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- List of Paintings by Marco Sassone
Marco Sassone: Catalogue Raisonne 1967-date
(last updated .12-23-2017)
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This page lists
373 Paintings by
Marco Sassone
in several different mediums:
Color Pentels,
Oil on Canvas,
Oil on Linen,
Oil on Wood,
Serigraphs (Wikipedia)
(screen prints/screenprints/silkscreen),
Watercolor on paper,
Watercolour on paper
| main entry page
| What's New
| List of Paintings by Marco Sassone
Marco Sassone Paintings by Medium
Marco Sassone Paintings by Year
Marco Sassone Exhibitions
Marco Sassone Bibliography
Marco Sassone Paper Memorabilia
Marco Sassone Home Page
Marco Sassone Blog
Note that
Marco Sassone
is the only non-musical artist who will ever be documented on this domain.
He is here because he was the favorite artist of my Mother, Genevieve. E.
Henkle (1906-1995), and because she left me a possibly unique collection
of gallery announcements of upcoming Sassone exhibitions, Serigraph order
forms, newspaper clippings about Sassone,
three books [A],[B],[C]
and many other Sassone items from the period 1968-1987. I have found
nothing yet Sassone related from 1988 until she passed away in 1995.
$ / $ (n/n/n) = prepublication price
/ retail price after exact release date noted
(number of Serigraph prints / artist's proofs / silkscreen stencils)
... I have 26 different original Serigraph order forms.
For example, see the
1983 "Tiburon" order form .
If one of these details is marked "?", the rest of the information
came from the Serigraph list published in October 1983*, or from
information found on the Web.
October 1983 List of all 1975-1983 Serigraphs
bifold brochure cover
cover letter
| LYNX jump past Alpha menu
| Sources:
Paper Memorabilia
/ Books
| A - B
- C - D
- E - F
- G - H
- I - J
- K - L
- M
| N - O
- P - Q
- R - S
- T - U
- V - W
- X - Y
- Z - 2
Aftermath -- 1968
Sassone: Home on the Streets
-- oil on canvas -- 71 x 71"
[B159] ,
Alcatraz -- 1987
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 50"
Alamitos Bay -- 1968/69
-- oil on canvas -- 11.5 x 8.5"
Alamitos Bay Marina -- 1970
-- oil on canvas -- 50 x 50"
Alfred -- 1999
Sassone: Drawings
-- charcoal on paper -- 16 x 11"
Amalfi -- 1972
-- oil on canvas -- 50 x 45"
Amalfi Coast With Birds -- 1999
-- oil on canvas -- 34 x 36"
Amalfi Di Notte -- 1999
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 60"
Bara Rosia -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 10 x 14"
Barche a Bodega -- 1988
-- oil on canvas -- 24 x 24"
Barche a Sera -- 1968
-- oil on canvas -- 24 x 36"
Barche a Sera -- 1977
Sassone: 1977-1978 Original Prints [Archive]
-- serigraph on paper -- 5 x 7.25" -- (150/10/34)
Art Brokerage Inc. ]
Bay Reflections -- 1976
-- oil on canvas -- 32 x 35"
Bayshore Walk -- 1971
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 36"
[A:Plate 1]
Beatrice -- 2000
Sassone: Drawings
-- charcoal on paper -- 15 x 11"
Belmont Shore -- Sep 1970
-- drawing -- 12 x 11"
[A:after Plate 36/B&W]
Belvedere -- 1985
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 40
Beth -- 2000
Sassone: Portraits
-- pastel -- 30 x 22"
Bicycles (House Boats VI) -- 1987
-- oil on canvas -- 71 x 81"
Big City Birds -- 2008
-- oil on canvas -- 44 x 60"
Bluebird Canyon -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 38 x 30"
[A:Plate 15]
Bluebird Canyon -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 48 x 34"
Bluebird Canyon -- Jun 1973
-- drawing -- size?
[A:after Plate 36/B&W]
Bluebird Canyon -- 197?
-- oil on canvas -- 30 x 26"
Bluebird Canyon - Dusk -- 1976
-- oil on canvas -- 19 x 23"
Bluebird Canyon from Summit Street -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 30 x 26"
Boats at Anchor -- 1968
-- oil on canvas -- 23.5 x 17.75"
Boats at Dusk -- 1969
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 54"
Boats in a Harbor -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 18.5 x 29"
Bodega Beach -- 1987
-- oil on canvas -- 52 x 56"
Border Crossing -- 2008
Sassone: Urban Landscapes
-- oil on canvas -- 60 x 48"
Bougainvillea -- 1972
-- oil on canvas -- 34 x 34"
[A:Plate 5]
Breakfast -- 1972
-- oil on canvas -- 48 x 50"
[A:Plate 35/B&W]
Bricole Rosse -- 1989
Sassone: 1989 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 24 x 24" -- (250/25/97)
Art Brokerage Inc. ]
Broadway East View -- 1990
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 50"
Burano, Italy -- 1968
-- oil on canvas -- 50 x 45"
Bureau -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 48 x 34"
[A:Plate 25/B&W]
Ca di Cecco 2 -- 2004
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 45"
California Street East View -- 2000
-- oil on canvas -- 32 x 42"
Campo San Giacomo da L'Orio -- 11-10-1984
Sassone: 1983-1984 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 28 x 32.5" -- $700 / $900 (175/25/75)
1984 order form
Art Brokerage Inc. ]
Canal Grande -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 32 x 30"
Canal Riflessi -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 42 x 32"
Canale Con Barche -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 34 x 26"
Canale d'Inverno -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 42 x 32"
Captain's House -- 1972
-- oil on canvas -- 24 x 24"
[A:Plate 21/B&W]
Captain's House -- 1972
-- oil on canvas -- 45 x 34"
Carlaw Parking Lot, Winter -- 2007
Sassone: Urban Landscapes
-- oil on canvas -- 62 x 55"
Carmel -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 16 x 18"
[A:Plate 8]
Casamenti de Portofino -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 14 x 18"
Casamenti de Portofino -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 14 x 18"
Art Brokerage Inc. ]
Casamenti a Portofino -- 1985
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 36
Casamenti a Portofino -- 1988
Sassone: 1988 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 36 x 36" -- (250/35/124)
Casamenti de Portofino -- 1970
-- oil on canvas -- 14 x 18"
Art Brokerage Inc. [Archive] ]
Casamenti sul Molo -- 1979
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 32"
Case Veneziane -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 38 x 38"
Castello di Lerici -- 1987
-- oil on canvas -- 34 x 40"
Castel Toblino (Castle on the Hill) -- 1981
-- oil on canvas -- 20 x 22"
photo sent by its owner on 5-26-2012
Art Brokerage Inc. [Archive] ]
Cat in Venice -- 1997
Sassone: Drawings
-- charcoal on paper -- 15 x 11"
Catalina Island Marina -- 1976
-- oil on canvas -- 20 x 22"
Catalina Terrace -- 1972
-- oil on canvas -- 50 x 34"
[A:Plate 3]
Chapel at Tiburon -- 3-15-1987
Sassone: 1987 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 33 x 26" -- $1,000 / $1,400 (250/35/112)
1987 order form
Chiesa della Salute -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 54"
Children in Tuscany -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 18 x 18"
Cinque Terre (2?) -- 1999
-- oil on canvas -- 24 x 30"
Pictured as "Cinque Terre" on p. 19, and
listed as "Cinque Terre 2" on p. 18
City Hall / Comune -- 1993
Sassone: Home on the Streets
-- oil on canvas -- 108 x 75"
City Pigs -- 1991
-- oil on canvas -- 65 x 86"
Clive -- 2000
Sassone: Portraits
-- pastel -- 30 x 22"
Close to Sorrento -- 1999
-- oil on canvas -- 31 x 36"
Coit Tower Night -- 1988
-- oil on canvas -- 62 x 62"
Coit Tower Night -- 1989
Sassone: Early Prints [Archive]
Sassone: 1989 Original Prints [Archive]
-- serigraph on paper of 1988 oil
-- 30 x 33" -- (175/25/136)
Colazione a Ravello -- 1999
-- oil on canvas -- 50 x 40"
College Street, West -- 2008
-- pastel on paper -- 11 x 13"
Colori di Portofino -- 8-31-1985
Sassone: 1985-1986 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 24.5 x 32.5" -- $700 / $900 (250/25/76)
1985 order form
Colori sulla Baia -- 1977
-- oil on canvas -- 26 x 36"
Colors of Junk -- 1975
-- oil on canvas -- 35 x 56"
Colosseum -- 2009
Sassone: Urban Landscapes
-- oil on canvas -- 48 x 72"
Cornelia -- 1988
-- Serigraph -- 27.5 x 27.5" -- (250/?/?)
Art Brokerage Inc. ]
Corniglia -- 1987
Sassone: 1987 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 28 x 28" -- (250/35/119)
Costiera Amalfitana XXIII -- 1999
-- oil on canvas -- 50 x 40"
Costiera Amalfitana XXIV -- 1999
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 45"
Costiera Amalfitana XXVIII -- 1999
-- oil on canvas -- 23.5 x 19.5"
Costiera Amalfitana -- 2006
-- serigraph on paper -- 63-5/8 x 51.5"
Costiera Sky -- 2011
Sassone: Watercolors [Archive]
-- watercolor on paper -- 21 x 29"
Cranes -- 1975
-- drawing -- 9 x 14"
Cross -- 1996
Sassone: Drawings
-- charcoal on paper -- 15 x 11"
Darsena -- 1979
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 56"
Delage -- 1975
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 35"
Deposito Rottami -- 1979
-- watercolor -- 9 x 13"
Diane -- 1972
-- watercolor -- 28 x 20"
Diane -- 1974
-- drawing -- 12 x 16"
Diane's Kitchen -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 30 x 34"
[A:Plate 18]
Dixie's Watchdogs -- 1988
-- oil on canvas -- 74 x 90"
Dolland -- 1992
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 62"
Earthquake Benefit commemorative poster -- 03-14-1981
Earthquake Benefit poster
-- medium? -- 36 x 21"
Eleonor's Sun Room -- 1974
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 32"
Emerald Bay -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 41 x 45"
[A:Plate 16]
Emerald Bay -- 1976
-- drawing -- 9 x 14"
Emilia -- 2008
-- oil on canvas -- 60 x 48"
Fermata Rialto -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 32 x 30"
Filibert Downgrade -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 54 x 56"
Firenze -- 1968
-- watercolor -- 20 x 28"
Firenze Rosa -- 1979
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 36"
Note: "Firenze" is the Italian spelling of the city of "Florence", Italy
Fish Cleaned -- 1971
-- watercolor -- 28 x 20"
Art Brokerage Inc. ]
Fisherman's Wharf -- 1976
Sassone: 1975-1976 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 24 x 27" -- (200/20/32)
Art Brokerage Inc. ]
Fisherman's Wharf -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 55"
Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 34 x 34"
[A:Plate 32/B&W]
(not the source of the 1976 Serigraph)
Fishing Boats -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 10 x 12"
Flood of Florence -- 12-15-1976
Sassone: Early Prints
Sassone: 1975-1976 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 9.5 x 14" -- $85 / $100 (200/15/42)
1976 order form
Florentia -- 19??
-- medium? -- ? x ?"
three-panel mural
hangs in the Florentia Restaurant of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Florentine Sunset -- 1972
-- watercolor -- 18 x 28"
Flower Pots -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 20 x 22"
Gondole a San Marco -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 54"
Governor's Mansion: Sacramento -- 1972
-- oil on canvas -- 22 x 20"
[A:Plate 4]
Grand Canal -- 1974
-- oil on canvas -- 32 x 34"
Grand Canal -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 14 x 16"
Granny -- 1990
Sassone: Home on the Streets
-- oil on canvas -- 90 x 120"
Heart -- 2008
-- oil on canvas -- 49 x 70"
Home on the Streets / I Senzatetto -- 1994
Sassone: Home on the Streets
-- oil on canvas -- 100 x 70"
Hotel Gardena -- 1985
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 50"
Hotel Gardena -- 11-15-1986
Sassone: 1985-1986 Original Prints [Archive]
-- serigraph on paper -- 45 x 36" -- $1,400 / $1,800 (250/35/124)
1986 order form
House Boat Flowers -- 1987
-- oil on canvas -- 24 x 25"
House Boat Flowers -- 1988
Sassone: 1988 Original Prints [Archive]
-- serigraph on paper of 1987 oil
-- 23 x 24" -- (250/35/87)
House Boats III -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 64 x 90"
House Boats IV -- 1987
-- oil on canvas -- 64 x 71"
House Boats V -- 1987
-- oil on canvas -- 64 x 71"
House Boats VI
-- see Bicycles (House Boats VI)
House Boats VII -- 1987
-- oil on canvas -- 64 x 80"
House Boats VIII -- 1987
-- oil on canvas -- 62 x 64"
Huntington Harbor -- 1972
-- oil on canvas -- 42 x 52"
[A:Plate 11]
(source of the 1976 Serigraph)
Huntington Harbour -- 1976
Sassone: 1975-1976 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 25 x 31" -- (200/10/32)
Hugh -- 1994
-- charcoal on beige paper -- 26 x 20"
Hyde and Lombard -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 62 x 72"
I Pod Green -- 2009
Sassone: Pastels
-- pastel on paper -- 19 x 13"
I Pod Red -- 2009
Sassone: Pastels
-- pastel on paper -- 19 x 13"
Il Mare a Vernazza -- 1988
-- oil on canvas -- 24 x 24"
Impressions -- 1972
-- watercolor -- 28 x 20"
Incontro -- 2000
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 50"
Issue of Choice -- 1992
Sassone: Drawings
-- charcoal on paper -- 17 x 11"
Jack in the Box -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 30 x 32"
[A:Plate 31/B&W]
Japanese Garden -- 1976
-- drawing -- 9 x 14"
Japanese Garden -- 1976
-- oil on canvas -- 24 x 30"
(source of the 1977 Serigraph)
Japanese Garden -- 1977
Sassone: 1977-1978 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 24 x 20" -- $? / $175 (100/8/52)
1977 order form
Jeff -- 1992
Sassone: Drawings
-- charcoal on paper -- 25 x 19"
Jill -- 1969
-- oil on canvas -- 30 x 22"
Junk Island -- 1979
-- oil on canvas -- 50 x 72"
Junk Yard -- 1975
-- oil on canvas -- 62 x 50"
L.A. Reflections -- 1988
-- oil on canvas -- 71 x 81"
La Fioraia -- 1998
Sassone: 1991-1998 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 33.75 x 26" (135/15/75)
La Jolla, The Beach -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 22"
[A:Plate 23/B&W]
La Spiaggia a Laguna -- 197?
-- medium? -- 38 x 32"
Laguna -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 26 x 30"
Laguna -- 1977
Sassone: Early Prints
Sassone: 1977-1978 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 38 x 32" -- $? / $275 (150/10/71)
Laguna Beach, Moss Point Sentinel -- 1976
-- oil on canvas -- 25 x 20"
Laguna Beach, Thalia Street -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 32 x 26"
[A:Plate 34/B&W]
Laguna Patio -- 1975
-- oil on canvas -- 33 x 30"
Laguna Summer -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 32 x 30"
(source of the 1981 Serigraph)
Laguna Summer -- 1981
Sassone: 1981-1982 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 32 x 28" -- (125/19/106)
Laguna Terrace 4/100 -- 1975
Sassone: 1975-1976 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 25 x 20" -- (100/3/34)
[B227 - 24 x 18"]
Laguna Vista -- 1985
-- oil on canvas -- 28 x 32"
Laguna Vista -- 1986
Sassone: 1985-1986 Original Prints [Archive]
-- serigraph on paper of 1985 oil
-- 34 x 38" -- (250/25/82)
Laguna with Moon -- 1976
-- oil on canvas -- 26 x 20"
Landscape -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 33 x 42"
[A:Plate 28/B&W]
Landscape -- 1977
-- oil on canvas -- 38 x 55"
Lake Ontario -- 2011
Sassone: Watercolors [Archive]
-- watercolor on paper -- 14 x 21.5"
Lakeshore Drive with Moon -- 2011
Sassone: Watercolors [Archive]
-- watercolor on paper -- 21 x 28.5"
Las Brisas -- 4-12-1981
Sassone: 1981-1982 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 10 x 14" -- $250 / $300 (100/20/53)
1981 order form
Le Balcon Bleu -- 1987
-- oil on canvas -- 32 x 33"
Le Balcon Bleu -- 1988
Sassone: 1988 Original Prints [Archive]
-- serigraph on paper of 1987 oil
-- 32 x 33" -- (250/35/74)
Le Cabine Rosse -- 1985
-- oil on canvas -- 24 x 34"
Lexington at East 48 -- 2010
Sassone: Urban Landscapes
-- oil on canvas -- 72 x 48"
Lisa -- 1996
Sassone: Drawings
-- charcoal on paper -- 15 x 11"
Lisa -- 1998
Sassone: Portraits
-- oil on canvas -- 10 x 8"
Lorraine Austin -- 1992
Sassone: Drawings
-- charcoal on paper -- 22 x 30"
Los Angeles: Wilshire Boulevard -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 30 x 32"
[A:Plate 10]
Luci di Portifino -- 1985
-- oil on canvas -- 24 x 30"
Mail Boxes -- 1977
-- oil on canvas -- 45 x 52"
Maiori Tramonto -- 1999
-- oil on canvas -- 25 x 28"
Mailboxes -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 42 x 32"
[A:Plate 24/B&W]
Main Beach -- 1972
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 32"
[A:Plate 20/B&W]
Main Beach -- 1974
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 32"
Malinconia -- 1999
-- oil on canvas -- 50 x 62"
Man with Beard -- 2000
Sassone: Portraits
-- pastel -- 30 x 22"
Man with Blue Eyes -- 1994
Sassone: Man with Blue Eyes
-- charcoal on paper -- 29 x 20"
Man with Blue Eyes -- 1996
Sassone: Man with Blue Eyes
-- oil on canvas -- 24 x 20"
Man with Blue Eyes -- 2000
Sassone: Man with Blue Eyes
-- charcoal on paper -- 15 x 11"
Man with Blue Eyes -- 2000
Sassone: Man with Blue Eyes
-- pastel on paper -- 30 x 22"
Man with Blue Eyes 2 -- 2000
Sassone: Man with Blue Eyes
-- pastel on paper -- 30 x 22"
Man with Blue Eyes 3 -- 2000
Sassone: Man with Blue Eyes
-- pastel on paper -- 30 x 22"
Man with Blue Eyes IV -- 1998
Sassone: Man with Blue Eyes
-- oil on canvas -- 20 x 16"
Man with Blue Eyes Sitting -- 2001
Sassone: Man with Blue Eyes
-- pastel on paper -- 30 x 22"
Manarola -- 8-15-1987
Sassone: 1987 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 30 x 34" -- $1,200 / $1,500 (250/25/123)
1987 order form
Manya -- 1987
-- oil on canvas -- 39 x 43"
Mar Vista Terrace -- 1979
-- oil on canvas -- 47 x 50"
Marian -- 1998
Sassone: Portraits
-- oil on canvas -- 20 x 16"
Marina -- 1976
-- oil on canvas -- 30 x 30"
Marina -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 54"
Marina at Belmont -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 22 x 30"
Marina Blu -- 1999
-- oil on canvas -- 30 x 36"
Marina Riflessi -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 44 x 42"
Marlon -- 1998
Sassone: Portraits
-- oil on canvas -- 16 x 14"
Mediterranean Vista -- 1992
Sassone: 1991-1998 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 24 x 30" -- (250/25/97)
Melissa -- 1987
-- pastel -- 19 x 15"
Metamorphosis -- 2000
Sassone: Drawings
-- charcoal on paper -- 9 x 13"
Monday Morning -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 30 x 35"
[A:Plate 22/B&W]
Monterosso All'alba -- 1986
-- oil on canvas -- 32 x 33"
Morro Bay -- May 1970
-- drawing -- size?
[A:after Plate 36/B&W]
Morros Bay -- 1971
-- oil on canvas -- 30 x 30"
Moss Point -- 1974
-- oil on canvas -- 38 x 30"
(not the source of the 1979 Serigraph)
Moss Point (aka Moss Point Eucalyptus) -- 12-20-1979
Sassone: 1979-1980 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 38 x 30" -- $350 / $450 (100/6/64)
1979 order form
My Patio -- 197?
-- oil on canvas -- 33 x 40"
Near Monterey -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 16 x 18"
[A:Plate 33/B&W]
Near Rialto -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 34 x 26"
Near Victoria Secret -- 2009
Sassone: Pastels
-- pastel on paper -- 19 x 13"
Newport -- 11-30-1980
Sassone: 1979-1980 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 20 x 22" -- $350 / $450 (100/12/79)
1980 order form
Newport Marina -- 1971
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 48"
[A:Plate 36/B&W]
Nocturne -- 2007
-- oil on canvas -- 72 x 48"
Nolan Real Estate -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 30 x 36"
[A:Plate 29/B&W]
North Beach -- 1987
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 50"
North Laguna -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 26 x 36"
Northern Coast -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 32 x 36"
[A:Plate 6]
Nostalgia -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 17 x 18"
[A:Plate 19]
(source of the 1976 Serigraph)
Nostalgia -- 4-18-1976
Sassone: 1975-1976 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 17 x 18" -- $110 / $135 (200/20/30)
1976 order form
Oil Tanks -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 35 x 40"
[A:Plate 30/B&W]
Old Refinery -- 1975
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 33"
Old Truck -- 1972
-- oil on canvas -- 54 x 40"
Oliviero -- 19??
-- pencil and charcoal -- 30 x 35"
Palazzo Sasso -- 1999
-- oil on canvas -- 50 x 40"
Palms -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 44 x 32
Pan Pacific View -- 1990
-- oil on canvas -- 48 x 65"
Patio -- 1971
-- oil on canvas -- 44 x 32"
[A:Plate 26/B&W]
Patio -- 1972
-- watercolor -- 20 x 20"
Perspective / Prospettiva -- 1992
Sassone: Home on the Streets
-- oil on canvas -- 56 x 105"
Piazza Poggi -- 1979
-- drawing -- 9 x 13"
Piazza San Marco -- 1976
-- drawing -- 11 x 14"
Piazzetta -- 1976
-- drawing -- 11 x 14"
Piccola Spiaggia -- 1999
-- oil on canvas -- 24 x 30"
Pier Thirty Nine -- 1987
Sassone: 1987 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 26 x 32" -- (250/35/119)
Pink House -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 32"
[A:Plate 27/B&W]
Polson Parking Lot -- 2008
-- oil on canvas -- 48 x 72"
Ponte dei Sospiri -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 16 x 14"
Ponte di Rialto -- 1979
-- oil on canvas -- 52 x 64"
Ponte Rosso -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 54 x 40"
Ponte Vecchio, Venice -- 1968
-- oil on canvas -- 23.5 x 13"
Porto Excole -- 1978
-- watercolor -- 9 x 13"
Porto Roca -- 1989
Sassone: 1989 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 30 x 31" -- (250/25/99)
Porto Santo Stefano -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 34 x 54"
Porto Santo Stefano -- 1979
-- oil on canvas -- 26 x 36"
Porto Santo Stefano, Tramonto -- 1979
-- oil on canvas -- 34 x 54"
Portofino Reflections -- 9-30-1986
Sassone: 1985-1986 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 17 x 24" -- $1,000 / $1,500 (250/35/78)
1986 order form
Portofino Reflessi -- 1989
-- oil on canvas -- 24 x 30"
Positano III -- 1999
-- oil on canvas -- 16.5 x 11"
Queen's Park -- 2007
Sassone: Urban Landscapes
-- oil on canvas -- 80 x 64"
Queen's Park -- 2008
-- pastel on paper -- 14 x 13"
Ragazze alla spiaggia -- 1968
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 30"
Rialto Bridge, Dusk -- 1979
-- oil on canvas -- 52 x 64"
Riflessi di Barche -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 26 x 36"
Riflessi sul Fiume -- 1985
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 25"
Riflessi Sulla Baia -- 1968
-- oil on canvas -- 22 x 28
Riflessi VI -- 1989
-- watercolor -- 14 x 20.5"
Rio Belvevere -- 1979
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 26"
Rio de la Verona -- 1979
-- oil on canvas -- 56 x 40"
Rio delle Prigione -- 1979
-- oil on canvas -- 56 x 40"
Rio Secondo -- 1990
Sassone: 1990 Original Prints [Archive]
-- serigraph on paper -- 35 x 28" -- (250/25/89)
Riomaggiore -- 1987
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 40"
River Reflections -- 1983
-- oil on canvas -- 30 x 24"
Art Brokerage Inc. ]
Rogers on Bloor -- 2007
Sassone: Urban Landscapes
-- oil on canvas -- 72 x 48"
Roof Tops -- 1971
-- watercolor -- 14 x 20"
Rosedale Sky -- 2011
Sassone: Watercolors [Archive]
-- watercolor on paper -- 21 x 28.5"
Sails at Belmont -- 1967
-- oil on wood -- 13 x 15"
Saint Florent -- 8-24-1980
Sassone: 1979-1980 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 26 x 38" -- $450 / $600 (100/16/102)
1980 order form
Saint Remigio -- 2003
Sassone: Urban Landscapes
-- oil on canvas -- 62 x 50"
San Francisco Bay -- 12-31-1982
Sassone: 1981-1982 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 31 x 25" -- $500 / $650 (175/18/69)
1982 order form
San Francisco Dusk -- 6-13-1982
Sassone: 1981-1982 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 20 x 22" -- $450 / $600 (115/12/82)
1982 order form
San Francisco Dusk / Wally Findlay Galleries Poster -- 1982
-- serigraph on paper -- 20 x 22"
San Francisco: July 1984 -- 1984
-- medium? -- size?"
San Francisco Marina Dusk -- 1984
-- oil on canvas -- 50 x 62"
San Francisco Marina Dusk -- 5-15-1986
Sassone: 1985-1986 Original Prints [Archive]
-- serigraph on paper of 1984 oil
-- 27 x 33.5" -- $900 / $1,200 (250/35/79)
1986 order form
San Francisco Marina from Telegraph Hill -- 1987
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 36"
San Francisco Studio Vista -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 44"
San Francisco Terrace -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 44 x 54"
San Francisco Terrace -- 11-12-1983
Sassone: 1983-1984 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 26 x 32" -- $550 / $750 (175/19/71)
1983 order form
order form cover letter
San Francisco Wharf -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 48 x 54"
San Juan Bautista Facade -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 42 x 32"
[A:Plate 14]
San Pedro Refinery -- 1975
-- oil on canvas -- 45 x 33"
Santa Cruz -- 10-31-1982
Sassone: 1981-1982 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 24 x 28" -- $500 / $650 (200/18/81)
1982 order form
Santa Cruz Bay -- 1976
-- oil on canvas -- 44 x 52"
Santa Cruz Harbor -- 1977
-- oil on canvas -- 38 x 54"
Santa Cruz Harbour -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 55"
Santa Cruz Marina [II] -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 54"
(not the same as "Santa Cruz Marina (bookplate)"
Santa Cruz Marina [II] )
Santa Cruz Marina (bookplate) 5/150 -- 1979
Sassone: 1979-1980 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 10.5 x 10" -- (150/25/51)
book prepublication letter
original order form
form without prepublication price
4 page flyer, p.4
Santa Cruz Waterfront -- 1976
-- oil on canvas -- 44 x 72"
Santa Cruz Yacht Harbor -- 1976
-- oil on canvas -- 22 x 20"
Santa Lucia -- 1990
Sassone: 1990 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 27 x 32" -- (250/25/65)
Santa Margherita -- 11-30-1985
Sassone: 1985-1986 Original Prints [Archive]
-- serigraph on paper -- 25 x 30.75" -- $700 / $900 (250/35/74)
1985 order form
Sausalito -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 19 x 23"
[A:Plate 2]
Sausalito -- 1978
Sassone: 1977-1978 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 26 x 26" -- (150/12/84)
1978 order form
Sausalito -- 1980
-- watercolor -- 10 x 15"
Sausalito [1980]
Sausalito Bay -- 1975
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 56"
Sausalito Bay -- 1975
-- oil on canvas -- 60 x 52"
Sausalito Houseboat -- 1989
Sassone: 1989 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 37 x 41" -- (175/25/107)
Sausalito Marina -- 197?
-- medium? -- 30 x 30"
Sausalito Marina -- 1988
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 50"
Sausalito Marina -- 4-27-1985
Sassone: 1985-1986 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 26.5 x 36.25" -- $700 / $900 (250/25/78)
1985 order form
Sausalito Reflections -- 1975
Sassone: Early Prints
Sassone: 1975-1976 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 24 x 17" -- $? / $110 (250/10/45)
Shasta -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 26 x 32"
[A:Plate 17]
Sherbourne Night -- 2011
Sassone: Watercolors [Archive]
-- watercolor on paper -- 22 x 28.5"
Sherbourne Night 3 -- 2011
Sassone: Watercolors [Archive]
-- watercolor on paper -- 22 x 30"
Sidney -- 2001
Sassone: Portraits
-- pastel -- 30 x 22"
Soho Rooftops -- 2010
Sassone: Urban Landscapes
-- oil on canvas -- 48 x 60"
Souvenirs -- 1979
-- drawing -- 13 x 19"
Springtime Colors -- 1977
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 32"
Springtime in Diablo -- 1976
-- oil on canvas -- 44 x 36"
Stella -- 2001
Sassone: Portraits
-- pastel -- 30 x 22"
Studio -- 1975
-- oil on canvas -- 41 x 31"
Studio Vista -- 1978
Sassone: 1977-1978 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 26 x 32" -- $? / $225 (150/10/45)
Studio Vista - Dusk -- 1977
-- oil on canvas -- 26 x 30"
Study for Emilia -- 2008
-- pastel on paper -- 26 x 20"
Summer Shore -- 1972
-- oil on canvas -- 13 x 16"
[A:Plate 9]
Sunset -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 50 x 52"
saved 11-15-2011, an eBay auction lot
Sunset Cliffs -- 1981
Sassone: 1981-1982 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 8.5 x 12.5" -- (100/17/59)
Susan -- 1998
Sassone: Portraits
-- oil on canvas -- 18 x 14"
Telegraph Hill -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 34 x 37"
[A:Plate 13]
Telegraph Hill -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 50 x 55"
Three-Seven-Four -- 1979
-- oil on canvas -- 64 x 90"
Tiburon/Twenty Beach Road -- 1983
-- oil on canvas -- 34 x 25"
Tiburon -- 6-30-1983
Sassone: 1983-1984 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 34 x 25" -- $500 / $650 (175/18/67)
1983 order form
Tiburon Harbor -- 1990
Sassone: 1990 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 24 x 30" -- (250/25/92)
Tiburon Marina -- 19??
-- pencil and charcoal -- 26 x 19"
Tiburon Terrace -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 24 x 29"
Art Brokerage Inc. ] /
painting ]
Toronto -- 2007
-- oil on canvas -- 48 x 60"
Toronto 4 -- 2007
Sassone: Urban Landscapes
-- oil on canvas -- 48 x 60"
Toronto 6 -- 2007
-- oil on canvas -- 60 x 48"
Toronto 7 -- 2007
-- oil on canvas -- 48 x 72"
Tracks -- 2007
Sassone: Urban Landscapes
-- oil on canvas -- 48 x 72"
Tracks -- 2008
-- pastel on paper -- 30 x 44"
Tracks -- 2010
Sassone: Pastels
-- pastel on paper -- 26.5 x 19"
Tracks -- 2011
Sassone: Watercolors [Archive]
-- watercolor on paper -- 20.5 x 29"
Tracks 2 -- 2007
-- oil on canvas -- 48 x 72"
Tracks 3 -- 2011
-- watercolor on paper -- 21 x 29"
Tramonto -- 1993
Sassone: Early Prints
Sassone: 1991-1998 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 30 x 36" -- (100/10/95)
Tree on the Bay -- 1971
-- watercolor -- 20 x 28"
Trees in Diablo -- 1977
-- oil on canvas -- 47 x 38"
Tug Boat Reflections -- 1975
-- oil on canvas -- 27 x 20"
Tyrrhenian Marina -- 197?
-- oil on canvas -- 32 x 36"
Tyrrhenian Sea -- 1979
-- oil on canvas -- 32 x 40"
Underpass -- 2011
-- watercolor on paper -- 22 x 30.5"
Underpass -- 2011
Sassone: Watercolors [Archive]
-- watercolor on paper -- 21 x 30.5"
-- identified by the artist
-- identified by the artist
Untitled / Senza Titolo -- 1990
Sassone: Home on the Streets
-- oil on canvas -- 72 x 81"
Untitled -- 1991
Sassone: Drawings
-- charcoal on paper -- 26 x 20"
Uomo Terra / Earth Man -- 1994
Sassone: Home on the Streets
-- oil on canvas -- 78 x 108"
Vancouver Harbour -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 64 x 90"
Vancouver Harbour II -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 56 x 72"
Vela a Tiburon (aka Vele a Tiburon) -- 1983
-- oil on canvas -- size?"
Vela a Tiburon (aka Vele a Tiburon) -- 12-31-1983
Sassone: 1983-1984 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 24 x 24" -- $500 / $650 (125/18/72)
1983 order form
Vele a Portofino -- 1990
Sassone: 1990 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 33 x 30" -- (250/25/108)
Art Brokerage Inc. ]
Venetian Garden -- 4-09-1984
Sassone: 1983-1984 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 28.25 x 28.25" -- $600 / $800 (175/25/74)
1984 order form
Venetian Palaces -- 1978
-- drawing -- 9 x 13"
Venetian Palaces -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 14 x 18"
Venetian Tenements -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 42 x 32"
Venetian Windows -- 1974
-- oil on canvas -- 46 x 50"
Venezia -- 1974
-- oil on canvas -- 38 x 30"
Venezia -- 5-09-1980
Sassone: Early Prints
Sassone: 1979-1980 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 38.5 x 26.5" -- $350 / $450 (100/17/91)
1980 order form
Art Brokerage Inc. ]
Venezia -- 1985
-- oil on canvas -- 72 x 64"
Venezia II -- 1974
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 32"
Venezia II -- 1974
-- oil on canvas -- 38 x 30"
Venezia 14 -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 45 x 32"
Art Brokerage Inc. ]
-- [
Herndon Fine Art ]
Venezia XVI -- 1996
Sassone: Drawings
-- charcoal on paper -- 15 x 11"
Venezia XXI -- 1997
Sassone: Drawings
-- charcoal on paper -- 15 x 11"
Venezia XXV -- 1996
-- oil on canvas -- 24 x 20"
Venezia XXVII -- 1996
-- oil on canvas -- 38 x 30"
Venezia 30 -- 2004
-- serigraph on paper -- 30 x 22.5"
Venezia XXXVI -- 1997
-- oil on linen -- 60 x 40"
Venezia XXXVI -- 1998
Sassone: 1991-1998 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 36 x 24" -- (135/15/79)
Venezia 40 -- 2000
-- oil on canvas -- 45 x 36"
Venezia 48 -- 2000
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 32"
Venezia 53 -- 2000
-- oil on canvas -- 32 x 26"
Venezia 56 -- 2000
-- oil on canvas -- 30.5 x 29"
Art Brokerage Inc. ]
Venezia 79 -- 2003
Sassone: Urban Landscapes
-- oil on canvas -- 72 x 48"
Venice -- 1989
Sassone: 1989 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 43 x 38" -- (250/25/110)
Venice Canal -- 1988
Sassone: 1988 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 42 x 38" -- (250/35/74)
Venice Canal A -- 1990
-- watercolor -- 14 x 10.5"
Venice Canal B -- 1989
-- watercolor -- 14 x 20.5"
Art Brokerage Inc. ]
Venice Reflections -- 1994
Sassone: 1991-1998 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 42 x 30" -- (150/15/80)
Vermouth Bottles -- 1979
-- color pentels -- 11 x 14"
Vernazza -- 1990
Sassone: 1990 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 30 X 35" -- (250/25/150)
Vernazza Riflessi -- 1987
-- oil on canvas -- 24 x 30"
Vernazza Rosa -- 1988
Sassone: 1988 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 32 x 40"
Art Brokerage Inc. ]
View from Alioto's -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 32 x 36"
[A:Plate 7]
View from Cliff Drive -- 1975
-- oil on canvas -- 22 x 30"
View from Coit Tower -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 50 x 55"
View from Midway -- 1988
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 46"
View from Piazzale -- 1976
-- drawing -- 11 x 14"
View from San Giorgio -- 19??
Kennebeck Fine Art
-- serigraph on paper -- 30 x 35" -- (200/25/52)
View from the Bellagio -- 2011
-- watercolour on paper -- 22.5 x 30"
View from the Hyatt Regency -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 52"
View from the Studio -- 1979
-- drawing -- 9 x 13"
View from Temple Hills -- 1979
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 32"
View from the "Top of the Mark" -- 1973
-- oil on canvas -- 32 x 35"
[A:Plate 12]
View from Victor Hugo -- 1979
Sassone: 1979-1980 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 18 x 14" -- (186/12/55)
View from Victor Hugo / Festival of Arts Poster -- 1979
-- serigraph on paper -- 18 x 14"
View from Victor Hugo / Laguna Beach Museum of Art Poster -- 1979
-- serigraph on paper -- 18 x 14"
saved 11-15-2011, an eBay auction lot
View of Alcatraz -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 50 x 50"
View of Avalon -- 1976
-- oil on canvas -- 20 x 25"
View of San Giorgio [I] -- 1979
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 26"
(not the same as "View of San Giorgio [II]"
View of San Giorgio [I] )
View of San Giorgio [II] -- 1984
Sassone: 1983-1984 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 9 x 9" -- (200/25/52)
View of the Marina -- 1987
-- oil on canvas -- 24 x 24"
View with Bay Bridge -- 12-31-1987
Sassone: Early Prints
Sassone: 1987 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 32 x 40.25" -- $1,200 / $1,500 (250/35/121)
1987 order form
Vista della Baia -- 1985
-- oil on canvas -- 47 x 62"
[#9d69] ,
Wearhouse -- 1975
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 32"
Windows of Venice -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 54 x 44"
Willie -- 1992
Sassone: Home on the Streets
-- oil on canvas -- 81 x 108"
Winter Canal -- 1978
-- oil on canvas -- 42 x 32"
Yellow Cab -- 2000
Sassone: Urban Landscapes
-- oil on canvas -- 60 x 40"
24 Beach Road -- 1991
Sassone: 1991-1998 Original Prints
-- serigraph on paper -- 26 x 31" -- (250/25/109)
Children at Seashore -- 1970
-- oil on canvas -- 30 x 24"
Art Brokerage Inc. ]
Newport -- 1968
-- oil on canvas -- 36 x 24"
Herndon Fine Art ]
San Francisco Vista with Coit Tower -- 19??
-- oil on canvas -- 40 x 50"
Herndon Fine Art ]
What's New:
Changes made to this page, in reverse chronological order.
04-27-2012: Created a new page,
Marco Sassone Books/Pamphlets Scan Thumbnails
which displays all scans for every item listed on the
Bibliography page.
01-25-2012: Created a new page,
Marco Sassone Paper Memorabilia , and started moving all
Paper Memorabilia listed above
to the new page. Also started renaming all files and anchor links for
memorabilia items to my shorter
Bibliography style
three digit codes, e.g. "findlay_1978-12a.gif" is now
folklib_bibliog_00a1.gif and the link to the item has changed from
#Findlay12-1978 to
#00a .
If necessary, the front cover of the item has been re-scanned to include
the sticker with the code in the upper right hand corner. Items for
specific Showings and Exhibitions now have added links to their entries on
page, and the Exhibitions page now links to the "scans" on the
Paper Memorabilia page.
Note: New items added to the new
Paper Memorabilia
page will NOT be added to this page.
01-23-2012: Added one book
#9h "Home on the Streets" .
01-21-2012: Moved all pages to the new ""
directory for shorter and easier to remember URL's.
01-18-2012: Added 21 more
dated Exhibitions
01-15-2012: Moved all the details of three books [A-C] at
Sources - Books I own: to a new page,
Marco Sassone Bibliography , and added four more books [#9d-#9g].
01-11-2012: Added this series of pages new title,
Marco Sassone: Catalogue Raisonne 1967-date ,
at the top of every page.
01-05-2012: Renamed some scanned files, e.g. from
"modern_2000-12-08a.gif" to
folklib_bibliog_9f01.gif , because any Sassone related memorabilia
longer than 10 pages should be considered a book, and not just a flyer or
pamphlet. As such, they will be given unique 2-digit "Book Codes" and
listed on a new
bibliography page
to be created sometime in the future
[created 01-15-2012] .
However, the scans will remain
stored in the same "/graphics/sassone/" directory as the rest of the
scanned memorabilia, and will not moved to the "/graphics/book/"
Added links to Marco Sassone's Home Page and Blog
to all of my pages for him.
12-10-2011: Added 21 new "oil on canvas" titles from
"Marco Sassone: Recent Paintings, M B Modern"
12-08-2000 - 12-22-2000 gallery exhibit brochure. Only
Yellow Cab
was previously listed on this page.
12-10-2011: Created a new page:
Marco Sassone Exhibitions
12-05-2011: Discovered the very first site
that Links to this page ("Serving History") .
I added the link on the
Wikipedia page .
12-04-2011: Created a new page:
Marco Sassone Paintings by Year
11-30-2011: Created a new page:
Marco Sassone Paintings by Medium
11-30-2011: Added individual "permanent" anchor tags for every
painting title above so that each title now has a unique link. For
example, see the following entry. Use your browser's
"Show Page Source" function to see each title's tag. If a new title is
added, it will receive a different unique tag not used before.
11-30-2011: Two previously unknown titles have been identified by the
artist from pictures sent to him:
Alamitos Bay and
Boats at Anchor .
11-07-2011: Installed this page on-line.
Sources - Paper Memorabilia I own:
[1] #00b = 1974, pictured in the "Marco Sassone"
brochure by Galleria Sassone
- memorabilia
[2] = 1975, pictured in Marco Sassone,
"A Premiere Exhibition - Beverly Hills",
4 page bifold brochure for a 11-08-1975 exhibition held at
Haggenmaker Galleries, 345 N. Canyon Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210
front cover
[3] = 1976, pictured in Marco Sassone,
"Bernard Galleries - Beverly Hills",
4 page bifold brochure for a 12/04-24/1976
"Exhibition featuring Marines of Northern California" held at
Bernard Galleries, 1479 E. Newell Ave., Walnut Creek, CA 94596
front cover
[4] = 1977, pictured in Marco Sassone
8 page quadfold brochure for a "May 20 through June 16"
exhibition held at the
Wally Findlay Galleries ,
339 N. Rodeo Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210.
front cover
[5] = 1978, pictured in Marco Sassone,
"The World of Sassone",
8 page quadfold brochure for a
"California and Italian Impressions, May 10 - May 27" (1978)
held at the
Wally Findlay Galleries ,
814 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611.
front cover
[6] #00a = 1978, pictured in the
"December 1978" exhibition brochure by Wally Findlay Galleries
- memorabilia
[7] = 1979, pictured in Marco Sassone,
"May 1979",
8 page quadfold brochure for a
"May 3 through June 2" exhibition held at the
Wally Findlay Galleries ,
17 E. 57th St., New York, NY 10022.
front cover
[8] = 1980, pictured in Marco Sassone,
"A Special Exhibit ... watercolors by Marco Sassone
and oil paintings by his father Nicola Sassone",
4 page bifold brochure for a 12/06-24/1980 exhibit held at
Bernard Galleries, 1410 S. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach, CA 92651.
front cover
[9] = 1981, pictured in Marco Sassone,
"Sassone Earthquake Benefit for victims of Italy's 11-23-1980 disaster",
an "Auction of original works by Marco Sassone" held on 03-14-1981
"at the residence of the Consul General of Italy and
Mrs. Amedeo Cerchione, 455 S. Rossmore Ave., Los Angeles", CA.
front cover
Benefit invitation letter
[10] = 1982, pictured in Marco Sassone,
"San Francisco and Other Places",
16 page brochure for a "Major exhibition of recent work, May 14 through
June 10" (1982) held at the
Wally Findlay Galleries ,
339 N. Rodeo Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210.
front cover
inside front cover/p.2
back cover/p.16
[11] = 1984, pictured on Marco Sassone's
8.5 x 5.5" post card mailed 07-03-1984, for a reception on 07-13-1984,
and an exhibit to be held July 13 through August 1984 at
La Galeria, 695 Sutter St., San Francisco, CA 94102.
post card, front
[12] = 2000, listed or pictured in
"Marco Sassone: Recent Paintings"
7.5 x 8.5" stapled 20 page brochure for an exhibit held
12-08-2000 - 12-22-2000 at M B Modern, 41 E. 57th St., New York, NY
10022. [Purchased 12-07-2011 from Amazon, ASIN:
B003U2PLO0 ]
Of the 22 works [1996 (2), 1999 (13), 2000 (7)]
listed on p. 18 (scan) ,
11 are pictured in the brochure.
[12] = listed on p. 18, but not pictured
[12:p.nn] = listed on p. 18, and pictured on the noted page
Other Web sites not mentioned above which display Marco Sassone art:
Sources - Books I own: (in the order they were added as references)
- Author Order & Date Order
Books about Marco Sassone and specific gallery showing brochures 10
pages or more in length are listed here. Flyers, pamphlets and other
shorter brochures published for a specific gallery showing or exhibition
are listed above at
Sources - Paper Memorabilia I own .
[A] #9a - Sassone: California: a Collection of Works, 1970-1973 ,
Barton, 1973
- bibliography
[B] #9b - Sassone ,
Hoopes, 1979
- bibliography
[C] #9c - Sassone Serigraphs: Catalogue Raisonne 1975-1984 ,
Barton & Reeve, 1984
- bibliography
#9d - Marco Sassone: Catalogue of exhibition held at
Bernheim-Jeune, Paris ,
Dominik, Barton, Stern, Reeve, Boric & Vezzosi, 1988,
- bibliography
#9e - Marco Sassone: Exibition November 1985 ,
Bernard Galleries, 1985
- bibliography
#9f - Marco Sassone: Recent Paintings ,
MB Modern (art gallery), 2000
- bibliography
#9g - Marco Sassone: March 1991 ,
Italian Cultural Institute, 1991
- bibliography
#9h - Marco Sassone: Home on the Streets ,
Peter Clothier, 1994
- bibliography
Known links to this page:
Please send additions and/or corrections to Doug Henkle:
P.O. Box 331, Ripon, WI 54971-0331
Copyright © 2011 -
Douglas H. Henkle, All Rights Reserved .