeg, Wes Hayden, Donald Jazodzinski, Roger Julseth, Art Klarich, Gene LaFond, Mel Lindau, Bill Ludwig, Herb Keller, Lyle Miller, Wally Plauman, Ertz Steiger, Toby Tesmer, Mark Wirkus)
  225. .Styczynski, Alvin - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Pulaski]
  226. Sugarbush Boys, The [Active: 2010-] [Green Bay]
  227. .Swedish Orchestra, The Steve [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
    T - ABC... Artist Selection
  228. .T-Bones, The [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
  229. .Tantillo Orchestra, Joey - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-19??] [Madison]
          (Joey Tantillo, Helen Cassity, ?)
  230. .Three Naturals [Active: 19??-] [Watertown]
          (Harley ?, Ray ?, ?)
  231. .Three of Us, The - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (John Check, John David Check, Willy Zeamer)
  232. .Thull Orchestra, The Bill - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Kewaskum / Minneapolis, MN]
  233. .Thull, Ralph & The Goodtime Dutchmen - (see: The Goodtime Dutchmen)
  234. .Toe Ticklers, Der (The) [Active: 19??-] [La Crosse]
          (Betha Mueller, Johnny Mueller, Ron Matley, Roger Pulver, Herb Swingen)
  235. .Top Notchmen, The - Orders ( Accordiona Music Sales [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  236. .Tuba Dan and The Polkalanders - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Orders ( Accordiona Music Sales [Archive]) [Active: 1984?-] [Pickett. / Ripon.]
          (Tuba Dan Jerabek with ?)
    U - ABC... Artist Selection
  237. .Uncle Ozzie - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Rusty Woehrle), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (former leader: Uncle Ozzie's Band 1963-2001, now a solo act) - (see also: Cousin Fuzzy and Uncle Ozzie) [Wisconsin Rapids / Portage]
  238. .Uncle Ozzie's Band - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1/19/1963-2001] [Portage]
          (former members: Bernie Aurit, Gary Brueggen, Keith Gennerman, Dave Heuer, Jim Howden, Cindy Keuther, Alice Linn, Mike McIntyre)
    V - ABC... Artist Selection
  239. .VanDenboom, Ron - "Country"
  240. .Varitones, The - Page ( Gigmasters) [Active: 19??-] [Sussex]
          (Lee G. Boudreau, Scott Lorenz, Roger A. Pulver, John Wudtke)
  241. .Venglevski, Stas - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Accordions Worldwide) [Moldova, Russia / Greenfield / Brookfield]
  242. .Voelker, Jerry and the Jolly Gents - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 19??-] [Green Bay]
          (Jerry Voelker with Gary Albrecht, Al Barta, Cletus Bellin, Dick Buss, Mike Hager, Joe Jerabek, Kevin Klarkowski, Ralph Kraynik, Gary Nejedlo, Mike Prokash, Jeff Voelker, Jim Voelker)
    W - ABC... Artist Selection
  243. .Walburn, Roger - Discog (no known recordings) [city?]
  244. .Wartgow Band, Gregg [Active: 19??-] [Milton / Fort Atkinson]
  245. .Winard Band, Jeff [Active: 19??-] [Milwaukee]
  246. .Wisconsin Czech Choraliers - "Choirs/Choruses"
  247. .Wojkiewicz, Dennis - Discog (no known recordings) - (member: D.J.'s Polka Band) [nephew of Joe Wojkiewicz Sr.] [city?]
  248. .Wojkiewicz, Joe (Joseph F., Jr.) - Discog (no known recordings), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - (member: D.J.'s Polka Band) [owner North Star Appli., Wis. label] [Green Bay]
  249. .Wojkiewicz, Joe (Joseph F., Sr.) - Discog (no known recordings), Page ( International Polka Association), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [founder North Star Appli., Wis. label] [Hafa Park / Milwaukee / Green Bay]
  250. .Wolfe, Patti - "Concertina"
  251. .Wuske, Scott (?) - Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) [Clintonville / Plover] - (member: Scott & Co., Polka Nitro, Polka Pals)
    Y - ABC... Artist Selection
    Yankovic, Frank
          Note: Although he was the first Inductee in the Wisconsin Polka Hall of Fame in 1996 because of his huge impact on the Wisconsin Polka scene, he never lived in Wisconsin.
  252. .Young's River City Dutchmen, Doug [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  253. .Young, Steve and the Down Dusters - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [aka The Steve Young Band, Steve Young Polka Band] [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
  254. .Young Band, The Steve - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Info ( FolkLib Index), Bibliog ( FolkLib Index) - Business Card as of 9-23-2004: image [aka Steve Young and the Down Dusters, Steve Young Polka Band] [Active: 19??-] [Oshkosh]
          (Steve Young, Ken Cady, Steve Guenther, Marty Kees, Vince Kees, Dan Meyer)
  255. .Yttri, Mike & the Music Mates - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1966-] [Milwaukee]
          (Mike Yttri, Judd Arndt, Ken Arndt, Roger Knop)
  256. .Yurkovich Band, Richie [Active: 19??-] [Willard]
          (Kathy Dunbar, Chico Gregorich, Mike McIntyr, Lynne Proksch, Gabe Yurkovich, Mitchell Yurkovich)
    Z - ABC... Artist Selection
  257. .Zahina, Clarence & His Barnstormers [Active: 19??-] [city?]
          (Clarence Zahina, Frank Reinert, Darlene Zahina, Jannan Zahina, ?)
  258. .Zantek, Polka Dan [Ashland 1954-1957 / Ashland (grad. Northland College year?.) / Anchorage, AK]
  259. .Zdrazil, Louis and His TV-Recording Orchestra - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Orders ( Accordiona Music Sales [Archive]) [Active: 1972-] [Antigo]
          (Louie Zdrazil, Wayne Akavickas, Bill Beyer, Mike Jury, Kortland Koutnik, Ray Lemke, Tony Novak, Don Schacher, Morlene Steckbauer, Dan Zupon)
  260. .Ziegenbein Band, The Derrick - Page ( Gigmasters) [Active: 19??-] [city?]
  261. .Zimmerman Orchestra, The Marlin - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1959-] [Rice Lake 1959-1961 / Amery 1961-1968 / Green Bay 1969- / Phoenix, AZ]
          (George Ehrenberger, Boyd Henry, Mike Klika, Tom Naber, Bill Nicholson, Ralph Rothe, Chuck Schwalke) - (former members: Art Golden, Harlan Imuslaund)
  262. .Zimmerman Orchestra, The Russ - Discog ( FolkLib Index) [Active: 1951-] [Algoma]
          (Bob Deprey, Leon Janowski, Rich Kinstetter, Orv Konop, Elgene Nuhlicek, Ken Ouradnik, Red Zachek, Russ Zimmerman)
  263. .Zivko, Marty And His Band [Active: 194?-1955] [city?]
  264. .Zoromski, Pat and The Boys From Polonia - Discog ( FolkLib Index), Page ( Michelle Genrich [Archive]) [Active: 19??-] [Ringle]
          (Brian Barnetzke, Steve Benaszeski, Kevin Genrich, Randy Stencil, Pat Zoromski)
  265. .Zunker, Neal & The Music Connection - (see: The Music Connection)
  266. .Zweifel, Keith & His State Line Play Boys (aka Stateline Playboys) [Active: 1966-] [Brodhead]
          (Keith Zweifel, Mike Zweifel, Jim Wise, ?)
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P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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