2003 Playlist
    Dr. Gerry Grzyb's "The Christmas Show"

(last updated .11-30-2004) -- Return to Christmas Main Page

          The 2003 playlist is not yet ready for installation. Please contact Dr. Grzyb at the address below if you have questions about it.

Supplier Contact Information:

Many - but far from all - of the recordings heard on the programs can be obtained from the following large-scale internet CD sellers:

http://www.bn.com/ (Barnes & Noble)

More specialized sellers include

(H) CLASSICAL: H&B Recordings Direct - http://www.hbdirect.com/

K-tel International, 2605 Fernbrook Lane North, Minneapolis, MN 55447-4736

(M) A CAPPELLA: Mainely A Cappella - http://www.a-cappella.com/

Mark Custom Recording Service, 10815 Bodine Road, Clarence, NY 14031

North Star Music, 22 London Street, East Greenwich, RI 02818 - http://www.northstarmusic.com/

(P) A CAPPELLA: Primarily A Cappella - http://www.singers.com/

(W) Sylvia Woods Harp Center 1-800-272-HARP

World Library Publications, 3825 N. Willow Road, Schiller Park, IL 60176-9936   1-800-621-5197

URL: http://www.folklib.net/grzyb/christmas03.shtml
Please send "Christmas Show" additions and/or corrections to Gerry Grzyb: grzyb@uwosh.edu
      other Contact information
Please send Web page design additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle: henkle@pobox.com
      P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331
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