FolkLib Index - Wisconsin Festival History:
          Irish Fest-La Crosse: 2005-2009 Performers

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|   Irish Fest-La Crosse: Past Performers Index 2005-date   |

|   2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009   |

August 12-14, 2005 (1st Annual)
Source: deleted Web page, as of 6-09-2005 [Archive]

  1. Amadans
  2. Bagpipers
  3. Burns, Batt
  4. Coulee Celtic Band, The
  5. Dance Studio, The
  6. Danu
  7. Flanagan Irish Dancers
  8. Gallagher, Jim
  9. Glencastle Irish Dancers
  10. Kissers, The
  11. Knutson, Keith
  12. Leahy's Luck
  13. McRactagan, Sean
  14. Molloy, Fiona
  15. Nine Yards
  16. TBA (others?)

August 11-13, 2006 (2nd Annual)
Sources: deleted Web page, as of 4-22-2006 [Archive] and 2006 Festival poster - (PDF format, requires Adobe Acrobat reader)
  1. Amadans
  2. Clancy, Liam
  3. Coulee Celtic Bagpipers
  4. Flanagan Irish Dancers
  5. Gaelic Storm
  6. Glencastle Irish Dancers
  7. Kissers, The
  8. La Crosse Dance Studio Irish Dancers
  9. Larkin and Moran Brothers, The
  10. Nine Yards (9 Yards)
  11. Nolan Brothers
  12. Seven Nations
  13. TBA (others?)

August 10-12, 2007 (3rd Annual)
Source: 2007 Festival poster - (PDF format, requires Adobe Acrobat reader)
  1. Amadans
  2. Athas
  3. Collins, Turner
  4. Flanagan Irish Dancers
  5. Gaelic Storm
  6. Gan Bua
  7. Glencastle Irish Dancers
  8. La Crosse Dance Studio
  9. Larkin' (Band, The)
  10. Larkin and Moran Brothers, The
  11. Liam, Cathal
  12. Molloy, Fiona
  13. Munnelly Band, The David
  14. Prodigals, The
  15. Robertson, Kim
  16. Sarazin, Shari Lowe
  17. Scythian
  18. Snug, The
  19. Sullivan, Ed and Sally
  20. TBA (others?)

August 8-10, 2008 (4th Annual)
Sources: 2008 Schedule as of 5-17-2008 and 2008 Festival poster - (PDF format, requires Adobe Acrobat reader)
  1. Athas
  2. Byrne, Barry
  3. Celtic Cross
  4. Celtic Tenors, The
  5. Elders, The
  6. Flanagan Irish Dancers
  7. Fuschia Band, The
  8. Gaelic Storm
  9. Glencastle Irish Dancers
  10. Irish Minstrels, The
  11. Kennedy, Seamus
  12. La Crosse Pipes and Drums
  13. Lipshutz, Brett and Randy Gosa
  14. Maahas, Kristin
  15. Makem and Spain Brothers, The
  16. Mickey Finns, The
  17. Reasor, Lillian
  18. Rising Gael
  19. Robertson, Kim
  20. Salsa Celtica
  21. Sarazin, Shari
  22. Schaufenbuel, Cindy
  23. Screaming Orphans, The
  24. Slide
  25. Van Goor, Bethany
  26. Ward, Chris
  27. Willow Brae
  28. TBA (others?)

August 7-9, 2009 (5th Annual)
Source: 2009 Festival poster - (PDF format, requires Adobe Acrobat reader)
  1. Athas
  2. Celtic Tenors, The
  3. Gaelic Storm
  4. Kennedy, Seamus
  5. Makem and Spain Brothers, The
  6. Robertson, Kim
  7. Salsa Celtica
  8. Screaming Orphans, The
  9. Slide
  10. TBA (others?)

Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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