FolkLib Index - Daniel Hecht Discography

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#A)   Summary Discography
#B)   Full Discography
#C)   Articles/Reviews
#D)   Sources
#E)   other links
      Mt. Kisco, NY / Manila, Philippines / Washington, DC / Chicago, IL / San Francisco, CA / city?, WI / Iowa City, IA / city?, VA / Montpelier, VT
      Solo guitarist: 1968?-1988, retired due to medical reasons (see his FAQ #3), grad. University of Iowa (Iowa City, IA) 1992 MFA, currently a full-time author

Installed here on 12-17-2007, the original text file discography was first installed in the UW-Parkside Music Archives on 07-22-1992.

#A)   Summary Discography (top/bottom of page)
    t = Complete list of track titles appears in the Full Discography
    p = Partial list appears, Daniel Hecht tracks only
           * = listed in the Summer 1994, Schwann "Spectrum"
         p.# = Schwann listing page number

   Solo Albums

#01)  197?   Guitar                                     Dragons Egg
#02)t 1980   Willow                                     Windham Hill   1013
#03)  198?   title?                                     label?
#04)  198?   title?                                     label?


#05)p 1981 * Windham Hill Records Sampler '81           Windham Hill   1015
#06)p 1990 * Windham Hill: The First Ten Years          Windham Hill   1095
#B) Full Discography (top/bottom of page) [number] = Actual albums I have seen "Owners" = Who owns, or owned, the album I saw (see the complete code list in library) I = solo fingerstyle guitar instrumental D = duet fingerstyle guitar instrumental Summary Discography (top/bottom of page) Owners ----------Dragons Egg, city, WI ------ #01) 197? Guitar (LP: #?) --- Waxidermy [Archive] Summary Discography (top/bottom of page) ----------Windham Hill #02) 1980 Willow (LP: WH-1013) % {A} #02 p.310,430 [CS: WT-1013] % {A} #02 [CD: WD-1013] {W} --- (% = album listed Spring 1992 Schwann, dropped Summer 1992) --- #02. A1 I 4:57 Willow #02. A2 I 3:24 Autumn #02. A3 I 3:44 Water Mantra #02. A4 D 3:05 Jimmy Blue Eyes (w/Alex de Grassi) #02. A5 I 3:54 Love's Reply #02. B1 I 3:32 Confluence of the Rivers --- (This track was the opening theme music for George Vukelich's --- "North Country Notebook" program on Wisconsin Public Radio) #02. B2 I 3:18 Shell Game #02. B3 I 5:42 Tanglefoot's Tales #02. B4 I 3:46 March of the Trolls #02. B5 I 3:32 Afternoon Postlude Soliloquy Daniel Hecht: 6 and 12 string guitars Alex de Grassi: lead guitar (A4) (Alex de Grassi is not credited as the second guitarist in the cassette liner notes.) Summary Discography (top/bottom of page) ----------label name? #03) 198? album title? --- #03. A1 : track titles? Summary Discography (top/bottom of page) ----------label name? #03) 198? album title? --- #03. A1 : track titles? Summary Discography (top/bottom of page) ----------Windham Hill - collections #05) 1981 Windham Hill Records Sampler '81 [LP: WH-1015] % {AM} #05 p.558,662 (CS: WT-1015) * #05 (CD: WD-1015) * --- (% = LP listed Spring 1992 Schwann, dropped Summer 1992) --- (all 9 tracks are listed in Fingerstyle Acoustic Guitar Collections) --- From #05. B3 3:27 Autumn #02 Summary Discography (top/bottom of page) #06) 1990 Windham Hill: The First Ten Years (2LP: WH-1095) #06 p.662 [2CS: WT-1095] * 9-90 {AF} #06 [2CD: WD-1095] * {C} --- (all 33 tracks are listed in New Age Music Collections) --- From #06. A6 I 3:32 Afternoon Postlude Soliloquy #02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #C) Articles/Reviews (top/bottom of page) Articles/Reviews: Articles (by Daniel Hecht): "China Memoir: Daniel Hecht's Tale of Touring the People's Republic of China after Tienanmen Square" .Guitar Player, 1/91, Vol. 25(1), Issue 252, p. 73-76 "Alex de Grassi" (profile) .Guitar Player, 9/91, Vol. 25(9), p. 17-19 Articles (about Daniel Hecht): #99 "Another Hand, Please: Daniel Hecht's Pedal-Bar" by Michael Wright .Guitar Player, 4/89, Vol. 23(4), Issue 232, p. 14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #D) Sources (top/bottom of page) See my Bibliography for complete bibliographical information. #ab 1989, Birosik, "The New Age Music Guide", p. 78 #cr 1987, Schaefer, "New Sounds: A Listener's Guide to New Music", p. 197, 215

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Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331

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