2004 Playlist
Dr. Gerry Grzyb's "The Christmas Show"
(last updated .11-11-2009)
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The 2004 "Christmas Show" is scheduled for
Sunday Dec. 19 - Friday Dec. 24, 2004,
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm every day.
The lists of CD's from which each day's show was selected
was available on the WRST website, but it has been deleted.
- Sunday, Dec. 19
- Classical/Choral Christmas
- Monday, Dec. 20
- Pop/Rock Christmas
- Tuesday, Dec. 21
- Gospel, Country, Bluegrass, Celtic, and Christmas in Other Lands
- Wednesday Dec. 22
- Jazz
- On the air update: The show will be on until 7:00 pm tonight
- Thursday, Dec. 23
- Classical/Choral Christmas II
- Friday, Dec. 24
- Acoustic: Music for a Silent Night
The final 2004 playlist
- updated continuously as the show was on the air
Search all "The Christmas Show" pages at this domain
as well as the 2001-2004 Christmas CD reviews written by Gerry Grzyb,
all the WRST Pages above,
and the 2004 review of the show by the
Appleton Post-Crescent.
(27 Show related pages)
While the show is on the air
(Dec. 19-24, 2004, 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm CST)
AND while music is playing,
he can be contacted at the WRST radio station at
(920) 424-3113.
Please contact Dr. Grzyb at the address below if you
have questions about the show or the Playlist.
Supplier Contact Information:
Many - but far from all - of the recordings heard on the programs can be
obtained from the following large-scale internet CD sellers:
http://www.bn.com/ (Barnes & Noble)
More specialized sellers include
(H) CLASSICAL: H&B Recordings Direct
K-tel International,
2605 Fernbrook Lane North, Minneapolis, MN 55447-4736
(M) A CAPPELLA: Mainely A Cappella
Mark Custom Recording Service,
10815 Bodine Road, Clarence, NY 14031
North Star Music,
22 London Street, East Greenwich, RI 02818
(P) A CAPPELLA: Primarily A Cappella
(W) Sylvia Woods Harp Center
World Library Publications,
3825 N. Willow Road, Schiller Park, IL 60176-9936
URL: http://www.folklib.net/grzyb/christmas04.shtml
Please send "Christmas Show" additions and/or corrections to
Gerry Grzyb:
other Contact information
Please send Web page design additions and/or corrections
to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331
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