Credits File - The Big Bands Database by Murray L. Pfeffer

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Listed here are credits for some of the sources we have used in the compilation of this Big Bands Database.

Brief Discography Guide:

* The Jazz Discography. 1992-. by Tom Lord - Lord Music References and Cadence Jazz Books, pubs., 1995/8.
       A total of Twenty-five volumes projected. Intended to be a comprehensive
       discography covering over 100 years of recorded jazz. Includes "all types
       of jazz and creative improvised music, including traditional." Jazz, Swing,
       bebop, modern, avant-garde, fusion, third stream, etc. Entries are
       arranged by leader's name, then chronologically by session date;
       information given includes album title and group name, musicians and
       instruments they played, recording location, and tune names. Indices of
       musicians and titles are planned following publication of the final
       volume in the main alphabetical sequence. (CDs now available 2003)
* Jazz Discographies (19 volumes - 2 Modern, 12 Swing, 5 Progressive - thru 1980) - by Walter Bruyninckx
* Jazz Records 1897-1942 (2 volumes - 5th Edition) - by Brian Rust - (Laurie Wright, Storyville Publications and Co. Ltd. 66 Fairview Drive, Chigwell, Essex, IG7 6HS, United Kingdom) 1995.
       Comprehensive. Documents "Jazz, dance music, and vocal records with
       jazz groups. "Also important and interesting" Ragtime records. Only
       American and British artists arranged by artist or group, then recording
       session date and matrix number. There are indices of artists and titles.
       LPs are included only if their music was never released on 78-rpm discs.
* Jazz Records 1942-1980 (2 volumes) - by Jorgen Grunnet Jepsen
* Jazz Records 1942-1980 (11 volumes and counting for the revision to the above) - by Erik Raben and Ole J. Nielsen - 1995/6
* Jazz Records, 1897-1942. 5th ed. 2 vols.
* New Hot Discography (Latest edition is 1948 - 3rd printing) - by Charles Delaunay - Criterion Music Corp, 1963
* New Orleans, The Revival - by Tom Stagg and Charlie Crump - Bashall Caves Publication, 1973

* Joel Whitburn's Pop Memories, 1890-1954: The History of American Popular Music. 1986.
       Lists artist/group alphabetically, with every record that appeared on Pop
       music charts, date charted, peak position, weeks charted, and record
       label/number. Has song title index giving artist/group, with peak position
       and year. There is a tabular synopsis of information for the decades prior
       to Billboard's "Best Selling Records" charts of the 1940s, Note: Whitburn
       catalogs, Jim Walsh used such soures as Phonogram, Phonoscope,
       sheet music sales, record label columns for Hobbies Magazine, Talking
       Machine World, etc. Since these early sources differgreatly from later
       charts, information from this book regarding "chart position" -through
       the 1930s, should be used with much caution.

* Penguin Guide to Jazz on CD. 5th ed. 2000.
       A "detailed summary and evaluation of what exactly is available by both
       major and minor figures in the jazz field" (introduction), with authors'
       judgments indicated by both a star rating system and the text included in
       each entry. Alphabetic listing of Musicians in the main section and the
       index that follows. Album citations have title, label, and catalog number,
       followed by musical personnel and recording date. A very brief
       biographical note opens each entry. Lists thousands of jazz CDs and is
       a good resource for novice and veteran collectors.

* Schwann Spectrum. 1990-.
       Published quarterly. Lists nonclassical recordings (compact discs,
       cassettes,and LPs) available in the United States. There are seven
       sections, most of which are arranged by artist or group: popular, jazz,
       soundtracks (arranged by title), international (by country or region),
       new age, gospel/religious, and miscellaneous (arranged by categories,
       including belly dancing, nostalgia, karaoke, and polka). The first
       section includes rock, blues, country, folk, rap, dance, instrumental,
       and vocal pop; entries in this section include a code indicating
       subgenre: banjo, bluegrass, blues, Cajun,disco, easy listening,
       folk, industrial/gothic, punk, rockabilly, etc.

* 'Sweet and Lowdown', by Warren Craig, publ. 1978.

Popular Music--discography
       * Brian A. L. Rust:
            The American Dance Band Discog.1917-'42 Arlington House. 2 vols. 1975
            The American Record Label Book ca. 1978 Arlington House. New Rochelle, NY
            The British Music Hall On Record- ca. 1979
            The Complete Entertainment Discography -ca. 1973
            The Dance Bands ca. 1974 (Arlington House - New Rochelle, NY)
            Discography of Historical Records. ca. 1979

* "Popular American Recording Pioneers, 1895-1925," by Tim Gracyk with Frank Hoffman (New York: The Haworth Press, 2000).
* Jazz Records - 1897-1942, (London) Storyville Publications. ca. 1972
* London Musical Shows on Record ca, 1977
* "The Almost Complete 78 rpm Record Dating Guide II", Barr, Steven C., (Huntington Beach, CA: Yesterday Once Again, 1992).
* "The Collector's Guide to Victor Records", Sherman, Michael W., (Dallas: Monarch Record Ent. 1992).
* "The Columbia Master Book Discography" (4 vols) ..of Historical Records on Cylinders & 78s (Publ: Greenwood, 1979)
* Blues and Gospel Records 1902-1942 - 3rd Edition (new edition imminent)-by RMW Dixon and J Godrich 1982
* British Dance Bands on Record 1911-1945 - by Brian Rust and Sandy Forbes - Storyville, 1989(?)
* British Music Hall Discography - by Brian Rust
* Canadian Jazz Discography (1916-1980) - by J. Litchfield (1994?)
* Complete Entertainment Discography - by Brian Rust - Arlington House Publishers, 1973

Still More about 78s...
* Almost Complete 78 RPM Record Dating Guide (II) (Mostly pre-1943), by Steven C. Barr. Published by
     Yesterday Once Again. 1992
* American 45 & 78 Rpm Record Dating Guide, 1940-1959, William R. Daniels, Greenwood Publ'g 1985
* Date About all Those English Seventy-eights - by Eddie Shaw - published by the author,1995
* American Record Label Directory and Dating Guide (Post 1940) - by G. Gart (1994?)
* American Premium Record Guide (1900-1965, 78,45,LP), Les R. Docks. 4th Ed.Books Americana, 1992
* American Record Label Book (pre-1943) - by Brian Rust - Arlington House Pub., 1978
* The Collector's Guide To Victor Records - by Michael W. Sherman, in collaboration with William R. Moran and Kurt R. Nauck III - Monarch Record Enterprises, Dallas, 1992).
* Complete Encyclopedia of Popular Music (4 volumes of lists): Roger D. Kinkle., Publ: Arlington House, 1974
* Dance bands, Big Band and Swing: Buyers-Sellers (values) - by Alice Rogers - Jellyroll Productions, 1993
* Directory of American Disc Record Brands and Manufacturers, 1891-1943, - by Allan Sutton, 1994

Classical Music --- discography
* World's Encycopedia of Recorded Music
       Reasonably complete listing of ALL electric classical issues worldwide
        1925-1955 - Greenwood Press

Blues Music--discography
* Blues and Gospel Records, 1890-1943. 4th ed. 1997.
       The premier discography for prewar blues and black sacred music,
       (mostly on 78-rpm discs). Alphabetically by artist, then session date;
       lists record serial and matrix numbers. Includes title, vocalist,
       and accompanist indexes.

Country Music--discography
* Country Music: The Rough Guide. 2000.
       Historical essays, biographical entries on individual artists; annotated
       citations of significant CDs and LPs. Index of artists and bands.

* Rap Music--discography
* Rap Music in the 1980s: A Reference Guide. 1992.
       Two chapters - four indices. Annotated list of books, articles, and
       reviews; Has selected discography. Indices of dates, subjects, artists,
       and album and song titles. All material dates from the 1980s.

Folk Music--discography
* Oxford Companion to Popular Music. 1991.
       Entries for names and terms. Chronological coverage from approximately
       the mid-19th century to year of publication. Primary focus is on popular
       song and popular musical theater (including operetta, cabaret, and music
       hall) in the United States and Great Britain. Also entries for jazz
       and folk music. There are three indices: people and groups, shows and
       films, and songs and albums.

Reggae Music--discography
* The Green Book of Songs by Subject: A Thematic Guide to Popular Music. 4th ed. 1995.
       The Chronological scope is entire 20th century for this classified listing
       of over twenty-one thousand popular songs under ca. eight hundred
       subject categories and subcategories. (There is a subject index.) All
       genres (rock, pop standards, country, reggae, jazz, Broadway, folk,
       Cajun, etc.) Each entry gives the song title, artist, album title,
       and record label.

Gospel Music--discography
* Penguin Encyclopedia of Popular Music. 2d ed. 1998.
       Entries for artists and groups for a variety of music genres (country, jazz,
       rock, pop, gospel, blues, world music, etc.) as well as for songwriters,
       record labels, genres, and styles. There is a thorough index.

Other noteworthy references include:
       * Leonard Feather: Encyclopedia of Jazz (Bonanza Books, 1960)
       * George T. Simon: The Swing Bands (Arthur Jackson: The World of Big
       Bands (Arco 1971)
       * Frederic Ramsey, Jr.; Chas. E. Smith: Jazzmen (Harcourt, Brace & Co.)
       * Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians
       * Alec Wilder: American Popular Song Oxford Univ. Press. 1972 and 1975
       * Orrin Keepnews & Bill Grauer, Jr. A Pictorial History of Jazz, Crown
       * Lissauer's Encyclopedia of Popular Song in America. Paragon
       * All Music Guide Roger Kinkle
       * Big Band Almanac, Leo Walker
       * Penguin Encyclopedia of Popular Music
       * Rough Guide to Jazz, Grove
       * Billboard Book of American Singing Groups, The, A History 1940-1980.
       Jay Warner, Billboard Inc.
       * Chilton Who's Who of Jazz 1985
       * Chilton Who's Who of British Jazz
       * Canadian Jazz Discography 1916-1980
       * Oxford Companion to Australian Jazz
       * New Orleans Jazz
       * Feather Encyclopedia of Jazz
       * Feather New Edition of Encyclopedia of Jazz
       * Feather Encyclopedia of Jazz in the Sixties
       * Halliwell's - Filmgoers' Companion (12th edition)
       * Phil Hardy's - The Encyclopedia of the Western.
       * Murray Ginsberg's - 'They Loved To Play' Memories of the Golden Age
       in Canadian Music.
            (Eastend Books Toronto, Canada 1998)

The following .wav files have been supplied thru the kind courtesy of the Friedman/Fairfax Publishing Corp.
       aintshe.wav - Helen Ward singing. See Benny Goodman Orch.
       never.wav - See the Jimmy Lunceford Orch. listing.

The great photographs of the St. Louis Bands of Gene Rodemich, Allister Wylie and the Conley-Silverman Orchs., are through the kindness of Mr. Bob Lang.

The Photo of Red Nichols is by courtesy Mr. Verne Langdon.

Much material on the "Light Music" composers/arrangers/bands were researched on a very fine site, 'hotlinked' here to make a visit easier. Just 'click'. David Jackson Shields Light Music Hall of Fame

Other sources consulted are:
The New-York Historical Society (Research Library)
212 873-3400.
2 W. 77 Street.
New York, NY, USA

The Museum of The City Of New York
1220 Fifth Aveneue (103rd Street)
New York, NY, USA
Tel: 212 534-1672

The Archives at Carnegie Hall (open to the public by permission)
57th Street and Seventh Ave.
New York, NY, USA
Available: Mon-Fri, 9:30 - 5:30
Tel: 212 903-9629.

From time to time, More credit listings will be added.

© Copyright 1988-2007 Murray L. Pfeffer. All Rights Reserved.