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1911 Casavant Freres Organ, Opus 469
First Congregational Church, Oshkosh, WI

(last updated .03-19-2017)

Casavant Freres, Opus 469 (1911)     First Congregational Church, Oshkosh, WI (1997)

Casavant Freres, Opus 469 © 1996, Thompson Studio     First Congregational Church, Oshkosh, WI (6/1997)

The above photographs were scanned on a Lexmark X73 at 25%
Organ scanned at 100%     Church scanned at 100%
Another view of the organ [Archive] (formerly on the FCC website)
1911, 1959 and 1986 Organ Consoles

First Congregational Church, 137 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, WI 54901-4872
Links for the First Congregational Church

Casavant Freres Organ, Opus 469
Original Installation - 1911
Rebuilt April 11, 1985

                            Console Specification

                             Keyboards:  CC-C  61
                            Pedalboard: CCC-G  32

                             Organ Specification


                  1.  Double Open Diapason          16
                  2.  Open Diapason                  8
                  3.  Violin Diapason                8
                  4.  Dopple Flute                   8
                  5.  Dolce                          8
                  6.  Octave                         4
                  7.  Harmonic Flute                 4
                  8.  Super Octave                   2
                  9.  Mixture                       IV
                 10.  Trumpet                        8
                 11.  Blank                         --
                      Great   16
                      Great Unison Off
                      Great    4


                 12.  Gedeckt                       16
                 13.  Open Diapason                  8
                 14.  Stopped Diapason               8
                 15.  Viola di Gamba                 8
                 16.  Voix celeste                   8
                 17.  Ouintadena                     8
                 18.  Flute Traverse                 4
                 19.  Octave                         4
                 20.  Hazard                     2-2/3
                 21.  Fifteenth                      2
                 22.  Tierce                     1-3/5
                 23.  Mixture                      III
                 24.  Cornopean                      8
                 25.  Oboe                           8
                 26.  Vox Humana                     8
                      Swell   16
                      Swell Unison Off
                      Swell    4


                 27.  Open Diapason                 8
                 28.  Melodia                       8
                 29.  Violoncello                   8
                 30.  Principal                     4
                 31.  Wald Flute                    4
                 32.  Piccolo                       2
                 33.  Larigot                       1-1/3
                 34.  Clarinet                      8
                      Choir  16
                      Choir Unison Off
                      Choir  4


                 35.  Double Open Diapason          16
                 36.  Bourdon                       16
                 37.  Gedeckt    (from #12)         16
                 38.  Violone                       16
                 39.  Quinte                    10-2/3
                 40.  Bourdon    (from #36)          8
                 41.  Flute      (from #35)          8
                 42.  Trombone                      16
                 43.  Trumpet                        8
                 44.  Blank
                      Pedal   4


                          Great/Pedal       8
                          Great/Pedal       4
                          Swell/Pedal       8
                          Swell/Pedal       4
                          Choir/Pedal       8
                          Choir/Pedal       4
                          Swell/Great      16
                          Swell/Great       8
                          Swell/Great       4
                          Choir/Great      16
                          Choir/Great       8
                          Choir/Great       4
                          Swell/Choir      16
                          Swell/Choir       8
                          Swell/Choir       4

            ADJUSTABLE COMBINATIONS  (Capture-type Casavant)

              Great          1  2  3  4  5          Thumb
              Swell          1  2  3  4  5  6       Thumb
              Choir          1  2  3  4             Thumb
              Pedal          1  2  3  4             Thumb
              General        1  2  3  4  5  6       Thumb & Toe

                           REVERSIBLE PISTONS

                  Great/Pedal          Thumb & Toe
                  Swell/Pedal          Thumb & Toe
                  Choir/Pedal          Thumb & Toe
                  Full Organ           Thumb & Toe

                            BALANCED PEDALS

                  Crescendo on all stops and couplers
                           Swell Expression
                           Choir Expression


                  Concave and radiating pedal clavier
                  Organist's bench with music shelf
                  Crescendo indicator light
                  Wind-on indicator light
                  Full Organ indicator light

The console shall be all-electric and detached from the organ.

The stops and intramanual couplers shall be controlled by rosewood
drawknobs.  The intermanual couplers shall be controlled by rosewood
tilting tablets placed above the upper keyboard.  Combination thumb
pistons shall be of rosewood.

The console case, the organist's bench and the pedalboard shall be
of oak, finished to sample furnished by Purchaser.

The interior of the console, such as the coupler board, the key cheeks,
etc., shall be of oak with a light finish.

Known links to this page: (Home Page - Link Page). Thank You.

Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

Copyright © 2002-2017 Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved.