U.S. Scott #UXC14 #UXC14

U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog:
U.S. Scott #UXC14 FDC Cachets:
Stylized Eagle

Part of the U.S. First Day Cover Cachet Display Catalog
by Douglas H. Henkle, AFDCS LM #137, henkle@pobox.com

(last updated .12-30-2024)

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Cachet Display Catalog: FDC Cachetmakers Index

      A work in progress, the goal of this page is to display all First Day Cover (FDC) Cachets for Scott #UXC14. Except as noted by "{A}" (my personal collection), all other displayed covers were found on the Web.

      What's New on this page

      U.S. Scott #UXC14 Airmail Postal Card was issued on 1-04-1974 at State College, PA - (11¢)
      Stylized Eagle
      UPSS SA13 / Minkus PCA14

      Wanted: 300 bpi / 600 pixel wide (or greater) .jpg scan of any unlisted cachet (ALSO any cachet marked ***)
Email it to: henkle@pobox.com
Subject for this page: Doug Henkle unlisted UXC14 cachet
      (an email with any other subject or with any other graphical format will be ignored   IF  it has an attachment)

      p. nnn = this cachet is listed and pictured in Chris Steenerson's, "Steenerson's Illustrated Catalog of Cacheted First Day Covers of the SEVENTIES" .
    Unknown Cachetmakers: -- Identified Cachetmakers
  1. Scott #UXC14 - Unknown #1 -- {A}
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - Unknown #1

  2. Identified Cachetmakers: -- Unknown Cachetmakers
  3. Scott #UXC14 - C.S. Anderson (Charles Stephen) -- {A}
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - C.S. Anderson (Charles Stephen)
  4. Scott #UXC14 - Animated Covers - (Richard E. Ellis) -- {A}
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - Animated Covers (Richard E. Ellis)
  5. Scott #UXC14 - Hal Ansink Cachet Display @, ACE #94 -- {A}
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - Hal Ansink
  6. Scott #UXC14 - Art Craft, p. 372 -- {A}
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - Art Craft U.S. Scott #UXC14 - Art Craft
  7. Scott #UXC14 - Artmaster, p. 373 -- {A}
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - Artmaster
  8. Scott #UXC14 - Artopages -- {A}
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - Artopages
  9. Scott #UXC14 - Bazaar -- {A}
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - Bazaar
  10. Scott #UXC14 - Cover Craft Cachet (CCC), p. 373 -- {A}
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - Cover Craft Cachet (CCC)
  11. Scott #UXC14 - C-N (Allison W. Cusick & Barry Newton) -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - C-N (Allison W. Cusick & Barry Newton)
  12. Scott #UXC14 - Fleetwood, p. 373 -- {A}
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - Fleetwood
  13. Scott #UXC14 - House of Farnam (HF), p. 373 -- {A}
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - House of Farnam (HF)
  14. Scott #UXC14 - JN #1 (Jean Nicklin & Charles E. Nicklin) -- {A}
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - JN #1 (Jean & Charles E. Nicklin)
  15. Scott #UXC14 - JN #2 (Jean Nicklin & Charles E. Nicklin) -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - JN #2 (Jean & Charles E. Nicklin)
  16. Scott #UXC14 - U.S.P.S. Ceremony Program (front cover) -- (eBay) ***
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - Ceremony Program (front cover)
  17. Scott #UXC14 - U.S.P.S. Used Stamp Poster Bulletin -- (eBay)
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - U.S.P.S. Used Stamp Poster Bulletin
  18. Scott #UXC14 - no cachet #1 -- {A}
    U.S. Scott #UXC14 - no cachet #1 U.S. Scott #UXC14 - no cachet #1
Previous: #UXC12-13 FDC Cachets -- Next: #UXC15 FDC Cachets -- Catalog Numbers Menu
What's New on this page -- changes since 10-17-2021:
1) Moved all unknowns to the top of the page in hopes that someone can identy the Cachetmakers.
2) Moved this page to the 1970's directory.
URL: https://www.folklib.net/fdc/1970s/uxc14-cachets.shtml
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Page created by Douglas H. Henkle (Contact): henkle@pobox.com