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This page lists the print sources of information about the UW Oshkosh Music Department which has been installed at this site.
UW Oshkosh Campus Directories 1916-date
Quiver (yearbooks) 1897-1980
Other Source Books
State Normal School at Oshkosh Annual Catalogues (1871-1903)
- new 4-07-2009
Oshkosh State Normal School Annual Bulletins (1904-19??)
- new 4-08-2009
UW Oshkosh Undergraduate Bulletins 19??-date
UW Oshkosh Graduate Studies Bulletins
- new 3-31-2009
Research Questions/Problems
According to the Polk Library 3rd Floor Archives Web site, "At this time few University Archives collections are cataloged in the library's on-line catalog." Therefore, this page contains the only public on-line documentation of what exists in the UW Oshkosh Archives for the resources listed above.
The 1871-2 First Annual Catalogue of the State Normal School at Oshkosh, Wis. published in 1872 includes the names of all Students. Therefore, even though there was no Quiver yearbook until 1897, between the 1871-1903 Catalogues, the 1897-1972 Quivers, and the 1916-date Campus Directories, there exists an almost complete written record of all Students in attendance over the entire history of the School. The only gaps are the missing 1872, 1873 and 1887 Catalogues AND the missing 1923, 1947 and 1948 Campus Directories for which there are no copies in the Polk Library 3rd Floor Archives.
UW Oshkosh Series nn - Box nn = this is the label on each Archives box and should be included when you request the material at the desk.
UW Oshkosh Campus Directories
Below is a list of every annual Directory I have seen, and the page(s) where lists can be found of the Faculty and Staff in the UW Oshkosh Music Department.
A few Directories which had no page numbers at all are marked "unnumbered". A few others left some page number gaps, presumably for the insertion of the "Academic Departments" pages later in the printing process, but in most cases, the gap was underestimated. The later inserted pages had no page numbers. For example, if they left room for four pages between 18 and 23 and there were seven, I wrote page numbers in my personal copy as follows: 19, 20, 21, 22a, 22b, 22c and 22d. Hence the letter suffix to some of the page number references below.
1) 1943-44 - 1946-47: If Directories were published for these years, no copies were saved. Only typed "Faculty and Clerical Staff Directory" lists exist. There are no Student lists. Quiver (yearbooks) are the only known source for Students on Campus these four years.
2) 1947-48 and 1948-49: There is no folder in the Archives for these years, so no Student, Faculty or Staff Directories or lists were saved. Quiver (yearbooks) are the only known source for everyone on Campus these two years.
3) 1966 was the first Directory that noted what Department each Faculty member was in. All Directories, 1965 and before, have alphabetical lists of all Faculty and Staff with all Departmental status unknown. Quiver (yearbooks) are the only known source for who was in what Department. Because of this, there is no known record before 1966 of who was the Music Department Chair, or what Staff members worked in the Music Department.
4) Starting in 1983, the Department Chair and Staff were listed in a "University Offices" section, separate from the "Academic Departments" Faculty lists. So there are two page numbers from 1983-2005. Starting in 2006, both lists were again merged into a "University Offices and Academic Departments" section.
TBA = to be announced after visits to the
Polk Library 3rd Floor Archives. Stay tuned.
* = From photocopies I made of the original in the Archives. I saved
personal original copies of all 1978-date Campus Directories, except
2000-1 and 2001-2.
UW Oshkosh Series 6 Box 1, 1912-1954 1912 (not a campus phone book, it's a "Directory of Graduates", "where are they now?" type book) 1916 - 1937 -- TBA 1938-39, p. 3, 5 * 1939-40, p. 3-4 * 1940-41, p. 3-4 * 1941-42, p. 3-4 * 1942-43, p. 2-3 * 1943-44 - typed sheets * 1944-45 - typed sheets * 1945-46 - typed sheets * 1946-47 - typed sheets * 1947-48 - no copy exists * 1948-49 - no copy exists * 1949-50, p. 28-29 * 1950-51, p. 24-25 * 1951-52, p. 12-13 * 1952-53, unnumbered * 1953-54, p. 31-32 * 1954-55, p. 27-28 * Box 2, 1955-1968 1955-56, p. 28-29 * 1956-57, unnumbered * 1957-58, unnumbered * 1958-59, unnumbered * 1959-60, p. 60-61 * |
1960-61, p. 62-64 *
1961-62, p. 67-69 * 1962-63, p. 69-72 * 1963-64, p. 69-72 * 1964-65, p. 82-86 * 1965-66, p. 89-93 * 1966-67, p. 5 * 1967-68, p. 6 * 1968-69, p. 7 * Box 3, 1969-1975 1969-70, p. 13-14 * 1970-71, p. 13 * 1971-72, p. 17 * 1972-73, p. 20 * 1973-74, p. 19 * 1974-75, p. 23 * 1975-76, p. 23 * Box 4, 1976-1982 1976-77, p. 24 * 1977-78, p. 30 * 1978-79, p. 26-27 1979-80, p. 28 1980-81, unnumbered 1981-82, unnumbered 1982-83, unnumbered Box 5, 1983-? |
1983-84, p. 15, 38
1984-85, p. 11, 17 1985-86, p. 13, 32 1986-87, p. 13, 32 1987-88, p. 12, 32 1988-89, p. 15, 32b 1989-90, p. 14, 32b 1990-91, p. 15, 31 1991-92, p. 15, 22b 1992-93, p. 15, 22b 1993-94, p. 15, 20c 1994-95, p. 14, 21 1995-96, p. 16, 23 1996-97, p. 17, 25 1997-98, p. 19, 27 1998-99, p. 19, 26 1999-2000, p. 20, 26 2000-01, p. 20, 27 * 2001-02, p. 20, 27 * 2002-03, p. 20, 27 2003-04, p. 20, 27 2004-05, p. 21, 28 2005-06, p. 21, 28 2006-07, p. 21 2007-08, p. 21-22 2008-09, p. 20 |
UW Oshkosh "Quiver" annual yearbooks:
| Quiver (1897 - 1972) | The New Quiver (10/1972 - 4/1973) | Quiver II (1977 - 1980) |
I have started going through the Faculty lists in the UW Oshkosh yearbooks (1897-1980). This will require numerous visits to the Polk Library 3rd Floor Archives.
All Faculty lists are alphabetical, except as noted "(by dept.)"
The New Quiver -- 10/1972-4/1973 (individually stapled magazines)
Quiver II -- 1977-1980 (bound books)
After publishing no yearbooks for 1974-1977, a four year attempt was made to revive it. These books contained mostly campus photos and photos of the entire Senior class, but, other than the Chancellor, no lists of other Administration, Faculty or Students.
Other Source Books: - in the Polk Library 3rd Floor Archives (April 2009)
State Normal School at Oshkosh "Annual Catalogues" (1871-1903)
Below is a list of every Annual Catalogue that exists in the Polk Library 3rd Floor Archives (April 2009), and the pages where "Faculty" lists published the name and subjects taught by every Faculty member and Administrator. Until the 1899 Catalogue lists only "School Supervision", every 1871-1898 President also taught classes.
Oshkosh State Normal School Annual "Bulletins" (1904-19??)
Below is a list of every Normal School Bulletin documented here (so far), and the pages where "Faculty" lists published the name and subjects taught by every Faculty member and Administrator. Until the 1899 Catalogue listed only "School Supervision", every 1871-1898 President also taught classes.
UW Oshkosh "Undergraduate Bulletins" (19??-date)
Below is a list of every bi-annual Undergraduate Bulletin documented here (so far), and the pages where "Faculty and Academic Staff" lists published the name, year started at UW Oshkosh, job title, and all graduate degrees earned by every Faculty member. The table below lists the publication date and the last name of every Music Faculty member listed in each Bulletin. See the UW Oshkosh Music Department Faculty Index page for their complete names and other information.
If they have been installed on-line, a link is included to the "Faculty and Academic Staff" pages from Undergraduate Bulletins on the UW Oshkosh Web site.
Date | Music Faculty Listed |
1979-1981 5-01-1979 p. 192-209 |
Brock, Buettner, Butcher, Cionek, Curtis, Dennis, D. Geeting, J. Geeting, J. Grine, Hassel, Haux, Hess, Hinant, Isaacson, Klemish, Kohn, Linton, J. Luce, Mazzacano, McKee, Messner, Minniear, Neice, Palac, Pensis, Porter, C. Shaw, Teie, Winborne, Wise, Zeff. |
1981-1983 5-01-1981 p. 181-195 |
Brock, Buettner, Butcher, Curtis, Dennis, J. Grine, Hassel, Haux, Isaacson, Klemish, Kohn, Linton, Lloyd, J. Luce, Messner, Minniear, Neice, Pensis, Porter, Wise, Zeff. |
1983-1985 p. 271-293 |
Buettner, Butcher, Case, Chapman, Curtis, Dennis, Emery, Gainacopulos, Goodwin, J. Grine, Isaacson, Klemish, Kohn, Linton, Lloyd, J. Luce, Minniear, Neice, Pensis, Porter, Wise. |
1985-1987 p. 292-314 |
Butcher, Chapman, Chaudoir, Curtis, Emery, Gainacopulos, J. Grine, Hassel, Haux, Isaacson, Justice, Kohn, Lloyd, J. Luce, Minniear, Neice, Pensis, Porter, Schaefer, Wise. |
1987-1989 p. 263-279 |
Butcher, Chapman, Chaudoir, Curtis, Emery, Gainacopulos, J. Grine, Hassel, Haux, Isaacson, Justice, Kohn, Lloyd, J. Luce, Minniear, Neice, Pensis, Porter, Schaefer, Wise. |
1991-1993 p. 297-315 |
Andrews, Butcher, Chapman, Chaudoir, Cowley, Gainacopulos, J. Grine, Hassel, Hoffmeister, Isaacson, Kohn, Lloyd, J. Luce, Minniear, Paris, Pensis, Rizer, Sweger, Wise. |
1997-1999 p. 289-306 |
Andrews, Bahcall, Chapman, Chaudoir, Cowley, Gainacopulos, Gray, J. Grine, Gullickson, Hassel, Hoffmeister, Isaacson, Lloyd, J. Luce, R. McWilliams, Messner, Minniear, Padilla, Schaefer, J. Wang. |
1999-2001 p. 305-322 |
Andrews, Atwell, Bahcall, Chapman, Chaudoir, Cowley, Gainacopulos, Gray,
J. Grine, Gullickson, Hassel, Hoffmeister, Isaacson, Lloyd, R. McWilliams,
Messner, Minniear, Schaefer, E. Wang, J. Wang, as listed correctly at: I. FACULTY. |
2001-2003 p. 329-346 |
Andrews, Atwell, Bahcall, Chapman, Chaudoir, Cowley, Gainacopulos, J. Grine,
Gullickson, Hassel, Hoffmeister, Imobersteg, Isaacson, Liske,
R. McWilliams, Messner, Novgorodsky, J. Wang, as listed correctly at: I. FACULTY. |
2003-2005 p. 330-347 |
Andrews, Atwell, Bahcall, Chapman, Chaudoir, Cowley, Fournier,
Gainacopulos, Gullickson, Hassel, Hoffmeister, Isaacson, Liske,
MacDonald, R. McWilliams, Messner, but NOT: Borgerding, Lloyd, Matos, Sorensen, as listed by mistake at: MUSIC Faculty. |
2005-2007 p. 332-350 |
Andrews, Atwell, Bahcall, Chapman, Chaudoir, Cowley, Fournier,
Gainacopulos, Gullickson, Hassel, Hoffmeister, Isaacson, Liske,
Matos, R. McWilliams, Messner, Robinson, Watanabe, but NOT: Borgerding, as listed by mistake at: MUSIC FACULTY. Borgerding, Combe, Lethco, H. McWilliams, also should have been listed on p. 332-350. |
2007-2009 p. 344-361 |
Andrews, Atwell, Bahcall, Borgerding, Chapman, Chaudoir, Cowley,
Gainacopulos, Hoffmeister, Imobersteg, Isaacson, Liske, Matos,
R. McWilliams, Messner, Robinson, Watanabe, as listed at: MUSIC Faculty, which, by mistake, does not include Imobersteg. Combe, Lethco, H. McWilliams, Rosing also should have been listed, but were not. |
Click on the p. nnn link above for the complete on-line version
of the original hard copy list of Faculty and Academic Staff for 2001-2003 - 2007-2009. |
I saved personal copies of 11 past Undergraduate Bulletins, and 9
past Graduate Bulletins, which will be eventually be documented here.
Those I don't have will require visits to the
Polk Library 3rd Floor Archives.
Undergraduate Bulletins: 1979-1981, 1981-1983, 1983-1985, 1985-1987,
1987-1989, ..., 1991-1993, ..., 1997-1999, 1999-2001, 2001-2003,
2003-2005, 2005-2007
Graduate Bulletins: 1981, ..., 1984-1986, 1986-1988, ..., 1998-2000,
2000-2002, 2002-2004, 2004-2006, 2006-2008, 2008-2010
UW Oshkosh "Graduate Studies Bulletin" (aka Graduate School Catalog, Graduate Bulletin and Graduate School Bulletin)
Below is a list of every bi-annual Graduate Studies Bulletin documented here (so far), and the pages where "Graduate Faculty" lists published the name, year started at UW Oshkosh, job title, and all graduate degrees earned by every Faculty member. The table below lists the publication date and the last name of every Music Faculty member listed in each Bulletin. See the UW Oshkosh Music Department Faculty Index page for their complete names and other information.
If they have been installed on-line, a link is included to the
"Graduate Faculty" pages from
Graduate Studies Bulletins on the UW Oshkosh Web site.
* = From photocopies I made of the original in the Archives. I saved
personal original copies of 9 past Graduate Bulletins, 1981, ...,
1984-1986, 1986-1988, ..., 1998-2000, 2000-2002, 2002-2004, 2004-2006,
2006-2008, 2008-2010.
Those I don't have will require visits to the
Polk Library 3rd Floor Archives.
Date | Music Faculty Listed |
? * p. ? |
Graduate Bulletin - |
? * p. ? |
Graduate Bulletin - |
? * p. ? |
Graduate Bulletin - |
? * p. ? |
Graduate Bulletin - |
1975 * p. 117-125 |
Graduate School Catalog - |
1977 * p. 118-128 |
Graduate School Bulletin - Brock, Butcher, Curtis, Dennis, J. Luce, Haux, Klemish, Kohn, Linton, J. Luce, Mazzacano, McCreery, Minniear, Neice, Pensis, Porter, Roy, Teie, Wise, Yttrehus, Zeff |
1979 * p. 80-88 |
Graduate Bulletin - Brock, Butcher, Curtis, Dennis, J. Grine, Haux, Klemish, Kohn, Linton, J. Luce, Mazzacano, McCreery, Minniear, Neice, Pensis, Porter, Roy, Teie, Wise, Yttrehus, Zeff |
1981 p. 71-76 |
Graduate School Bulletin - Brock, Butcher, Curtis, Dennis, J. Grine, Haux, Klemish, Kohn, Linton, J. Luce, Minniear, Neice, Pensis, Porter, Wise, Zeff |
1984-1986 p. 123-131 |
Graduate School Bulletin - Butcher, Chapman, Curtis, Dennis, Gainacopulos, J. Grine, Haux, Isaacson, Klemish, Kohn, Linton, J. Luce, Minniear, Neice, Pensis, Porter, Wise |
1986-1988 p. 136-149 |
Graduate Bulletin - Butcher, Chapman, Curtis, J. Grine, Haux, Isaacson, Kohn, J. Luce, Minniear, Neice, Pensis, Porter, Wise |
1998-2000 p. 127-139 |
Graduate Bulletin - Andrews, Bahcall, Chapman, Chaudoir, Cowley, Gainacopulos, Gray, J. Grine, Gullickson, Hassel, Hoffmeister, Isaacson, Lloyd, R. McWilliams, Minniear, Schaefer, J. Wang |
2000-2002 p. 138-147 |
Graduate Bulletin - Andrews, Bahcall, Chapman, Chaudoir, Cowley, Gainacopulos, J. Grine, Gullickson, Hassel, Hoffmeister, Isaacson, Lloyd, R. McWilliams, Minniear, J. Wang |
2002-2004 p. 145-154 |
Graduate School Bulletin - Andrews, Bahcall, Borgerding, Gainacopulos, J. Grine, Gullickson, Hassel, Hoffmeister, Isaacson, Lloyd, R. McWilliams, J. Wang |
2004-2006 p. 157-167 |
Graduate Studies Bulletin - Andrews, Bahcall, Borgerding, Chapman, J. Chaudoir, Cowley, Gainacopulos, Hoffmeister, Isaacson, R. McWilliams |
2006-2008 p. 161-171 |
Graduate Studies Bulletin -
Andrews, Bahcall, Borgerding, Chapman, J. Chaudoir, Cowley, Gainacopulos,
Hassel, Hoffmeister, Isaacson, R. McWilliams.
Current Faculty missing: Atwell, Combe, Corpus, Gullickson, Imobersteg, Lethco, Liske, Matos, H. McWilliams, Messner, Robinson, Shaw, Thrush, Watanabe. |
2008-2010 p. 162-172 |
Graduate Studies Bulletin - Andrews, Bahcall, Borgerding, Chapman, J. Chaudoir, Cowley, Gainacopulos, Hoffmeister, Isaacson, R. McWilliams |
Click on the p. nnn link above for the complete on-line version
of the original hard copy list of Faculty and Academic Staff for 2002-2004 - 2008-2010. |
Current Faculty missing: This refers to the names listed as Current Faculty in the Campus Directory for the year before the beginning year date on each Bulletin, but who were left out of the Bulletin. For example, the information submittal deadline for the 2006-2008 Bulletin was sometime in the 2005-2006 academic year, so the missing list is from the Faculty names on page 28 of the 2005-6 Directory.
Personally, as a career Computer Analyst/Programmer , I believe in rules, and following them consistently. Either this is not important in who is listed and who is not listed, or, I do not understand the rules. Per the guidelines on page 11 of the 2006-2008 Graduate Studies Bulletin, "To qualify, faculty must have an earned doctorate or the appropriate terminal degree in a professional field or discipline; in addition, they must have been recommended by the department and college and approved by the Provost."I saved personal copies of 8 past Graduate Bulletins, which will be eventually be documented here. Those I don't have will require visits to the Polk Library 3rd Floor Archives.
1) Borgerding, Chapman, J. Chaudoir, Cowley, Gainacopulos and Isaacson - DO have doctorates, and ARE listed per the guidelines.
2) Combe and Messner - do NOT have doctorates, and are NOT listed per the guidelines.
3) Atwell, Gullickson, Hassel, Lethco, Liske, Matos, H. McWilliams, Robinson, Shaw and Watanabe - DO have doctorates, but are NOT listed.
4) Andrews, Bahcall, Hassel and Hoffmeister, - do NOT have doctorates, but ARE listed.
5) Corpus, Imobersteg and Thrush - degrees are unknown.
Actually, as logic would seem to dictate, NO Music Faculty should be listed. Although there are fourteen 600 and 700 level courses listed on pages 144-5, there has never been a single post-graduate Music degree ever awarded at UW Oshkosh. Why are there graduate Music courses, if it is not possible to get a Masters in Music degree from taking them?
Research Questions/Problems:
It was hoped that the lists of Faculty that appeared in each annual UW Oshkosh Campus Directory would prove to be the definitive source for every member of the Music Faculty and when they began and/or ended their careers. I have a personal collection of Directories since 1978, but am missing 2000-1 and 2001-2. The UW Oshkosh Polk Library Archives has copies of most Campus Directories back to 1916. Unfortunately, in more than one case, the published lists prompted new unanswered questions.
Can anybody help resolve the following Questions/Problems?
** = These Faculty do not yet have an entry at this site other than on the UW Oshkosh Music Department Faculty Index page.
Problems with the official "Faculty and Academic Staff" lists published in the bi-annual Undergraduate Bulletins:
| Wisconsin Music Site Map | UW Oshkosh Music Department Faculty Index |