FolkLib Index - FCC 2011 Gymanfa Ganu

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      This page documents the 79th Annual Gymanfa Ganu (Welsh Hymn Singing Festival) presented by the Welsh Gymanfa Ganu Association of WI, Inc. (WGGAW) held at 2:30 pm on 5-01-2011 at the First Congregational Church, Oshkosh, WI.
      | Concert Photos | Discography |

      "Gymanfa Ganu" pronunciation: Gy (guh, rhymes with duh), man (mahn, as in c'mon), fa (va, as in nova), Ga (gha, as in Ghandi), nu (knee) ... so, say it together: guh-mahn-va-gha'-knee .

      Per the WGGAW page at Ripon College, "Gymanfa Ganu" means "singing festival" (ganu = singing, gymanfa = festival).

      As far as I know nobody recorded the entire performance, so, unlike the 1983 and 1997 Festivals, it will never be available as a commercially released recording.

      I guess we have to assume that "YouTube" can break whatever copyright laws it wants to whenever the law happens to get in its way. A video of all five copyrighted pieces sung by the Chorus can be seen at:
      1) "The Star-Spangled Banner", 2) "Bridge Over Troubled Water", 3) "My Lord, What A Mornin'", 4) "Shenandoah", 5) "Go Chain De Lion Down"
      Presumably the composers and/or arrangers are getting absolutely nothing for the world-wide continuing performance of these songs. It seems people have learned nothing about supporting our musicians since the original furor caused by Napster back in 1999-2001.

      The fifteen Chorus members were not listed in the program. Two names are still unknown. These are the only ones I know for sure:

    Chantorion Men's Chorus:
    Director: Todd Kaphaem
Algoma Boulevard United Methodist Church, Oshkosh: Ken Cook, Todd Kaphaem (Chantorion Chorus Director)
First Congregational Church, Oshkosh: Rev. Ralph Dibiasio-Snyder (Pastor), Chancel Choir: Tony Hengst, Doug Henkle, Thatcher Peterson
First Presbyterian Church, Oshkosh: Chuck Isaacson
First Presbyterian Church, Reedsburg: Rev. Joseph Corbin ** (Singing Festival Leader)
Oakhaven Church, Oshkosh: Joe Feldkamp, Steve Frazier, Wayne Hawley, John Loe
Peace Lutheran Church, Oshkosh: Don Lewis **
Prairie Unitarian Universalist Society, Madison: Dan Proud **
church?, North Fond du Lac, Tom White **, ?
      ** = member Welsh Gymanfa Ganu Association of Wisconsin (WGGAW)

Pictures of the Chorus can be seen on the FCC 2011 Gymanfa Ganu Photos page.

      Cantorion/Chantorion -- although "Cantorion" is "singers" in Welsh, "Chantorion", meaning "bard or poet", comes from the second line of the Welsh National Anthem:

Hen Wlad fy Nhadau (Land of my Fathers)

"Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi
Gwlad beirdd a chantorion enwogion o fri ...

Land of my Fathers, O land of the free,
A land of poets and minstrels, famed men." ...

Song Credits (music header scans):

5-10-2011 Welsh Hymn Singing Festival, Oshkosh, WI, Song Credits

Festival Program scans:

5-10-2011 Welsh Hymn Singing Festival, Oshkosh, WI, page 1     5-10-2011 Welsh Hymn Singing Festival, Oshkosh, WI, page 2     5-10-2011 Welsh Hymn Singing Festival, Oshkosh, WI, page 3     5-10-2011 Welsh Hymn Singing Festival, Oshkosh, WI, page 4

Wisconsin Gymanfa Ganu Commercially Released Recordings

Known links to this page:

Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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