Green Apple Venue History: Wolf River Theatre
          225 N. Water St., New London, WI 54961-1209

(last updated .04-07-2007)

          This page lists concerts held at the Wolf River Theatre in New London, WI, as announced in the Green Apple Newsletter. There is no known printed record if any of the scheduled concerts were canceled for any reason. The 7:30 pm concerts are scheduled by Dean Sauers.

          Names in bold are musicians and groups who have no information of any kind at this site. Please write Please write if you know details about them, a list of members in the group, what instruments they play, what city they live in, if they have a Web site, what year the group was founded, and if no longer active, what year they disbanded.

| 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 |
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1997 - Select by year 3-21-1997 Green Apple Sampler Concert Crystal River Trio Friends and Kin Paul Reiser & Cheri Bricco Wolverine Willy & The Blues Toads 9-26-1997 B Alford Paul Reiser & Cheri Bricco
1998 - Select by year
1999 - Select by year 7:30 pm 2-27-1999 Green Apple Sampler Concert performers? 5-22-1999 Green Apple Sampler Concert performers? 11-06-1999 Lounacy Men from Earth Yada Yadda Doug Wheeler
2000 - Select by year 9-16-2000 Men from Earth Ian Seaholm B Alford 12-02-2000 Atlantic Crossing Laughing Whitefish Doug Wheeler Dorothy Zerbe 12-12-2000 Laughing Whitefish Karen and Mike Cove
2001 - Select by year 2-03-2001 Laughing Whitefish Doug Wheeler Dorothy Zerbe Atlantic Crossing 6-02-2001 Celtic Knot Men from Earth 9-22-2001 Olivia Wittmann & Cal Sergo Barbara Hoffman Doug Wheeler
2002 - Select by year 1-26-2002 Laughing Whitefish Men from Earth 11-02-2002 Men from Earth Johnny Doxtator & Harold Braun
2003 - Select by year 2-08-2003 Keith Krisher Doug Wheeler & Terry Dawson 4-05-2003 Dorothy Zerbe Mary Swifka & friends 6-21-2003 Laughing Whitefish Green Apple Bluegrass Band
2004 - Select by year
2005 - Select by year
2006 - Select by year
2007 - Select by year

Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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