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- Sub-genre pages of Wisconsin Pop/Rock: Help Wanted

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      Sub-genre pages of Wisconsin Pop/Rock created so far:

  1. Wisconsin Heavy Metal Musicians - Discography
  2. Wisconsin Hip hop Musicians - Discography
  3. Wisconsin Punk Rock Musicians - Discography
  4. Wisconsin R&B (Rhythm & Blues) Musicians - Discography
  5. Wisconsin Reggae Musicians - Discography
  6. Wisconsin Soul Musicians - Discography

      A list of many other Sub-genres of Pop/Rock not created yet (Help Wanted)

      Please write if you are an expert in one or more sub-genres not listed above and can identify which artists/groups listed on my "Pop/Rock" page should be moved to a new sub-genre page. However, a new page for another sub-genre must have at least 10 names before it will be created. The goal is to cut down on the size of my huge "Pop/Rock" page, Wisconsin Pop and Rock Musicians, which, at least as of 11-17-2010, contained 942 different artists/groups.

Known links to this page:

Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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Copyright © 2007-2017 Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.